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/fa/ - Fashion

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7842793 No.7842793 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a London meetup. I'm a retard and have no idea how to make it happen but I want to be autistic with friends....

>> No.7842804

I'm away from London at uni at the moment so wont be able to make it anyway. The only reason I can think of people not wanting to go is feeling bad about their fits. There is definitely an elitist feel the effay and tbh most other boards on 4chan. It should basically be a rule that if you turn up its okay to be autistic because you cant help who you are, but don't be a faggot about things. Just have fun.

>> No.7842813

>tfw social anxiety, schizoid personality disorder and currently depressed
maybe next time lads

>> No.7842918

everyone is gonna be the same, lets be miserable together

>> No.7842928

I am down for this
>north london

>> No.7842930


>> No.7843123

I'm down for this, studying in central so can go wherever

>> No.7843132

you just should have a meetup in the summer im from america but ill be in london in june for vacay :>

>> No.7843139

there's actually been quite a few already. about 10 of us went to danny brown on friday. if you text this number: 07925930687 one of the boys will hook you up with the whatsapp group

>> No.7843148

ah tite I went 2 danny brown on Friday, I'm a white guy with a headband and monochrome clothes
>w2c ket @ meetup

>> No.7843157

plz be in london

>> No.7843167

dunno, there certainly isn't a shortage of benzos tho :^)

>> No.7843290

im def off benzos now, fuck that, took 5mg etiz last night, handled way more before, had a pint or two, blacked out for 4 hrs, did some really weird stuff, opened every container in the house repeatedly

>> No.7843311
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im keen. will be there in my rick leather and sweatpants. no geos though :(

>> No.7843321

fuck bennys m8
if u wanna get rid of dat anxiety n that then just pick up a g of speed

>> No.7843355

why didn't u come out on friday, yawn? we would have all loved to see u :DD

>> No.7843359

im ill
2 much smoking has fucked me up lol
hope u all had a fun time tho xxxxxx

>> No.7843367

I'd be down to it but I'm not /fa/ enough. Don't know if spending a night with a bunch of faggots would equal a good time though.

>inb4 banter in nandos with the lads

>> No.7843383

>not getting morleys in peckham and then going to see a film for £5 then doing a mugging

>> No.7843397

yawn come soho

>> No.7843405

i hope he realizes that neck tattoo ruins his jawline

>> No.7843414

was it 10 autists or wat

>> No.7843521

nah, every1 was pretty sound i thought

>> No.7843641

I feel like everyone would be super skeezy and awkward and actually be trying really hard to look or act /fa/ and that would just be tragic...

>> No.7843961

said the autist

why do u trip

>> No.7843988

what? because i've had this trip for like 4 years and its entertaining to use it when i visit. calm down.

>> No.7844018

Can we do it in easter? Don't want to miss it whilst i'm at Uni in Belfast where no one lives ever

>> No.7844028

I went to london this weekend and it was unreal.
I saw people wearing RO irl for the first time, there were rich asian kids wearing givenchy that ate at lousy restaurants in chinatown, the girls were staring at me and calling me sweetheart.
Too bad I was with my dad.

>> No.7844050


where are you from? somewhere else in England?

>> No.7844057

lmao post fit

>> No.7844077

fucking greece
black knit sweater
zara slim denim
columbia parka
I'm not even /fa/

>> No.7844115

id be scared of you fags

>> No.7844116

what kind of stuff happens at these meetups

>> No.7844142

i have relatives that live near thesseloniki. where u at?

>> No.7844175

huh, that's surprising
I'm at Athens

>> No.7844208

is anyone listening to zane lowe now i think danny brown is supposed to be on

>> No.7844220

And then people take pictures and post it here, bumping their thread for three days hoping, despite all odds, someone will compliment their fit and say "wow looks like a fun time."

>> No.7844230

Why would you go and see danny brown, is it a swagfag meetup or somethin

>> No.7844241

when did i walk in2 a time machine

>> No.7844329

>confirmed for going to some shit anime meet up
us benzo boys merked it at danny b

>> No.7844426

Only place I go is 4chan and alpha PUA blogs to read tactics on how to manipulate women.
Suck my dick.

Danny Brown is cool though.
Too bad I saw him live when XXX came out not just gay Old.

>> No.7844451

fight me x and y now

>> No.7844461

someone pay for my flight to london

>pls take me to london

>> No.7844474

Make this same thread 4 months from now and I'm down. London summer is GOAT British weather.

>> No.7844488

I just went Oxford Street today but sure

me too, where you at?

>> No.7844508

North West London represent!

>> No.7844875

we got drunk and popped etizolam at danny brown and then went back to one dude's house and smoked weed, had some more etizolam and listened to yung lean before passing out

>> No.7844901


no one would want you to come, fag

>> No.7844913

I'll come, when/where?

>> No.7844916

I'm in Manchester, but have to be down there in about 4 weeks. Should we organise around this? Obviously that would be selfishly beneficial.

>don't buy the most expensive stuff
>don't buy major makes or brands

but people worrying here about their spaghetti tells me this is the least of everyone's worry

>> No.7844921

De donde eres? Soy Chileno, pero vivo en el norte.

>> No.7844925

smoke weed with me in leicester

>> No.7844939

qt asian requirement, must bring atleast 3 for show and tell


>> No.7844955

>anything good on oxford street

except dat salt beef in Selfridges

>> No.7844956

sam ere. Mainly asos.com

>> No.7844979

go shopping or eat food and talk
literally wat u d w/ frandz

>> No.7845008


wow that sounds really lame

>> No.7845021
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>> No.7845027

that's where i went, i was just looking for some sunglasses but didn't find the pair i wanted

usually go mayfair for clothes

>> No.7845078

>go mayfair
where are your prepositions
confirmed working class scum

>> No.7845093

u wot m8

you've got dick owens, yohji, acne and others there

>> No.7845098

follow your dreams!

>> No.7845145
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danny brown was tight

>mfw newcross after

>> No.7845150

what the duck loads of people from north London? I'm from near Watford

>> No.7845159
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>> No.7845183


>> No.7845230

I don't think anyone wants anybody specific to come.... it's about coming of your own volition. That's kind of the point of a meetup....

>> No.7845774

when did u man leave? did u stay the night? i woke up and you were all gone

>> No.7845810

Someone should have taken a picture of us all laid out on the floor

*tips fedora*

>> No.7845816

hahaha, that fedora action was jokes. i'd forgotten about that

>> No.7848316

anyone going to make an email or something to coordinate it?

>> No.7848323


>> No.7848373


nah though, i'd be scared, internet people are dangerous

>> No.7848464

Where in nw?

>> No.7848496


>> No.7848693

Mill Hill represent

>> No.7848701


i'm currently contemplating suicide
maybe if i attend the meetup i'll live another day

>> No.7849074


>> No.7849271

Pleb compared to radlett

>> No.7849284

dont be a debbie downer though

where would this meet up happen? im in south

>> No.7849318

Harrow where? I'm at Northwick Park at the Westminster Uni campus

>> No.7849325

>tfw in PA
seriously who the fuck is in Pennsylvania

>> No.7849355

south harrow haha, nice to see locals on here

>> No.7849361

All the people i've met who go on /fa/ are pretty cool.

>> No.7849373

that actually sounds good. NMH are playing in May so we do that? What sort of age is everyone?

>> No.7849400

Why are there so many chinese in harrow?

>> No.7849404

I'm from PA. Philly area, studying in Oregon atm though.

>> No.7849406

Northwick Park is fucking awful, why is it so shit here? All there is here is terrible chain pubs and Trinity, which is awful too. I'm from Maida Vale but I'm at the halls here this year. All dem Indians everywhere.

>> No.7849408

rarely ever see chinese people here??? just indians

>> No.7849414

I dunno, as a white anglo-saxon male i feel like a minority here.

>> No.7849422

statistically white people make up less than 50% of harrow's population

>> No.7849476

can someone confirm if this whatsapp group thing is legit?

>> No.7849480

Think its been going for over a month, when that guy was claiming he could get people in to a zomby boiler room set.

(im not in it)

>> No.7849513
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>tfw seeing them twice in two days

>> No.7849965

Because when they get off the pla e and go into a taxi they say "harrow"

>> No.7850017


>> No.7850166

shut up mouth breather

>> No.7850201

it does tho nerd, ill fukn rek u bitch 6'4 220 pounds i swear dude

>> No.7850232
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>> No.7850271

radlett is where all the faggot jews live m8

>> No.7850291

Instead of buying expensive shit on Oxford Street and spilling spaghetti over who has the bigger wallet, why don't you all come down and join me in Croydon to mock the the infestation of Primark plebs.

>> No.7850369

Ye m8, so if you have bank U live there so all the jews want to buy your house and it becomes expensive

>> No.7850419

>confirmed for jew

>> No.7850507

anyone up for going rave or something

you can't be socially awkward on dizzle and your edgy fits will be right at home in an abandoned warehouse

greenwich here

>> No.7850558

ugh, fuck rave. i went to one 2 weeks ago in canning town and it was so bookey. you get loads of people coming for the wrong reasons.

>> No.7850573


artofpsy? i was there too m8, and yeah it was fucking bouky and they fucked up with the venue, 4000 people queuing up to get into that tiny carpetright

as a general rule, any of the big ones (artofpsy, shindig, bpm) as well as any OTT rave (or any of their other names like overground or w/e) should be avoided, that's where the dickheads turn up

my m8 was running one last week in beckton and it was pretty sik though, you just need to find the ones that attract the right crowd

>> No.7850586

so I have a family history of depression. I. Scared to take mdma because of this. Am I being a faggot or is that reasonable?

>> No.7850599

true fam. definitely need to be hitting up one where it doesn't feel like i'm in a gas chamber.

>> No.7850614

i was severely suicidal at the end of last year after ages of depression. on nye i ended up taking about a gram of dizz (throughout the night not in one go) and it honestly reminded me what it's like to be happy again. since then i've been mostly fine and i'm enjoying life. don't be worrying about ur family's history man, just chill out and do some drugs.

>> No.7850628

MDMA is probably the drug least likely to make you depressed. My experiences with MDMA haven't been like other people's. It makes me really relaxed, but playful and calm.
Drugs always seem to give me different results than other people i'm around who take them.

>> No.7850639


>> No.7850656

i'd prefer some shitty meetup during the day, the idea of being on anything with a bunch of /fa/ creeps seems shady as fuck they'd probably steal my shoes

>> No.7850660

Md will be fine. Don't take any psychedelics though.

Whenever I take it I can put myself in whatever mood I want. If our intentions were to have a huge party and get blitzed then I could have a great time on MD. With another group of friends however we'll just take a few lines, sit quietly listen to music, watching films and snuggling up with a qt. I'll just generally change mood to whatever suits the group.

>> No.7850670

if you want to come to a meet up literally all you have to do is join the whatsapp. there have been multiple /fa/ london meets organised via it

>> No.7853043

no offence or anything but i dont wanna meet up and get off my face while watching some singer songwriter who i dont actually like

>> No.7853157

It's legit, about 14 fuccbois in it now

>> No.7853163

I'm central London atm with the bae
live in South east

>> No.7853179

wow ur boring
get off effay pussyole

>> No.7853180

suggest what u do want to do then?

>> No.7853321

I live in Peckham... right by the cinema

>> No.7853387

damn, bruh. i must live within 100m of u

>> No.7853670

idc something with good lighting so we can take pictures and pretend we had a good time before we skulk home on the tube

>> No.7853686


Fuck you guys you're making me miss my Peckham dayz.

>tfw can't even afford to live in a shitty flatshare on Hollydale rd anymore

>> No.7853718

ye fam. narm born and raised since '92. best place in london

>> No.7853755

peckham is sick, i grew up in dulwich

>> No.7853767

how to be fa with a posh accent?

>> No.7853793

did u go to school in dulwich? maybe i know u

>> No.7853802

dude if mdma makes u calm u probably have adhd and dont know it lol

>> No.7853874

im not posh lol
i got teased for having a grimey london accent when i moved

i only went to primary school there, dulwich hamlet

>> No.7853931

for real? meet me at the station tomorrow at 11am... come alone (I won't rape you I swear ;-; )

no but srsly should meet up, not tomorrow though..
I need a work out buddy cause my Irl friends are lazy

>> No.7853946

Lol go there with a few people and there's gonna be at least two people who get their phones stolen

>> No.7854343

omw home an hour ago i saw a very effay blonde boy wearing all black on harrow high street

pls see this and hmu

>> No.7854350

Uh wot, have you ever taken mdma? It can be used as a chill drug easily. Basically what this guy says. It's a drug where you control what you want to do, not the other way about. >>7850660

>> No.7854359

i got work anyway

erm, i dont really "do" the gym. but sometimes i go running up and down the canal path in my gyakusou set :))

wouldn't mind saying hi tho, how long u lived in narm?