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/fa/ - Fashion

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8150584 No.8150584 [Reply] [Original]

I have a strange conundrum: I'm really good looking and very socially awkward. I'm a 26-year-old currencies trader and one of the reasons I love this profession is because I can don't have to deal with people.

I'll often go weeks without leaving my home. I mostly spend my time working, reading about the markets/world affairs/tech and books, and watching movies and drinking.

So anyway, everybody who meets me expects me to be this outgoing alpha type. I'm the typical tall, athletic, strong jaw line, good hair, good posture, etc. But I'm actually very socially awkward and get anxiety to the point of visibly trembling in public. Eye contact is the weirdest shit ever for me. I have no idea when I'm supposed to do it.

When a woman meets me, you can see in her eyes as she goes from excitement or whatever women feel when they see someone attractive to... disappointment and pity, I want to say, when they read my mannerisms. While I myself have trouble with social cues, I realize that most people (and especially women) pick up on minute details. I'm 26 and have no friends. I've only had sex like 10 times and every single time, I was incredibly drunk and was more or less jumped.

Anyway... I don't know why I made this thread. I thought some of you could relate. I'm about to get drunk, pop an oxy, and watch Homeland.

>> No.8150589

Take a (group not one on one) acting class. Will help you in a million ways

>Oxy leads to smack quit that shit

>> No.8150600
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Sounds like fun actually, but that'd be like throwing me straight into the shark pit.

I actually started out with heroin and moved over to oxy. I know, original!

>> No.8150610

>even once

>> No.8150614

lol shark pit

>> No.8150628

I wouldn't ever claim that ugly autists have it easier but witnessing the moment that a woman's interest turns into pity and dissapointment is seriously crushing.

>> No.8150632

Then you need to build up is what you're saying. Okay, start by practicing making eye contact with yourself, smiling in the mirror and working out your facial muscles. Use google for every question you have btw. When you feel a little bit more comfortable, try saying hi to every cashier you buy from. Try to give them your awkward smile you've been working on. It doesn't matter if they're put off or if they don't really really like you, you're parasitically trying to improve yourself, you have to do it. Eventually try to talk a little bit more. One time I bought ramen and doritos and said I was babysitting and this was what I was going to feed him for dinner for the next few nights. Made 'em crack a smile at me which made my smile more confident. Just keep building it up and think about funny things to say like that. Practice will restart that part of your brain, eventually it'll come out naturally.

Also you should quit opiates if you can. I did oxy for a long time and even though I never really was addicted I think it's one of the reasons why I had anxiety and depression.

>> No.8150634

I believe it. I'm used to the slow-burning kind of pain, where I always expect people to subtly dislike me. Yours is a little bit more explosive.

>> No.8150648
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go out more dude, bars wherever
just be open and start talking to people
if you get rejected there's more people around most people will enjoy a conversation

>> No.8150665

Wait, is that not an okay thing to feed a child or something?

>> No.8150692

Take this guy seriously. He's offered the best advice.

>> No.8150734
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>> No.8150848
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>> No.8150868

Yeah, I'm with you guys on this. I'm fully aware that my social retardation is such a letdown after my interesting/attractive appearance that I just don't bother talking to people anymore.

Those looks of pity and disappointment are so painful that instead of trying to socialize, I'd rather every girl just wonder about me as "that guy" from a distance. Either way I'm not getting a gf, and at least this way someone thinks highly of me.

>hold me /fa/

>> No.8151221
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>an okay thing to feed a child
not unless u live in some fucked up state like mississippi.

that's what broke college kids in america eat so they have more $ for booze.

will u post ur face? i'm just curious. promise i won't make fun

isn't being self-aware enough to recognize this self-evident that you don't have asbergers/autism?

ur just awkward. but u know u can be better. go work on it.

>> No.8151278

hey faggot op you just have to keep going out and keep putting yourself in those uncomfy situtaions

>> No.8151286

just demand respect, make it work for you, from now on you only require respect!

>> No.8151406

>my social retardation is such a letdown after my interesting/attractive appearance that I just don't bother

Sometimes I feel this way... I swiftly catch myself, however. I am not 'retarded'. I'm young. I'm dashing. I have a clever smile, and cunning wit, to boot... Problem is, these 'proles' and 'feminists' don't understand my language. Yet I speak. Loud and hard. Espousing the word of Atheism. All the arguments of their fake 'gods' are like slow-motion shurikens - easily dodged by my Naruto-like mind (I twist, I weave, I dodge, I block. I even take a few hits if I have to...) and in the end I always, ALWAYS come out on top!!!

I've yet to be put into the ground. Either by shuriken or christianity [notice how i refuse to capitalize 'religion']

Sorry. what were you talking about, OP?

>> No.8152810
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So I went out last night at a strip of university bars. Ended up running into some guy I met last year and he invited me back to a frat party. That was fun for a while. I played beer pong for the first time and we won..

I'm walking home at like 3am and some guy threatened me with a knife. I didn't know what to do, so I called him out. I called him a little bitch who wasn't gonna do anything etc etc. I don't remember how exactly this happened (drunk), but we ended up going to a bar together. lel

Then, I cut my hand wide open on a fence. Then, I forgot how this happened, but I met some guy who told me of a bar that was open 'til 5am and asked me if I partied, then gave me a dollar bill with some coke in it. I just woke up with my boots still on and pulled a bloody dollar bill smelling like coke out of my pocket.

Oh yeah, and I got locked out of my apartment and had to hop a big ass fence and fell on my side and now I think my rib is broken.

I should have just stayed in and watched Homeland...

>> No.8152813
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>> No.8152821

You might have generalised anxiety disorder. Try to talk to a medical professional. Good luck. :)

>> No.8152837

Brody DIes

>> No.8152886


>> No.8153284


I want to be your friend. Where do you live?

>> No.8153400
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>> No.8153431

post a pic OP

>> No.8153990

how do you buy drugs if youre so awkward?