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/fa/ - Fashion

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7955216 No.7955216 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, coming to you from /fit/ (no homo). I wanted to see if anyone had a source on these shoes... I found them on pinterest but they don't list the maker. Thanks.

We can also make this a general thread, to see if anyone else has /fa/ items that aren't sure of the maker.

>> No.7955252

Those look like shit. They are most likely one of those flimsy ass fashion boots like H-by-Hudson or similar. You recognize them from the fact that the leather looks like crepe paper more than anything.

>> No.7955279

The leather looks awful, and the brand doesn't make me think any differently; They're Johnston & Murphy Hattington wingtip boots.

Reverse image search is your friend.

>> No.7955298

Wait, on further inspection, it doesn't seem to be so, even though that's what they're listed as on what I found. They're very similar though.

Try looking at that guy's site, it's Kolonel Mustard or whatever cheesy name.

>> No.7955321

peter pan prop boots for a low budget play

>> No.7955447
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1395086696414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're ugly shit, you just like them because of the photo

the style is brogue boots, something like a tan or light brown color. many brands do that, and some do it much better than others.

you might look into Tricker's Stow boots, Alden wingtip boots, Grenson Fred boots, Allen Edmonds Dalton boots, Loake Burford boots, or Sanders Aintree boots.

there are cheaper options out there, but as far as I'm aware they all suck

>> No.7955722

I like the worn leather look... I think it's a sharp look to a casual outfit.

>> No.7955843

It'll get worn but in a good way due to being quality leather. It will look worn and like it has seen life but not shitty and ready to fall apart like your pic.

>> No.7955902
File: 353 KB, 600x600, H-by-Hudson-Angus-Tan-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how you get worn leather? you get leather boots, and you wear them. that's where the word comes from: the boots "have been worn".

or you can buy them worn-in for you, like you're suggesting

you can go ahead and buy pre-distressed boots but I guarantee that it will look like shit

but you know what go make that mistake for yourself, I don't really care whether you waste your money

grab some pre-distressed boots, and some pre-faded jeans too. it will look really sharp, and super authentic. you'll be like a fuckin' cowboy, with your 100% badass pre-distressed made in China pleather boots that you got at the mall

you could look into some really quality brands like Bed Stu or H by Hudson (pic related) for that epic "I bought these because I want to look like I have an exciting lifestyle" look. It's just like the boots your cool great grandpa used to wear (although he probably wouldn't have paid good money for boots that were already thoroughly used, and he also might have been shocked by the abysmal workmanship)

but really, all this is subjective. there's nothing objectively wrong with pre-distressed boots. you can buy whatever hideous piece of shit you like.

>> No.7955931
File: 98 KB, 956x466, Protege_TAN_banner2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another great example of "the worn leather look" that you're going for. It's a sharp look to a casual outfit, like you said! I call it "smart casual", because when people see the way it crinkles (sign of a good pre-worn leather) they will know exactly how smart you are.

>> No.7955967

fuck off with this dadshit already

>> No.7955993
File: 72 KB, 500x375, IMG_6861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boots like these, by comparison, simply won't do. they're too clean, like they've never been used to trudge through a creek, or been out for a day on the range. it's not going to tell people "this guy lives life on the edge," which is what they need to know about you: that you're a real guy's guy, you've been around the block a few times. You're the kind of rugged dude who needs someone to put your boots in the washing machine to faux-age them before you'll let them anywhere near your feet. and you know how to dress it up into a smart evening look with some jeans and a cardigan over a t-shirt.

>> No.7956039
File: 243 KB, 660x411, TrainDecodedImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe you're just a really suave old-fashioned kind of man. you like cafés and "soulful" music, and you know how to rock a vest or a fedora. urban hip, turn-of-the-century cool. the boots are fresh and new, but with a hint of something classic and timeless -- like Starbucks, or the band Train.

>> No.7956063
File: 165 KB, 900x596, cxlpw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway I'm done making fun of you now, go buy some flimsy piece of shit boots if that's what you really want, fuccboi

>> No.7956159


i like your writing style, man would love 2 see more