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/fa/ - Fashion

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8078748 No.8078748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't find any threads related to my ausfriends.

How was your day? It was rainy as fuck in Melbourne :(

>> No.8078917

It pissed rain in sydney too m8

>> No.8078933


>> No.8078971

Going to watch Captain America 2 tonight.
No rain in my area but ominously cloudy all day.

>> No.8078992

its usually bc mods remove them :(

breddy gud

>> No.8078995


this is aus and skatebord is more fa than dirty dancing nowadays

>> No.8079000

It was rainy as fuck at falls creek too
my baggy jeans from just jeans and polerfleece got soaked

>> No.8079051

Just came home from University with my yd. fit

>> No.8079052

mods leave us alone what's wrong with us

>> No.8079061

any of you know where i can cop a decent hoodie? these colder days makes me want to be more comfy

>> No.8079064

pull over sorry*

>> No.8079065
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Anyone hit H&M yet? I can't even fathom what kind of rent they must pay for the entire fucking GPO building

>> No.8079073
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slept in until 2pm, went to the dentist, now doing my lectures online and browsing /fa/ and /mu/. Rainy as fuck here too melbourne friend

>> No.8079072

Fucking raining everywhere, couldn't wear muh ramones, fucked my hair up too ;_;
Now heading out for Mexican, so I guess an alright day.

>> No.8079083

Based UniMelb /fa/m

>> No.8079091

>tfw cyclone tomorrow night

>> No.8079094

what are you studying?

>> No.8079119

i wanna go to unimelb in about 2 years for commerce

whats it like

>> No.8079124

I spent a semester in commerce, now majoring in science majoring in maths. Lots of international students in commerce (I was the only white person in all my tutorials) but it's taught well for the most part and is the most organised faculty I've experienced so far

>> No.8079125

shit brisbane fam anyone?

>> No.8079160

are there /fa/ people in commerce? whyd you change

>> No.8079219

ye bruh

>> No.8079241

dude r u like 16

>> No.8079245

nah i just didnt get a high enough atar so i need to wait to become a mature aged student or whatever

>> No.8079247

o fair nuf

>> No.8079249

It's been raining forever holy shit

About to see a movie with some bros, should I do the same?

>> No.8079252

please respond

>> No.8079253

Fuck, right?! I haven't been because fuck H&M but it's bloody crazy I'll give you that

>> No.8079255

its hot as fuck on the goldy m8s
got some new shit from cubic collective. stoked as

>> No.8079256

Fuck Australia and Australians B^)

>> No.8079258

is there even anything else decent in the cinema

>> No.8079259

austrlaian detected
ur a bloody larikan arent ya m8?

>> No.8079260

whats your budget?

>> No.8079264

$20.. so cotton on or jay jays?

>> No.8079267

under 50 pref

>> No.8079274

bonds have a really comfy marled hoody m8 in a few colours for that price. nice athletic fit too

>> No.8079281

Industrie have some good stuff in that range
some of their stuff is good value imo

>> No.8079282

cheers m8

>> No.8079285

cheers m8

>> No.8079304


yd(o) u do dis

>> No.8079308

Does anyone have experience in AUS with using auctions.yahoo.co.jp?

I want to start using it. Anyone have any good / bad experience with it?

>> No.8079316

nice day in brisbane, saw the raid 2 and applied to some jooobs, any uq lads in tonight?

>> No.8079320

i fucked a chick who went to UQ. she went offff m8. her name was kelly and she studied journalism (lol)

>> No.8079344

Also a brisbane person.

What are everyone's favourite stores?

>> No.8079347
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Yo Newcastle here.

The girl I was into hooked up with someone else at the party last night, a bit bummed

Just been doing Uni all day

>> No.8079356

Australians are such faggots. When I read these threads I want to kill myself and wish that I wasn't Australian as well. So fucking cringeworthy.

Also fuck you fags when you add "cunt" after every sentence. Yes, we get it. You're uneducated and a fucking bogan as well, get over it. I know some witty faggot is going to call me a cunt because it's so hilarious.

>> No.8079359

fallow,violet green,ksubi,apartment
nah qut

haha me too, her name was tess

>> No.8079361

calm down m8

>> No.8079366

tess bby what is the fit u r most proud of (pls post)?

>> No.8079367


Just copped this last week in the light grey. It's thick, comfortable as fuck and fits perfect.

>> No.8079370

Bondi master race reporting in

Earned myself a couple of iphones and Samsung galaxys today. Was on the train and me and some mates kicked the shit out of some pakis and gooks and took their shit. Those beta faggots are so easy to mug, don't usually do it though because don't want to get caught. Then after we got back we blazed it. Rainy as fuck though but today was fucking awesome.

>> No.8079373


>> No.8079376

I like how rainy it is. Might hit up H&M tomorrow, going up to the city. Mornington reporting in.

>> No.8079380

gonna go 2 melb next week where to cop some winter wear. looking 4 hoodies/jackets. some skinny trackies (ones wear the knee dont droop after 20min) maybe long sleeve shirts and tapered pants.

>> No.8079384

Loving this rain. Means we can finally start busitng out some winter fits.

Hows the ausfam on this fine Thursday night?

>> No.8079385

Fuck off. Go to /soc/ and stop shitting up this board.

>> No.8079387
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idk probs this one.
pretty simple

>> No.8079388

lol its contained on one thread and fashion questions relative to country are being asked and answered. why dont u fuck off back 2 angry.org

>> No.8079391

cool man, got a very military vibe.

>> No.8079395

do u get hot wearing that sort of stuff in brizzy?

I havent been 2 qld but from living in perth id imagine id die wearing that if it wasnt winter.

>> No.8079401
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>People discussing what they study at a top 30 in the world uni

....get a load of this guy

>> No.8079405
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>Tfw Perth

It's been hot and muggy all day. I just want it to fucking get cold and rainy so I can bust out some nice winter fits

>> No.8079406

I wish it was raining in Brisbane.

>> No.8079408
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>> No.8079409

Can't wait to match my manbun up with some of my winter fits.
My manbun looks crap in summer fits, so I just let my hair down.
Had some good rain today in the western suburbs of Melbourne.

>> No.8079416
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>TFW layering season is starting in melb

>> No.8079417

OC confirmed for best TV show

>> No.8079455

Where's my Geelong family?

>> No.8079464

sup bruh

>> No.8079535

Tesselate why dont you wear your Geos in more fits?

>> No.8079548

not too bad, i dont sweat much though so its not a problem. Soldiers in afganistan wore heavier stuff in hotter temps.

nm got snapchat?
add me need more ausbros

im too scared of fucking up the sole/back staples and cbf getting them resoled. Im selling them anyway to either get ramones or rick combats.

>> No.8079558

but soldiers in afgan were protecting themselves from being fucking shot + maximum utility

also forgot trip lol

>> No.8079574

yeah thats true, still i've been wearing jeans/cargoes all summer

cheers, busy browsing other boards

>> No.8079576

bye bby

>> No.8079586

>tfw asok posted his trip

we all saw it coming :(

>> No.8079589

what? where?

>> No.8079615

in some pigfuck thread the other day.

>> No.8079618

got a link in the archive? what happened?

seriously pf annoys me no end hes the worst aussie

>> No.8079624

hehe im the one who kept pushing him and pissing him off. playing him against pigfuck til he got fucking pissed off posted his trip and left. feels good man, he was an annoying little cunt. less fags like asokone and more cool dudes like tesso

>> No.8079631

Guess his existential crisis or whatever got to him in the end, eh? Seems we all go through it eventually
>A-at least I did
hope you're okay, mate

fuck that cunt
pigfuck don't bother replying, I've got you filtered

>> No.8079648

>bought some 10 dollar target tees
>they look disproportionate and terrible after the first wash

oh well

>> No.8079650

Get fucked mate, asok was alright
not the most effay of posters but a good lad all the same, better than some dickhead like pf

Unless you can get GOAT ramones (off-white) somewhere go for the combats man, they're great

>> No.8079660

well you are an asshole. he didnt show it most of the time but he was probably the most down to earth trip on the board.

>> No.8079684

yeah I'll add you, I'm guessing you're at KG? do you ever come over to GP

>> No.8079693

I got $5 ones from Kmart and they've held up quite nicely.
I just bought some plain white crewnecks for layering

>> No.8079697

he was a racist little fag who dressed in mall tier crap. he never improved and was offtopic 99% of the time, new nothing about fashion or design and thought he was going to be a writer one day. basically a delusional child with nothing worthwhile to say

>> No.8079707

yeah off white ones, or the new white ones with the gum sole.

nah dude im @ gp all day mondays.

>> No.8079708

harsh, harsh but fair

>> No.8079712

Completely agreed, I usually don't even read these type of threads despite being Australian myself.
Just because it's an Australia thread doesn't mean you need to write fuck and cunt and m8 incessantly. Stop giving us this disgusting image.

>> No.8079719

the literate and decently educated are a very small minority in this country so it makes sense that ausposters here would reflect a similar proportion of retards to normal people

>> No.8079724

seriously? when was asok ever racist? i can specifically remember a few times when he called people out for being racist

>> No.8079728

really I don't think I've ever seen you

whats your major? i do pleb-tier do math and engineering btw

>> No.8079729

Every second post was gook this and chink that. Even if it was ironically racist, it was cringeworthy to read coming from a sheltered little white kid in Canberra.

>> No.8079740

can you find an example of this in the archive?

>> No.8079742

Information Technology ;_;

>> No.8079805

>gum sole
what mate? Fancy linking me, pls?

He was a good bloke who dressed mostly in mall-tier crap who was making a decent effort to improve himself, had a good sense of humour and self-deprecation, and was a good presence around the board
>knew nothing about muh fashions
so like ~95% of the rest of the board then
you what m8. Have you had no experience of the Australian character? everyone's 'racist' in this country, it doesn't mean people actually believe this shit. Does it offend you as much irl? Because if you've come to 4chan with a thin skin, maybe you should reconsider your choice of forum.
For that matter, which poster were you paying attention to? I had a go at him jokingly several times about not believing the liberal lies he got fed at uni and he called me out in response for being a 'racist'
If you want to be happy with your personal vendetta against someone fine, you cunt, but don't come here and shit up my board with your pretensions of 'it was for muh fashions' or 'it was for muh privilege' that you did it, mate.

So this isn't entirely tripdrama:

failed out of Sci m8, did a year of CAP study and I'll hopefully be back second sem this year to do Arts
What are you studying?

>> No.8079816

fuck off with this industrie bullshit.
you're much better off copping something from ascolour or waiting a few weeks for uniqlo

>> No.8079824

Kaeho has free shipping on ascolour stuff if anyone wants to save ten bucks.

>> No.8079832

lol asok was definitely not a racist, he might as well have been a fucking walking privilege blog

>> No.8079844

Tell me about it eh?
Fucking anons and their bullshit

>> No.8079845

look at all these words sucking trip cock who no longer posts here. he was a fag and now he is gone. i win

>> No.8079853

Where's the best place to get basic tees that aren't shit?

>> No.8079854
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nah he was p good man. he was funny and friendly. more than we can say about you

you remind me of the guy on /p/ who always wanks on about all the trips he has bullied off the board. Like fuck, if you really care that much about other people on an internet board that you have to bully them away then you are honestly one sad little man

>> No.8079856

AScolour and Uniqlo.

>> No.8079861

as >>8079856 said tho you'll have to wait another week for the latter. American Apparel has some nice tees too - but unless you buy them on sale from asos or from their store they arent often worth it.

>> No.8079868

do you really though, anon?
I mean, all you've done is make the board a worse place for everyone, including yourself. Sure, your little 'victory' might partially fill the void in your empty life and your hollow self for now, but how long until it doesn't? And all you've done is make things worsen for everyone. Being effay has passed you by, living has passed you by, and all you've got to show for it are meaningless points on a scorecard only you can see.

I look down at muh Rick, and I weep. I weep for the board, and I weep for you, anon
It's not too late.

>> No.8079873

do you know thomas

>> No.8079876

>tfw cringing at S level 5 fits

>> No.8079874

can someone link the thread where asokone leaked his trip?

>> No.8079885

projecting much? why are u crying so much over him? he sucked and u know it. its not like tesselate or fallowbro or s or an austrip who was actually cool left. calm down scitz

>> No.8079894

i think it was pruned. pigfuck was being a little gay as usual and i kept saying shit like "you're never as cool as asokone, he is totally awesome" which pissed asokone off for some reason, then i pretended to be a pigfuck supporter and he got all butthurt that even pigfuck was way more effay than he was and he was wasting his life on this board when he's never going to make it. he posted his trip code and the rest is history :)

>> No.8079897

would it be on the archive?

>> No.8079904

>then i pretended to be a pigfuck supporter
>he got all butthurt

epic trole xD u sure showed him xDDD

>> No.8079908

are you really ugly? the only reason i can imagine someone would get this autistic over a trip on /fa/ is if they were cripplingly ugly and wanted to bring everyone else down to their level
>yfw you probably did him a favour by getting him to leave, and while he goes on to go places in life you will still be sitting in your room, posting about trivial bullshit on /fa/, watching your life go by


>> No.8079910

Man, fuck you. Cunt. He's better than you are, little bitch cacklin' cause he drove some trip off the board.
It's nice and safe being an anon I bet, never posting a fit or being questioned on your muh fashionz knowledge

>a little gay
pf is the worst presence we've ever had on this board, he doesn't even have the taste or personality to back up how he acts
At least all our other shitposting trips were, at the very least, funny

>> No.8079915

I didn't leave, this guy is full of shit.

>> No.8079917

A-are you the real asok, come to walk among us again?
P-post a fit, please

>> No.8079918

at sftm afterparty.


>> No.8079919

will the real asokone please stand up

>> No.8079922

Post pics/selfies Miffy!
Or at least get smashed and start arguing w/ people, telling them they'll never be as fashionable as Sruli Recht, do you know of him? Well he works with materials you couldn't even understand

>> No.8079923

you know what? fuck you. I might not have the writing skills yet, but I will. I'm only 20 and I've got plenty of time to get better. you're probably just some neckbeard loser anyway. and my fits are freshed and plenty of people used them from inspo you tryhard

>> No.8079926

i fucking hate yellows, blacks and browns so much. death to all but white.

>> No.8079927

pathetic. just fuck off m8. take these other anons advice and improve yourself, because you've got a long way to go.

>> No.8079929

Thomas who?


Jealous bro, stfm runway looked dece

>> No.8079931

this thread serves as another reminder why i left that shithole country for good.

>> No.8079932

just drove home a bit drunk. so stupid. was doing 120 in a 50 and when i came home i shut the garage door on the boot.. whoops

>> No.8079936

u dress better than asokone for sure, but he doesn't have psoriasis. so i guess its pretty even m8

>> No.8079940

>dresses better
pf's just a basic bitch at heart, the only reason he wears more expensive clothing is 'cause he gets to spend mummy and daddy's money

>> No.8079941

What are some good Aussie brands? I'm interested mainly in streetwear as well as more avante garde stuff.

>> No.8079942

Song For The Mute

>> No.8079943

basic bitch in raf looks way better than cheap monday jeans, doc martins and whatever mall tier shit asokone bought on sale with his chrissy money lol

>> No.8079947

There was a thread a week or so ago about Ksubi going bankrupt? Sucks, some of the runway and lookbook pics being posted looked great.

>> No.8079948
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>> No.8079952

pf's got no taste though, the only reason he looks better is because he's got (other peoples') money to spend on more expensive items
his fits? Oh, a hoodie/jumper, basic jeans and velcros
Really had to put a lot of thought into that

At least asok was getting better, aiming to improve himself as he was getting more money

>> No.8079955

thats probably why asokone posted his trip. no matter how much of a little fag pigfuck is, this is still a fashion board and pf buries asokone in that regard. he couldnt take being owned that hard in that thread where pigfuck shot him down and then other anons were ragging on asokone's fits. oh well. people with thin skin wont last here thats for sure

>> No.8079956


>> No.8079958

They were overpriced for what they were, but it's still sad to see a decent Aussie brand going down.

They had a lot of really nice items that could be worked into fits quite well (cargos in particular come to mind)

>> No.8079963

i dont reckon he was getting better. his last few fits were fucking bad dude..

>> No.8079966

This. Also he had this real condescending tone when trying to give advice to newbs. And honestly, he was the last person who should be giving fashion advice to anyone.

>> No.8079973

Ksubi went bankrupt but then an American company had bought them out.

>> No.8079975

Howso, though?
pf almost never posts anything that actually discusses fashion, it's just mindless shitting on others. In the event that he does, it's shit he's just absorbed from more knowledgeable trips that he regurgitates with equal mindlessness knowing they're not still around to call him on it (though I doubt anybody here's old enough to remember anyway)
Fitwise? See my earlier post.

>what is irony
Yes I'm aware I'm not using that term correctly.
If you don't have the money to dress well the way you want, why not have a few laughs with it? Look at abo, or prophet when he first started posting fits
Or even these days, sometimes.

>> No.8079978

Again? Shit, they've been saved from closing down a few times by now, haven't they?

>> No.8079979

Yep and they're bankrupt again. This is the third time. 100+ staff are probably going to lose their jobs. Their sunglasses line was the only one making money and they sold that off to a Chinese company ages ago.

>> No.8079982

Fuckin' Chinese mate, I can see why asok was becoming a racist now.

>> No.8079980

apart from maybe 3 or 4 fits he posted where he was serious he was just trolling. sure, he wasnt great even when he was serious but it was better than most on this board.

besides, you dont have to be fashionable to know what looks good and what doesnt.

>> No.8079985

QLD bros turn on SBS2 some korean slut is geting nailed. why is this on commercial tv?

>> No.8079988

tried to get selfie with Lupe Fiasco

nearly got knocked out by security lol

>> No.8079997

end of april looks promising when it comes to perth weather
24th - max 18c, min 7c. cloudy
but then again a 2 week forecast doesnt seem reliable

>> No.8079994

sbs doesn't count as commercial tv mate
Fuck yeah, Tales of Nights is back
muh korean qts

should've told them to step off and fit battle m8

>> No.8080012


srsly? that shit is nandos tier

>> No.8080016

where are you? what's it like up there?

>> No.8080018

>this faggot thinks nandos is the only place in australia that sells mexican food

>> No.8080026

Hope you're okay bruh.

>doesn't like Mexican food
are you fucking kidding
also this >>8080018

>> No.8080042

Speaking of Nandos, I walked into a nandos the other day because I had to take a huge dump.

Went to their only male bathroom, probably spent a good 10-15 minutes in there only to find that the flusher didn't work.

Panic starts to set in and I wonder what I'll do.

I think about letting a staff member know.

End up just walking out without buying anything.

I just left a huge steamy pile of shit float in the only male toilet in their restaurant.

>> No.8080045

i clogged the toilet at my uni the other day with a massive shit
it was like a foot long

tried to flush it but only the toilet paper got flushed away so it just looked like someone did a massive dump without using toilet paper

>> No.8080046

>this faggot thinks nandos is mecican fod...

>> No.8080051

Lmao nandos is Portuguese iirc

>> No.8080055

im going to miss asok

asokone if you are reading this i just want to let you know i support you and your dreams and hope you achieve your goals

dont let some e-nerds or anyone else for that matter stop you becoming the man you can be

much love
your boy

>> No.8080057

I think that's the point he was making originally.

What were those gum-soled Ramones you mentioned before?

>> No.8080062


I had a day dream that the manager working there asks one of the employees to go empty the toilet with a dust pan and brush and the employee just happens to be black and let's out a "I AIN'T GET PAID ENOUGH FOR DIS SHIT"

I also had a thought that when I walked past earlier today that a few of them were waiting outside the joint and are like "There he is! Get him!"

Then they proceed to stomp on my head.

I wonder how long it took them to find that no one had flushed the toilet and how bad is must have smelt.

>> No.8080065

Mate, don't get too ahead of yourself. He was obviously going through some kind of nervous breakdown/existential crisis during the last few weeks he was posting here. To think you were the reason he posted his trip is just naive.

>> No.8080068

topcuck, another one bites the dust

>> No.8080069

Why do I have to wait another week? Is there a sale?

>> No.8080070

kek so hard

>> No.8080075

hes probably just stressed about life and uni, and hes got a job now too

he'll get over it though i hope, any way taking time off from 4chan might be a good idea
get lost pigfuck

>> No.8080071

fuck off pigfuck

Haven't opened their online store or a full store yet.

>> No.8080080

ahh ok, thanks

>> No.8080102

s asokone or tesselate organising the brisbane fa meetup in winter

>> No.8080109

asokone isnt a brisbanite

>> No.8080110

aso wasnt even from brisbane

>> No.8080113

have it on the goldy. black coffee lyrics has to be the most effay place to have a meet up

>> No.8080116

Cbf looking, on my phone. But they are new season off white ramones with a sole that looks semen colored

Me, email in field if you wanna know when it happens

>> No.8080120

okay so instead of us discussing fast food and being dramatic little bitches, did anyone watch the song for the mute runway show?

>> No.8080117

ask wouldn't go to a fa meetup anyway. he'd get bashed for being a little shitcunt

>> No.8080138

implying anyone on /fa/ is capable of 'bashing' someone

>> No.8080140

I use it all the time. Too lazy to find another proxy so I just use the conspicuously-advertised Buyee which despite some complaints I find to work perfectly. Really easy to use, too. Only problem is you'll end up paying 5% and about $20 shipping, but if you don't mind the overheads it's great.

Here is all the designers' names in Japanese:

You can usually get away with searching in English, but if you search in Japanese there's more for some designers like Yohji or Junya. Enjoy.

I know the feeling man. Sounds like nothing but it is excruciating. We're all gonna make it bro

>> No.8080150

God damn you're attractive tesseract

>> No.8080156

that is so fucking aus-effay

i always write tyler lyrics in toilets at my uni

>> No.8080160

weather finally getting a bit cooler at night in QLD. can actually wear a long sleeve shirt after 7 pm. yay

>> No.8080161

where in the west?

>> No.8080167

did you guys hear about >alex perry getting in hot water over using a model that was too skinny

what shits me to tears is those all inclusive "u r beautiful no matter ur size bb" grab their pitchforks and start getting super mad that fashion demands different standards for modelling clothing

aside from that did anyone actually go to fashion week/ would it even be worth going to

>> No.8080173

also anyone from canberra want to meet up at the footy on saturday
>inb4 philistine/gay sport

rip asok would still hang out with you at anu m8

>> No.8080175

aus is fattest in the world now for adults. u know how fucking sensitive and butthurt fat people are in general, combine that with aussie natural whingyness and whelp..

>> No.8080177

already did a while ago, must have gotten your email confused with asokone cause they kinda sound similar.

>tfw I hope my hair grows long enough to have a dope hy for the meetup
>(so i can impress the /fa/ bois)

>> No.8080178

Hah, you too? Earl's where it's at though
If I could sneak into the fem toilets I'd probably scrawl some tyler

I think it's cause the industry agreed to only use 'models of a healthy appearance' a while back, and he's just gone and disregarded it
I could care less, but he's a fuckwit anyway so who cares
>fashion week
Miffy goes because he's patrician, whenever I ask if it's good he ignores me though

>> No.8080179

yea im keen m8. email in field

>> No.8080184
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sent ;)

>> No.8080190

i swim at my local pool, and my god....literally everyone over 30 who is not an obvious fitness junky is hideously overweight

>> No.8080191

We're gonna roll you!
Also, afl rules
Also, if you see asok at uni tell him aus/fa/m's got his back

>> No.8080195

>tools hit like pool sticks the way i cue shit


>> No.8080196

probably still not in this thread but

fellow novacastrian here. What you doing at uni m8? I'm in my last year of IT. Any local stores/brands I should cop?

>> No.8080199

lucky im on the GC so half the people under 50 have had major work done or are on roids. can always tell the interstate tourists though, walking around clueless with their 2 fat kids and fat wife in tow, checking out infinity and complaining about the heat. lose weight u fat fuck and maybe the heat wont bother u so much. fatlets when will they learn?

>> No.8080207
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>bulldogs supporters exist
>implying i actively support gws
but yeah asok shouldn't have gotten that butthurt

this is 4chan after all you can't expect your feelings to be looked after by these clearly mentally unstable people

>> No.8080213

i was up there over summer...holy shit i will never get sick of going into woolworths and seeing hotties shopping in sportsbras

>> No.8080216

I like this png file. It's funny.

>> No.8080220


>> No.8080221


bash stance fag do it

>> No.8080232

ewan is that u mate?

>> No.8080235

everyone stop using asoks trip it's not funny

>> No.8080236

I'm actually convict
>jk I actually do exist
So close to posting gameday fits a couple times
Might as well support the giants, better than a team like the dogs or st kilda ;_;

As the other anon said though, he's clearly had a lot going on for him personally lately, existential crisis/anxiety or whatever
It's sad 'cause he reminded me of myself when I first came to this board

>tfw I scrawled 'no fuck that nigga I got you, fuck that' on top of a door once and we got through most of the first verse before it got cleaned ;_;

>> No.8080244

>Implying I don't need full Arts and Engineering degrees for my desired career
Fuck off, you pretentious, provincial cunt

>> No.8080245

We should all use asokone's trip for the next week in memory of our fallen brother.

>> No.8080251

what are you talking about? its me mate. its asok mate

>> No.8080252


>> No.8080253

I know one dude who majored in arts for his undergrad and postgrad. He's teaching English in Korea now. What a retard.

>> No.8080261

That's fucked, I need a full Arts degree or equivalent credit, in Politics, Modern History or Int. Relations; and full Engineering to qualify for my postgrad
Still, those Korean qts

hahahaha 2late4someone

>> No.8080268

do you guys also think its hilarious that his trip was 'trains'? cunt was esh to the bone

>> No.8080269

oh cool you're part of /afl/. that's not you van, is it? i miss you if so. or are you a st kilda supporter? i post /fa/ references there all the time hoping to catch some of you

that gameday fit is something i've been thinking about for a while i'm gonna get a gameday fit with my tigers scarf and everything going someday

>tan khakis, dan dappered up
good tune, don't really like earl much tho

>> No.8080297

what does asok look like?? just never seen him

>> No.8080299

Naw bruh, sorry - only just started lurking /afl/ this year, most of the time it's when I'm at a game as well so I don't post much
I'll keep an eye out for those /fa/ references
>tfw am a Dogs supporter ;_;
>tfw another year ;_;

We should do this shit mate! Fit battle me, Tigers scarf would look dope in a fit, because of >muh colours I can't wear all muh black
Next game is in 3 weeks for me, I'll post fit then

>Vagabond, had it since a Padawan,
>Rappin' hard as cattle brands, wearin' fuckin flannel thongs
earl is goat for me, dat flow + a mate first got me into OF through him

>> No.8080338

you should stay on and post more, we have decent threads and convict will be really happy to see another bullies supporter

at least you beat us last week because gia is too fucking smart

fit battling would be gr8 and i'm going to do it one of these days

earl is kind of like taking sleeping tablets for me most of the time and tyler has fallen off a cliff. frank isnt even really affiliated with OF anymore so i can hardly say that they've managed to stay good and relevant as a group. The Internet is good tho

>> No.8080347

can someone please post pic

>> No.8080359


goodnight fellas

i'll see you on /sp/ dogsbro

>> No.8080371

Yeah dude, I'll have to post more
Gotta stick together, eh?
>that last quarter
>muh heart
Couldn't believe that shit, so glad he stayed around another year

I'm only just getting into rap, so it's all entry-level shit for me kek
I'll make it one of these days

G'night mate, see you 'round the boards tigsbro
3 weeks 4 that fit m8!

>> No.8080494

Monash is where its at my main man.
Commerce Double degree is the party

>> No.8080501
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>> No.8080509
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Melbourne snobs go home!

>> No.8080518

No! 1% represent
At least the worst someone who reps Monash to based UniMelb has to worry about is snickers and snide comments, I feel like Imma be bashed/stabbed any time I go past Clayton

What's the other half of your double m9?

>> No.8080590

toughen up you soft wank, Clayton may be a shit suburb filled with curry munchers but clayton campus is gods gift to Australia. Com/Eng represent. I am the 1% m4t3

>> No.8080600

I live in the northwest mate, got nothin' to worry about
>never made it to the campus
Have you even been to UniMelb
It's perfect

Fuck, my cousin did Com/Law
Fuck that shit, nigguh

>> No.8082351

>its perfect
Now im really keen to go

>> No.8082385
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>tfw you just want it to be winter so you can start layering

>> No.8083496

what shops do you guys from melbourne visit?

>> No.8083571

where to buy clothes online or in sydney?

>> No.8084089

Str8 2 the top.

H&M queue is still fucking around the corner from Bourke and onto Elizabeth. Too much of a pansy to queue up. Can't even sneak in because they hired a bunch of security.

>> No.8084095

FAT, Incu and Theuptherestore are all bretty good

>> No.8084099

Somewhere is pretty cool

>> No.8084114

Harrolds my nigga
>y-you said just visit, right?

>> No.8084230

went to CHADSTONE SHOPPING MALL cause me and my gf were in the area shopping for bike stuff anyway. such a weird bubble, shopping malls are weird as fuck

got a white oxford from muji, but i foolishly nearly tried on a one of the women's ones

>> No.8084242

dont be such a fuccboi. its a bag of dicks and any tripe you want to buy will still be there in 2 weeks when it dies down

>> No.8084247

fuck off cunt you got something wrong with your brain bro

>> No.8084280


muh basics tho

>> No.8084292

ive been to 4 h&m's in 3 different countries and never once did i see anything decent worth wearing, let alone buying. there was shit with stitches loose, pilling and falling apart on the racks... its only popular because its dirt cheap. and in aus its probably got a mark up on it. why bother?

>> No.8084297





>> No.8084309

there are any number of basics suppliers in melb that are infinity better

>> No.8084336

This. Just wait and what others saif there are plenty other stores around. Isn't there a Uniqlo opening up this week?

>> No.8084340


>> No.8084351

where to cop good basic tops in melbourne?

>> No.8084358

Plane Clothes sells ascolour shirts.

>> No.8084364


Don't worry man, every time I go in there I start mirin all the women's clothes before realising I'm in the wrong section.

How's the oxford? I've never actually tried one on. Always thought the material they use was a bit too rough.

>> No.8084409

anyone in melb been to eastern market?
it any good? seems like interesting range of brands, would like to ccp in person

>> No.8084417

any good aus brands other than andrew mcdonald and songs for the mute?
sruli's gone belly up p much, chronicles of never is shit, so is vanishing elephant
aus must have some decent labels

>> No.8084421

3030 mah niggs

>> No.8084426

bb-bbbb-but muh basics.... bbbbroroooooooooo

>> No.8084441


Mr. Simple does some cool basics. Reasonably priced too

>> No.8085480

Finally, an austhread!
Well, you can get a lot of good shit at boutiques on the alleys around Stephansplatz. Mariahilfer is pleb/10, don't even think about going there. If you want good shit, hit up Innsbruck for some vintage shit like mountaineer backpacks and other stuff.