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/fa/ - Fashion

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7835188 No.7835188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

fashion feels thread

>> No.7835243
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>tfw you wear clothes

>> No.7835425

>bidding on an item on Ebay
>get sniped 3 seconds before it ends
fucking bullshit!

>> No.7835432



>> No.7835443

Oh my god yes.

>> No.7835445

>millionaire(dad owns an oil equipment company.. he's a billionaire ;_;)
>no gf

>> No.7835455
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>> No.7835457
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>> No.7835459

wow you got lucky
my parents are pretty loaded but not THAT loaded... those upper middle class feels

w2c brick to break the glass ceiling that will let me into the rich class

>> No.7835462

sucks :(((

>> No.7835464

if you're so rich why dont you buy a bitch?

>> No.7835469

I'm not that desperate and plus I'm a hopeless romantic

>> No.7835472

TFW you can't jerk off to naked girls anymore because only girls in really nice clothes get you off.

>> No.7835480

Why does this thread read like lil b lyrics?

>> No.7835488

>browse /fa/ for a while, see all the beautiful thin people
>think your legs are fat and disgusting
>tfw almost able to wrap your hand around your ankle
>tfw thighs are still huge

>> No.7835492

because lil b is an internet god

>> No.7835505

>tfw you realize clothes always look better in pictures where lighting and angle are made to be perfect than in real life

>> No.7835510
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>You have a good fashion sense anon

>> No.7835528

>tfw get your friend into fashion
>he becomes more /fa/ than you and never shuts up about "muh designer"

>> No.7835558
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>mfw I actually started judging people in my head
I never wanted this.

>> No.7835569

>tfw too poor to buy something you really like and when you're paycheck finally comes it's out of stock

this is the worst hell

>> No.7835601

Oh god, same here. /Fa turned me into such a prick. I can't go a day without passing by somebody and chuckling at their autist sneakers now. They could all be really chill, honest people, too. And I'd never know. I'm horrible.

>> No.7835605

>have 1 fashion interested friend
>total dadcore dude
>not into streetwear or anything else
>uniqlo, zara, usually what he's dressed in
>try not to judge or come off like a douche
>never neg his fits or anything, just make suggestions of other brands
>never brag about my cops
>over at his house
>walk into his room
>'hey check out these cool new raw selvege jeans i got'
>pick them up
>flimsy as fuck
>look at tag
>98% cotton 2% elastic
>look at selvege line
>sewn on strip ends after 5 inches
>they're fucking 20jeans
>h-how much did you pay for these?
>'$60! way better price than yours!'
>y-yeah... nice cop bro..
am i a dick? he's got money to dress well, even if he's #menswear he's doing it pretty wrong.

>> No.7835611

This, everyone I walk past my mind keeps saying 'shit' 'shit' 'kinda nice' 'shit' 'fat'
I hate it

>> No.7835613
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>see something on Amazon I feel like buying
>Buy $50 gift cert next day so I don't need to give Amazon my card details
>price jumps up to $60 overnight

>> No.7835616

leave it in your cart but dont buy it. when the price drops, they'll send you an email.

>> No.7835625

>get dragged to university student center for something tonight
>there's a group of guys doing a capella to lorde's royals song inside the lobby
>they're practically all wearing either roshes or janoskis
>tfw standing there in my guidis feeling superior

god damn, when i was in college we were getting shitfaced at house parties on friday nights, not singing a capella to some dumb kiwi girl's song in the student center

jesus christ i wanted some1 to kill me

>> No.7835626


you can gently call out your friends

just do it earnestly and with good intent

>> No.7835627

no. being nice is effay.

>> No.7835618
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Is looking down on poorly dressed/looking people /fa/? It doesn't feel /fa/ ;_;

>> No.7835628

Eh, at least he's trying. I have a friend who's "not into fashion" but, instead of wearing regular tees and jeans like most people, he somehow manages to find the most hideous clothes possible and combine them. He's like an mfa fuccboi, yet somehow worse.

And yes, I have heard girls tell him they like his clothes before.

>> No.7835635

The way I see it is that people have different priorities when it comes to what hobby they are into.

>> No.7835632

Not at all. I want to help people become more fashionable, not look down on them like some snooty nobleman.

>> No.7835633

kek why dont you tell him

>> No.7835643

Cheers. I hate Amazon with a passion, but they're pretty much the only game in town.

>> No.7835658

more of thesee pictures pls

>> No.7835672

idk he knows i'm into reading about high fashion, and i dont dress like it but if i were to correct every thing about his fits, it'd be nonstop. i dont dress in all designer, but i keep it understated with high quality garms. to him and other #menswear bros i probably dress like shit because im not wearing flashy shit, but he just has no knowledge of how to put an outfit together and knows less of how to spend money wisely.

>> No.7835670
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>> No.7835683


>b-but I got my guidis

you sound like a fucking loser

>> No.7835723

who is this based on

>> No.7835737
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>tfw get into fashion after running into /fa/
>about to be college student/still living with parents
>have inspo folder for future reference
>can't start being /fa/ because no money
>have to keep wearing pleb/normalfag fits until I can buy new clothes/have income
because lil b the based god wrote those posts himself

>> No.7835743

get a fucking job

>> No.7835747

"that's real moisture repellence" gets me every time

>> No.7835748
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I'll play

>> No.7835757

>about to be college student/still living with parents

student living with parents would be the easiest lifestyle
just get a job where you work like 14 hours a week and you'll be sweet

i'm a student living out of home, my parents pay my rent (bless them) but apart from that i don't get any support. shit sux (but it could be worse)

>> No.7835754
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>> No.7835759
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This shit all reminds me of /fa/

>> No.7835766


does anyone have that quote about how the "mirror has ruined us"? it mentions how man had to bow humbly to a river to see his reflection before its invention

>> No.7835776

Its fa as fuck. Anyone saying otherwise is a pure fuccboi

>> No.7835789
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I cant right now. Maybe after I start college I could squeeze in a small job the side as long as it doesn't interfere with my studies.

The thing is I'm still a senior in high school (secondary school) and I'll be moving to another city in about 5 months where I'll be living on campus. I'll look for a job with little hours but I have to make sure it doesn't get in the way of my studies because I can't afford to fuck up my grades. I wish I could stay with parents but the college I'll be attending is 3/4 hours away, if I decide to stay in-state. Thanks for the advice though. appreciate it.

>> No.7835805
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>> No.7835851

>I wonder if Jay-Z is still my Bro
You can't keep them apart.

>> No.7835986
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>> No.7836008

>buy skinny fit suit trousers
>pockets bulge out
>return them
>need pockets that are slashed
>also need skinny fit
where find

>> No.7836016

>buy first pair of raw jeans
>blueish grey color
>love them

>realize that entire wardrobe only fits into the black/white/grey aesthetic and nothing you have really works with blue

>> No.7836026

Grey on top works, even black/white + grey can go well
Footwear might be the only problem you have, but white shoes are good and even black can be mitigated somewhat
You're gonna make it, mate

>> No.7836042

Black, white, and grey all work with blue. Jesus Christ, yall come onto fa and learn how to buy everything in black w/o learning bare basics.

>> No.7836052

>go to the mall and see this asian dude wearing Adidas Jeremy Scott in this horrible colorway.
>he looks over at me wearing my DBSS mirin them hard
>as we walk past he says "nice shoes..."
>before I could reply to what he said, him and his friends run into urban outfitters and start talking amongst themelves looking back at me.

>> No.7836068

>chilling at work
>3 hours in to a 10 hour day
>sudden idea for a sweet fit
>want to try it out to see if it will work
>6 hours until i can test it
>think about it all day

>fit is ok

>> No.7836079
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>3 hours into 10 hour day
>6 hours until fit test
>9 hours into 10 hour day


>> No.7836080

what is that thing

i have a gift card too and need to spend it

>> No.7836081
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Here's a fit that I think works.
>tfw think Brown shoes would work 100x better doe
I think it's more about the pattern tbh.
>slim fit shirt making me look fat as fuck
>tailor tomorrow

>> No.7836086
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Other boots
>that fucking shirt

>> No.7836087

you must be small as fuck my nigga

>> No.7836096

fam u need to lay off those shiny cheap lookin express shirts

collar make me wanna throw up my damn 4th meal

>> No.7836102

why you wearin the russell brand pants man

>> No.7836117
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not really doe
>6'0, 157
sry m8
It's topman. I bought a slim shirt from Uniqlo in black doe. Tuesday cannot get here fast enough
I like that real snug fit m8

>> No.7836124

>tfw cant tell if something is too small

>> No.7836126

hours are approx bruh
also i leave early
also i made a typo

>> No.7836138

Dude why are you standing on a toilet lmao>>7836081

>> No.7836144

can't get a full body shot anywhere else
makes me laugh every time
>tfw toilet lid has footprints

>> No.7837696

>tfw only become somewhat okay looking when I open my eyes wide and raise my eyebrows
>this is hard to keep up will give you forehead creases

Why is it so hard to not be ugly?

>> No.7837720

Hahaha, fucking lost it at 'they're fucking 20jeans'

+1 for being a cool guy though