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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 500x333, waywt fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7981721 No.7981721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

other one almost at 300

>> No.7982378
File: 230 KB, 323x926, DSC_0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7982383

safe, nice

>> No.7982386

I don't feel it. Looks way to comfycoreish.

>> No.7982389

The shirt looks a little sloppy.

>> No.7982392

deleting the thread and restarting it won't make you look any less frumpy

>> No.7982414

thank you

Yeah, today is my lazy day so I decide to be comfy core.

Yeah, My rick tee sometimes look sloppy, but thats the reason why I love my rick tee. It gives out interesting texture and drape.

I deleted the thread because there is another one, and I don't wanna have 3 waywt in /fa/. Also, post a fit :)

>> No.7982434
File: 1.21 MB, 2305x1905, 23.03.14.censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left or right?

>> No.7982435


left wit hthe fuckin hoodie down

>> No.7982444

your torso is oddly convex and it makes your rick tee look like shit, it actually draws attention to the awful shape of your body, please lift

>> No.7982455

/fit/ please, your wife beaters and short isn't going to make you knowledgeable about fashion. Throwing words like frumpy around without knowing context and meaning is just silly.

>> No.7982460
File: 832 KB, 578x1386, 1395543793867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staying comfy again today

Gap (lmao)
Junya Watanabe Man
Wallyworld socks
Ann D. (just had the soles reglued)

>> No.7982474
File: 8 KB, 211x246, 1367265853776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ann d
>glued soles

>> No.7982478

I have to say, out of all the Ann D lowtops those are probably my least favorite. Or close to it.
Shirt could be a little slimmer I think.

>> No.7982486
File: 163 KB, 367x793, nIiNQvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first post. i'm tragically poor and spend most of my money on shoes and outerwear. this fit is mostly h&m

>> No.7982482

yeah man i wore them in the rain once and the soles began to fall off (legit purchased from ssense)

i actually hate the ombre ones and like these

>> No.7982492

tuck your shirt or get one that isn't made to be tucked.

>> No.7982496

>i actually hate the ombre ones and like these
Wow, really? The ombres are pretty much grail-tier for me.
Hey, if you like them then good on ya. Not like they clash with your outfit.

>> No.7982501

yeah i think i will tuck it in next time im out
yeah, thanks. they are my second favourite next to the solid black

>> No.7982504
File: 42 KB, 384x288, 1377868859050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got jipped those ann d are fake

>> No.7982508

lol proof?

>> No.7982515

He, probably you, looks fat retarded and lumpy, pretty bang on for frumpy, I don't know what context you need, but for meaning try one of the many links google provides when you type in frumpy.

What's silly is the shape of his body. I've said nothing about fashion and neither has this thread so don't even try to act like you have an ability to gauge how knowledgable about fashion I am. Your conjecturing of /fit/ is also off base, just because one lifts doesn't mean one is a /fit/fag.

All the harshness aside, there are things he could be wearing that will work better with that body shape.

>> No.7982516

left with hoodie down is good

>> No.7982518

lmao yeah ssense sent me fake ann d

>> No.7982524

they sent you a sample made in china

those ann d colorways don't even exist anymore

>> No.7982530
File: 716 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1395507943683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7982532

cheerz, i had the hoodie up because my hair is kind of shitty atm

>> No.7982539

okay ya sure

>> No.7982554

sharks no swimming huh? you in australia?

>> No.7982562

lol, now you're accusing me of samefagging. how low would you stoop?

talk shit post fit

>> No.7982584


>> No.7982586
File: 196 KB, 1224x1632, 1395520248057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a wedding today.

>> No.7982599
File: 2.56 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different fit but same hat and pants as yesterday~
>i feel like a strong independent woman who don't need no man while wearing all black.
it is best feel

>> No.7982610

okay fit i guess but



>> No.7982616

ronald mcdonald tier

>> No.7982618

Get a better denim jacket, that one is 2normie4me
cool jeans tho

>> No.7982619

clown feet lol

>> No.7982623

Would you mind elaborating?

>> No.7982626

if they were black it wouldnt look that awful, but they arent black so it fucking looks awful guy

>> No.7982638

shirt is probably okay but the bright white tie and pocket square are fucking it all up, you came so close to looking good, the suit fits quite well and the shoes aren't boring and work, but that tie and the gigantic knot are just ruining everything

>> No.7982634

if they were black, it would be awful unless you like robbercore

>> No.7982647

I'm gonna sound like a typical metalfag here, but i think some all black docs or combat boots would look a lot better than those dress shoes. what shirt is that though? i like both fits actually

>> No.7982648

What color would have been better?

>> No.7982652

>those are docs

>> No.7982657

>tfw giant feet

i know ur pain bro

>> No.7982658
File: 87 KB, 304x834, hoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going for deformed-hobo-core

>> No.7982663

lookin thick, solid, and tight

>> No.7982666
File: 346 KB, 704x769, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7982677

w2c the trousers?

>> No.7982697
File: 794 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do the right thing when I bought this bomber?
Also new Levi jeans 511's

Inbfr can't pinroll. I try my best guys!

>> No.7982709

start working out

>> No.7982710

how much money did u waste alrdy? just stop buying all that shit and save for plastic surgery, go to south korea and voila!
no more paki cleaning lady~

>> No.7982716

I'm not a big fan of the jacket and 511s are shit. They're also too long, as I'm sure you already noticed. Should've went with 510s. 510s are the fat man's skinny jean, 511s are the fat man's cigarette leg.

>> No.7982718

the fit on those jeans is really, really fucking awful

>> No.7982723

looks like yesstyle garbage and its not even a bomber style i dont get how anyone can call that style a bomber
>I try my best guys!
well your best fucking sucks

>> No.7982726


I don't like that 'bomber' if it can be called that. like, it doesn't really resemble one at all. also, you should've gotten 510's, they look a bit baggy on you! but yeah, keep getting there. but you should probably try on clothes and get a taste of what they fit like before getting them online. I usually go for measurements im familiar with so I can visualize the fit. so about 4/10 for me, but keep trying.

>> No.7982719

fuck off twk

>> No.7982728
File: 60 KB, 447x1024, 1395546666094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7982729
File: 122 KB, 500x357, 1385151451649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you expect the surgeon to make him white? Or is that possible now?

>> No.7982737


>> No.7982738

jeans and shoes look fine bro. i think get lens and get rid of glasses. the top is shite though. go number zero on your sides. u arent a handsome guy but u could look interesting at least

>> No.7982761

Already on that.
I will never do surgery unless I need it.
The thing is, that I got this stuff in person. I don't know.
Maybe my perception of reality is off on this one.
Also I will get 510's if those fit better for me.
I guess the whatever you could call this jacket is pretty shit huh?

>> No.7982769
File: 176 KB, 1224x1632, 20140322_235705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a long ass day. my parents are gone for the weekend #partyatastrogoys

>> No.7982772

w2c pants?

also nice fit

>> No.7982773

Hard to say since i can't tell what color the shirt is, but a darker shade of blue than the suit, with such a light suit going any lighter than the suit will almost certainly land you with a loud obnoxious tie.

>> No.7982777

mclovin? you were the one who won the trashed dbss?

>> No.7982779

im a guy, but can u be my bf

>> No.7982781


Dude...not trying to be mean or anything, but, is that all you wear?

I seriously see you post that same fit every waywt thread...

>> No.7982785

Yeah, get 510s with a shorter inseam. I don't know what to call that jacket, but it's not good.

>> No.7982802


I really don't like the fit on any pair of pants you own, but thats me. same with the open shirt thing, others seem to like it but i find it really bad. sorry.

>> No.7982806

levi thrift + diy


g-go easy its my first time

pretty much lol. almost all my shit is dirty right now, but i dont have a whole lot of variation in my stuff mainly just showing off my dbss that i'm super psyched about

>> No.7982816

have u tried shopping in the boys section m8?

cheap clothes that should fit ur small stature

>> No.7982819


I think a slightly longer tee would make this more interesting

sneaks look great

>> No.7982831
File: 76 KB, 382x800, maybeitslnar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you? i really dig this outfit, that one is p good too but i wish the shoes were a beat up white chunky shoe kind of what you got here

youve got like an unintentional lunar look going and i really like it

>> No.7982835

nice fit but doesnt match ur nerd cunt face. can u switch to lens and a more aggressive haircut? seriously incongruent bro

>> No.7982840
File: 299 KB, 960x1280, 1395548229704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probs. once i get a place to get fabric from i plan on playing a lot with proportions, pic related on the right is a definite plan for what i want but i'll also play with elongating the torso instead of shortening it

>> No.7982846

how do i get an aggressive hair cut with curly hair, shorter buzz on sides/back and longer top?

>> No.7982848

yes. just wearing comfy shit today for fixing the car and then stuffing around with some mates

thanks for the feedback

>> No.7982851
File: 1.37 MB, 1520x2688, CameraZOOM-20140321123230859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing better fit from before. I'm starting to regret my purchase on that jacket and jeans.

>> No.7982852

Hairline looks good and you seem to have very thick hair. But your nose is a bit big so I think you need some volume up front to keep your head balanced. Go shorter on top by an inch or so and do a 0 or 1 on the sides, and higher up on your head. Nix the glasses.

>> No.7982854
File: 440 KB, 260x146, 1376143029226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just quit
just quit

>> No.7982856

this is worse

>> No.7982857
File: 105 KB, 586x622, 46282927271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


andy sketchberg

>> No.7982859

change your socks, don't tuck in sweats like wtf

>> No.7982860

lmao that fucking pose LMAO


seriously man loosen up

>> No.7982870

>But your nose is a bit big so I think you need some volume up front to keep your head balanced
this is my idea exactly, which is why i want to keep the top long to pull forward. next time i get it cut i'll buzz shorter on sides and back but i'm not in that big a rush tbh

ima get contacts at some point too but i take my good time doing anything itll probly be a while

thanks for feedback m8

>> No.7982874

stop posting your ugly mug man
it actually hurts to look at

>> No.7982879

Fashion is subjective man, if you don't like my fits that's fine I'm not going to tell you differently :)

>> No.7982886

bless this cesspool with a new fit pls.

>> No.7982890

;_; how come you aren't liking my fit lamy

>> No.7982895
File: 430 KB, 1200x1600, 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting as its my favorite fit.

>Implying dad-core/grandpa-core isn't gorgeous.

>> No.7982899

ii dont want to create new thread

advise me good bomber! good black plain minimalistic bomber. something sub 200$ would be super perfect. Something I can buy locally in vancouver would be super perfect x2, so I dont have to pay 190$ tax for 200$ shit..

>> No.7982902

Rick Owens

>> No.7982906

horrible outfit, go back to ur gay facebook communtiy

>> No.7982910

That looks like something my grandfather would wear, 7/10.


>> No.7982911

seriously? just fuck off old man

>> No.7982916

>Implying this picture isnt becoming a 'lel halarious meme' being constantly reposted.

>> No.7982920

Get a tripcode so I may filter you. I'm fucking sick of seeing your disgusting mug and shit fits.

Just give up already.

>> No.7982921


which one?


cbf man

>> No.7982919

looks good, but lose the belt. are u bald?

>> No.7982923

I have a really terrible receding hairline so i just went with the buzz-cut, ive been told i can pull it off 'decently'.

>> No.7982925

bitch obviously im bald are u blind?

>> No.7982926

w2c denim jacket

>> No.7982927

can you rate all the fits here?

>> No.7982928

which one is real??????????

>> No.7982944

Can you stupid cunts please fix your fucking posture?

>> No.7982946


>> No.7982948


looks fine brother

I'm more a fan of baggier sweaters but that's just me

>> No.7982996
File: 1.33 MB, 640x880, Photo Mar 22, 6 20 01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went out for a family dinner

>> No.7983005


>> No.7983009


>> No.7983033

why would u wear sneakers to a family dinner?

>> No.7983036

u look plump

>> No.7983038

chubby berry

>> No.7983039
File: 1.01 MB, 3552x2000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepoast missed last bread

>> No.7983045

oh my my my. yes inddeeedy

>> No.7983050

On this episode of irrelevant trip expresses his shitty opinions

>> No.7983052

casual dinner. my family = siblings, why not
20 lbs down, still working on it

>> No.7983053

Is that a jacket tied over leggings?
I can't rightly tell, but it looks good

>not wearing sneakers everywhere

>> No.7983061

y dont u let that snake breathe big boy? ;))

>> No.7983065

w2c sweater?

>> No.7983072

left, but get a more faded denim jacket, i'm not liking the color of it

>> No.7983074

I agree, either get a darker one (MUH RICK) or one that's more faded

>> No.7983084

bomber tied over AA easy jeans
thanks m8

>> No.7983085

man this is really shit, sorry.
Maybe try some boots or streetwear sneakers like geos or dbss, solid tee with a bit of drape (that one u got on is hideous) and burn that denim jacket.

>> No.7983086
File: 232 KB, 755x1201, 1923587271601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like you could be related to this trip

>> No.7983097

>hitty opinions
>obaachan 03/23/14(Sun)15:25 UTC+10 No.7983
looks shitty and cheap

>> No.7983111

lose more bb and i'll let u be my gf

>> No.7983117

>related to this trip
yeah i dont think so

>> No.7983136
File: 986 KB, 500x375, 1377675936340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear all black
>possibly asian
>totes related to the other asian guy, right guys xD!!!!!

>> No.7983160

i wanna party with those guys

>> No.7983161
File: 830 KB, 300x169, 1395061816190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout these two?

>> No.7983164

not as hardcore, but i'm down

>> No.7983180
File: 409 KB, 918x1632, WP_20140322_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it's still better than when you started.


>> No.7983192
File: 769 KB, 320x180, tumblr_mkx4tkweA81rsy7z1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but can you keep up with these guys

>> No.7983201
File: 58 KB, 640x426, Photo on 3-22-14 at 11.09 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983203

r u a grill

>> No.7983209

snapchat pls i love u

>> No.7983236

whyd u remove ur trip dave

>> No.7983247
File: 798 KB, 771x1200, kunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

changed my mind

fuck a backyard pic though

>> No.7983250

shhhhhhh bby

>> No.7983254


post close up of bballs pls

>> No.7983255

Nice haircut Yolandi

>> No.7983277

i like it
stop painting on ur pics

>> No.7983284


>> No.7983299

terrible shit. cant believe u trip on a fashion board and dress like this

>> No.7983301


shut up nerd

>> No.7983311

or what? little faglet

>> No.7983317


or u'll continue to look like a lame bitch with no gumption to do as he pleases

>> No.7983326

i do as i please and u cant stop me. dude looks shit, sorry ur butthurt/have shit opinions

>> No.7983333

this gotta be a joke fit lamy....right?

>> No.7983349

Wow this is shit.

This nigga over here gets it.

>> No.7983356


>> No.7983363

>butthurt nerd who can't handle criticism detected

p embarrassing

>> No.7983367


>> No.7983368

>be more dressed by the internet

>> No.7983373



>> No.7983376

calling some anon out for being dressed by the net and ur wearing doc martins and fuccboi jeans. gg retard

>> No.7983385

what the fuck are you talking about cunt look at your fit. Do you post in these threads expecting people to cream their pants at the site of you or for honest criticism

>> No.7983386
File: 94 KB, 286x306, eugh!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying docs and black jeans haven't been fashionable since before you were even a thought in your dad's tiny dick


>> No.7983388

nice samefag. askone is one of the best dressed and more helpful trips here. fuck off u anon shitstain.

>> No.7983391

>implying u can just wear doc martins with black jeans and look great no matter what
>implying askone's fit looks good
top kek

>> No.7983392

thanks asokone

>> No.7983395
File: 5 KB, 663x94, lelele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try askone, all you do is shitpost you fuckwit

>> No.7983397
File: 18 KB, 383x317, me laughing on the floor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7983398

>one of the best dressed and more helpful trips

Okay now you're being delusional. You're like Denim Dan and Trunks except you're slightly better dressed than them. Just because you are doesn't mean you're suddenly one of the best dressed now. Let's be real here.

>> No.7983402

Ah I see you're a master ruseman as well Lamy. Seriously though, you should rate all these shitty fits on this thread.

>> No.7983410


it's not a joke though

or are YOU the master ruseman here huh

>> No.7983408

y r u so ugg

>> No.7983412

But he dresses like an everyday chino wanker here in the uk! Asokone actually wears designer pieces along okayish outfits

>> No.7983418

u reckon acne is designer now? LAMO

>> No.7983419

all you do is shitpost asokone

>> No.7983426

Fuck off cunt and stop tripping.

>> No.7983435

Trunks wears designer clothing, but somehow he makes them look like shit or cheap version you could get at wal-mart. Trunks is proof that you can't just spend huge money on clothes and become instantly fashionable.

>> No.7983437


omg lmfaoooo #caught

this is wors thn when uuuugh was caught lmfaooo omg u will never live this down >:DD

kek #didhesamefag lol

>> No.7983438

well that's not his trip u know.

>> No.7983439

seriously though, why don't you like my fit lamy ;_;

>> No.7983444

nobody on this board has heard of lesbian vampire weekend?
we were just talking abt him yesterday

>> No.7983454
File: 218 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to neo /fa/

Am I old fag now ? ;)

>> No.7983461
File: 16 KB, 500x535, 1395450210402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking retards

>> No.7983462

lol rekt

>> No.7983464

nice try asokone

>> No.7983467

#rekt #shotsfired #Queenisdead #Terroristwins

>> No.7983477

right. dope fit
i like this

>> No.7983487

neither because they are both shit.

>> No.7983504
File: 15 KB, 383x317, me laughing on the floor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop being so silly wow

>> No.7983508


>what is sarcasm

>> No.7983511

why so mean lamy ;_;

>> No.7983515

Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt." Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although sarcasm is not necessarily ironic.

how do you not know what sarcasm means

>> No.7983516
File: 529 KB, 292x781, messiest of rooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7983519

How do I downvote you through 4chan?

>> No.7983521

i see what you did there

>> No.7983526


ty i was confused :)

>> No.7983536

By purchasing a 4chan gold account

>> No.7983538

Click that little button that says report.

>> No.7983565

your beautiful

>> No.7983588


>> No.7983637

both are cool,
i think i prefer right

>> No.7983657


>> No.7983732

Aight mate.
Get a longer hair on the top/front and comb it up/back.
Wear a hoodie/jacket to balance your legs and torso ratio, you might want to try working out and getting bigger traps to fix this.
And also, get a smaller glass frame, something like an Edward Snowden would wear.

I've got the same skin and lip type and those did fix it.

>> No.7983765



>> No.7983823
File: 337 KB, 1192x1080, fuccboishoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984017
File: 117 KB, 766x1366, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7984066
File: 22 KB, 274x487, 1389226072553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive seen you cool ass sketches before
whats your tumblr?
ps i-i love y-you oni-chan..

>> No.7984081

is that neil barret?

doesnt work

>> No.7984161

bhajz is that you?

>> No.7984256


>> No.7984272


those sneakers are amazing and you need to overhaul your wardrobe to do them justice -- your palette is pretty fucked when you take shoes into account, doesn't help that the fabrics all look pretty much mall-tier

>> No.7984279

ur opinions in ur ass, who gives a shit what brands they are? the palette is very nice. he looks like he could be an extra in a movie with that coordination. not everyone wants to look like a flashy "look at me" model

>> No.7984291


>ivory, dark grey, black, light grey, light blue

I don't care what brands they are and i didn't say i did, that's too much colorblocking weirdness for me to handle and it doesn't look normal to me personally

>> No.7984292

Dressed by the internet fag detected

>> No.7984298

The left fit would be better with a more faded denim jacket and some boots. I think they'd work better than the doc martens/any low-top shoe

>> No.7984309

ur in the minority then

>> No.7984323


>no indication whatsoever of the majority opinion

that's okay though i don't mind having a minority opinion

>> No.7984330

no my name is matt

>> No.7984331

Not digging those shoes in this fit
This looks good, I might consider a change in shoes though. Something more rugged maybe, and without white soles.
Those jeans don't fit you dude, should return em.
Get haircut, stop wearing the same fit in each WAYWT. Still looks p cool though
Dude where'd you cop those velcro shoes?
Those sweats don't fit the shoes you're wearing them with at all
qt3.14 pls be in syd
I like the bottom half a lot. w2c those jeans man?

>> No.7984343

lmao people h8 these ann d sneakers so much

>> No.7984377
File: 1.09 MB, 2868x3438, IMG_9570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7984396

w2c jeans?

>> No.7984399

y not put shoes on
are u going outside barefoot? is that it?
do u not own shoeS?

>> No.7984426

h-hi y-you look w-well dressed

damnnn i like this

>> No.7984432

they're carrhart

you think i ever go outside? xD xD lel @ u

>> No.7984503
File: 827 KB, 1944x2592, 1395578653293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this too much green?

>> No.7984520

Dude, just start wearing basics until you know how to look normal.
Maybe try 'fashion' after that.

This isn't meant insulting, but I really think MFA would be able to help you out better at this point.

>> No.7984536


yeah fucking right

>> No.7984544

dnt talk shit on goat metal band

>> No.7984549

i meant i had doubts that she listened at all
not hating

>> No.7984564


>> No.7984599

nigga what jacket is that? dad-core is awesome anyway lel

>> No.7984600

4/10 apply yourself
I'm not into the normcore shebang but fit's nice and relaxing.
Can't see much but it fits fine I guess.
Can't see shit in the first picture. I like the tee through.
Still my favorite fit itt.

>> No.7984638

jealous he looks better without shoes than u do with ur gay ass docs m7?

>> No.7984645

i just don't get why you'd post a fit without shoes
it's not complete

>> No.7984666

niggaz obviously got shit going on, no time to chuck on dem kicks, feel me?

>> No.7984673

but has the time to pose for a photo and put it on /fa/

>> No.7984726

yeap. priorities

>> No.7984815

Don't hate on asokone m8
I just currently don't have any shoes that would go with this

Somebody gift me cp's pls

>> No.7984818
File: 40 KB, 540x960, fitmar23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7984821
File: 292 KB, 506x1000, qwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7984826

Basic stuff but nice fit. Those 1461s, they roomy for you?

>> No.7984828
File: 398 KB, 2340x1598, 2014-03-22 23.50.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was yesterday. I was in the rain.

>> No.7984831

thx, they r redwings tho

>> No.7984833

w2c shoes

>> No.7984844

Is that a quadruple windsor knot?

>> No.7984849

i see. postman?

>> No.7984851


>> No.7984853

gosling plz go

>> No.7984860

I like the fit of the tee.

What brand is that?

>> No.7984865

for everyone asking
brands are
everlane T
red wing postman

>> No.7984939

asokone take notes. this is how its done lil b

>> No.7984965

fuck those dbss are cash as hell I need those in my life

>> No.7984977

knai end yrself

>> No.7985067
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x1067, fitshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just random shit thrown on for a sunday walk

>> No.7985125

did you put your pants into your socks? whyy

>> No.7985132

w2c pants?

>> No.7985162

pants store

>> No.7985178


bro why are you angry

>> No.7985188

cuz humidity ruined his fabulous hairstyle

>> No.7985218

shut the fuck up dave

>> No.7985233

nah, it was rainy but it was also hot as fuark so I just kept it bound.
for some reason I tend to frown when I take pictures of myself. Dunno why.

>> No.7985286

couldn't be arsed to pinroll for being outside for like 15 minutes

>> No.7985293

I'm starting to think so too, most of my shirts are xs. Should I stick with xs for wider cut neckholes though? I'm afraid of them slipping off my shoulders

>> No.7985305

the shirt looks like it might be green, and if it is, don't wear it

get a slimmer tie that's a different color, and don't tie it like a moron next time

darker shoes or a lighter belt

I don't like the color of the pocket square or how you've folded it

>> No.7985306
File: 108 KB, 640x743, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7985311


>> No.7985335

this is really cool man
also what shoes?

>> No.7985358
File: 451 KB, 300x168, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey george michael,...wait why are you bald?

>> No.7985353


>> No.7985360

>this is really cool man

what the fuck happened to /fa/ the overriding trend around here has shifted to the most boring suburban mom and juvenile fits i've seen

>> No.7985368

w2c hoodie

>> No.7985405

I've been wanting a shirt like that for a while now, but white with black stripes

>> No.7985414

Why are you in Zanthony Plantano's room?

>> No.7985422

Dk man, those niks are beat

>> No.7985441
File: 182 KB, 1008x1824, IMAG0315_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7985443

a prime example of decent clothes put together terribly on a terrible body

it seems like you're more or less projecting the image you want to be, it's a good fit for that aesthetic and the polo jacket on the right is a funny contrast to it.

comfy is good, pretty good, the pant hems and shoes are the whole fit, execution is okay, nothing jaw dropping so pretty good all around

you're really thin and did nothing daring, /fa/ will love you

i get the desire to have more going on with your top than just a single basic but i feel like there are less unappealing way than a button up over a tee, the bottom half looks great to me though, good use of new balance

other comments pretty much take care of it

i think you look stupid and you should feel stupid, sorry

more interesting than what most people post here, but still all basic stuff with nike athletic shoes so cool fit for your muscular frame, good job

you should probably slow down with all the purchasing and figure out what you're doing before you blow all your cash, your progress is all over the place, doesn't feel like you're latching on to the advances you're making

metal shirt gives the impression of a certain intent which releases you from many things that would otherwise be required to constitute a good fit, I'd say you're doing that look pretty well.

do you ever wear anything other than those pants?

i don't really appreciate this kind of look, but that's because it looks like leggings with nike athletic shoes, need to be able to see more details like texture to be able to make any meaningful judgements

pieces look good, but can't tell if you pull it off when you're taking pictures like that

it's a cohesive outfit, so pretty okay, jacket's good, shirt is meh plaid but if you like it then good

you're really edgy with your girly mouth flipping the bird

>> No.7985499

nice leggings faggot

>> No.7985520


that jacket is way too large

>> No.7985541

smells like normcore, tidy socks and clean white shoes, walmart wash jeans and a jumper, there are no issues with it fitting, just it sucks dicks and isn't bad at the same time

your photo sucks and so will all the comments made on it, including this one, your fit gives me a vague feeling that you want to dress like a skinhead but can't commit to it enough to be fine with people thinking you're a racist cunt

interesting tee, but nothing cool is going on, meh fit
try showing more than 30% of your body next time

i disagree with the other post that it's normcore, but that guy's clearly off his fucking rocker cause he thinks this: >>7982378 is not only good, but best in thread. Anyway good use of light colored jeans, nice sweater and shirt good choice for your body, don't ruin it with poor shoe choice

dad-core, i hate that term but w/e it's here to stay, it looks clean, cardigan doesn't look as terrible as most do, but thin cardigans like that don't really do it for me, next time post with shoes on it's a big deal

good fit for blending in but still caring about how you look, i still hate those shoes dude

the main issue is that you look chubby and i don't like the blue of the pants with the denim jacket, you're in the ballpark but i don't feel like you're doing it right

lighting is crap, it's a t shirt some kind of hoodie or jacket with some kind of pants and black boots i guess, nice man bun please make your clothes observable next time

i won't justify these angles with commentary

are you wearing tights? cool shirt, but what the hell is on your legs? please revise

that coat could be used to some great ends, everything underneath it is underwhelming

my opinions probably suck, but hey everyone got a comment, except you: >>7982666 and we all know why

>> No.7985579

It's a parka

>> No.7985587

this is absolute shit

you can say whatever dumb parrot "normcore" "seinfeld" shit you want to defend yourself but this is a horrible fit

>> No.7985630

What do you when you say a more appealing top, like a cardi or a parka?

>> No.7985631

is a parka not a jacket?
pls go and stay go

>> No.7985705

A cardi or a parka are options, but a parka is outerwear and a cardi might be too heavy if what you have there is temperature appropriate for w/e you're doing. A button up over a tee does have relevance to the rest of your fit, but maybe trying looking into some slightly untraditional but still classic menswear layering stuff, japanese streetwear comes to mind

>> No.7985711

Cool thanks m8

>> No.7985866

thanks for feedback. yeah none of those materials are very good quality except the hoodie

stop white knighting when you dont even know my opinion on it kid

>> No.7985876

pancancer.tumblr.com <art

swipb.tumblr.com <clothes

>> No.7985934

Is that the Neil Barrett rip-off from zara?

>> No.7985945

just looks shit on you

why are you wearing jacket 2 size too big?

arrghh my eyess!!!!

youre not that cute


you start getting on my nerves you fugly vagina face!!

I hope all that fat contribute to the size of your tits

could be better if you took photo like normal person

and...back to shitty pose once more


you were trying to sell this jacket right?

>> No.7985976
File: 384 KB, 1152x2048, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost cause I'm pretty much wearing the same thing. Need to cop some better tees soon.

>> No.7986014
File: 105 KB, 428x756, oiuchavinnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90s british-core for a lazy sunday

>> No.7986017


>> No.7986018

nice pieces

shit fit

>> No.7986030

Anything specific?

>> No.7986037


>> No.7986044

well, the pants should be worn with short jackets only, long coats never with flat shoes

>> No.7986071

Yeah, I can kinda see what you mean.

>> No.7986080


>> No.7986098


that jacket is CASH son, w2c?

>> No.7986130

except I'm not jacked, not am I asian.

>> No.7986230

w2c shoes

>> No.7986266

They're just mono black Converse highs that I ripped the patch off of and painted white with acrylic paint.

>> No.7986313
File: 321 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-20140323040808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice ? :/

>> No.7986382

Repost this in the new thread if you want feedback. This thread is pretty dead

>> No.7986438
File: 129 KB, 495x416, 1389366234512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg thanx I love you're sketches and fashion sketches i think they're soo fucking cool prob cause I also love to sketch and like techwear,
i made a tumblr just so I could see your shit lol
..l-love you.. s-sempai-kun...

>> No.7986922

im p sure that one is from zara
trust me, dont cop

>> No.7987103

chill bro

>> No.7987208

anywho youre intense af bro

>> No.7987547

A prime example of decent clothes being put terribly on a terrible body.