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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 720x960, 3DHDtnO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7833607 No.7833607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did I do, /fa/?

>> No.7833620


>> No.7833623

You ate too much.

>> No.7833638

Looking sharp.

>> No.7833666

get your hair cut

>> No.7833677

Looking v fly sir. I tip my fedora to you.

>> No.7833710

That hair makes me confused. Are you a lesbian or a little boy?

>> No.7833800

You're tie is a little loose, but other than that it's a solid fit.

>> No.7833815

Wow, amazing. The fit of the suit by the lack of cuff. It makes you appear larger, powerful. The loosened tie and the unkempt hair demonstrates that you are all about business while maintaining your playboy aura. Finally, fastening both buttons! How avante garde!

This should go in sticky.

>> No.7833865

Nominating for fit for the year.

>> No.7833910

Thank you

FUck off

Thank you

To what? Anything shorter would make my face look weird, I have a big enough forhead as it is. lol.

Thank you.

I'm male, idiot

Thank you I'll tighten it.

Thank you very much. I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not but I do think my suit compliment's my big physique.

>> No.7833922

Thank yuo

>> No.7833947

you* whoops haha

>> No.7833958
File: 367 KB, 1920x2560, TrkdH0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I unbottned it for a more natural look. This is probably how I would wear it; if it was cold, I'd wear it like I did in my original picture.

>> No.7833968

You need to lose at least 100-150lbs

have fun

>> No.7833977

Why? I think I'm fine right now. I don't want to be a tiny guy, lol. If I lost 100 pounds Id weigh 160 pounds, way to skinny imo.

>> No.7833985


OP post a timestamp and ill critique you

>> No.7833980

oh dear god... what the fuck?

>> No.7833981

Halloween was like 4 months ago dude :/

>> No.7833986

>dat awful haircut
>massive neck fat
>fat as fuck
>fat as fuck fatass
>fat as fuck fatass fat
>hands in pockets

go here first /fit/

then come back

>> No.7833990

What's wrong?

Funny joke. I'd like to see YOU post a picture of your self on here. I just want honest, respectful advice. I do not to be disrespected at all.

>> No.7833997

Do not want*

What is a timestamp?

>> No.7833996

Fantastic. You're already one of the best dressed members of this board, very classy indeed.

You do look fine, ignore that guy. 160lbs is like anorexia tier, lol.

>> No.7834002

I really, really dislike your hair.

Trim the back and sides, keep the tops length and slick it back with a side part. Or something, anything but what you have

>> No.7834010

Haha I dont know if its anorexic, just to small for me. I come from a family of "big guys" so I don't want to be the small one, haha. Thank you for the compliment

>> No.7834016

you come from a family of lazy fucks who don't know how to stop eating

>> No.7834031
File: 39 KB, 610x550, david-beckham--z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I dont want my hair to look greasy if you suggested I "slick it back." I like the natural state of it; or perhaps something like in this picture? It may look good on me

>> No.7834041

fuccbois better watch out. fit of the year

>> No.7834042

What, I never said or implied that. There's nothing wrong with being a big guy. I bet your weigh 100 pounds.

I'm pretty strong too; so if I lost weight, I would lose all my muscle. I don't think its a good tradeoff to being a small guy with no muscles, from a big guy with muscles like I am now.

>> No.7834047

It won't, your face isn't thin enough.

>> No.7834055

don't listen to the haters man, lookin good

>> No.7834053

yes, do your hair like that. It looks good on pretty much anyone. Ahd as far as being greasy, it depends on the product. Use molding mud to achieve such a look without the greasy look

>> No.7834054

What is a fuccboi (do you mean fuck boy? hlol)? Is that a good or bad thing? lol.

>> No.7834057

i think you should cut the back of your hair
just to avoid that curly effect
but it seems like the suit is a bit larger compared to your shoulders
otherwise you look normal, but you would look better wiz a flat belly

>> No.7834065

such a hairstyle is more fitted for the square and round shaped faces

>> No.7834066

OK, well, I don't know then. How do I make my face skinnier without affecting the rest of me?

Thank you. What molding mud would you recomend?

>> No.7834068

do push ups with your face

>> No.7834075 [DELETED] 


did you mean to:

>> No.7834071

Ok Thank you for the suggestions.

>> No.7834073

You can't, possibly the only way is losing weight or having a mad dose of testosterone while losing weight

>> No.7834077


"if I lost weight, I would lose all my muscle."

top kek and saved for future /fit/ laughs

so what makes you think being fit = being small? how insecure are you about yourself that you are in that much of denial about your weight?

>> No.7834078

This has to be a troll thread.

>> No.7834079

LOL...I Will try that one day.

>> No.7834090

Is it illegal or legal to take testosterone's if I chose to lose weight, and chose to take the testosterone's while I was losing weigh?

I never said being small is fit..being small means not having a lot of weight, and makes you weak imo. If you dont have muscles and are small, then you are weak, I think.
It's true though; if I did lose weight, my muscles would lose mass, and therefore I would have less muscles.

>> No.7834095

i think you should cut the back of your hair
just to avoid that curly effect
but it seems like the suit is a bit larger compared to your shoulders
otherwise you look normal, but you would look better wiz a flat belly

>> No.7834103

Are you real OP? Take a pic with a timestamp.

>> No.7834099

Thank you again; you posted this earlier. I will try your suggestions perhaps; the curly effect is slightly good I think though.

>> No.7834100

Just post a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with today's date. It's to verify that this is you in the pictures and not just a troll.

>> No.7834109

Testosterone doesn't make you lose weight, go to /fit/ for general info on steroids such as that. It is illegal to take yes, unless you have like a medical reason etc.

>> No.7834110


if you are a troll 6/10

but seriously you have no idea how body fitness works at all i strongly urge you to read on getting fit otherwise you will look like shit

>> No.7834115

eh sorry, it told me wrong captcha so i resent without checking

>> No.7834121

What does the testosterone do, then, if it doesn't make me lose weight?

Ok; well, I do know that if you have a lot of something, then you have less of something, you will have less regardless; for example, if i have a lot of weight now, and i lose the weight, then i will have less weight AND muscles. muscles are heavy, and are the first to go if you lose weight.

>> No.7834122

You're fat.
Your suit is too large.
The tie's pattern is ugly.
The shirt's color matches the tie, but it's a shitty color and the collar is pretty big.
Your fat belly is hanging over where a belt would go, so I can't see if you're even wearing one.
If you wear a two-button suit, don't button the bottom button.

>> No.7834127


>> No.7834126

You can do better. Keep it up.

>> No.7834137

>are the first to go if you lose weight
Holy shit, could you be more wrong? You don't know anything about fitness at all.

>> No.7834150

OP are you going to post a timestamp or not?

>> No.7834151

That's quite harsh..maybe if you're going to be providing some criticism, be more constructive about it? Offer solutions ? There's no reason to be rude.

Ah, thank you

Well if you're such an "expert", then please tell me how it works?

>> No.7834155

My girlfriend took our cellphone; we share it, it is our only camera. She's at work right now; when she gets home I will take a "timestamp ".

>> No.7834161

how are you posting these suit pics then

>> No.7834163

bullshit alert

>> No.7834168

it's a fucking reddit filename. it's from mfa or some shit, you buffoon.

>> No.7834176

I had saved them to my computer. What's so difficult about this to understand?
Yes; I posted this on reddit previously. They were much more constructive, than insulting.

>> No.7834193

why is it an imgur filename then
did you upload it and then re download it? and the reason they were more "constructive" is because no one on mfa will critique for shit because they all want to seem like nice, non judging individuals.

The fact of the matter is that if you want to look nice, you will need to lose weight, or go to a really good tailor to get your suit better fitted. Or do both. People have reccommended you go to both /fit/ and lurk /fa/ more. I suggest you listen to them.

>> No.7834194

lose weight

>> No.7834202


>> No.7834203

Because I cannot simply upload the photo to reddit; I needed to use imgur.

I disagree; I think it is possible to be constructive without being mean, like they were on reddit. People on this website are mean; without being consutrctive at all.

>> No.7834209

yeah we're mean
so fuck off you fatty.

>> No.7834204

this is from reddit and i know that because i go on reddit mfa a lot

>> No.7834210
File: 51 KB, 500x694, mah negro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7834212

you are a fatty mc fatfuck and fatty mcfatfucks cant be good looking.

>> No.7834216

lol, everyone is being constructive, you're just in denial.
You will never look good if you don't lose weight, simple

>> No.7834218

the question is why did you redownload the image from imgur to upload it on 4chan?

Fuck you, you can't trick me.

>> No.7834219


Shut up and go do something better with your lifes.

>> No.7834221
File: 277 KB, 791x861, Gay Medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you need to use imgur but if you already have the pic why did you redownload it

we're not trying to be mean. You do need to lose weight and from what you've posted you clearly understand neither fashion nor fitness
if reddit is so much better then leave and don't come back. We won't miss you.

Come here and either take the advice or fuck off. Trying to fight the whole board is unfeasable

>> No.7834227

>You're fat.
Lose weight by exercising and correcting your diet.
>Your suit is too large.
Buy suits that fit you, preferably after you fix your weight problem.
>The tie's pattern is ugly.
It's very generic and cheap looking, as if you bought it from Wal-Mart.
>The shirt's color matches the tie, but it's a shitty color and the collar is pretty big.
The blue doesn't work well on you, and the collar is large. It looks cheap, like the tie.
>Your fat belly is hanging over where a belt would go, so I can't see if you're even wearing one.
You should be wearing a black belt.
>If you wear a two-button suit, don't button the bottom button
Don't button the bottom button.

You're deluding yourself if you're staying fat because you want to stay "strong". Fat is not attractive, and it does not make you strong.

>> No.7834231
File: 109 KB, 200x200, MaximumB8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread.

>> No.7834234


No, they aren't being constructive if they're being rude to me and insulting my appearance; you can still be quite good looking if you are a "big guy". Are you saying Ron Perlman, or Arnold Swcharenegger is ugly because they're big?

>> No.7834235

For anyone interested,

>> No.7834238

i was having fun

>> No.7834239

Never button the top button.

>> No.7834241

ty based skelly
at this point you are just bait but I am slightly enjoying this
arnold is massively muscular. You are not. And you are not arnold schwarzenegger and even attempting to compare yourself to him is laughable

>> No.7834249

No, I understand that if oyu lost weight you will lose muscle in the process. Perhaps my suit is slightly big for me; but I can always get it fixed.

Perhaps I should leave.

Well, thank you for being more constructive; why doesn't blue "work"-- how doI know if something "works"?

Yes, even though I am a big guy, I am strong. Fat does not equal weakness; in fact, I am proud of my fat and my muscle. if I try to lose weight, I will lose my muscles and my fat; and I'll be too small

>> No.7834251

if you lose weight while continuing to exercise muscle you will not lose too much muscle mass. I don't think you have very much to start with anyway since being fat doesnt make you strong.

>> No.7834253

ron perlman aka scary will ferrell

>> No.7834254

Yes, that is my thread on reddit; What of it?

No; I wasn't comparing myself to him because I am not that muscular. You have a grudge against big guys; I'm saying you don't like big guys. I do have muscles, and if I lost weight, I would lose them first.

>> No.7834256

Are you seriously comparing yourself to Arnold? lol
Anyway, everyone is telling you to lose weight, because being fat is unattractive. Either follow the advice or fuck off, but just stop trying to rationalize your obesity.

>> No.7834257

I encourage the people who we're being rude to visit the thread; notice the constructive attitude of the comments, and the respectfulness; which none of you have ,because you're quite bitter.

>> No.7834259

No; I am not comparing myself to Arnold because I'm not that muscular; fat is not unattractive. I am not "fat", actually. I am just a big guy. That means I have some fat and some muscle.
I don't know why being a big guy is so bad

>> No.7834261
File: 39 KB, 567x522, step up nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized i'd been forgetting to sage this whole time. That is not how muscles and losing weight works. And yes, as a board /fa/ does not like fat people. They are very difficult to clothe acceptably and are generally unattractive, and since this board is all about appearance that is a problem. Honestly, hit up /fit/ and get those muscles you seem to want so desperately
bitter of what exactly?
you are fat and if you don't recognize that you are in denial and there is nothing we can do to help.

>> No.7834263

you are the definition of fat, fatty.

>> No.7834264

>asks us for advice
>we give him advice
>he doesn't like the advice we give or the way we give it
>Shut up and go do something better with your lives.
Looks like the fat isn't the only issue you have.

>No, they aren't being constructive if they're being rude to me and insulting my appearance; you can still be quite good looking if you are a "big guy". Are you saying Ron Perlman, or Arnold Swcharenegger is ugly because they're big?
Ron Perlman is one ugly dude. Arnie was a good looking dude, but you're nothing like him OR Perlman.

>why doesn't blue "work"
There are certain colors that do or do not compliment your skin and hair color. This particular blue does neither. Since you don't have an eye for aesthetics, I would suggest you ask someone else to figure out what works or not.
>Fat does not equal weakness
How much do you lift? Do you lift at all? Any exercise at all?
>I am proud of my fat and my muscle.
>If I try to lose weight, I will lose my muscles and my fat; and I'll be too small.
If you start an exercise regiment, you will lose the fat and gain muscle. The fact that you don't cut your hair or want to lose weight is a sure sign of low confidence. Looking (and feeling) better by losing that weight will give you some confidence.

>> No.7834268

you're not big. you're fat you delusional blob.

Have the decency to respect your wallet and invest in losing weight rather than wasting money on XXXXXL clothing.

>> No.7834269

Okay, being overweight is bad. There's no way around it. In today's society being overweight is not usually due to over-eating and lack of exercise but it's also not good looking at all. Ever.

You said that you were trying to lose weight,

You look more overweight than you did last year, and just as awkward. People in the thread told you to cut your hair, did you seriously not even try to listen to them at all?

Maybe if you stopped playing so many video games, and tried working out, or simply eating less than you are now you'd see improvements.

>> No.7834281

You're on the right track, OP

Start doing some squats and I think you could be pretty /fa/

>> No.7834282

Ok, I'm going to assume you're legit considering the extent to which you've replied.

Every post in this thread praising you is a troll post, understand that. You are really fat and the single best thing you can do to improve your appearance is to not be. Don't worry about losing muscle (if you even have any), just start eating way less and lift to retain as much as you can if it bothers you. Skinny is FAR better than big jubbly lump you are now.

If you get shit on by /fa/ this much take the hint, it means there are problems. Stop being such a bitch and wanting everyone to sugar coat their criticism. It is best to hear the cold hard truth even if you don't want to.

Your hair is an abomination. Get short back and sides asap, it's a safe, decent looking cut that will improve the appearance of any autist such as yourself.

Your number 1 priority should be losing weight. Fuck fashion, it is not for fat people. Play a different game called lose weight you fat fuck then come back and try again. Good luck.

>> No.7834293

The point that matters OP is that you care about your appearance, which is a lot more than 90% of the people in your situation can even say. The problem though is that this board is full of people who will tell you to blow all of your money on clothes here, clothes there. The only real truthful answers in this thread are the ones referring to /fit/, as the more you become /fa/ the more you'll care about losing weight and having better fitting clothing. The truth is being sexy and fashionable involves being in shape. You'll feel better once you start to work out, and you'll be losing weight too, maybe even talking to girls. But keep in mind, none of this shit matters as long as your clothes don't fit! Don't invest in tons of effay clothing until you've lost some weight man!

And get a fucking haircut.

>> No.7834300

No, bigger people like myelf are not difficult to clothe; I have a wide selection at the clothes stores I visit. I purchased the suit at a Joseph A. Banks outlet, and there were sizes above my size; so your argument that there isn't enough clothing for bigger people is disproven.

You're bitter towards me; for no reason, I might add.

I'm not "fat" I'm a bigger guy with fat AND muscle. There is a difference, numbskull.

Well, I am not going to dignify the rest of that with a response. It is more rudeness and it ISNT CONSTRUCTIVE! I DONT RESPOND TO RUDENESS.

What does compliment my hair and skin colour then, if your the expert?

Yes, I do lift ocassionally. I can benchpress over 150 pounds usually.

Do you have facts to prove your claim that if I start exercising I will lose fat and gain muscle. No; if I lose weight, then I will lose both fat AND muscle.

Don't be rude to me, idiot.

OK thank you for the advice and compliment.

>> No.7834313

How do you know it's a troll post? Maybe I am not as "fat" or ugly as every other troll says I am. I like to think that I am alright in terms of looks.
Yes, I have muscle. How is skinny better ? If I'm skinny then I willhave little to no muscles; therefore, I will be weak and I could be at risk for being assaulted or being hurt. No; I have muscles AND fat right now; so I am much stronger than a skinny guy at the moment, however you look at it.

I am not an autist; I am very sociable and have friends, in fact. Unlike you and the trolls on this website.

>> No.7834320

No, I disagree; I refuse to become a skinny bitter person like everyone in this thread. I do talk to girls; I even asked one to be my girlfriend and she said yes. So your arguments are quite invalid.

>> No.7834331
File: 230 KB, 1062x1600, jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let my rephrase that- fat people are difficult to clothe fashionably and in a way that looks nice. Being fat in an of itself, and you certainly are fat, is unattractive. Fashion can only do so much, if you are fat and look like shit in $50 walmart clothes, you will be fat and look like shit in $1000 rick owens clothes. You came here looking for advice and have denied everything we've tried to give you. Being skinny does not mean that you don't have muscles. Being fat makes you seem weak and impotent. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe you do have some muscles. Don't you want to get skinnier and show them off instead of cloaking them under layers of flab?

If you won't lose weight there is nothing we can do to help. You need to accept your problems and start trying to fix them.

>pic related: muscular but not fat

>> No.7834334

are you euphoric?

>> No.7834336

Post a picture of you and your girlfriend and we'll stop doubting your charm.

>> No.7834358
File: 101 KB, 960x640, 1393113932924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of these girls, he's the one in the grey suit.

>> No.7834359

good post

>> No.7834365

What does that mean?
Well what looks "nice?" Why would anyone pay $1000 for clothes, anyway?
Yes, being skinny means you are weak; weaker than I am right now, at least. Because if I was skinny I would lose my fat AND my muscle, I don't know why you don't understand this.

Being a big guy makes me feel, look, and appear stronger. I don't want to be weak; therefore Im going to choose to be strong.

If you gave me advice nicely and constructively; like redditors did; I would be more open to hearing it. There is no reason to be mean to me; unless you have confidence issues; if you do, then sorry-you have larger problems than me.

>> No.7834373

Delete that photo right now. I don't know wehere you got it, but you have no permission to upload it without my permission. Delete it now.

>> No.7834374

>I can benchpress over 150 pounds usually
Your weight to strength ratio is terrible. I'm 125 pounds and I can bench over 100 without exercising much at all. You're not strong. You're fat.

>> No.7834378

You are a troll. If you aren't, then post on your reddit account.

>> No.7834381

Well, I said "usually" I can benchpress more than 200 if I feel like it, but I don't want to push myself and tear my muscles.

>> No.7834385


>> No.7834389
File: 235 KB, 1500x1500, sunb8er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is quite obviously a troll at this point. You've been very convincing and gotten a shit ton of responses. 8/10

>> No.7834392

>then sorry-you have larger problems than me.
whats larger than you?

>> No.7834404

Shut up, go do something better with your life.

I am not a troll; secondly, what makes people think I am trolling?

>> No.7834407


>> No.7834416

Delete the photo right now. YOu do not have my permission or my friend's permission to post a photo of me and them.

>> No.7834421

Because nobody with a half decent sense of aesthetics, which I like to think this board has, would say you look anything other than shit. You are not alright in terms of looks at all but you could be if you work at it.

>I will be weak and I could be at risk for being assaulted or being hurt
Don't use that as an excuse for looking like shit. Become muscular with lower bf % then if it worries you.

>I am much stronger than a skinny guy at the moment
Probably but that doesn't mean shit, you need to factor in agility. A skinny guy could run away from trouble where your fat ass could not. A skinny guy could dodge and hit much faster than you. It all comes down to knowing how to work to your advantage when it comes to conflict. But again, you're just looking for excuses fatty.

>> No.7834434

No; this board has no aesthetics; it has bitterness and skinny weak freaks.
Yes, I am alright in looks. I have confidnece; unlike the trolls in this thread.

yes, I am much stronger; if I am in a fight or being robbed, the current-me will be able to defend myself. Skinny-me will get beat up, or if I try to run away I'll lose and I'll lose all my stuff, such as my wallet and keys.

I believe it is more knoble to fight for myself than run away.

>> No.7834439

fuck off

>> No.7834444

Holy shit this thread, thanks OP.

>> No.7834453


seriously please stop responding to this people

it is beyond saving

>> No.7834454


>> No.7834456

This photo is owned by the Dusk Night Club. You have no rights over its duplication

>> No.7834460

You must understand. Working out won't make you skinny. It'll turn the fat into muscle. You'll do better in bed and defend yourself better, you will be toned, not skinny.

>> No.7834461

I'm just using logic to disprove their argument's; nothing beyond saving.
Well, then out of respect please ask my permission first? Is that so hard to ask; courteousniss?

>> No.7834463
File: 30 KB, 358x361, 1362203936516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is good

>> No.7834467

Sorry bro, this is 4chan. The word girlfriend comes up and everybody wants whatever proof they can find

And please quit wearing suits to clubs man

>> No.7834468

How will it turn fat into muscle; by some magic process that you cannot explain? Probably.

If I work out, then I will lose my fat and my muscle will begin to disappear as well; you cannot say that if I way 100 pounds lighter, at 160 pounds, that I will be the same strength as I am now; I will be skinny and have small muscles, as opposed to the slightly large muscles I have now with some fat.

>> No.7834472


if you worked out as much as you game you could lose weight

>> No.7834473

If you're going to have this attitude you don't deserve advice. Enjoy being a self-inflicted ugly piece of shit.
Bye bb xx

>> No.7834475

if you exercise your muscles while eating at a calorific deficit your body will burn the fat off and maintaining your muscle mass. Go to /fit/ and read the sticky.

>> No.7834478

Why should I stop, just because you said so?; no, I will not stop. My suit looked quite good.

>> No.7834479

>my muscle will begin to disappear as well
Yo, I just scrolled past. I hope no one is seriously arguing with this guy. Don't disappoint me, /fa/.

>> No.7834480

10/10 Best troll thread in months

>> No.7834483

Well, it may burn the fat off, but the muscles will begin to reduce in size as well, because my entire mass will be getting smaller. Therefore, I will have less muscles than I do today and therefore be weaker.

>> No.7834485

your ugly face is beyond saving anyway.
Just kill yourself.

>> No.7834486

This is actually the guy in the picture's SteamID, but the guy posting is someone completely different most likely.

>> No.7834489

there is nothing I can say at this point bro
you are dead wrong
you can lose 100 pounds of fat and keep your "muscles." Post a timestamp.

>> No.7834491

This is not a "troll thread"; I am using logic to disprove the other trolls attacking me. It is simple logic; If you make something smaller, my mass, then I will have less mass in the end and therefore be smaller and weaker, with reduced muscle size.

>> No.7834496

Okay then first thing you do is lose weight. Then you work out and get muscular, except this time you won't have fat on top of said muscle. Problem solved.

>> No.7834494

ah, nice catch

>> No.7834498

No; you are dead wrong; if my overall mass is lower, then I will have lower strength and be more able to get hurt or assaulted. I will be unable to defend myself as I can now if I am smaller; that is a fact

>> No.7834500

think about it this way- right now you have 80 pounds of bone and organs, 40 pounds of muscle, and 200 pounds of fat. Let's just assume that. By exercising, you can keep that 40 pounds of muscle while your body burns the 200 pounds of fat. You're assuming that your body equally burns fat and muscle while dieting, but that isn't what happens. If you exercise your muscles your body won't burn them and will use the fat for energy instead.

>> No.7834507

Yes; okay; however, I will be skinny after I lose weight without muscles. I will be vulnerable, so I would rather be confident in my own body like I am now and able to defend myself; rather than small and vulnerable

>> No.7834509

We don't live in a fucking hunter gatherer society buddy, you won't be vulnerable because THERE ARE VIRTUALLY NO THREATS.

>> No.7834510

No; if I burn the 200 pounds of fat, I will end up with 0 pounds of fat and 0 pounds of muscle; I will only weigh 80 pounds according to your calculation, which is impossible and I will have to be in the hospital.

>> No.7834518

How's Tara Gibney doing OP?

she let you smash that coochie tho?

I bet she will in a boss ass nigga suit like that

>> No.7834515
File: 649 KB, 263x396, fedora tip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is pretty gud aint he

>> No.7834521


>> No.7834523
File: 87 KB, 625x626, I am become bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read my post again
look at it
especially the part where your body doesnt burn the muscles
it doesn't
you won't lose any muscle mass if you continue to lift while dieting. There isn't any logic in any of your posts, youre just wrong.

>> No.7834524
File: 835 KB, 1200x963, 1372909593570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a major problem in your mentality:
>if I try to run away I'll lose and I'll lose all my stuff, such as my wallet and keys.
You shouldn't be carrying your wallet and keys - you shouldn't even have a wallet and keys.
I understand that, eventually, at some point, you may want to go back to where you stay, but that is why you leave the window cracked open. Coming in through the window is alpha as fuck. People won't know if you're a burglar and will be intimidated on site.
"on site" - Kanye West, On Site, Yeezus, 2012

Also, you will get to stretch your legs and mention how you hit your balls a little bit upon entrance because they hang so low and are so enormous. This is sure to impress anyone within ear shot.
>"But what abut my wallet? I gotta carry my ID and cash"
Actually, you don't. Society may tell you you need an ID, but the reality is you don't. Ever. If you plan on buying something, keep money in your shoe. In order to keep the hiding place secret clearly state: "i gotta take a shit real quick. save my spot" to the people in front of you, or to the cashier if the cashier is reasonably attractive, with low body fat.
Don't worry - you don't actually have to take a shit. Just take your shoe off and fold the money into your palm. Be careful your sock doesn't get soaked in urine.

I understand there are always exceptions. Life can be unpredictable. This is why it's good to walk around with women. A good woman will stash things in her anus and pussy. Be sure it's in a plastic bag, and never touch the bag once it's entered.
"that girl wearing them jeans that show her buttcrack. my girl can't wear that. why? that's where my stash at" - Lil Wayne, Fireman, The Carter II, 2006

You're right about /fa/. They are skinny gay homos who aren't, and never will be alpha in their lives. If I didn't have to go to work I could sit here and swap alpha stories with you all night, but I gotta run.

Good day to you, and a fine evening to boot.

>> No.7834540

thats not how it works you dumb fat fuck
You train to lose fat and GAIN muscles fucking retard

>> No.7834560
File: 24 KB, 400x439, skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I wish I could be fat, so then once I lost all my weight I would just be a skeleton.

>> No.7834570

>FUck off
Calm down, tubby.

>> No.7834574

how is this massive shit of a thread not deleted yet.

>> No.7834593

I don't understand what this mean's

Please don't be rude to me, dummy. If I trained to lose fat, that is equal to "trained to lose mass." mass includes fat and muscle, so if I train to lose both then I will lose both and then be skinny and weak.

>> No.7834601

this guy is so uneducated in the way strength works.

size does not mean strength, and
if you weightlift, you lose fat but gain strength.

you're lucky you're choosing to post in /fa instead /fit otherwise they'll bash the shit out of you of how much of a dumbfuck you are.

>> No.7834611

Go do something better with your life than sit here and insult me.

>> No.7834612

Right just get the fuck out of this board you disgusting fat fuck

>> No.7834633

go get insulted elsewhere fatty

>> No.7834636

No; I am not.

Size is mostly regarded as strength; I myself, am a big guy and am strong, so I think it is imo. If I weightlift I will lose fat AND lose muscle, which means I lose strength. Your logic does not make sense.

>> No.7834637

You mean like overeat and post pics of myself in cheap suits on /fa/?

>> No.7834646

Holy fuck, is what you hambeasts tell yourselves to justify being fat slobs?

>> No.7834652

This suit was not cheap; I purchased it at Joseph a. Banks and it cost me $500, including the suit and the tie; which was on sale.

I do not overeat; stop making assumptions, it makes an ass of "U"

>> No.7834649

you mean like get fat and dress shitty like you?

>> No.7834657

yes, you will lose some muscle
you can worry about regaining that muscle when you're not a fucking fatass

>> No.7834656

Get educated, you fat fuck. You're in denial.

>> No.7834661

do you roll from a to b?

>> No.7834662

>I purchased it at Joseph a. Banks
my sides
how'd you spend $500 at Jos a Banks and only walk out with one suit

you do overeat.

>> No.7834666

>I do not overeat
Yes you do. I can tell because you're fat. If you didn't overeat you would be at a healthy weight.
Eat less, exercise, lift weights, lose weight and then just about any suit will look good on you. As it stands you're just putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.7834680

>then just about any suit will look good on you
hey now let's not be ridiculous
this nigga's gonna be back in six months asking how his nehru jacket fits if you tell him shit like this

>> No.7834681

No; I walk, with my legs which are quite muscular and strong. If I lost weight, I would lose all the weight in my legs and I would be skinny and weak with toothpick legs.
I am not afraid to spend money if it means I will get a high-quality suit.
My weight is quite alright because it is coupled with muscle; if it was all fat, I admit it would be a problem; but I have muscle as well, so my weight is in fact healthy

>> No.7834682

>high-quality suit.
>Joseph a. Banks

>My weight is quite alright because it is coupled with muscle; if it was all fat, I admit it would be a problem; but I have muscle as well, so my weight is in fact healthy
maybe it's not going to kill you
but it is very fucking clearly a lot of fat and that is not /fa/.

>> No.7834683

That's true. OK, let me rephrase.

OP, if you lose all that weight and get fit then any suit that would look good on Ellen Degeneres should look good on you.

>> No.7834687

Please be trolling. No one can be this fucking retarded without actually being full-on retarded.

>> No.7834693

/mu/ here

Holy shit why are you all eating the bait

This is just embarrassing

>> No.7834694

It is made out of high quality fabric; unlike most of the crap I see on here. No; it will not kill me; but it is not a lot of fat, because there is muscle with it as well; you're right it isn't "fa" because fa is bitterness, unhealthy attitudes, rudeness, and skeletons; so you're right, I am none of those things; I am strong and big, and i am able to defend myself.

I do not wear women's clothing; so I don't uderstand what you mean.

>> No.7834723

log off

>> No.7834725

nominating for thread of the year

>> No.7834733


>> No.7834749

is it finally over?

>> No.7834757

If I would walk away from you you fat fuck wouldn't be able to catch me.

>> No.7834761

this is bretty funny

>> No.7834763
File: 262 KB, 1136x648, spurdo fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7834783

Another skinny bitter person with nothing better to do in his life; I have more muscle than you and I would be able to defend myself against you.

>> No.7834801

Your hair is shit, get it cut

Also button up the topmost button you faggot

>> No.7834805

Not if I shoot you in the head.
I bet you cant get up without help if you fall.
Your mum cries every night because youre so fucking fat.

>> No.7834822

it's a troll obv

>> No.7834826

I know, I'm still having fun writing this stuff.

>> No.7835857

hahaha kill yourself you fat fuck
you dont belong here

>> No.7835872

shut the fuck up. SHUT THE FUCK UP.

>> No.7836070

lol what, you go too long without some burgers? kill yourself

>> No.7836198

You should tighten the tie, maybe get a new one.
I would suggest getting a haircut, and losing weight, then working out to gain the muscles back, and make sure to bring a knife with you during your vulnerable period so you dont get harmed. The final thing to make this outfit tied together really well would be a fedora i think.

>> No.7836207

>getting reverse trolled

damn son ya'll are UNAWARE

>> No.7836405

193 replies
this must be a new record