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/fa/ - Fashion

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7870014 No.7870014 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw poor
let's have a poor thread shall we

>> No.7870028

>literally cannot afford a pair of jeans
Not like I was planning on leaving the house this winter anyway..

>> No.7870030

>not owning 10 pairs of geobaskets
u wot m7?

>> No.7870031

>not dreamboxes

get a load of this richfag

>> No.7870036

it's not really that hard to be poor
buy basics from uniqlo
buy shoes you like on sale

>> No.7870049

This. Also plan your cops. I wasted so much money on impulsive purchases.

>> No.7870053

how much money do you guys set aside for clothes every month? personally about 10 but im ultra poorfag

>> No.7870057

you don't need to buy clothes every month

>> No.7870055

>tfw so poor that you can't even afford winter specials

>> No.7870060

I didnt say buy, I said set aside. so like every 4 months ill have 40 dollars to buy something or w/e, but as >>7870049 said I gotta plan my cops

>> No.7870061

you don't need to buy clothes every month
just always save money in general so if you see something you really want to cop you'll always have a bit
putting money aside just for clothes might make you spend it even when you dont really need to

>> No.7870062

how do u afford internet
do u have other expenses

>> No.7870066

>not living in ur parents basement

>> No.7870067

don't have a smartphone
buy the cheapest phone you can and get a really basic plan with enough calls/texts
bonus points because it might make u read on public transport instead of going on /fa/ :)

>> No.7870069

Learn to sew you fucking peasants

>> No.7870079

This might sound silly, but buying cheap material is more expensive than buying cheap clothes in some parts of the world

>> No.7870095

Wow dense is you

Buy cheap clothes from thrift or goodwill. Fix the shitty fit/proportions. Now your $4 work shirt looks better than most fuckers in their j crew

>> No.7870118

got any tutorials?

>> No.7870124

how is looking better than someone wearing j.crew an achievement

>> No.7870127


>> No.7870129


ask your grandmother.

"tutorials" are for deviantart girls who draw animu and mango.

>> No.7870135

Spend like $500 for year on sales. You can buy shitton of designer clothes with that summ. Like CPs for ~$120 shipping via proxy included would be the most expensive thing to buy. Inb4 you don't have those.
Also, a -70% on many designer dope shit is going on over thecorner, use it wisely. Otherwise stay poor and complain about it over 4chan. Do plan your cops.

>> No.7870136

so poor lately
got a second job just the other day though so soon ill have some money

but yeah, learn to rack cunts
i've racked almost every plain t shirt i own, even if they are shit and lose their shape after a few washes it doesn't matter coz u didnt pay for them yafeel

>> No.7870141

also if you're a hard cunt you could get one of those detacher hookers and rack like jeans, sweaters, shirts, jackets, anything if you got the balls

>> No.7870140

im not from aus(?) what does raking mean?

also you fuckers should sling some rocks, moneys always there

>> No.7870145


>> No.7870146


>> No.7870150

>detacher hookers

>> No.7870158
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*detacher hook
you use them to remove the plastic tags that you see on clothes in shops

like $5 off ebay

>> No.7870161

oh right
where do you leave the little magnets when you take them off

>> No.7870167

in the change rooms or in the pocket of some item of clothing that you leave in the store

>> No.7870166

I'm extremely frugal like my papa but don't shoplift nearly as often as I used to. Typically shop at military surplus and thrift stores as well as h&m. My girlfriend or my mom usually but boots for me

>> No.7870171

>detacher hook
how 2 use?!?!?!

>> No.7870172

dont they have cameras in the change rooms? also wat u racked lately

>> No.7870175


>> No.7870179

fuk u i wanted him 2 explain how he did it

also this works on any?

>> No.7870182

>cameras in the change rooms
do u live in russia or something

>> No.7870190

I hate you more and more.

>> No.7870195

you'd be surprised

>> No.7870210
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thanks 4 this niggas bout to pocket the whole store and get a new clothing


>> No.7870223

they might have cameras watching what you bring in and out of the change rooms but you can just hide the item you want to lift between two other things or something

not on any, but works on most
some tags use a different mechanism and stuff

>> No.7870230

also number 1 rule to lifting is dont steal from small stores... they're likely just as poor as you

>> No.7870233

should I rack from gen pants loll

>> No.7870236

yeah general pants is like fast fashion, stores like that put small businesses out of business, plus they are super overpriced so fuck em

>> No.7870242

U Will get in enough trouble thieving but if u get caught with a device to facilitate that u will get even heavier charges + imagine if u Forgot u had à pocket knife on you then imagine u didnt have cash on u then u can get burglary too just dont do it kids

It's not if u get caught it's WHEN u get caught

>> No.7870245

what are you some retarded hood? it's if you get caught. dont ever post that fallacy or i swear to god STRAIGHT TO THE MOON

>> No.7870246

this is true

>> No.7870249


So don't get caught dummy

>> No.7870251

Also tabs r kept on u when u steal then u get caught n yr like, "oh it's just à $20 shirt" next thing u know u r in court with vidéo footage proving u stole 2 grand of stuff then u go in 2 prison

>> No.7870259

>tabs r kept on u when u steal
how? dont be a dumb cunt about it and they cant prove you stole anything

>> No.7870256

Then nô 1 Will want 2 give u à job

Obvs it all worst case scenario but that is what happens

>> No.7870263

This prob USA specific - they "build à case" on u rather than grabbing u right away

>> No.7870265

Baby don't hurt me. No more

>> No.7870266

yeah but how? unless they have video footage of you walking out of the store holding an item how can they prove you stole something

>> No.7870271

they dont need to in the US, they jsut have to imply your action well enough that the jury of dumbfucks is convinced. know how hard it is to convince dumbfucks? not hard.

>> No.7870276

Threaten u and intimidate u into admitting it - vidéo u coming out dressing room with les than went in with - footage of u going to store and never buying anything - inventory of missing items where u r in footage, then à jury décides if u guilty - so even à bunch of sloppy footage that doesn't show anything (but is in fact u stealing) + à lawyer that wants 2 pût y away can b enough

>> No.7870279

ah true, dunno never heard of that happening

but yeah crept is right, you can get fucked in the ass for shoplifting if you get too hot and don't do it right

>> No.7870285

Did it non stop for three years straight / never apprehended can almost guarantee à case waiting 4 me - have to avoid entire neighborhoods

Am very lucky so myst spread message

>> No.7870295

how much do you reckon the amount you've stolen is worth all up?

america seems way tougher on shoplifting than aus

>> No.7870302

Going to laff when loss prevention kicks your shit in and you still have to pay the store and court fees

>> No.7870306

Maybe 50Gs used 2 steal clothes 2 dress dadcore adds up quick

Look up "couple in portland steal 1 million from safeway" on google

>> No.7870314

$5million dude

>> No.7870327

Oh shit lol was it rly that much

>> No.7870333

yeah but the articles dont really make it seem like that, they were just taking groceries over a few years, no big ticket items. maybe it was $5million after calculating lost prevention expenditures and insurance and shit like that.

>> No.7870446
File: 558 KB, 1000x1300, asoschinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm not very poor but I'm cheap when it comes to clothing. I just wanted to recommend something from a brand that's being trashtalked constantly on /fa/:

Asos skinny chinos

I bought them because I desperately needed a pair of black pants to match with some other things. So far I'm impressed with how well they fit my thick legs. Even though I don't expect them to last very long, they're for sure worth it as a pair of wear-and-tear chinos.

>> No.7870922

Do you have the hips of a black woman or is it the pants

>> No.7871123

I've recently started getting /fa/ and I've been buying my basics from H&M, is their quality really as bad as /fa/ people say because I've gotten some items from the past that held up well from there.

>> No.7871507

It's more an item by item basis tbh, I've owned things from h&m that have lasted a while and stuff that has had a button pop or a seam rip after like 3 wears. The material is uniformly shit though. Uniqlo is the same price and doesn't feel like wearing paper. Up to you, though.

>> No.7871538

i hope i never get so poor that i have to steal t shirts

>> No.7871547

dont wash them

>> No.7871552

ya but when u get caught u can write a book about it and become famous and then afford to buy the clothes

>> No.7872736

it's the pockets, haven't worn them in at all but most chinos I wear have pockets poking out on the sides.. I don't know if it's because of my hips being kind of wide for a man, or if I just buy shit chinos. It gets better with time.

>> No.7873279


>> No.7874443


>> No.7874463

fuck up

>> No.7874480
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>> No.7874648
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>tfw spent all my money, like $2000, on clothes

super /fa/, right guys?

>> No.7874657

post a fit and we'll decide

>> No.7874662

>spend $300 on outerwear
>have no money left
>realize all my shirts, shoes, and pants are shit

oh well at least i have one nice garment ;_;

>> No.7874667

Most of it's still in the mail. Lots of ebay purchases.

>> No.7874682

>need to get black pants for new job
>go to kmart, no black pants and all pants that are there are in fat people sizes
>harris scarfe, no casual black pants, only $70 dress pants which would no doubt be shit

w2c decent casual black pants in australia for a reasonable price? im gonna be fuckin delivering pizzas so i dont want anything special, just something that wont look like total shit

>> No.7874687

Easy for you to say, Uniqlo won't even ship to my country. It's JP, US, and UK only pretty much, isn't it?

>> No.7874688

I really, really regret what I am about to say, but yd. might be decent for what you are looking for.

>> No.7874695

why didnt u just go to cotton on or jayjays first

skinnies for like 15 dollars iirc from my high school days

wtf like why kmart of all things

>> No.7874699

something like this mayb

>> No.7874704

cheers, ill try yd. tomorrow
i got to the mall late and those shops were closed. has to be black pants as well, not black denim, but ill try cotton on tomorrow

>> No.7874713

sweet, ill go try them on tomorrow. hopefully they have my size, seems every shop i go to only stocks 34 and up

>> No.7874723

might wanna ring them up before you go to see if they have your size so you arent wasting your time

>> No.7874885

about 700 and I guarantee I grew up poorer than you. You're pathetic

>> No.7874890

Fucking poorfags always want 2 make it à competition

>> No.7874895

i don't eat with anybody I didn't starve with you feel me

>> No.7874903

I don't consider myself poor but I feel a lot poorer then most of the people who browse here. Its probably 75% fronting though. But still theres a lot of dudes who can afford a lot of designer here, I just don't wanna bother spending so much for clothes.

>> No.7875094

dude, go to rivers. i have a black pair of pants from there that i wear to work all the time that were like, $30.

>> No.7875107
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>Move to US
>Acquire Liberty
>Acquire wealth
>Buy all basic clothes from Uniqlo

it really is that simple

>> No.7875485

i wish you were dead

>> No.7875501
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>> No.7876465

some stuff from there is ok, other stuff is fucking terrible

don't cop tees from there

>> No.7876471

funny, i wouldn't get anything but their tees. they're shit but cheap and fine for a base layer

>> No.7876530
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>tfw you will never know what it's like having to thrift

h-hold me /fa/

>> No.7876540
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That hurts man.

>> No.7876541

they look fine but after a couple washes they get misshapen.

>> No.7876561

asoke where do u cop ur bucket hats

>> No.7876569

watch out boys we got a richfag in here

>> No.7876580
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I'm going to a thrift store for the first time tomorrow.

>> No.7876610

>tfw first job
i'm pretty young and in a country with a shit economy and shit, capitalistic people
I only have basic hs qual's

get a job /fa/ i'm sure you're all more capable than me
the interview process may appeal to your ridiculous sense of vanity

>> No.7876672

>tfw a ton of Rick for cheap prices shoes up on yahoo.jp
>This is my chance
>contact proxy service get max bids in play
>over the next few days I am out bid on everything but one DRKSHDW jacket
>10 hrs left, I am the max bidder
>Go to sleep happy, I think I've got this one
>wake up, out bid by 2,000 yen

I'll never own Rick ;_;

>> No.7876706

2k yen is $20 lol

>> No.7876713

I know, that just makes it hurt more. I was asleep and confident in my set max bid so I wasn't able to contact the proxy service to raise it. I really wanted that fucking jacket to ;_;

>> No.7876748

YAJ is kind of strange with auctions, it was explained more on /a/ but they set price/bid limits to basic accounts (p sure proxies use the upgraded ones) and also add time to auctions when they receive bids. I haven't encountered problems with either yet but I think they'd make it more difficult to get some items compared to auction sites like ebay.

>> No.7876791

Good luck
>tfw live in a area that's only filled with old people and tradesmen, can never find good clothes at the thrifts

>> No.7876811
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That's what I fear too.
Hope I will at least be able to cop a new wallet though.

>> No.7876829

related, any good proxy services for YAJ?