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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 750 KB, 900x1350, goal outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7825001 No.7825001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any models around here? I'm going to be modeling for an agency soon, would like to know the ins & outs of the modeling business. Info, experiences, advice, everything is welcome.

>> No.7825014

yeh m8 i'm a model

the first schlong is the worst,
not because I don't like dick, but because my appetite was supressed from the adderall.

>> No.7825122
File: 893 KB, 3104x1746, DSC_0131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have what it takes for some low level modelling. Pic related.

>> No.7825127

Excuse the red right eye btw, just had a small allergic reaction to a cat

>> No.7825149

lose some water weight first and maybe

>> No.7825163

you're probably not balding but the hair kinda makes you do
also your face is p fat
no hate doe wud r8 average/10

>> No.7825173


i'm actually bulking at the moment, believe it or not haha, when I cut that water weight will be gone. Definitely not balding, only 18 years old, don't usually have my hair like this, it's just a loose style.

Also do you mean average looking or average model tier?

>> No.7825177

We have identical noses. ^5 m7

>> No.7825192

yes, 10/10

>> No.7825206

just average, probably not model tier

>> No.7825208

i dont think you could be a model but you're very qt anyway

>> No.7825226

If you lose some bf% and it'll skinny your face up a bit and keep practicing that 1000 yard/aloof stare and you'll be golden

>> No.7825350

ur cute but lose a bit of fat from ur face.......... u could probably still model without losing it though

>> No.7825558

haha! follow your dreams! at the endareeno of the day only the agency will tell you whether you can or can't right?

>> No.7825570

I was just at one in west Hollywood

he told me to work on my abs and I'm good2go

>> No.7825757

w2c leather jacket?

>> No.7827162

ur going to be suckin a lot of cack

>> No.7827174

is it possible to me amodel with moles on your face?

>> No.7827177

I got back from an agency earlier today, they said I have what it takes. I only have to pay for the initial photos then they think I could make it. Should I do it /fa/?

>> No.7827202

Is this bait?

>> No.7827198

andrej pejic has those weird lumps by his mouth, i imagine if they aren't horridly placed/gigantic it should be alright

>> No.7827204

What kind of body do you need to be a model?

>> No.7827205

a good one

>> No.7827209

define good relative to a body fit for a model

>> No.7827213

generally tall (5'11'' - 6'3'' sort of range)

>> No.7827215


>> No.7827219

its the cheeks mang

>> No.7827231

If you're being serious, that's a scam. You'll pay money for the pictures and then never hear from them again.

Think of it like getting fucked on a casting couch.

>> No.7829063

w2c tee like this?

>> No.7829079

u always been homo or did /fa/ make u 1?

>> No.7831573

What about them?
You mean they are good or they are a feature which is preventing me from modelling?

>> No.7831726

I think its a tank.

>> No.7832093

If you have to pay for it, it's a scam.

>> No.7832111

what is the appeal of modeling? why does everyone here seem hell bent on convincing themselves that they could be male models?

>> No.7832116

As something which few on /fa/ have any realistic experience of whatsoever, but which is ever present in discussion and thought, the idealistic dream of modelling seems like the perfect situation for /fa/ fuccbois to strive for.
>Also hivemind, muh board culture, etc.

>> No.7832151

saw an ad on the newspaper looking for athletic 18-26 y/o males to model sportwear/nude - 1000$ for 2 hours. no name,website or email just a number.


>> No.7832155

Of course it fucking is.

>> No.7832192

If the agency is 100% reputable then yea maybe, otherwise fuck no. My agency paid for my first shots and just cut it afterwards from my earnings --> Probably the way every major agency works, not sure.

>> No.7832206

no this totally sounds legit you should go do it and let us know how it goes

>> No.7832264

C'mon anon think a little

>> No.7834978 [DELETED] 
File: 588 KB, 2592x1944, Picture 53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I am

>> No.7834992

Organ trafficking ring, more likely

>> No.7835002
File: 122 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I a model?

>> No.7835011


4chan is an 18+ website

>> No.7835225

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

>> No.7835235

>still mad about trips
Aren't we getting a little old for this?

>> No.7835262

using trips is just a sign of distasteful smugness
the fact that it is the year 2014 does not dismiss the norms established by older users, friend

>> No.7835273

serious q: m or f?

you could be a model if f. defs not if m.

>> No.7835283

>the norms established by older users
That's the neckbeard'nest thing I think I've seen today.

>> No.7835286
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x1600, dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you so much
truly the savior of 4chan

>> No.7835295
File: 58 KB, 650x842, gottafeelfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u rly want 2 kiss dis niqqa sof butteryass lips
pls b n chiraq

>> No.7836636
File: 34 KB, 400x600, ????? ????????? (1975).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you explain why I couldn't model as a male? Especially on 4chan people tell me that I look like a girl, or underaged (I'm 20). I generally have low self esteem because of that and hate most my facial features (chin to narrow, nose is crooked, mouth to small and so on)although they kinda compliment each other. Bodywise I'm a skelly with a round butt.

>> No.7836643

na mate you have a really interesting face adn dem eyes hnnng

you could probs model but i dunno why youd wanna ~ i dunno why any of these fa lot wanna tbh

>> No.7836663

Because most clothing lines are made to be broadcast with both a male body and male face. Your feminine face isn't bad, it just isn't really meant for the general male modeling. You could probably find a clothing line that is looking for more feminine models though.

>> No.7836701

weak jawline
femine af, sorry b

>> No.7836711

yeah you have a feminine face but it looks good mate, honestly. no need for you to have low self esteem, own that shit.

>> No.7836713

Turned 18 four months ago bro

>> No.7836722

you more or less just answered your own question. you kinda remind me of oona chaplin, who's p. hot. hit the gym and get a more masculine haircut and you'll be better off in a year.

>> No.7836798

what do you consider a weak jawline?
that pic is not me that's a real woman

>> No.7836816

obviously man, no you cant model
who cares though, doesnt mean you are unattractive