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/fa/ - Fashion

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7813689 No.7813689 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to an Eminem concert in a few hours. What to wear?

>> No.7813705

edgy white people clothing

>> No.7813707

a hoodie and a hat obviously

>> No.7813709

Except that I'm olive.

>> No.7813715

edgy olive people clothing

>> No.7813730

wear some dirty hick shit.
you don't want to look good at an eminem concert.
You just wanna party and get stupid.

>> No.7813731

So a white wife beater and khaki cargos?

>> No.7813738

Exactly, why aren't you wearing those anyway?

>> No.7813744
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Is it you aussieqt?
Just wear whatever the fuck, is going to get really sweaty and probably will mess up.

>> No.7813747

Sayid pls go

>> No.7813756

No, it's Wednesday here
This is some fuccboi going to the Melbourne concert.

>> No.7813757

I'm in a shopping centre with designer shops that myself and the girlfriend are shopping at. So I had to get dressy.

>> No.7814116
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>> No.7814129

dress like jesse pinkman

>> No.7814200

can you please stop giving eminem money in 2014? ur just encouraging dude to be lazy

>> No.7814252

ew why tho

dudes like 40, thats like going to a rush concert or something, just autistic, id be emberassed to be seen there

>> No.7814349

The concert and your fits have something in common then.

>> No.7814518

weak ether, stop trying

>> No.7814514



>> No.7814531
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>> No.7814538

post a fit you hilarious guy

more jokes please theyre so funny! xD

>> No.7814536

youd be embarrassed to be seen at my fits? killer burn m8

>> No.7814545

trunks taking off your trip and posting damage control doesn't help your reputation.

>> No.7814548

im not trunks idiot
post a fit

>> No.7814549

my trip was on retard

>> No.7814555
File: 50 KB, 450x600, 1388977159604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u upset?

>> No.7814593

>hmm maybe if i post this pic that was funny a few years ago /fa/ will laugh with me and think im funny too

stop, its cliche, it isnt funny, it hasnt been for a while

>> No.7814610

r u gonna talk shit or r u gonna post fit?

>loll turnks ur fits are so le bad i can either u without posting firt my fits are better than urs i just dont wan to post one right now!!!

ur basic bye

>> No.7814612
File: 17 KB, 250x239, 1390366436552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>years ago

>> No.7814619

sftu trunks
u always say the same copy paste reply for whenver that pic is posted, u dont think we realized that by now?

>> No.7814623

frosted tips

>> No.7814621

Prove me wrong and I will, hows about that m8?

>> No.7814639


oh hey look it's the same old retort

he's never going to leave, no matter how much he's humiliated.

there is literally no reason for anyone to this daft. Maybe if we stop feeding his shitposting by giving him attention he won't feel like he's being rewarded for it?

>> No.7814641

tbh im pretty sure trunks know a lot more about fashion than you do

>> No.7814658
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Sure you do Trunks, I forgot how fashionable it is to incorporate a firefighter bunker jacket in my fits. You clearly are a genius.

>> No.7815185

>get $100 of m&ms candy
>melt or glue all candy together
>form giant m&m bodysuit to wear to eminem

>> No.7815420
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>mfw plebs actually wasted 300 dollars to see this washed up hack

>> No.7815908

>anyone who doesn't find your shitty joke funny must be trunks

>> No.7815913

>white people actually waste their money to see this washed up hack

Jesus Christ white folks, ya gotta stop the bigotry. He feel off a decade ago.

>> No.7816311



>> No.7818993

samefagosaurus rex

>> No.7819020

not afraid

>> No.7819027
File: 71 KB, 426x341, 1347324747779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-guys im going to see Danny Brown on Friday what do I wear

pls help

>> No.7819070
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>danny brown
>anything other than a full jeremy scott outfit

>> No.7819075


anon pls its a bit short notice

>> No.7819087

tantalizing skinnies

>> No.7819107


h-how tantalising


>> No.7819108
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bape shark hoodie

>> No.7819112

anyone going to Governors Ball this year?

>> No.7819130
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>danny brown

>> No.7819266

Who are you again?

>> No.7820968

Shut up nigger.
Olive here too.

>> No.7821450

OP reporting in. I wore a white Tshirt (you really expected me to wear a wife beater? I don't bother with those items in my wardrobe.) and khakis 3/4 shorts with nike air max (beige) he wore pretty much the same thing. Marshal mathers , do you lurk /fa/?

>> No.7821566

shit, man. me too. seems like loads of people on /fa/ are

>> No.7821580
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koko? really i havent noticed anyone else saying they're going. thats cool tho

>tfw seeing Silver Mt Zion there on Sunday too

>> No.7821599

yeah, koko. well it wasn't strictly loads, more like 3. maybe i will wear a 'she brings the rain' jacket or 'hentai 00' tshirt so if they see me they can say hi, lel

>> No.7821671


>> No.7821712

It's Marshall Matthews, breoski. Learn it before I berzerk it.