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/fa/ - Fashion

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7939717 No.7939717 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so lets actually dedicate a thread to where this board actually did something good,humorous, or spaghetti inducing in real life due to a fit. I'll start one I guess
>2 years ago come across "FUCCBOI" design for the first time being a newfag and all.
>decide to order a hoodie due to fall coming closely
>eventually years go by and I don't normally wear it often, just sits in my closet
>the next year I go off to Uni and couldnt find any other hoodie to wear, so bring FUCCBOI 00 along with me
>everyone laughs at loves it, asking where I got it girls thinking it's funny and cute
>6ft 3 black male then enters the scene
>sees me smoking a cig and asks to bum one of me
>says it very femininely and comments on my hoodie
>"thanks, I like yo hoodie btw you feel like chillin later boo?"
>realize nigga thinks I'm gay
>run to my dorm and try to sleep it off
>can't sleep having this feeling everyone thinks I'm gay

>> No.7941298
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kek. You must come look feminine

I don't have any /fa/ stories but here's one.

>chilling with cousin/he just got back from college
>driving around city blasting tunes
>at red light
>see fat lady sitting in electric wheelechair at bustop
>cant help but notice she looks lonely
>see smoking hot blonde with tight ass jog past her
>i wonder if that somehow made her more aware of her shitty existence for lack of better term
>feel like shit for rest of day

>> No.7941477

>When I first got into /fa/ I remember spending something like $68 on a tee.
>My dad loses his shit, and thinks I'm an idiot
>Meanwhile I spend way more on /g/, /p/, /mu/ related stuff.
>He has this mentality that clothes are just necessary and that spending more than $50 on anything clothes related is wrong
>shoes/boots are an exception for him rarely

Needless to say it's tough living with that but that's how my life will be through the rest of college until I move out.

>> No.7941575


>copped $100+ on running shoes
>mother loses her shit
>she just spent $800 on an lv bag tho
>told her im gonna lose weight with them
>"oh ok they look really great actually"

i dont understand parents :/

>> No.7941587

>acne ace cash in the mail
>no money for the next week at all

let's just hope they fit

>> No.7941592

>month's worth of cops in the mail
>barely enough to eat until April
the ride never ends

>> No.7941597

my parents exactly

>> No.7941603

at least i will fit into my jeans better

>> No.7941618

It's true though. I mean will you look upon your 1k geobaskets in 10 years time as a good investment?

>> No.7941630


>> No.7941638

>luxury item

Homie pick one. No one thinks luxury cars are a good investment

>> No.7941641

>live in ghetto
>wearing laced up combat boots with shorts
>pack of black guys walk past
>"nigga you got a motorcycle to go wit dem boots? hahahahah"
>"y-y-y-you too"

niggas just be pissed cus they know im stylin on em

>> No.7941672

>live in ghetto
>wearing laced up combat boots with shorts
>pack of black guys walk past
>"nigga you got a motorcycle to go wit dem boots? hahahahah"
>"y-y-y-you too"

niggas just be pissed cus they know im stylin on em

>> No.7941692

another one

>get on train to go downtown
>wearing my ramones
>elderly black man sits across from me
>he's wearing a fur coat made from what i can only guess were chipmunk pelts patched together, has a gold cane, big rings on all his fingers, and a bowler cap
>notice he's looking at me, especially my ramones, with a huge fucking grin on his face
>"damn son, you got your shoe game goin on"
>"y-y-you too . . . raf simons rick owens usually what im dressed in"

i must not have spilled too much spaghetti because we ended up spending the next 30 mins talking about the neighborhood

>> No.7941697

>live in ghetto
>wearing laced up combat boots with shorts
>pack of black guys walk past
>"nigga you got a motorcycle to go wit dem boots? hahahahah"
>"y-y-y-you too"

niggas just be pissed cus they know im stylin on em

>> No.7941700

>live in ghetto
>wearing laced up combat boots with shorts
>pack of black guys walk past
>"nigga you got a motorcycle to go wit dem boots? hahahahah"
>"y-y-y-you too"

niggas just be pissed cus they know im stylin on em

>> No.7941706

>Live in the trap
>Wearing Jordan Gamma 11's
>skinny squirrelly lookin white guy comes up wearing bike boots
>Hey do you have a bike?
>y-you to

>> No.7941775

>be amerifag browsing /fa/ for a long time now
>browse late at night
>get a feel for the general trends and looks
>embrace the style
>stylin all over my peers
>how come nobody dress like me its not hard
>got the sweater-jeans-sneaks game tight

some time later

>go to the UK for an exchange program
>wow everyone dressed so sharp
>these dudes got my style
>feeling at home, its all good
but then I saw
>stores all selling fuccboi fashunz
>hitler youth/current justin bieber hairstyle everywhere
>people look like anons in WAYWT threads
>people shit on River Island and Topshop, stores we don't even really have in the US
>look at the clock
>see the "m8" 's
>see the "pls be in london" 's

basically, I've become a britfag by unknowingly talking to britanons this whole time

>> No.7941861
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>gf and her friends dress bad
>fix gf up with new threads and help her pick out clothes which suit her
>she needs new sweater
>spend hours looking for one I think will look baller
>her friend gets her one as a present before I could
>its the kind of pop culture shit you'd find in the HMV clothes rack

>> No.7941866

you sound like a pussy

>> No.7942126

>wore basic grey tee to class
>we have a 10-15 minute free period before we start lectures where we can talk and shit
>topic w/m80s comes up about my shirt
>OL basic tee copped from the tresbien sale
>didn't tell him i copped it on sale for like $50
>friend searches it up
>yells it out
>Teacher "Why would you spend tree fiddy-2hunna fiddy on a t-shirt? I could get the same tee at walmart for $6 made by a chinese child"
>"I-I-I-It was $50 on sale"
>disgust on his face
>qt 3.14 grill "Why would you buy a shirt for $50 in the first place???"
>"b-b-b-be cause reasons"
>disgust all around
>Teacher tells me to comes up to feel it
>Knees weak plams sweaty
>Tells me all the neps in the fabric are signs of crap quality
>walk back to my seat with my head hung in shame

>> No.7942155


ppl always eye mine up too
its wierd because they are literally just phat chuck taylors

>> No.7942177

>spent a grand on jeans
>come home and show my mum
>she gets upset
>she says "why would u ever dream of wearing 1 thousand dollar jeans
only broke Boiz have jeans worth under 3"
>ends up buying me a rari


>> No.7942184

i havent read this enough times, could you post it a couple more times

>> No.7942243

>at a party
>girl starts stroking and buttoning up my jacket
>her boyfriend sitting right next to her
>i like your jacket anon

>at a friends 18
>girl compliments my fit
>make out with her later in the night
>my first kiss lel

>> No.7942249
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What jacket was it, fuccboi?

>> No.7942250

The fuck you niggas doin telling your parents how much you spend on your own shit.

It's my money, my bank account, my wardrobe, they ain't got no business telling me how to spend it on what.
>cop $100 shirt
>Nice shirt anon, how much'd that cost you?
>"Like 25$"
>pretty good!

>> No.7942257
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>> No.7942259


>> No.7942262

Looks p basic like something from LL Bean, m8.

>> No.7942297

>"damn son, you got your shoe game goin on"
I feel proud for you, anon

>> No.7942309

I know this exact feel

>visiting qt3.14gf's twin in london for a few weeks
>walking out of soho late at night after some delicious four seasons duck
>walk by a group of 6'4" piss drunk presumably gay goth ninja/lad hybrids
>off hand mention to my gf one was wearing those prada creepers with the acryllic sole since she was looking at the heels the day before in what I thought was out of ear shot
>come up behind us at a red light
>"you know i could show you a good time m8"
>"is that your gf m8"
>kinda just mind our business and cross the street
>"wait bby come back, I got a gf too"
>"my gf loves rick owens!"

I had no idea what was going on, I never said a word to them and was wearing a pretty basic bitch parka/white t/black jawnz/1461s

>> No.7942322

>>"my gf loves rick owens!"

that was me m8

>> No.7942334

>buy a pair of APCs
>go into nice clothing shops
>SAs complement them
>feel let down by my shoe game

saving for cp's

>> No.7942393

lol I feel this

>> No.7942455

>eating a lunch with my mom and sister for the first time in forever
>somehow get to shoes
>tell her you should always spend at least $100
>"WHAT?! WHY?!"

>> No.7942497

Well, why should you?

>> No.7942535

>bad quality

Ugh I want to smack your teacher.

>> No.7942701

all i ever feel is this feel

>> No.7942718

>mum asks how much shoes I'm ordering are
>me: "about $220 shipped down from $500"
>mum: "you have a shoe fetish just like your mum"

Mum's an alright gal

>> No.7942723
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>be me, 10/10 cool young thug
>be up for over 30 hours and working as well
>finally lay down to beautiful sleep
>wake up later feeling rested and ready to start my day
>tfw midnight
>decide to get drunk to fall asleep again
>be half way there
>feeling ready to sleep when i finally see good threads on /fa/

>> No.7942729

It's literally because they look lime terrible chuck ripoffs. Not even trolling, to the general public this is genuinely what they look like.

>> No.7942747

yeah bruv london is a p gd place for fashion and ting

>> No.7942759

in my experience trying to get other people to dig nice clothes is really not worth the effort. i think it's something people just have to 'discover' themselves.

>> No.7942763

P much the same with music.
You should make them feel like they discovered/came up with it themselves.

>> No.7942777

Don't buy clothes for girls unless you know for sure she wants it, and don't do it often.

You can't say "do you like this?" and buy it if she says yes, you have to wait for her to say how much she likes something on her own.

The reason for that is because girls like a lot of things, and they won't refuse getting something for free. That doesn't mean she wants to wear it. Don't be a lame man and buy shit for girls, be a cool man and let girls buy things for you.

I recently wrote about this very topic on my tumblr. For more information, see this post:

"i'm just saying if you decide to do it, do it right, and I know these bitches thought about it once or twice."

>> No.7942792


>> No.7942795

>let grills buy u shit

so what was the last thing a girl bought you mr cool man luke? B)

>> No.7942797

>lying about how expensive your clothes are

If you feel ashamed at paying this shit, don't do it in the first place.

>> No.7942800


top kek

>> No.7942807

It doesn't have to be about being ashamed tho
sometime you just don't want to sound arrogant

>> No.7942810
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A Nook, but tbh it was the lowest quality, cheapest one that doesn't even have a backlight.

It's still cool because I can DL whatever books I want for free, but not having a light is stupid.
It's actually really bad, but I still appreciate it anyway.

>> No.7942820

lol this logic is so bad. I'm not ashamed of it, I just don't want to turn every comment into a huge conversation about value.

>> No.7942824

ayyyyyyyyyy truth

>> No.7942828

>attempt to manbun goofninja
>man bun still mid way and looks like female hair

>go mens bathroom
>6ft black guy comes in
>"ay gurl shit i thought this was the mens room"
>i turn around
>"ohhh shhieeetttt"

mfw no face
tfw andro

>> No.7942830

ive been looking to buy a nook, can you realy download anything-everything for free?

>> No.7942829

i'm not ashamed i just dont want my parents getting pissed off at me

>> No.7942835

u wot
I see the point your trying to make mang but luxury cars go up in value not down

>> No.7942856

It's really easy. I thought it would be complicated, but you don't have to "jailbreak" or anything; you just drag and drop files. The file extension is .epub, so type in the name of the book and ".epub" and you'll find a download link easily. Then plug your Nook into your USB and drag the file to it's HD.

You do need to connect to the internet before you can use your Nook, which is very stupid, but it's only a one time thing. If mine had a backlight it would be great. I like that it has a built in dictionary that brings up a definition when you click on a word.

>> No.7942883

Nice trips.

My gfs have always bought me stuff. The $300 chair that cradles my ass at least 2 hours a day came from my last one. She bought me clothes too. And took me out for dinner and paid for everything. Would have felt bad if everything wasn't some attempt to buy my love or w/e.

The one before her bought me stuff too. I really wonder if I just attract beta females.

>> No.7942887

until something breaks and the replacement part is worth more than the whole car.

>> No.7942893

>tell friend's gf my COS tee was 25eur
>"wow omg how come you have so expensive taste"
>"25 eur of a basic tee shirt oh my god!!"
didn't bother telling her how much my shoes and jeans were...

>> No.7943016

>been caught up in buying clothes and browsing /fa/
>researchin dem shoes
>mad keen for em
>cop em
>they arrived
>wore them to a thing with a friend circle
>been in cocoon-mode
>someone's like: "hey anon, i love your shoes. they're so cool."
>i'm like: "oh, yeah thanks. i got them a couple weeks ago. they're vans, would you believe?"
>everyone's sort of surprised
>another friend's like: "are they real leather?"
>me: "yeah. they're horween leather if that rings any bells."
>yet another friend: "and what's with the soles?"
>me: "oh, they're vibram ripples soles."
>there's some more idle chit chat/q&a about them
>realise what an autist/elitist i must have sounded like
>feel terrible inside

t-thanks, effay

>> No.7943028

they asked, whats the big deal

>> No.7943038

giving such unnecessary insightful information

>> No.7943299
File: 20 KB, 400x300, guitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to guitar center
grab a handful of their shitty picks with their logo on them

go into the "second wall" of acoustic guitars where they house all the locally made specific taylors and shit like that

casually throw/lob picks into the sound holes of any guitar worth more than $1200

>walk in with mcdonalds large drink, rest it ontop of any decent amp they have in the store

bonus points if pre-owned so it's not just a display unit they can toss in the trash if it's damaged

too bad they lock up the hollow bodies, would love to slide a handful or 2 of the cheap picks into those bodies

fuck those plebs

>> No.7943312

jesus fucking christ

>> No.7943317


>> No.7943328

This is amazing, I fucking love you sieg

>> No.7943329

explain, what will picks do to acoustic guitars, what will large drink do to an amp?

>> No.7943331
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U must be a chubby chaser :^]

>> No.7943335

none if it is true I've only dropped 2 picks in 2 different taylors

trying to play, but the picks are equive to fender THIN

>have greasy sasuage fingers

qt3.14 with sleeves, standing at 5'1" walking around cleaning up cords/wiping down guitars, miss note, drop pick into guitar body


slow puts it back and pick up another guitar like I've been playing that one the whole time

>> No.7943339

Has sieg finally lost his mind? my god, I hate him so much.

>> No.7944264
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Here, I cut the sleeves off recently due to weather.

>> No.7944744


>> No.7944760

those are probably the best of the taka hayashi collab.

>> No.7945498

yeah, they were all pretty cool, but they were the only ones that really stood out. nice job picking recognizing them.

>> No.7945588


>> No.7945602
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>wearing white dunks
>walking to the mall parking lot
>see pack of neckbeards wearing ironic tees
>huddled around a laptop looking at anime
>mlp shirt yells out "NICE RYUKO COSPLAY BOOTS!"


>> No.7945623
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>be in country road looking for cheap slim oxfords
>grab a shirt and head toward change rooms
>just about to shut the door
>assistant asks if i need any help
>try to make joke
>'not unless you want to help me change'
>realise assistant is clearly gay
>hide in change room for an hour


>> No.7945657

>country road
1st mistake

>> No.7945660


o ho good one

>> No.7945669

it's trash

>> No.7945716

>wearin' a real nice fit for the first time
>post in waywt
>go out to get some stuff
>ex sees me and can't stop looking
>some grill from a bit ago with her bf hard starin'
>girls mirlin
>check waywt and even berry got tha thirs

Maaaan thats a nice feel.

>> No.7945726

not OP but cuntry rod with alright. not worth the money, but i've copped some p. dope shorts on their sale rack.

>> No.7945746
File: 146 KB, 620x412, UOB97zo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys remember every awkward encounter you have? Like Christ, two years ago OP literally JUST TALK TO A GAY GUY and he's still thinking about it... Awkwardness is just part of being a social, well-adjusted member of society. Who cares? Like fuck

>> No.7945752


Yfw I have that exact same hoodie and a lot of people have actually given me compliments on it

It was a good cop

>> No.7945767

nah it's definitely trash
you have low standards

>> No.7945813

>"Nice Fake Converse! They don't even have the star."
>Why do your Converse's have a heart on them?"

>> No.7945826

chuckled irl

>> No.7945943

post fit

>> No.7946036

Oh yeah everyone compliments mine too, but now every faggot wants one now.

>> No.7946038

the black sk8 hi's are better.

>> No.7946073

tfw i'm the owner of fuccboi's spreadshirt

>> No.7946100

When a pick gets in an acoustic guitar its hard to get it back out and you have to like shake it upside down and stuff. If a drink spilled on the amp it would be ruined.

>> No.7946103

>weekly sorority chapter meeting
>I stand up to give a report
>"fab skirt. is it from zara?"
"No, it's Rick Owens."
>"Never heard of it, you should try Zara"

>> No.7946111


>mom: "Nice shoes. How much were they?"
>me: "$40"
>mom: "Not bad."

She would have flipped out if I told her I payed $300.

>> No.7946130

>lying in bed with sorority sisters
>"Nice boots"
>"How much were they?"
"They were originally about 1200 but I got them for $450 on ebay."
>"Are they orthopedic?"
"No, they're Ann Demeulemeester"

>> No.7946133

>>"Are they orthopedic?"
That's the first thing they ask when they hear the price?

>> No.7946138

lmao people think you're wearing tard shoes

>> No.7946165

>smelter demon
what the fuck do I do when he lights his sword on fire? his attacks seem to lock on

>> No.7946166

Copped a Rolex with old friend
Rockin that shit the next day
>"hey anon, did u find that in a box of cereal???"
>looks closer
>"oshit anon that is amazing!!!"
>y-y-you too

>> No.7946172

actually everyone comments on how cool they look

of course there are a handful of boutiques that stock rick within walking distance so they have a lot of exposure

u should think twice about posting ur flyover state opinion next time nobody cares about what looks cool on the corn farm this is a board for fashion

>> No.7946177

>actually buying the gammas
space Jams or bust.

>> No.7946180

plebs gonna pleb

>> No.7946186

>doesnt have fashionable father

I seriously hope human beings dont exist in such states of living

>> No.7946211
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these? don't look like terribly cheap chuck ripoffs? are you fucking blind?

>> No.7946294

bump. these were entertaining.

>> No.7946726

8.8/8 m8

they dont tho, even to the public who don't know anything about muh fashions they shouldn't look terribly cheap, nor chuck 'ripoffs'

>> No.7946743

It's probably the bulbous toebox. It's an interesting, unconventional silhouette but considering the shoe is a chucks derivative some people are just gonna think it's a failed, grotesque chinese rip off. I know most of my friends irl who know owens or have seen it in stores always make the chucks knock off comment.

>> No.7946744

everyone i show these to laughs and agrees. the public who don't know about your fashions think they look like walmart knockoffs. i'm not trying to troll you, this is literally what the ignorant people you will encounter everyday think of them.

>> No.7946778

that's weird af, I fielded a lot of comments for mine but it was always people who thought the details were interesting - sole/leather/zipper etc.
I guess that makes sense though, what most people just seeing them on the street would think
>I-I still don't think they look cheap

>> No.7946809


Let the plebs be plebs.

>> No.7946932

hey man, don't buy clothes to impress the public. if you like them wear them; don't be influenced by mine or the publics opinion.

>> No.7946950

Naw dude, idgaf about what the public thinks
I was just honestly surprised that people's natural reaction is 'chuck ripoffs'
I mean, by looking at them...
Still, I probably shouldn't be surprised.

>tfw sold mine anyway ;_;

>> No.7947095
File: 39 KB, 540x420, wore thus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this from the Supreme x cdg collob (before it got shit)
>in a Canadian high school
>most people buy their clothes from AP, TNA, ZARA, wear lots of canadian goose, and buy whatever basic shit that makes them feel good
>Wore this one day in my school with my bape snowboard jacket with some wax denim, and am90 infrared
>Walk into a hallway and a group of asian teens comes towards me and ask why is that box logo inverted?
>Tell them it's the design, and they walk slowly into their spot
> Asian fobs with their Comme de garcon play (heart t shirt shits) notice me and stares at me while i'm walking.
> asking why the fuck people are stunned at why I'm wearing a box inverted, and wearing basic shit.
>Come back home and notice that I destroyed
all their outfits
>keking hard when I remember people's emotionless faceless when they see me in a fucci boish outfit

>> No.7947112

I think people know what the CdGPlay logo is

but yeah, for some reason people/plebs seem to get styled on by fuccboi outfits as much or more than effay outfits
>it is what it is

>> No.7947128

>lives in Toronto
>fashion sense is a water downed version of NYC
>Don't get started on Filipinos

>> No.7947256

ryuuko-chan is actually wearing white puma sneakers, not ro or dbss whatever

>> No.7947267

Why did you point out his unexceptional height?

>> No.7947359

because manlet ;_;

>> No.7947617


>> No.7947656
File: 43 KB, 500x678, 1394491764680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has this feeling

>buy 200$ basic shirt
>pulls a nice outfit
>nice quality
>everyone looking at you
>you feel awesome for the first time

In that right moment you know you had make the right choice.

>> No.7947693
File: 284 KB, 1200x1800, 63990_Q22416_Sid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have much to share, but these recent ones come to mind
>me and my mom texting (I live on the other side of the country)
>she does my taxes
>says I'll get about $800 back
>I say "just enough for a new pair of Raf Simons!"
I love mi madre

>be me just 3 days ago walking through a shitty mall to buy Dark Souls 2
>wearing all white adidas x OC velcro low tops
>some basic bitch (average ass black girl wearing scrubs(?) walks by and I over hear her ask her friend if I'm wearing bowling shoes.
>sad face
>I mug the fuck out of her, just waiting for her to make eye contact
>she bitches out and keeps walking
>I didn't get to retaliate
>then I get home and get fucking raped in DS2

>today at work
>chatting with my gay coworker
>he sees my all white low tops near my bag and says "are those yours?"
>I'm like, yah
>he says only gay guys wear all white shoes

other than those, I've had photos taken of me for "fashion" blogs. Whatever.

>> No.7947696

>other than those, I've had photos taken of me for "fashion" blogs
This never happens to me :^(
I've never even seen a fashion blogger

>> No.7947787

I only post helpful and credible information as anon

>> No.7947785

>basic shirt
um, post a pic of the shirt or something

the vast majority of plebs can't tell the difference between that and a 5$ walmart shirt

>> No.7947802

are you serious?
dude even I get posted on fashion blogs

they feature me on this one a lot


>> No.7947809

Wow anon! You spent $50 on a shitty jacket! You must be cashing out!

>> No.7947814

>meet qt3.14 at a my friend's play
>ask her out
>fast forward 2 weeks
>it's our first date
>go to a french restaurant
>thought we were only going to see a movie so I wore a t-shirt and 511s and a black hoodie
>she wears an expensive dress
>feel extremely under dressed
>after a few minutes of talking the waiter comes asking for our drink order
>realized that I left my wallet in my m65 jacket
>had to buy something cheap since I only had a few notes and coins in my pocket
>she gets a glass of white wine
>I ask for a chocolate thickshake (cheapest thing on the menu)
>She orders lobster mornay
>I get hamburger with fries (cheapest food on the menu)
>after 30 minutes of awkward chat we pay for our meals
>I say "let's split the check"
>she gives me the dirtiest look ever
>say "70/30 since you got the lobster and wine"
>was still $15 short so had to borrow some money from her
>waiter gets no tip and looked really pissed off
>leave quickly
>awkward 20 minute drive to her house
>not a single word was muttered
>when we arrive at her house she didn't even say goodnight she just opens the door and walks away
Fuck her, looks like she won't be getting the $15 back

>> No.7947818

>wear all black cotton stuff to airport for max comfy
>target sweats, hoodie, tee, nikes, fuckin' rocking it
>mom tells me i'm gonna get beat on by black guys for this

What's with all the asian guys wearing ILU tees? Never see anyone else in them

>> No.7947831

once that happened to me once too, i knew i was screwed when she appears on the front door with a fancy dress and i was on t-shirt, hoodie and some nike flyknit.

>that moment when you realize it is to late to give up and just embraces the failure have everyone look at the fancy dress girl at nandos.

>> No.7947841

>Be me
>Well known for spending way too much money on clothes
>Someone once asked me "how much money do you spend on clothes a year anon?"
>I actually keep a record. 5000 and counting. For some reason I tell him this.
>Now whenever any of my friends see me, they don't even look at the fit, they just ask me how much it all cost.
>Feels bad.
At least all the chicks complement me on my style. A lot of them think I'm gay though...

>> No.7947855

>Walk into class
>Wearing techwear inspired fit
>Black OG roshes, black chinos pinrolled, Black windbreaker and technical backpack.
>As I walk in, some pleb bitch calls out "hey, my mum owns those shoes!"
>"t-they're not w-women's shoes..."
>Everyone staring and some people are chuckling thinking I'm wearing women's shoes
>Perplexed at how no one recognizes Roshes
>Sit down and avoid eye contact.

>> No.7947870

>Looks like she won't be getting the $15 back

She sounds like a complete cunt though. Ordering the most expensive stuff on the menu because she assumes you will pay. You probably saved yourself a lot of trouble.

>> No.7947871
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>walk into my maths class
>slp chelseas, slp jeans, slp shirt, slp sunglasses (wearing them inside)
>bitches stare at me as i walk to my desk up the back
>sit down by myself, light up a cigarette (like actually in the room, ur not meant to do this at school)
>teacher comes in
>goes to yell at me but i just look at her in the eyes for 2 seconds and she backs down
>finish my cigarette

mfw captcha: school ginscow

>> No.7947873
File: 200 KB, 648x824, 1384389434402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting at bus stop
>black man glances at me from time to time
>he comes up to me
>"mate your shoes are wicked, how much did they set you back?"
>talk a little bit about shoes and how shit the bus service is
>feels goodman

>> No.7947881

shoulda just said that she left them in your bedroom

>> No.7947886

Fuck I love you asokone

I've been meaning to ask you, how does your ISAORA 3L shell fit? I'm thinking of copping one.

>> No.7947887

height and facial aesthetic/10 and ethnicity pls?

>> No.7947890

Fuck... If I delivered that deadpan, things would have gone a lot better...

>> No.7947891

where do you go to school at

>> No.7947892

what shoes were you wearing?

>> No.7947894


don't wear em much anymore but like no-one wore them were i lived so i was stylin on em and i didn't look like a sperg over the price

>> No.7947897
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>smoking and wearing sunglasses inside

>> No.7947902

UTS Sydney

>> No.7947903


>> No.7947907


>> No.7947943

funny cunt. what postcodes do you deliver too? i want you to give me a pizza.

>> No.7948068

lol'd because i know this will happen to me soon

>> No.7948100

>white adidas x OC velcro low tops
Are these true to size? Could I get away with it if I size down 1/2?

>> No.7948120

only if you promise to tip me

>> No.7948192

Does anyone go to Macquarie Uni?
There is this fucking guy I see around sometimes that wears a fucking wifebeater, levis, big engineer boots and a 50s style bowling shirt tied around his waist
his hair has like half a can of pomade in it
he thinks hes heaps good looking as well but he has a fucking uggo face and a retarded voice

please someone tell theyve seen him

>> No.7948251

>be decent looking asian and not a chink eyed mongoloid
>live in a primarily asian area with tons of fobs
>everytime I go outside I get deathstares from azn fob guys through their nerdy looking glasses

it's gotten to the point where I'm beginning to feel like I'm turning racist.

>> No.7948267

I death stare you fucking chinks because you're taking over my city.
The sooner Australia reintroduces the White Australia policy, the better.

>> No.7948269

I lol'd

>> No.7948275

brisbane pls go

>> No.7948678

plebs don't know taht

>> No.7948728

ironic, innit?

>> No.7948813

>wear a black baseball hat that says SOMALIA with a picture of the Somalian flag on it.
>"you're not black"
>"be careful in the city anon, a Somalian might stab you".

I'll keep that in mind

>> No.7948834

>having sex in the missionary position
>really getting into it
>girl is squeezing my ass
>pump harder
>girl puts finger in my butthole
>cum buckets
>girl gets mad because I didn't pull out
>kicked out
>go for a drive because that's what Ryan Gosling does
>go to Uniqlo
>buy an oxford shirt

>> No.7948850

This never happened you fucking virgin. The fact that you are lying on the internet means you are fucking pathetic. No girl would ever touch you.

>> No.7948977


>> No.7949066

luxury cars go up in value decades after they arr first produced and only if a handful of that car exist. automobiles are depreciating assets

>> No.7949095

luxury cars go down in value steeply, moreso than economy cars

seriously bluebook a lexus gs300 and a Toyota camry of the same year

nearly identical cars besides the motor on certain trim levels

sports cars go up in value

no not your Miata, or your s2000 settle down
I mean numbers matching exotics

but generally to keep them up in number matching flawlwss condition, costs more than you can get rid of one

but they have to be kick ass cars from the get go

a 2006 Ferrari 360 is worth about $34,000 on craigslist here in California, and I bet if I wanted to I could take $25k cash and buy one

but I doubt I could buy an f40 for under a million

>> No.7949178

s2000's are so rare in the phoenix market rhat clean examples with more than 100k ae still worth 13-16k

>> No.7949192

A pair of APC's?
Shoes, or what?

>> No.7949195

>tfw no fa mom

>> No.7949212

Fuck all the people hiding their power level.
Finna cop some £490 MMM shoes, if somebody says "how much were they Anon" just outright say it.

Just because they're a plen doesn't mean you are too.

>> No.7949233

I actually brag about how much shit cost. When someone tries to tal shit I say something like, "Enjoy using child labor" Don't be mad because you're poor", and my favorite "You have to pay if you want your shit hand sewn by Italian grandmothers.

>> No.7949239

Prepare for people to say "What's that jacket, Margiela?" all next winter if you drop the brand name on them.

>> No.7949242

Getting hit on by 6'2"+ black dudes is terrifying

>> No.7949251

have fun looking like a rich dick
Nothing worse than people thinking you have 2muchMoney
Even rich people are modest about their spendings

>> No.7949254

>be this past Christmas
>trying to decide what I should get my gf
>not that into /fa/ shit, decide to bite the bullet and get her a $100 gift card to UO
>she's in Florida when she gets it, ends up copping some cute shit from there since shes a grill
>finally recieve my gift
>it's a doge meme shirt

I appreciate the thought and all, but come on mayne

>> No.7949269

thats what u get for gettinf ur gf a giftcard to UO lmao

>> No.7949300
File: 12 KB, 300x100, 62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be posted at bus stop waiting for the bus
enter qtp2t girl
>girl comes up next to me standing no more than 2 feet away from me
>notice her out of the corner of my eye appearing the glance in my direction
>I become frozen
>quickly turn my head feigning to see if the bus is down the street
>notice her gaze instantly, she’s looking right at me!
enter spaghetti
>pretend not to notice her, I can still feel her gaze on me, out of the corner of my eye she hasn’t stopped staring at me
Internal conflict: Stop looking at me you’re making me nervous, you’re literally 2 feet away from me are you doing this on purpose!?
>don’t know what the fuck to do, pull out my phone – I can see her face in the reflection she’s now looking at my phone
>stare blankly at the screen, no idea why I took it out I was just nervous
>impulsively push the internet button, thank god google was the tab I left open
Internal conflict: What the fuck do I look up now? I better hurry up and think of something before I make a fool out of myself
>4chan is the first thing that comes to mind, type it in, hail satan, hit go
>reach 4chans front page
Psychological Reversal: what the fuck am I doing? Oh! I know, she will think I am pretty boss as fuck if I have the balls to go onto 4chan in public. Now it’s just a matter of choosing a board that will reflect my excellent taste!
>click the nearest SFW board, /fa/ - fashion!
>scroll down as fast as I can
>nope too late she already saw it, she was staring right at my phone
>don’t even have the strength to turn around and look at her
>turn off phone and return it to my pocket
>finally after about a minute I decide to fake seeing if the bus is coming to look at her
>turn my head
>her face is frozen with her nose curled back in disgust
>look away immediately to hide the shame in my face

>> No.7949305

puma jesper cloud dancer in case ya wondering

>> No.7949309

>be effay
>still noone gives a fuck
>still have the same problems

>> No.7949430


Please, post it

>> No.7949435

on what planet can you cop a ferarri for 34 grand.

maybe if it was full of problems, and even then it'd be pulling into the 70k range.

>> No.7949578


Oh shit, 10/10

>> No.7949588

cool story bro

>> No.7949706
File: 37 KB, 400x400, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually met Raf Simons this one time. So i was at Ameoba records and trying i find some decent records. I ended up digging up an old bunch of Factory records stuff. What was even better was that there was an original Power Corruption and Lies Pressing from 1983.
So i took it and went to the front to pay for it, and i had to wait in the line. But the line was moving so slow there was this one guy behind me who was getting really impatient. He was just shoving a bunch of people out of the line working his way to the front. So he shoves me and i'm like "c'mon dude what gives" and as i was turning around i realized the impatient guy was Raf Simons himself.
I was really surprised and i told him how happy i was to meet him in person. And he doesn't say anything and looks at what i was holding in my hand. He saw that i had the original copy of PCL and then i talked about how it was this record really cool, just the artwork alone was lovely in itself. But he then proceeds to snatch it out of my hand and then gets his face all close to mine and says, " i know". He then tries to make a punching gesture, so i flinch back. He then proceeded to step on my KVA's and told me that i was a cunt who didn't appreciate the rebellious nature of youth. He then just laughs and walks straight to the front with only copy of PCL in the store.
While he's paying for it, he just takes the cover sleeve of it and tears out the artwork. He just left the record in the store, and also grabbed a bunch of those edgy punk buttons they have on the clerk counter and just walked away from the store.

>> No.7949729


That's so cool. Love amoeba, too, you sound like ma negro. Too bad the story is prolly made up.

>> No.7949734

>on my way home from the gym
>raining like no tomorrow
>hair messy and thought looked pretty /fa/
>waiting at the bus stop for my bus
>group of three girls about 5 meters away from me
>one of them is facing my way
>keeps looking my way
>catch her looking at me and our eyes lock for a second
>she pussies out, breaks eye contact
>30 seconds later same happens
>same thing happens a third time
>now a bus is coming towards the stop but its not the bus i'm taking
>group of girls start moving towards where the bus will stop
>they walk pass me
>the same girl looks at me again and smiles
>don't smile back
>watch her go to the bus
>they go upstairs and she sits next to the window
>looks at me again from the bus and smiles
>don't smile back

>> No.7949754

I'd say you're me but my parents are separated so I don't have the chance to be ridiculed by my dad ;-;
Also I don't go on /p/

>> No.7949766

I like the jacket but hate those pockets

>> No.7949771
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>> No.7949778

I recognized this pasta just by the format and the pic

>> No.7949792

good job m8
you showed her who's da boss, at least she knows now
remember this when you'll be 50 and still alone

>> No.7949866

why not? was she attractive?

>> No.7949879


>> No.7949893

I do really dig the Sk8 hi line.. dammit

>> No.7949900

"/fa/, my first personal blog"
was she cute though?

>> No.7949923

i'll remember it for a while for sure, when I got home I realized how sperg I acted

she was quite cute with her yellow rain jacket

/fa/ teach you how to smile without looking weird

>> No.7949944

Don't you know how to smile politely to people?

>> No.7949957

i dont think i do, Every picture that i do a fake smile in it just seems like I'm suffering

I smile my mouth closed because i think it looks weird hen i smile and my teeth show

>> No.7949989


I saw Raf Simons at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.7950008
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>at a small party last Saturday
>rocking my tricky ricky dropcrotch sweats and hoodie
>getting compliments from qts all night
>sitting on couch with birthday girl
>tells me she loves my rick owens pants (I only roll with educated qts)
>tells me "you need that huge drop crotch to fit that huge dick"
>"I know, don't ask me how I know, but I know"
>remember that I sent a girl she was travelling with nudes
>mfw I'm living /fa/'s dream


>> No.7950055

you can use some more confidence bro

>> No.7950085

Wasnt the one with milkyways about rick?
I think there was one about flylo too

>> No.7950103


I believe the original was about Flying Lotus, but it's been adapted ways.

>> No.7950099

>tfw 14cm dick

>> No.7950100

Depends. I see a lot of items going for twice what they retailed for.

>> No.7950114

erect? wow.

>> No.7950125

>yfw when it's still can be around average depending on where you live

>> No.7950137

yeah i looked it up.
the original was indeed about FlyLo and milkyways, and there have been a couple about Rick and cheese sandwiches.

>> No.7950186


you're a virgin, right? 14cm is not a problem at all and will be enough to please most women (I dk about black women tho). aint got nuttin to worry bout friend.

>tfw 15cm erect and you cant even fully stick it into ur gfs azn pussy because they're made for tiny chink dicks and you hurt her uterus

she got the moanin game going on tho

>> No.7950248


actually a neat story huh

>> No.7950324
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>tfw glorious uterus crushing dick

>> No.7950367 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7950374

did u piss urself

>> No.7950447
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>tfw got dat coke can girth game goinin on

Feels good man... not for her though.

>> No.7950495


ma nigga


some like it some dont

>> No.7950618

i'll tip you $5. $10 if you're dressed nicely.

>> No.7950689

pics of fit please

>> No.7950696


>> No.7950812

i remember when i had my cdg hoodie and people would always ask me why it was backwards

>> No.7951016

heh good one seig

>> No.7951056

The pockets look kinda dumb, also the button sizes :l

>> No.7951441

Spreadshirt nigga

>> No.7951641

don't have any good stories outside spilling spaghetti when talking to store clerks or the store clerks spilling spaghetti

>> No.7951661

>>he says only gay guys wear all white shoes

FSOT: CP Acchiles Lo

>> No.7952382

Yeha I'm the same guy from that thread. It really did happen to me though. Shit this was last year too.

>> No.7952523

you've got to be fucking kidding me?

I honestly thought this didn't exist and it was just a photoshop.

>> No.7952565

>Before /fa/
>Thought fashion was about dressing mature
>be 16, shop only at mall-tier menswear
>Not dadcore tier bullshit, but some fucking disgusting bullshit
>Get complimented daily
>Girls always say how nice I dress
>Guys say they wish they had the money/balls to dress in shirts and proper shoes
>get into /fa/
>realize how much of a fucking sperg lord I am
>Go full goof ninja because I find it interesting to play with textures and how light bounces off it.
>"Why do you always wear black anon?"
>"Aren't you hot in all that? It's 30 degrees anon (Ausfag)"
>"Who's Rick Owens? If you're gay that's okay. We all had a bit of an idea."

>tfw I was more /fa/ when I wasn't /fa/

>> No.7952583

That's the price we have to pay.

>> No.7952641


"Never go full goof"

>> No.7952690

the clothes are wearing u

if u dont work in fashion and live in metro area ur a fucking dumb cunt for wearing rick anyway

it looks terrible period on under anyone under 6"1 and u need to be either model tier hot or antifashion ugly to pull it off

>> No.7952943

it's easy to wear an unfitting suit, and i'm sure everybody will say you're dressing well.
But in reality you're just overdressed aspie

>> No.7953021

>can fit into sz 4 womens jeans
>girls at work jelly

>> No.7953031

lol learn2 think for yourself

>> No.7953129
File: 98 KB, 504x470, 1392429080419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw qt nigress in monochrome and black sunhat stares at you in street when ur also wearing all black.
>tfw you look back and she breaks eye contact
>don't know if i was creepy or cool

>> No.7953345

>needing to find out what words mean

Holy shit kill yourself

>> No.7953370

14.5 cm is the average though.

>> No.7953373

Time for a new girlfriend.

>> No.7953378
File: 34 KB, 427x231, 1393835260137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have manbun
>waiting for a friend
>see him pass by me
>follow him
>he sees me
>"oh, I thought it was some girl because of the way you got your hair"
>mfw he was sincere

>> No.7953386

Heard that one but with Burial instead of Raf.
Made more sense with Burial as he is probably the weirdest cunt in real life and wears full Adidas tracksuit everywhere.

>> No.7953387

Get a beard with that shit ASAP
worked fucking wonders for me

>> No.7953396

yeah, no
I got nice hairline, but I have a babyface and can't grow beard. I know it a hundred times better with a beard because of my face but I can't grow it.

>> No.7953429

>"Why do you always wear black anon?"
>"Aren't you hot in all that? It's 30 degrees anon
Oh god...
The amount of times I have been asked those questions....

>> No.7953433

kirkland minoxidil, zinc and other shit work wonders. takes time tho.

>> No.7953443
File: 635 KB, 519x537, 1390680940257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl i think i sort of have a thing with sent me a text saying she wants 'to talk to me about something' tomorrow morning

i wonder what it could be

>> No.7953446
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>> No.7953450
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>> No.7953454

oh man, I know this feel

>> No.7953457
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>> No.7953466

did u het her pregant?

who the hell wants to talk in the morning

>> No.7953474
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>> No.7953475

no literally all i've done with her is kissed her and held her hand
that's why it's dumb as fuck, it's like some high school shit. if she wants to 'break it off' she could of just told me over text, it's not like we had anything to start off with

i'm just kinda frustrated she wants me to get up early on my day off tbh

>> No.7953480

>be shoppin w a m8 in uniqlo
>some manlet rolls up to me and asks me ton of questions about clothes
>"oh wait do you even work here?"

i bet that was one of you fuckers

>> No.7953482

>i'm just kinda frustrated she wants me to get up early on my day off tbh
Tell that to her, why you gotta change your schedule because some dumb bitch wants to act dumb? Do you value your time so low?

>> No.7953493

>find effay qt3.14 on okc
>we hit it off
>get her digits, ask her out on a date
>she says yes, is really excited
>im really excited too
>make plans the night before
>next day we're supposed to meet
>responds to none of my texts or phonecalls

why do girls always get cold feet like this?

>> No.7953499

she prob fuckin some thug instead, she busy homie
sorry cuz

>> No.7953503
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>> No.7953516

pls no, frodo has the ring, not me

>> No.7953517
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>> No.7953537

>wearing grey hoodie, black chinos, & black flyknits
>walk past some dude wearing combat boots
>he literally stares at my flyknits while 5 meters past me, with his head almost 180 degrees like hes starring at CCP drips
>tfw I just realized I was starring at him the same way in order to see this happen

>at Melbourne Central station
>stand next to a guy who looks like he was wearing white ramones and full black clothing
>couldnt get a proper look at his shoes cause he walked off and stood somewhere else

But seriously I know a few of you are in Melbourne, Ive seen one of you cunts walk past in geos.

>> No.7953547
File: 933 KB, 190x220, 1392817632002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to get my sister a brithday present
>ask her what she wants
>some black dress from cos that she hasn't been able to find in any store in london
>gives me the details and what size she wants
>go to cos
>see girl putting clothes onto a hanger
>go to her
>ask her if she knows where this dress is and talk non stop for 30 seconds
>she smiles and tells me she doesn't work here
>oh fuck spaghetti spill incoming.jpg
>answer "how come, you look like you work here"
>realize that I just said that she dresses like a store clerk
>ehm, I mean you dress nice
>she smiles and says thanks
>I say I gtg get this dress now thx, bye

>> No.7953550

i was hanging out at uni waiting for a mate today and this asian guy walked past wearing those prada derbies with the bubble soles, i was staring at his shoes for ages then i looked up and he was smiling at me so i winked at him

>> No.7953564

>tfw latrobe
>tfw everyone is so unfashionable

>> No.7953567
File: 9 KB, 387x429, 1360844026657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a lot of fashionable students at RMIT but unfortunately none of them are in any of my business courses. So many qt grills doe

>> No.7953573

>brighton, england
>small amount of qts but they don't study business
>only the slut looking girls study business

>> No.7953575

good city doe

>> No.7953581

plenty of sluts in mine as well wearing the same shit as each other, its like a uniform e.g. Jelly Sandals (Melbournians you know what Im talking about).
>tfw live in Brighton, Melbourne

>> No.7953585

ew we have jelly sandal revival in nz aswell

along neon colours trending

make it stop

>> No.7953590

was hanging w/ my younger cuso's yesterday and me and the younger homi (she's 9) were bullying her sister (my cousin, 13) who bought green jellies B)
felt so good

the jelly thing in uni is kind of restricted to fat misguided girls.
god the younger one is so cute, take her around everywhere

>> No.7953593

not at the brunswick campus then I guess?
jelly sandals were actually cool when stores like FAT first got them in and they were rare, but like most things, once the generic stores (rubi shoes, etc) got wind of it they lost anything they had going for them.

also, u still living at home then? Brighton sux dude

>> No.7953600

City campus.
I thought they were disgusting the moment I saw them, reminded me of toddler girl sandals.
Yeah still living at home, have no desire to move out anytime soon. What do you consider a good suburb in Melbourne then?

>> No.7953606

nothing in the south east thats for sure
Fairfield, Northcote, Footscray, Yarraville, anything like that.

>> No.7953618

yeah, awesome weather atm. biking around is amazing atm

>> No.7953626
File: 178 KB, 480x480, 1359955558558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fairfield, Northcote, Footscray, Yarraville

>> No.7953631

>tfw not in brighton amongst tons of foreign qts that came to improve english

>> No.7953638

what were u wearing

>> No.7953639
File: 2.21 MB, 225x168, 1368165383808.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with mummy and daddy in brighton
m8 uve got no credibility

>> No.7953648

No need to be butthurt buddy, I live with my parents because its the most beneficial financial & time manageable decision for me.
>lol fuck parents!! I wanna be independant & mature & live by myself so I dont get told to do my chores!!
You didnt even justify your reasoning for listing a bunch of shitty/mediocre suburbs as 'good'.

>> No.7953674
File: 136 KB, 580x870, TT&Co Helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Why do people spend thousands on clothing instead of purchasing a vehicle? A good used car is around $3,000.

>> No.7953675

Melb/fa/m we in this!

Might've been me
Also I approve of your lifestyle sense >>7953648

Hardcore burbs

>> No.7953682

if u live in a large city it's often easier because u don't have to find somewhere to park it

>> No.7953685
File: 107 KB, 750x550, 1395057742413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about the flyknits or the ramones? If flyknits, yes, black flyknits with white tick, pic related. Happened on Swanston St Im pretty sure. If that was you today then I gotta say you were dressed bretty gud.
Also fank you bb.

>> No.7953687

Cartlon North is heaps nice, it's got a really fucking cool atmosphere walking around at night.

>> No.7953697
File: 2.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1375305317059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never been in the north area but mang I know dat feel of night atmosphere. I wanna get into early morning/late night jogging just for the vibe alone.
Vid & pic related.


>> No.7953698

>I can afford a car so clearly I must use it to travel everywhere, regardless of how practical
do you live in iceland

aw shit dude, nah I meant the geos
>I-i'm tired
I had a pair of b/w but I haven't been in the city since last year
>tfw probably a pleb

You should also try fitzroy
try not to get into fisticuffs w/ hispters

>> No.7953699

could u indulge in some more detail friend?

>> No.7953700

it's copypasta m8

>> No.7953702

aw shiet, yeah b/w geos but it was last week so wouldnt have been you.
>tfw am a pleb

>> No.7953709

lmao how autistic do you have to be to not know how to smile back?

>> No.7953708

ah yeah, there's a couple of other people I've seen
I followed a couple of asians into Sneakerboy once and one had geos
>tfw muh Raf, muh Ann & the SA doesn't even say anything to you ;_;

you coming to the meetup bruh? I want to meet a /fa/ggot who lives in brighton
we're all gon make it
>It'll make me feel less self-conscious about living with m/ rents

>> No.7953713

pls leave my country

>> No.7953726

Theres a Melb /fa/ meetup organized? when and where friend?

I dunt think you should be self conscious about living at home man, unless you're over the age of 30 anyway. My parents' family friends' daughter is 26 now and still living at home and although I dont know what her salary is now, 2 years ago when she started her first full-time job, she was on a starting wage of $62 - 68k somewhere.

>> No.7953735

melb here also
Been lurking /fa/ for about 5 months now but only just got another job and therefore money to make a decent wardrobe
In you opinion, what are the essentials I need that work well with a 'Melbourne' style? (ambiguous, I know)

>> No.7953737

a holier-than-thou attitude with terrible taste in everything

>> No.7953739

more specific pls

>> No.7953748

please answer

>> No.7953749

Theres no such thing as Melbourne style really, Melbourne is mostly plebs honestly, that trend hop and wear trend hopping brands like cotton on, factorie, & skate/surf brands etc. Even the girls that try to be fashionable, oh gawd. Like, I dress like a fuccboi but wow, some people are just completely unaware.
Honestly though dress whatever style you like most, it should be an extension of expressing yourself, not trying to fit in exactly, but at the same time not dressing too loud or flamboyantly.

>> No.7953760

haven't heard anything back yet, there's a cool bird organising it, check dis thread yo
It's for winter tho

Yeah, even though I'm working a fair bit now I want to save for travel and shit and it's like I know I'd be able to afford - just - living out of home so I feel kinda bad about it
But I have no idea whether I'll be able to sustain earning enough, so
>tfw can't bring effay qts home to fuck

Pleb, jealous canberra detected
Envious of our patrician styles, superior shops and socially-acceptable predilection for wearing black all the time

>> No.7953761

I probably shouldn't have used the word style in hindsight.
I'm just looking for opinions on what my first basics should be that also go with the aesthetic of Melbourne (Even though there isn't much of one)
Pretend I own no clothes and have $250 to spend on basics

Pls help I don't want to fuck up my first /fa/ endeavors

>> No.7953772

Almost everyone here is a pleb or a fuccboi/grill and usually a poorly dressed one at that
Imma second everything else coconut said there
Aesthetic wise you'll see pretty much the whole gamut depending on where you go, bogans to dadcore, except what filthy septics would term 'frat' style

Follow the sticky, dress for yourself, and take it slow & keep it basic, you don't want to fuck yourself up
For 250? Go to Dejour jeans and get a nice pair or two and then to Uniqlo and stock up on basics
Can't go wrong with a decent pair of beater sneaks or two

>> No.7953777

one final question
Sneakers? I'm a 19 yr old Uni student
What are the best sneakers that can go with chinos, jeans and shorts for $150

Thanks for the advice btw I really appreciate it

>> No.7953802

lurk more cop or not & recent cop threads & youll probably see something you like man.
ah fanks, ill email her now anyway lawl.
Well Im planning on travelling after I finish uni, then starting full-time work THEN moving out, I personally think its the best approach cause that way youll always have a roof over your head. And I guess if youre studying your parents arent gunna wanna kick you out anytime soon anyway?
>tfw bring sluts home & fuck them anyway

>> No.7953808

I've been lurking every day looking for shoes
I'm deciding between
-Nike Satires
-Nike Janoskis
-Vans Linderos
-NB 420 Black
-NB 574 Black
I feel like the NBs might be a bit too chunky but the other ones are too pleb?
>tfw too poor for cp white lows

>> No.7953822

Out of the options youve given me, probably the NB 420s tbh.

>> No.7953828

sick thank you
hopefully i'm on my way to dressing better

>> No.7953829

nb 574s are probably the best out of these but they will either be a) worn by every man and their dog or b)out of fashion in the next few months

>> No.7953832

>tfw dog doesnt wear new balances

>> No.7953835

so what would you suggest for a budget of $150?

>> No.7953848

Listen to the wise words of the coconut/asok, but really, nobody's gonna hate on you for wearing basic vans/nikes
You're not gonna stand out for good or ill, but that's a good thing with where you're at atm
>tfw too poor for CPs
trust me kill this feel now, soon it'll be 'damn, shoud've copped those Rafs', then 'why didn't I cop Qasas', before you know it 'why'd I sleep on those milk ramones, >tfw missed out on CCP drips'
>the ride never ends

We're all gonna make it, anon

>> No.7953850

>tfw she's dead and I still mis her sometimes

catpcha: deceased istaroem

>> No.7953855

It's just that CPs have been my grail shoe for a while, whereas I don't get anything out of many other /fa/ hyped shoes
Thank you though

>> No.7953858

>tfw I don't want any of my animals to die

>> No.7953865

no worries mate, buy me a beer or s/t
Yeah that's a good approach, I failed out of uni myself so I figured I should start working, get some experience out in the real world and hopefully travel a bit before I go back, changed directions anyway so hopefully it all works out
>tfw too self-conscious for that
Nah dude, that was bad enough with a long-term partner
There's nothing quite like explaining to your parents what your ex-longterm-gf's little sister is doing at your house and why you were taking a shower when she was there
never doing that again

I didn't mean it before aso, gl with that chick tomorrow
hope she wants to talk to you because she wants to make you & her a serious item

>> No.7954019
