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/fa/ - Fashion

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7997023 No.7997023 [Reply] [Original]

when was the day you realized /fa/ couldn't dress?

>> No.7997029


First day here. This board is second to none when it comes to delusion.

>> No.7997035

Mane I rmb that niggas thread, truely awful
Also I've never taken anything /fa/ says seriously so I think I'm good
>inb4 post fìts

>> No.7997040
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/fa/'s really slow recently, slowest I've ever seen it.

Honestly every WAYWT thread this month and the past month has been awful, every fit looks identical.

There's the whole "lazy day today" thing as well which I think is killing WAYWT's, the whole normcore thing, it's fucking dense.

>tfw I just look at WAYWT's so I know what not to dress like
Also find Earth.

>> No.7997047

when I first opened a WAYWT thread

>> No.7997051
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>CDG chucks
>entire fit is matching
>sucking in cheeks so hard it shows in pic

>> No.7997060

Fucking h8 that nigger since the first thread and now he thinks he "fitted in" and posts on waywt casually
Ouh hell nawh

>> No.7997057

There's usually a few decent fits per thread, with the rest being all boring or poorly executed. Or flamboyant. Kinda sucks.
Also this >>7997040
This board is slow as fuck lately and there's this "normcore" bullshit everywhere.
Still, I think there's a few who post some pretty nice fits even if they aren't nxtlvl.

>> No.7997075
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how do I improve my fit

>> No.7997082

That's not even normcore, that's just "I have no idea how to dress myself"

>> No.7997095

I tell him to stop for good since his first post. He still did not take my advice.

>> No.7997098

Post fit

>> No.7997100


what's the problem?

like i want to get /fa/ what items are fucking this up

>> No.7997106

If this is serious, go hang out in the waywt and actually look at other peoples' fits. Even if they're shit, at least their clothes actually fit them for the most part.

>> No.7997111

/lgbt/ mtf are worse

>> No.7997115

The problem with /fa/ is that people buy into such stupid trends and end up taking fashion way too seriously.

>> No.7997118


i think the problem here is that people don't take fashion seriously enough

>> No.7997122

The Problem is that high fashion and basement dwellers dont mesh well and most people need to learn the fundamentals of dressing first.

>> No.7997138

post it in the fuccboi general

>> No.7997147
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>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don't dress exclusively in japanese/italian brands

>> No.7997152

drop crotch pants

any non/fa/ person would be offended, and for a good reason. They look ridiculous

>> No.7997158

if you want real advise - go and post in simple questions threads on reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice

if you want to be shit on stay here.

>> No.7997162

Lunarcore, Normcore, even Gothninja I guess. People try too hard I think, and it generally ends up as overkill or they don't get the look right that they're going for. There is also so much hate on this board that it can't be doing anyone any good at all, and lastly the /fa/ demographic is quite young, so not many people have a job or at least a job that will allow them to buy more expensive stuff. That's just my analysis anyways

>> No.7997163

I disagree. There's plenty of drop crotch pants that don't make you look like you shit yourself, and they do a good job of evening your proportions if you have long legs/short torso.
It's mostly just those skinny/extremely tapered ones that have excess fabric everywhere and make you look like you're walking around with shit in your pants.
Though, no matter what type you're wearing, you have to watch what else you're wearing with them.

>> No.7997161


they look aight when done right

a problem arises when people without vision or taste just pick them up to look trendy

>> No.7997200

people who look good don't post in the WAYWT because they aren't looking to change their style

if they do, like the few good names/trips, they're only looking for attention or praise from /fa/

>> No.7997213

>if they do, like the few good names/trips, they're only looking for attention or praise from /fa/
and they have their own instagram or blog.

>> No.7997223

this outfit would actually look good on someone who doesn't look like a middle-aged lesbian

>> No.7997230


>> No.7997237

lol remember when this kid started trippin nd givin peeps fashion advice

>> No.7997260
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After sitting through many threads with dick ovens circlejerking and calling everything else dadcore

also everyone on here is poor as fuck and therefore can only judge things from Uniqlo and other garbage retailers

>> No.7997261

that's definetely a problem, but the biggest problem i see on /fa/ are the broke teenagers taht you mentioned that only "dress well", and i mean that in the blandest sense of the word. they have no interest in design, in individual pieces, in textures, materials, or even the history behind the garment. they cop expensive pieces because they have a name attached to them and then put on the most generic fits to try and showcase them to us here and wait for approval.

they then hate on whatever reminds them of their inadequacy, their generic sense of "taste", and try to drive these people away. they take themselves seriously, but not fashion

again, this is also just an opinion, but i agree with you in some aspects

>> No.7997271
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the coat looks tacky as fuck tho, so showy

>> No.7997268

>also everyone on here is poor
Stop projecting.

>> No.7997283

/fa/ is the embodiment of vicarious living.

Lots of users here absorb general fashion knowledge and are exposed to a lot of different aesthetics. They can look at a fit and tell you why it's good or why it's bad.

In reality though, most users have very little actual experience. Too poor to afford the clothing they spend all day looking at or too poor to openly experiment (and fail) with different styles. They know what pieces look nice but have no idea how to piece a decent outfit together (at least, not without straight up copy + pasting someone else's fit.)

Trunks is a good example of someone who occupies the intermediary between cluelessness and actual experience. He buys a lot of luxury clothes (second hand, but still) and experiments with a lot of different looks. He fails (almost constantly) because he has no idea how to piece his shit together. However, he is on his way to having an intuitive understanding of fashion.

Really, this all wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the fact that this board operates on anonymity. You're getting users who will shit on just about any fit you show them and then go into WAYT dressed in the most basic bitch, fail proof, "/fa/ uniform".

In this sense, I actually respect trips. They're no more or less obnoxious than anonymous posters but at least they're willing to make their progression from cluelessness to comprehension.

>inb4 "put your trip back on, trunks"
>inb4 gtfo Poet

>> No.7997296


*make their progression public

>> No.7997303
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some customers like showy

nothing wrong with a little flair

especially when it's stupid high quality

>> No.7997312
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When they do nothing but hate on my fits while dressing his grey shirts and black pants. The thirst is forever strong on /fa/

>> No.7997323

I mostly agree with this. I don't think it's limited to names/trips though. If you spend enough time in waywts you start to recognize consistent posters.
Oh you. You're so entertaining, but I wish you wouldn't post another fit with every fucking reply. Just gets things more off track.

>> No.7997328

lel sorry m8. Sometimes I just can't help myself

>> No.7997330
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a little flair is okay, but it feels like cheap braggadocio most times, esp w fur

keeping it simple is always nice, at least imo

>> No.7997332

might be b8 guise......

>> No.7997337

>implying it's him and not just someone who saved these pics

>> No.7997344

how can i prove to you that it's me m8

>> No.7997343

Put your trip back on, trunks.

>> No.7997347

timestamp cock bulge

>> No.7997358

pls no.

>> No.7997359
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this should do

>> No.7997363

i stand corrected, and i apologize

>> No.7997366


>> No.7997373

It's cool man, just don't spam your fits when you're replying. Funny as hell, but it sucks when people start getting so off topic.
Oh lel

>> No.7997392

gtfo Poet

>> No.7997422

Last time I saw him he made a noob thread asking /fa/ to help his broke ass form outfits from the things in his wardrobe. That was only 2-3 months ago.

>> No.7997430

>trunks being literate or writing at higher then a 4th grade level

>> No.7997529

a few people can dress tho..
lelders fits were alright
no colduloy for you or whatever

>> No.7997531

teddy does the EXACT SAME THING every day. getting tiresome to me.

>> No.7997542


Yes! I finally have a face to associate toilet faggot man with.

>> No.7997593

This board is filled with skinny gay guys who think that "fit" means "too short" and "too tight".

>> No.7997602

>they look aight when done right

No. They always look like shit. Always. There is no context where they are acceptable.

>> No.7997632

I appreciate it

His pieces are pretty sick though, and I'm not even that into his aesthetic

>> No.7997638

that's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.7997654

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW that limit themselves with retarded arbitrary rules

>> No.7997667

ur a homo omega

>> No.7997669

i feel like theres more of a propensity for newer, not-as-well-dressed people to post more in the waywts in order to get criticism on their fits and the people who have a better grasp on their style dont feel the need to b/c they know that they're doing and dont need the validation

ive seen plenty of people get into some pretty deep discussion about brands that i rarely, if ever, see worn in the waywts, so it leads me to believe that the demographics are pretty skewed

>> No.7997675
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>> No.7999332

this guy honestly looks 14 -15

just let him chill and do u, u pie ass dick in the mouth ass cock in the mouuth ass bitch ass pie ass fuckboy, u sound so lame hating on 15 year old niggas, u fucking fool, thats what yall are, a bunch of fools. think bout what u niggas are doing, fuck boys taking the piss outta a high school kid... u fucking fools..yall some bitches mane.

>> No.7999355
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this board is being ruined by non-australians

if everyone here adopted a more 'australian' attitude to life and 4chan things would be so much better

what a shame for you guys that you were born in 3rd world countries

>> No.7999360

When most of /fa/ is a senior in high school or a freshman in college.

Wouldn't be surprised if most people look like they work at Zumiez, while the rest are just trying to look like a generic person from tumblr if they're European.

>> No.7999369

The first time I saw Geos posted a few years ago

>> No.7999376

why have u gone full shitposter?
srs question.
it's the attention, isn't it?

>> No.7999385

my life is just an endless cycle of trying and failing and i hope i die soon

>> No.7999390

That's life, though, dude.
A man isn't a failure because he's failed, he's a failure when he gives up.
Thomas Edison fucked up the light bulb literally over 500 times.
Human nature is imperfection.

>> No.7999407

this kid actually puts together decent outfits, he just looks like shit in them

>> No.7999404

>they have no interest in design, in individual pieces, in textures, materials, or even the history behind the garment.


ppl cop Raf here but nobody actually cares about the season as a whole

>> No.7999418

Pretty much. He dresses much better now that he has a little inspo. Used to be a lot worse.
Least he's trying.

>> No.7999419

i bet if this dude covered his face people would be like yo tite fit B lol

>> No.7999423

>guys look how deep i am

>> No.7999429

he started with his face covered

>> No.7999437

that's not the point at all u prick.
I've been there and I AM there still.
this shit ain't no joke, I'm literally depressed even when I'm not depressed.
just trying to help someone else out and give perspective and stuff.

>> No.7999454
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where were you and what were you doing when you realised some people out there actually take /fa/ seriously

>> No.7999463


Is this nigga going super saiyan

>> No.7999471
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>> No.7999508

It's funny when people annoy other people just by being them self

People with no self awareness are so funny and cute

>> No.7999512

it's not really funny or cute, it's a defining trait of autism

>> No.7999519


in the alley

getting shot

>> No.7999517



I don't like that anons who don't post on fits shit on everyone and drive away anyone who tries to contribute substantially

but it's part of the territory I guess, plus it's a vicious cycle. if we stopped being needlessly critical maybe more people would post. but if we aren't being honest then it's pointless too.

>> No.7999532

Autistic people are extraordinary

>> No.7999536

how many people would talk shit about OP if they had to post a pic of themselves

fucking nobody, none of you would post shit on facebook for example

I'm not saying that's better but at least have some perspective and leave out the obvious ego serving when you criticize

anyway the bottom half is great imo

>> No.7999546

I think it's alright when people give actual advice on what they think would work better, but it's the short "It's shit" replies that you see repeated over and over again that kill me. If all you're gonna do is talk shit, then you need something to back it up.

>> No.7999572
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>> No.7999578
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>> No.7999598

There is /x/ tho.
>reptilian overlords

>> No.7999649

still mad i wrecked ur gay ass aussie thread last night m7?
drop ur trip u skinny little uggo pizza boy

>> No.7999670

poet pls stay

>> No.7999687
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there are quite a few people who dress well, but they don't post very often in waywt threads or are posting on other mediums instead.

>> No.8000356

what's wrong with cdg chucks?

>> No.8000371
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>> No.8000393

looks like if anthony fantano turned asian, lost some weight, and decided he badly needed to start dressing to get laid

>> No.8000406

>implying fantano doesn't get the poon every night

>> No.8000412

>but in my hypothetical case, he turned asian, which made him significantly less desirable to women

>> No.8000487

They've replaced geos as the new meme shoe that fuccbois who wear the typical /fa/ uniform lust after.

>> No.8001122

w2c cardi

>> No.8001136

grandma's treasure chest :~)

>> No.8001139

copies theos fit and utterly fails at it, cant wait till he tries to impersonate another trips fit

>> No.8001148

fuck that looks like shit.

litterly 90% of /fa does dress like shit.

>> No.8001179

>I hate how every fit is the same

This is what is wrong with /fa/

>> No.8001188

>different = good +immune criticism

>> No.8001195
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>> No.8001198

Honestly that guy, if he wasn't fat and didn't look so Indian. The fit would be great.

>> No.8001210

Give him credit. Trunks is probably one of the only trips on this board that really tries to study fashion and tries to make a statement.

Whereas every anon here is just "does this look good /fa/?"
When the question we should be asking is "can you see what I'm getting across /fa/?"
When you ask the prior, a community tends to meld towards a certain view point, it's still rather blurred on /fa/ but it's obviously
Whereas if we asked the latter, we would get a larger variety of interesting fits. But I guess the trade off is we can't be as fucking horrible to each other and we would turn into mfa.

>> No.8001236

how does he study fashion

all he does is regurgitate the opinions of other tripfags. hes like a bad parody twerk it/turnleft/timber

the only statement he makes is that he spends too much time on 4chan

>> No.8001256

lmao you must be poor

>> No.8001280

it does at least help identify him

>> No.8001285

i love you asok

>> No.8001290

you're my favourite trip

>> No.8001299

the face of autism

>> No.8001341


GOAT reaction face

someone invert the colors on this

and dont make fun of him, he's actually autistic and / or aspie

>> No.8001803

grow your hair
Cover bones

>> No.8001806

thanks homie <3