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/fa/ - Fashion

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7867759 No.7867759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Sherlock /fa/?

Can normal people pull off this look or is it essentially the same as wearing a scorpion jacket?

>> No.7867788

His look it that of an Inner City Professional, it would be hard to pull off without being one, or at least living in an appropriate city.

>> No.7867797

this thread is embarrassing lol

>> No.7867815

to be fair this board is embarrassing

>> No.7867819

If you're tall, pale, and thin probably but you'd need to be confident about it.

>> No.7867824

I'm tall and pale but I think maybe a bit too thin to pull this off, as well as the actor at least.

>> No.7867925

>Is Sherlock /fa/?


>> No.7867945

is 5ft 10 too short for an overcoat
I'll wear boots to look taller

>> No.7867954


get the proportions and length right - but this applies to literally everyone of any height

>> No.7867955

I just googled the guy that plays sherlock and he's 6ft

I can't imagine 2 inches would make that much of a difference

>> No.7867994

you clearly never been on fit
>barely not a manlet

>> No.7868002

do people still regurgitate that "manlet" crap?

>> No.7868007

Lol how tall do they expect u 2 b

>> No.7868045

at least 6'2 to lead a fulfilling life
but basically taller is better

>> No.7868892

It's just a suit and a fitted overcoat. IF you wear a suit to work and it's cold, you should have an overcoat.

Benedict's overcoat is actually an off the rack discontinued barbour (pretty low quality in truth).

What makes it interesting is the double-brestedness and the rear two-button belt.

This pretty much makes it a great-coat, or at least greatcoat-inspired but it's much more tailored than your typical military great coat.

I read that the red lapel detail was added by the costumer to give it an "expensive" look. Makes you think of the red coral pins you find on isiah napoli suits and such.

>> No.7869690

I expected /fa/ to notice Watson's dadcore + normalcore instead

>> No.7869727

>barbour (pretty low quality in truth)
I thought Barbour made pretty sturdy clothes

>> No.7869763


It's not Barbour, it's Belstaff.

>> No.7871065
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>> No.7871765

he doesn't dress like a fuckboy and wear roshes and dreambaskets so no

>> No.7873918


>> No.7874497
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holy crap he's not joking

>> No.7874504

This, it is a Belstaff. A really nice looking one, too. I think it is a fantastic coat, but I don't think I personally could pull it off. Shame, it looks cozy as fuck.

>> No.7874524
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>tfw 6'1"

>> No.7874536

Only on the internet do people care about height.

>> No.7875170

Manlet detected

>> No.7875175

>but basically taller is better

ent detected