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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 330x357, Feelsgoodmangreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7911598 No.7911598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you get a really good haircut and you see yourself in the mirror and you say "hello handsome"

Let's have a good feels thread.

>> No.7911606

Whenever I feel like I have low self esteem I'll walk by a mirror pull a few poses and I know I'm goddamn handsome

>> No.7911608

>not cutting your own hair and being able to say "hello handsome" every day
step it up anon

>> No.7911640
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>see your reflection in your tablet
>"hello, handsome"

>> No.7911648
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>tfw men and women call your cock 'huge' and 'gigantic' on omegle

>> No.7911667

>look in mirror
>hello handsome
>admire my looks for 10 minutes

Reflections and photos are a complete different story doe.

>> No.7911674
File: 337 KB, 1223x1240, 1356785484156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tablet screen goes black
>you finally see how hideous you really are

>> No.7911679

>hello handsome

>> No.7911683

why would anything nice happen ever

>> No.7911684
File: 5 KB, 363x349, hairy stupid frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i no it all 2 well

>tfw fapping
>screen goes black

>> No.7911692

>acne almost 100% gone
>typing this in bed with toothpaste on one or two small spots
>sleeping with a towel on my pillow because acne.org said it helps

Feels good, possibly made myself a 5/10 to a 7.

>> No.7911693

>screen goes black
>see reflection
>feel disgusted
>what am i doing with me life

>> No.7911698

>Shitty lighting everywhere in my house
>Look ugly in all my selfies
>Go to bathroom
>Look in mirror
>"Hello handsome ;)"

>> No.7911699
File: 457 KB, 390x293, 1380275098981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw taking a girls virginity

>> No.7911700


>tfw got perscribed doxy meds
>feel sick tired and anxious all the time

it'll b-be worth it once t-the acne is g-gone right?

>> No.7911704

>tfw you wear your new clothes and you feel like the shit

>> No.7911707

It dries the skin out or something, tons of people recommended it. I'm using some acne treatment cream with benzoyl peroxide in it, just wanted to see how effective toothpaste is.

And yeah it'll be worth it, we're all gonna make it brah.

>> No.7911705

Are you Accutane?
I'm on it at the moment. Two months and I'm nearly clean.

Although now I have to take medication to stop my nosebleeds and teary eyes.

>> No.7911712


>> No.7911709

>tfw ur uni accommodation is near a white people club and all u can hear is annoying white fucks coming out and making a racket at 03.35am

why cant white people act normal why do they have to be so lairy and banterish

>> No.7911716
File: 31 KB, 633x758, 1365060136823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're finally comfortable with your size

>> No.7911729

I'm on Doxycycline, only been on it for a couple of days though.

Been using a cream with salicylic acid as well

>> No.7911731

sometimes i hate my reflection, but the tablet was very flattering today :p

>> No.7911746

i hope you cared about her

>> No.7911756

yeah, probably same principle behind making a paste out of aspirin

>> No.7911751

some people say that we grow to like our faces in the mirror because it's our most familiar representation of ourselves. kind of like how i started to think case was good looking after seeing his face for years

>> No.7911763

"Why can't girls go for the nice guys?"

>> No.7911770

*cringing intensifies*

>> No.7911783

no, that's not it. it's just that if you took pleasure in taking someone's virginity and didn't care about them you're kind of a shitty person. you're deriving pleasure from a dark place instead of a light one

>> No.7911790

at first i was like, "good for him" but now im like "that's kinda effed"

>> No.7911802


He right mang, totally not crunk dew

>> No.7912275


>> No.7912300

ultimate samefag. omg

>> No.7912359

>acne gone
>only some red marks left over
feeling good, any way to speed this up without fucking up my skin? also should I avoid the sun or get my vitamin D

>> No.7913088


exfoliate every day, get a good moisturizer with SPF.

>> No.7913480

>go out to uni party in uc perfecto
>free kegs all night
>mfw got blackout drunk and tried to choke two grills from my class including my crush

I think there's something wrong with me. Sorry for the bad feels

>> No.7913927
File: 60 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n1428mEqJf1rbl893o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start wearing my new cologne n feel more confident than ever

>random people constantly telling u how well dressed and good looking u are

>u should be a model

>waiting for pizza and drunk girl comes up to me and tells me how beautiful i am and tells me her life story

>> No.7913929

feels good mane

>> No.7913934

What're you wearing boi?

>> No.7913950
File: 84 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so tired u r able to jus fall asleep with clothes on

>> No.7913957

>smoked with friend who came back for spring break from college last night
>finally happy staying in/home most days
>accepting my life for what it is, a tiny one where i can relax and travel with the gf

>> No.7913964

That's me the last 3 nights m8.
That and depression.

>> No.7913967

>Tfw you're happy for anon

>> No.7913976

Ever since I've been wearing this basic black button down shirt n marc jacob leather shoes ppl have been appreciating how i dress a lot more.
ps. bleu de chanel, polo black and made to measure gucci r great fragrances, would recommend!!

>> No.7913989

>tfw anon calls you autistic for wearing a watch

>> No.7914014

> tfw your boyfriend gifts you the new Silas sneakers by Silent DD

>> No.7914019
File: 20 KB, 601x288, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people tell you should model
>mfw people mire your cheekbones

>> No.7914022

Gud shit mate

>> No.7914049

Don't forget necklaces.
I wanted a gold casio and some fuckers on here lose their shit over it.

>> No.7914053

Nice, I've been looking for some fragrances, will definitely try 'em out, thanks man.

>> No.7914060


They're all sad cunts.

>> No.7914055

tfw when free cocaine and girls in the bathroom tell you they're jealous of how skinny you are

>> No.7914056

cant wait till summer

>> No.7914068

>tfw drink gin
>friend vomits immediately (pussy)
>clean it up well
>get nauseous later on
>spend the whole night unable to move due to crippling nausea
>never puke
>everything went okay-ish

>> No.7914073

Diff anon. I've been on dexcycline for a while and while it gets rid of your cysts, it doesn't effect the outer skin as much.

Benzoyl Peroxide wash in the morning bro

Also, for the love of god, don't skip medication

>> No.7914100

doesn't sound like a fun time, why'd you waste good alcohol to spend a night feeling like shit

should've been shooting the shit with friends or stuffing your pole in a cute meathole

>> No.7914105


>> No.7914112

feeling optimistic about uni tbh

>> No.7914129

yeah boy

>> No.7914172
File: 125 KB, 616x960, 1385976186229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you look hard to approach

>> No.7914182
File: 89 KB, 604x694, 1343437001966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i no dat feel mah nigga

>> No.7914212

hahaha damn. I actually laughed out loud. I started wearing a watch and all my friends were like 'huh may bI shud get 1 2'

>give yourself hair cuts all the time
>never looks amazing but only 'fuck it up' 25% of the time
>cut it perfectly this time
>cannot stop looking in mirrors etc

>> No.7914229
File: 20 KB, 500x330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon why dont you have a qt gf?
>i-i dont want one
>you should have one you are pretty handsome
>mfw i like a plain jane
>mfw im kinda atracted to a dude that looks like A$AP rocky

>> No.7914275

Honestly dude, I am never drinking again. I feel like some creepy sexual predator guy from some NBC reality show. I've never blacked out before and its just so scary to know that one moment you're ok, just drinking beers with your mates and then suddenly wake up in bed with no recollection of what happened. Plus on top of puking up and down the dorm(cleaning fees I have to pay for), I harrased two female classmates to the point they were legit scared for their lives plus my roomie found me dumped on his bed after a whole night's shenanigans with my pants halfway down my ankle and a huge wet spot near my bum so there's also that

>> No.7914282


>> No.7914283
File: 67 KB, 318x523, 1390029649129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a stranger compliments your piece and/or asks where to cop it

>> No.7914284

>tfw started talking to random girl on tinder
>invited me over last night at 1am and slept over and fucked her tight asian pussy within 5 minutes of actually meeting her
>tfw idk her name

>> No.7914285


>> No.7914293


>> No.7914294
File: 35 KB, 241x230, 1388948583461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invited me over last night at 1am and slept over and fucked her tight asian pussy within 5 minutes of actually meeting her
>mfw considering downloading tinder

>> No.7914301
File: 10 KB, 300x233, feelsgoodman.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend says her model-tier friend finds me attractive.
>bring it up nervously with model-tier friend
>tfw when she kiss me

>> No.7914305

Inb4 ">tfw STD"

>> No.7914309
File: 8 KB, 118x131, 1265839707767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I legit get drunk after 1 beer
never puke or black out tho

>> No.7914311

whats wrong with u
its cuz u weigh next 2 nothing/have no tolerance
get some of dem alcoholism genes m8

>> No.7914310

>these are people I go to class with
I even had a budding crush on one of the girls(that I'd been suppressing for like a whole year) and it all came gushing out violently and apparently I was like "I know you'd fuck me get over yourself you stuckup bitch, I dress better than you" then proceeded to try and choke her and her friends

I think that the subconscious thought that dressing well( I don't dress well) made me a better person than girls who I was too intimidated to deal with came out in a rather violent manner
I know there's plenty of autists like me here and I guess I want to wsrn you that that shit will come out from you too unless you can sort yourself out

>> No.7914315

that's good it means u can get over that hoe

>> No.7914339

She's actually a really nice person and even accepted my apology today and brushed it off as me being too smashed up. My SA is through the roof though and I don't think I can ever interact with her ever again. Worst part is that she's in 3 of my classes and these classes are <10 people in total. I can't handle this sem

>> No.7914363

damn would have been easier if she hated u

>> No.7914377

>rarely actually search for gf
>no awesome girls out there
>people always ask if I have a girlfriend
>finally find one
>everyone's really happy I've found someone I deserve
: )

>> No.7914381

What was it?

>> No.7914397
File: 174 KB, 1675x1335, 1361643225913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dry spell of sex for nearly 18 months
>tfw broke it yesterday
We're making crème brûlée next weekend :-)

>> No.7914450

I want to be you
I mean I am already skinny and handsome as fuck, just a bit shy
Snorted a tiny line of coke for free while rolling on extacy last week, it felt amazing, but I want to do some more while being sober
I had so much confidence, impressed all the pussy around me like a playboy

Now my cocaine friendo says he doesn't have any left for weeks
HOW much coke is too much coke? like what's the lethal dose for a beginner
And how do I recognize someone who's selling at a club?

>> No.7914476

he's a keeper

>> No.7914475

r u suicidal?

>> No.7914481

wat r u 13 or s/t?

>> No.7914489

Coke is à rly expensive habit / do not recommend

>> No.7914497

noice m8

>> No.7914505

>tfw i drink a six pack home alone before driving to the bar to meet up with friends because it takes so much to get me drunk

>> No.7914511

i know mane but I'm willing to spend €€€ if it gets me laid

>> No.7914514

>tfw I'm secretely popping molly to every party I go unless I want to silently stand in a corner pretending I'm writing texts on my phone

>> No.7914527

sorry for ur loss
I used to need to drink more

>> No.7914530

not proud of it tho

>> No.7914536

>move 2 new city
>know absolutely no1
>hit up okcupid to scope out da qt3.14's
>message an effay monochrome 9/10
>she instantly messages me back, we share some interests
>get her digits and start txting back n forth
>she tells me she wants to show me around the city
>arrange a date
>she tells me she's really excited to meet me

this girl is absolutely stunning in pictures, like i thought she woulda been way outta my league

>> No.7914539

does a girl telling u she has crohn's disease means she wants to eff

>> No.7914548

Dog been there

Banged that girl in three days

>> No.7914553

ya it's p bad

i was blessed/cursed with alcoholism on both sides of my family. at least i can drink any1 under the table and still drive home safe

>> No.7914596
File: 100 KB, 960x960, HER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she makes me happy
>tfw she wants to be boyfriend=/=girlfriend
>tfw confused bout what to do
>tfw good feels turn into bad feels

>> No.7914626

we all been there fam
I would say move on but I know it's not that easy just hope u meet someone else

>> No.7914634
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1385002500883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had maybe the best day I've ever had on friday
>lazily wake up and penny board to get a huge breakfast with coffee
>head to computer lab to print out something for film class
>invited to see a playing of oedipus rex w/ a friend
>when I get there he doesn't answer my texts
>decide to follow a long line of people into what may be the concert hall. ask the kid to my right what he's in line for; suddenly a girl gives me a bracelet and asks if we're all here from harvard
>apparently show is sold out, get in for free by pretending to be visiting harvard choir student
>sit next to a qt business major gril and talk about stravinsky
>didn't know oedipus rex was so fucking amazing, i almost shed a tear of joy at all dat beautiful neo-classical cadence
>after show meet my friend outside, we go to dining hall and discuss the reviving of an old secret society
>back to dorm, take shower, clean up; other friend and I going to azn frat party
>take a benzo and wash it down with vodka, fill up my flask, grab my e-cig
>at party my drunkenness and euphoria sets in; completely feeling complete
>hu with drunk south korean girl, lead her downstairs before her beta orbiting korean friend rips her from me
>hu with blonde qt three years older than me before her friend cock blocks her (I think she mightve had a bf)
>hu with innocnt pakistani girl for a good 30min
>leaving party, kid invites me to his frat party the following night
>on college bus back to my campus at 3am feeling great
>notice girl makes eye contact literally 7 times
>get off at our stop, they do too; ask her why we made eye contact so much
>she heard about me bc my old roommate was crazy heroin addict
>eventually her and her 2 friends are in my room from 3 to 4:30 am; one of her friends knows my old friend from middle school; one of them jokes about a threesome, eventually we all sleep

This is what happens when you dress fashionably and have a good wingman

>> No.7914632

yee i know how it is
just gotta deal with it i guess

>> No.7914641

it was sad and i wish i had never done it.

>> No.7914649

is not like that fam. you dont think i should give it a go?

>> No.7914657

man idk the details of the situation
if she's a close friend then that's a tricky situation but if not I guess just go for it

>> No.7914661

Hahaha wtf is wrong with u nigga

>> No.7914664

>penny board
>reviving old secret society
>azn frat party
>grab my e-cig
>korean girl
>frat party
>college bus
>has girls sleep in his room, but nothing sexual happens

pls kill urself

>> No.7914665

wouldnt it be cheaper and less dangerous to just get hookers?

>> No.7914666

that's a very bad feel, friendo

get you're head checked

>> No.7914672

>if she's a close friend
she ain't.

feels weird fam. haven't had a grillfriend for almost 3 or 4 years. dunno how it's suppose to feel halp

>> No.7914673

post fit

>> No.7914676

go 4 it mane

watcha got 2 loose?

>> No.7914679

post a picture, wtf

>> No.7914682

fuck it then go for it
thought she was a confidante or best friend

>> No.7914683

>have to get new id
>put on "serious face"
>realize how serious you actually look
damn, i look like a 40-y/o german dude with 3 kids

>> No.7914690

>paying for sex
>feeling good about it

>> No.7914694

>gf can mean good feel OR girlfriend

>> No.7914701
File: 716 KB, 3176x2375, 1377941049322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds nice

jelly man
i just want a consistent life where my mood doesnt switch between suicidal and 'not give a shit'.

and the loneliness.

>> No.7914726

naah not at all. we're actually working colleagues @ the local club. she really digs me dont know why thou

>> No.7914737
File: 21 KB, 320x279, 1370502697211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i miss poohbear

>> No.7914752

it was like dark uniqlo jeans with clarks sandover shoes with a blue cotton sweater under an am ap sweatshirt
it worked

>> No.7914775

>tfw taking a gamble on sizing and ordering anything online
>tfw it fits perfectly when you get it

fells gud

>> No.7914776

she likes it in the poopoo

>> No.7914879

Lmao is this shitty night something to be proud of? Secret society? You forcefully making out with a shitskin? Azn frat? Having a girls sleep over your place without u getting ur dick wet?

If this is one of your best days ever then i honestly feel bad for you and u shouls kill yourself soon

>> No.7914897

>this is what happens when you dress fashionably
>post no fit desribles a shitty dadcore fit

Fuck off you embarrassing little shit

>> No.7914915

and several dudes on b say they would suck it and rate 9.5/10, when you know they're picky about dicks

>> No.7914920

>not a nigger
>small concert on hall
>working at the booth to sell tickets at the gate to those that didnt pre-purchase them together with a swedish exchange girl
>bunch of students from some florida uni visited and were coming in to view the concert
>time to slap on the admittance bands on their wrists
>go to put a band on a blonde girl with grey eyes
>she fixes her hair twice behind her neck and looks at me, biting her lip a little
>look at her
>she blushes hard as fuck

damn that felt good

>> No.7915636

>tfw starting uni ages away in september, new start and all this good shit
>qt girl who's currently in all my classes going to same uni, same course
>catch her looking at me in physics + chemistry

>she invited me to her house next week

o shit son we on this

on a different note

>get haircut
>hairdresser doesn't sabotage the beard
>beard is looking top form, bitches be on that

i know /fa/ doesn't like beards but I've had nothing but positives come from it

>> No.7915671 [DELETED] 

<tfw got scouted

>> No.7915720
File: 275 KB, 320x240, 9594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>size 4 womens jeans fit me
>chicks at work jelly because I'm a dude

>> No.7915724

omg i didn't go to a party dressed in the style of black draperies
how embarrass
much embarrassing

>> No.7915732


not that anon but using shibe/doge talk is p embarrassing b

>> No.7915752
File: 1.11 MB, 250x250, james brown drinking soda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I fit into double zeroes
>women always mirrin my skeleton legs.

>> No.7915759

how do you even get your foot through that though
>tfw had spend 10 mins getting my right foot through the leg opening

>> No.7915796

>return to the sea

>> No.7915822

>tfw Looking in a window, and looking great as fuck

>> No.7915826

rock the beard my dude

>> No.7915845

>wakeup wash face and check reflection
>turn from side to side, little pale no big
>brush brush brush n some moisturizer
>actually wake up, check reflection
>still got that shitty acne scars n panda eyebags

I would honestly give up one of my eyes to have clear skin, its been there so long its the norm now.

>> No.7915995

your clothes are terrible and you took advantage of a drunk asian/white girl. her friend wasnt cock blocking you were just being a fucking creep and forcing yourself on them

>> No.7916097

>get over yourself you stuckup bitch, I dress better than you
legit almost burst out laughing in the computer lab at that; thank you blackychan

>> No.7916436

i mainly go running because i like my outfit

>> No.7916482

damn, solid point

>> No.7916976

>tfw this literally never happens to me


>> No.7917022

>discovered i shouldnt wash my face with barsoap
>started using this nice facewash
>realised i dont have an acne problem, i was just retarded

>> No.7917032

toothpaste is more of a emergency way of killing a spot, but it doesn't really help people with proper acne. bonzoyl peroxide actually does it for me. First 2-3 weeks my skin got really red and stuff and was itching, horrible. but now the negative side-effects are pretty much gone but it kills acne like nothing else.

>> No.7917068
File: 166 KB, 921x800, 1384626557654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she pulls your pants down and inhales your scent deeply as she move her face down your snail trail and into your dick

eau de balle sac

>> No.7917139

>took /fa/ as fuck asian girls virginity
>she is at least an 8/10 while i'm a 6/10 at best
t-time to settle down, r-right /fa/?

>> No.7917138

>move her face into your dick
won't that hurt?

>> No.7917144

>become the hummingbird
>talk about settling down

wtf is wrong w you

>> No.7917151

what does that mean

>> No.7917153

They just don't know anon

>> No.7917189

>dress well
>ugly face

Bitches be hiding yo.

>> No.7917412
File: 65 KB, 645x770, 1387789270490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally decided to stop cheating on gf

im growing up fa

>> No.7918476

are asians legit tighter than other races or is this just one of those sayings?

>> No.7918512

>become the hummingbird

you alright man?

>> No.7918523

idk man :/

>> No.7918603

You're still a scumbag

>> No.7918667

>tfw you have that one thing that messes up the great face you could've had

>> No.7918680

but she took my virginity as well

>> No.7918838
File: 51 KB, 275x311, 1391561154711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pants finally came in mail and they fit exactly how I want them to
That fucking feel I'm so happy right now

>> No.7918908

iktf. It's ok, I'm not good at social stuff anyways

>> No.7919016

post rutine

>> No.7919042
File: 126 KB, 612x528, 1393624893783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw woke up and no barking from the dog
>momma cooked a breakfast with no hog
>finally got a call from a girl I want to dig out
>fucked around and got a triple double
>plus nobody I know got killed in South Central LA

Today was a good day.

>> No.7919059

>tfw I didn't even have to use my AK

>> No.7919072

>tfw new to fashion
>tfw you buy some shoes
>effay approves and anons even ask what they are when they're in a picture
>the first time you wear them in front of your friends they positively comment and are interested by your shoes

My first totally satisfying cop. And I didn't see them on /fa/.

>> No.7919097

post pic

got similar feels
>cop adidas x ransom army mids
>picks of those shoes start to pop up in cop or nots
>people say cop
>feels guud mang

>also got a new computer and when I try to choose a pic it goes to skydrive and don't know how to choose picks from the downloads folder

>> No.7919140
File: 205 KB, 1333x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone will probably rip on them to kill my good feel, but this is them.

>> No.7919142

probs would be better in black

>> No.7919269

I think the color is fine, not with those jeans of course.

Give me some info on them b, w2c homie

>> No.7919389

>tfw she said yes to going on a date
>tfw girls are actually attracted to you since you lost weight
>tfw she might be the one

>> No.7919417
File: 105 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your most recent cop arrives 4 days before it was supposed to

>> No.7919425

>tfw just got back from a job interview for AT&T
>feeling like I aced it
>nothing certain but I'm feeling real good

$15/hr starting plus ~$2-3000 commission per month

I'll finally be able to make sick cops

feel these good feels with me, everyone

>> No.7919441
File: 56 KB, 597x519, 1390843887767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw know two of those three feels
>tfw she wasn't the one

>> No.7919479

naw dude youre just mad i got steady pussy plus as much extra pussy i want on the side.

>> No.7919559

>tfw finals and I should be studying, not browsing /fa/
>tfw still try to look good
>tfw get compliments
Well if I don't do well I still look good right?

>> No.7919580

Yep, you made the right choice.

>> No.7919581

>tfw qt3.14 fashion designer gf

>> No.7919596

ru dating givenchy or dsquared

>> No.7919626

easy final/crushed the class along the way though, not too worried about it. Still have and hour and a half of cramming to do though.