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/fa/ - Fashion

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8119799 No.8119799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some effay jobs/careers?

>> No.8119819

I was thinking waiter

>> No.8119828
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>> No.8119843
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>> No.8119851
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>> No.8119849

high end nightclub manager


heroin dealer

stunt driver



>> No.8119862
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>> No.8119887

Being a heroin dealer isn't that /fa/
Just very profitable, a lot of on the road food because restaurants take too long to cook for and listening to junkies talk about their lives/old dealing endeavours gets old, fast.

>> No.8119964

tfw engineer
i am surrounded by aspergers

>> No.8119960

none of those are at all /fa/
hitmen are generally dirty as fuck, high end nightclub managers are poorly dressed ethnics, stunt driver would be cool but again - un/fa/ and as someone working in forestry i can say that being a forester is completely un/fa/.

and to top it off
>thinking being a drug dealer is fashionable

>> No.8119980
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you work in forestry? What's that like? I'm considering a career in forestry myself.

> pic related, some /fa/ thai hitmen

>> No.8120002

Fashion designer.

Try to top that. Protip: you can't

>> No.8120005

having no job

>> No.8120008


things that actually make money. how many designers actually make it big?

>> No.8120012

I'm studying for this, but let's be realistic, "fashion designers" are honestly a dime a dozen and most go under pretty quickly

>> No.8120011

Few. Most of those designer's stuff was actually conceived and made by someone else working for them; that same someone received some criticism and direction, but, in the end, made the design, not the Deisgner-chef him/herself

>> No.8120014

Some faggot designers are too gay,too soft, too arrogant or all of it at the same time. Hence, some model can top that off easily.

>> No.8120037

Don't think about the money.
The American way is to follow your dreams, regardless of how unrealistic it is, by going to art school to study something in an incredibly competitive industry, blissfully unaware of the increasingly low chances of landing a long term job while amassing thousands of dollars in student loans. You will self-righteously post about how you'll be able to overcome the odds (like nobody ever does) despite being surrounded by constant reminders of how hopeless it actually is. Then you work at KFC and live with your parents, as your debts are sent to collections. As you are washing dishes next to an illegal immigrant he asks you "are you planning on going to school, hermano?" you tell him all about your art degree.

>> No.8120044

It's not about how much money a certain job/career makes, it's about how /fa/ it is.

>> No.8120048

programming is /fa/ as fuck if you can really get into it.

the key is finding friends who are doing it too

>> No.8120071

Its alright, go for it if its what you want to fo

>> No.8120085

This happens in every industry where competitive spirit and ambition is a must (sports, music, fashion design, arts in general).

>> No.8120091



>> No.8120121
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>not being a mercenary

>> No.8120204

you would think so but it isn't.

For a job to be /fa/ I assume it would have to require skill that was attained by through dedication and sacrafice of time. Modelling is something you do because you won the beauty lottery when you were born. Little to no true skill involved. and you can't tell me that something that is handed to you is as /fa/ as something you worked for.
inb4 uggo detected (i am)

>> No.8120211


>> No.8120750

>Model (shitty job in reality, but it's obligatory)
>Fashion Designer
>Independently wealthy
>Gunsmith if you can make it fah
>Detective (private is way more fah than being a cop)
>Some mysterious job where no one really knows what you do
>Doctor of some subject.
>Teacher (Professor is more fah)
>Mafioso or employed by any major mob.
>That guy who's such a math genius that he calculates what number lottery ticket to buy. He's won the lottery six times.
>Coroner (maybe)

>> No.8120758



>> No.8120761

No hard work and dedication is not really /fa. This is the route mostly for those who have no natural talents/perks. /fa is getting the money out of your personality. Modelling, club managing, music (if you made it), cinema, acting, painting etc. All of these require dedication too but on another level.

>> No.8120763

m8 yourself nigga

>post-apocalyptic world
>no water or power or nothin'
>"omg anon please we need you"
>show up fashionably late wearing a dope post-apocalyptic techwear fit
>stick a screwdriver in something and fiddle around with their electrical shit and it works
>save the day nigga

Bartender...a much lower caliber of fah
>most fah age is 20 something
>work in a bar
>make tons of friends
>after your shift is over you go rail oxy in the bathroom with the gentleman dressed in full rick
>can't wake me from the night life

>> No.8120765

neither of those make them /fa/ careers

>> No.8120767

corporate lawyer

>> No.8120768

If the person working them was fah, then they could easily be.

That goes for pretty much anything besides being in the military. I can't see that being fah at all. Unless you're some mysterious guy working at another job a little later in life and the military somehow twisted you into coolness if you know what I mean.

>> No.8120786
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>tfw going to study either architecture, urban planning or pure mathematics, depending on where I get accepted
How /fa/ is my future?

>> No.8120797

is law effay

>> No.8120800

you're so lame

>> No.8120804

>If the person working them was fah, then they could easily be.
thats nearly every career you fuckhead. effayjobs/careers would be ones that in themselves are inherently fashionable to have

p good

>> No.8120806

Damn man, you've posted that so much I already remembered you.
>having this wide a range of studies considering
Means you don't know what you want, that's bad.
>pure math
Only if you are keen on math and realy a ath type of person. Judging by /fa you are not. Career in finance is not exactly the most fun stuff, if you don't make it in academical.
>urban planning
Same as painting or music, only if this is your calling and you get off by draing building drafts and getting ideas of what ou want to erect. I would go for architecturing, and that's from a finance major.

>> No.8120808

i´m studying management but ti think i will start studying industrial desing and probably get into fashion design or architecture

>i´m probably ending as some shitface tailor

>> No.8120813

>Means you don't know what you want, that's bad.
No it isn't. maybe if he doesn't know what he wants by the end of his degree then sure. but having wide interests and wide choices can end fine (it did for me)

>> No.8120814

kek, they wil suck your blood until the last drop

>> No.8120817

yes, but only the make money kind not the help the poor kind

>> No.8120819

You can end up fine but not really outstanding. Maybe bad was a strong word tho.

>> No.8120820

>being fah isn't in the outfits, it's in the lifestyle
>therefore having a fah job isn't in the job, it's in the person

>> No.8120822

he looks like he's farting to space.

>> No.8120824

o yeah i don't want to get stuck in the legal-aid trap

>> No.8120825

Yup, I've posted this here before. I'm actually quite good at math and physics, but architecture and planning just appeals to me more – he problem is that pretty much everything interests me. It all depends on the entrance exams now.

>> No.8120826

>not really outstanding
Well i got top marks for my final year subjects and now pursing honours under that field where I am looking pretty for a H1 grade.

degrees are a long time and give you time to grow and mature and work out who you are. you can always swap to other degrees as well if you find its not what you enjoy. dude obviously has wide interests and is switched on. I'm sure he will make his more than just fine.

>> No.8120832

White collar careers are not /fa by any stretch. Take that from a white collar.

>> No.8120847


Is being a children's book illustrator /fa?

>> No.8120909

How is being surrounded by a bunch of fucking nerds /fa/

>> No.8120917

being NEET is top effay

>> No.8120918

Chemical Engineer

>> No.8120922

winning the beauty lottery when you were born is /fa/ though

you can't be /fa/ if you're anything less than 9/10

>> No.8120928

>calculating the number lottery ticket to buy

lmao you are so stupid you don't even realise how stupid you are

>> No.8120929

90% of people can reach 9/10 if they try hard

>> No.8120944

maybe with surgeries

>> No.8120951

maybe with sunglasses

>> No.8121131


that's not /fa/

>> No.8121133




>> No.8121140
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>tfw don't know what to do with life

I don't feel like I have any talents, I have good grades and only two years of uni left because I took uni classes in high school that the high school payed for, now I graduated and don't feel like I know enough about myself but everyone's pushing for me to go because if I don't I'd have "wasted my time"

>> No.8121148

There all the same job

>> No.8121152

And not fa

>> No.8121259


>> No.8121393

Holy shit we're like the same person

>> No.8121447

Are you 12?

>> No.8121449

ive seen you make this same stupid post before. youre most definitely a teenage sperglord

>> No.8121460

Mailman is /fa/.

>> No.8121487


>safety glasses
>beat up trainers/boots

flawless sciencecore

>> No.8121643


IT master race.

>> No.8121676


>> No.8121741
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I hope Raf designs dope jumpsuit while he's on this futurist kick.

>> No.8122228

How come now has said entrepreneur yet?

>> No.8122271

are you me ;_;

im so afraid im going to end up doing something I hate for the rest of my life

>> No.8122390
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Feels like I'm wasting so much potential with my decent grades. Just don't know where to go and compsci crushes my soul.

>> No.8122416

a guy that speaks several languages and travels the world on the reg through his work.

>> No.8122420

Being a language interpreter was a grail job for me at one point, but it seems like really inconsistent work

>> No.8122492

how's being a teacher and/or professor fa?

>> No.8122504

>Completing a Bachelor of Honours Commerce.
>Interested in Finance, good at modelling, econometrics, etc.
>Never get calls back for interviews.
>Not even trivial summer jobs.
feels fucking bad man..

>> No.8122618

All of these require an infinite more amount of work and practice than modelling. I don't see how listing these careers helps your argument.

>on another level
for all of those carrers save for modelling, yes. but for modelling? not even close.

2/10 argument. would not entertain

>> No.8122623

kek I'm just going to assume this is bait.

>> No.8122637

Is being a trauma surgeon effay?

>> No.8122641


it feels like every major is a bad major and that I can never win

>> No.8122656

jobs are not effay m8, being a trustfund babby is

jobs are just an excuse for plebs to get money

>> No.8122678

>Famous anonymous street artist
>Private investigator
>Stone mason for aging cathedrals

>> No.8122732

Single surgeon. You should see some of them that walk into Equinox. Some of the most effay people I've met. Except some of the Indians. 😏 my people nerdy af.

>> No.8122745
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>Not wanting to contribute to historiography and be lost in the past.

>> No.8122902


>> No.8122945

Who artist / graphic designer here?

>(AKA no job)

>> No.8124257


is graphic design really that bad?

I'm >>8121140 and it's kinda the only thing I have a slight draw to

>> No.8124314

Dunno man. I mean, I sincerely hope it's not. It's what I'm doing at Uni, so I hope to God that there is some sort of decent market for it out there.

>tfw you picked GD on a whim and appreciate illustration much more

>> No.8124323

God they butchered that rifle...
Looks ill doe

>> No.8124476


>> No.8124603


>> No.8124697



>> No.8124780

Truck driver

>> No.8124819

>mfw studying to become a primary teacher

>> No.8124851

>studying to become an sound engineer

r8 my choice in career /fa/

>> No.8125734

>studying to become a geneticist

ez job ez lyfe

>> No.8125751

>I'm drawn to graphic design

lmao puns are so /fa/

>> No.8126156
File: 69 KB, 604x604, Ys4MvMi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

professional fighter, train 3 hours a day and get paid for ~75 mins of 'work' a year

>> No.8126188
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How's my life plan effay??
>Major in math and computer science
>Study to be a quant/financial engineer/risk analyst
>Work for some hedge fund
>Make good money to live forever n ever, and to afford dope fits, and fund my own record label
>It'll be experimental electronic shit
>Go crazy and quit job
>Work with label to make nxtlevel music
>Study AI technology and psychology for the remainder of my retirement while listening to my label's shit
Also watch animu all day

>> No.8126207


become an anaesthesiologist, steal meds come into work fucked up, end up getting found out and fired. Spiral into depression and blow your brains out.

>> No.8126210

I don't know what you mean, that rifle is an FR F1. It's pretty stock.

>> No.8126232

could have sworn it was a FAMAS

>> No.8126235

Studying filmmaking
Is it any /fa/ ye?'

>> No.8126244

You don't have to be math/comp sci major for risk analyst, it's more of a stat job with basic, basic modeling you learn in a core financial program class. Most risk management comes from market research and dun dun dun... intuition.

My aunt is a risk analyst for an investment firm and she bases most of her decisions off her initial research on companies. Specifically, her job is to find companies for health insurance corporations to invest their money in so they don't have to pay as much on their taxes.

>> No.8126254

Ok risk management, I'm making it broad because I still don't know which in particular includes a lot of undergrad mathematics.
I just like math and all the finance dudes say "stick with math and take some finance classes to get the terms right, but stick with math. I hate how everyone in my business classes are so naive they think they'll make it without huge connections or being math savvy".

My bad

>> No.8126341

>the key is finding friends who are doing it too

As a programmer, I hate people like you. Program because it's a passion, not because it's /fa/ or makes money or because your friends are doing it

>> No.8126349

>get paid for ~75 mins of 'work' a year

So you make 25 bucks a year?

>> No.8126720

what i meant was the actual fighting
of course they pay you for your training time but if you just count the time spent fighting the rate of pay is roughly $15,000 an hour
1500 show + 1500 win bonus + sponsor for 15 min match up
then extra cash comes from security work and instructing at the gym

>> No.8126794

RISD undergradute next year

is being poor artist /fa?

>> No.8126797




>> No.8126843

my 😏 when

>> No.8126855

On-Premise Liquor Sales

>Handle about 200 accounts (bars/restaurants/clubs)
>Sell high end beer and liquor to them
>Conduct tasting dinners and special events
>receive base salary, commission, bonus, plus incentives from individual suppliers
>Get a ton of free shit and get to visit the breweries and distilleries where everything is made
>Sales team has a fairly strict dress code and everyone dresses really nicely

Feels good man

>> No.8126905

Nah, don't do that.

Go into landscape architecture is you want a bigger picture type design thing. Planning is hated by the entire design faculty at uni, especially when they think they have a mandate to design things, even though they're only trained in zoning, transport infrastructure, etc.

Tl;dr: fuck urban planners

>> No.8126937

How hard is it to get into photography and make a career out of it?

>> No.8126953

Very cool

>> No.8127049

keep trying mate. employers want people who keep trying.

>> No.8127055

Very. Photography is fun for a hobby (I recommend it) but the money in it is almost nil

Go check out >>>/p/

>> No.8127104

It is about connections though. You can be a total cunt with math but if you have an "in" in the industry you'll get a job and work up.

That's what I hope to do with my aunt, use her as a reference.

>> No.8127119


>> No.8127149
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>> No.8127153

>Program because it's a passion
I find it hard to believe this exists.
passion for math? ok. but passion for programming...?

>> No.8127162

Cyber security for the U.S Air Force

Red Team

>> No.8127166

It exists. I've been programming since I was 7 and it's like an addiction. I can never get bored of it. I love it so much. You can have passion for anything.

>> No.8127169
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Furniture Designer

>> No.8127185

intellectual property lawyer

>> No.8127441
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>intellectual property lawyer

>> No.8128006
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florist reporting in, i think its pretty effay

> creative
> forebode trends
> decorate hotels and restaurants
> meet all kind of rich people who can pay 30$ for one tulip in a wallmart glass

worth ruining your hands and constantly smell like grass imho

>> No.8128314

Chicks and pretty much everyone (except for /o/ and ricers) seem to dig that I work in highway patrol

>> No.8128396

i'm a PE teacher, soon will start studying to become primary teacher too

tho payment here sucks balls

>> No.8128419

i raise you corporate consultant

at least we make /fa/ powerpoints

>> No.8128420

I work on F-15s and have my name on the side of my jet its sorta neat

>> No.8128427

is ur name eagle?

>> No.8128431
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nah bruh

>> No.8128454

architecture / design is maximum /fa/

>> No.8128611

>Some mysterious job where no one really knows what you do

>> No.8129100

Computer Science is Mathematics; if you can passion over Math, you can passion over CS.

Source: Math/CS double major

>> No.8129151
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It's a public holiday and I'm at uni right now writing a 3000 word essay on the implications of post-enlightenment theory on architecture. It doesn't feel very effay.

But yeah people generally seem to think it's pretty cool when I tell them I do architecture.

>> No.8129348

even if it isn't effay it's awesome.

>> No.8129351

pls b in melbun

>> No.8129433

Are you a student or are you working currently?

>mfw student
>mfw no females and male autists as far as the eye can see

>> No.8129454

Engineering is unfa as fuck. Some people care but 99% don't. Oh well, lurk on /fa/ with my money.


Same in the field to bro.

Some women, but they wear pants all the same...

>> No.8129468

he'd look much better with a preme cap and some zespys

>> No.8129506


>> No.8129771

Secret agent

>> No.8129816

Sorry mane, I'm stuck in Perth

>> No.8129844

marine biologist

>> No.8129847
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>tfw don't know what to do with life
>only good at art shit but art don't make money

>> No.8129854

as someone who has worked with many marine biologists and done subjects on marine biology and studied numerous scientific papers on the subject - i can honestly say that it isn't.

anything botany related is far more /fa/ m8

>> No.8129857

I have no idea what a marine biologist even does, but it sounds very effay imo

>> No.8129878

i know that exact feel man

>> No.8129882


I probably know you.
It is Perth, after all...

>> No.8129904

graphic design bran

>> No.8129914


i've literally never seen any point in studying fashion, but:
>cousin began studying psychology
>dropped out after a year
>started studying fashion
>got a job at a popular magazine
>moved to a major city and lives independently

it's a modest lifestyle, but she's doing what she loves.

>> No.8130194

that is not /fa/.

>> No.8130238

Everyone hates you.

>> No.8131052

Everyone hates cops. Gotta make those quotas uh? Fucking douche.

>> No.8131066

"Small world haha"
No, small Perth.

Are you at uni here?

>> No.8131077

Accounting is /fa/

>> No.8132239

is anthropology /fa/?

>> No.8132421

Urban planning will be fun if you can deal with local democrazy and special interest groups.

>> No.8132436

Is being a tailor /fa/?
What is the pay like?

>> No.8132472

I know this feel.
It sucks, because I was a gifted child, but a low attention span so drifted in and out of interests which made me mediocre at everything, when if I actually focused down on something I would have gone from mediocre to great. Most of my talent has gone away but the only thing that stuck was art.
Got a degree in fine art, realized I just wasted 3 years. Working part time in retail now.

Highly over saturated market with low pay.

>> No.8132494

I have become kinda interested in that. How is the money?

>> No.8132514

if you are not a stupid isotheric it can be

>> No.8133490

>tfw decent grades
>tfw trying out compsci but hating it
yeah you are definitely me

>> No.8133649
File: 240 KB, 1500x1125, drive_ver4_xlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stunt driver

>> No.8133914

>studying psychology
what have I done to myself fa?

>> No.8133963

The most /fa/ thing to do is to be born into a wealthy family and becoming educated at an elite university in whatever the hell you want to study without ever worrying about having to get a job.

Working for somebody else is never /fa/.

>> No.8134001

You did good. Really easy work if you don't mind playing the system and people

>> No.8134010

A lot of fashion is a result of glamorized poverty

>> No.8134053

The most /fa/ career that comes to mind is something in the performing arts and if you're really talented / well known.

For example a guy I was neck-to-neck with competing against in trumpet performance in high school went on to study music at a conservatory in the northern US. He now plays for a very, very famous metropolitan symphony. He's on his way to having a very /fa/ lifestyle.

On the other hand I dropped it all to study engineering. Since I've doomed myself to being un-/fa/ for the rest of my life I just wear flip flops and cargo shorts to school every day.


Yeah that's one way of seeing it, but nobody really wants to be poor though.

>> No.8134057

Care to elaborate?

>> No.8134077
File: 10 KB, 290x174, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fenance in london

>> No.8134088

I do intelligence collection for special operations.

>sounds a lot cooler than it is lel

>> No.8134089

Really? I'm a high school teacher and I make 80k a year.

I also get summers off and a few one/two week breaks here and there. The first year you work your ass off writing the lesson plan, but then it's just small revisions.

I'd do this job for a payment putting me just above the poverty line hahaha.

>> No.8134092

The only not fah thing about being an architect is that it's a lot of damn hard work.

>> No.8134310

Lol. You've never met programmers before then.

source, I am a programmer and work in tech.
It's kinda the reason the whole silcon valley, start up culture exists.

>> No.8134326

FBI agent

>> No.8134369


>> No.8134398

Do you live in oztralia by any chance? No way any teacher in the US makes that much

>> No.8135205


>> No.8135540
File: 50 KB, 1014x673, ss (2014-04-22 at 05.44.38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I had no idea you knew more about being a teacher than I did. Clearly you have superior knowledge on the subject.

>> No.8135548

I'm a private investigator.

Is that fah?

>> No.8135549

dropped his icecream :(
tfw filling lungs with the rankest fart
fite me bro

>> No.8135554

That's probably the least effay job I can think off.

Pretty boys usually aren't nice with their hands.

You're less effay than a traffic cop.

>> No.8135595

I was like you at 18. Now I have a job.

>> No.8135606

Anything business/finance/programming related sucks.
>contributing to the demise of human culture

>> No.8136223
File: 108 KB, 778x643, 1370304070159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is being a psychologist /fa/? what about being a Chef of some sort?

that what im going into, food is my fall back if i don't get accepted.

>> No.8136252
File: 17 KB, 335x363, kubricksdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuh bruh

>> No.8136257

Hannibal Lector is that you?

>> No.8136259

im a chef (baker as of now)
i get to work at 4am
i bake bread , cakes and croissants etc
i come home at 5pm most days
if that sounds /fa/ 2 u then go 4 it

>> No.8136264

I'm a librarian. Am I /fa/?

>> No.8136277

Why so angry butthurt? I was surprised, that's all. I was going off the fact that almost all US teachers I've met complain about their salary and one Australian teacher I talked to who made something like $100k for teaching in the outback.

>> No.8136288

you're funny. i like you.

to the topic. 5* Hotel Manager.

>> No.8136301
File: 148 KB, 652x637, 1361861210589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c cloud to fly on

>> No.8136313

>get BA in psych
>get masters in occupational therapy
>make good money because there are no guys in OT

seems like a good option but i dont know if im really going to like it

but the only things i do like are not profitable at all

anyone else OT or have opinions on it?

>> No.8136361

>tfw only ever wanted to be a writer
>tfw that's a shit career choice

Is becoming a teacher out of necessity so you can fund your nebulous writing career that never takes off and leaves you in a job you never really wanted, bitter and frustrated, by the time you retire and die soon after effay?

>> No.8136390

NEVER become a teacher. Ever. 100% life draining, soul crushing, dream killing. NOT worth.

>> No.8136403

considering your use of the word nebulous in your post, I would suggest forgetting the writing career entirely

>> No.8136421
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Pure Mathematician

>> No.8136426


>> No.8136441
File: 62 KB, 678x250, pw4c_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master race reporting in
>military fashion
>engineers pay
>not gonna die

>> No.8136759

lol whew, man, you sure showed me! :^)

But instead of attacking my use of "nebulous" you probably should have gone for the run-on sentence it was used in.

>> No.8136783

Yeah, I could see this, at least if you don't like teaching. I think it has to be a calling. Are you a teacher?

>> No.8136801

fucking pog

>> No.8136904

There is nothing effay about scientists. Having met some top tier researchers I can tell you it's all merrels and social ineptitude.

>> No.8136909

Finance is /fa/. Being the accountant to an investment banker instead of being that investment banker however, is not.

>> No.8136927

Photography is easily a fashionable career. You don't have to make it huge to do well (everyone ends up shooting events as filler income)
If you have an artistic eye but shit talent then photography is great. Get into a local magazine and start branching out into commercial and stuff.

>> No.8137010

I used to be mediocre at everything, now I'm plain bad.

>> No.8137051

Working on CDC, the suits are very effay.

>> No.8137122

almost. i mean, could totally eat someone. i have read that human meat is like sweet goat meat. i could eat that.

fuck that taboo

>> No.8137129

I'm going to school for journalism and comp sci.

Frankly, there aren't many effay careers.

>> No.8137142

being sleep deprived is sort of /fa/. plus im a insomniac anyway, and i love cooking.

what kind of/ how long was your education? im looking at a culinary school in Switzerland that's 3-6 years long and comes with a paid internship.

>> No.8137148

Hello journalism brother.
We will end up working PR if we want money, or shot and dead in a trench if we have passion.

>> No.8137164

Fuck off from my Switzerland, immigrant scum.

>> No.8137183

Despite being blue collar, being a merchant mariner is pretty effay. You work hard, make good money, and get to see parts of the world most people never get the chance to. And if you serious worry about these kind of things, you can be that guy who wears steel toed good looking red wings (or equivalent) and say that you actually work in them. Broads love that.

>> No.8137292

Hahahaha sorry friend. I didn't mean it.

I'm not much of a morning person, I wish I had a better excuse hahaha.

And isn't there a huge difference between Australian monopoly money and USD?

>> No.8137340

That's a perfectly fine excuse. Mornings suck ass.

Apparently 1AUD = 1.7USD, so it's worth slightly more. The guy was an English teacher in the middle of the dessert who mostly taught Aborigines (apparently they give a large financial incentive to live in the middle of nowhere)