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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 500x379, waywt04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7817573 No.7817573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Abandon waywt, it's nearing 3 hunna.

fuccbois welcome! xoxo

>> No.7817607
File: 36 KB, 293x474, apc:rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


finally warming up in chicago today...

>> No.7817628
File: 248 KB, 950x1267, 1392840860404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting here.

>> No.7817638

>Tumblr meets Rick Owens

>> No.7817637
File: 1.57 MB, 2360x2936, wiwt27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could say the same.
I feel like the denim is out of place here.

>> No.7817645

af1 > rick

>> No.7817658

Can't see fit. Maybe a good thing.

>> No.7817651
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>> No.7817660
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>> No.7817666

Get a haircut.
Fuck it's a good enough length for Hitler-Jugend...
Also your coat is bad.

>> No.7817663
File: 137 KB, 500x667, booop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


af1s are solid as fuck, those ain't mine though

>> No.7817673
File: 448 KB, 463x697, 1392841427580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dyel mode

>> No.7817670

Literally cut off those epaulets with a mat knife.

>> No.7817682

The jordan's in my photo aren't mine either lmao.
I want some lows so bad. btw cool pic.

Puts off a one direction vibe lmao

>> No.7817684

Your fits are always good, but I h8 the angle u take your photos at.

>> No.7817700


That's my girl, wearing the ones next to my cargobaskets. I've got a pair myself, but I'm fucking loving these cargobaskets and will not wear any other shoe until I've beat them up enough.

>> No.7817693

Nice hips.

>> No.7817703

Fix your posture, stop reposting, Start cut early.

>> No.7817705

Honestly man I seriously suggest you cut down on the squats. You look like a fat girl from the waist down.

Jelly of the shoes though.

>> No.7817722

did that..
looks much better thanks

>> No.7817728

b-but muh ss + gonad ;_;

>> No.7817734

hy doesn't suit my face shape

>> No.7817750

homie the "hy" is THE most basic and common men's cut, and has been for quite some time - it looks okay on everyone (you don't need to get the exaggerated undercut), anything looks better than what you've got going right now. Just not doing that justin bieber-sweep would bump you up a notch. Cut it off or let it fall naturally.

>> No.7817772

I've just decided to stop.being a neckbeard actually pay attention to fashion.

A pair of lees from Sears, a blue button up and my shoes are old converse with a red stripe. Not the high tops

My next purchases for my evolution are Cologne and a haircut. Was thinking about just going number 2 shaved.

You gotta try

>> No.7817809

Repostan from earlier thread.
I always thought there was something wrong, didn't really think it had to do anything with the face/alien head thing that much...tbh, I was kinda thinking about a jaw/forehead surgery, but kinda scared not to fuck it up even further than it is :(

>> No.7817819

literally horrible
this image reminds me of how much I hate those shoes

>> No.7817820

lrn 2 cop confidence, surgery is for the weak.

>> No.7817823

north face logo ruins everything

>> No.7817827


>> No.7817861
File: 433 KB, 1818x2784, noir2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, I don't have the slightest problem with confidence - I'm well into my mid 20's, stable studies, working out 6 days a week for about 2 years now, approached tons of ppl since, had both good and bad days all troughout.

Its just that I can't deny the facts: I was told I resemble a serial killer, I can tell that some ppl are kinda frightened + ontop of everything, I had to end up with slav genes, as if it wasn't enough...Its just sad to think that no matter the effort I put into clothing, personal fitness, and proffessional life, it all gets hammered down by my fuckugly face.

>> No.7817873

i like it there imo

>> No.7817874

what pants r those

>> No.7817891
File: 2.27 MB, 1967x2117, 19.02.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:) Photo without jacket taken in day, photo with jacket taken just now at night. Deets of shirt in followup post

>> No.7817902
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, shirt deets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shirt deets

>> No.7817908
File: 2.92 MB, 918x1632, interview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Job interview for nursing position :\ wish me luck bros cause i recently graduated and have been finding it hard to get a job (entry level jobs non-existent in nursing).

I appreciate any criticism I can get, however this is the most appropriate outfit I own for an interview like this one (it's slightly more casual then most interviews because it's merged into a training day - you get interviewed if you are competent with the training).

>> No.7817910


post fit

>> No.7817912


Think the jacket throws it all off.

>> No.7817923

Is the shirt DIY? If not, where might I be able to snag it?

>> No.7817915

Your face is not fuckugly. Mediocre perhaps, but nowhere near hideous. It's the HY+all black that make you look like a serial killer

>> No.7817917

mfa pls go
we are not your bros

>> No.7817927


are u fucken kidding me? your face is completely normal, every fucking russian looks like you. imo the only real thing you have to do is put on a little bit more weight and muscle, your style is nice, the fit was pretty dope, you're completely fine and just overanalysing things way too hard. People aren't frightened because you look like a serial killer, they're frightened because you look russian. You need to calm down.

>> No.7817941
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7817942

Yeah, I can see that
>tfw no more $$$ for different shoes

>> No.7817949

Sorry man
Like what sizes?

>> No.7817973
File: 770 KB, 1662x2046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see my "3hunna" is catching on B)

lame sk8er wear

>> No.7817982

Are you joking? Pretty sure darkies were saying hunna before some white skater kid wearing an edgy graphic tee.

Next level. Joking aside I like it quite a bit, I can tell you have confidence.

>> No.7817985

hahahaha ur proportions oMg

>> No.7817986

you should just go full gay pirate core

>> No.7817990

>Catching on
>dressing like that
>poor sk8er wear

>> No.7817994

work with your face, your personality and your environment instead of trying to chisel it away

i wont critique the style, the shoes are too much but its not too different than mine.

i guess the difference between me and you is that i dont mind being likened to a serial killer.

>> No.7817995
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x1200, CIMG0729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8.
It's a work in progress but I feel way more comfortable with this sort of style than with the basic/workwear fusion that I had going on before.
I'm trying

>> No.7817999


>> No.7817998

obviously its already being used irl im just JOSHIN
>not thrashing

>> No.7818003


Post your fits on sufu you fuckin pussy. I would love to see the negs

>> No.7818002

get shirts with wide sleeves and a ratty old leather jacket with big lapels/collar

>> No.7818007

this board has become so shitty its like reddit male fashion advice but with teenagers dressing like their fauvorite anime heroes

>> No.7818015
File: 29 KB, 300x780, 502937302_model_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but I hate leather jackets unless they are like pic related
>tfw have to take my 510s to get tailored because the butt is big enough for J.Lo

>> No.7818018

what a beautiful fit

>> No.7818019
File: 2.86 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-02-19-21-31-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7818027
File: 2.25 MB, 3264x4928, DSC_1097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post this one again because my cam is dead

>> No.7818028


sweater is awkwardly slim

also too long

why would you repost a fit with no shoes

>> No.7818031

Nice man, link to that patagonia jacket?

>> No.7818034

I'd wear some black brogue boots with it I guess, or some grey sneakers. How would I make it look less thin? it's already too big for me

>> No.7818037
File: 104 KB, 370x856, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, what should/can I add? just startin here so ya

>> No.7818038
File: 140 KB, 470x628, 1392845802652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link to your fits
oh you don't have any?

>> No.7818047

tanks dood

>> No.7818048

what's wrong with my proportions?

>> No.7818050


just make smn take a picture of you standing up so ppl can give you advice, thats the point of this thread

>> No.7818051


Cheers bros, appreciate the comments. I don't really mind being what I am, and as you said, I shouldn't be overanalysing and/or trying to find errors in myself...Seems like the community I thrive and operate in went into the shitter the moment I decided to work around with my clothes and physique.

Perhaps I should look into other opportunities out there; I was thinking to sign up for modeling some time in the future - prolly have the necessary requirements, and I learned quite a lot about fashion world from you guys...height could be a prob though, only 178cm, and could put on a few pounds of muscle, should get the gladiator/new bench for weight practice anyways.

>> No.7818056

Past season, I don't believe you can buy a track jacket from them anymore

>> No.7818059

hahahahaha win

>> No.7818068

you paid so much to look so mediocre

>> No.7818130

weird proportions actually make this fit

I'm just so used to it everytime I see his fits

>> No.7818147

Var har du varit? Jag har saknat dina fits.

>> No.7818182



>> No.7818216


>> No.7818368


>> No.7818379

that doesn't mean anything

>> No.7818598
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>> No.7818610
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>> No.7818621
File: 1.47 MB, 1840x3264, 1392852929381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 3 of trying to find an effay alternative to black skinnies... dunno how well this one turned out

>> No.7818627
File: 1.34 MB, 1840x3264, 1392853010182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/o coat & scarf

>> No.7818640

extremely bad, you're really short and i can tell they're dreamboxes from this far away, i bet ur wearing fabrixquare too loser
u rock momma
simple, pretty clean but i disagree with the colors
good as always
you look above average, but someone can look above average without spending as much as you did

>> No.7818645

you're implying I spent alot

>> No.7818648

shoes dont work with outfit
outfit just doesnt work at an all
its not bad but not also not good at all
im not even commenting ont his
see above

>> No.7818651

chill you beautiful man, link me those chinos. i know they're from asos but i can't find them

>> No.7818660
File: 2.50 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-02-18 17.27.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same fit as a few days ago except a u-neck sweater instead of flannel.

pls respond

>> No.7818661

skirt looks like an extension of ur jacket
also ur skin is contrasting bad imo

thinner shorts and chunkier sneaks mebbe

u comin tmrw???

>> No.7818664
File: 1.06 MB, 774x1032, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7818672

cute idea but the socks and boots don't quite work.

try flats or low heeled pumps with opaque knit thigh highs or full-length skin-colored nylons.

>> No.7818697

Cool thanks for the advice, I was really just experimenting with stuff, would trainerendors work for this fit?

>> No.7818727
File: 701 KB, 1350x3533, DSC_0659-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get to wear the clothes from the shop i work at, and wore these pants today.
shoes/jacket are mine.
cop the pants or not?

>> No.7818753

pants fit amazing but idk about the color. maybe its just those red logos that are throwing it off for me though. if they aren't that much id say cop

>> No.7818755


>> No.7818761

definitely cop. I really like this outfit

>> No.7818767

Pallette is kind of fucked otherwise its a really nice techwear fit.

>> No.7818770

the only big negative for me is the boot colour, but this is an improvement from your last couple fits, imo. keep it up (we certainly will)

>> No.7818776
File: 117 KB, 529x1265, fa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this fit? (and haircut)

>> No.7818778

thanks :)
i preordered the black qasas, it would probably look better with those.
probably gonna cop the pants now

>> No.7818786

I'm curious as to how you think the palette is fucked. it's navy, olive, and just a touch of red. red and green are complimentary colours, and the navy and olive are subdued to the same degree. the proportions of the colours are even nice, sort of 50/45/5. but I truly am curious to hear your opinion- that's what this place is all about

>> No.7818787
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>> No.7818796
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>> No.7818829

Red and green are complementary colors that doesnt mean they always look good together. Maybe fucked was to harsh of a word, but it definitely doesn't look as good as if the pants were navy or grey.

>> No.7818833
File: 196 KB, 921x1097, fa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7818848

I don't like how the jacket and shoes are the same color, which would be fine unzipped. otherwise really solid

>> No.7818857


>> No.7819058
File: 338 KB, 960x960, fitfeb192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit pic gf edition

>> No.7819064

also tell her to style her hair

>> No.7819089

never button a cardigan man, looks bad

>> No.7819091

what is that hoodie??

>> No.7819092

lmao are you wearing some shitty h&m cardigan you gook fuccboi

>asian learning about other clothing stores besides express.jpeg

>> No.7819097
File: 1.69 MB, 2592x1936, photo 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

badsoys =[

>> No.7819095

is that tits-chan again?

>> No.7819098
File: 1.05 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-02-20 10.58.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standing in the shadows, moving like a laser.

>> No.7819106


>> No.7819109

it's uniqlo du calm urself

ur literally exploding with autism

>> No.7819110

Those shorts look like retarded
pls burn immediately

>> No.7819115

bio i want to hang out with u i like the way you dress

>> No.7819120
File: 171 KB, 768x1024, MG_8325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thrifted wind breaker/scarf from winners/f21 shirt/aa easy jean/doc martens

>> No.7819121

are u wearing a fucking fedora?
nice tights fag

>> No.7819122

omg it is

>> No.7819133

if pants were a charcoal/dark grey and top was more "tech-y" (pockets and zippers and stuff) and darker black this would be a 9/10 fit, still good otherwise.

>> No.7819123

Never. Whats even wrong with them?

>> No.7819126

w2c those pants?

>> No.7819136

bucket hat. post fit fgt

>> No.7819137

Best fit of yours so far imo, shoes dont match at all though, the shoes would probably need to be a standout piece to contrast the all black fit as well.

>> No.7819138

man scarves are so obnoxious.

>> No.7819142

pls b my bif

>> No.7819143

you kinda look like a flamer m80
blakc jeans would look less girly and unbutton ur top button. im guessing ur wearin a buckethat but it looks like a fedora.

>> No.7819146

lol she would brake ur dick doe
u need to lift to get real women like her

>> No.7819150

Call me girl ;^)

>> No.7819168


>> No.7819169

jeans kill it. Pretty generic fit anyway.

Cool idea for a fit looks good. Branding is kind of gross.

It's not easy lifting and being /fa/

best fit you've posted. Shoes are still gross though. I think sweaters and stuff are good for you.

Are those alex's velcros?

Would look better with velcro lows. Clean tho.

>> No.7819179
File: 625 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elaborate pls

>> No.7819216
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>> No.7819277

cuz u a thick girl bb
niqqas gotta go to the gym to do 2 a days for u
so they can lift u up when they do tha thing to u
u feel me?

>> No.7819290
File: 366 KB, 961x1500, K5__7814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old fit, new shoes. Much more comfortable than Aldo.

These are my favourites so far.

This looks pretty good, but the way that you took the photo so close and at such a steep angle actually distorts your proportions quite a bit.

>> No.7819295

i love this fit and i really like the shorts idk wat these people are on about m8.

>> No.7819320
File: 158 KB, 716x960, 1392861438645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hat and pants are newlycopped

advice pls

>> No.7819321


>> No.7819324

you need to rethink your entire life if you really want to change

>> No.7819336

ok brb rethinking life

>> No.7819339


always love your fits

>> No.7819375
File: 446 KB, 1152x1364, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these pants are a ridiculous amount of fun with high top shoes / boots


looks really nice!! clean as always


shes so tiny and cute


love u

is that the hoodie you diybleached?

>> No.7819384

gb2 /mu/

>> No.7819393

another gr8 fit tengu

>> No.7819395

prison would love you

>> No.7819415
File: 126 KB, 729x1788, 20140219_184715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collar is white irl, looks pink in photo

>> No.7819421

for fucks sake black out that yellow stitching

i rike your glasses

>> No.7819425


>> No.7819433
File: 191 KB, 1080x720, 1377310885167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin old fit cause im wearing the same thing today

>> No.7819434

it is!! def my most worn garment ever, i fucking love it

baggy trousers are the best

>> No.7819429

This looks great. What are the shirts?

>> No.7819437


try it

>> No.7819448


it looks so great for diy haha, and yes they are


thanks !!


i would love prison too

>> No.7819455

dat zara skort doe

i actually really like it tho, it's nice in white imho

>> No.7819472
File: 60 KB, 459x566, time2fap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see the back

>> No.7819502

based mamma

>> No.7819505

Saved for inspo. Def cop.

W2C everything?

>> No.7819516

tengu does it again

>> No.7819520

hhhmmm we got a new trip, please dont leave us ;_; post moar bb

>> No.7819554

hmmm we got a newfag...

>> No.7819568

It's okay, but tbh it's just way too simplistic

>> No.7819589

i don't think so m8, what's hatnin?

>> No.7819603
File: 207 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely trying something new
Rip me apart, I need to learn

>> No.7819604
File: 167 KB, 896x1194, img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 "lets see the back"
ive been lurking enough to know what you guys really want...

>> No.7819613
File: 8 KB, 211x246, 1367265853776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7819621

please leave and or stop posting

>> No.7819622

Like the length and look of the pants, Sweatshirt is okay if not trend-ish, change socks to either white or gray yellow is just gaudy, shoes aren't bad, overall 7/10 bretty gud

>> No.7819628

You mean, you like his camera.

>> No.7819634


I think the trousers are nice but they don't fit the same aesthetic as the 'sadboys' stuff like the hoodie, and the yellow socks. this is where people would recommend rafdidas because you can mixmatch stuff with them. I'd say no to the yellowsocks for most of the time though


stop posting any time


nice meme fugg :DDDD



>> No.7819655

Thanks man
I'm trying to get away from sadboys for a more mature look. I'm thinking of swapping the sweater for something but when I put just a white tee on it makes my hips look wide as fuck and it made me feel weird. Any ideas of what else would go?

This may be weird but I actually lost all of my mono socks. What would you think about showing ankles in the summer with this fit? And do you have any suggestions for a different top half?

>> No.7819651


>> No.7819662

i like the hoodie and pants, but they don't really go together
shoes and socks are kinda out of place too

>> No.7819663

who is this?

>> No.7819672

Yeah man
I'm looking for a new top half bc a white tee makes my hips look weird with the trousers
Maybe like a white polo or somethin?

>> No.7819673

filtered :^)

>> No.7819674

o_O Its Montanna

>> No.7819679


look at some raf collections, they're great inspiration when you have no idea of what you're doing :) I think colorblocked tshirts would be interesting with trousers like that. showing ankles would be fine but i think you'd need plainer shoes similar looking to flyknits or innevas for a summer look

>> No.7819688
File: 86 KB, 446x640, photo 2 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7819682

let's see the back

>> No.7819696

Ok man thanks
I actually really dig Rafs colorblock tees ill keep my eye out for some

>> No.7819697

omg hannah?
is this you

>> No.7819701


>> No.7819704

new ones are up on ssense (they're buttondown though)

>> No.7819718
File: 38 KB, 600x600, startre_1002101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i get the feeling you'd really vibe with some of raf's graphic t's, think sadboys vaporwave stuff but done in a more provocative/interesting way. Some of the older ones can go dirt cheap too, pic related is about $13 before shipping/fees on yahoo japan (not an auction, it's a BIN price)

>> No.7819726

Sick dude
I have some spare cash I might cop

Damn that tee is sick, do you have link by any chance? Could you email it?

>> No.7819734


Sent ;)

>> No.7819754


>> No.7819764

the cardigan / shirt with the rafs is fucking horrible

>> No.7819771
File: 26 KB, 450x600, 1392866725492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i could see you wearing this aswell, starting at around $20 but itll be bid up at least a bit in a couple days

>> No.7819803

Really like this without the jacket, personally. Love that shirt pattern, w2c?

Come on, this is just not doing those shoes justice.

The only thing I don't like is the socks, too high in my opinion. Great fit in general though.

Really clean look, I like it.

This is neat. Not sure about the pants, but I think it's more of an angle issue more than anything.

Haven't seen this before, this is neat, and damn well worth the money.

>> No.7819825

what kind of sweaters... cardigans, chunky pullovers, etc?
they're a brighter burgundy irl but i see what you mean

>> No.7819829


yeah this is what concerns me and why they're in the BST at the moment--it might be a height issue, they flare out a lot because of excess length

I can work with it though

>> No.7819841

just museum & shoppin

>> No.7819851

you look like a mature sadboyz dude
not a bad thing

>> No.7819847

there's nothing to buy in this fucking city. jonathan+olivia got new drkshdw stuff in though

>> No.7819857

how tall are you and what is the inseam length

>> No.7819859

J+O sells rick wtf??

this a new delivery or was it always sellin it

>> No.7819868

w2c jacket

>> No.7819876


5'7" and inseam is 29.5", fulllength i think is around 43"

The bottom is designed so you can tie em up, I fold them up and tie em and it's pretty reasonable that way but still a little long with high shoes or boots. maybe i should try with sandals!

>> No.7819881

idk, I think it's a new delivery, haven't seen it until recently

check out the website, they actually got some decent stuff in (including waxed ramones) and the pricing is pretty good as well (surprisingly so for a store like that)

>> No.7819888
File: 88 KB, 2000x3000, IMG_0227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really boring i know, but I'm just wondering if i can work the hoodie with the shoes or if they'll match too much. The pic may not show it v well but the hoodie is a faded black, closer to dark navy. The shoes are navy.

>> No.7819896


>> No.7819905

Yeah I think they would look great with sandals, with the raw hem especially

I always entertained the thought of having pants with an adjustable leg opening, it's pretty tastefully done here. Inseam is rather short though

>> No.7819912

damn retail rick is high lol

w/e not a rick fan

def will fondle tho

>> No.7819920


haha the inseam is good for me because i'm a shorty, and the rise is pretty long aswell. we'll see how they work out

>> No.7819961

Thanks mate but this is indeed a bad thing For me don't want to be a stupid nerdy sadboy anymore :(

>> No.7819962

cop yes do it you're one of the first i've seen wear Y3s well
really like the shoes, dunno if it's just the lighting but the navy of your t-shirt clashes with them. white one maybe?
you're too qt to dress like that try again (and what the heck is sticking out of your jeans)
i dig it, a+
continue being great thanks
definite improvement over your last fit but ditto what
said about the stitching
the sneakers & socks don't seem to belong here but i'm not enough of a sneakerhead to recommend you something other than rafadidas

>> No.7820003
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x4928, DSC_1154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also got these acne ace pleathers in the mail

interesting texture, they're more grey than black, and more matte than waxed jeans

>> No.7820020

dig the top

>> No.7820027

I think it's a fine fit. All the faggots here are biased against cardigans for some raisin.

>> No.7820028

jus try diff sox den

>> No.7820032

dig the fit. glad the pants aren't too black

>> No.7820036

The navy shirt matches the navy on the shoes nearly perfectly IRL. Thanks for the feedback. I usually switch this fit between navy, maroon, white, and black shirts anyway.

>> No.7820046
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>> No.7820048

top half looks 2 big 4 bottom
may be the cam

>> No.7820062

i actually like this fit dave.

>> No.7820064

bad fit on everything.

>> No.7820069

pants are a bit too tight around the calves I feel

I hurts to see pants that short though

>> No.7820076

uniqlo is worse

>> No.7820073

what are some good brands for decent cropped chinos

or do people just buy regular chinos and get them tapered?

>> No.7820077
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filtered for retarded ass trip

>> No.7820085

Eh on the top half but the bottom is fine. I can't really say what you're doing wrong but the top is just so basic in a bad way.

>> No.7820087

cheers bio
do you know any brands for chinos in general? ive never even owned a pair

>> No.7820082

I'd just get regular ones cropped, It's a lot harder to find chinos you like that are cropped, and they're usually more expensive.

>> No.7820096

respect. i have big calves syndrome.

>> No.7820099

Not really, the only ones I've copped are just generic "Mall-tier" ones. Sorry.

>> No.7820093

really? idk, alot of people really dig the texture of the tee

>> No.7820102

>ive been lurking enough

clearly not fuccgirl

>> No.7820106


>> No.7820107
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wtf dude need a trigger warning on dat

>> No.7820135
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>> No.7820152

The transition from top to bottom doesn't really work. Seems too forced and the break from your pants to shoes is very rough as well. Nice pieces, though.

>> No.7820160

so fucking bad, off youself because it seems like you have money and want to show off

>> No.7820170

looks good but could be a lot better with black pants.

lol poorfag

>> No.7820179
File: 1.75 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /lounging around/ here?

>> No.7820181

no taste fag

>> No.7820194

really rad, pants are dope - contrary to what others have said i like the green but it does get slightly messed up with the red highlights.

How do you like the racers? I'm considering copping those same ones or waiting for the next release of qasas. Do they have removable insoles?

>> No.7820195
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Ehh nothing exciting

>> No.7820193

>hombre flannel
oh god what
also the pants are like 2 inches too short even if you're going for a cropped look

>> No.7820198

ombre* kek

>> No.7820218

btw i lift weights dont hit on my girls xD

>> No.7820247

kinda cute
wow ur gf dresses cool
uhhhhh im not really feelin it
not liking the sweater
so bad
i dont like it
boots dont work with it
nice but boring
i like it
lol bad
kinda alright as long as you have a good face
jesus you wore aldo?
pants too skinny around the calf
dude is that you? nice
zara skirt. need i say more
sokay i guess
kinda boring for streetstyle

>> No.7820256
File: 317 KB, 960x720, IMG_1037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

julius arrived, potato pov shot till my i get dlsr back, they aren't as black as i thought they would be.

>> No.7820257

too bad I already have one levi, strictly for aesthetic purposes. You wouldnt know about it

>> No.7820260

nice contribution you fucktard

>> No.7820262

:( did i insult you:((((

>> No.7820265
File: 2.18 MB, 3000x4000, 1389661058614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you now trunksy?

>> No.7820268


so excited for the full fit :)


of course it's me, i dont post pictures of other people in waywt haha


really jealous of those shoes, the top could be worn better though (i.e. with different stuff, colors). it reminds me of some dbss shirts i've seen

>> No.7820272

w2c doorknob

>> No.7820281

ur my favorite trip cause you gave me the confidence to keep going with fashion

>> No.7820290
File: 836 KB, 2048x1536, 2014-02-19 20.54.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i ef ay?

>> No.7820292


very happy to hear something so encouraging, i'm glad for you!

>> No.7820296

how is he levitating that dumbbell?

>> No.7820298


so you like scrawny bitch boys?

>> No.7820310

sorry I didn't like your fit keep trying

>> No.7820306

thats a doorknob reflection in the mirror dude...

>> No.7820316

w2c shirt like this?

>> No.7820326

>how is he levitating that dumbbell
fuckin lol'd, cheers m8

>> No.7820335

saiyan powers

>> No.7820355


>> No.7820356
File: 1.69 MB, 1102x834, sweg47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better late than never. Really casual fit today.

Penfield parka shirt zipup thing

Rotisserie Chicken hoodie

W+H tshirt

Naked and famous indigo selvedge super skinny

Balmain highs

>> No.7820374

The silhouette seems fine, dont know about the pieces' synergy though...kinda all over the place. Not a big fan of the dark blue, black, green, and white palette either.
Other than that, switch a few pieces out and it would be a great fit.

>> No.7820385

Pants are definitely too tight at the calf if you're going with a cropped look - especially sockless.

Pieces that could all work separately, but don't come together well here. I'd try a different material of pants, something less stiff and more casual and probably go a completely different direction with the shirt altogether.

(This is off topic, but did you get my last email about the 3zip? Just wanted to make sure since I sent it when I traveling through an area with awful service.)

Looks pretty good, I would personally go with a different colour for the hoodie, and without strings. Also don't like the black socks, but that's just me nit-picking.

>> No.7820391

jeans dont work the best. I like balmain highs though. seriously not the best fit

>> No.7820386

There's no green in there, must be the lighting

White shoes, blue jeans, black hood, grey/charcoal jacket

>> No.7820394
File: 921 KB, 1520x2688, fitfitfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went to get some errands done.

>> No.7820412


ah, i think i did! i might have forgotten to respond because i've had a flood of email from grailed and my proxy service, sorry.


you're too good for this website

>> No.7820421

wtc jacket

>> No.7820442

good shit
This guy pretty much said everything >>7820391
Is that really the best picture you could take?

>> No.7820435

I dunno man. I bought this thing at least 4 years ago off the rack of a random store called el cartel on granville/robson in vancouver. I barely wear it nowadays but figured I'd give it a go today since I didn't feel like wearing all black.

It's penfield but with how many seasons old it is I doubt you'll find it

>> No.7820455

I dunno, man. As funny as it is I learned everything from this site :)
Thank, man.

>> No.7820493
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>> No.7820501

Nice. Sandro jacket? wut pants r those

>> No.7820510

Thank you, man :) It's a Julius jacket. The jeans are DRKSHDW. Best jeans I've owned by far.

>> No.7820518

does this person have more fits? best I've seen on here since Marcus.

>> No.7820523

looks amazing , Detroits?

>> No.7820551
File: 1.33 MB, 1840x3264, Old1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't save mine, man. Sorry. Just occasionally post. But I've got an older one here.
Yeah, Detroits. They're the perfect length for me and fit really well. I recommend them.

>> No.7820569

if ur 5'7 she must be fucken 4'11

>> No.7820578
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>> No.7820586

are you indian?
you guys age like milk but man you girls are so hot when young
I luv u m8 ;)

>> No.7820592

really bad sickly

apply yourself, for real

>> No.7820594

Still pretty
what are you?

>> No.7820589

not indian

>> No.7820595

You both dress like shit. You're worse than her because you literally have no idea what you are doing. She seems to have some sembalance of an idea but her outerwear kills that fit plus if she's going to avoid cour tell her to use textures and shit because she just looks blegh. You on the other hand. Kill urself

>> No.7820596

wow u got plastic surgery to dress like that?...

>> No.7820600


>> No.7820603


arent you that girl from Tdot

>> No.7820604

pls be my fingerlip qt gf

>> No.7820605

everything and nothing

my studying outfit (whole thing cost 20$..minus shoes)

i aspire to be pretty enough that it doesnt matter what i wear (sarcasm)

>> No.7820607

Top throws off your proportions, boots make it much more violent. When the picture is viewed in full it's very unflattering. I'd suggest a wider garment on your legs to balance out the billow of your shirt and your boots.

>> No.7820612

>everything and nothing

wow high school existentialism

you vapid cunt.

>> No.7820614

theres more than one girl from toronto

>> No.7820619

took her mins too to put that together

>> No.7820625

where the hell do you live that people don't look at you funny for dressing like that?

>> No.7820624

hahaha thanks for the advice. i abhor flared pants though. they look so late 2000s
think i just need to lose weight..my legs become straighter-looking

buy a fucking thesaurus..is that the only insult you can come up with?

>> No.7820630

Europe, new york

>> No.7820632

get rid of that red, crappy nailpolish and get black. It makes me think your indian because of how they all wear like red body paint/nails and that red forehead dot thing. the shirt would be better if it was a dark shade of grey, the green does you no justice

>> No.7820634

Why would people look at me funny? It's jean a t-shirt and jacket and some boots.

I live in a sub-urb and people barely ever stare at me. Even if they did it's no big deal, people are naturally curious. It makes no difference to me.

>> No.7820637

uh, thats the whole point of fashion, to have people stare at you and be the center of attention without having to say anything.

>> No.7820799

no, no it's not please go

I don't think they do necessarily, just rekindling memories of fits of the past, I've lived in very backwoods areas.

First of all I think it's a great outfit, I used to dress in a similar aesthetic, when I was very thin before getting /fit/ mode, but never pulled it off as well as you and feel too bulky to wear it properly now, not to mention outgrowing the clothes.

It's more than just a tshirt jeans and some boots though. The jacket's avant gardeness might be more subtle than that of the jeans and the boots, but let's not kid ourselves they're high top ann sneaker-boots, and far from plain jeans. I think this is the appeal of the outfit though, the slightness of the twist on basic pieces yielding deeply different looks. Maybe you're fortunate to be around more, for lack of better phrasing, fashionable people than I've been, or care far less about comments made.

>> No.7820836

Hrm, interesting. I've always lived under a large city admiring the small glimpses of the culture. Perhaps I see this as less of a big deal simply because I never payed much attention to my actual surrounding and focused on some place larger and more developed.

Also, to me it is indeed a regular outfit. Nothing out of the ordinary. However to someone who doesn't indulge themselves into this specific interest I can definitely see it being a bigger deal.

However my entire life I've had comments made about me, it becomes something you care less and less about the opinions of others when negative become menial. It's more about cherishing the positive remarks.

Interesting, Anon, thank you :)

>> No.7820963
File: 99 KB, 730x547, klondike-box-730x547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if troll, but the short-sleeve buttonup makes you look like a middle schooler, jeans don't fit, you could probably use new frames and a haircut, and you'd look and feel better if you lost weight.

Also your shoes look like Klondike bars.

>> No.7821069

Lol and people say I'm too over dressed. I also lost about 70 lbs recently. I'm dressed fine. Thanks for your input though.

Now as for the weight loss, Do you mean lose more weight or look anorexic? Serious question.

>> No.7821074

>I'm dressed fine
you're not
everything that guy said is right
your clothes need to fit properly

and get some shoes that aren't fuckin klondike bars

>> No.7821078

no you're not dressed fine, you look like a prepubescent child going on a field trip to the natural history museum, your shoes are hideous, the shirt is a train wreck and your pants are too damn big

good job on the weight loss though, keep getting fitter, but you need to seriously improve your eye for aesthetic apparel

>> No.7821102

Aw, you guys; thanks!

Heh yeah I wore Aldo. I hated them though.

>> No.7821136

No, my pants are my size. I won't wear anything tighter if thats what you are suggesting. My shirt fits as well. Any size smaller would look weird. I'm not sure what you mean by middle school kid. Middle school kids wear a red shirt and blue jeans as a uniform here. The Klondike bar reference was funny but they look nothing like that. My shoes are almost a green shade. Lighting maybe?

I don't know, I guess it is a different thing where I live. Would I look out of place where you live? I'm not kidding when I say I'm over dressed where I live.

The only people who look more over dressed than me are women who dress everyfay as if they are going to the club or retarded hipsters who wear a scarf in our 80 degree weather.

>> No.7821147

Just leave, if you're not going to take criticism. Your outfit is ill-fitting and your ignorance will not change that. This board has nothing but harsh truth. This is what people think when they walk by you, see you, talk to you. They see a Man who is too childish to take constructive-criticism to improve himself.

>> No.7821172

I disagree. It defeats the purpose to post something and not expect criticism, wouldn't you agree?

I'm more than open to feedback. I wouldn't call it harsh, at least it didn't seem that way to me.

>> No.7821349

I like it dude. Everyone seems to have a problem with the TNF branding but I like branding as long as it's not overbearing
>that posture
yeah this is pretty cool. not too sold on the olive but the pants are nice anyway so it's still sweet
Your gf is more effay than you are
really nice bottom half, but not too sold on the sweater. I think it's just the colour.
ur qt but I don't like that skirt thing
The trousers are rly nice and I agree with the other dude about them working well with rafdidas. But they don't go well with the sweater and also change colour of socks
This is great

>> No.7821368

Mate, your jeans fit fucking horribly. Don't be so stubborn.

>> No.7821739

W2c boots?

>> No.7822086

d'aw comme des garçons

>> No.7822090

really nice man

>> No.7822787 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 600x800, 2014-02-19 06.12.38 5_cleaned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from yesterday....