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7853045 No.7853045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does /fa/ read?

who are your favorite writers/works?

>> No.7853054

American Psycho by Christian Bale

>> No.7853063

Lord of the Rings by Hugh Jackson

>> No.7853068

golden bears and the 3 men - mother gose

>> No.7853073

Fight Club by Brad Pitt and Derek

>> No.7853078

yeah but im really lazy and have bad focus so i dont get around to reading as much as i'd like to
atm im reading the pale king by david foster wallace
next im gonna read the harry potter series lol
is this /fa/

>> No.7853081

hunger games, twilight, harry potter

>> No.7853090

Is that b8?

>> No.7853093

wow ur so funny man

remind me again why you trip?

>> No.7853096

philip k dick

is schizophrenia /fa/?

>> No.7853103


camus and kafka

currently reading myth of sisyphus v engaging

>> No.7853102

am i a pleb cus jack london is in my top 5 authors?

>> No.7853109


>> No.7853113

currently reading The Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche

>> No.7853118

>tips fedora
but srsly dont b one of those fucks who reads one work by a philosopher then thinks it's the end all logic regarding whatever subject matter he covers. read, be critical, and observe other viewpoints

>> No.7853122

ive read all of his other stuff this is the last one ive got left

>> No.7853125


we ap lit now

>> No.7853128

You have fallen into your own b8.

>> No.7853130

kierkegaard, stirner, beckett
v. good

>> No.7853135

Only good books in the thread

>> No.7853147

only autism in the thread

>> No.7853170


>> No.7853219

how/where 2 start with proust?

>> No.7853230


>muh leap of faith


>muh spooks
>why is Marx so much smarter than me?
>le ebin Young Hegelians trole :^)


Beckett is the only good one

>> No.7853242

oscar wilde is pretty damn good/cool. im reading the portrait of dorian grey atm

>> No.7853264

yes, that's certainly his best novel...

>> No.7853317

Start with Swann's Way. His prose can be a bit dense at first but approach it as you would a piece of poetry, nice and slow. It'll be well worth the effort. The rest of In Search of Lost Time is just as fantastic.

>> No.7853334

I read Myth of Sisyphus last week. It was very good, and really fun to read. I haven't smoked weed in a long time, but right after I bought the book I had a date and smoked with the girl.
When she dropped me off at my place I started reading when I was still high. I've never gotten so much out of single sentences in my life.

Kafka is really good too. I recently bought the complete collections of short stories, which I am working my way through.

>> No.7853362

the guy who sells me books at uni recommended swann's way because he said in search of lost time was really a series that i needed to read in order. he told me how when he was my age he tried reading swann's way first and most of the humor went over his head but he did it start to finish years ago and really got a lot more out of it?

so anyway b/c /fa/ and being broke i've never gotten around to buying the complete series but thanks for reminding me. he warned me about denseness and said to take it slow too.

im not that far into stirner to get the jokes, im only reading it b/c i was told it overlaps A LOT w/ nietzsche and i was just curious

yes beckett is great tho

>> No.7853392

> most of the humor went over his head
this this this
what most people don't realize is that what makes in search of lost time such an enjoyable read is the opposition between the narrators wisdom as an adult and the cringeworthy behavior of his younger self. which is very relatable for the young posers that dwell on 4chan

>> No.7853406


kafka short ficition is a lot better than his novels imo his style becomes far too stifling and claustrophobic read in long form for me if you get a change pick up a copy of kafkas journals they are ...otherwordly and desperate like he was writing on his deathbed 24/7 apathetic and fairytale like

>> No.7853431
File: 39 KB, 125x125, 1363830400261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pynchon my favourite
Reading Nietzsche's old stuff atm

>> No.7853470

Kafka, Hesse, Pynchon, DFW and Salinger are my favorites, havent really started with philosophy yet.

>> No.7853493

how the fuck have camus/kafka/nietzsche all been mentioned more than once but no one reads sartre

you're all fucking philistines and casuals

>> No.7853517


> Holding elitist pretences over Fisher Price's Existentialism: Babby's First Philosophy

fuccboi pls

>> No.7853520

Currently reading Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.
It's bretty gud.

>> No.7853523

yeah it's a well fun book
i dunno why all the publications of it have really shit covers tho lol

>> No.7853525

both parents are history teachers/professors so i was born to world where history is the most important thing.

>> No.7853527

Trying 2 finish The Lorax

>> No.7853532
File: 51 KB, 300x452, catch-22-joseph-heller-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, true. That's the one I got. Kind of embarrasing to read it in public lol.

>> No.7853540
File: 201 KB, 311x500, sirens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no joke i just remembered that one and it's actually sick
that's the one i read for the first time
it's 60s corgi iirc which always have good covers like this kurt one

but all ones i see in shops now for catch 22 are rank

>> No.7853590

yeah, i like i too. very, very funny with a decent moral message

>> No.7853629

I actually started with In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower because I didn't know Swann's Way was the first book. Looking back, I'd almost recommend it that way, especially if you are just delving into Proust.

I'm currently about two thirds of the way through the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy. It's excellent and gives an insight into a place and time I have always wanted to know more about.

>> No.7853698

>Fisher Price's Existentialism: Babby's First Philosophy
i lol'd

>> No.7853722

Putain comment vous arrivez a honnetement apprecier tout ces putaind oeuvres genre Proust tsais? Putain jvous jures, Flaubert et tout ces suceuses, ca mfout le seum comme c pas croyable.

>> No.7853747

i like murakami

>> No.7853760

Currently working on Ullyses, I'm about halfway. I went in with the wrong mindset, trying to uncover a plot etc.
Now I just read it for the beauty of language and the humor in it and it's much easier to get through than most people suggest.

>> No.7853792

you should read the new bloomsday book at the same time it really helps

>> No.7853796

yeah pynchon's great

just finished reading Invisible Man, that was pretty damn good

now i have to read a load of stuff about central park, which isnt gonna be as exciting

>> No.7853808

when i was younger i was really into greek mythology and shit.
trying to read actual translations now, but it's kind of tedious.

>> No.7853864

Ehh, I kinda wanted to experience it without any guides. I might do it on a second readtrough.

>> No.7853886

I promise it's better
there are so many references that you wouldn't get unless you lived in early 20th century Dublin

>> No.7853934

Even as a historian?
You sparked my curiousity either way, I'm going to try it.

>> No.7853943
File: 13 KB, 340x250, murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like haruki murakami

inb4 >>/tumblr/ from ppl that have never read any of his books

>> No.7854100


I read Kafka on the shore

>> No.7854115

dance dance dance > norwegian wood > kafka on the shore = blind willow, sleeping woman (short story collection) > wild sheep chase

just started wind up bird chronicle, enjoying so far. dance dance dance is still one of my favourite books ever though.

norwegian wood film is surprisingly good, obviously skimps on a lot of detail that makes murakami enjoyable and overlooks the humour mostly to make way for the colossal sadness. harder to get across subtle humour in a film than a book

>> No.7854124

Now that I think of it, I only read self-help books lol.

>> No.7854129

Spring heeled jack by Mark Hodder (Surrealism, steampunk, fantasy, humor).

Still unbeaten second favorite Lord Of the Rings!

>> No.7854137

Mag ik je een knuffel geven?

>> No.7854147
File: 1.14 MB, 260x146, 1376647617133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking straightforward like that makes you look like a creep.

>> No.7854159

S-sorry, I don't have much experience :(
please take my hugginity meet me at Brussels xoxox

>> No.7854163

Is that Alex Turner, the singer of Arctic Monkeys?

>> No.7854171

brussels is scary though

I don't think so, gif seems quite old.

>> No.7854177

I only read edgy books.

>> No.7854190

Kom vechten dan G

>> No.7854195

it's from "italian spiderman"

>> No.7854196

itt: /fa/ embarrasses itself

>> No.7854208
File: 926 KB, 500x275, tumblr_mjz8scyHP41s289jro1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah thanks man.

Lol at apologizing for which literature you like. >implying it isn't one of the most personal things ever.

>> No.7854215

>I read Myth of Sisyphus last week. It was very good, and really fun to read. I haven't smoked weed in a long time, but right after I bought the book I had a date and smoked with the girl.
>When she dropped me off at my place I started reading when I was still high. I've never gotten so much out of single sentences in my life.
>Miss Lonelyhearts by Nathaniel West is excellent while stoned

>> No.7854226
File: 34 KB, 448x576, 0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might sounds a bit stupid but i pretty much only read classics, but i tend to like them, plus some entry level phil. thus far I'd say dostoyevsky is my favourite author.

reading after dark atm, its really good compared to 1Q84 imo, might try some wind up bird when im finished.

>> No.7854300

Egypt theory

>> No.7854307

>reading gook shit
you guys sure are autistic weebs

>> No.7854310

call me a teenaged girl but Norwegian Wood is fucking great

>> No.7854315


>> No.7854316

donald queer hotay

>> No.7854325

There is nothing wrong with liking something japanese. But i feel that many people will latch onto stuff just because of it's origin, and we should all watch out for that.

>> No.7854322

confederacy of dunces and master & margarita goat endings

>> No.7854327


fuck dharma bums pos book

burn the hippies

>> No.7854329

Just finished Hrabal's Too Loud a Solitude, it was great. Just read a bunch of DFW's essays and i'm starting Tender is the Night. I love Fitz, I really do.

>> No.7854356

interesting, how come tho ?

>> No.7854375

NKJ bible
Confessions Of an Economic Hitman
i dont read alot or as much as i wish i can

>> No.7854430

Currently reading The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut.

It's O.K. so far.

>> No.7854433

yukio mishima

>> No.7854454

Just finished A Clockwork Orange, I don't really read much but I enjoyed it.

>> No.7854480

Tender is the Night is brilliant, I liked it even more than Gatsby.

>> No.7854482

Mon gars, retourne dans ta banlieue.

>2/10 Tu m'as fait répondre

>> No.7854487

I tried reading that but it had some kind of weird slang or dialect? I tried guessing it for like a chapter then just gave up. Does it get better as you go?

>> No.7854488

idunno man, murakami is a bestseller in my country, most people seem to like his writing.

>> No.7854502

Yeah it's the teenage slang. Depends what you mean by better the slang stays throughout the book but you get used to it and it's a pretty good read I think.

>> No.7854500

Oh putain la confiance.
Jnai aucune peine jte nik ta race

>> No.7854522

i have studied russian. Most of the slengs are in russian and english mixture. It was a bit easier to guess. Also watching the movie helps a lot, but the book is way better.
>im not a hipster

>> No.7854541
