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/fa/ - Fashion

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8027680 No.8027680 [Reply] [Original]

>get sick
>lose weight
>jaw and cheeks start lookin real good
>tonsils start fuckin bout
>geddem removed
>jaw lookin weak af


>> No.8027729

Oh shit fits that really happen?
I was considering getting them out but I think I'll leave them in if it does

>> No.8027764

only get em out if you got to dog

im mad devastated i did

also it hurt like fuck

>> No.8027799

how do tonsils affect your jawline? I thought they were down your throat

>> No.8027812

oh wait i meant wisdom teeth babahahah im stupud as fycj

>> No.8027851

Even still. Your face is probably just puffing out from the stress of your gums.

>> No.8027863

This. Chill, Opie.

>> No.8027947

my jaw got more defined a grew a little more the following months after i got my wisdom teeth out (age 19)

>> No.8027958

try wear af1

>> No.8027988

af1 yellow sole problem solved

>> No.8028993
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>move to Europe
>lose weight
>cheekbones and jawline looking amazing
>find out that I'm apparently good looking
>everything is going great
>confidence through the roof
>4 months later
>horrid acne shows up
>have to talk to three doctors before being prescribed medication
>going to take months for it to really have an effect
>trying to accept my fate

>> No.8029000 [DELETED] 

how old r u

>> No.8029001

how bad acne are we talking?

i hope u make it m80

>> No.8029003

You're gonna make it mate, you can get through
Just think of how good it'll be on the other side!

S-same here, except
>tfw badly thinning instead of ance
>tfw moved back to aus ;_;

>> No.8029023
File: 68 KB, 680x682, 1369989910665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get wisdom teeth removed
>Hurts like all hell
>Jawline is looking weak due to lack of teeth
>Begin to get depressed and the aching in the back of my mouth is a constant reminder of my lack of masculinity.
>One day, put on my AF1s
>Pain stops
>Jawline peaking
>Bitches mirin'
>Soles yellowing
>Thank you blessed Vietnamese children. You superior craftsmanship and tiny malnourished fingers have saved my life ;_;

>> No.8029024

> tiny malnourished fingers

>> No.8029027

how did the shoes make ur wisdom teeth grow back? i dont get it. is this a joke? a meme?

fucking /fa/ man what a riot

>> No.8029030

It's pronounced... May may...

>> No.8029032

good troll

>> No.8029038

It is though, you autist.

>> No.8029068

haha dude u got trollzeriz0ed

>> No.8029079


this is the troll line all posters and posts under it are officially TROLLING DO NOT RESPOND, DO NOT FEED THE TROLL, REPORT THEM TO MODERATORS AND ADMINS


>> No.8029088

Hah! You, sir, have been entrapped and trolled!
You see, I have already filtered, saged, hidden and reported you for your previous posts!

>> No.8029085

Good b8 m8

>> No.8029188

>move to europe
>lose weight
>intense square jaw replaced by simply a strong jaw

>> No.8029197

You did a good thing op
