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/fa/ - Fashion

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7905364 No.7905364[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So apparently this is a thing that people actually do. Sorry for the terrible quality, he was power swaggering so I was struggling to keep up.

What's the worst you've seen in real life effay?

>> No.7905380

>I drive.

>> No.7905395



>> No.7905436

>I walk.

>> No.7905457
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..i…I feel

>> No.7905466

Is Jesus huge or is that brontosaurus tiny

>> No.7905474

I hope you kept your distance. If he knew you were following him he might have stomped your head in!

>> No.7905477

brontosaurus isn't tiny, it's normal sized retard
How else would it have fit in the ark?

>> No.7905491

He looked suspiciously at me when I was taking photos but the kids shouting 'oi nice jacket mate' distracted him. I expect he crushed them later.

>> No.7905537

tfw its actually a cool jacket to have and wear but not as a fashion item
i would totally buy this jacket to wear now and then or when tripping on lsd outside
the bad thing that turns everyone off is that the majority of people who purchased this jacket are fuccbois/neckbeards thinking that this jacket makes them look cool so they walk around with toothpicks in their mouths tryna act like they ryan gosling, pathetic

>> No.7905542

>actually a cool jacket to have and wear
>thinking this

>> No.7905553

>using word like "fuccboi"

>> No.7905551

>wow look at me im so cool id never wear such thing right???? right guys??? please say you wouldnt wear this so i dont look like an idiot

you sound insecure as fuck fuccboi

>> No.7905560 [DELETED] 

0/10, sage

>> No.7905567

if you loved the movie, sure buy it, just don't fucking wear it. ever.

>> No.7905573

>gf gets up one morning
>'anon, i've been fucking other guys. i can't hold it in any more. i hate you, and i hate your small dick. i'm leaving.'
>holy shit
>watch her put on her clothes
>reach out after her
>'baby don't-'
>bedroom door slams shut
>hear her going downstairs, hear the front door slam
>jesus fuck
>don't do anything for the morning just kind of lie there replaying it over and over
>a buddy calls and i pick up
>says something about wanting to hang out
>all i can hear is 'i hate you'
>'i hate your small dick'
>'i've been fucking other guys'
>lie in bed until mid afternoon
>eventually start to process what happened, she's gone and isn't coming back
>she's been fucking other guys
>how long for? who? when?
>other dudes, not me, have been penetrating her
>probably making her cum and yell their names
>can't do this shit
>call my buddy back, spill my guts to him
>tell him everything that happened and halfway through i just choke up
>body is wracked by great, heaving sobs
>b-b-ro she's go-ho-ho-ho-hoooonne
>i sniff, wipe snot off top lip
>'sit tight dude, i'm coming over'
>he hangs up
>like five minutes later i hear him chaining his bike to my fence, he never brings it inside because he hates to mess up other people's houses
>i stagger downstairs, in a robe and looking terrible
>i let him in
>first thing he does is give me a giant hug and i cry again
>'it's fine dude. we're going to watch movies and get pizza and shit. fuck her.'
>i love him so much
>head into the living room


>> No.7905590

Awful jacket.

It's as autistic as wearing a Sonic costume.

>> No.7905629

>he has a bunch of dvds
>one is called 'drive', some ryan gosling thing i've heard about but haven't seen
>puts it on
>like halfway through realize this is the best fucking shit i've ever seen
>the driver is so damn cool, super tough and stoic but really quiet and unassuming
>by the end of the movie im fucking elated
>we go get pizza, then head to a bar, grab some drinks
>it's pretty early, buddy has work tomorrow
>offers to stay late with me anyway
>i say no and thank him for eveything
>he pats me on the back as he leaves
>'don't thank me dude. we're going to do this every weekend until you forget her cheating ass. be like the driver! see you later.'
>i stay for a while, then go
>i wake up the next day and skip work, go wandering around a busy shopping area to stimulate my brain a little and try and think less about the whole debacle
>wander into a cheapo costume shop, chat aimlessly with the owner
>see the jacket the driver wears
>damn it looks cool in real life
>there's only one in the whole store, it has the scorpion and everything
>its my size
>the owner sees me staring and tells me to try it on
>'you liked drive too? the ladies go nuts for a guy dressed like ryan gosling, haha.'
>buy that shit
>i don't need her
>i'm like the driver; i don't show my feelings, i'm tough as hell
>stride out of that store feeling like a king
>sling the jacket over my shoulder casually
>get out of the shopping mall, pull it on
>fits perfectly
>actually want to see my cheating bitch gf outside now so she can see where she fucked up
>decide to head to another bar, try my luck
>on the way there, notice something weird with my driver-senses
>there's a short guy wearing white nike sneakers with a big strap following me
>he's shuffling awkwardly and keeps adjusting his t-shirt
>he takes out his phone and takes a few photos of me from behind
>he giggles to himself and lopes off, nearly tripping over those big white nikes as he does so
>huh that was odd
>carry on to the bar

>> No.7905641

can you stop
it's not funny at all
Also work on your story telling because it sucks

>> No.7905647
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Lol did he hit too close to home when he talked about your air forces, fuccboi?

>> No.7905654

nice samefag
You have really shit taste if you think this is funny

>> No.7905682

nice samefag
you really must be butthurt to feel the need to repy this many times

>> No.7905689

>butthurt to feel the need to repy this many times
ya telling you it's not funny really made me butthurt(?)
ya anon good job

>> No.7905700
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>getting this mad because his story isn't funny
poor baby...

>> No.7905748

this thread is pure autism

>> No.7905772

ok dude

>> No.7905803

had potential, but really disappointing. you should have transitioned into some gay sex and made some kind of pun with the lyrics from one of the songs in the movie

>> No.7905820
File: 75 KB, 500x351, 1278162069202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i would totally buy this jacket to wear now and then or when tripping on lsd outside

...why ? what has lsd got to do with it ? Why is tripping in this jacket even something... what...

>> No.7906513

lol pathetic

it is to these faggots that our board has sunk

>> No.7906553
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>No mention of getting fucked by your friend and cumming as he cums in your ass when the crescendo of the song hits at the end of the movie, while screaming real human being and tearing up

Beefed it.

>> No.7906567

Heh, this is the worst board

>> No.7906611

>sitting at home on computer in my scorpion jacket with no pants on
>door opens
>mom walks into my room
>her eyes start watering due to the residual semen odour
>she starts coughing
>asks me between breaths if I want any dinner
>I turn back and continue playing freecell, using my free hand to fondle my limp dick
>five minutes later I respond "sure"
>she's already gone
>an hour later I sit down at the table
>dinner is cold
>I turn to my mother's empty chair, and, whilst rubbing my fingers through my bald spot, say "I drive"
>the chair is cold on my naked ass

>> No.7906967

i kekl'd

>> No.7907098
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>> No.7907184

Requesting the image where it's a collage of people from /tv/ wearing this exact jacket.

>> No.7908355
File: 406 KB, 2247x1771, 1374052523125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drive

>> No.7908459

good god


>> No.7908469

I haven't seen the movie yet. Must have been really good.

>> No.7908493

>he was power swaggering so I was struggling to keep up.
Nah you're actually just fat

>> No.7908503

watch it with a girl, gosling gets her hot, movie is boring as shit

she'll suck your dick

>> No.7908509


It's an action movie with more of an emphasis on atmosphere and shit. It's coo. Betas are attracted to it because they're lonely virgins who think emulating a "manly man" will get them laid, and all Ryan Gosling does in that movie is stand around looking handsome and speaking like a Vietnam vet with severe PTSD.

>> No.7908518

Sounds good.

>> No.7908546

here is what you gotta do
>you and da qt3.14 watching movie in the house
>movie is coming to the end
>get ready for real human being and hero song to come on
>stand up, nonchalantly fix your hair
>quickly run to your wardrobe and pick up that delicious white jacket with scropion on it
>put it on
>put on sunglasses and toothpick like a cold motherfucker that you are
>look at the qt
>say "i-i d-drive"
>at this moment she gets so wet you would need Noah to save all the living things once again
>hit her in the head with hammer
>rip her pleb clothes off, she aint got nothin on your sweet ass jacked man!
>start fucking her with the power of thousand suns
>as you are about to cum yell " IMMA REAL HUMAN BEAN AND A REAL HERO"
>fill her with your scorpion sperm
>wait for Shannon to knock
>few minutes forward shannon knocks
>"I've ficed your car. I added 300 bhp as you asked"
>drive away in the direction of descending sun

>> No.7908579


>> No.7908611
File: 1.67 MB, 832x5000, 1374052628427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7908624

I hope to god most of these were halloween costumes

>> No.7908648

Gimme a break, my legs were hurting from exercise earlier ;_;
So mean

>> No.7908650

oh god my sides

>> No.7908775

This is beautiful.

>> No.7908878
