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/fa/ - Fashion

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8115348 No.8115348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is 5'9 too tall to be /fa/
or even wear heels..?
i've always felt shit about it

>> No.8115356
File: 287 KB, 800x1237, balenciagafw96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10 perfect height

>> No.8115359

I wish I was 5'9...

>> No.8115365

either 5'1 or under
or 5'10+

>> No.8115373

ironic since skys like 5'7

>> No.8115383

if you're not a landwhale then yes
it's /fa/

>> No.8115386

ur my fav trip bc ur kind of qt

>> No.8115388

girls don't have to worry about height.

>> No.8115395

wat y

>> No.8115397

5'1, 5'4, and 5'10 are the ideal heights for women in my opinion. 5'9 is fine, just avoid high heels for most situations.

>> No.8115404

If most of that height is in your legs then it's okay.

>> No.8115425

what's your bra size?

>> No.8115433

look at this guy

guys are willing to accomodate.
girls actively avoid short guys and always prefer taller guys.

>> No.8115453

5'9 is perfect. Might be weird if you wear heels and are taller than most men, though.

>> No.8115479

Speaking of guys, what's the best guy height? Is it just 6'0?

>> No.8115495

>tfw short nigga but my dick tall

>> No.8115502


>> No.8115511

Actually grailing for a pretty girlfriend that's like 5'9" at the moment - great height for guys into "taller" girls, AKA not 5'4" or whatever

>> No.8115635
File: 50 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in the middle at 5'5"
I wish I was op's height

>> No.8115666



>> No.8115669


>> No.8115673
File: 163 KB, 799x800, 1394243064830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow your heart.
Love doesn't care how tall a guy is :)

jk it's 6'2

>> No.8115757

how is that picture even...

that dude's probs like 5'4

the most illogical thing about this is how the azns taller

>> No.8115762

ricky rubio is 6'4

>> No.8115768

Yao Ming is actually 7'6 - the second tallest basketball player of all time.

>> No.8115774

ie karlie kloss

>> No.8115777

>tfw skinny nigga but my dick long

>> No.8115779

>tfw skinny nigga but my dick long

>> No.8115782

thats actually pretty short IMO

>> No.8115783

I love tall women, especially when they're around 185-190cm but they're still pretty rare, even here in Denmark where everybody's tall.

I'm 198 myself.

>> No.8115785

5'10'' master race here, wear heels all the time

5'9'' can be hella /fa/, actually I would say tall slim girls are capable of being more /fa/ than medium or short girls. If you do yoga and take stretch classes it is possible to get another half inch to an inch in height since it stretches you out. :)

>> No.8115789

>tfw bought a mac-11 from the thrift store
Don't worry, I promptly went to alert the authorities because it's illegal to sell guns at American thrift stores. The store is now out of business.

If you are a tall guy, tall girls will love you. It doesn't even take effort.

>> No.8115794

why do girls care about height?

guys never care and you can look good in clothes regardless

not /fa/ related and stupid

>> No.8115796

I'll stretch you out bb.

>> No.8115797

>If you do yoga and take stretch classes it is possible to get another half inch to an inch in height since it stretches you out. :)


>> No.8115809

"If you are a tall guy, tall girls will love you. It doesn't even take effort."

Hmm.. don't agree with you.
To me at least, it always takes an effort regardless of height, but I know being taller than a tall woman is an advantage over small guys when it comes to dating.

>> No.8115811
File: 65 KB, 450x574, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tall bitches are stank

5'2-5'6 or you're a full point lower on the 10 scale

>> No.8115808

>why do girls care about height?
To keep it short (no pun intended lmfao lol):
Girls crave domination.
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCYVCI9NGUU

I know it's 40 minutes, and not short (rofl) but it will at least explain the LITERALLY EXTREMELY BASIC CONCEPT about why bigger = better in most cases.

Plus it teaches confident body language, which is useful.

>> No.8115823
File: 90 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuck bitch
Would still fuck dough

You can buy guns from a thrift store as long as it is a historical black powder long rifle,

Or if the store has an fll licensed attendant on staff.
Ffl class 1 is easy enough to obtain

Questions are like..."is it legal to modify semi automatic long rifles to fire more than one round per trigger pull and sell it to someone out of the trunk of your car"

Answer is obviously

Fuck you liberal pussy!

>> No.8115838

it's bc being tall is kind of masculine
i know gender roles are bs but

also a lot of times guys get intimidated by ur height

>> No.8115857

Only short guys get intimidated by tall girls.
If a tall guy gets intimidated, he's a bitch

>> No.8115859

>also a lot of times guys get intimidated by ur height
That opinion is only enforced by literally everything I posted here:

>> No.8115870

is my life rlly sad that im actually watching that

>> No.8115876

you guys need to be honest
no one goes for the tall bitch
if there's 7/10 short qt and a 8/10 tall qt everyone would still go for the short one

>> No.8115887

Not me

>> No.8115889

I'd prefer the tall one but I know I'd have better chances w/ the short one

>> No.8115901

why would u have 'better chances'

>> No.8115902

so true

also you guys know you feel catfished when you meet a chick from facebook/okcupid and she's like 5'10

thought you were getting a qt

>> No.8115903

probably because most guys fear rejection and would rather go for the short, less attractive girl who they have more chance of sticking their war mace inside

you are pretty thick, you know that though, right?

>> No.8115913

I'm short

>> No.8115914

tall girls want tall guys, 6'1" still isnt tall enough for a 5'10" girl if she wats to wear her cheap shoes

also shorter women tend to be more cute, and tend to have better clothes

you see alot of big and tall menswear in magazines? same goes for giraffe ass bitches

>> No.8115923

dude where does the part about chicks come

sieg we all know how short you are give up

>actually agreeing with tripskank

>> No.8115931

tripskank maybe obsessive over minor details, but she does speak the truth

>> No.8115937

Being tall male or female is /fa/. Long legs burh.

>> No.8115939

you do know that's a fake trip lel

and anyways she's like 5'3

>> No.8115941

>agree with her opinion
>still call her thick

Wait, what?

>> No.8115942

There is some truth in this, but that is only because I have hooked up with a lot of tall girls. I actually started getting worried that I could ONLY attract tall girls, simply because I was tall so I now pursue average size girls out of competition.

Tall girls (5'10) are pretty cool, in my opinion, and I love them a lot.

I don't really care about a girl's height.

>> No.8115946

Luke you are so fuckin dumb I swear...
I keep filtering you and you keep coming back

>> No.8115956

I think your filter isn't working, because this is the same name and trip I've had since I started.

>> No.8115964

i'm 5'8 i must be shit????

>> No.8115970


>> No.8115987

I don't understand the question.

>> No.8116007

5'9 is perfect op stop cribbing

>> No.8116084

man i miss skys blonde hair

>> No.8116101

lmao i swear people add an inch to this bitches height every week. i remember back when she was 5'11

>> No.8117092

manlet detected

>> No.8117305

i've already said this yesterday.

height isn't that important. :)

there is no ideal height. :)

being comfortable in your body is so much more attractive than height :)
if you're chill, people will like you. :)

you might be thinking "yeah i'm the 6'5 masterrace", but in the end if you're a dick, then people won't care about you.

just be the chillest dude you can be :)

btw everyone who says "masterrace" unironically is fucking embarassing theirself

>> No.8117383


if you're sub 5'10, you're not even a human being

>> No.8117397

i love tall girls
>tfw only 6'1

>> No.8117405

if you're trying to make people insecure on the most insecure board of all 4chan, youre probably a terrible person :)

>> No.8117410

No, just don't be over 6'.

>> No.8117421


but I'm still a person :)

>> No.8117460

people under 5'10 too :)

>> No.8117474

>5'0 on a good day
>tfw too short to ever be /fa/

>> No.8117478

>over 6'0
Borderline to freak of nature.

>> No.8117480

>on a good day

what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.8117506

It means when she gets enough rest that her spine properly stretches out you daft fucking cunt.

Just end your fucking life to save people the trouble of having to put up with your stupidity.

>> No.8117577

simmer down bruh

>> No.8117640
File: 161 KB, 567x568, tumblr_n1w6q9cTaF1rcc6dpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally 5,9 is perfectly, I dont want some midget standing next to me

& clothes just looks better on tall girls

>> No.8117670

It's an interesting NatGeo piece, unless you're doing it cause you think you're a beta bitch, it's not really that sad.

>> No.8117677

5-9'-5'11 female is perfect.

>> No.8117681

the truth

>> No.8117827

The truth is that only insecure loner virgins care about something trivial like height and being masterace and shit.

If you're decent looking enough and confident you can get any girl or dude with a little work.

>> No.8117899

>tfw 5'10 slim gf

>> No.8117911

>tfw 5'10
>tfw gf is 5'8ish (maybe even 5'9)

>> No.8117931

my gf is taller than me, should i kill myself /fa/?

>> No.8118760

I thought him and shaq were both 7'7"

>> No.8118791

I'd kill to be 5'9
>tfw 5'3 womanlet

>> No.8120198

i h8 u leave

>> No.8120203


>> No.8120347

you are living the dream I'm 5'3 i want a tall gf

>> No.8120355

Ideal female height is dependent on the height of the male in question. I'm 6'4", 5'9" is perfectly okay with me. However if a guy is 5'11" he might not want his gf to be 5'9" cuz he'd look like a manlet whenever she wore heels.

>> No.8120361

5'4" is the average female height. It only gets weird if you're shorter than five foot.

>> No.8120368

Shaq's 7'2

he's really fucking big tho in size, Yao Ming looked like a toothpick compared to him

>> No.8120393

about 5'6 or so

as tall as possible but not enough that here wearing heels would make here taller than me

>> No.8120396

Have you seen that picture of Shaq next to a roided up Rock? He fucking dwarfs him, and he barely even comes up to his shoulder. Really puts into perspective how fucking huge that guy is.

>> No.8120401
File: 58 KB, 628x387, Rock-Shaq-Barkley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8120403


how do i even misspell her as here twice


>> No.8120598

>implying one can be too tall to be /fa/

>> No.8121090

what if she never wore heels?

>> No.8121095

i h8 u

>> No.8121105

>be 5'10''
>want gf who is also 5'10''
>end up with one who is 5'2''

>> No.8121118

y tho

>> No.8121127

how tall are you?

>> No.8121129


not him but i'm 6'2 and had a 6' qt tennis player gf and it was awesome. felt so right in bed

>> No.8121150

5'10" tranny here, wish I was about two inches shorter so I could wear longer heels without turning into a giant.

In guy mode this height is ideal, the world is built for people that are 5'10".

>> No.8121160

>guy mode
>5'10 ideal

nah man, that's manlet tier

>> No.8121162


>> No.8121170

For a white guy that's 100% average-tier.

>> No.8122034

>5' 9" girl


>> No.8122040


>> No.8122046

It'd probably be okay then. Most girls I know like wearing heels when they dress up though.

>> No.8122048

6'6m looking for a 5'2qt to throw around

>> No.8122049

Average =/= ideal. Ideally, every dude wants an 8 inch cock, that doesn't mean every dude has an 8 inch cock.

>> No.8122056

forgot to mention I have ideal cock

>> No.8122063

the curry speaks the truth

>> No.8122190

insecure short guy detected

>> No.8122196

insecure girlgiant exposed

>> No.8122197


channeling lil b's positive spirit
love the messages you send keep up

>> No.8122285
File: 25 KB, 720x540, mattstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw 5'1

>> No.8122391

I'm tall, but I'm a dude. Nice try.

>> No.8122838

tripskank is probably the most well known girl on the board though

>> No.8122897

>i know gender roles are bs but
It's biology

>> No.8122924

Is she insecure or is she one of this girls who's into that "all guys like one thing" illusion?

>> No.8124844

5'10 is best height. You gotta be model thin though.

>> No.8124876

>is being the average height a female model too tall to be /fa/


>> No.8124882

shes rlly short
and thats not even her

>> No.8124897

>too tall