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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 26 KB, 490x313, Tyler_Durden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7856008 No.7856008 [Reply] [Original]

What fictional character has the most /fa/ personality/mannerisms? Which of those mannerisms stick out most to you?

>Tyler Durden
>Essentially a loner, but makes it cool
>Looks cool while doing anything
>the way he tosses a cigarette butt
>the way he knocks on a door
>Sees right through people "You act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You called me just to have a drink before you go stay at a motel? We're on our third pitcher of beer, just ask."

>> No.7856026
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, oslo-31-august.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did heroine
>gets all the bishes
>'best connected man in Oslo'
>boss at playing the piano
>struggles with life

>> No.7856038
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, 1393456730750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Joker
>all his clothes custom tailored
>gets away with wearing makeup
>rocks a glasgow smile with style
>murders people
>never in a bad mood

>> No.7856051

it isn't very /fa/ to be noticeably struggling with life. Wearing your emotions on your sleeve isn't /fa/, ideally your whole world would be falling apart and you'd function just fine
>mom died
>house was burgled
>had to put dog, best friend of 7 years, down because he bit someone
>workplace was shot up by the new guy
>every gas station in town is out of your brand of smokes

Yet on the outside he's totally fine, because all of the emotions were let out via an outlet. "Hey man didn't your house get robbed?" "Hahaha yeah! But the joke's on him, he didn't even look in my closet!"

>> No.7856052
File: 26 KB, 500x375, shinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7856060

>did heroine


>> No.7856067

>Wearing your emotions on your sleeve isn't /fa/

He doesn't do that though, he keeps shit to himself and makes jokes about his time as an addict.
It's a great movie, I highly recommend it.

whops, seems like that 'e' slipped in there somehow. I'm not a native English speaker

>> No.7856070

>>7856060 autism

>> No.7856080
File: 68 KB, 396x594, qt jared and sky 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board has crossed some sort of line and i can't tell if half of the posts are real or elaborate jokes

>> No.7856078

being a pussy isn't /fa/

>> No.7856085
File: 266 KB, 1024x576, rust-cohle-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rust cohle
>/fa/ as fuck
>has done heroin and coke (still does coke to hype himself up)

>> No.7856088

Man Crushes: The Thread

>> No.7856093

>doesn't give a fuck
>has gone undercover to work with mexican cartels

>> No.7856095
File: 118 KB, 1000x836, James-Bond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parodically wrote a post illustrating a mistake
>hurhurhur what an autist amiriteguys

Go back to /b/, don't ruin this board with that crap too.

I cast my vote for James Bond
>Great conversationalist
>Terse. He never uses more words than he needs to.
>Despite all of these, he's still undeniably masculine and confident
>Isn't afraid to speak up to ask for what he wants.
>Won't be intimidated

>> No.7856104

Being a cop isn't very /fa/

>> No.7856109

but swimming in pussy is

>> No.7856111

jesus christ this thread

>> No.7856119

More like hero worship

>> No.7856121

whats wrong with it

>> No.7856136

Yes, I agree with the other anon. What's wrong with my thread?

>> No.7856217

James Bond would be the most /fa/ if he weren't so inherently euphoric

>> No.7856971

these are fictional characters who don't dress themselves and they're being compared by how '/fa/' they are, where the term '/fa/' doesn't even apply strictly to clothing, which is what this board is dedicated to.

>> No.7856992

The /mu/ threshold
Soon, half of the people on the board won't know that this shit was originally joking and we'll cross into /sp/ territory

>> No.7857012

so wrong it hurts

>> No.7857022

oh god

>> No.7857044
File: 413 KB, 1920x1200, 1393467422333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leon the Professional
>He's a fucking French assassin
>He sleeps sitting in an arm chair
>He lives in New York
>He has an acquired taste only drinking milk
>He doesn't buy into mainstream fads like Madonna
>He doesn't give a fuck

>> No.7857060

>He doesn't give a fuck

>> No.7857064
File: 67 KB, 323x315, th y3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't ruin this board

>> No.7857112

milk is not that great for you

>> No.7857106 [DELETED] 

is drinking milk /fa/?
I would switch milk for water if I could

>> No.7857165

I like when the cops come to a party lol
everyone shits themselves like something is going to happen but it never does

>> No.7857171
File: 103 KB, 367x451, 1343224254871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7857180
File: 964 KB, 500x200, U2YFh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leonardo DiCaprio
I don't even need to say why

>> No.7857187
File: 632 KB, 900x900, 41186106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that entire movie was /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7857186

So is /fa/ being a loner but popular? Depressed but in a sympathetic sort of way?

>> No.7857256

Explain what's fah about being a cop and I might sway my opinion.

>> No.7857269

b-but anon

Leonardo DiCaprio is a real guy. This is for fictional characters.

>> No.7857261
File: 40 KB, 500x300, 05_gummo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunny Boy
>Literally a loner, doesn't care if it's cool
>Doesn't care if he looks cool, but he does
>No one really knows what he thinks
>The way he just goes along

>> No.7857262
File: 18 KB, 400x289, 1366079990309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also this guy

>> No.7857276

he also makes out with chicks


>> No.7857277

But he smells like pussy

>> No.7857291

yeah, his only human contact is sexual

adroit moves

>> No.7857296

Any labour job is more /fa/ than a office job if you are handsome and mysterious
>"I'm a cop, detective cohl"
>"I'm make my own soap"
>"i'm a taxi drive for night runs"
etc etccccc

>> No.7857312

yung skeleton is also pretty /fa/

>lifts weights but doesnt get too swole
>listens to madonna
>sick hair


>> No.7857336
File: 325 KB, 695x1000, 1391368191459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Hitler

>great orator
>choose practicality over morality
>great style
>good at convincing others

>> No.7857379

Xenia, Ohio most /fa/ city in the world???

>> No.7857389
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1393007226278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>invading Russia in the middle of winter

>> No.7857403

shut the fuck up jew

>> No.7857411

walter white

>cheesy glasses, makes it work
>shaved head
>aint afraid to pop u if u mess with his sun
>sikk button downs every day
>he sells meth

>> No.7857412

the only good thing hitler did was his paintings lmao

>> No.7857416

chill out kraut

>> No.7857423
File: 186 KB, 1024x747, 1393470837456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is more beautiful than any painting of his imo

>> No.7857432

>being a follower

>> No.7857436

>being an oven

>> No.7857438

>not liking nazis
jew detected

>> No.7857462

>being a follow

>> No.7857490

being a detective is a labor job?

>> No.7857496

No university degree needed, it can help but at the end you just need to be a cop for 5-10 years or something then you can apply to become one

>> No.7857503

that doesn't make it a labour job lol

>> No.7857515

labour job = no office work = takes less school to get

Listen I'm not good with terms
jobs that isn't a engineer or a doctor or something that take 10 years in school I call a labour job
A nurse is a labour job for me because you move around and stuff

>> No.7857526

and yes I know detective has office work but mostly out in the field looking for YELLOW KING AND THE TALL MAN

>> No.7857547

Shit movie.

This is the obvious answer. But the Sean Connery/ Pierce Brosnan version.

>> No.7857988

You'd be surprised how much paperwork is involved in being a detective. It's a very tedious job.

>> No.7857993

Definitely. Daniel Craig just has the fah-er face betwixt the three of them.

>> No.7858013

Except thats not what they did. They invaded in the middle of the summer of '41, thinking they'd knock russia out by the winter.

Get your shit straight pleb

>> No.7858019

These guys wore leather jackets onscreen. That mean's they are shit.

>> No.7858102

she's so much uglier as a brunette

>> No.7858106

are you 15

>> No.7858114

B| b/c he's drowning in it B|

>> No.7858129
File: 400 KB, 1182x886, 1393479665987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent boy

>bad social skills
>disliked by the general public
>doesn't care
>negative attitude
>looks cool

>> No.7858135


welcome back

>> No.7858136

Except Tyler Durden looked fucking good in the red one.

Leather jackets at large aren't bad. The fit is only as bad as it looks with a leather jacket.

What makes you ask that?

>> No.7858143

Imagine being in the middle of that when you need to take a shit.

>> No.7858152
File: 310 KB, 500x752, Red-Leather-Jacket-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 13 I thought that Fight Club was the coolest movie ever. Eight years later, I saw the movie again . . . and it was underwhelming. Do you know this feel?

>> No.7858169

movies not bad retard
thinking the movie is the greatest thing is retarded

>> No.7858185

that movie legitimately changed my life, saw it as a skinnyfat loser with terrible long hair "wow tylers so cool i want to be just like him" started dressing like an autist while slowly losing weight, eventually realized i look like a fucking monkey and developed my own style now im a beautiful skeleton boy draped in black

th-thanks tyler

>> No.7858189

Fair enough. Maybe kids see things in hyperbole during their adolescence. Hormones can impair judgement, you know.

>> No.7858202
File: 52 KB, 450x600, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that the movie inadvertently changed your life for the better.

>> No.7858216
File: 160 KB, 728x409, 416_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how he's mad all the time and a drunk

>> No.7858225
File: 205 KB, 618x408, movies-trainspotting-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his fit in the club scene is so rare

>> No.7858251

Matthew doesn't have bad social skills, he is just dismayed with the state of things. He is full of moral issues tho

>> No.7858276

who the fuck is matthew? in the book rents is pretty bad in social situations

>> No.7858283


>> No.7858309

i actually laughed out loud when i read that too

>> No.7858345
File: 29 KB, 448x252, Film_651w_Badlands_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills people
>doesnt give a fuck
>fucks sweet underage pussy
>doesnt give a fuck
>gets arrested
>doesnt give a fuck
>get the electric chair
>doesnt give a fuck

/fa/ as fuck

>> No.7858359

goat dancing scene

>> No.7858367

alpha as fuck

>> No.7860030


>> No.7860050

feel like rewatching badlands now

>> No.7860064

his first name is mark you dense fuck

>> No.7860142

his paintings are objectively painfully average

>> No.7860160
File: 184 KB, 1065x1600, BaneTDKR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> confident and calm
> fucking owns the room
> mysterious, no one knows his real name
> traumatic childhood
> drug addiction
> white, but employs minorities
> hates rich fatcats, despite having enough money to buy enough weaponry for an army and belstaff jackets
> spent time in prison
> isn't afraid to shave head when thinning
> pulls off coats that no one else would dare to wear
> pulls off black techwear combats tucked into boots for that authentic military aesthetic
> bulletproof vest is pure techwear
> wears a black fetish mask in public and makes it look good
> british accent
> lifts for strength, not for girls

>> No.7860173

forgot big guy
also tdkr was absolutely awful

>> No.7860174

for you

>> No.7860176

>also tdkr was absolutely awful
slag off u fkin hipster

>> No.7860179


>> No.7860185

you're absolutely awful. even PT Anderson liked it

>> No.7860194

/tv/ pls

>> No.7860204

even by capeshit standards it's objectively bad

>> No.7860225
File: 9 KB, 240x210, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clearly it has to be Borat:
-has Ipod
-has someone to put aftershave on his ding-dong
-smooth silky hair & manly mustache
-travels the world
-sexy accent

prove me wrong /fa/

>> No.7860248

probably ths

>> No.7860260
File: 95 KB, 600x446, 1393516915752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> eccentric
> alcoholic
> business owner
> sees his own clothes
> boils all his denim
> is a patriot
> got molested
> writes musicals
> master of karate and friendship

>> No.7860265


>> No.7860290

Also, this swimsuit. Perfect.

>> No.7860355

donnie darko

>> No.7860920
File: 178 KB, 791x800, 1369790011779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7860990

Henry Chinaski

>> No.7861078
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7861132

I still can't believe this is a real post.

>> No.7861179
File: 503 KB, 448x496, anon do u love me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell

Don't do heroin, kids.

>> No.7861191
File: 20 KB, 360x207, kiriyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills ppl
>mesy hair
>doesnt talk bcoz hes fed up w/ society + jocks
>hes sooo hotttt <3 <3 <3 <3

>> No.7861228

How old are you guys still worshipping fight club lmao

>> No.7861239
File: 718 KB, 1291x845, spurdorator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you can beat up russkies in one season.
t. Russkiy.

>> No.7861273

Lol what movie is this?

>> No.7861331


>> No.7861395
File: 191 KB, 680x478, rustin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody has posted this

Rust i definetly the /fa/est character on tv right now

>> No.7861431

why do plebes all think fight club is good?

>> No.7861440

lrn2read the thread b4 posting

>> No.7861448

did you watch the movie?
Movie was a solid 8

>> No.7861510
File: 717 KB, 1152x1728, Sasha_Grey_2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which pornstar is the most /fa/?

>> No.7861519

dem cocksucking cheekbones tho

>> No.7861521

probably her.

>> No.7861524


the cinematography is top-notch and the thematic content is solid, but for me it gets too over the top to be a ~good~ movie

but i would imagine many like it for its overzealousness

>> No.7861777

only acceptable answer

>> No.7861802


retro euro pornstars, particularly the ones in salieri films, like selene and so on

>> No.7861832


How Can Leonardo DiCaprio Be Real If His Oscars Aren't Real

>> No.7861891
File: 147 KB, 2254x1500, MichaelPitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Pitt in BWE is quite /fa/

>> No.7861955
File: 52 KB, 496x790, donnie-dickhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7862025

good call, he's my vote, second is rust cohle

>> No.7862636

>lots of people think it's good
>'it must be bad then'

i think fight club is like coca cola
pretty much everyone likes coca cola except for maybe auntie margaratte.
and it tastes great
although with coca cola there aren't people who go around yelling 'coca cola is gross'

>> No.7862663

>although with coca cola there aren't people who go around yelling 'coca cola is gross'

I've known a few. Usually they're people who say it makes their teeth feel chalky after they take a sip. Personally, soda is like peanut butter to me. You think of how peanut butter tastes and the idea of it makes you want to vomit, but then you go eat some peanut butter and you're like "yeahh this is the life"

>> No.7862670

fucking a man
i mean i never go around yelling 'fight club is the best movie ever imma throw out my ikea coffee table and get toned from doing manly stuff' but i watch it once in a while and it's really like eating sweet stuff

>> No.7862683


Holy fuck that's the perfect analogy, i'm using that from now on

>> No.7862698

coca cola sucks ass

>> No.7862710

you could also swap coca cola for french fries, or fight club with pulp fiction or something
best way to make someone look like a cock is to remember when someone dislikes fight club and then don't talk about it
except for like a few weeks later, ask the person 'do you like french fries'
he'll be like 'uhm yeah i do' and you reply 'well but everyone else likes it too' and he/she should say 'well i dont care because it just tastes good' and before he's even really finished the sentence you say 'I THINK FIGHT CLUB IS GREAT MOVIE'
and then that person will really want to say fight club is bad but there's no arguments
it's great m8 i swear

>> No.7862715

coca cola is fucking gross along with any other kind of soda

>> No.7862732

that's great friend i really appreciate you being a special little snowflake
(i betis it the sparkles on your tongue you dont like)

>> No.7862736

In your throat, too. Shit hurts when it's cold.

>> No.7862751
File: 249 KB, 720x275, u can has rights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gross

at least your immense stupidity elicits the occasional chuckle, you cancerous fgt

high fructose corn syrup is very bad 4 your health though
drink healthier fizzy drinks

>> No.7862764

i can see that yeah
but take french fries
no one dislikes french fries, if just for like once in a while
i don't mean to be a dick here, but i've found that doing just whatever i like even though sometimes it's mainstream as fuck makes me happier
music for example, i listen to both bands everyone knows and and those obscure little groups with weird names that will never be well known but for some reason i just really like it
i've had friends who were always concerned with what other people are thinking and i've found those friendships to be really plain

>> No.7862769

i dont like fench fries, but i like salt..

>> No.7862779

well theres always the exceptional person
but i bet atleast 7 in 10 people like french fries

>> No.7862786
File: 43 KB, 645x403, 1393552646777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes from rich italian family
>all about the ladies
>dresses /fa/ as fuck
>goes on a rampage doesnt give a fuck if he dies
>kills a faggot
>an heroes with his qtpi juliet gf

>> No.7862792
File: 16 KB, 258x320, magnum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


magnum pi
>manly as fuck
>rich as fuck
>cool car
>great moustache
>is a p.i
>breaks crime apart like a retard does to chocolate cake
>always gets the honeys
>gets away with wearing shit no one else would

>> No.7862795

no it tastes like shit, why would i want to drink sugar and water mixed together, anything that sweet is disgusting

>> No.7862796

>eating french flies
>drinking coke
>eating ice cream
What you 12?
Grow the fuck up

>> No.7862810

Magnum wasn't rich, he was a god damn mooch.

>> No.7862853

i also enjoy the more sophisticated cuisine
i agree that sugar and water tastes like shit
this one time i had accidentally cut myself with a brand new stanley knife and becuase the cut was so clean i didn't even realise it untill i lost a lot of blood and almost passed out
people around me gave me water with lots of sugar in it to drink because that is supposed to help and yeah it was really gross
i asked for fizzy drinks but there weren't any around so the water & sugar had to make do but like i said it was disgusting
so yeah i know what i'm talking about
coca cola is tasty as fuck
but again, if you dont like it that's fine i already said there's always exceptions
you remind me of my ex though who complimented me on my fit and some days later wanted me to get rid of this tshirt 'because why do you even have stuff from zara' and then i told her yeah that is the shirt you liked, remember, and then we had a fight
anyway she would always say how she didnt like certain things that lots of people do like and not really give a good reason for it

>> No.7862858

idc whether other ppl like it or not, soda is just gross imo

>> No.7862879

she had more fun traits like that
she'd always bitch about not being materialistic and how she hated ikea and everything
so once i told her to get rid of her macbook then
she immediatly replied 'yeah but i need that for work' so i told her to get a cheap laptop that does the same, and meanwhile get rid if your ipad, ipod and iphone aswell and get a cheap samsung smartphone (because i agree you really can't go without whatsapp these days)
she told me 'i didn't get it' and i told her 'i thought not getting it was the whole point of not being materialistic' and we had a fight again

>> No.7862884

well apparantly you do care because you want everyone here to know
you can't argue that like a lot of people do like it

>> No.7862990

oslo 31 august,

great movie

>> No.7863662

Brad Pitt in Ocean's 11 + 12 + 13

>> No.7863670

did he play himself?

>> No.7863687


>Educated and respected.
>Always in a suit.
>Murders people he considers rude.
>Invites his friends over to unknowingly eat his victims.
>His loft is filled with fine art.
>His kitchen is filled with high-end cookware.
>Manipulates everyone he knows.

>> No.7863688


It's supposed to over the top because it's


The main characters imagination

>> No.7863694

mads as hannibal is best hannibal hehehehe

>> No.7863695
File: 1.86 MB, 4256x2832, 1393563526165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7863802

Damn, sounds like my kind of movie.

You forgot
>can cook like nobody's business

>> No.7863815


Fuck Yeah.

>cool facial scars
>gets in fights and loses due to alcoholism and small fists
>part time skid row bum
>part time government employee at post office
>likes girls with thick legs
>drinks port wine. All day err'day
>Father beat him with a razor strop
>Raped that bitch in that elevator one time
>Prone to walnut sized boils and pustules all over body as a youth
>Gives no fucks and writes shit

>> No.7863900
File: 167 KB, 600x485, hunter-s-thompson-bestquotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7863920

hes not fictional

>> No.7863927

>fictional characters

>> No.7863931


watch fear and loathing nigga, plus this interview:


>> No.7863936


he's as real as you are unread

>> No.7863947

If you would've watched the interview, he's stressing that people often can't distinguish between HST (real) and Raoul Duke (fictional, but a more exaggerated version of him)

alot of what people attribute to HST is fiction

>> No.7863958

I dunno, man. That doesn't sound fah at all compared to James Bond or Hannibal

>> No.7863972

>he's as real as you are unread

so you're implying he isn't real now?

you're as dumb as I am sexy (which is very)

>> No.7863984

hes a manlet doe

>> No.7864021
File: 436 KB, 841x1280, 1389418429489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives himself a facial every morning
>combs hair neatly
>listens to Huey Lewis and the news
>kills whores
>snorts cocaine
>dresses neatly
>constantly judging others
Pretty much most of /fa/

>> No.7864064

being a little pussy isn't /fa/. The most /fa/ character has to be either Gendo or Rei. Maybe Ryoji

>> No.7864100

Dude on the left is very good looking, I like him in Dexter

>> No.7864114

i give ur mum a facial every morning

>> No.7864118

and that's the response i was waiting for.

>> No.7864121

1.) Take off your name and trip, you don't deserve it
2.) You just got told by trunks, you should be swallowing his load and saying "Thank you, master"
3.) No samefag here. Check tripcodes niqqa

>> No.7864127

but as a young fasion boy, i deverve a trip. I was born in 2001 and i hqave more fasion then any of you dicks.

>> No.7864128

shut the fuck up u little punk bitch

>> No.7864138

you sound like a little bitch

>> No.7864169
File: 73 KB, 640x480, fasion boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is me
more /fa/ then you will ever be

>> No.7864175
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>> No.7864185
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>> No.7864190


ya got a problem with jesus, bro.

>> No.7864202

fuck off, stop shitting up my board

>> No.7864198
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>> No.7864206
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>> No.7864211

is that gatsby? havent seen it yet

>> No.7864215

mmore like satsby, am i right guys?

>> No.7864216

>pierce brosnan

worst actor, gtfo

>> No.7866518

Not to forget: he owns a pair of Common Projects

>> No.7866561


no it's django

>> No.7866890

I think I'd like being your boyfriend, Anon. You sound nice.

>> No.7867330

everytime someone posts a pic of this show i remember how fucking rediculous some of it was.

>> No.7867388
File: 560 KB, 1280x853, There+Will+Be+Blood_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>King of the fucking oil industry
>Does not let others get in his way
>Killed that nigga who claimed to be his brother
>Dope ass clothes
>Drinks your milkshake

>> No.7867396

amazed no one has written in Sherlock

> self emplyed
> minimal friend
> awesome london flat
> hated/loved by police
> saville row everything
> loves drugs
> smarter than everyone
> shuts honeys down everywhere
> sociopath

>> No.7867406

>taking it this seriously

>> No.7867425
File: 1.60 MB, 245x170, magneto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dresses well
>Has the whole tortured soul thing going
>Controls magnetism and can fucking fly

>> No.7867426
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, the400blows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fight Club is the most moronic movie ever. I really don't get why people still see it as insightful.

>> No.7867435


If your entire exposure to philosophy has consisted of film and you don't read then Fight Club will appeal to you. It's not a bad movie. It's just pretty ham fisted.

>> No.7867443
File: 63 KB, 759x967, garu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> underage gigolo/burglar
> sociopath
> pulls off a women's fur coat
> pulls off tribal tattoos

any other LIE fans on /fa/?

>> No.7867466

It's so bad and lame as shit. I watched it during my edgy teenager phase and couldn't get into it, just made me cringe. True story.

>> No.7867483

Stop watching fight club once project mayhem starts - nothing to get from the mobile after that

>> No.7867489

It's a MRA movie with a M. Night Shymalongadingdong *twist*

>> No.7867491

>bad mouths movie
>posts image from worse movie

>> No.7867492
File: 365 KB, 1000x1000, 1393635636032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.7867495

nigga was real and dresses like a white boy on the beach.

>> No.7867502

it also gives me a creepy feeling when i see a middle aged man dressing boyishly

>> No.7867503

lol that picture is so shit.

the person who made it just took a picture of the joker and ran it through vectormagic without changing any settings.

>> No.7867524

nigga was real and dresses like a white boy on the beach.

>> No.7867549

you've probably got some sorta daddy issues dude

>> No.7867560

I get the same feeling when I see a middle age woman in Forever 21. yipes