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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 88 KB, 500x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7991392 [Reply] [Original]

how effay is your girlfriend? which fashion forums/sites does she frequent?

>> No.7991399

this thread hurts already

>> No.7991397

tfw have to slowly unpleb her ;_:

>> No.7991403
File: 8 KB, 645x773, 1342462891300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my gf

>> No.7991405

How does one do that without being a dick about it? I'm in the same boat

>> No.7991409
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, feels mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how effay is your girlfriend?
>effay is your girlfriend?
> is your girlfriend?
>your girlfriend?

wat is that

>> No.7991412

It's ok anon you will find a qt patrish gf who will make you very happy soon I know it

>> No.7991413

Is that the ovate hoodie?

>> No.7991417

very mysterious creatures I've only seen one irl

>> No.7991432

my gf wears flared jeans and thrifted target clothes

meanwhile im a 6'2" mail muddle draped in ann demeulemeester (my gf wouldnt even know how to pronounce that)

gonna break up with her p soon

>> No.7991438


looks like it

>> No.7991450

>6'2" mail muddle draped in ann demeulemeester (my gf wouldnt even know how to pronounce that)
U prolly googled how to spell Ann D before posting just to make sure u didnt get it wrong, im certain

>> No.7991482

if u love her, then what she wears doesnt matter but w/e its ur gf

>> No.7991485

She actually browses /fa/. And is Asian. Not even lying.

On a scale of 1 tot 10, how envious are you?

>> No.7991492

why does she dress like this? how did you meet? is she hot? this is fascinating

>> No.7991493

idk man but so far every time we go shopping i just point out on some things 'this might look good on you' and just hope she starts getting into that style

>> No.7991497

How can envy b real if gf not real

>> No.7991500


> asian

Is she a manlet that dresses in swagfag clothing?

>> No.7991507

she dresses like that because she doesnt know any better/doesnt care idk. we met at work. she's not that hot really im just a thirsty ass nigga

>> No.7991509

who would want a gf that browses /fa/ lmao

>> No.7991511

>tfw tumblr-core gf

dont judge me, i cant afford to have standards

>> No.7991517

not envious at all.

all the girls that browse /fa/ are seriously fucked up (prodigy, eyebrows, sicklysweet, etc) not to mention they all dress like shit too

>> No.7991518

>implying you aren't jealous

>> No.7991523

Tumblr grills confuses my cock doe
Probs bcos 50% of the time its a dude

>> No.7991522

timber or w/e her name is is p cool

>> No.7991531
File: 163 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7991532

That bish who hasnt graduated from highschool yet? Shes considered cool now?

>> No.7991534

im not in the position to give advice since i dont have a gf, but thats really the only thing i can think of that wouldnt be offensive. just every time she asks for your opinion, and make it known you life her fit when she wears something you like. it may take some time but eventually she will probably come around.

>> No.7991550

she's into furry porn dude lol

she left the /fa/ when we found her deviantart page

>> No.7991562

>bragging on a chinese cartoon forum about having a gf that browses a chinese cartoon forum

oh ya man, really jealous

>> No.7991592
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>> No.7991602

give me the link

>> No.7991613


> tfw no furry gf

>> No.7991666

You sound like an asshole, fashion is not that important

>> No.7991669

>not knowing the meme

>> No.7991682

>knowing every meme

neckbeards aren't /fa/

>> No.7991691

shes asian and knows much more about fashion than i do

>> No.7991699

>tfw no one will casperfllip their way into my heart

>> No.7991720

she deleted it when we found out. lool in the archive for it

>> No.7991780

My girlfriend is pretty basic /fa/, could be worse

>> No.7991827


>> No.7991832

well, she's not real, so that's pretty cool.

>> No.7991838

>thread about girlfriends
>two actual responses

Not really surprised

>> No.7991856
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>> No.7991868

>Probably the nigger kind

>> No.7991875
File: 56 KB, 480x640, 12742551_75sq_1369381084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt aryan heightist gf

>> No.7991880

No, the Viet kind.

>> No.7991889

My girlfriend's more /fa/ than I am. And by that I mean I'm not /fa/ at all and she's simply in touch with clothing trends of young people. She's always telling me about how her friends at art school dress, or showing me Japanese men's fashion magazines. Although for some reason she likes cargo shorts on men.

At least she got me to ditch my trainers and stonewashed relaxed fit jeans for Sambas and 508s.

>> No.7991891

not envious/10
i had the same
keep it up anon

>> No.7992066

Where should my girlfriend go for inspo?

>> No.7992079

my place

>> No.7992080

that is the nigger kind, only a step above swagipina

>> No.7992088

not gf but a girl im seeing, she knows about desginers and stuff, not much but it was a pleasant surprise, she said i was the first dude she knew who knew who Hedi Slimane was

she also asked me if i was a model :3

>> No.7992092

post face

>> No.7992103

Depends on the gloves I'm wearing.

>> No.7992110


im a trip without the trip ;)

dont have model tier face but im 6'1

>> No.7992111

Y-you rused me
how could you anon ;_;

>> No.7993372


>> No.7993580

none of it was porn, it was just stupid anime shit that you would expect from any 12/13 year old girl on the internet. not defending her just saying: none of it was actually pornographic at all.

>> No.7993600

ID on sweater?

>> No.7993633


not very. don't mind, I like how she dresses regardless.

>> No.7993648

my gf is the most fa

>> No.7993715

Post pic

>> No.7993833

>seriously fucked up

>> No.7993913

R u a qt gril?

>> No.7993930

>tfw no qt effay bf
where are they hiding

>> No.7993935

my girlfriend is terribly unfa but shes a qt and heroin skinny so i'm happy

>> No.7993939

my gf is the most /fa/ out of everyone on /fa/

>> No.7993949


>> No.7993967

post a pic

>> No.7993990

tfw no uma truman lookalike gf

>> No.7994094


>> No.7994109

Ur born with it

>> No.7994122

What are you looking for? Inspo? Fashion news?

I had more but I'll need to dig them up. I get most of my fashion from menswear actually.

>> No.7994126

Girls don't into online fashin unless it's tumblr

>> No.7994144

Lel I just link her to female inspo threads and she end up wanting to dress more and more like the pics she likes. It's a slow process but it works yo

>> No.7994148

Thank you so much

>> No.7994176
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1347969519282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6ft qtpi gf and 18 and skinny but wears the same high waisted pants and crop top shirts all the time

>> No.7994205

I wouldn't normally go anywhere near a shit thread like this especially considering how awful the fit in OP is. Have her check out stylezeitgeist and unwoven. From there she can branch out into blogs she likes. Some parts of TFS are tasteful. Don't bother with superfuture, they go wild over fetishwear and anything from their favorite brands.

>> No.7994214

you poor thing

>> No.7994215

erm I don't automatically expect chicks or guys for that matter on the internet to make fursonas lol

>> No.7994218

my bf is pretty fa

>> No.7994257

You're not fooling anyone berry. You don't have a bf.

Fucking predator lookalike

>> No.7994271

be a man and buy her stuff

>> No.7994281

I think you keep forgetting that not everyone is as rich as you mifune

>> No.7994315

More effay than I. Studying fashion PR, knows the industry like the back of her hand, can name designers and their brands / IPOs, watches and critiques fashion shows. She owns a heap of high-end brands, including several Dior dresses, a $1500 Chanel bag, and a $1200 pair of Loubis (among others).

She's more into high-end / boutique womenswear though. She teaches mr about womenswear and I show her my favourite menswear. She is buying Rickidas for my Birthday.

>> No.7994322


So where exactly did you find her, out of curiosity?

>> No.7994332


>> No.7994350

if i pretend to be your girlfriend will you buy me stuff? i think we even like the same kind of stuff

spoiler i have a dick

>> No.7994358

mad cuz I have a bf and u no gf

>> No.7994354


We had two classes together, I complimented her Katrantzou dress and we got talking. Started "going out" about 4 months later - that was about 20 months ago.

>> No.7994360

My Sides Are No Longer Real

>> No.7994439
File: 147 KB, 774x1046, 1395716632345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

max fa

>> No.7994664
File: 50 KB, 806x806, 1395719309621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ex

>> No.7994672

big booty bitches

>> No.7994697
File: 77 KB, 952x952, 1395719684484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, indeed. She did have a big booty

>> No.7994705

I just want a qt pi /fa/ bf to go shopping with

>> No.7994704



>> No.7994721

i have a "tiny butt" but it's "cute:..
is that bad
i do squats and errything..feels like its getting even smaller

>> No.7994722

>berry got a bf
rip :(

>> No.7994732


>> No.7994754
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, sagging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like petite girls and I get weird looks when I go out with my black friends because of it

>"dayum nigga u always gotta grab the skinniest bitch there"

Thanks Marquez

>> No.7994776 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 357x300, earningsguidance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it;s almost pancake status here..a little better now
it gets worse when i'm <110lbs

>> No.7994785

is this the photo where it looks "cute"?

>> No.7994794

its only "cute" when a drunk guy on coke grabs it

whatever im over big butts..

>> No.7994820
File: 647 KB, 193x176, 1395721612214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok bby ill treat yo lil booty right

>> No.7994835

>not the indian goddess of /fa/

>> No.7994845
File: 26 KB, 487x302, gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gf is totes qt

>> No.7994841

Your butt isn't cute, honey.

>> No.7994911

i'm a girl. my fashion taste evolved over many many years, beginning with shit like streetwear in middle school and generally progressing to runway-tier stuff. now i dress kinda techwear/techninja ish. i incorporate "normcore" elements in my fits sometimes tho

don't force her into it. she's probably a shit dresser anyway. most girls think they understand fashion but shop at fucking urban outfitters and wear the same terrible free people bullshit as every girl in quasi-affluent neighborhoods in middle america

it's really tragic how few girls actually know how to dress lol

>> No.7994948
File: 78 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mtipvm32Aq1remy4co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big butts are ghetto anyway

>> No.7994953

that was someone else's opinion, not my own

>> No.7994963
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>> No.7994966

not indian

>> No.7994967

this post gave me cancer

>> No.7994971
File: 127 KB, 364x547, 1395723414523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unnatural hair colors piss me off

>> No.7994976

what are you

>> No.7994983

>but unnatral tits don't

>> No.7994988

I regret checking the archive for that deleted post.

>> No.7994985

It evidently is yours as well, since you mentioned it was 'cute'.

>> No.7994987
File: 262 KB, 1000x670, tactical facemask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yaself

>> No.7994989

and yet you spent how much money trying to fix your ugly face with plastic surgery and still don't look hot

>> No.7994993

well ur ugly so ur opinion is pretty shit anyways

>> No.7994995



>> No.7994997
File: 290 KB, 336x542, Picture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no effay gf

>> No.7994999

I do too.

>> No.7995000

hair color that is meant for a different race looks stupid as fuck
there are no naturally blonde east asians (not incl. albinos). it looks tacky and isn't fooling anyone
this doenst include "hair as a statement"(ie: the grimes look)

i cant give an unbiased opinion on my own body, nor would i attempt to. if it's in quotes it means that someone else said it, not me. believe whatever

>> No.7995011

prob still hotter than you
it;s all relative

>> No.7995015


you put your name back on? though you could trip to avoid fakes

>> No.7995018

>dont have model tier face but im 6'1

What does being 6'1 have to do with it.

>> No.7995026

at least i'm not constantly posting my face and body all over /fa/ fishing for compliments

>> No.7995032

go ahead, no one's stopping you

>> No.7995041

Could you or someone else post a pic of your face?

>> No.7995034

I'm on a device that I haven't used to browse /fa/ since I used to trip, so it was already filled in the name field.

>> No.7995036

ur butts gross

>> No.7995037
File: 73 KB, 129x129, tumblr_lxb9oxDNoT1qeun7ko1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7995050

i do

>> No.7995045

Let's be honest: No one here has a girlfriend.

>> No.7995048


use fuuka warosu

>> No.7995058
File: 33 KB, 960x643, whateever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7995070

pls b in vancouver srs

>> No.7995071

Checked out the pic of your ass and I'm not a fan, face looks fine though.

>> No.7995076

is gf thred m80


>> No.7995074


do u think its ok 2 post urs ugly friend face too

>> No.7995083

hahah youre so mean!
i dont think she'd care

>> No.7995080


How do people still believe its you?

You've never posted a timestamp actually proving it's you.

You're obviously just taking photos off someone else's facebook or other photo domain

>> No.7995088

im not nearly attractive enough to be fake

also ive cammed on tc

>> No.7995094

post a timestamp now to ultimately prove its you

inb4 some lame excuse

>> No.7995100

You look like a younger version of my dentists assistant, don't suppose you're in Ireland?

>> No.7995102

wait which one are you? are you the qt blonde girl or the below avg brownchick

>> No.7995104
File: 8 KB, 251x201, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7995106


>> No.7995108

lol you are so obviously faking

fat neckbeard

>> No.7995111

>tfw met my gf on /fa/

>> No.7995119

Ah right, any relatives in Ireland? You look veeery like the assistant.

>> No.7995123

that sounds absolutely disgusting

>> No.7995128

Haha I knew you were bullshit.

>> No.7995130


>fashion is not that important



>> No.7995135


>being this new

>> No.7995150

My gf is a /fa/ qt redhead w/ 8/10 feet who likes it rough and gives me fjs.

How the fuck did that happen?

>> No.7995165

>mfw ppl think stinkysalt is fake

>> No.7995168

>8/10 feet

the most uneffay fetish EVER

>> No.7995179

youre the new one you ugly fuck

>> No.7995200

lol @ how mad u r bcaz u cant fuck sickly kek!!11

>> No.7995205

I like it when they're sweaty :)

>> No.7995222


>being THIS new


>> No.7995240


hated i think ur v handsome

yea well being an enormous faglord 7000 (your fetish) is kinda a lot worse so fuck u nerd

>> No.7995263

>being this shitskin

>> No.7995258
File: 117 KB, 1600x1205, 1394582610967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey can you help me out

>> No.7995268


sure nat whats up





>> No.7995281

you're really a poorly dressed attention whore

>> No.7995283
File: 8 KB, 319x419, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck tombrown frreal tho

>> No.7995286
File: 2.10 MB, 367x298, 1394577527291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watch and listen at 63:18
i have spent all evening trying to make that ringtone! (you wont find it online)
i have all the notes down but the sound effect i cannot do

i have tried messing with pitch on 8bit notes...
very hard, i will pay someone if they can do it for me

>> No.7995293


wish i could help you but i cant :(


hes a bitch

>> No.7995296
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, 1394576453212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you do in my situation?
this is my current work in progress.

ill be damned if i get stuck with midi sounds i think it sounds so nasty

>> No.7995314

thanks will check it out

>> No.7995309


have you tried with that program called Reason, if you got the notes you should be able to do it, you got a lot of synths and stuff to make it

>> No.7995322
File: 976 KB, 292x410, 1393553553805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey what the fuck you have to pay for this shit

>> No.7995323

>ect i cann

>> No.7995334
File: 66 KB, 786x916, 1392343697922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm yeah but you cant find a snippet of the ringtone that doesnt have a beat and the movie dialogue playing alongside it

unless their is a prgoram where i can take off all those layers and then "clean up" the ringtone audio?

>> No.7995354

implying any1will ever call u at any time ever


id call u

but only booty call..................

>> No.7995356

what's this girl's name again

>> No.7995367


mayli wang or some gay shit like that

>> No.7995372

She looks like Dewey.

>> No.7995375 [DELETED] 
File: 357 KB, 1178x1662, 1392344711499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone help me?
point direction

>> No.7995378
File: 1.81 MB, 240x144, 1392325359210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amelia wang aka mayli
"your next door whore"

shes just trying to break the stereotypes that bind her!!!

>> No.7995400

why do you bother samefagging?

>> No.7995437
File: 31 KB, 614x333, 1382892133788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not samefagging you stupid slut

>> No.7995516

Kelly Baltazar

>> No.7995539

what's so great about this again?

>> No.7995570

how tall is she?

>> No.7995589


>> No.7995591
File: 11 KB, 150x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess ANON thinks she seems like a sweet pure waifu and then she goes and does porn

The part that trips me out is that she straight up goes into facial abuse
Like what the fuck is going on in some chicks head that she skips all the other bullshit and goes straight into getting throat fucked slapped and choked

I would tap that though

>> No.7995598

The porn industry is fucked up, and a lot of new actresses are made to do really hardcore stuff for their first videos, it's not always up to them.

>> No.7995600

You would understand if you were over 6ft....

>> No.7995601

my kolean gf wears balmain fakes and has a tight little ass. 42kg 5'5" of unshaven bliss

>> No.7995612

I live in North Georgia, the pussy game here is fucking ridiculous. I can find dumb sluts to fuck but that's not me at all. Since my last gf I haven't found anybody who's /fa/ enough, cute enough, interesting enough, and on my level.
shit sucks mang, it's been about a year now.

>> No.7995618

so just another poor acolyte of the porn industry? messed up, but not particularly so

then again, i might just be jaded

>> No.7995622

why would you want to live in a place where the average IQ is two times the European equivalent to a size 12 shoe?

>> No.7995645


>> No.7995662

But here's the fucked up part, see she actually did an essay on the porn industry and how she did some porn while she was like 17-18. Although, it's probably her dad's connection that got her into Georgetown University. I remember a while back she got kicked out of Georgetown University because she was retarded enough to send weed on the school mail system. Still, it confuses me why she does all this shit. Her dad used to be Vice President of Goldman Sachs and I knew this because that's what she told me. Nowadays I think she's doing some artwork at some museum over at New York, some kind of Chinese painting or some shit. But she's kinda fucked up in the head irl. I used to know her during my freshman year in college

>> No.7995671

and yeah her parents are loaded as fuck, it just confuses me why she did porn and was trying to sell weed if her folks are rich.

>> No.7995678

Not choice, born here, hard to relocate.

>> No.7995685

rich parents don't usually share the motherlode w their kids so easily

my parents do tho, probably because they know im depressed

>> No.7995691

>haha i will make fun of this person because he thinks 4chan is based off of chinese forum when actually original 2chan is japanese
>neckbeards aren't /fa/
off yourself

>> No.7995695

What an interesting person, and what a disaster.
She's probably not stupid at all, just likes to cause as much trouble as possible for either attention or because she believes none of it holds consequence

>> No.7995713

Well you have to be real stupid enough to send weed in the school mail system.

>> No.7995743

you don't sound very smart

this is very discouraging, seeing as how i applied to your university

>> No.7995738

I'm saying that she probably knew that she'd get caught doing that, and that was the whole point

>> No.7995756

oh shit so if I send weed in the school mail and get caught, I must not be stupid right? She had intention to distribute and sell that weed, got caught, got kicked out of school, and had to change her last name because of it.

>> No.7995765

yea she def changed her last name b/c she was caught selling weed

>> No.7995771

She's just got really bad daddy issues.

>grow up living a spoiled lifestyle
>parents are never present and when she became a teenager she never got any attention
>wants to do adult things so she asks daddy for money, but daddy is old school and says "you earn every penny, blah blah blah"
>gets into porn, stating that she's doing it for money and because she "wanted to try it" as her main motivations, but really it was probably to get back at daddy
>probably didn't want to go to college, dad makes her, so to get back at daddy again she mails weed through the school mail to get herself expelled

>> No.7995778

if you think she changed her last name because of the porn thing, then you're wrong. She used a different alias, plus we knew that she wrote an essay about it when trying to apply for my school. Plus she used different alias and stage names when doing porn.

Yeah she does, which was why I said she was kinda fucked up in the head.

>> No.7995782

Although I don't think she was trying to get back at daddy by expelling herself at Georgetown. I think her folks didn't send her too much money allowances and she just wanted to make some quick buck.

>> No.7995793


please stop posting

>> No.7995945

You don't need to be rich to buy your gf something, and I'm not talking about expensive stuff. Just buy her some nice shit she's gonna use.

>>spoiler i have a dick
Oh god, this is Thailand all over again.

>> No.7995950

I did recently buy my girl a Rick dress (on sale), felt great.

>> No.7996009

Which one?

>> No.7996032

if that's a hangover reference and not truth, fuck you

>> No.7996048

pls post

>> No.7996074
File: 201 KB, 300x300, #.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7996087
File: 115 KB, 1000x1334, rickdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one, was just looking around farfetch and found this one that was nice. Was below my budget for her birthday present so it all worked out

There was a great silk drape dress but it was a green grey.

>> No.7996097 [DELETED] 

hahaha are you actually autistic? Did you think Hangover invented lady boys? Jesus.

>> No.7996102

It was a Thailand reference, calm down you autist. lol

>> No.7996239

Ah la victime, ça faisait longtemps.

>> No.7996254

I have a French gf dressed in French designers and brands, Sandro for example.
(I'm French too.)

It feels good.

>> No.7996257

hey mif.

Love you :)

>> No.7996264

hi hi :D

>> No.7996292

I'm sorry my autism offends you Mif-senpai :(
>I-I love you too

>> No.7996300

lol all good dude, and i'm sorry I didn't have an actual run in with a lady boy

>> No.7996303

Lol sasha get rid of your email or it won't just be Melbourne Uni creeping you

>> No.7996307

>implying someone isn't setting up a huge troll

>> No.7996321
File: 280 KB, 500x506, tumblr_m6iqnlXCG91r9ra4yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no mentally ill petite gf

>> No.7996337

I'm actually kinda happy4you Mif
how've you been keeping?

>> No.7996372
File: 39 KB, 480x800, Snapchat-20140310083723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My qt is a pewtootie. Rocker kinda chic I guess.

>dat cite, perfect lil handful of an ass

>> No.7996376

my gf does too... how can you be female and not know they are the devil.
at least she has a hot body, I just buy her clothes for christmas/valentines/birthdays etc until eventually she doesn't look like a fucking 13 year old.

>> No.7996389

>not wanting your qtgf to look like a fucking 13 year old
really anon?

>> No.7996417

How did I know someone would say that.
>She wears corset style tshirts and thinks theyre sexy
>she has a shirt with an angel and a harley motorcycle
>she had flared chino's with some zigzagging lace detail that went all the way down the side

needless to say she gets naked as soon as she gets to my house

>> No.7996429

>implying you're not covering your tracks

>> No.7996427

how is that a bad thing
why are you complaining
>She's lucky to be with you anon

>> No.7996436

>implying I'm not one of the thirsty fuccbois drooling all over that shit

>> No.7996558

hehe happy for me that I didn't have to see a lady boy? :D

I've been well, just busy with work.

How are things with you?

>> No.7996570
File: 34 KB, 717x550, 1(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a girl talked to me today

>> No.7996576

were you talking to yourself in the mirror?

>> No.7996588

guys my gf started listening to lil b with me, i'm afraid she's gonna come and fuck my bitch

>> No.7996602

is that cal

>> No.7996608

My Sides: Where are they now

>> No.7996612

>tfw runescape is getting cool again

>> No.7996614

Runescape 07 was always cool

>> No.7996629

Fuck this, the nogf feels are getting worse and worse everyday.

>tfw no qtgf to cuddle with and stay at home watching movies and cooking food for each other trying out different recipes and failing sometimes but laughing it off because we're having fun anyways then waking up in the morning and cuddling some more then going out for pancakes and coffee

just kill me now. end my life /fa/, i don't care anymore

>> No.7996636

its wenmin

>> No.7996656

>obby cape

nigga are you even trying to be effay? Flowers and fremminik cloak that shit yo

>> No.7996722

I'm 6'4 though.

>> No.7996747

she should dress up as mike Kowalski

>> No.7996754

those fucking feet look disgusting

>> No.7996759

>TFW no kawaii cgl gf

>> No.7996766

c'est qui?

>> No.7996778

omg, ive been stupidly putting my email all over this site, just write me already

(i didnt mean to ruse you i forgot to reply)

>> No.7996781


no yeah i really am just a massive idiot

>> No.7996959


>> No.7997031

my gf generally looks at instagram and blogs rather than messageboards etc

search for: indiaroseblog, love-aesthetics, stop it right now

other well dressed internet girls: @_makasu, @forlovers, 5ft1 on tumblr, avina on tumblr

>> No.7997259

i used to do violin recitals in the same venue where she was doing that piano recital in >>7995375.

it's in a really nice episcopalian church in DC. president carter's daughter used to perform there too.

>> No.7997446

Pourquoi tu me connaitrais?

>> No.7997490

>9/10, effay, smart foreign girl likes me

Kill me.

>> No.7997705

je parlais de la victime dont tu parles

>> No.7997865

you didn't email me ;_;

>> No.7997939

my gf wears Rick, Ann D , Acne, COS.

Refuses to step a foot in plep stores (H&M, Zara, ) and attends fashion college.

I don't think she has any forms' she frequently visits.

Not asian though :(

>> No.7998014
File: 54 KB, 550x451, tim is fucking amped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up hedi slimane
>go to website
>literally just black and white photographs of naked people smoking

so mYstiQue

>> No.7998058

>wears cos
>refuses to set foot in pleb stores (H&M etc)
Top kek make 8.8/8 you tried

>> No.7998215

cut off your dick and put on strap op

>> No.7998240

>not knowing who hedi slimane

You've revealed your power level you filthy pleb

>> No.7998542

Is she half-asian? If so, it's pretty weird. Usually Asian moms are batshit insane.

>> No.7998558


she looks like it

slutty hapas are a thang


hedi slimane was at burgerama a few days ago and im pissed i didn't go and meet him (even tho he's a hack lel)

>> No.7998574


>> No.7998577

>she gets my clothes
>she always picks the best garments
>she has magic fingers to sew and choose fabrics
>she helps me to get dressed
>we watch SLP runways when were bored

i love my hand ... i mean gf

>tfw no gf

>> No.7998584

2, some azns look like shit and im not into that, all the grills how browse /fa/are literaly in tumblrcore or something like that

ill give $100 to the /fa/ grill who wears a full SLP fit and makes it look good

>> No.7998587

is that Cassie from Skins?

>> No.7998591

im fucking jelly m8


>> No.7998595

in my mums basement

nah, just kidding, i bet most of the /fa/ggots spend too much time on anime and shit like that or are to shy or assburgers to approach a female

>> No.7998604

pls be the one in the right or else i will be very disappointed

>both dresses are shit

>> No.7998613

well fuck, now im depressed

>> No.7998609

i don't and never have known your email address...............

>> No.7998616

thats a man

mustache is a dead give away

>> No.7998617
File: 3.00 MB, 465x195, aaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no qtp2tgf: the movie

>> No.7999608

tfw sickly ignores all your 4chan advances

wtc qt indian gf

>> No.7999616


kill yourself

>> No.7999623


watch the news

>> No.7999814

they are all over where u live

>> No.7999852

>all the girls
>all the trips

>> No.7999872

/fa/ basic or normal people basic?

>> No.8000523

>chanel bag
>dior dress
you fucked up

>> No.8000663


Indians? In MY City???
It's More Likely Than You THink!!

im jking n e way ~ im only into pale white girls that lurk bestgore.com

any damaged bbgs msg me on myspace

>> No.8000715

pls b

>> No.8000745

Yes you have
w-what happened to our connection anon </3

>just fuckin' with you, excellent ruse game tho

>> No.8000829

no i hav-
>oh sneaky greentext
yeah okay nice save mr. cool

you fa lads are all the same

>> No.8000867

>im a 6'2" mail muddle draped

I don't understand, is this a meme or are you just lying on the internet?

>> No.8000875

I did give you my email though
unless someone was impersonating you, in which case well done to that ruseman
>n-not that I care or anything..

I just assumed you weren't serious and wanted to congratulate you for your masterful rusing, 's'all
>all the same
how true ;_;

>> No.8000905


>> No.8000954
File: 324 KB, 312x855, yf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never wears jeans so that's a plus.

>> No.8000962

>covered in makeup with poor facial structure

Also, "heightist"? You mean like, attracted to taller men? Because that's what women are supposed to be like.

>> No.8000978

is she into aminu and nippon?
She looks like a weeabooo

>> No.8000994

according to who

>> No.8001010

whom* that is

>> No.8001045


well maybe I missed the post, because that old thread is gone now...
>n-not that I care or anything
you totally care

rest assured if an email address was (is?) there an email will be sent

>unless this is a double ruse

>> No.8001055

She sounds like a high-maintenance jizzhole.

>> No.8001184

>you totally care
no, no this was my point remember. All uncaring and detached and shit
the magic of the archive
>I actually don't particularly mind, I just no know /fa/ people here

>double ruse
w-why would I do that to you anon?
don't you believe me?

>> No.8001529

you faggot i just went through that whole thread again and it's NOT THERE

why r u doing this to me im desperate

>> No.8001590

don't me mean anon-kun ;_;

are you sure you're looking in the right thread though?

b-be kind

>> No.8001615

i'm sorry ;________________;

yes that's the right thread! why dont you find it and copy and paste it ._.

>> No.8001688

it's okay anon, I don't care (^).(^)

I have no idea why you couldn't see it, fucking computers ;_;
though now that I think about it mine sometimes doesn't show the mailto field either

>why didn't I copy-paste it
but I trust you anon
>and nobody else is checking this thread, hopefully