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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 408 KB, 1128x1786, 1396112174444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8018189 No.8018189 [Reply] [Original]

When does your jaw stop growing and therefore when does your jawline stop developing?

Also to what extent can a rhinoplasty change your attractiveness and the types of hairstyles you can pull off? I don't have a nordic god tier jaw and therefore can't pull off my goldbergstein nose

>> No.8018222

your early twenties, as your growth stops your jaw stops developing too

and a rhinoplasty can make you go from a 4/10 to a solid 7

>> No.8018319

who's that model

>> No.8018541


>> No.8018544

when will my jawline start developing;_;

>> No.8018600

obviously jill sander....

>> No.8018900


srsly tho

>> No.8018947

How old are you?
If you're older than 20-22, it won't ever unless you get implants

>> No.8019113


>> No.8019135

I think >>8018222 pretty well answered your question. Did you want a second opinion or something?

>> No.8019282
File: 221 KB, 1190x1764, 1396127847156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just drop this here.

Stay jelly, y'all.

>> No.8019323

Chew some gum (srs)

At the end of the day your jaw and temples will be sore as all fuck, but you'll look better after.

>> No.8019352

one side of my face is more defined than the other it is weird
the bones of the left side of my face are more pronounced; at the chin there is a bump on the bone. the other side in contrast is very smooth an rounded
i hate it; i just want symmetry one way or the other

>> No.8019366
File: 19 KB, 450x253, 1396128704484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting ass the mask jawed motherfucker

>> No.8019364

symmetry is overrated, embrace your baroqueness

>> No.8019418

would applying prolonged pressure to the jaw, in the period it is growing, influence it's shape?

If I was to press my growing jaw inwards to make it narrower would it actually have any effect over any period of time or would that just be delusional

>> No.8019525
File: 484 KB, 300x225, black_nigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8019568

are you retarded?

>> No.8019610
File: 269 KB, 609x610, cats2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude and he is like 16


>> No.8019632
File: 55 KB, 600x840, 1396131097046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai new male model-fu

>> No.8019648

You suffer from a severe case of autism. As if that wasn't bad enough, you're fucking ugly.


>tfw we'll never be as good looking as Tom
>tfw nobody will ever have his god-tier jawline

>> No.8019654

Hahahahaha TERRIBLE. Fuck. Now, in the words of >>8019366, that's DISGUSTING. Blegh.

>> No.8019669


>> No.8019683


>> No.8019718

I bet you like Cole Mohr,pleb

>> No.8019735

Seriously, how'd you know? I bet you try to be goth ninja instead of normcore.

>> No.8019975
File: 186 KB, 466x700, tumblr_lz8op33cH01r08i8yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c nice jawline

how much does the surgery run for
is there a difference between orthognastic surgery and implants? My upper jaw is too "high up" (or whatever the dentist said I don't remember), can it be taken care of by insurance and health care

>> No.8022939


>> No.8023012

the aztecs or something did this with wooden planks so their children developed with triangular heads
so potentially yes but youd need to walk around with pieces of wood strapped yo ur head

>> No.8023027

yep its artificial cranial deformation.

>> No.8023036
File: 12 KB, 800x383, 1396176425832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mouth breath?

>stopped mouth breathing with the help of adderall
>jaw line improved massively

>> No.8023041

I try to breathe only with my nose yes.

>> No.8023047
File: 756 KB, 1576x2616, 1288936429042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old are you? you could hope for a growth spurt or major changes if you're under 20

>> No.8023052

is that knochs brother?
crap he got all the good genes didnt he

>> No.8023056

Yeah I'm under 20.

Thing is my genetics are bullshit, my father has jaw problems, and although I don't have any medical issues with my jaw, it's shapeless.

Can I hope to not end up looking too much like my father?

>> No.8023058

>tfw turkish

>> No.8023071

they are not even the same ethnicity

very unlikely then, you can always save up for surgery though

or pretend your jawline problems make you psychologically ill, if you live in a nice country the insurance will pay

>> No.8023078

How much does the surgery cost and what does it consist in?

Worst thing is my mother has really good genetics but I apparently inherited my father's, fuck him

>> No.8023088

depends on your country

could be as low as 5k or as high as 20

>> No.8023100


I saw a pic floating around of a guy pre-surgery and post-surgery. Before the op he had a crooked jew nose and a nonexistent jaw, and after it, he had a nice smooth nose and a defined jawline.

Is there any kind of surgical procedure that fixes both the nose and jaw?

>> No.8023109

he just got two different ones

Orthognathic surgery



>> No.8023119

in the USA how much would the total be (assuming I'm going for a qualified and competent surgeon)?
Is nineteen years old too early for a surgery?

tbh my insecurity might stem from the fact that I don't want to look like my father for various reasons, I just want my appearance to have nothing to do with him

>> No.8023131

Go to a shrink then.

probably around 20k for everything and 19 is too young

>> No.8023146

the guy on the left would still be hot shit if he wasnt a fat fuck

>> No.8023150

A shrink?

Why is 19 too young, is it because I might still develop? I don't believe I would, I've been an ugly motherfucker since my early teens, I'm not magically gonna become handsome

20k isn't that much, I suppose loans don't exist for cosmetic surgery though?

>> No.8023152

I've seen him skinny on other pics with the guy on the left so it was probably just a phase

>> No.8023175

Well, you should seek psychological help instead since your problems are deeper rooted than you looks.

>> No.8023183

Oh, psychiatrists don't help. Or at least they didn't do shit for me.

as long as those 20k can make me look different enough, those problems will disappear

>> No.8023187
File: 1.94 MB, 2217x2569, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no knoch-tier hair genetics

>> No.8023347

they wont. If anything they'll get worse because you'll realize nothing has changed

you will always be the fruit of his loins

>> No.8023359

how is ur hair so dry

>> No.8023374

>nothing has changed
it's about appearance, so yes it will have changed
>you will always be the fruit of his loins
Apart from making me feel better by making me more attractive physically, it'll be more of a symbolic act than anything else

Hard to describe anyway

>> No.8023378

also u can prolly fuck a hotter girl then ur kids wont be stuck with the same weak ass genetics

>> No.8023384

I don't want to have kids as of now, it'd be a dick move to give them those genetics anyway

>> No.8023564

you sound like those virgins who think everything will change to the better once they had sex

>> No.8023589

At least I'll look better

>> No.8023595

btw what happened to knochen? i frequented /fa/ when he was still active then left now came back and he's nowhere to be seen

>> No.8023598

knoch is kill

>> No.8023606

knoch is so fuckin ethereally beautiful
lets take a moment to appreciate and be destroyed by the fact that none of us look like this

>> No.8023607
File: 94 KB, 647x360, knochgone2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't care anymore and left

>> No.8023635

..so if you have a powerful nordic jaw you can pull off the oy vey nose?
>Half Swedish half Russian Jew reporting in

>> No.8023678
File: 147 KB, 365x438, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dammit mate, spat birch juice all over my keyboard

>> No.8023697

I would think... I mean, you hear about cone head babies that got vacuumed out and shit... but that's babies you know?

>> No.8024650


But tbh a manly jaw AND a non-jew nose is better than a manly jaw and an oy vey nose

It looks purer

>> No.8024823
File: 628 KB, 1582x1047, 1395175804479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know but i lost weight and went from a 4/10 to an 8/10

>> No.8024830


>> No.8024836

don't go on /soc/

>> No.8024846

u went from a 3/10 to a 4/10 man stop deluding yrself

>> No.8024851

How expensive is it to get jaw implants for a better jawline?
Is the procedure painful/complicated/dangerous?

>> No.8024854

more like from 1/10 to 2/10

>> No.8024857

it's a /fit/ thing guys
just stp

>> No.8024868

You seriously need to do something with your hair, looks nasty as fuck. Also go to some bitchy salon or something and ask them to do your eyebrows in a way that would make the angle of your eyes less depressed. Sorry but you're definitely not an 8/10.

>> No.8025122


>> No.8025151
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 1396210510493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 or h8

>> No.8025165

knoch hair genetics? you know his hairline is receding?

>> No.8025179

> tfw 18
> tfw there's still time

>> No.8025177


>> No.8025184

When you mean you stopped mouth-breathing, does that mean you stopped at a young age while your jaw was still developing or more recently?

>> No.8025189


pluck your eyebrows

>> No.8025193
File: 90 KB, 222x276, 1357505775986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> tfw could've gotten medically insured orthognatic surgery when I was 14 through my orthodontist

>> No.8026244
File: 668 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20140330_193636135_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted on a different thread but it's dead. What ya guys think of an ivy league haircut (military style)?

>> No.8026322

it takes ages and big manly eyebrows are in atm

>> No.8027588

Surgery at 14?

Elaborate pls

>> No.8027640

Grow out the top, keep sides short.

>> No.8027706

it's when you get surgery and are 14 years old. this is not a difficult concept.

>> No.8027726

Can facial aesthetics be even moderately fixed by dropping body fat? I'm skinnyfat and I've not got that much of a defined face, which I hate. It's not as bad as I make it sound though.

>> No.8028192

It isn't. His hairline has been like that on every picture ever.

>> No.8028197

oh god i have exactly this

>> No.8028208

that's like saying nose breathing will make your nose bigger

>> No.8028223

He has a high hairline, not a receding one.

just like

If it was receding there would have been a change in his photos but his hairline looks the same over years.

>> No.8028336

You're not supposed to get surgery when you're fourteen though, that's what I find strange

>> No.8028355

wherethefuck2cop rare knoch pics?

>> No.8028359

be an oldfag

>> No.8028362
File: 81 KB, 800x1153, 30680128672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one I ever bothered saving was this

>> No.8028365
File: 251 KB, 800x1067, 1387058661898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.8028369

>those shoulders
>those hands
>that hair


>> No.8028370


lmao what a fagit

>> No.8028378

>not liking knoch

dude wot

>> No.8028380


hes alright but kinda faggy, i wouldnt say i like him but i do not not like him xd

>> No.8028382

Fuck up, cur

>> No.8028384
File: 248 KB, 960x1280, 1385333827560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u guys I fucking love knock much...but fucking hate the fact that I'm not him
why live...
>inb4 knock samefagging

>> No.8028391
File: 2.16 MB, 2448x3264, 1296363269022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rare archival

you're just mad you can't pull off anything not even your own racial predisposition

>> No.8028388


>> No.8028390


>> No.8028395

post more
I'm tired okay

>> No.8028396


i dont know what are you talking about so imma take it as disrespectful so fuck you


i dont know what are you talking about so imma take it as disrespectful so fuck you

>> No.8028404

You got that part right at least.
Fuck up, mongrel.

>> No.8028410


fuck you fag fight me irl you piece of shit

>> No.8028415

i dont want to go to south africa, I'll have to mingle with shitskins and mongrels like you
what'd you say to me you fuccboi? I'm a 6'2 model draped in Ann Demeulemeester

>> No.8028419


> 6'2

fucking manlet faggot, when will you learn?

>> No.8028502
File: 311 KB, 1246x1417, 1309177626374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8028523

pls I beg of u, anon

>> No.8030068

How do I come to terms with the fact that I'm a 6/10 at best, /fa/?

I mean I dress as well as I can, I'm not too much of a manlet, I groom and take care of myself, but still. How do I deal with the fact that I'm unattractive facially?

A lot of things are wrong with my face - ears, jawline, nose, smile...

Is there any not too expensive surgery that could generally improve my appearance? I don't know what to do

>> No.8030113

I have an above average jawline but a shit chin
feels bad but i still look pgood

>> No.8030123

post pic

>> No.8030139

I look a lot like the model in OP but with a bit flatter jaw
what would you rate him?

>> No.8030151

I'd rather not... Later perhaps

I'm looking for general advice

>> No.8030163

there are no general advice in attractiveness
there are different kinds of beauties like different kinds of uglies

>> No.8030172

I think my description was enough, though...
Which kind of surgical procedure would be the most noticeable between ostoplasty, rhinoplasty, jaw surgery, etc

>> No.8030176

depends on your face

show your face

>> No.8030181

As I said I'd rather not, so whatever
At least I'm not deformed, I guess

>> No.8030222
File: 133 KB, 532x800, sean_o_pry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on his level. all of you.

>> No.8030231

If you have more than a single thing wrong with your face surgery won't change a thing.

Surgery "miracles" only happen when "that ugly guy" had nothing wrong but a jaw or a nose deformity.

>> No.8030242

IMO my jaw (too weak), nose (too big) and ears (too big) are all wrong. I'm wondering which surgery (because spending 50 grand on surgery isn't an option) would at least tone the ugliness down if you know what I mean

I'm not asking to be model tier, just to have decent aesthetics or to be considered by most as average or mildly attractive
I'm thinking the nose is the most noticeable one but my jaw is shitty too and getting a more defined jaw could compensate for both the nose and ears

idk really

my haircut a shit too, dammit

>> No.8030241
File: 141 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-20140330050253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No actual faces in a facial aesthetics thread? Cmon guys.

Pic related is me. Thoughts? Comments on hair are appreciated too.

Sorry if this shit rotates. My phone cannot control it.

>> No.8030246

It's not a rate thread.

>> No.8030259

>tfw drunk dial local jil sander boutique after hours to ask about sale pricing
>tfw they call back the next day
>tfw this is what the effay lifestyle is all about

>> No.8030263

post face

>> No.8030264

So instead of posting and getting opinions from people about your facial aesthetics, lets all circle jerk each other about models. Good plan, bud.

>> No.8030465

You can actually do something about your haircut that won't cost five grand so do it

>> No.8030542

Nose job.

I need one too

>> No.8030548

>potato nose

stop clenching your jaw bro, it looks silly. Also, do you house an animal on your head somewhere?

>> No.8031106

yeah but apart from the haircut?

>> No.8031292
File: 75 KB, 254x333, hair thread1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick fa what do i do with hair
I have shit hairline but my jaw is strong and my hair is pretty alright i guess

>> No.8031324
File: 6 KB, 200x200, ripzyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ my heart is actually hurting from laughing

>> No.8031390


short sides and back

>> No.8032257

what the fuck do you think we're going to do with your pic that you need to protect your identity lol

we can hardly tell anything about your age now, and facial features shape your "head shape" and what haircuts you can pullof more than you think

anyway it LOOKS LIKE your eyes are farther down than average on your head so you might want hair that hangs down lower than that. But over all I'd say your jaw+hair combo is pretty stylin

>> No.8034976

I think it's been said already you dense faggot

>> No.8034979

their head relaxes into the right shape quickly though it's normal for babies heads to be wierd shapes because the vagina compresses them

>> No.8035008

He's got great features but his tomato skin is so fucking ugly.

>> No.8035020

his skin + his wet hair make him look rly flustered

>> No.8035036

ur nose is always open and doesnt have joints so no
studies have been done on mouthbreathing and its affects on the tmj

>> No.8035040

u have to put a lot of thinking into surgery
in the meanwhile take care of ur skin hair etc

>> No.8035043

>put a lot of thinking
not if you go to a surgeon who's actually good and doesn't fuck around

>> No.8036512

Which male feature defines attractiveness moreso than other facial features? What is the main characteristic a man can have that makes him at least mildly attractive if we generalize standards of beauty (since it's subjective)?

Is it the strength of your jawline?

Please respond

>> No.8036525


>> No.8036529

symmetry and bonestructure

>> No.8036549


symmetry is #1

for attracting females, traditionally masculine features tend to be more immediately attractive - strong browlines, jaws, and a square face

>> No.8036558

>strong jaw
>square face
What's the difference?
If I understand well, I was right? The jawline is the most important thing?
Are there things women don't give a shit about, alternatively, when it comes to a guy's face/head?
Meaning not being deformed and having a generally well aligned facial structure right?
Even if you're not as symmetric as Knoch, you can still be considered as attractive by a lot of girls, it seems (Gosling's eyes have a downwards slope for example)
As for bonestructure, it's what I said right? Jawline?

>> No.8036571

gosling is ONLY attractive in movies because he's never looking straight at you

he looks like shit irl

>> No.8036575

I went to school with him, are you jelly?

>> No.8036579

bonestructure is much more than jawline

browline, cheekbones, nose, general facial shape

>> No.8036612

Well I guess most people don't really have to worry about symmetry right?
Or by symmetry do you mean actual perfection? As in, nevus on one side of the face but not the other makes it asymmetric? pls enlighten me
What's an attractive brow?
Can't anyone get nice cheeks by simply losing weight and getting teeth removed?
A strong jawline usually compensates for a bigger nose
Or maybe that's what you meant idk
>general facial shape
As in square, oblong...? Which one is the most attractive?

sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions but I'm trying to figure out the criteria for attractiveness

>> No.8036640

how much do jaw implants cost?

>> No.8036967

I'm getting rhinoplasty from Dr. Quereshy in Ohio. Anyone been to him before?

Also, slightly recessed jaw.. I know it's unattractive regardless or gender, but do you think a girl could still be alright looking with a recessed jaw? Plastic surgeons have told me it'll look fine once I get rhinoplasty to even out my face but.. I don't want to look "fine". I want to look better than that, I think.

>> No.8036993

>You're not supposed to get surgery when you're fourteen though, that's what I find strange
They like to do jaw surgeries when the patient is young now. I believe the recovery is easier? I don't really remember why. They offered the same for me.

>Little kid me "Uh uh! Nooo! Mom tell 'em no!"
>Mom: "We'll just do braces for now, maybe come back and do the surgery."
>Orthodontist: "Uh.. Alright.."
15 years later:
>Orthodontist: "Sorry Anon, we can't do this surgery because of your teeth alignment. Since you had braces, it would be too hard to revert your bite."

Basically, they can't do it. It would be like 5 years of braces now lol.

>> No.8037093
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x3552, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le instagram

>> No.8038587


>> No.8038861

ur black

>> No.8038898

u look like an elder earl sweatshirt

>> No.8038924

nah this guy is much more attractive than that ugly nigga

>> No.8039012

This guy has some ugly af lips

>> No.8040046

Is that what happened to Casemods?

>> No.8040198

I've had braces to realign my teeth.
Does it mean I can't get orthognastic surgery anymore?
Also how can I get it to be taken in charge by health care? It costs like 30k here

>> No.8040605


>> No.8040946

bumpu agen

>> No.8040959

Laughing internally

>> No.8041065

ask your orthodontist

chances are that for a surgery that'd essentially be cosmetic, they could still do it

>> No.8041426

tx bb

>> No.8042620
File: 75 KB, 545x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't listen to the people who say a strong brow is attractive.
It looks disgusting and primitive

>> No.8042673
File: 42 KB, 640x480, Picture0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8042690

pls b cambodia

>> No.8043478

WHat happened to your face?

>> No.8044553


>> No.8044609

Nice lips

>> No.8044615

martin luther king jr.

>> No.8044640

pls be in panama city

>> No.8044646

this honestly looks like me but paler

>> No.8044659

sorry for ur loss

>> No.8046712

do i rly look like MLK?

>> No.8046774


>> No.8046784
File: 95 KB, 960x1280, jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8047386
File: 232 KB, 640x480, 1396561593417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get an honest opinion? never been rated on 4chan
(best pic I could get with this shitty webcam)

>> No.8047394

next time turn on the lights wtf

>> No.8047432

nah I just tried and it's even more pixelated for some reason

>> No.8047613
File: 110 KB, 758x600, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8048707


>> No.8048745

wow i never knew mouth breathing affected jaw development

and yeah i have noticed adderall lets me breath through my nose far more

>> No.8048753

>tfw had overbite at age 8
>mom got me braces and a retainer to fix it before puberty
>jawline was saved and don't look like a mouthbreather
t-thanks mom

>> No.8048796

i had braces for over 2 years, straightened my teeth but didnt help my shitty jaw at all

>> No.8048829
File: 828 KB, 2728x2124, 1340780439152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8048836

I think that's his best fit.

>> No.8048843
File: 497 KB, 959x944, 1318190539003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my fav.

>> No.8050241
File: 814 KB, 1240x580, defrsdfsdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny thing is, a lot of people tell me he's my doppleganger. Anywho, here's a transformation pic, thank fuck my face changed entirely. The previous pic was when I was 16, I'm 21 right now.

>> No.8050245

did you get your ears tapered back?

>> No.8050256 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, I would never ever get facial surgery, fuck that. Hell I won't even do laser eye surgery because it will leave a micro scar if you get it.

>> No.8050278


>> No.8050283


Nice cheeks usually are genetic due to high cheekbones, if you have a fat face, it doesn't matter how many teeth you remove or how much weight you lose. I knew an anorexic girl who still had a really fat face. Bone structure is what's important though, having a nice jaw doesn't mean you're 10/10 attractive, you have to have the whole package, and in the right amounts and not too exaggerated either.

>> No.8050286



>> No.8050289

people tell you that you are sean's doppelganger?

>> No.8050311 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe not in that pic, but I've been told it quite a bit of times. I have friends who model as well, and they've met the dude before. It's what got me into the whole modelling gig to begin with. I don't have the same eye color as Sean though, I have Amber eyes while he has Blue. Then again models all look the damn same.

>> No.8050326 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 450x600, Sean_O'Pry (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still think I look a bit different though, but I will admit he's pretty similar looking in this pic. He was younger in it, and seeing as how the dude is like 24 or 25 and I'm 21, there's still time for my look to change anyways.

>> No.8050356
File: 134 KB, 450x600, Sean_O'Pry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe not in that pic, but I've been told it quite a bit of times. I have friends who model as well, and they've met the dude before. It's what got me into the whole modelling gig to begin with. I don't have the same eye color as Sean though, I have Amber eyes while he has Blue. But hey, models all look the damn same with the exception of eye colors and only slightly bigger/smaller jaws, etc. I will admit he does look a bit like me in this pic, although I know I look different from him in some ways. I'd rather look different than look like somebody else though.

>> No.8050383
File: 305 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, here's one last pic since I tend to look different in some pics because of the lighting, you can make your judgement on whether or not you think he's my lookalike or not. I'm done for the night. Also to answer the other guys question, I'm not the type to get plastic surgery or any kind of facial surgery, I wouldn't even get Lasik eye surgery because it leaves a micro scar in your eye for the rest of your life.

>> No.8050426

>tfw slight overbite improves my face