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/fa/ - Fashion

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8015501 No.8015501 [Reply] [Original]

summer is coming, how are you guys going to keep cool and stylish?

I know you are used to wearing tons of layers to hide your underdeveloped bodies

>> No.8015503
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this is all you need for day to day stuff.

>> No.8015527

i'm working on it, op

>> No.8015537
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>i'm working on it, op

that's what i wanna hear

>> No.8015545

>tfw weak joints and can't lift

skinnyfat for life

>> No.8015552

>>tfw weak joints and can't lift

this is fixed by lifting
lifting strengthens your joints, tendons, ligaments not just your muscles

>> No.8015563

Post a pic of yourself op

>> No.8015560

no, i lifted for 1-2 years and now have chronic pain.

i have hereditary collagen issues

>> No.8015567

fit dadcore pls go

why not just do calisthenics?

>I can't swim
>this is fixed by swimming, it strengthens your joints, tendons and ligaments

>> No.8015575

>lifted for 1-2 years
well there's your problem

>> No.8015579

That looks bad

>> No.8015586

>5 weeks into first ever cycle
>hoping to enjoy my first really shredded summer ever
>imply I'll ever feel like I've made it

Today was 65*F and it was already too hot to layer. Fuck this. Boot weather is almost out, I need thinner trousers, and sweaters are soon to be a no-go.

>> No.8015591


still hurts. i can't do more than about 50 push ups a week (my muscles can of course, but my tendons and joints ache).

i swim a bit, but i'm never going to be in great shape from a bit of swimming here and there. lots of swimming kills my shoulders.

i'm not sure what you're implying. i love lifting. i only stopped when it became so bad that i couldn't get out of bed or type anymore.

>> No.8015596

maybe you should just focus on your diet then. i don't exercise at all and i'm not skinny fat or auschwitz (not that i'm totally happy with it)

>> No.8015729


You sure it's collagen problems? Something like that happened to me after I'd been lifting for about a year and I've since been diagnosed with something in the fibromyalgia area.

Basically some of my connective tissue (mostly shoulders/neck) becomes incredibly painful if it's stressed. I used to do 60lb dumbbell exercises and now it hurts to hold a phone to me ear for more than a few minutes.

>> No.8017870


>> No.8017895

why is /fit/ and their whole attitude so extremely cringeworthy?

>> No.8017953
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>Pectus Excavatum
>child bearing hips
Just kill me.

>> No.8017969
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I think I've reached summer mode

>> No.8017966

lol id suck ur dick assuming u have a good face

>> No.8017976

you better be a dude tho
girls are gross

>> No.8017981

pls b in stockholm

>> No.8017987
File: 53 KB, 800x600, PIXECT-20140327185350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pale fridge mode

I'll never really have aesthetic summer muscles

>> No.8017993

post qt butt pics and i might think about it ;)))

>> No.8018003


ugly stop eating and bulking retard

>> No.8018005

compensating for baby face mode more like

>> No.8018010
File: 35 KB, 800x600, PIXECT-20140327190814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah my face is still a bit chubby I still have some weight to lose

At least I can grow strong facial hair tho

>> No.8018015

Anyone have any idea on linen pants? I live where it will sometimes hit 90s in the summer but my job won't let me wear shorts. I feel like some breathable pants would solve a lot of bros problems here

>> No.8018019

just wear black denim skinnies as usual
gotta suffer for beauty doe

>> No.8018026
File: 694 KB, 1479x1971, _20140104_214106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old pic, decided to get /fit/ and /fa/ as my new year resolution for 2014

>> No.8018025

It just isn't possible in florida :(

>> No.8018028
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>> No.8018045

Tshirt and jeans

>> No.8018055

work on ur traps bru ur arms look thin af from the front bc ur traps r lackin

>> No.8018067
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ye I know it's bad I just have really long arms so it's really difficult to make them look in proportion from the front

I had big traps before and it looked really stupid. I stopped weightlifting a few months ago and recently just started doing bodyweight/entry gymnastics stuff instead so gains will be different

it was hard to look good in clothes when my back was like this

>> No.8018080

my friend has far worse pectus excavatum than you
he's been working out hard for little over 2 years and looks perfectly fine nowdays
no one can even notice it anymore even when he's shirtless

>> No.8018097

Fibromyalgia sucks man. Only thing that keeps the pain away is mass amounts of painkillers. Weed is a miracle for it but unfortunately I can't even get medical in fl

>> No.8018100

seriously what kind of shorts (or some other kind of pants? been wearing chinos till now but now that I've become more effay I know they're for faggots) should I wear for summer?
>child bearing hips
>kinda fat/muscular thighs, might be because I cycle everywhere
been thinking of reigning champ ones but I'd guess they'd be just awkward sweatshorts

>> No.8018104

wow i think i might actually prefer being the one who does the sucking ;)
I've tried but more defined pecs seemed to only make it more obvious as you could see the muscle just surrounding the sunken area and making it appear deeper.

>> No.8018111

I'm gonna probably turn all of my cheap jogging bottoms into shorts

Tend to hang looser which I think looks good for summer

You could consider cropped or high-rolled chinos

>> No.8018125

yeah might get into menswear/bai core in future but considering my surroundings it'd be silly as fuck if I did it now

>> No.8018131

just so you know fibromyalgia is majorly linked to depressions and other psychological issues and is better treated with antidepressants than analgesics

>> No.8018175


>> No.8018174

i have the opposite of pectus excavatum, does anyone know what its called?

>> No.8018182


Pharmacorp detected.

I wouldn't be recommending that strangers take anti-depressants, if I were you.


>> No.8018191

i have all of those things too, plus i'm pale as fuck

we're gonna make it bro

>> No.8018215

at my deepest philosophic moments i ponder which one is worse
no answer so far

>> No.8018317

dude, this isn't the fifties, lower your waist band

>> No.8018333

that's where my hips are. I have a really short torso and long legs

I'm not a black American and I have no desire to be

>> No.8018388

bs. take another pic with your pants off

>> No.8018394


>> No.8018399

i'm waiting

>> No.8018601

50 pushups a week? holy shit dude take it eazy

>> No.8018707
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>> No.8018741

Not going to keep cool,
going to sweat it out