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8148976 No.8148976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ordered the silent damir doma jupit bomber
>came today and it's gray and looks nothing like it did on the website

Not even a similar design. Wtf?

>> No.8148980

What the fuck lol.
Post the link, maybe a shifty website that sells knock-offs or 2nd hand?

>> No.8148981
File: 143 KB, 952x1428, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what it's supposed to look like. The zippers aren't even in the same place..

>> No.8148982

return it then

>> No.8148984

Wait a minute is this a smear thread against Doma or something?
If you copped from his site it's like a 98% chance that this happened.

>> No.8148995

What? I got it off tres bien. I'm just really confused.

>> No.8149001

that jacket looks sick tho what are you complaining about

>> No.8149006

Dude its supposed to be dark black with mesh on the back and a zipper on the side arm. How could they fuck up that bad I paid like 500 for this.

>> No.8149007


I think they just sent you the wrong product by mistake.

If you get in contact with them, I'm sure they'll sort you out with the right one ASAP and they might send you some vouchers too.

>> No.8149012

It says jupit bomber on the tag though..idk il call

>> No.8149019

first looks better than the black one

>> No.8149053

Not really

>> No.8149061


I'd imagine the jackets have been mislabelled, which has led to the mix up in the first place.

>> No.8149066

> email them with pics and receipt
> ask for the jacket you actually ordered or your money back
> have two jackets now

>> No.8149073

Oh shit that would be awesome

>> No.8149103

do it man, they fucked up

>> No.8149108

did you pay with paypal? if tres bien doesn't help you out get your money back from paypal

>> No.8149115

Yes paypal

Does anyone know which jacket they sent me? In case I want to sell it

>> No.8149137

Nvm just realized they accidentally sent me the dark grey one, il just call today.

>> No.8149219

ew both are gross

>> No.8149248


>> No.8149283

Has anyone actually done this before?

>> No.8149353


i did it once with supreme and made bank on jackets

>> No.8149427

Damn, I really hope I get to keep a 600 dollar jacket for free but I kinda doubt that's gonna happen

>> No.8149520

that's pretty fucking dope though

hope they don't make you return that one

>> No.8149521

lel what a shit website this is why I don't order from tres bien

>> No.8149522

Thanks man, yeah I like it too I would be so fucking happy if they didn't

>> No.8149589
File: 654 KB, 1516x2488, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ones actually really growing on me, how's the fit look?

>> No.8149592

il buy for 400 bb

>> No.8149598

Il consider it if I get to keep this one but idk I really like it

>> No.8149600

Wut? Tres bien is that nigga. 20% off for US + free shipping + they lie about the actual value of items so you don't have to pay customs.

Looks like the shoulder seam is halfway down your arm. Maybe that's just a crease though. Looks okay. Height/weight/size?

>> No.8149608
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3 160 lbs I think, and yeah I got a large cause the model was 6 foot wearing a medium and it was already pretty high up on the back. Here u can see it's like that on mine too

>> No.8149610

Looking good man. What shoes you got for it?

>> No.8149616
File: 568 KB, 1726x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude, right now just these.

>> No.8149623

Ahh okay. Fits you really well in that picture. Definitely call/email and complain. The black is 675 vs 600 for the gray.

How much do you think the model weighs? I'm 5'9" 140 and I'm on the fence between small and medium. I don't want it draping off my shoulders :/

>> No.8149638
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank u, yeah idk it's a hard choice cause as you can see it drapes a little over my shoulders but if I got any smaller it would be rising like halfway up my waist.

>> No.8149654

very nice

>> No.8149670

Does anyone know how he quality is in silent? Was thinking of getting some plain tees

>> No.8149679

fuck it looks pretty sick dude, i want that jacket

>> No.8149683

Bad for the price apparently.

>> No.8149695

Shit tier, worse than H&M. You're paying for the brand.

>> No.8149704

Get it! It's 480 if you're not EU

>> No.8149709

>worse than h&m

Ok buddy it may not be worth the price but your taking it a little far

>> No.8149713

hahaha i wish dude

>> No.8149719

Where u live at?

>> No.8149732

new zealand, not a bad price but im poor af atm

>> No.8149740

Ah I feel u, I'm just a retard with my spending I work at a coffee shop/do some manual labor on the side and have been spending most of my money on cops recently

>> No.8149746

looks like you have some pretty solid items to me i like your setup

>> No.8149756

Thanks. I've been lurking for around a year and I feel like I'm slowly becoming somewhat basic. It's a good feel.

>> No.8149784

word, good shit. are you planning to stick to a pretty minimalistic wardrobe?

>> No.8149803

I think so, for the most part. Before I got here I just wore h&m/urbieoutties and thrifted clothing but that doesn't really appeal to me anymore, I really like nice fitting white/black/gray stuff it's kinda boring but hopefully I can make it nice texture wise. What about you?

>> No.8149835

cool well the bomber isn't boring, paired with boots would look good. i mostly wear the same ripped skinnys, jacket, sweater and boots daily. i look poor as shit but it suits me. i would definitely rock that bomber though

>> No.8150188

Keep this one man, fuck the black one

>> No.8152121

Do they really lie to the customs? If so that's bro-tier. My faorite store anyways, but I never have to pay customs because i'm from sweden

>> No.8152167

How are you liking the material?

>> No.8152460

It's silk so it's very nice and light but at the same time I feel like if I bumped into something I might rip it

>> No.8152480
File: 201 KB, 958x590, Screen Shot 2014-04-26 at 10.49.31 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tres-bien has both jackets labelled as jupit even though they are clearly of different design. ONe is labelled black the other, dark-grey. Pic related is what they sent you. I copped the one you wanted to cop last week and I love it but you should definitely hit a lick and try to score both

>> No.8152610

Thanks B), yeah I realized they sent me the grey one like 15 mins into the thread so I feel like a dumbass for starting a thread about it. I emailed them yesterday about the wrong jacket, how should I go about getting both besides emailing and asking for the right one?

>> No.8152620

They will ask for you to return it. If you want some store credit, act like a bit of a bitch and complain about inconvenience or make up some story about how much this has fucked you over or something.


>> No.8152633

yo that jacket looks gay as fuck

also those sleeves are too long for that nigga

looks like a suede ballsack on his wrist

that shit aint G

>> No.8152635

Don't do this. Just send the jacket back and don't be a disrespectful fuckhead teenager.

>> No.8152649

Yeah don't see any good reason to be an ass about it.

>> No.8152654

>silent damir doma jupit bomber
more like

silent damir doma stoopit bomber

>> No.8152655
File: 455 KB, 519x552, anndogemeester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't advocating it. Just explaining how to get free stuff.

>> No.8152708

Eh, you never know. What's one jacket to them, right? They probably mark these things up a crap ton.

>> No.8152721

I find that they offer very fair prices for lots of their stuff if you compare it with other retailers. Besides, the price range is often set by the designers/brand themselves.

>> No.8152726

if they ask you to return the jacket just put a jacket from walmart in the box and send it to them

>> No.8152736

Where and how much did you cop those Dr Martens?

>> No.8152741

Why is everyone in this thread so decided on jewing tres-bien.... do u srsly think they won't notice that shit at some point?

>> No.8152759

because fuck 'em that's why

>> No.8152770

OP here, not trying to fuck over tres-bien. If they ask to return the jacket in the mail I will I was just curious because of what the other anons where saying about sometimes not having to return stuff.

>> No.8152785

Good on you for that. It's possible that they give you some shop credit or something for the inconvenience without you having to press the matter.

>> No.8152791

So tempted to buy this now, 6 foot but don't know whether to get medium or large

>> No.8152798

How are u built? I think the model at tre bien is somewhere aroubd the 6 foot mark aswell so you could draw a conclusion from that

>> No.8152817

Slim build, yeah I think medium would be best

>> No.8152850

Definitely get medium, I'm 6'3 and the large is almost a little too big in the shoulders

>> No.8152942

I did when I ordered Dominos pizza like three times.

>> No.8152974

Yeah I ordered a pair of geobaskets the other day in white but they sent me the black ones and I called and they let me keep them and sent me the right ones and then rick owens gave me a complimentary blowjob

>> No.8153192

I got them at the store that recently opened near me (Washington dc). They were like 115 I believe?