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File: 95 KB, 396x385, 1307980196002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8020812 No.8020812 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on /fa/ who have never had sex..

>> No.8020823

Is it really as good as people say

I can't even imagine such a level of pleasure

>> No.8020831

There are people on /fa/ who never played Jenga

>> No.8020834

>there are people on /fa/ who post bullshit threads like this
do you even dress in Raf Simons/Rick Owens you autist

>> No.8020840

>there are people on /fa/ who have never changed a tire

>> No.8020842
File: 48 KB, 494x1024, 1395972728640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /sex/ who have never been effay

>> No.8020856

There are people on /fa/ who have never really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like

>> No.8020868

>there are people on /fa/ who have never prepared a perfect crème brûlée

>> No.8020873


>there are people on /fa/ who just got the hpv


>fa or not fa?

Don't answer virgins, your opinions are like liberals. They don't matter lol.

>> No.8020881

thats the funniest fuckin picture

>> No.8020886

not /fa/, how did you get them ofc
>not only fucking perfect pure 10/10 virtual reality qts

>> No.8020884

Bump for this.

>> No.8020893


>> No.8020897

i have had sex, changed a tire, tried on a rick owens bomber, and delivered a child.

the sex was the best out of all of them

>> No.8020910

>not tried on a rick owens bomber
is THAT good?

>> No.8020912
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>don't matter lol
>matter lol

>> No.8020913

>had sex
>tried on a rick owens bomber

>the sex was the best

Get the fuck out.

>> No.8020916

>tfw feel when not black and can't say nigger

>> No.8020920

>this delicious feel

It can be
It can also be overrated
>but maybe that's just me

>only tried on
Well that's why m8
>not knowing the pleasure of going through a winter with only your Rick to protect your vulnerable torso

>> No.8020925


>have no fucking idea

my fiance is a goddess 12/10 waifu qt3.69

I told her today and she's supportive and won't end the relationship. I'm so fucking lucky I love her so much.


>> No.8020933
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You don't want to be black m8 all the hate you get is saddening

>> No.8020934


>> No.8020938

at least you're not an aboriginal, come to australia

>> No.8020949
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I'll go with overrated.
>tfw girls quickly glance at you and look away shyly
Maybe it's my clothes :|

>> No.8020948


Hate? Blacks deserve it you fucking faggot liberal.

>confirmed for tweeny faggot who's never left suburbia

>> No.8020951

>this much edge
Get the fuck out, summer fuccboi
You are not /fa/, you have no place here

>> No.8020956
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>tfw almost 21 and never had sex
>tfw can't imagine having sex with a non-virgin girl now

just end me.

>> No.8020958

sex is meh masturbation is better tbh

>> No.8020961

Ha! I live in downtown Chicago
>confirmed for ignorant fuck

>> No.8020970
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>tfw I think aboriginals are cool

>> No.8020971

>can be spread through direct skin contact and often doesn't display any symptoms
There's a reason it's so widespread mate.
You are v. fucking lucky she's so wonderful and understanding. Shows she's both sensible and cares for you tho
Make sure you both have full checks done, be safe

And I hope you two are very happy together anon <3

>> No.8020969
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>tfw lost virginity by having sex on beach
> considering bottoming a 10/10 model now

>> No.8020979


>being this pathetic
>sure is reddit in here

Who's more fa? A guy who isn't a pussy and calls spades spades and has the ability to protect himself and his family or some faggot liberal who's afraid of guns and black people?

get rekt shemale.

>> No.8020987

Most of them are pretty chill, lot of hate/stereotyping though
>which is what I meant

>> No.8020988


Post your face fuccboi.

With a name like aztec your def not white. Probably some negroid shitskin.

>> No.8020992
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But what about all that sand just imagine if you got sand in her cooch

>> No.8020994
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>tfw 19 year old virgin
>tfw afraid to have sex due to how bad I'd be/how much more experienced any partner would be

>> No.8021001

Na I'm good m8 though with all that racial hate you should go to >>>/b/

>> No.8021002
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> her cooch
> her
> considering bottoming a 10/10 model now
do u even gay

>> No.8021004


Thanks man! She's very supportive and knows a lot about HPV.

The virus normally runs its course in a year or two till the body kills it or keeps it down to untestable numbers.

Thanks again for the kind words in this cesspool of ugliness. I hope you find a girl as great as mine one day, be strong and positive brah.


>> No.8021009

>thinking somebody criticizing you is an excuse to tell everyone your entire political philosophy
go back to /pol/ you fucking imbecile, nobody cares.

>> No.8021014

>look ma I'm on fourchan I have to be this le edgy faggot
r u oscar pistorius
>ability to protect himself and his family
>faggot liberal
>afraid of guns and black people
massive kek do you even know where you are
and I thought you were the one afraid of black people...?

do you even RO SS14

>> No.8021017
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Guess not

>> No.8021018

wtf does finna mean

>> No.8021032

wanting to/going to

>> No.8021030

According to my ghetto dictionary >urban dictionary
It means going to

>> No.8021042

I'm a virgin

>> No.8021087

I used to think I was a hopeless virgin, but when I finally got an opportunity to fuck a qt I flat out refused. Asexuality is a thing.

My friend told me the orgasms are worth it but I really can't see that being the case

>> No.8021115

>tfw turning 19 and still a kissless virgin who's never had a gf in his life

>> No.8021121

im 19 myself
same situation

>> No.8021122

I have to imagine the shared sense of trust and intimacy make up for it more than just the orgasms.

>> No.8021138

>tfw basically asexual
>have somehow had gfs since 15
>have always been pressured/guilted into sex by gfs

Waking up to girls on your dick is an ego-boost at least.

>> No.8021143

>sex discussion turned into a political debate
good thread guys

>> No.8021139

I'm a virgin
I have given blowjobs and been fingered.
I'd like to have sex but I didn't even try talking to boys.

>> No.8021140

I lost my virginity when I was 15
yes, i did eat the pussy

>> No.8021146

that always weirded me out
I mean, I get it, guys always want it or whatever
but I wouldn't fuck you when you were asleep, right?
>except for that one girl who was into that

>> No.8021162

Well to girls, a boner is an invitation, and we all know that boners don't mean that you're horny.

>"but I wanted to make your dreams nice!"

>> No.8021165
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it's sad because i've actually had countless opportunities to get gf's. i can name 5 off the top of my head right now who probably wanna date me (including a 15 year old, lel). i just don't bother because i don't even know how to be a bf...plus my penis is small. so yeah. very unfortunate.

>> No.8021184

>tfw have actually had that said to me
i-it was kinda sweet, I guess

If they want to date you, they're not going to care
>don't know how to be a bf
nobody does m8
people want/need different things
if they want to date you it means they're interested in you and spending time with you, so you can just try it and learn as you go
Just be yourself, don't expect unreasonable things, be respectful and have fun
can't go too wrong

>> No.8021196
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What does it smell and taste like really?
I heard it smells like fish and taste like salty nickels

>> No.8021200

you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet m89

>> No.8021210


>> No.8021211

Fair sure taste varies a lot. It feels like the inside of your cheeks though.

>> No.8021218

tastes like nothing
feels like the inside of a mouth
maybe a teeny bit salty if shes really wet

>> No.8021219

really depends, she was really sweaty and nervous so i guess it just smelled a bit like sweaty, salty feet.
every chick has her own flavor (i've only eaten like 2 different chicks out so don't take my word for it)

>> No.8021223


only if she doesn't clean it or fucked someone/masturbated recently and didnt wash up.

>> No.8021227

Sex itself isn't really the main interest for me, I'd just like to feel that happy with someone else

Is that gay?

>> No.8021233

not gay at all dude
the chick im dating at the moment truly makes me happy, and i'm one boring ass faggot
no idea why she has tolerated me this long but im not complaining she seems really happy too

>> No.8021239
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>> No.8021242

What about if it's doing that but rubbing dicks with another guy

>> No.8021247

I hear that

>> No.8021253

I'm saving myself for Rick.

>> No.8021256

No, still not gay. It's not gay unless you think it's gay. I mean we've all pounded another dudes bung hole as bros countless times, i mean come on.

>> No.8021260

Got damn Rick Owen nuns! GET OUTTA HERE!

>> No.8021257


I'll admit to this

>> No.8021262


>wanting to have sex with a virgin

so you want her to bleed all over you, cry, and in general just be the most horrible piece of ass you're ever going to have?

just have sex dummy. sex is sex, virgin or otherwise.

>> No.8021271

>this much stereotype

Don't worry about it mate, taste varies but it's nice

>> No.8021272

Virgin sex is worst.
>I think imo

>> No.8021275


there are people out there who've only had sex with one partner, or have sex with lots of people one time and they're all equally as bad at sex as you man.

you're worried about nothing. It's okay to be bad at sex.

>> No.8021282


asexual is feeling no attraction at all

You're just afraid of sex because you've built it up too much in your head. if you're so far gone you can't get over it just snort some coke or ex before you go to close the deal.

>> No.8021296


>same situation as you guys
>get laid in college
>suddenly getting sex becomes easy, bang 40 odd girls in 2 years
>still bad at sex
>doesn't matter because i still get laid a lot and never develop feelings

>> No.8021289

Yes, it would make me feel special.

>> No.8021311

that sounds awful

>> No.8021310

>tfw virgin but not unattractive as far as i know
>tfw I finally have girl throwing herself at me
>tfw we proceed to make out
>tfw we take it to bed and I can't get it up


>> No.8021330


pretty sure this is as good as it gets

>> No.8021337
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>t-this year i'll l-lose it!

>> No.8021342

finna = gonna
f is next to g on keyboard
i is next to o
Do people not just pick up on these things?

>> No.8021341

if yo uhavent had sex by 21 and it wasnt by choice, then something is defintaly wrong with you

>> No.8021346

this one.

>> No.8021347

don't worry, happened to me the first and second time. Luckily she was a cool girl and when I was actually an honest dude she made it real special

>> No.8021351
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>> No.8021352


>> No.8021356
File: 1.92 MB, 278x236, faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol it means "fixing to" which is the same as "going to" but it's not because the letters are close on a keyboard lmaooo

>> No.8021358


>I vow to lose it by the end of highschool
>okay the end of freshman year i'll be a man guys.
>okay end of sophomore year
>tfw sophomore year is coming to a close, and not a single prospect.

>> No.8021363


>> No.8021371
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all the fits in the world and my dick remains naked

>> No.8021377


I was absorbed in hobby type shit for years and never even thought about women. Snapped out of that when I was 25 and I got my first girlfriend at 26. There's always hope. You just need to try.

>> No.8021387

>tfw 5/10 at least, have a thing with a girl but dont pursue it for 2 years until now
>tfw my friend likes her all of a sudden
>tfw i know she doesnt like him but he still pretty much hug rapes her daily

>> No.8021418


I've had sex with two virgins who were over 20. Neither one bled or cried. One of them didn't feel much discomfort since she used her fingers all the time. The other one hurt and didn't enjoy it, but by the third time it was all OK.

The two actual biggest problems with virgin sex are, 1. She has no idea how to move or position her body for things to fit together right, and 2. She's probably scared shitless and by that age has some kind of body image self confidence issue and doesn't like being seen naked by a dude. Chances are the sex won't enjoyable for the first 3-5 times, and she won't really relax in bed for a few months.

Sex with a virgin is akward. Sex with a virgin when you're a virgin is hilariously awkward. And no awkward in a kawaii anime girl way. Unless you're with someone you love, don't try to lose your virginity to a virgin. Women who have at dated a tiny bit are so much more comfortable to be in bed with.

>> No.8021419
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>tfw her teeth touch your dick

>> No.8021434


This is really common. Once you're over 15 the biggest problem is staying hard in bed, no blowing too fast. Your body's nervous response is to cut off blood to nonessential areas.

Only solution is just keep trying. It's much easier if you can keep at with the same girl so you two get comfortable with each other. Give it a few weeks of trying every few days.

>> No.8021444

whats wrong with taking up hobbys and avoiding women?

a lot of them just want to play im sew special and relationship ~issues with their girlfriends/gossip buddies

>> No.8021446


I can't cum if my dick gets scraped

>> No.8021453


In my experience, taste varies from nothing to slightly bitter. Smell is hard to describe but I'd guess you'd say it's sort of musky. It's a smell that really says "mammal" for lack of a better description.

I've eaten a girl out on her period, too. It was weird but not nearly as gross as the internet likes to think.

>> No.8021451
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I came in here to post this exact same thing. Seriously, it's fucking 2014

>> No.8021455

Its ebonics man, not a typo

>> No.8021456

>tfw you last so long she gets dry but you keep on fuckin

>> No.8021461

>you last so long she gets dry

You mean she got turned off.

>> No.8021469


>> No.8021477


>> No.8021474

why are you so worried about what she thinks?



who cares, fuck her and move on
you seriously wouldn't want to fuck her again anyways unless she was fucking amazing

then maybe 2-3 more times and you won't be able to get off/get hard/have to think about some other bullshit

>> No.8021475

I'm the same age as you, anon. I had doubts about that sort of thing for awhile, but don't sweat it. Look up reasonable advice on how to do the basics, and just go with it.

>> No.8021483


Nothing "wrong" with it exactly. I mean, I had an awesome collection of vintage computers and industrial metalworking machinery.

But I woke up one day in my mid 20s and the "girls" part of my brain woke up with me. I immediately realized how horrible it was to have ignored something like a decade of stuff that's usually a basic function of humanity.

All the early, awkward, cutesy stuff you can do with a girl becomes a lot less cute when you're approaching 30. I was very lucky that my first girlfriend was both much younger than I was and almost as awkward.

>> No.8021490
File: 289 KB, 1280x960, black-trilby-hat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You dropped this

>> No.8021488
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>A neckbeard so desperate he fucks fatties giving life advice

>> No.8021494

>not having sieg filtered

>> No.8021498

don't know man, seems like a waste of time. im the same age as you

if i need sex i go and find it, sometimes pay for it (no big deal)

but it's the same old shit
same old arguments
gossip about how she hates some random ass bitch that didn't do anything this week.

after about a month in, i just start ignoring girlfriends hopefully so they meet someone else or just leave

I've had moderate succsess with that but some have stuck around and got real pissed for some reason

>> No.8021505

I'm saving myself for my waifu when AI and VR comes.

>> No.8021502

Something you need to realize is that everyone on this planet is very different, women included. No generalization you read on the internet actually applies to you. As long as you don't go after club sluts, a woman shouldn't care if you're bad in bed the first time as long as you're willing to work at it. This is why it's easier if your first time is with a woman you're actually dating instead of a hookup.

>> No.8021503

You can't let that bother you because you could have years of experience and still have bad sex on occasion and vice versa. Girls will not care if you aren't great at sex the first time you fuck them, and typically they are nervous about it too.

Girls will talk a lot of shit, but you can't let that affect you and how you view yourself.
I'm sure this will earn me an "assperger card" but there is actually a good tutorial vid on how to eat a girl out that will actually improve your skills. Look up "seymore butts pussy eating tutorial" and you'll probably find it.

>> No.8021510


Oh, I didn't see it was you. Fuck off and find a new hobby that doesn't involve shitposting.

>> No.8021520

>This is why it's easier if your first time is with a woman you're actually dating instead of a hookup.
I disagree with this for several reasons, but I guess the least "controversial" reason is the fact that if you hook up with a "club slut" it really won't matter if you have bad sex because you won't be in your life very long anyway. I don't use the term "slut" but i know the type of girls you are talking about, and they are ONS material AKA perfect for practice.

Of course, pro maneuver like your good homie SF64 is to hook up with a club slut, and then continue to bang her weekly, for constant practice while continuing to look for a more "serious" relationship.

>> No.8021522

>a friend says that he haven`t had sex for two weeks
>you haven`t had for your entire life

>> No.8021529

>tfw girl comes into class obviously reeking of semen

>> No.8021543

When I was a little twit, I thought that eating pussy involved the "A to Z". Damn, I was stupid. Although for kicks and giggles, I'll start off with some St. Bernard licks, and I'll finish off with the US Constitution (which I've memorized).

I'll eat my girls pussy so hard that she sees the Stars and Stripes. God bless America.

>> No.8021545


For most guys in 4chan's position, I don't buy that. A club girl is looked to get dicked. A guy fumbling around in the bedroom isn't going to be fun and she's not gonna want to babysit you through learning how to fuck. Hell, you probably won't even be able to stay hard.

If you're nervous about your first time, an understanding girl who can lie with you naked for a few hours and then say "It's OK, we'll try again next date!" is so much more relaxing.

>> No.8021550
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>> No.8021561

I just dont' think it's that hard for guys to figure out how to have sex the first time. I lost my virginity at 16, but it wasn't that confusing or complicated. Yes the girl asked me, "is this your first time" but I assumed it was more because we were sixteen than because I was "bad." I lasted probably like 46 seconds, but I've heard all types of stories about guys who can't get hard, can't come etc.
My point is that all of those things have happened to me at one point, whether I was in a serious relationship or just in a one night stand.

I do not like the idea of "getting serious" with a girl before sex is involved, for several reasons, but I am avoiding getting into the topic because peoples feelings get hurt too easy.
Ironically. the main reason why I think it's best to pursue sex than pursue a relationship is exactly because peoples feelings get hurt too easy.

>> No.8021570

I used to do the A-Z thing too, but stopped when I heard another girl mention something about A-Z.
I didn't like the idea that a girl could be aware and feeling out the letters I was spelling.

>> No.8021601


Different strokes. I didn't start having sex until my 20s. I was happy my first two girlfriends ended up being long-term relationships. They were in the same boat I was in and if I was just looking for a fuck I would have dumped them pretty fast and missed out on some great years with nice people.

>> No.8021608


Also, I don't mean we proclaimed our everlasting love for each other before having sex or any of that. It was just regular dating relationships that basically went "So, we're not gonna fuck other people, right?" before we finally had sex.

They were nervous and inexperienced and didn't feel ready for physical intimancy until we'd been together for a month or two. And these were women in their 20s, too.

>> No.8021694

How do people even have sex or get into relationships? This may sound like a stupid question, but I honestly don't get it. It seems like the only ways people have sex is either banging blackout drunk girls at a party or getting a gf. I don't get invited to parties and I can't really imagine myself in a relationship with somebody, cause nobody really enjoys my company that much. What do?

>> No.8021708

>have proximity to girls
>notice there are particular girls that hang around you
>pick one you like
>spend more time with them specifically
>"do you want to be my girlfriend"

>> No.8021720


that makes sense actually.

>> No.8021716

/fa/scists, I have a question for you:

Would moving to a rapidly-developing third world country and opening an educational centre there to teach people English, prepare them for exams and organizing education abroad etc. be an effay thing to do? I am not talking about some African trashcan countries (no offence) but definitely not developed yurop-tier and 1st world tier country. It's like my fucking dream right now, first time in my life I understand what I want to do with my life.

>> No.8021726


so you have a passion for something and know what you want to do with your life, and you're posting in the virginity thread on the 4chan fashion board asking for our validation? The fuck man, fucking go do it if you want to.

>> No.8021728

They probably wouldn't appreciate it and you'd get murdered

What you're describing is a reason why other countries hate Americans

"Americans just show up and think we need their help"

>> No.8021732





>> No.8021739

No no man, we're talking about different things in here. I am not american, and I wont be perceived as a foreigner in the country I wanna go to. And also it's not some messiah bullshit, just education and what I wrote.

>> No.8021740

I get so much hate every time I post about getting girls, but i'm speaking the truth. I dont' have much of a social life myself, but when i do go out with friends it's very easy to get girls.

the thing is, i can get girls when i'm out in public alone. i've met girls in all types of places, and typically i'll get a number, gtfo, and text her later to set up a date, but i've even gone on a date and fucked the same day. this was a girl i met in line at a Verizon store.

the biggest issue is that what I would tell you would quickly be mislabeled as PUA when the reality is it just involves being confident and understanding some of the mistakes in your mentality. I don't do PUA, and I understand why it gets so much hate, but there is a lot of good truth to be found within, even if you don't put all the ideas into use.
The biggest difference is that PUAs will go out and actively pursue 100s of girls a day, and i don't. I just live my life and if i see a girl i like, and the circumstances are alright, i'll talk to her and see what happens.

ignore any criticism of this post and read "Book of Pook" right now. It's a free pdf and takes like an hour to read.
Read it with an open mind, and it may change your life and give you the inspiration you need.

Contrary to what people will say, it is not a "PUA" book, it is a book about seeking self improvement. Don't seek women, seek self improvement, and women will come to you.

>> No.8021747

I can definitely see something like this in China, I don't know about less developed than that. Not enough middle class w/ enough $ for afterschool.

>> No.8021752

You shouldn't educating niggers. They aren't worth your efforts.

>> No.8021754
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>mfw this thread

if you haven't had sex you shouldn't be on this board.


>> No.8021760

akshully agree with you and ur posts.
>I just live my life and if i see a girl i like, and the circumstances are alright, i'll talk to her and see what happens.
>Don't seek women, seek self improvement, and women will come to you.

these especially. When I specifically pursued someone, I never got lucky, when I just waited the chance, stars to align, some event, you name it, and then I started doing something, it worked out.

wb chinks/mongoloids/central asia?

>> No.8021766


you sound bare like an unbearable faggot

bet u want to go to some asia shit hole and molest little children you sick dull white cunt

>> No.8021771

>"do you want to be my girlfriend"

lmao what the fuck is this, 3rd grade?

>> No.8021774

I don't agree with his advice, because I think it is a bad call to ask a girl if she wants to be your GF, for a number of reasons.

For one, it seems to greatly lower a girls interest the second you ask to put a label on it, and most of the time wanting to do so comes out of your own insecurity.
Think about it: you want to put a label on it because you want to know she's committed, when the truth is, a label won't change how she feels at all. A girl will let you know when she wants to be "official" and they can be especially turned off by the guy who gets clingy to fast.
I think i've written a post(s) about this very topic, but the main point is that clingyness comes from insecurity. Pursue sex, live your life, pursue sex, live your life, let things grow over time and when SHE is ready, as in, when SHE starts getting clingy, she will bring it up.

The overall point is that her WORDS don't mean anything, you can only judge based on what she shows you.

>> No.8021776


yeah I don't want to be a PUA because they're really gross and cringy irl. I'll check out the book.

>> No.8021825

Are you 30?

That approach is just fine for the core demographic of this website


Starfucks, all my relationships started with a blunt understanding of wanting to commit from both parties - it leaves the mixed signals bullshit out of the way, and if both parties are mature enough - you can immediately move forward and begin the relationship

>> No.8021835

>just be my bae already shit

literally how i asked out my current gf
we had been friends a good 2 years prior so i guess how you ask a girl varies

>> No.8021839
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>there are people on /fa/ that don't drive a car with a standard transmission

>> No.8021854



>> No.8021853

It's alright, in some regards I like masturbation better.

Really depends on what you want out of sex, I get a different pleasure separate from the sex when I have it, I feel more of a feeling of accomplishment that I can make a grill orgasm so hard, I also just enjoy the antsy and exciting feeling of being so intimate with someone.

But when it comes to just cumming my hand does it better and faster.

>> No.8021867

>implying i want to change gears myself

>> No.8021879
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what do girls smell like?

>> No.8021884

Because girls want to have sex too

I barely go out and this past 2 years I've had 6 or 7 girls literally naked and wanting it. Out of that only 1 was a girl I spent a considerable amount of time with

Of course I'm virgem. I usually bitch out/rationalize bc they're not very attractive and just get a blowjob

The most I can say is get better looking. If you're hanging out with people and a girl keeps complimenting you, you have free reign to mess around with her as soon as you get alone/so no one can see
If you're confident enough to talk, then talk to the next girl that is obviously interested. You only need to be slightly good looking for this (just saw a solid 7 eyeing me, then eyeing a loser looking faggot who walked in. some girls are just thirsty)

Also black girls seem p easy. Many don't fuck with white guys and are curious
Traps are even easier

>> No.8021917

>putting this much value on the orifice of another human being
You couldn't possibly be more pleb.

>> No.8021937
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>> No.8021946

>there are people on /fa/ who don't drive a 2004 Honda Civic

>> No.8021967

Troll detected.
Racists are not this obnoxious.

>> No.8021969

>there are people on this board who haven't traveled to Biloxi, Mississippi

>> No.8021976
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>there are people on /fa/ that don't live in Albuquerque

>> No.8021982

Have you seen the age strawpolls?
We're an average age of UNDER 16.
If most of the posters got laid, we would be getting pussy faster than the average man.

if you have had sex you shouldn't be on this board


>> No.8021987

>there are people here who haven't shopped at K Mart

>> No.8021989
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i am cry

>> No.8022000

>read this thread

god dammit I'm going to have to go out and buy some clothes now

so what skinny jeans should I get

>> No.8022005

fuckin trips my nigga

>> No.8022015

SLP faggot
replace that insecurity with denim like the bitch ass faggot you are

>> No.8022016
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I was born in 1987.

My face when I haven't had a job, a car, or a girlfriend.

>> No.8022023 [DELETED] 

>breaking the law is no big deal
Degenerats, ladies and gentalmen.

>> No.8022019
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>There are people on /fa/ that never went to the m00n.

>> No.8022020

im fortunate enough to have had sex over 1000 times in my life(not 1000 partners) if any of you have any questions, please, dont hesitate to ask.

>> No.8022033
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>there are people on /fa/ that aren't going to graduate with 300k starting

>> No.8022038

>there are people on /fa/ that aren't left handed

>> No.8022041

>there are people on /fa/ that aren't right handed

>> No.8022042


what is an slp

how do you have natural conversations with people? like I'm not autistic, I know how to ask questions and answer questions and have a polite, I dunno, 'exchange' but it's never a natural conversation like I see other people having all the time.

>> No.8022043

Girls suck at handjobs.

>> No.8022046

i probably won't even be able to get a job

>tfw law degree with average grades

>> No.8022050

someone enlighten us please

>> No.8022057
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>tfw parents own a private hospital and will be groomed as future ceo

>> No.8022060


>there are people on /fa/ that still have hands

>> No.8022067

I pretended I was looking for another housemate in my apartment and put up an ad and everything just so people would come over and I could practice having conversations with strangers

>> No.8022068


saint laurent paris + don't get neurotic about it

>> No.8022075
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>there are people on /fa/ who don't wear Mao suits

>> No.8022076

what does that mean

is this a way of saying 'oh anon just be more confident'

>just be more confident

>> No.8022081


it's more of a matter of not getting caught up in your thoughts and translating thoughts to action

relax and practice

>> No.8022102

but how though
why does it seem so easy for everyone else

where can I practice this? Surely you can't just go up to someone and talk to them, that's practically fucking harassment I'll get mace sprayed or arrested or something

>> No.8022114


"fake it till you make it" commonly gets thrown around. it's sort of true in that you gradually get more confident in speech if you adopt confidence and engage with people

eh talking to strangers is a pretty good way to try. remark upon/compliment interesting things that people do that you interact with, like a clerk at a store or something that seems chipper and is doing a good job

>> No.8022119

Shit man start with cashiers or people working retail or some shit. Practice in a mirror. In your own time, take up meditation; learn to relax.

>> No.8022160


you know I was writing some whole response about unfair things are but whatever fuck it, thanks for your help.

guess I'll just have to try the OKC thing again or something

>> No.8022170


I think one of my big problems is that a lot of people think I'm a sociopath and girls especially are sort of intimidated by me. I do get a lot of compliments on my appearance tho.

>> No.8022176

All the ones I know either have scholarships to good schools for being aboriginal and waste them, or just ask for change and swear at you and drink.

>> No.8022189
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>bust gf hymen
>eat out
>looking back on it today

and cant get a gf now either :))))

>> No.8022215

okay, sasuke

>> No.8022226
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you caught me

except I actually hate it because everyone thinks I dont have any emotions and i dont even know why

>> No.8022227

>be w/ girl for 8 months I didnt wanna be with
>didnt want her to be my first
>she told me she was virgin
>she pressured me
>ended up having lots of sex
your story reminded me her hymen never broke and Im p sure she wasnt a virgin and i dont wanna live with her in my past and being my first fuck

>> No.8023128

You're literally autistic

Considering you're asking stupid questions this might be wasted on you, but my heartfelt advice:
Go to a place where music is playing and dance with girls (preferably a league or two below you). Ask her name, hold her hand randomly when you're talking to her for a bit. Dance again and makeout during

Look for EDM clubs and venues
>virgin giving another virgin advice
This is just what's worked for me

As far as getting into sexual activity it felt like a new paradigm was opened once I started pulling my dick out
She'll know what to do after that

>> No.8023134


>> No.8023272


im gay and my boyfriend is 57 years old

we have alot of sex and i love it

im 24 years old

>> No.8023287

I'm glad you're having fun anon, I hope you're happy together.
Is he very /fa/ though?

>> No.8023296
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yes he has a suit fetish like i do and he loves sucking toes

we are together for 4 years now

>> No.8023295

i had sex, taken heroin once, tried on a rick leather jacket, beaten a guy real hard

heroin > rick jacket > brutalizing someone > sex

>> No.8023313

>calls others autistic
>pulls dick out around girls

>> No.8023315


you dont have the balls to show your dick around grills

>> No.8023324
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>> No.8023332

lol i'm asexual
when i was younger i actually considered joining a monastery so that i could have an excuse

i was never well-versed enough in religion, but i'm also not as insecure now so it all evens out

>> No.8023388

why does people call it SLP when it's obviously YSL

>> No.8023391

Because autism, that's why.
Don't listen to those fuccbois who'll tell you different

>> No.8023414

lmao these fucking plebs virgins above the age of 18

lost my virginity at 15

>> No.8023417

>not 13
step it up anon

>> No.8023429

s-sorry ;_;

>> No.8023434

It's actually just SL

>> No.8023457

>Having sex
>It's barely been a couple minutes
>"You gonna cum yet?"

I thought you liked it when guys last long.

>Suddenly boner getting lost from nervous because of a slight panic where I'd need to figure out how to cum fast or else

I guess Im not cut for porno.

>> No.8023462

cumming is fucking impossible with a condom, not that enjoyable

>> No.8023472

just relax and enjoy yourself, the poor girl was probably just used to premature ejaculators.

>> No.8023474

Well, it was with a condom. I guess that was the reason. I couldn't feel shit with it on, which was probably the reason for the whole bonerkill.

>> No.8023478

That's fucked up and not something to be proud of. You all know studies have shown that the average age for someone to lose their v-card is 19 right? Those messed up people that lost it when they were still kids and 15 or younger are the small minority and I pity them sullying the last throes of their childhood like that. Probably didn't have much of one anyway if that's what they are doing.

>> No.8023479

Fucking a non-virgin is horrible IMO.
You're not even THAT old, just change a little bit, start taking care of your self and stop wearing these horrible /fa/ meme clothes if you do.
Start going out and grab some women, most of them are so fucking easy if you're confident and you don't look disgusting. You have nothing to loose with approaching some women and talking to them, just don't be that scared guy and do it.
And don't listen to these pickup shits on internet and those guides that guido faggots write.

>> No.8023482

i tried a condom once never again

id rather have chlamidya than go thru sex doing all the work and getting nothing out of it

>> No.8023484

I'd love to enjoy myself, but I also wanted her to enjoy it as well. I can last for a LONG time, but this girl seemed impatient.

Then again, she was 26 or 28, and I was 22 at the time. Maybe she was just too used. The best sex was with a 19 year old rave girl with lots of energy.

>> No.8023487

>You all know studies have shown that the average age for someone to lose their v-card is 19 right?

u know who those studies were done by? loser nerd stem majors like u

>> No.8023485

Lol keep talking shit virgin.

A large portion of kids when i was in hs lost their virginity from 15-17, probably like half the school

>> No.8023492

its fucking lame, not worth the sex. i did it twice and would rather not have sex than use 1
yuh man that would have been it

>> No.8023506
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I'm saving my virginity for my bby Marlon Teixeira

>> No.8023514

To guys that want to get laid. Here's a good way to start out, and since you're in /fa/, that makes it that much easier.

Start with MILFS. Yes, MILFS. They love younger "adorable" guys. From 30's and up it's a LOT easier. When they say "You know I'm old enough to be your mom, right?" Is the magic word.

But where to find MILFS that aren't the trailer-park hags that want Toby Keith types of men?

Believe it or not, gay bars are where to go. No, I'm not saying go get corn holed by a man. Lots of straight people go to gay bars, because they're not full of thugs and frat boys, but still lively with dancing. This is one of the key areas women go for "Ladies night out" MILFS galore.

You can go in and look fruity as you want in clothing with the tightest jeans, but the women will still fuck you, while the guys give you confidence-boosting compliments. You might even get involved in a bisexual threesome with two girls.

Essentially, get away with looking /fa/ without a girl calling you a homo, and she'd still fuck you.

>> No.8023528

if they have kids u better have a big dick bcoz that shit wont b tight or even 25 year old clubwhore tier its even bigger

>> No.8023599



>> No.8023620

>have had sex 2 times
>couldn't get it up both times

seriously starting to fear i'm impotent

>> No.8023632


>> No.8023637

>better than Rick

pls go

>> No.8023639


>> No.8024073


Not true. They have a surgery to fix that.

>> No.8024085
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There are people who can't do this?

>> No.8024264

i used to have a gf who was 33 when i was 21. it was the best relationship i've ever been in. she still had a tight pussy because she was rather petite and thin. highly recommended. after that i dated a 19yo and that shit sucked