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/fa/ - Fashion

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7872906 No.7872906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Air Jordans /fa/ again? Apparently people are buying them like crazy

>> No.7872918

they're obviously popular again, but this stuff is cyclical, and these big, bulky, gauche shoes will phase out again. and i dont think they're "effay" whatever that means. they're pretty ugly.

>> No.7872922

cause hip hop

>> No.7872930

>they're obviously popular again

they never became unpopular

>big, bulky, gauche shoes will phase out again

doubt it they havent in the last 10 years why woudl they start now

>> No.7872927

jordans have been big since '85 du, no slowing down in sight

>> No.7872938

and by 10 years i mean like 30 i guess

>> No.7872952

i dont understand how people like you can exist
how are you so far removed from black culture?

>> No.7872960

suburban midwestern teens that browse /pol/ when they get home from school are about as far removed as you can get from "black culture"

i dont know why you would expect everyone to not be far removed from it tho

my school had 2 black kids out of 900

>> No.7872962

>why are these shoes people have murdered for, collect and auction for thousands of dollars popular all of a sudden? :)

>> No.7872968

if there's anything that i've learned, it's that 4chan breeds the strongest demographic of the white bubble.

>> No.7872969

White people are like the main consumers of hip hop, it's unthinkable that people like OP would think Jordan's were a new trend or that other anon would believe they were about to phase out because they aren't popular on /fa/

>> No.7872970

but trunks you live in vancouver island or something right?

there's hardly any black people in BC

>> No.7872971
File: 274 KB, 750x500, 201341905915470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when has anything in fashion EVER been as popular as this current sneaker trend? No -- I'm not talking about your Common Projects or Geobaskets but your sporty sneakers. Your Nike Frees. Your Air Jordans (retro and new retro). Your Other Misc. Nike Runners. Asics. New Balance.

Guys and girls alike who consider themselves fashionable are sneakers in casual situations when they're the same types of sneakers that used to be consider ridiculous/poorfag/dadcore mode if not on a basketball court or running. Sneakers with other fashionable casual wear is just everywhere.

Or is it just part of a bigger trend? Maybe the actual trend is just looking sporty in general. I mean, what about all this sweatpant hype and leggins shit?

>> No.7872973

theyre urban jewelry

>> No.7872977

the only /fa/ nikes are trainerendors, roshes,flyknits, the yellow ones sadboys wears, af1 and a couple other runners that i cant think of the name.

The rest are nigger/hypebeast/swagfag shit

>> No.7872982

>Maybe the actual trend is just looking sporty in general
that's been the trend didnt u follow pyrex and hba

>> No.7872989

they're all meme shoes that people on /fa/ spam becuase they're the only ones they can afford

>> No.7872990
File: 48 KB, 400x400, flocka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's so fuckin weird to me
I didn't exactly grow up with black people but hearing people ask what snapbacks are
or acting like Jordans are a passing fad boggle my mind
>tfw Toronto boi niggers everywhere

>> No.7873005

So much is wrong with your post lol

>> No.7873012

yeah man thats what i just said
just because some white kids like hip hop doesnt mean all of them do

dont tell me u dont know a fat kid that wears tap out tees and listens to disturbed
>yung lean fan
>calling people niggers

this is so pathetic

>> No.7873016

Those are all shoes worn by all of those groups of people

>> No.7873025

That's not what I'm saying, even a Led Zeppelin fan that was born in the wrong generation typically has some understanding that Jordan's have been around as long as Michael Jordan was a household name. There are kids in Colorado City who wear Jordan's

>> No.7873044

Nigger (:
U mad?

>> No.7873065

>even a Led Zeppelin fan that was born in the wrong generation typically has some understanding that Jordan's have been around as long as Michael Jordan was a household name.

where u live maybe

believe me there are ppl that dont know that jordans exist, u have to remember that basketball is a purely american thing, there are ppl that dont even know who michael jordan is dude

>> No.7873077
File: 744 KB, 1280x853, 1387611318422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i say niggers i mean ignorant blacks with no scents of style.
There are plenty of blacks that dress good and dont fuck with ignorant shit like collectiing jordans or even thinking jordans are the pinnacle of "high fashun"

>> No.7873086

Pic unrelated?

>> No.7873095

I'm Chilean and basketball is popular here.

>> No.7873115
File: 82 KB, 500x700, 1057430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers are bad coloured criminals haha xD black men are classy gentelmen

holy shit dude its like im really on /b/ 5 years ago

but hey what can u expect from a yung lean fan

>> No.7873146

nothing wrong with sneakers for comfort or sport. it just reminds people of highschool that's all.

>> No.7873157

jordans arent really a big thing in australia
i know one dude who is into them and he's a dumb hypebeast

>> No.7873163

>nah dude I'm just helping you guys reclaim the word, I'm not really racist. A nigger is an ignorant black person, a black person is a gentleman like Niel Degrass Tyson :)


>> No.7873170

people wear running shoes casually. doesn't remind me of hs.
no one cares

>> No.7873196
File: 112 KB, 402x402, Drake-596834-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up dumb ass cac

>> No.7873197

i hope for your sake you're still in middle school

>> No.7873211
File: 291 KB, 900x600, 1393721056002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Jordan's you should own are the the 1s,3s, and 4s,the rest are hyped up trash,I'm actually gonna cop the red ones in pic related when they come out.
>Delicious Canvas Upper

>> No.7873214

>swag is for niggers, class is for black men

>> No.7873243
File: 253 KB, 1280x853, 1388058327944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said they were classy or gentlemen, just that some of them have their own brain and can think outside of the box . Its so easy for blacks to get sucked into being hpybeasts/jordan collectors/ swagfags cause of their enviroment and i guess its basically their culture too. Any black that has the willpower to realize sneaker culture is bad and to deny it is respectable imo.

>> No.7873245


>I don't hate black people, I just hate niggers!


>> No.7873246

because white kids in highshcool

>> No.7873250

yeah 1s are the only ones id buy personally

other ppl can like what they want tho

>> No.7873255


>implying sneaker culture is any worse than drinking the tricky Rick kool aid and going full goof

>> No.7873257

It's not what they wear. It's the mindset.

>> No.7873259


>> No.7873267

>blacks are respectable solely based on whether they like the same shoes as me
You're the worst poster of the day

>> No.7873283


>implying their mind set is any worse than the mindset of trustfund suburban white bois blowing all of their parents hard earned money on cosplay outfits

>> No.7873280

>if you dress like regular people aged 15-25 and are black you're a nigger, but if you're a good ninja you're a black man

>> No.7873294

>I don't respect these stupid moon crickets unless they're not wearing jordans!

2/10 gb2pol

>> No.7873313

What if I'm playing basketball? Do I play in full Rick Owens so white people don't call me a nigger on the internet? Should I dress in a manner that's most presentable to white people who are going to hate me regardless because of factors outside of my control or wear clothes that I like?

If I rob a convenience store in Common Projects am I any less of a nigger?

>> No.7873336

>Its so easy for blacks to get sucked into... their culture

the horror

>Any black that has the willpower to realize sneaker culture is bad and to deny it is respectable imo.

"i dont like sneakers so other people shouldnt either"

"people with different hobbies than me arent respectable"

>> No.7873338
File: 69 KB, 764x1024, jordan quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are idiots if you cant understand what im saying. i only said niggers so you can tell the difference, im not even racist and this is 4chan, grow the fuck up.
Blacks kill eachother over fucking cardboard insole sneakers (aka jordans). Why dont they kill over designer sneakers like rafs or ricks? cause theyre ignorant. Big difference in tasteful blacks and swagfag nig nogs.

btw im sure even blacks refer to jordan collectors as niggers so idk what the big problem is in this context.

>> No.7873340

>blacks who like sneakers are niggers
I bet you post on /pol/

>> No.7873344


I'm sure the reason blacks kill each other over Jordans has less to do with poor aesthetic taste and more to do with complex socio-economic issues.

You faggot.

>> No.7873347
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 1379558911262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blacks kill eachother over fucking cardboard insole sneakers (aka jordans). Why dont they kill over designer sneakers like rafs or ricks? cause theyre ignorant. Big difference in tasteful blacks and swagfag nig nogs.
>im not even racist

>> No.7873352
File: 268 KB, 200x314, 95a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black culture

>> No.7873353

>btw im sure even blacks refer to jordan collectors as niggers so idk what the big problem is in this context
I'm black and that's the first I've heard of that.

>> No.7873360

Rock and roll

>> No.7873356

does that make u feel better about being poor

>> No.7873366

>I'm not even racist but niggers kill each other over sneakers
>this is 4chan grow up

>> No.7873402


So it's black's fault that Nike specifically targets african americans as their consumer base? That's so fucking stupid.

It's like hating white people who eat at Panera and buy macbooks

>> No.7873405

I don't listen to rock n roll

>> No.7873404


>implying Geobaskets aren't poorly stapled and don't fall apart easily

>> No.7873406

Whatever, you guys have obviously not been around ignorant blacks in the real world before and know first hand how annoying and toxic they are. Anyways im done talking.

>> No.7873409


>> No.7873412

never talk again u autist

>> No.7873421

What's the point of wearing high top sneakers if you don't play basketball?

>> No.7873418

I'm black, I went to an alternative school in the ghetto for a semester. Hell, even the school in the black suburbs had imported ignorant blacks from neighboring hoods. Lol but you're asserting they're niggers or worth less than other black people based solely on what kind of sneakers they like.

>> No.7873419


holy shit dude are u a league of legends dev or something?

>> No.7873428

What's the point of wearing boat shoes if you're not on a boat?

>> No.7873431


I grew up in Detroit/Dearborn and I work with a lot of black people, you faggot.

There's some ignorant assholes and some fantastic people.

Just as I work with some fantastic white people and some who are cunty hicks.

Fuck out of here.

>> No.7873437

I wear boat shoes

>> No.7873435

who the fuck wears boat shoes here? this isnt mfa

>> No.7873448

almost all shoes were originally based on function

>> No.7873451

Back 2 /pol/, they'll confirm your misinformation regarding large portions of people you'll never meet

>> No.7873471

To look rich

>> No.7873467

What's the point of wearing a military jacket if you aren't in the military?
What's the point of wearing denim if you aren't a coal miner?

>> No.7873475

There's no point to either of those.

>> No.7873768

I can't wait to get my Jordans in pink and neon green with brown lacing even though I never played basketball in my miserable life.

I hope I will be accepted into some faggot subculture by wearing loud colors and brands that I saw on the latest music videos.

>> No.7875699

I can't wait to cop some work boots/running shoes/Geobaskets despite never having shnurgled a day in my life.

>> No.7875732

I fucking loathe them.
They seem quite popular here because /fa is full of suburban teens, lol.

>> No.7875774

hypebeast trash

>> No.7875778

Good counter culture (:

>> No.7875784

i cant wait to get my allen edmonds on sale

i hope they arent too dressy for my macdonalds job

>> No.7875898


>> No.7876040

Occasionally... yet, it's hard to see.

>> No.7876084

What. The. Fuck. Has /fa become autistic of late.
Between this and that other thread about gimmicks...
They are ugly shit sneakers. Someone put that on the damn sticky so we can move on.