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/fa/ - Fashion

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8053665 No.8053665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tips on becoming /fa/ thin.
Height: 5'5"
Current weight: 160
Goal: 120

Anyone with similar problem or solution?

>> No.8053670
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>height 5'5''
I hope youre a girl

>> No.8053687

120 at 5'5 isn't skele mode but skele mode is dumb anyway

>> No.8053688

eat less calories than you burn. eat mainly vegetables (my knowledge isn't good with meat products because i'm a vegetarian). fruits are okay in moderation; they still have a lot of sugar and carbs. exercise for at least an hour a day. drink liquids with zero calories, but try to stay away from soda.
the occasional purge doesn't hurt, either.

>> No.8053720

Thanks- I'll try everything but the purging. I'm just trying to lose weight to feel better in clothing and in general.

>> No.8053739


>> No.8053747

I've been noticing your posts over the last half hour or so - are you okay

>> No.8053766

I'm 179 cm and weigh 58.5 kg.
Am I skelly mode?

Just don't eat so much. Exercise a lot. Output of energy > Intake of energy.

Try stay away from milk and sugary drinks. Only drink water.
Stay away from high carb stuff. Eat lots of fibre/ low GI food.

>> No.8053768


>> No.8053770

Dont drink anything other than water and coffee.
Use the coffee to fill you up instead of eating meals.
No more dipping sauces- EVER
Stop eating red meat

5'10" 125lbs here. Only had a cup of coffee, 1 cup of plain oatmeal, and one turkey burger with lettuce today.

>> No.8053772

I think I count as /fa/ thin, but I couldn't give you any tips. I'm one of those lucky fuckers that can eat what they want and barely exercise.

The best way to reduce weight is to eat healthier, not necessarily less, and to exercise more. Mostly Cardio, a little bit of strength training to tone up a bit.

For context, 6'2, 140lbs. male here.