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File: 56 KB, 638x520, downFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8047116 No.8047116[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Breaking down barriers: Russian designers present catwalk collections on disabled models at Moscow Fashion Week"


>> No.8047120
File: 48 KB, 638x545, halfdowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8047122

w2c downs syndrome?

>> No.8047127


>> No.8047125
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>> No.8047134


>> No.8047132

>>> /b/

>> No.8047137

But really, why are they all wearing rubber boots? This is hilarious

>> No.8047138

>would cop

>tfw disabled people can model but not you

>not calling them downs
>implying they had blind people walking the catwalk

>> No.8047141
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>> No.8047148
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>> No.8047149

this ho ugly af

y couldnt they get decent freaks instead of this debbie downer

>> No.8047150

i'm dying

>> No.8047153

Brooke Candy always ahead of the game.

>> No.8047159
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>> No.8047157

>look at these retards!
>accept them!

Oooooh, what an "out there" thing to do.

>> No.8047166

Not gonna lie, other than the boots that's a sick fit

>> No.8047171
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>> No.8047173

oh fuck
retards in sick fits
imagine if every down syndrome guy dressed like that
maybe some day

>> No.8047181
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>> No.8047186
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>> No.8047245
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omg w2c sick saradomin collabs

>> No.8047249

/pol/ was right again

>> No.8047255

that's how i imagine girls feel when the guy they're with is shorter than them

>> No.8047268

wow really feeling the desire to cop after watching these disables showing them off
>tfw when my uncle is Intellectual disability yet has a wife who isn't and a daughter who isn't

>> No.8047713

>these people are models
>you arent

>> No.8047725

same to u faget

>> No.8047772

Damn they look fly

>> No.8047806

Oh filename, you got me laffin'!

>> No.8047814

oh shit.

>> No.8047829

so instead of isolating those untermensches from healthy society, and pretending they dont exist, we do that. Nice! sure, let retards be part of society, let's pretend they are equal to us, let them keep breeding, let's spoil the human gene pool even more, so by year 2100 95% of the Earth population is shit-skinned and have some inborn health problem.

>> No.8047868
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this is like some dr seuss shit

>> No.8047892
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>> No.8047916

bawww I should be allowed to pass my shit genes along and make my future children suffer! but I love my children even tho I make them endure that!

you don't have to kill anyone ffs just sterilize... society would be better if we used eugenics.

>> No.8047911

>mfw downies can be models but i cant

>> No.8047924

>let them keep breeding
>tfw they can get a gf but you can't

>> No.8047929

It's funny because downs syndrome and paralysis as result of trauma isn't the kind of thing you pass onto your kids. What are you idiots going on about?

>> No.8048047

>ima reeree

>> No.8048055

disgusting post 07 garments

>> No.8048068

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed the stupidity there

>> No.8048083

oh god

>> No.8048091

this is a good idea, but they really should have gotten some better designers. like think of all the sick ass things you could do with this chick. they should have gone full robo techninja, but instead they throw some gay ass yellow star on some ymca-gray

>> No.8048093

it's just to garner attention by saying "look at us we're so politically correct and socially conscious!"…. judging by this threads existence it seams to be working.

>> No.8048113
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It's been done.

>> No.8048110

Potatocore 2014

>> No.8048146

is he carrying his arm in that bag

>> No.8048149

I knew a retarded woman who wanted to fuck me a while back. And she was hot, too. You wouldn't know she was mentally disabled unless you talked to her.

>> No.8048156

or looked at her

>> No.8048173

lmao he's killing it out there

>> No.8048174


No, she was really hot. Tiny petite with a dark Italian look.

>> No.8048208
File: 325 KB, 352x264, gif of me 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a retarded like 45 y/o lady sat right next to me for 20 minutes and then confessed her love for me at the public transport

>> No.8048211

tbh u should have went for it
bragging rights & a good story

>> No.8048234

Except it could be considered rape and then you go to jail. That's like fucking a child, unless they are only slightly retarded

>> No.8048247

Hmm...still there are probably VERY retarded people that are attractive. So, chance is that girl he is talking about is at least independent enough to legally fuck.
Either way I'm mostly joking.

>> No.8048248
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, thatfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gold

>be on bus
>see an absolutely gorgeous blonde across the bus, model tier facial aesthetics
>momentary lapse of beta, her attractiveness overrode any ration, decide to talk to her
>I get off at the last stop, wait for her to get off first so I can catch up to her
>she starts walking in convulsions, her knees are bent inwards
>mfw she probably had cerebral palsy and her face remained completely intact

words could not describe the cocktail of guilt and sympathy I felt

>> No.8048252

If hell existed you would all be goin there

>> No.8048257

this is pasta?

>> No.8048260

no, this happened

>> No.8048266

Oh my god

>> No.8048273

>plying it doesnt

>> No.8048283

there was supposed to be the word few in here lol
*polite sage*

>> No.8048288

I'm pretty left-leaning but I genuinely believe retards are a burden on society. Let's stop pretending they are equal to us. Why are not aborting these people on detection?

>> No.8048294
File: 86 KB, 356x700, 1395801973186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading this the first [?] time you posted it. you wrote it out a lot better. poor girl.

>> No.8048298

Ok, well why don't we just kill everyone that isn't aryan race huh? what about just people with dyslexia or another minor disorder?
Why not?
Because life is a human right and retarded or not they are still human and feel and think and stuff.

>> No.8048319

lol at this religious fag

>> No.8048325

what about elders?
kill people at 65 instead of letting them leech on society

>> No.8048333

Oh honey.

You think I pretend people are "equal" to me just because they're part of society?

>> No.8048339

o shit

>> No.8048337


>> No.8048431

>Ok, well why don't we just kill everyone that isn't aryan race huh?
That'd be great.

>> No.8048463

>Ok, well why don't we just kill everyone that isn't aryan race huh?

I don't have anything against people with intact intellectual capacities, regardless of their race. Nice try turning this argument into racism.

> what about just people with dyslexia or another minor disorder?
>minor disorders

No. They were productive members of society while they could.

>> No.8048506

Lol, u cunt :O)

>> No.8048746

His only friends are tranny.
Might as well be tard

>> No.8048840

oh fucking lol

>> No.8048864


>> No.8050615

Melanin is an advantage not a disability. The more melanin you have the more protected you are from UV rays. Albinism is a disability because you lack natural protection from the sun

>> No.8050624

I don't understand. Fashion is all about aspirations and projecting a certain lifestyle that a consumer would want by buying the product.
Why would people want to be downs? I mean, fair enough, it's nice to see other people be given a chance or a bit of limelight like everyone else, but this shouldn't be taken seriously

>> No.8050626

tbh she's probs not a virgin even with the condition

>> No.8050637

> tfw you aren't retarded
> you're just normal but asocial and ugly

Can't even blame it on some disease or anything.

>> No.8050641

lol runway fashion is so retarded. i dont know how anyone can take this shit seriously at an adult age. sad really.

>> No.8050655

High melanin leads to disabilities in high latitudes tho. Its not all good. But yeah, as a whitey who is constantly fried under this ridic aussie sun it would be nice to have a bit more melanin

>> No.8050667

>Moscow Fashion Week
Who cares

>> No.8050675

I'm pretty sure you can't breed if you have the incorrect number of chromosomes.

>> No.8050684

teeps fleburbur!

>> No.8050685

Why don't we just kill EVERYONE?

>> No.8050708


so much potential, shitty fucking fit