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/fa/ - Fashion

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7940078 No.7940078 [Reply] [Original]

what's the appeal of /fa? most of the comments are ignorant and rude, it's just like the rest of 4chan. lots of people are so elitist it's sad.

i want personal opinions, why do YOU browse /fa and not a different fashion forum?

>> No.7940087

it be extremely painful...

>> No.7940088


>fa is any different from sufu or sz
i do agree fa is shittier than other forums, but only in terms of income and that the shit talking is done by late 20/30 something year olds concerning neg rep

>> No.7940091

because i hate you

>> No.7940097

Familiarity mostly, can't be bothered to gain some foothold in another boards circle jerk.

Still, quite fond of /fa/. It's quick, and most importantly brutally honest.

Regarding to rude & ignorant, like God said: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

>> No.7940101

cause it's fuckin 4chan retard

>> No.7940098
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the attitude seems much more negative here tho

>> No.7940103

>more negative
image boards are 10 times more active than any other forum

read those books

>> No.7940104

this is exactly what i'm talking about, what turns some people on so much about being dicks?

>> No.7940109

cause you sound like a fag my friend
and I don't like faggot
I like ppl here, some tripfags and anons
but faggots like you need a good rape RIGHT UP THE BOY PUSSY

>> No.7940112

Idont use 4chan

4chan uses me

Cause without me it would be nothing

>> No.7940110

very funni :)

>> No.7940113 [DELETED] 
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I'm only here for the laughs now

>not going on reddit for fashion discussion
celebrities, top designers, cobblers, craftsmen and people in the industry post there, people with real credibility and intelligence.

At least over there, you know who you're talking to and you can track his own style and posts to judge his level of intelligence, here, any fuccboi can call you a basic bitch despite being ugly as fuck himself because everyones anon. This place is full of fuccbois with a bad case of unwarranted self importance.

mfa is full of retards because its malefashionADVICE, its the board for shitfucks.

The real discussion is over on r/expensivemalefashion, r/frugalmalefashion, and r/malefashion

>> No.7940116

hahahah ahaha

>> No.7940117

do you think you have some kind of "foothold" here?

>> No.7940122

yeah it seems that anonymityti brings out the worst in people. especially neckbeards

>> No.7940125

>real credibility and intelligence
"Ya lets upvote the people we like!! OMG WE ARE SO COOL"

>> No.7940126

its because we don't have to take responsiblity for the shit we say, so we can spew whatever we want.

>> No.7940131


>> No.7940133

>fuccboi can call you a basic bitch despite being ugly as fuck himself
Wait what?
Are being 100% srs here?
wow...just wow...
>dat arrogance

>> No.7940135

i guess hobbes was right

>> No.7940138

name some celebrities top designers and important industry figureheads that post on /fa/

meanwhile on reddit, presidents of clothing lines hold AMAs, so do top designers, and celebrities, craftsmen dissect shoes and review their quality for you there. Theres real discussion and sharing of intelligence on reddit. As opposed to ... whatever you find here.

>> No.7940150

I have no idea why you value that so much but again you sound like a very anal guy who got shit over by /fa/ and still didn't get over it

>> No.7940157

>ad hominem

its not arrogance, its fact. You don't know whose posting on the other side of the screen and you have no reason to believe he has any credibility, he might have a completely different style, or tastes, or he might be some high school kid who doesn't know shit, or just some plain ugly fuck. Why would you blindly accept advice on fashion from an internet person that you've never seen in person.

>> No.7940164

well, you can make your assumptions, but everyone else realizes that you can't actually defend your stance. Fact of the matter is, anyone with common sense would rather listen to Raf Simmon's advice on r/expensivemalefashion over some random anon on 4chan/fa

>> No.7940172

>I have no idea why you value advice from educated people with real credibility

anon, stop.

>> No.7940173

>blindly accept advice on fashion
Who said this?
Did I say this? Did you?
You can't make a judgement when you read a post if it's legit or not? Jesus...maybe you DO need reddit to downvote all the BAD BAD PEOPLE who make funny of you :(
I take all the comments that are actually USUALLY and makes SENSE to me and apply it.
Every little "you ugly" or "fuccboi" comment don't even at ALL affect me like it effects you.

>> No.7940169


>why do YOU browse /fa and not a different fashion forum?

i do though
i go on like 5 total

>> No.7940190

you guys are idoits
jesus fucking christ i'm done... I honestly hope you stay in reddit or some pretentious fashion forum where people write pages and pages to say two sentences to seem "smart" and circle jerk on each other
I honestly don't understand what's so hard to understand what 4chan is and why it's different from reddit
But you guys don't want what 4chan is feeding you right? You want to taste other shit? Go eat and be full

>> No.7940203

>you can't mke a judgement when you read a post if its legit or not
Did I say I did?

Why would I want to sift through the shitposts here when I can get real discussion from people who aren't trying to troll?

Fact of the matter is, once again, there are far more educated people on reddit then there are here. Ignore it as much as you want, reach and bring up different topics and the terms I use, but you can't deny the facts.

>> No.7940208


>> No.7940211

>where people write pages and pages to say two sentences to seem "smart" and circle jerk on each other
>mfw you actually don't think that happens here

Except its even worse here because its people like trunks and seig on the other side of the screen trying to act like know it alls.

>> No.7940216

> educated people
"look mommy big big words and long paragraphs... i'm a intellectual!!!"
Go fuck off to reddit and read the shitty post people make that basically says absolutely NOTHING

>> No.7940217

>pretentious fashion forum where people write pages and pages to say two setnences to seem "smart"

nigger, that happens here twice as much. at least if it happens on reddit, it isn't with all the bullshit hostility and is always constructive, and you can always track down the post history of the person talking to you so you can judge their level of intelligence.

where as here ... I just have to deal with 12 year olds like you.

>> No.7940219

Not at all, anonymous message board, fast pace, relatively more new users and 'visitors' - there really isn't a need to.

>> No.7940231
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>meanwhile on Reddit the president of Aldens, Rick Owens himself, and dozens of other industry figureheads are holding AMAs and discussing fashion

when was the last time on /fa/ anyone actually dissected shoes and examined the stitching/craftsmenship? Or taught you how to DIY your own leather belt? Lmao never.

>> No.7940233

>that happens here twice as much
Why would it?
reddit is the place where you have to make a "name" for yourself so the newfags can suck you cock
You need a thick history of nonsense bullshit to back you up so people think you are smart

>> No.7940237
File: 80 KB, 1226x347, 1394832387534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile on /fa/

>> No.7940247

>still valuing this like it matters
"OH we don't want these designers be mad...everyone be good!!"
Again don't come here, 4chan and reddit are COMPLETE different places
>NO IT'S NOTTTTT fashion forums = fashion forum

>> No.7940254
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>thinking anonymous people don't seek validity

look at this ass retarded post

>> No.7940262

I hold him in relatively high regard.

>> No.7940264
File: 153 KB, 1238x528, 1394832649541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% constructive discussion. No one on /fa/ is a tryhard pseudointellectual like those redditors! Anonymous people don't care about that!

>> No.7940260

>implying you now who op is
Fuckin hell, are you alright in the head?

>> No.7940276

>still thinks reddit is "better" in anyway
Oh god i'm done
I'm wasting time because what you going to do? Post some fuckin screenshots of posts anons made

>> No.7940297

Implying anyone takes them seriously.
A 40yr old and someone who's felt another mans sweat all over his body to save a dollar

>> No.7940300

so tell me son. Where exactly did reddit touch you? Did this mean website violate your innocence and scar you forever?

>> No.7940322


I'm the anon that wrote ur pic related, please tell me how it is wrong or "tryhard pseudo intellectual"

protip: u can't

god damn "pseudo intellectual" is such a 2012 buzzword

>> No.7940332

This. I think it can actually be a good thing though because people are so honest. Sure, you have to sift through the trolls, brand whores, Rickriders, and idiots, but you get good criticism. If you aren't smart enough to pick out the valuable information on here or perhaps you can't take criticism well, then you probably belong on a non-anonymous forum where people are afraid to make someone sad.

At the end of the day, /fa/ has given me a broader perspective on style, a respect for the unique, even if it's not the norm, and a desire to find cultivate my own look.

Also, I've never been on any other fashion board, OP.

>> No.7940358

its not about being right or wrong. its the fact that this is the type of discussion /fa/ breeds. Complete and utter arrogance, seeing things in black and white, me vs you, my opinion > your opinion. And at the end of the day, who learned anything? You both went away angry at eachother and entrenched in your own stances. Meanwhile on reddit, the rules and identities enforce a standard of discussion and general sharing of knowledge. Not being anonymous and taking responsibility for what we say makes us more mindful

As for that post, frankly, when I was in that thread you seemed utterly full of yourself. And anyone can cobble a bunch of quotes together to support their arguments given enough research and time.

>> No.7940366

wow such a big man who hates the anonymous part of 4chan yet don't put on a trip
>jerking off the other person in a discussion so they don't get "mad" or get "angry" at you
What a useful discussion

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. " -Winston Churchill

>> No.7940377

>the rules and identities enforce a standard of discussion and general sharing of knowledge. Not being anonymous and taking responsibility for what we say makes us more mindful
Are you talking about nazi germany?

>> No.7940387

>quoting winston churchill

lel, implying having an identity and having to stand by what you say doesn't make you even more prone to ignore opposing ones for the sake of consistency/non-flippancy

there isn't one if you haven't seen it by now. go away

>> No.7940388

>jerking off

What an utter misrepresentation of what I meant. Look at the way you post. This is what I mean. Having a discussion doesn't mean you go off on a tangent or turn it into an argument and start calling people idiots. No one on reddit circle jerks, if they have criticism, they'll voice it, but they'll do so in a way that is constructive. Where as on here, you get autistic retards who can only see one side of the picture and have to shout down everything that is dissenting opinion. "What a useful discussion" indeed when both sides leave entrenched in their own positions and angry at eachother.

>> No.7940385


>its not about being right or wrong

except 4 uh u know the context of that thread in which the definition of a word was being discussed, which happens to be objective?

it wasn't arrogance, it was retardation on the other anons' part. my "opinion" was fact, it was objective. how can u not understand this, there are set definitions of words and some people use them incorrectly.

as for being full of myself, how did you not even see why i was frustrated, it wasn't even a subjective matter, the guy was saying that style must be unique for it to be style and i was telling him that style is by definition the manner of which something is done and it can be done in a non unique way, to which he pushed his elementary, beginner understandings of the concepts of fashion and style

>anyone can cobble a bunch of quotes together to support their arguments


what is your point? why does that matter? those guys wanted "solid proof" "evidence" of my "opinion" which was actually fact, i quoted 2 trustworthy and respected members in the fashion industry. it sounds to me like you're butthurt by the vibes given off and were trying to knitpick anything u didnt like about how i posted, you're trying to make it sound like using quotes to back up things is being some type of inauthentic asshole

>> No.7940391

That's nice to hear.

>> No.7940394

i thought you were going to talk about why it isn't /fa/ to jerk off

is jerking off /fa/?

>> No.7940406


>you get autistic retards who can only see one side of the picture and have to shout down everything that is dissenting opinion. "What a useful discussion" indeed when both sides leave entrenched in their own positions and angry at eachother.

yes you are right about autistic retards only seeing one side of things, however if you honestly believe that my posts in that thread were like such, you are the "autistic retard", friend.

there was no argument - did you even read the thread? it was not a matter of opinion. i did not leave "entrenched in my own position" by your definition which implies that i was shutting out any other viewpoints because of anger and denial. i was telling them how it was, you really need to learn to read and understand words.

>> No.7940412

It's the weekend and I'm here lurking by myself,
drunk and disrespectful, callin' anon faggots

>> No.7940418


So you don't care about facts and knowledge, you only care about people's feelings and internet ego not being hurt? How stupid.

This type of mindset only encourages dishonesty and stagnates progress. /fa/ is stagnated for other reasons, mainly being that it is an anonymous board on 4chan.

>> No.7940430

> constructive criticism
> being mindful of feelings
More like bland statement throw at one other to keep a discussions about one view point to keep everyone "happy"
That's not how the world works, that's not how politics work, that's not how artistic creation work
You need an opinion, other person need a opinion and we challenge each other to prove the other person wrong

>> No.7940450

what a load of horseshit. what "facts and knowledge"?

There are more facts and knowledge to be found on reddit if you cared about "facts and knowledge" because there are far more educated and established individuals who browse reddit

if this was true of 4chan then you would be leanring something new here every single day. But the exact opposite happens, you just get people self jerking to their own opinions and unwarranted self importance. Don't try to fool yoursef into believing your inane arguing on 4chan is somehow enlightening to anyone.

>> No.7940451


also you seem to be deluded into thinking that there was some sort of argument / dialogue being exchanged, and there wasn't. i'm all for discussion or opinions on more subjective matters and tastes but the guy was simply wrong, and could not understand something so basic and so easy to understand. instead he made up his own stupid idea of what "style" is, a common behaviour seen in anons who are only beginning to dive deeper into fashion and think they have discovered philosophical nirvana or some shit and start spouting >UNIQUE PURSUNAL STYLE >STYLE OVR FASHION QUALITY OVR QUANTITY like they're enlightened or something

>> No.7940455

i dont think theres a site on the internet that is funnier than 4chan

>> No.7940466
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>> No.7940468


I'm referring to the thread you posted a screenshot of. There was nothing to "learn" or "take away" "at the end of the day" other than that there are some seriously retarded people here who can't into reading comprehension. You said that it didn't matter whether I was right, but that I should have posted to not hurt his feelings and try to "meaningfully discuss" the painfully uneducated, wrong opinion of his.

Not really making a /fa/ vs. /mfa/ argument here, just saying that your viewpoint on such things can be useless and detrimental at times.

>> No.7940472


post fit so we can see how credible u are then

>> No.7940483

The only real reason I visit any 4chan board is the amazing pictorial archive.

As for /fa/, I enjoyed talking to Knochensack, Carebear and occasionally /fa/scist faggot. Right now, while I don't really post very often, I just think it's fun every now and then. Sometimes to pop into a Tinychat or just to give my 2 cents about hair, makeup, general styling or shit I like. The "board mentality" is absolutely horrible, but there are some people here I think are fun or interesting - not necessarily people with trips/names.

>> No.7940501

ya I bet all your assumptions about reddit you claimed are right and 100% correct

>> No.7940570 [DELETED] 


>> No.7940603

that said if anyone wants to hang out on tc i'm down because i'm drunk and have nothing 2 do

>> No.7940614
File: 70 KB, 1280x1024, 1356562909685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic win! haha pwned dude way to go you #REKTUM !! :-) haha nice one

>> No.7940622

i've always enjoyed your posts, I wish you were more active!

>> No.7940626


>> No.7940676


change the o to a, remove parentheses

come chat with me!!!!

>> No.7940703

jesus h that room was dead

still wouldn't mind hanging out online with peeps soooooo

>> No.7940754


>> No.7940769
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>> No.7940798

I like the threads where people recognize and discuss certain past trends, like the thread that was going on about the late 90s - mid 2000's look. I find that sort of thing very interesting.

>> No.7941367

Dead as shiiiiiit

>> No.7941674

There is no need for that false politesse you find in non-anonymous web boards.

Here nobody cares. If you look like shit, or say something retarded, you're going to be called "shit" or "retarded".

Here you have to wade through a lot of bullshit to find actually helpful posts - and though they may be few and far between they are infinitely more useful and genuine than any of that crap spewed forth by 90% of all ledditors for example, because here there's no reputations "at stake" - no ego. The tripfags all know people hate them here, and so in the spirit of the place they continue to use those identifying marks to antagonise others.

If you don't get the appeal of /fa/, or 4chan in general, then go to reddit.

However, whoever gave a whole bunch of idiots the idea that their opinions should be voted on and actually matter at all, and that one opinion can (and thus "should") be more weighty just because others "like it", leaving truth sinking to the bottom, is a goddamn faggot.

Give me the rude, straight forward crudeness of an anonymous image board any day over any forum with "post counts" or "rep meters" or the ability to "like" posts.

>> No.7941682

/fa/ is funny

>> No.7941726


How is 4chan any less contrived than more traditional message boards? You talk about a false politeness, but 4chan is notorious for users who buy into this jaded, sarcastic and facetious attitude which reflects a deeply seated insecurity or nihilism.

Don't get me wrong. Traditional web boarda and social media sites promote this process of creating a contrived online persona for yourself. However, 4chan follows an equally unheatlthy process where users sort of just fall into a single persona of "anonymous" (i.e. I'm posting on 4chan, therefore, i have to act as much as a a sarcastic asshole as I can to fit in)

>> No.7941729


Excuse typos - typing from Shit galaxy phone

>> No.7941746

these forum culture meta threads are a waste of time

>> No.7941776

>i have to act as much as a a sarcastic asshole as I can to fit in)
you don't have to
nothing's stopping you from doing so

>but 4chan is notorious for users who buy into this jaded, sarcastic and facetious attitude which reflects a deeply seated insecurity or nihilism.
this is bad, yes, but I would take it over that other peacock stuff you find elsewhere.

No one uses 4chan exclusively; everyone here visits other places on the web for various forms of social interaction. This is not the be-all-end-all, however, it is a refreshing alternative to other places to visit from time to time.

>> No.7941780

not other dude but trueeeee

>> No.7941790

>How is 4chan any less contrived than more traditional message boards?
If you make a persona, it's because you choose to. Not because you have to have one to participate.

I don't browse 4chan exclusively because it's not some kind of bastion of all that's worthwhile, and I don't agree with everything they posted, but on forums there really is less honesty and more puffing up just because that's what happens when everything you say is documented forever (or as long as the forum survives) and available at a moment's notice. Even real life relationships aren't like that.

>> No.7941796

>i have to act as much as a a sarcastic asshole as I can to fit in)
>i have to
>have to

Only one making yourself do that is you.

>> No.7941821
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To be honest, I don't know anymore. Habit, I guess. Every once in a while, you find a golden post that really makes you think or laugh or smile or hope or cry and that deludes you into thinking it's all worth it. But if we're really honest with ourselves: it's not.

>> No.7941883

>But if we're really honest with ourselves: it's not.
Then leave.
It's not like it's even possible that you'll be missed.

>> No.7941903

>No one on /fa/ is a tryhard pseudointellectual
you must not have been here when poet still posted...

>> No.7941924

we had this thread yesterday
/fa/ is incredibly dynamic, updates constantly, has a solid variety in posters, and is surprisingly knowledgeable. there's plenty of shitty things about it and it's a pretty negative place so i try to avoid binging or daily visits.
there's a lot of good, but also a lot of things that should be taken with a grain of salt

>> No.7941945

I come to /fa/ because I wear the /fa/ uniform and i enjoy shitposting with other anons. plus every now and then i learn something new

also i love sieg, who is one of the most knowledgeable posters. also i take inspo from trunks' fit pics

>> No.7941947
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is any one else really high

>> No.7941972
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>No rep system.
That basically does it for me. I'm just here for inspo mostly. I stopped posting fits after I learned how to dress myself. /fa/ has a nice way of molding you into shape by telling you all that's wrong with you.

>> No.7941980



>> No.7942000


i feel like sieg is a comedic genius honestly

i feel like the insults against him are just playing into a over-the-top persona he (or his fake) has crafted for himself

>> No.7942010

that's a good way to put it
i don't think /fa/ should be the only site you go on. there's all sorts of sites with all sorts of experts and ideas and /fa/ is shallow. it's great but also a very limited way to look at fashion

>> No.7942030

aw fuck i wish i was high
like you have no idea

>> No.7942031

I've tried.

>> No.7942039
File: 104 KB, 783x1497, 1369016766654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls don't pms all over the thread NATALIE

>> No.7942048

Wow, people ripped on your shitty outfit in a WAYWT thread. If you want a fucking hugbox go to reddit

>> No.7942049
File: 47 KB, 1024x768, 1394577579836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i did it would be RAGE
i am having relationship problems and my insecurity manifests itself as aggression

>> No.7942060
File: 73 KB, 500x375, 1342145891211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sorry for your lost...I know what youre feeling my gf ain't replying back to my text anymore
pic not related

>> No.7942069
File: 465 KB, 250x250, 1382899810671.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gf ain't replying back to my text anymore
>my gf ain't replying back to my text anymore
>my gf ain't replying back to my text anymore
>my gf ain't replying back to my text anymore
>my gf ain't replying back to my text anymore

>> No.7942076

is that franalations

>> No.7942128

I have no friends, no where to go on a Friday night as most places to go are social, and tend to exclude people who arrive by themselves.

im ugly

and I have designer clothes and like to pretend I am better than people for it

>> No.7942134

>i want personal opinions, why do YOU browse /fa and not a different fashion forum?

>> No.7942263

can't even read reddit its the ugliest and most incoherent website I've ever had the displeasure of visiting

>> No.7942318


I'm not saying that you are literally forced to adopt the personified "anonymous" identity to post here, but rather, the unique culture of 4chan alongside the type of people attracted to 4chan (typically young, introverted, anti-social, vaguely misanthropic, somewhat insecure and, to a degree, angry because of it) results in a framework that is conducive to a certain way of behaving and expressing yourself.

There are varying degrees in how far you take it. But I doubt that anyone who frequently uses 4chan can attest to never slipping on the "anonymous" persona, either conciously or out of habitualness.

I know that personally, I find myself sometimes posting and acting in a way which is not at all reflective of who I normally am. When I get in debates on 4chan I become petty, insulting, and unwilling to compromise (precisely because I have no actual reputation to be hinged to.) Yeara of browsing 4chan also made me very skeptical and desensitized to things for a while before I took a break from the chans. It's really not healthy.

It's funny. Moot talks about how he sees 4chan as sort of a highschool-esque community and considers that a positive thing, ignoring the typically toxic culture that arises out of a highschool setting, and the exstensive degree in which developing young adults are often disingenous to themselves and others.

And I don't know why I always have this trouble on 4chan. It seems as if everyone that uses this website is fiercly dedicated tothis idea of the existance of a purely free individual whose self and actions are determined entirely by themselves. It doesn't take much critical thinking to realize that the people we become and the things we do are the results of a limited freedom and certain deterministic forces imposed on us. I don't know if it's just me, but I always encounter this problem on 4chan.

>> No.7942512

>ignoring the typically toxic culture
if that's how you see it, then why are you using it?
anything becomes toxic when used too much or if it's obsessed over.

if you want to be a permanent 4channer, then by all means post soley on /r9k/ or one of the "commiseration" boards.

>typically young, introverted, anti-social, vaguely misanthropic, somewhat insecure and, to a degree, angry because of it)
you would be then surprised at the diversity present on this site as a whole, or do not venture out of one or two boards

>> No.7942710

content is sorta interesting, sometimes funny. don't take it seriously.

>> No.7942736

yeah go check out some analysis of the stanford prison experiment and some reviews of punchdrunk plays like sleep no more if you're interested in seeing how people act when they let go of their persona or reputation, etc

or just browse an anonymous imageboard for a few years

>> No.7942789

>or just browse an anonymous imageboard for a few years

But don't let it be your sole avenue of only social interaction.

>> No.7943025


>It's okay anon maybe 2+2 can equal 16. I guess it's possible.

>2+2 is 4 you retarded faggot. Go get yourself a math book and READ.

I think 4chans approach is better.

>> No.7943194

brows effay cuz we trill nigas!!

>> No.7943291

I've seen too many instances of this kind of thinking on leddit to ever want to bother with the place.

You forgot the part where
>>It's okay anon maybe 2+2 can equal 16. I guess it's possible.
Floats to the top and this
>>2+2 is 4 you retarded faggot. Go get yourself a math book and READ.
Gets hidden because it hurts some pathetic loser's feelings

Reddit promotes internet-persona-fellatio. If you build up enough brownie points and collect enough of a following you can say pretty much all you like on there and your sycophants will do the rest.

Here such individuals are grudgingly tolerated or outright reviled, depending on how they act.

>> No.7943293

i only enjoy being on /fa/ in australian hours these days

>> No.7945414

Set the buried comments threshhold to something impossibly high so that you see all of the unpopular opinions and posts

made reddit almost bearable to read for me

>> No.7945897

I always assumed all the negativity came from people who are sad or depressed

I mean, I make one or two cunty commons now and then but they're still constructive.

>> No.7945914

I'm here partially to learn more about clothing by observing people talking about it, but mostly for the culture of light shitposting. The trips and namefigs, Rick, ayy lmao, etc are all pretty enjoyable.

>> No.7945922

No one cares, drop trip

>> No.7947075

classic fuckin unfunny Reddit joke.

I'd rather read ironic shitposting, thanks