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/fa/ - Fashion

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8008231 No.8008231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to be cool?

Something I've noticed about cool people is that they are cool without trying. Moreover, it seems that being flippant will always be part of being cool.

As far as clothing is concerned, whether a person is cool makes the difference in rocking an outfit. You can just sense immediately whether a person is cool or tryhard based on how they rock an outfit.

Sprezzatura or studied nonchalance is a component of being cool. Italian dudes wearing one-piece leather shoes without socks is pretty cool. Hipsters wearing oxford shoes without socks under pinrolled levi's is not.

So, to me, coolness begins with a kind of mental state, then proceeds through the way somebody presents themselves. Truly cool people make cool clothing choices with ease. People who are not cool try to present themselves as cool but miss the mark in the eye of anybody who is cool.

pic related, Cara is super cool

>> No.8008235
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Me, I'm more eccentric than cool, and I'm way too enthusiastic and neurotic in general to ever emanate "cool".

My style is pretty much "dadcore" or early Simpsons writing room-core.

>> No.8008260


This is all because cool people don't try hard. They respect other individuals but create their own values.

Fashion is for uncool people who want to look cool.

Cool people look cool in anything they wear.

Or rather, what they wear is irrelevant.

If you care about being cool, then you aren't cool and you can't be cool.

>> No.8008341

Thinking about being cool means you're never gonna make it, sorry bub

>> No.8008387

there's a Wikipedia page on cool. I thought that was hilarious.

>> No.8008399

U can b cool if u have some1 follow u around w a camera n ready to take shots of u when ur about to unintentionally do sth cool
Then u can b effortlessly cool 2

>> No.8008400


cool people are calm and confident. they own the room. they create an atmosphere where they are in control. and people naturally look for that and fallow that. if your stressing out over what people think, your not in control, and people can not respect you. its all about subconscious and respect. flippant is not quite right.

>> No.8008411

If you're asking how to be cool on an anime imageboard, you will never be cool.

>> No.8008424
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I don't know. I think, you got to go have coolness in your blood or you will be never cool. Some people are, some are not. I'm too eccentric, to be some kind of cool.

> pic related

>> No.8008425

pretty cool thread, op

>> No.8008432

eccentric people can still be cool. like hunter s thompson.

>> No.8008434

>Cara is super cool

>> No.8008440


Pick one

>> No.8008444

just be chill
everything will b alright cause youre the man


>> No.8008455

>shitty hypebeast models
pick 1

pick 1

>> No.8008484


at least Dr. Thompson asked now one, how to be cool.

>> No.8008486

u can b insta-cool if u finna cop dubs like dese

>> No.8008491


>> No.8008492


I choose girls, therefore, I am cool.

Your move, virgin.

>> No.8008503

how do you know OP is asking how to be cool and not just trying to facilitate a philosophical conversation on the quality of cool in a way us retards can understand? because OPs a fuck face and not that smart.

>> No.8008521

I think, that the cool guys don't even know, that they are cool. If they would know it, then they wouldn't be any more cool.

>> No.8008549

You have to rape the girl you love in order to be cool.

>> No.8008559
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Being cool means being a shredded sickunt and not giving a fuck. Before you ask yourself "am I cool?" Ask yourself "do I even lift?"

>> No.8008578
File: 36 KB, 467x350, menhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy looks like a feggit with that haircut. Men ave to wear short, accurtate haircuts.

>> No.8008587

please leave /fa/

>> No.8008593

be self aware and have good taste

fucking done, son

>> No.8008601
File: 210 KB, 482x720, zyzz-best-quotes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're sitting here going, "who the fuck is this fucking faggot?", well, you're probably right. But I'm fucking shredded brah, ye cunt. Cuz at the end of the day bro, you gotta listen to this...If you're a fucking shredded sick cunt, you get away with anything bro. You make fun of some fat cunt making a shit and people will be like "Aw yeah, Zyzz bro, yeah". No one'll give a fuck, man.In life, if you wanna be noticed, you gotta be a fuckin' ripped cunt. You gotta be a shredded cunt. You gotta go to the gym and be a sick cunt. You gotta fuck bitches, you know and not give a fuck cuz that's what we do, bro. That's what the Zyzz cunts do. That's what the revolution is, bro. None of these fuckin' sad cunts. We're all gonna fuckin' make it bro, that's it.

>> No.8008607

First point is totaly enough... If you are confident with yourself then you aill automatically appear as a cool guy to the others

>> No.8008819


OP isn't trying to be cool, he's just trying to analyze cool people

>> No.8008888
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OP here, eat a dick nigga. But you definitely got me there.

I actually really appreciate all of the responses. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one who thinks that individuality and sincerity is cool. A lot of people act like doing things ironically or pretending like you don't give a shit about anything is cool. I think that responses like these >>8008260 >>8008400
>>8008593 >>8008607 indicate that coolness is something that comes from within and doesn't rely on the opinions of others. And it isn't some big edgy reactionary thing to what everybody else is doing.

That's a pretty idealistic definition of coolness, though. Some people would define what's cool at any given moment as what's popular. Is somebody cool because they're popular or popular because they're cool? Is picrelated cool?

I'm inclined to say that what's trendy or hip is what's popular, and that real coolness doesn't fall victim to trends and popularity. Cool people just happen to get popular because deep down we all value that confident individuality, like >>8008400

>> No.8008892

Check his gets!

>> No.8008910
File: 34 KB, 447x271, Roland_TR-808_drum_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feel that 808 bass SON

>> No.8008920

I find that the more a man goes his own way, the cooler he is. Like, a guy who knows everything about intelligence between 1870 and 1980, to the extent he can just shake some knowledge out his sleeve is just as cool as the guy who built his own bike. Both are cooler than the dude who wore the ironic wolf tee-shirt as one of the first ones.

Women I don't know, I've met a few cool women but I don't know what it is that makes them cool.

>> No.8008924


Nailed it. Yeah, I was gonna ask if you guys think that there is a difference between what makes guys cool and what makes girls cool.

>> No.8008941


>> No.8008957

its her eyebrows bruh.I'd lick them

>> No.8008965

/fit/ plz go

>> No.8009051

its like this. if someone who is 'cool' cracks a joke they know its funny and they laugh and everyone laughs with them. someone who isnt cracks a joke and nervously looks around and then laughs when everyone else laughs.

>> No.8009071

the thing is, girls are biologically inclined to not fit the definition of what makes guys cool. what makes a girl cool is just being cool with things. not being a slut, but not being a prude. not swearing excessively, but not telling other people not to swear. basically, she has her own opinions and isnt so desperate to fit in. not necessarily the kind of lone wolf with a pack mentality that is what is cool for guys, but not being one of the pack. also, a nice butt doesnt hurt.

>> No.8009075

girls are never cool

>> No.8009126

Not in the male sense of the word, this guy gets it though, I think: >>8009071

>> No.8009142

I disagree, some of 'em can actually be cool
problem is, most times girls aren't cool because they waant to act cool at all costs, thus being just ridiculous/tryhard
the same goes for men obviously, but I've noticed that, for girls, trying to act as if they are cool is almost a rule

>> No.8009232

another problem i find with girls is loyalty. they are either way to ridiculously in that mentality with a few friends and want to be cool with them at all costs, or whoever they are currently with. i was friends (not trying to sleep with) a few girls, and there was one that was always cool when she would hang out and i enjoyed her company and i wish i made a move or something, but whenever she wasnt with us, she was a pain in the ass because she would be trying to please the other person and not want to come hang out with us. she was like a totally different person if you ran into her when she was with other people than when she was with you. and ultimately i think thats what it all comes down to, for both guys and girls. you either make people like you or try desperately. there are more nuances as ive said throughout the thread and psychologically its a pretty complex issue, but weve hammered out a rough facsimile for the purpose of this thread. its done now.

>> No.8009233

wow 2014 still making those boxes to fit all those people in

>> No.8009234

>I find that the more a man goes his own way, the cooler he is.
Ironically MGTOW spend 90% of their time talking about women. So going their own way seems to = becoming even more obsessed with women. Seems counterproductive.

>> No.8009244

Cool people are people who successfully hide the fact that they are trying to be cool

>> No.8009248

>not being a slut, but not being a prude. not swearing excessively, but not telling other people not to swear.
>basically, she has her own opinions and isnt so desperate to fit in.
makes absolutely no sense
you just described a girl you want to date aka a girl who will do whatever you want her to do
you say she has opinions yet she doesn't voice them..she just sits by and does whatever won't offend you which is the very definition of trying to fit in
how cognitively dissonant can you be

he doesn't get shit other than his boner

>> No.8009274

You pussy ass niggas got to learn how to live with real life constraints or else you're going to end up crying about everything.

>> No.8009292

Ouch MGTOW is not what I meant, there are some weird ass dudes incorporated in there, some remind me of incels in their writing. I really meant a man who does his own thing, but doesn't actively shun women or something. Like the guy who build his own bike or made a few albums or something, men who have accomplished stuff etc.

>> No.8009306

I think what guys want essentially are girls who have integrity i.e. won't fuck around and be a druggie the first social circle they fall into

so she has values she personally believes in and not just following her peer group without using those values to define her personality and go on a crusade.

tumblr is proof that all this is right

>> No.8009320

it was just an example. you can literally do that with anything. the reason i made that distinction was because a girl who fits into the guy sense of being cool isnt cool. a girl who harps on something isnt cool. the swearing one was just the first example i thought of and i guess it could just be my opinion, but then, thats what this whole thread is, if you take it specific enough. however, the sex one is not. idk if youve ever studied psychology at all but its deeply routed in sex. and and being cool is all about respect. you wont respect a girl who sleeps with every guy in town.
i dont know why your taking so much beef at the opinions thing. you would find an extremely bitchy argumentative girl to be cool? idk about you but i would say thats a bit of a cunt. on the other end, a wishy washy pushover isnt going to be gaining your respect either. maybe your pitty. what i was basically getting at is that for a girl, being cool is walking in the middle of the road. not on every single issue, but on enough. and on the important parts. of course, opinion is going to start playing a factor when you take it to a specific or individual level, which is what your doing. so basically your just saying that old thing of stop liking what i dont like.
now that i have explained my view, i think you have some deeply routed issues you need to work out. im not sure exactly what they are, but you seem to be stuck on the relationship aspect and thinking of the women part in terms of, im not really sure how to word it so ill just move on. you dont seem to be thinking about the psychological aspect. which i was focused purely on, it didnt even occur to me that i should try to tailor my post to people who wouldnt be thinking about the same aspects as me since the OP very clearly states that this is a discussion of psychology and not put materialism in what we want in a girl.

>> No.8009325

>so she has values she personally believes in and not just following her peer group without using those values to define her personality and go on a crusade.

This is why girls shouldn't listen to /fa/'s values.

>> No.8009332

Be attractive
If you are attractive anything you fucking do is cool

>> No.8009334

>a girl who harps on something isnt cool.
>you would find an extremely bitchy argumentative girl to be cool?
Would you find an extremely bitchy argumentative guy to be cool? If so why?


>> No.8009355

that was supposed to say wouldnt. thats my b. i would absolutely not find that to be cool. damnit, i was pretty satisfied with that post and now its ruined for me. how not cool of me.

>> No.8009357

what you're describing is just a bad beahviour IMO

>> No.8009374

anon if a guy does it then it isn't being bitchy it's being REVOLUTIONARY and FREE THINKING

>> No.8009373

and bad behavior (in this sense) is decidedly un cool.

im starting to feel like a loser saying so many things are cool or not. specifically this post was bad for that. because, as stated above, talking about being cool is not cool, and cool people either dont realize or, more likely, dont care that they are cool.

>> No.8009403

wait no i had it right because its a question. but i misinterpreted you.

no, i would not find a guy who did that cool. but going back to the caring. a guy who is so (FUCKING WORDS I HATE THEM ITS BEEN LIKE FIVE MINUTES AND I CANT THINK OF THE WORD FUCK) a guy who is so insecure with himself that he has to constantly berate and belittle everyone else and assert his opinion is clearly not the calm collected guy who is nonchalant as described above. an argumentative girl is annoying and argumentative guy is insecure. usually someone constantly challenging you means that they feel like you are better/more important and they are trying to show that they have some worth. i cant remember exactly what it was.

>> No.8009400

Being yourself even when it bothers everyone around you is honestly the coolest thing you can do in life

>> No.8009411

i agree. but only up to a certain point. if your going out of your way to be an asshole, its not. but if your just not submitting to peer pressure, it is.

for example, bringing tuna fish for lunch even though it smells really strong and other kids get sick at the smell of it. that would be an asshole move. but asserting your taste in music even though everybody else likes something else, that would be. as long as you arent a dick about it.
theres a fine line that must be walked, push it to hard and you go from cool to asshole or arrogant.

>> No.8009430

Anyone who hates on another man for enjoying tuna fish in public isn't worth the time of day

Log off nigga

>> No.8009441

again, just the first example i thought of. i enjoy a nice tuna, but my mom becomes physically ill at the smell of it. something about she at too much of it when she was pregnant or something like that.

>> No.8009451

Tuna fish don't smell strong, nigga

>> No.8009575

I really enjoyed this thread. Thank you anons

>> No.8009596

yeah it do nigga.

>> No.8009615

People either think im cool or arrogant, but actually im just shy

>> No.8009634

iktf. i was absolutely shy as fuck in my younger days and my dad said i was being an arrogant prick but really i was just too afraid to talk to people. fortunately i grew out of it. i feel like i would find you to be cool, with that insight of your shyness.

>> No.8009932

cool people don't take pictures of themselves to post on the internet. there are others who post pictures of them on the internet and uncool people to buy into whatever is sold to them in an attempt to be cool

>> No.8010125

>cool people don't take pictures of themselves to post on the internet.
this is true
particularly in regards to "selfies", which smack of nothing but insecurity

cool people are not insecure

>> No.8011008

rare to see a thread so devoid of trips. this was nice. im really surprised trunks or some fag didnt come and shit it up like they usually do. i wish the mods when ban all the trips and bring poet back.

>> No.8011072

>be effay
>solid streetwear fits that I only wear on weekends
>nerve-wracking SA so I just stay quiet and do my own thing at uni

I can't tell if people think I'm an asshole. I just want to be normal :(

>> No.8011132

The reason why you don't see any trips in this thread is because, by definition, a trip can't be cool. I am, of course, the obvious exception, but that is only the case due to the self awareness of my mission. Understanding that being a trip can't be cool, but being a cool trip is one of the coolest things a person can do. I explain this concept in great detail in my essay entitled "Sun Wearing Sunglasses: The Cool Man Tumblr Paradox," which I highly suggest reading.

>> No.8011143

i cant tell if you are one of the most annoying or one of the funniest trips here
your posts are pretty hit and miss, but when they're good, THEY'RE GOOD

>> No.8011171

I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but saying some of posts are "hit [or] miss" is wrong. All of my posts are hits, and none are misses - they are simply written at a level outside of your understanding. Do not feel bad, because the "Cool Vault" has records of most of my posts, and as you grow and gain more life experience you will start to understand many of the posts you now consider "misses."

Your trip ego makes it hard for you to embrace the reality contained in my posts, but a trip seeking the cool advice I offer is a futile pursuit regardless.

>> No.8011303

haha 10/10 post. the exception that proves the rule.

blargh 3/10 post. the inclusion that proves the rule. you should delete this comment before more people read it because your other one was honestly, one of the best comments ive ever read on /fa/

>> No.8011331

Perhaps that last post could have been worded better, but the truth remains the same: a trip seeking cool advice is wasting his time.

Deleting the post would be an act of cowardice, and I will embrace any negativity that may be brought because of it.

>> No.8011374

i dont anyone thinks your an asshole. im in the same boat as you, and whenever i do run into people they are always like wow your awesome. obviously not like that but still. here ill give you an example. there was a kid in one of my classes and we were put into (5 people) groups to correct essays and shit. i barely talked to anyone, least of all him. he came into my room today with my room mate (the class was last semester and now we are almost done with the second semester). when he saw me he was like YO ANON WHATS UP and high fived me and stuff. and that happens all the time. im starting to think that someone is telling people im retarded or terminal because i literally did nothing for this kid to like me besides not annoy him. which is something i work pretty hard on. of course there are some people that will think your arrogant but i think that most people will just think your either the quiet type or the awk as fuck type.

>> No.8011378
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>mfw wasted hours on /fa/ so ill be cool
>failed grades, hours wasted, girlfriend being pushed away, $$$ gone, still have same amount of pleb friends and im still socially awkward

>tl;dr i might kill myself

>> No.8011379

Like Hitler right?

>> No.8011385


stop it natty

>> No.8011427
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>> No.8011456

There's alot I have to say on this matter but it will end up becoming a multi - post essay that results in >autism replies and I don't feel like it so I will just say one thing:

A few years back I was just seriously getting into fashion - reading magazines, browsing websites, learning how to put together outfits. I got to a point where I could walk into a store and walk out with an outfit that most average people would consider "well dressed".

Fashion was about looking cool for me at that point. All I did was put together more outfits, and buy more things.

Then one day I met one of my current friends, and the vibe he gave off was so alternative, so effortless, so fucking cool. He was dressed head to toe in black in such a relaxed, non - forced way. I was sure everything was designer, but then he told me that half the shit was from Value Village for 20 bucks.

The more I hung around him, the more I realized what made him so cool - and it was that he had other interests and other influences before fashion. His other hobbies such as involvement in the music / rave / drug scene and the influences from the group of friends he also made in that subculture all showed in his clothing. TLDR his personal life / culture came first, fashion naturally came afterwards. This was what made him such a style icon for me - he was a genuinely interesting person, with or without his clothing.

I think that's what we should focus on more. Focus less on "HOW CAN I PUT TOGETHER XYZ AND LOOK LIKE X???" Focus more on "How can I find more interesting things to research / get involved in so I can broaden my horizons and become a more interesting person?" - Because the latter will definitely influence your style, and the developments of your "coolness" will follow afterwards.

>> No.8011491


Fun story I remembered:

I went to Value Village with him and a couple other friends once, he goes into the women's coat section and looks through the racks, pulls out a grey coat, says "hey this looks pretty cool", tries it on, and decides to get it.

Then he walks over to the miniskirts section, says, "hey look at this", puts a miniskirt on his head, and says "this looks like the headpieces Rick did for Crust" then buys that as well.

He looked so fucking cool in it. He bought designer stuff too - Ann, Nicolas Andreas Taralis, Rick, etc. But he was pretty open minded and bought from anywhere, really.

He's studying womenswear at Central Saint Martins now and while I always thought it was strange that a fashion student has less interest in the fashion world than I would have expected, seeing his work coming along I now understand that his influences and inspirations come from everywhere

Idk why I wrote this post just felt like sharing

>> No.8011498

post pic of said friend

>> No.8011520

post pic of autist messiah wearing a mini skirt like its a lamp shade

>> No.8011685

Nope, some people do this and it's just annoying. Like a guy at a party that starts explaining the intricacies of magic the gathering or whatever the fuck card game. Sure he's passionate about it and he's being himself but nobody gives a shit.

Some people have cooler things to talk about

this. How did it take so long? You can get away with anything with a pretty face (except talking about magic the gathering or whatever the fuck card game at a party)

>> No.8012139 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 960x643, collegechik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not givin a f

>> No.8013264

i fully understood cool after doing shrooms this one time. i realized that most everyone, even those that seem really confident, are all self-conscious to a degree. everyone is afraid of the same things socially speaking. i realized that most everyone was just a mask, a tailored persona. after becoming aware of this insecurity i started to see myself in everyone, more specifically my human insecurities, and became a lot more confident. i also realized everything i did that made me feel bad: acting aggressive, irritatable, sarcastic. i dropped these attitudes. these days i walk around feeling light as air. i like never act in aggressive ways and like to do things like telling girls im friends with that they look pretty without any intention of flirting. in summary i guess i just dropped my defences and insecurities and became my actual self. the coolest people are genuine. fashionable people with bad attitudes are losers.

>> No.8013570

i try to do this. i was never really social enough to have to drop the attitudes in the first place. but through self reflection and feel good music (hippy music one might say, from the 60s) and that movie our idiot brother, influences like that, i try not to act like a piece of shit. it honestly is a very satisfying way to live, and just like in our idiot brother, i feel like if you see the best in people and treat them so, they will rise to the occasion. its not to say i base my life on a comedy movie (as fucking awesome as that movie is) but it is a good typification of the way i try to live, minus the comedic elements.

>> No.8013580

if u have 2 think bout it ur not cool

>> No.8014644
File: 46 KB, 439x540, the_vatican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cara Delevingne, the girl in OP's, is actually flippant, coke ridden and hyperactive as fukk, STILL she is part of the cool kids! Life outside home is where its at, don't act like a stranger if you don't wanna be treated like one.

>> No.8014807

dude nobody cares about you

>> No.8014935

>Be a little bit trendy
>Be involved but with minimal effort
>Be a leader wherever you can
>Make her laugh sometimes, tease her sometimes
>Stand up for something you believe in


>> No.8014952
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>> No.8014972

whats that red shit on her hand? Anyone else notice she looks kinda like the guy that plays harry potter?

>> No.8015023

MC Ride is the coolest mother fucker out there

>> No.8015044

he seems like the most socially awkward faggot ever
he can NOT be cool at all

>> No.8015051

yeah, not gonna lie, thought that was a dude at first

didn't know until people kept saying "her"

>> No.8015119

how2 grow out of it?

>> No.8015125


>> No.8015146

oviously, but how2 confidence?

>> No.8015166

cool people would not have responded to this thread.
hell, cool people wouldn't be on /fa/.
/fa/ is the opposite of cool

>> No.8015179

infact, many on effay are cynic and/or have cynic thoughts. i know cuz im cool

>> No.8015185

no she isn't

>> No.8015211

this. How did it take so long? You can get away with anything with a pretty face (except talking about magic the gathering or whatever the fuck card game at a party)

this isn't so obvious as you think, many times I've heard people(mostly girls) saying "he's handsome, but ugh, he's soooo uncool..."

>> No.8015225

actually, what you described can easily describe a cool person
besides, famous people shouldn't be taken as an example, I'm pretty sure cara has someone with the specific task of make her appear in this way

>> No.8015289

Cool misogyny, bro.

>Focus more on "How can I find more interesting things to research / get involved in so I can broaden my horizons and become a more interesting person?"

This. Also made me think of a little bit in The Flamethrowers - where the narrator is reflecting that she's out of place in this fancy dress, but all these sprezzy bougie Italian fucks around her seem completely natural: their clothes "had something to do with them," but hers didn't.

And the idea of calm = cool = good is outdated. People are, gasp, finally getting back into engagement, sincerity, genuine affability. Be about something and show it. Be hot, not cool.

Which isn't meant to play off citing The Flamethrowers; I just think of that passage always when it comes down to clothes and identity. But "fac ut ardeat." That's the thing now.

>> No.8015309

Don't listen to girls, they'll say shit like that but the second the uncool good looking guy starts giving them attention they flip the switch

>> No.8015337


Good summary of the ideas I'm talking about in there, by the way. They're very old, and not mine, and not Carl Wilson's, but yeah. We're post-cool now, motherfuckers.

>> No.8015411

lol no, sometimes when the handsome-but-uncool-guys approached them they rejected them
however I'm not saying that the opposite can't happen, what I want to say is that some people prefer coolnes, while other people prefer beauty

>> No.8015587

it must've taken him a lot of courage to wear those shorts
a true hero

>> No.8016169

>acting aggressive, irritatable, sarcastic. i dropped these attitudes
how to achieve this?
and how old are you, btw

>> No.8017019

I feel like girls who are cool have some sort of a "fuck you and fuck what you think", although it needs to be genuine and not exaggerated/overbearing. The coolest girls i know just do whatever they want to and have interesting personalities.
Although being attractive definitely comes into it, it definitely isn't the defining factor at all imo.

>> No.8017034

>whenever she wasnt with us, she was a pain in the ass because she would be trying to please the other person and not want to come hang out with us
So you're complaining because she wouldn't ditch people she was already with to hang out with you?

>> No.8017041

i feel like i've spent my whole life trying to be somewhat cool, quiet, and individualistic, when in fact i'm naturally an obnoxious pussy fuccboi. i'm quite outspoken when it comes to things i believe in and i let that define me to a great extent, but nothing about me screams cool.

I feel like, why is anyone past the age of 20 still obsessed with being cool?

>and then here i am on /fa/ try to be cool...

>> No.8017057

You know who was cool? Poet.

>> No.8017612


you ain't cool dude.

>> No.8019288
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>> No.8019779

>cara is super cool
That just made your whole thread invalid

>> No.8019816

be charismatic, creative, and interesting

don't pander or try too hard

>> No.8019852


i know these feels

>> No.8019874


>Fashion is for uncool people who want to look cool.

The uncool people follow fashion. The cool people make their own look

>> No.8019878
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But isn't that just having a good sense of humor or something?

>> No.8019879

Im cool. Ive definitely noticed people copying my style and younger kids looking up to me, which is a sure sign your cool.

The thing about cool is, theres no such thing. Cool is whatever you want it to be, its whatever you think is "cool".

For instance, im out shopping and i see a jacket i like. I like it, therefore, i think it is cool. I, myself, defines what is cool. Because I only like it if its cool, and if its cool, then i like it.

I understand and respect that a lot of people wont think or consider the same things cool, as i do. And vice versa.

So, being cool is all about being confident with what you like, and not letting other people define "cool", because anything can be cool.

For instance, im a fashunista, but im also a history buff. To me, watching history documentaries, reading history books etc is fucking cool, im confident with my definition. I like it, therefore its cool, what other people think doesn't matter, when you take on this mantra, other people notice and suddenly your cool.

So, you need to get over the whole idea of cool being set in stone. Cool only exists in the eye of the beholder.

Now this is not to disregard trends, trends can be cool, but only if you think it is. Ok, dont jump on a trend or copy a style unless you genuinely like it and think its cool.

>> No.8019896


Open your mouth until spaghetti stops falling out.

>> No.8019915

thread needs more pics, less bullshitting

>> No.8019916


pics of?

>> No.8019933
File: 17 KB, 351x279, 10093467892296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon got it.

>> No.8019947

Being authentic

>> No.8019994

I also would like to clarify this is the first time i've been on this board in about two years. I dropped by because im bored and wanted to see what had changed.

Just so you know that i am, in fact, cool.

>> No.8020007

sounds good. you and cool man luke or whatever his name is should have a coolness summit someday

>> No.8020042

cool is subjective


>> No.8020047


People are saying coolness comes from within, that if your cool, your cool, if not unlucky.
Yes and no. Coolness does come from within, its called being yourself, as i explained before hand.

Now if you're not cool, thats because someone doesn't think you're cool. Do you think everyone is cool? no. So not everyone is going to think your cool.

If you're genuinely yourself, and dont have some kind of mental disposition, you're going to be a nice, loving, caring person because deep down we all are.

If someone doesnt think you're cool, and likes to voice it, and make their opinion known, then they're the ones with the problems.

If you're true to yourself, then no one should have a reason to dislike you, its them. Or maybe you have a mental problem, so you wouldn't know, but thats neither here nor there.

If your cool, you're genuine. That's all cool is.

>> No.8020360

I know someone who's "cool"
Literally has a group of people following him
Changes his girlfriend every 2 weeks

He works hard
Never bored - tries new things and invite people in (called being social)
He's charismatic
Always happy - never down
He has 7+ facial aesthetic and is 6"4
He's knowledgeable on what he does and what HE LIKES (music, art, fashion)
Always in control of the situation - never get mad
Respects people, even those he doesn't particularly like or find uncool.
Always speak loudly - very expressive - very eccentric and empathic

Don't go for what medias consider cool:
-Glasses, not giving a fuck, ignoring everyone, antipathic

It kinda come to you naturally once you're well with yourself and confident in your values.

>> No.8020397
File: 40 KB, 833x450, dayinthelife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be so incredibly wealthy and good-looking that nothing could possibly affect you, and you can't help but be cool.

>> No.8020408

Look is: 50% height
25% look
25% charisma

>> No.8020414

tall people are cool by default

>> No.8020424


>> No.8020437

Cool means you're enjoying life and have a strong passion for it. It will come naturally once you do that. Anxiety is the only "cool killer" I can think of.

>> No.8020542

How is this a thread?


>> No.8023238
File: 53 KB, 1024x640, shepherd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this post is off the mark a little, but I at times notice that when I begin to talk absolutely everyone shuts up and listens, no mattter how small the case. Also, when I go grab a drink or something like that they follow me like a shepherd. In the case I stay idle for quite some time, they start getting nervous and occasionally the most independent of them starts moving to some direction with the rest following him / her.

>> No.8023256

op will never be cool if he's just now coming to this realization top fucking kek

>> No.8023260

no you just have narcissism

>> No.8023301 [DELETED] 

wait, aren't you the one who follows me