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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 323 KB, 683x1024, 7824966592_7c086a86d0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8118800 No.8118800 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else wish they could skateboard. It is and always has been /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.8118803
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>> No.8118805

Tried it and fell on my ass.
Not doing that again, and plus it's only really for 15-18 year olds, at least in my head.
A 25 y/o skater is fucking dumb.

>> No.8118807
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dem dunks tho

>> No.8118852

>I can't do it so it's dumb at my age

>> No.8118854

but i can skateboard

>> No.8118859
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That motherfucker looks like he's about to break his hip

>> No.8118864



>> No.8118940

It's really stupid until you get awesome, if you ever do get that good. Nothing more mind numbingly boring than watching some dude try to do some flatland trick 50 times.

>> No.8118956


>> No.8119011

I skateboard but I suck and I can only do ollies. almost anything can be /fa/ as long as you're good enough/look good at it.

>> No.8119018
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>tfw petrified to do ollies while moving

>> No.8119023

I think it could be cool. Not something you can reliably wear effay clothes while doing, though.

Longboarding is stupid as fuck, though.

>> No.8119050

I used to skateboard in middle school. I was scared of traveling the city because I didn't want to try and ollie up curbs and end up clipping and falling. how embarrassing

>> No.8119129

Skateboarding is easy. Practice in shit clothe until you get good. For those too scared to Ollie cop a penny board.

>> No.8119424

tfw cant skate because injury
fuck you guys for awakening my thirst

>> No.8121836

>tfw no tre flip

>> No.8122377

same here m8

>> No.8122381

w2c skateboarding latina grill

>> No.8122660

How the fuck do you guys make ollies? can you explain the technic?

Also, longboard or skateboard, wich on eis more /fa/? :^)

>> No.8122709

I seriously don't trust people who can't skate board

What type of a kid must have u been

>> No.8122750

just do it. It so fun to skate some where and ollie a curb.

>> No.8122759

one in a wheelchair :(

>> No.8122760

It's not /fa/ it's fuccboi-tier as fuck.

I gave up that shit when I was 16.

This thread just proves /fa/ is the most underaged board on 4chan

>> No.8122769

Drake pls

>> No.8122776

i was too tall to skateboard by the time it became popular

>> No.8122789

>too tall

>> No.8122807
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>tfw learned to 180 today

>> No.8122820

i had a growth spurt to like 6' when i was 14 in the 90s when skateboarding got mainstream. my center of gravity was too high to skateboard.

>> No.8122841

I see people that tall skateboard all the time. Everyone has balance problems when learning, are you sure you weren't just blaming your height?

>> No.8122845

>pushing mongo

not even once

>> No.8122875


why don't you get a job?

>> No.8122876

skateboarding for /fa/shion purposes is literally the scummiest thing you can do, you'll look like a fucking poser and just looks plain retarded.

>> No.8122886
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>> No.8122893

this, don't show yourself in public until you can atleast land a ollie properly

>> No.8122915

but anon, they're pushing regular...

>> No.8122925

she's not even pushing mongo you retarded faggot

>> No.8122927


she's pushing regular you twat

>> No.8122937

This thread about to turn into a skateboard elitism session

Pages of people flexing that they can impact use a skateboard

Wow v rare talent

>> No.8122939

I'm 6'2 and skateboard you fucking idiot, you're just a uncoordinated asshole

>> No.8122951

How long did it take before you were comfortable just rolling and pushing?

>> No.8122964

Just over exagerate your kicks. I do that and I go smooth a a nigga in a tub of lard

>> No.8122974

teach me to skateboard plox
also entry level boards?

>> No.8122979

I was over 6' when I started, 6'5 now and still take the board out for a couple of tricks every now and then

>> No.8122984

fracture & enuff

>> No.8123008

Bakerfag here
does anyone even ride these boards but me any more

>> No.8123042
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Two weeks ago,do not wear your genuine supreme t shirt you payed with your parents money because you will rip

>> No.8123045

I was going to get a Baker after my current one breaks/gets too worn

>> No.8123061

mine is really nice, think it was a limited thing because i can't find it anywhere online
it's gold with black B's everywhere

>> No.8123063


>> No.8123074

Nice, what size deck do you run? I've been skating 8.5 but I'm wondering if it'll be worth it to go smaller. Everyone that sees it questions it.

>> No.8123091
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> tfw all my nerdy gamer friends can hop on a board and skate without ever having done it before, but every time I try I fall on my ass.
> tfw cant even longboard

>> No.8123102

I actually don't remember what size it was. im assuming it's 7.75 or something...isn't 8.5 way too big to do anything on?

>> No.8123106

Slide front foot forward, it levels out the board after popping.

Longboarding is hipster tier unless you're into racing which then it's rad as fuck.

>> No.8123107

It's easier to do tricks while moving.

>> No.8123118

i've been too busy trying to get the non-moving tricks down so i wont grate my face along the ground if i fall while moving...
and this whole time it would have been easier to do it while moving?

>> No.8123125

Is exactly what this faggot is doing
>completely clean board without a single sign of wear

>> No.8123129

lmfao this thread man

stay off skateboards guys looooooool

>> No.8123134
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>tfw want these but I really wouldn't use them since I use other ways of transportation
They aren't even effay , I know

>> No.8123144

Ye bruuh it's easier. Just don't be afraid of falling cus eventually it's going to happen anyways.
Tfw injuries are /fa/

And fuck longboards unless you race then your a fedora fag.

>> No.8123150

>carry my board around to look cool
>I just ride it
>no I can't do tricks

>> No.8123162

most /fa/ skate video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1ThJmXit50

>> No.8123196

you are literally a fucking poser scum and you bring shame on all skatefags

>> No.8123209

It seems like that way to everyone but it's been working fine for me. I think I'll size down to 8 or something next time but I'm afraid of having to get used to it.

>> No.8123215

wider board master race, 8.4 rider here and 8.5 is absolutely not too big, downsizing is for pussies

>> No.8123214


>> No.8123218

You have to lift your right foot slightly as the tail hits the ground, that lets it "pop" into the air rather than slamming it downwards and going nowhere.

Then follow the generic advice: slide your left foot forward to level out, press down when both feet are above the trucks and land.

First step is the hard bit, I see nubs fall over all the time because they hit down without letting the board get any air.

I dunno about being /fa/, but skateboard is much more fun, there's so much more you can do with it

>> No.8123226

>some inked up skank with cheese curd abs

Most of the fucknuts see on those things are usually just slouching little douche bags. They look wormy as fuck and I don't know anyone over 15 that doesn't shit on them for it, usually laughing.

Not even being hyperbolic about that; someone calls them a d-bag and everyone else just giggles about it.

>> No.8123249

I've been reading up on how much more difficult it is to flip with a wider deck. I've been making kickflips work but I feel like I could make doubles work with a smaller deck. Plus learning grinds has been a bitch

>> No.8123289

waiting for Cherry to finish d/ling

is it any good?

>> No.8123307

u fucking stupid, of course its going to be terrible

>> No.8123317

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/D5S4HXnhiSU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

fuck you tacky bastards talking about skateboarding holy shit

>> No.8123326

yes although it is pretty different from regular skate videos
I find wide decks much easier to control, the only difficult stuuf I find is the more complex flip tricks like tre flips, p.s. the most /fa/ trick is a no comply

>> No.8123332

If you want to skate, skate
If you want to skate to be /fa/, it wont work

Skaters who love the sport make skating /fa/
Dont be such pussies, all of you

>> No.8123336


smdh at myself


>> No.8123342

nice embed dipshit

>> No.8123348


>> No.8123365

Hsu's name is almost in the url

>> No.8123367

why is a 360 flip called a tre now? when did it happen?

>> No.8123395

I skate to get around, used to be able to ollie and do a trick or two when I was 16 but a few years on I just have a bigger board with huge wheels for cruising. No one knows you can't do tricks if you're just cruising and its damn fun to cruise San Francisco hills

>> No.8123455

You were right

>> No.8123473

I have a nice pair of in-line rollers to play with my skaters friends, they don't even give a fuck.

>> No.8124951
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legs will forever be not effay

>> No.8124960
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>> No.8124966

Not at all. I have never met a skater that was intelligent. I don't mean smart, I just mean able to have an interesting conversation unrelated to drugs.

>> No.8124981
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is scootering /fa/?

>> No.8125171
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>playing with skateboards past the age of 14

>> No.8125197

No, but I wish I could motor boat, gnome saiyan?

>> No.8125255

theres this balding dude that gets on my bus every so often and he always has his skateboard and his t-shirt inside out, idk he looks pretty rad

i used to skate when i was 11 and there was this big drop in at the skate park near me and my friends were too pussy for that shit so i did it, successful first time, second time i tried it i smacked the fuck out of my head (no helmet lel)and had an out of body shit. i was laughing and tearing up at the same time. and then me and my friends got bored of skating, so we just did crazy shit like take the trucks off the board and go down a hill with rocks with just the board.

>> No.8125307

I can skate, it's not hard to learn, dude.

>> No.8125321

I agree with this guy

>> No.8125330
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>tfw too afraid of ruining my expensive sneakers

>> No.8125365
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Skateboarding is the shit

>> No.8125374

>t-shirt inside out
i used to do this all the time with my blacc graphic tees, idk if people saw me as dirty or poor or what but i thought i looked like a fucking god

>> No.8125380

your pose is shit

>> No.8125387

your body looks pretty gross

>> No.8125395
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>slim black jeans
>not skinny

>> No.8125415

>want to skate
>don't want to learn a whole new hobby from start or accociate with disgusting sk8rboizz

>> No.8125416
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>skating in skinny jeans

>> No.8125423


most skinny jeans are so stretch you can barely feel the fabric

>> No.8125490

buy a pair of janoskis or some plain black and white vans, your shoes will get wrecked

>> No.8125493

i want to start but im 2 pussy to walk into a boardstore

>> No.8125621

>penny board
>long board

Kill yourself.

>> No.8125761

Ay mon, not erryone wants to do tricks. It's good to just cruise round ya know?
Any UoM sk8rs? I'm the guy with the long cruiser.

>> No.8125781


>> No.8125872
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Nah melb, meant to post this pic.

>> No.8125948

shut up dad

>> No.8125974


relevant B)

>> No.8125977

RICK OWENS Skateboard deck


>Handcrafted out of petrified wood, this one-off skateboard deck, custom made by the Rick Owens team is a truly luxe way to travel.


>> No.8126069
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>that feel when i need to spend money on another pair of shoes to get wrecked :^(

>> No.8126079

got excited until
>Due to the delicate nature of this item it is a display piece only, skating is not advised.

>> No.8126089
File: 100 KB, 1033x452, yohji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yohji deck is nice. y-3 deck is very nice too. i feel a new thread theme coming on
pic related the yohji

>> No.8126092

>buy deck
>never use it because afraid of wrecking it

>> No.8126097

yeah, wanted to cop the yohji deck but didnt feel like waiting and I actually needed a new set of wheels cause my 52mms are pretty uncozy for longer distances

>> No.8126108
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>> No.8126109

Skateboarding is an immature sport. That's why only young kids do it, once you get older you realize how obnoxious it is and how un/fa/ the whole subculture is.

>> No.8126115

what if
what if people do it
because it's fun

>> No.8126119

what if
what if people also do it
for transport


>> No.8126122

It's fun to kids cause their brains are still developing and they don't realize the dangers and how dumb they look. Anyone still skating past the age of 20-23 must have some kind of mental disorder

>> No.8126125

and you're passed 20-23 I assume
and yet you're browsing the fashion board on a japanese imageboard. Isn't that immature and un-fa?

>> No.8126139

chinese cartoon imageboard would be better lel

>> No.8126272

reinforcing the fact she is pushing regular. you are the mongo

>> No.8126323

tre flip master race reporting in

>> No.8126456

>tfw you can ollie and kickflip
>can't shuvit

>> No.8126501

>tfw stopped skating years ago
>mess around with friends the other day and 3 flip second try

>> No.8126974


Mongo is kicking with the front foot, regardless of which foot is forward.

>> No.8127004


nice catch today son

>> No.8127011

i try to skate at least once a week. im just so fucking lazy. theres no spots around here and i hate having to go into the city. if i move i will skate much more.

>> No.8127019

People who think fun has an age limit have a mental disorder. Anyone who would not skateboard at a risk of looking dumb is probably a schizophrenic type who is afraid to go outside. There are people different than you. Not everyone is concerned with living long enough to be a vegetable.

>> No.8127203

havent skated since i was 14 (19 now) and i work at a skate store. lately ive been checking out the boards at my shop and ive been wanting to skate. dont have friends that do it and i feel too old

>> No.8127260

first of all, how/why do you work at a skate shop without skating?

Second of all, how do you have no friends that skate, yet you work at a skate shop?

This story doesn't add up. Either you are autistic or are lying for some reason

>> No.8127302
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>Fashion decks

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8128020

why not
the dries van noten one looks cool
its not like decks have any crucial space age technologies only skate brands can provide, it's just wood

>> No.8128345
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>> No.8128387
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3 late feg >8125974

>> No.8128650

to those of you who wear skate clothes to be fashionable but don't actually skate, real skaters call you posers behind your back.

>> No.8128653

What is considered skate clothes?

>> No.8128654

What if I skate but don't wear skate clothes?

>> No.8128743

>s considered skate clothes

>> No.8128760

Why would anyone give a fuck about what "real skaters" say
What defines someone as a "real skater"
Wasting time on a hobby that will get them no where?
No, I skate to get places, not to impress my 14 year old friends with kickflips and ollies

>> No.8128765

the worst thing is people who dont skate wearing thrasher merch
thrasher is shit anyway though

>> No.8128766

No they dont

>> No.8128769

I used to love skate culture. I stopped caring. It's fun to do occasionally on the street, but it's not so interesting.

>> No.8128789

Gawd you made me cringe

Lmao, the fuck is wrong with u

>> No.8129665

well its a skate board fashion store. Tillys to be specific. we just have a section for skateboards but we dont sell parts or anything. not really a skate shop so sorry for the confusion on my part. and no one there even skates anyways. we had one dude who skated and would sell the boards but he quit.

>> No.8129705

>Skateboarding in chucks

>> No.8129870

level up /fa/ggots longboarding is the new shit.its so fucking chill bros.

>> No.8129879
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>not being able to skate in any type of footwear
I bet you can't even skate barefoot

>> No.8129885

this is a very popular thing to do now

>> No.8131017

Learn to get some height on those. Looks really good. High speed half cabs after hillbombing is also pretty fun.
High and clean simple tricks beat sketchy complicated tricks everyday.

>> No.8131023

>not making money of it at contests

>> No.8131232


>> No.8131278

>dad buying me a skateboard for my schools ending gift
>excited as fuck
>anon i can only afford a used skateboard

>> No.8131397

I wear janoskis but dont skate, d-do they laugh at me too? ;_;

>> No.8131412

Being a teenage stoner will never be /fa/ as fuck. I guess I'm on 4chan which is why I'm surrounded by people that think it is. Fucking pathetic shit hole.

>> No.8131510

Or you could buy a car and be a functioning member of society. But who am I kidding?

>> No.8131539

aren't decent skate decks like $100 and trucks like $20?

>> No.8133310

how is it when you slide the skate 180 degrees but jumping, just taping with the feet, always facing forward. saw it on a video once

>> No.8133334

40 for bearings and another 30 for wheels
adds up sieg

>> No.8133346

do you mean a pop shuvit?
you just jump and push down and back with your back foot. first trick I learnt to do on the move (before an ollie even)

>> No.8133361

Don't buy a used skateboard

Decks only last like a month max before the pop is gone

Buy a blank deck some decent trucks and a cheap pair of small wheels from a skateshop

>> No.8133364

what's the name I mean

found the video:

>> No.8133365

Had a great day at the skatepark yesterday. I'm getting back in to it again and I managed to finally get some tricks down that I haven't been able to do since I was 14 like double and variable flips.

>> No.8133368

its a shuvit. its as easy as he makes it look too. a slight jump and flicking of your feet as you do.

>> No.8133374

>douche-bag friend comes over to apartment with two skanky girls before we go out
>sees dusty old skateboard in my garage I haven't ridden in 2 years
>do a shitty shuvit and a kickflip
>douche bag is impressed
>feel like a boss for a week
>he probably fucked both of those girls that night

fuck everything

>> No.8133383

thanks mate

>> No.8133387

sounds like you mean a pop shove-it

>> No.8133392

>getting hung up on a douche-bag fucking swanky grils
man. who cares, don't get hung up on bullshit like that. You really probably just lack confidence

>> No.8133986

>not skating blanks

>> No.8134050

not if you live in america... shit's like 100 for a basic name-brand deck and better-than-shit trucks, bearings and wheels.


just have pops take you down to a local shop and get a blank/shop deck and whatever's cheapest. it'll be like 60, and not great, but still miles above a walmart-tier world industries complete that costs the same.

not like you want to go fucking up nice/expensive gear while you're just starting out anyways.

>> No.8134132

>thinking gear quality exists

>> No.8134135

>buying anything but independent trucks and bones wheels

step up senpai

although there really is hardly any difference between boards. it's just about shape

>> No.8134138


>> No.8134143

>implying bearings don't exist

>> No.8134237

what a stupid post. levels of quality exist in everything

>> No.8134241

Get a stock silver pair of destructo trucks, a blank set of smallish wheels, decent bearings and a blank deck from your local skate shop

Keep Replacing your deck as u lose pop

Literally the best set up you can get

>> No.8134276

>fat skanks and tryhard teenagers

>> No.8134285

not in my small southern town
"lol look at anon skating he looks like like one of those emo cocksucker"

>> No.8134316
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>It is and always has been /fa/ as fuck.

skateboarding has always fluctuated in terms of popularity
ive been skating for a long time and so far this is what ive seen

>early 2000s - pretty popular, a lot of movies/tv shows feature skaters/skate culture
>mid 2000s - not cool at all, rise in popularity of prep culture made it a tacky thing to do
>late 2000s/early 10s - coming back into fashion. still not really cared about by most people
>present - very popular with 90s revival, except 'real' skateboarding is still the same as it has always been. most popular skating is longboarding or carrying around a pink dildo thing that's meant to be retro. skate shops staying afloat by selling longboards and penny boards

>> No.8134324

>still wearing super skinny jeans and not slim/baggy...

>> No.8134330


>> No.8134359
File: 93 KB, 500x747, tumblr_mhrrf5qdnx1qkrnfto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trends in 'real' skateboarding that i have observed over the last decade

>early 2000s - baggy blue jeans, chunkier shoes, baggy t shirts (white). examples of fashion can be seen in alien workshop: photosynthesis
>mid 2000s - tight black jeans, black t shirts/hoodies, medium sized shoes. 'punk rock' aesthetic popular. e.g, zero: new blood. flip - sorry always shows this style gaining popularity while the previous baggier styles are still seen in action
>late 2000s/early 10s - generally a cleaner cut image popularized by brands such as girl, nike, diamond. L/S button up shirts, slim chinos, low profile shoes, snapback hats. example: shane oneil
present - baker/deathwish 'hesh' image still popular but losing popularity, most in style skate fashion at the moment is probably a revival of 'comfy' skate clothes eg dickies pants, and a baggy shirt/hoodie. skate shoes are usually medium sized or slim fitting. thrasher is in style regardless of being the worst skate magazine in the world and phelper is still an arrogant piece of shit

watch almost any skater and they will have followed these trends. skaters are fucking sheep and are generally very constricted by what's 'cool' and what's not in the skating world

>> No.8134365

looks like someone got picked on by skaters in high school...

>> No.8134371

i WAS a skater in high school, and still am a skater. i've just seen all my friends who are not in their mid 20s follow these trends as if they were still 16, and while i go though university and travel they have stayed in their hometowns smoking weed, partying like they are still teenagers and generally doing nothing with their lives

>> No.8134405

no, janoskis are good looking shoes and aren't exclusive to skateboarding like thrasher apparel would be.

>> No.8134485

I had a great day at the skate park yesterday as well. It was my first time at a park and I can't do any tricks and bruised my hip going down a ramp, but it was fun with friends.

I think I'll stick to keeping my wheels on the ground futurewise tho. I thnk it's plenty /fa to just enjoy the easy sensation of motion

>> No.8134528
File: 83 KB, 550x459, thrasher goslin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit the nail on the fucking head.
it seems like styles are diverging a bit more now though but still adhering to pretty specific clothes ie wear dickies and general workwear type, shane o'neal type, more recently dylan rieder and austin Gillette type of typical /fa/ (flooding skinny pants and plain white shirts).
>Side note I've been seeing thrasher stuff becoming more popular among people who don't skate here in santa barbara

>> No.8134580

dont fall into that baker life dude seen too many people go down that route. Always remember a lot of them are sober now

>> No.8134588
File: 59 KB, 592x593, baku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demonstrates knowledge and types up an original, comprehensive, and accurate summary of the last 10 years of skate trends
>'must have gotten picked on lol'
you must be some limp dick faggot that took offense to what he said because i was impressed as fuck by that post

it was dead fucking accurate. i hate penny boards. those were a joke when i was a kid..

longboards are alright. lots of longboarders are fags though. i visit my cousin in cali and when we get tired of his local park we go for the hills instead. he has a longboard but he lets me use his old school cruiser (pic related) and i have grown extremely fond of it.. it makes traveling distance way easier but you can still ollie and shit, which makes it way more fun than a longboard to me. i am not that good at skateboarding but i hit a nice 3 stair on it once and i looked like fucking bart simpson or something with it at my feet in the air

>> No.8134595

yeah thanks to odd future and that crowd a lot of people seem to love thrasher

it's honestly such a shit magazine. 50% advertisements, 35% articles on some washed up junkies, 15% phelps bullshit

the skateboard mag is the best american skating magazine at the moment imo, but on the rare occasion that i find myself tolerant enough to flick through a skate mag it's gotta be the skateboard journal or slam (both australian)

>> No.8134623

Skateboarder Mag was the best before it got shut down. Id still put Thrasher above TSM though. Also fuck Transworld shits garbage

>> No.8134636


>> No.8134644

skating, even well, rarely helps get you laid hell a fair amount of the time it does the opposite

>> No.8134690

What's your major skaterbro?

>> No.8134712

>skating in a skirt

>> No.8134717

Stop psyching yourself out, really bro the worst that will happen is you'll get a few scrapes man

>> No.8134760

wait do you just mean like going places on a skateboard because thats easy as fuck

you must have no sense of balance at all

>> No.8134897

Any longboarders here? I used to skateboard the usual shit like 16 step banks and all that but fucked up my back. I like how people look cruising on a longboard more though...

>> No.8134902

its way easier to do tricks moving even at snails pace. You're being a pussy no one falls hard on flat land unless you have no balance somehow crack your head like you see on those videos.. The whole thing about skating is you get shit kicked but adrenaline kicks in and takes the pain away. Just get really comfy with ollies and kick flips and front shuvs

>> No.8134930

I used to longboard but now I'm learning to skate. Don't get one of those shitty hybrid boards. If you wanna do tricks go back to skating, otherwise get a downhill board or a cruiser. Keep in mind that they're no longer 'cool' and they're also usually quite heavy

>> No.8134955

Its becoming /fa/ now cause of all the normcore shit.

Kids in my area are all doing it, and they're like 16. When I thought it was cool and did it I was like 10

>> No.8135035

Well actually I've been longboarding for a few years. I've been messing around on skateboards since I was about 4 or 5 though so it wasn't hard to pick up. I do love fairly close to the beaches in Miami though. So I feel cool anyway, as dumb as it may sound.

>> No.8135103

Have u heard of christian hasoi