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/fa/ - Fashion

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7857911 No.7857911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw in love

i haven't felt this is nearly 3 years, god this feels so great, she doesn't know though

>> No.7857938

grats on the dope fit

>> No.7857939

>tfw in love cant get her off my mind
>she doesnt even know of my existence, other than ive seen her around campus and shes in some of my classes

anybody know that feel or am i just a creep who stalks her social networking and sees we have a lot in common

>> No.7857940
File: 17 KB, 160x180, jil banander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready for the long fall into a dark abyss of depression when she lets you down.

>> No.7857941

;)) :))

>> No.7857954

im cheesing from cheek to cheek!!!!

>> No.7857962
File: 395 KB, 160x160, sunyeon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost fell in love with the korean girl looking for my jacket in a medium.

"...oh no, i'm still looking. sorry...:3"

oh my god, why do you have to be so shy and cute, jesus. stop using your devil aegyo and hurry up.

>> No.7857972

my stomach hurts /fa/ does anyone know that feel

>> No.7857975

go fucking ask her out right now man
its only going to go downhill from here unless you do ask her out and you guys actually get along so start it soon before you dig yourself into a hole

>> No.7857987


only ee her like once a week at the club

>> No.7857997

>tfw in love cant get her off my mind
>she tells me, "sorry, I have a boyfriend. You're a nice guy. You deserve a nice girl. But that will not hurt our friendship. Just don't have those feelings for me anymore."

>> No.7858002
File: 20 KB, 300x410, 1369192260803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't know though

>> No.7858032

was dr. marios story true in the other thread?

>> No.7858117

When? He doesnt post anymore I thought.

>> No.7858326

>tfw girl you like mirrors your speech patterns

>> No.7858336

It's just butterflies bruh, fapping kills that

>> No.7858346

>that feel when ur fwb stops hitting you up
>I never used to have to text him first
>I miss him
>what did i do

>> No.7858516
File: 92 KB, 622x514, 1393484644695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he posted this today.

>> No.7858525


he posts under a bunch of different trips and names

as of late, it's been SF (with 64 in the email field), Cool Hand Luke or something, and whatever mario he's playing as

>> No.7858531
File: 173 KB, 1010x810, 1386999797925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw single for 2 years

was with someone and then was single before that for 3 years

>tfw will be at least another year until i find love again and the cycle will repeat

>> No.7858536

wait is he also yall know who it is b/c tbh i dont rly know who it is

>> No.7858538

word for word

>> No.7858556

Nice. the song is such a slap.
100s is really good and his producer is pro. his beats hit.

>> No.7858922
File: 35 KB, 320x436, gettin it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can beat the original doe, cuz he only fucks wit gangstas n strippers

>> No.7858941

Ohh god.
She is into me, but Im a skinny insecure /fa/ggot.

>> No.7858949

This is perfect
>I have that jumper ;_;

>> No.7858976

>have a bad crush on a good friend
>never mention it to her
>eventually crush fades
>several of my friends now have a crush on that same girl
>they all confess their love
>shitload of drama ensues, turns into a love triangle after another friend confesses her love to one of the guys in love with the girl I had a crush on
that fucking feel when you are not part of a shitty drama like that
I'm so fucking glad I got out of that mess unscathed

>> No.7858990
File: 53 KB, 500x506, Too-Short.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yea

>pic from my inspiration folder

>> No.7858999

iktf, she has some of the dopest fits i've ever seen but im just too much of a bitch to even try to talk to her ;_;

>> No.7859017

>qt working at a joint next to mine
>buy drinks before and after work everyday
>get to go home early tonight
>see her staring at the window looking at me with a light smile [hopefully not because she thinks I'm stalking her or some shit (I am not)]
too aspie to approach so fuck it I'll just continue buying fucking almond tea until something happens....

>> No.7859019
File: 31 KB, 359x398, 1353302797113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't know though

>> No.7859037

Yeah, it will hurt your friendship, because your "friendship" wasn't a friendship to you - it was an attempt at a relationship. I wish people would realise that.

>> No.7859044
File: 60 KB, 600x600, ayo for yayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pretty cool

>> No.7859045

>tfw in love with a girl with solid 9/10 looks and amazing personality
>tfw I'm a 6/10 on a really good day and am extremely self conscious
>tfw she has absolutely no reason to choose me but I can't get her out of my head

How do I stop being sad, /fa/?

>> No.7859048

>top haha
you gotta make ur move sonny
girls are lazy, insecure, pathetic shits. they need a man to do everything for them (including asking them out) you gotta do it first brah, man up or nothing will ever happen.

>> No.7859057

so you pretended to be friends with them so you could attempt to get laid (basically)? gee so misunderstood. you ARE a nice guy. not a manipulative guy no sir

>> No.7859054


love doesnt exist

self-interest exists
attachment through self-gain exists

but not love

inb4 tips fedora

>> No.7859056

Don't fuck this up you idiot

I have crazy feelings for this girl, we were really good friends for a couple of months and I suddenly decided I wanted it
She did too
for one night
and I fucked it up
it's not a good feeling

Do not fuck this up

>> No.7859061

You're wise but what if you fall for your old friend lol

>> No.7859062

thx rust

>> No.7859067

doesnt the fact that we can think about love mean it exists?

>> No.7859068
File: 7 KB, 168x251, 1393493983160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Schopenhauer "love" doesn't have to be this magical concept anymore it's just a placeholder for strong feelings of affection

We all get that everything is egoism all is vanity etc. philosophy, you're the slow one that hasn't realised you can still talk about shit having established that it's all about ourselves

We know, but we don't need this shit

>> No.7859075

doesnt that face that we can think about a man with 48 penises on his head mean it exists?

>> No.7859076

>be 20
>kissless virgin
>never had a gf

>> No.7859077


>> No.7859080

the word shouldnt be used because the concept doesnt exist

>> No.7859084

i can sorta understand virgin, but kissless?
how the fuck have you never even kissed a girl?

even the ugliest fuckers i know have managed to kiss girls

>> No.7859099

if you're kissless virgin why not just tell women you're gay?

they eat that shut up nowadays

>> No.7859115

or just not tell them at all

>> No.7859131

let me answer your question

>be kid
>the only thing people see you as is funny smart fat guy
>the only girl you ever fell in love with completely sage'd you
>develop depression at the age of 15
>start doing drugs
>develop schizoid personality disorder at the age of 16
>decide to change your life, who cares if for better or worse
>2 years of lonewolfing thru school
>gather all my money
>move to a city far, far away
>cut all the ties
>working night shift since then (2 years)
>completely fucked up sleeping pattern
>dont even meet any people because schizoid and aint got time for that
>life is paydays and cops

currently considering fucking a luxury escort because i dont have a gf/dont go out so i have p much a lot of money
and relationships
nah its not for me
i dont really enjoy spending time with people

>> No.7859141

losing your virginity is overrated

but having sex isnt

just fuck an escort man theres no shame in it

its just biblefags that made it taboo

>> No.7859152

this also, if you're a virgin you can haggle with hookers

honestly people don't haggle with these sluts and they get all high and mighty thinking they can bully you into paying full price.

bitch you know the drill, im not no amateur if your man waiting outside of the motel wants to do something about it, I got a fucking rifle in the trunk

and Im not paying $250 for an hour in some whote pussy

>> No.7859154

I need an timeline on tomaatoand banana thing pls

>> No.7859155

give her a reason to choose you
ask her out, if you're lucky you will get a chance
if you get declined, she will leave your head pretty fast

>> No.7859159
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1377061802303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7859160

Well I did "ask her out", we went out together a couple times but I never made a move because I felt she wasn't that interested

>> No.7859167

>not making a move
u fucked up mang
at least u know that at one point she probably was a bit interested you wouldnt have gone out together
maybe she was just playing hard to get m8?
if i were you i would stop being such a bitch and just make a move next time u see her

>> No.7859173

yeah ill most probably stick my dick in some escort pretty soon, but my libido is low so theres no rush
the only thing im worried about is my dick
i wouldnt want to be this unlucky one in a million guy who gets his dick burnt

lol not enough social skills to haggle with anyone especially a hooker

>> No.7859176

Well I was realistic
She probably sees me as a friend, I'm not bf potential for that kind of grill
also she only answers my texts periodically so there's that

>> No.7859179

>start liking a girl
>make some subtle moves
>tell her friend i was thinking of asking her out
>don't have her on FB, turns out she has a bf
>later that night she adds me
>doesn't stop talking to me
>lose all interest

i think i'm just in it for the thrill of the hunt. it's kind of like fishing – catching the fish is fun, but i'd rather toss it back than keep it. girls around here have very little substance.

>> No.7859184

>fawning after one girl


in your situation its meant to be the girl who is doing all this shit

you fucked up its over
move on
next time stop being a little bitch

>> No.7859196

>you fucked up its over
can't I get other tries
I just lack confidence a lot but I fake it when I'm w/ her

what does the text thing mean btw

>> No.7859205

Know that feel man, it could've been okay but I impulsively prioritised sexual interaction for a night

>> No.7859212

if she only answers them periodically then that PROBABLY means she is not that interested anymore

this is also how i feel
i had lots of chances but everytime a girl starts to like me i start to lose interest
could be worse i guess

>> No.7859211

ideally from the first time you meet her you have to make sure she knows you are attracted to her
you obv didnt and took the easy route which was being a friend

once a girl has made up her mind about something its very rare it can be changed

not sure about the text thing but you should stop texting her all the time, if at all unless its a reply to her

>> No.7859213

lol, wtf OP. Best of luck, nonetheless.

No. Bad tomato.

>> No.7859220

well even though I didn't communicate it directly I'm p sure she knows I'm attracted to her because of various reasons

as for the text thing I text her like twice a week max, I DEFINITELY don't text her all the time
sometimes she'll answer right away, sometimes a day after and other times she won't answer at all so I guess that means she doesn't rly care

>> No.7859223

>well even though I didn't communicate it directly I'm p sure she knows I'm attracted to her because of various reasons
then either tell her or make a move fuckstick
time is precious in these circumstances

dont try and interpret texting frequency or any of that shit because theres too many factors

>> No.7859226

"Why call him a trick? A trick pays for something that a real man gets for free, that's the "trick." - Iceberg Slim

>> No.7859229

>time is precious
why exactly

and how do I tell her, I'm not good at that shit

>> No.7859234
File: 107 KB, 300x428, 1357662682808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you were looking for a sign to tell her, this is it. Right here. This.

>> No.7859241


>> No.7859245


>> No.7859242

This is the most bullshit post I've seen since the start of this year. If love does exist, it would be fucking useless anyway.

>> No.7859246

i already told u m8 girls make up their mind about this stuff very quickly
just tell her im attracted to you are you attracted to me, but obviously better worded and make sure ur not some stuttering halfwit

>> No.7859253


>> No.7859260

>>doesn't stop talking to me
>>lose all interest

i know dat feel ba
the first time it happened i was a thirsty overage virgin so it was kinda confusing to find out that girls can be 2beta4me
she wasn't even ugly but fuckin hell i don't need to hear from you twice a day

>> No.7859262

Fuck off. There isn't any her or is there any he. What world do you think you are living in?

>> No.7859263

being in love is scary

>> No.7859273
File: 403 KB, 1200x602, fair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever liked a girl who liked them, but it couldn't happen anyway for whatever reason?

>> No.7859270

i like the feeling of being in love, but not being involved with someone else. i think i should just take up opiates.

>> No.7859275

alright then I'll try to do that
well thanks

>> No.7859284
File: 112 KB, 509x550, 1384543603667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Women are incapable of loving men in a way that a man idealizes is possible, in a way he thinks she SHOULD be capable of.

I find this particularly thought provoking – Men are the romantics forced to be the realists, while women are the realists using romanticisms to effect their imperatives. This is a heaping mouthful of cruel reality to swallow.

Women can’t actualize how a man would have himself loved by her. It is not the natural state of women, and the moment he attempts to explain his ideal love, that’s the point at which his idealization becomes her obligation. Our girlfriends, our wives, daughters and even our mothers are all incapable of this idealized love. As nice as it would be to relax, trust and be vulnerable, upfront, rational and open, the great abyss is still the lack of an ability for women to love men as men would like them to.

She’s not incapable of love in the way she defines it, she’s incapable of love as you would have it. She doesn’t lack the capacity for connection and emotional investment, she lacks the capacity for the connection you think would ideally suit you."
- Tony Hawk

>> No.7859290

yeah too lazy, not interested in relationships with said girl so just had the occasional make out session in clubs

also that cat is chill af

>> No.7859291

>Tony Hawk
the skater?
...i'm confused?

>> No.7859294

You fool, the fact that you can apply the definite article as in "THE concept" means that it already exists

Whether or not such a concept thing corresponds to reality is unimportant, and protip, no perfect instantiations of concepts exist in the real world but we call whatever is almost there by the same name anyway

And concepts are dynamic and self-redefining, it doesn't have to mean Christian love it can just mean really really liking someone Jesus

Anyway >>>/lit/

>> No.7859301

the dude from the video game

>> No.7859304

ok thanks
i had no idea video game characters were so deep

>> No.7859309

Man it's shit, how are you doing?

>> No.7859313

yeah i understand.

>see her 8 months later and still feel pain inside.

>> No.7859323


>> No.7859324

Fuck, is it going to be that long?

>> No.7859331

been there done that
don't do it

>> No.7859350

I'm a bitch to be honest. But yeah.

I think of this wrong person who's forgotten me a lot.

>> No.7859353


>> No.7859363

>have friend you've had oneitis for going on 7 yrs now
>live hours away so only see each other sparingly
>only ever had one drunken make out/fondling session with her that ended in an argument and me telling her i was going to my bedroom to jerk off if she wasn't going to put out
>haven't seen her in 1 1/2 yrs now


>tfw she texts me telling me she is coming to my city and looking for a place to stay for a few days

maybe there is hope after all

>> No.7859372

Not guy who replied but same, not worth it

It's creepy and pathetic and a waste of time

Ask her out, if no then get out of there

>> No.7859380
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1363821684602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for you man that sounds like it could work out

>> No.7859856

>Decide to wear a shirt I hadn't worn in a long time
>Smells like her
>Remove shirt and cry in foetal position naked
>I really loved her you guys

>> No.7859868


>> No.7859878

i've been in the exact same situation like you.

>> No.7859887

>girl i had a thing with a little while ago talks to me on facebook
>trying to hint she had sex with another guy tonight
>implying i care about this hoe

why are all girls so basic
everytime i slept with her i was basically waiting for it to be over but it took ages coz i couldnt come coz i was too bored

i want some chick who's into real weird shit just so the sex is interesting

>> No.7859890

>everytime i slept with her i was basically waiting for it to be over but it took ages coz i couldnt come coz i was too bored

fuck iktf

but u keep going back for it, why

>> No.7859922

>tfw grail arrived

>> No.7859955

>tfw in love too
>tfw she is a qt3.14 that I am teaching about fashion, designers, and fashion accessories
>tfw she lives in NY and I'm moving to california

what do?

>> No.7859956

she wants to fuck du

>> No.7859963

>i dont care about this girl
>paragraph about her on the internet to strangers
sure pal

>> No.7859977

its almost as if you guys aren't gay or asexual
who the fuck you kidding

>> No.7860104

>tfw never been in love

Am I weird?