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/fa/ - Fashion

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7816640 No.7816640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i dont know where else to ask this
if i eat around 700 cals a day(or less) and take diet pills how much weight do you think i could lose in say, 6 weeks?

>> No.7816667

Don't. Just fucking don't. If you want to lose weight, do it the smart way. Eat the right amount for your body, eat good things, and work out. Don't be lazy, starving yourself and taking supplements, first of all won't do anything to cut your weight, and second of all will only hurt you. You need no less than 1200 calories a day to sustain basic bodily functions, and probably more if you want to have the energy to do anything worthwhile. Go to /fit/, read the sticky, don't fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7816689

i already am diagnosed with an eating disorder, there is no smart way for me. i want to kill myself if i eat that much. i appreciate you trying to help me tho

>> No.7816695

Fuck off cunt. It's ultimate /fa/ to kill yourself slowly, that's why there's so much smokers.

>> No.7816714

death is everywhere and smoking is not an embrace of death, it is (in this context) a puerile attempt to have control in the face of infinity. being /fa/ is about radical repression so of course this fits.

>> No.7816749

Keto works. It's not killing yourself if you do it right.

>> No.7816790

real talk
all these dweebs doing the same thing as everyone else in an attempt to realize some fetishized ideal that someone else decided was cool
get fucked poserboys

>> No.7816784

ive helped people with eating disorders and trust me there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Believe that you'll barely lose any weight if you eat under 1000 calories a day. you have to just not eat shit foods. eat fruits and be happy, it doesnt have to be this way

>> No.7816820


youll prolly be dead if u do that for 6 weeks lql

>> No.7816839


you're actually gonna lose more weight when you lose it healthily, going down to 700 calories a day will not support your body with enough energy. this constant deprivation will slowly but surely get your body back to stone age mode. any and all calories will instantly be put onto your body as a fat reserve for 'bad times'. I actually started out like that, eating pretty much nothing and working out. First few weeks nothign changed, after that I started gaining weight. No one told me that muscles would add weight..

Just try to get a lot of protein and work out regularily, change your entire nutrition plan. It's the only way. Trust me. Lost about 90LBS in two years, you can do it.

>> No.7816867

Look up DNP

>> No.7816874

/fit/izen expert here, i can confirm that a land whale like youreself can eat 700 kcal a day and be ok, just make sure you make all those kcal are filled with most nutrient rich foods like leafy veg, nuts, olives for that good fat and protein and as little sugar as possible. 700 is a little low try 1400 you can eat veg all fucking day and not hit 1400 kcal. but in reality youre just going to eat what the other dyels eat which is ramen and sugar. die faggot

>> No.7816913

Yup! If you're overweight, you can actually 'live' off of salted, sugared water, along with vitamins to supplement your diet, until you reach a healthy weight.

You'll feel like ABSOLUTE shit, your metabolism will be a wreck for a few weeks after you readjust to food, and you'll probably have a ton of loose skin if you do it for too long(Like are 400lbs, and sustain the diet to lose 80lbs over the span of a few weeks) but it will work and it is survivable.

If this is a short term thing that has to happen, then go for it.
Just be aware that a moderate shift in diet, over a longer time, will net you *MUCH* better results, and not be nearly as uncomfortable.

>> No.7816923

Go away troll.
Eating annorexic will kill your aesthetics. My body stopped being able to produce hair, nails, heat, moisture, etc after few months of ~500 calories. I didn't lose much weight either(nevermind that most the weight you lose probably won't even be fat). My measurements are only about 1 inch bigger all around from when I was at my lowest atm, and I eat at least 2k calories a day and stay active. I also look better now because I'm actually fit( which wasn't even possible when Annie, I couldn't bike a block without lying down for a break-now I do 30 miles every other day). Annorexia is seriously not healthy, and not aesthetic- you just end up looking like the crypt keeper

>> No.7816937

I like u pls stay xx

>> No.7816959

>what are thermo dynamics?

Calories in, calories out. Your body will start to break down muscle too, but most of the weight lost will be from fat.

If you absolutely have to lose 10lbs in 2 or 3 weeks, and can manage to feel like garbage the entire time, this is the best way to deal with it.
fyi, this is the same principle used for those 'liquid diets'. Difference is theres less stupid BS about chilli juice, or apple cider, and more ACTUAL science.
Measure out 500 calories of something filling, like oatmeal or puffed wheat. Eat that throughout the day to satiate yourself, with the occasional gulp of sugared, salted water(maybe 1/8th a tsp of salt and 1/2tbsp of sugar per liter)
As long as you're also taking a multi vitamin, you should be fine, provided you have an excess of fat.
OBviously dont due this if you already have a low BF%, as it will cause your body to break down.

>> No.7816972

Thats such stupid BS.
Obviously you will lose weight on a low cal diet. And 1000calories isnt even a dangerous number(protip: MANY people in eastern europe live off of 900 calories a day)

Yeah, the ideal caloric intake for the average person is 2000, but if you have spent the last 20 years taking in 3500, spending a few months at 1000(or even a few days a week at 1000, and the others at 1800) isnt going to hurt you. Once your body adjusts to it, you wont even be uncomfortable, since again, a lot of people are perfectly situated with that kind of diet.

I'm not trying to get pro-anorexia here... But if you're a fat fuck, you can healthily starve yourself for a few days/weeks with negligible health implications.

>> No.7817625

This. OP pull the thumb out of your ass and work out/eat healthy if you wanna look good. Starving yourself will make you look ugly, simple as that.