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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 97 KB, 500x586, frnz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7807094 No.7807094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you have cute siblings?

are they /ef/f/ay/

>> No.7808898

is incest /fa/

>> No.7808919


>> No.7808925
File: 524 KB, 1280x1714, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an only child is the most /fa/ thing that can happen to anyone. Parents only pay attention to you so you are likely to be more educated and better at a sport, don't have to share or compensate with anyone, get spoiled, etc. Feels good.

>> No.7809152

>not wanting to be one of three 6'2"-6'4" pale skinned wavy-haired brothers born in rapid succession attending the same ivy-league school, strutting around campus in designer clothes, staring condescendingly at everyone around them, and spitroasting other men's girlfriends at their shared penthouse apartment

>not wanting to have a tomboy sister who shaves her head, rolls with your skinhead crew, and is always the first to kick someone in the head with her made-in-england docs when shit heats up

Enjoy having no widespread social network, emotional/financial support
Enjoy your psychological issues and narcissism
>inb4 "I'm a man and I don't depend on others b/c I'm not a pussy" *tips fedora*

>> No.7809164

you obviously don't have siblings. or money

>> No.7809172

my little brother is /fit/

dresses okay as well

>> No.7809173
File: 509 KB, 1278x1920, qtrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone actually believes having siblings is /fa/

>> No.7809187


1 sister 1 brother and a massive inheritance that was dealt to me 3 years ago

Also I share an inherited high-rise condo in a major US city with my siblings

If you have siblings and hate them, mistrust them, or can't rely on them then your parents fucked up. Sorry your parents couldn't hack it at real life

>> No.7809207

so you have money but still need to share an apartment and post here?

sad, sad boi

it's okay though, i won't judge you

>> No.7809222


>> No.7809252

and if you're an only child, your parents either
a) were too poor to feed more than one. congrats
b)just had a kid to check that box b/c they saw their waning fertility on the horizon. Again, congrats, you're the product of a loveless and ill-planned marriage

>not wanting to live with your siblings in a 3br beautiful condo until you're all done with the graduate degrees you;re getting on fellowship b/c you're all so fucking talented
the 3 of us decided to put nearly all immediately accessible cash into investment portfolios we already had established because we're not fucking dumbasses and we're just going to be that much more filthy rich when we give a shit about money.
>living in a metropolitan area and not wanting to share a place until you're ready to move in with a romantic interest or get a job somewhere else
god you guys are so autistic.

>4chan is for poor kids get out

>> No.7809261

My younger sister I think is very pretty, she is a mix of Cara and Alessandra Ambrosio. UNfortunately she dresses kinda hipster-ish/punk-ish
My younger brother is handsome, dresses "normal"
My youngest (half )brother is 10. Hes not cute right now but maybe its the age. Or maybe he got the bad looks from his whorish mother

>> No.7809316

my older brother is an officer in the us army

he buys all his clothes from costco and dresses mitt romney-core

>> No.7809335

That's the way it always is with professional military. After serving and living according to army standards they just don't care
>high-cheekboned 6'2" friend gets dropped from active duty b/c no war
>has terribly shaped buzzcut
>refuses to grow it out or even get it done well yuri-style b/c "it's just the way I've always done it"

>> No.7809411

I've got 5 brothers. Pretty unusual by todays standards. Maybe the undivided attention part of being an only child is true, but the rest of it isn't. We are all pretty close in age, the biggest age gap is only 4 years so we all hung around together/played sports together. Oldest brother represented the county in swimming and basketball, I played divegrass semi pro for 3 years and little brother runs 400m at county level. All of us past final growth spurt are over 180 cm. feelsgood. meanwhile all the 'only childs' i knew growing up either gave up and got married young or have victim complexes

>> No.7810887
File: 401 KB, 2848x4272, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little sister is a qt3.14, Im so proud of her because she is really innocent, never shows cleavage and stuff and is really fashionable, (although not by /fa standards) and that even though she grows up in a city full of sluts that cant dress themselves.

>> No.7810890
File: 2 KB, 101x125, 1368947910412s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my little sister is a qt3.14

>> No.7810893

Is it wrong to say this?

>> No.7810897

it's a bit weird

>> No.7810899

Well, users here generally référ to lové interests and grail sex partners as that

In before it's just à picture of yourself

>> No.7810900

just remember she craves the D just as much as all the plebs and sluts

>> No.7810902
File: 28 KB, 500x333, 1392726037730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810906

oh no Im a girl, I thought its ok to say this

>> No.7810910

post pic or lying

>> No.7810915

i guess that makes it less weird then

>> No.7810924

we need to see more b4 we can judge if she is a qt

>> No.7810928

yes, my brother is a model and my sister is a dj

i'm just a fucking loser ;((

>> No.7810933

this. post back.

>> No.7810941

there is a reason I blurred out her face.
I wont show more of her

>> No.7810956

cmon man i just want to fap. you dont even know me it wont be weird cmon man pls


>> No.7810989

Unfortunately no, my sister looks like me in female and is a shut-in.

I play musical theater and I'm usually the bad or mysterious guy in the story.

Feel kind of sorry for her.

>tfw when you know what it is like to be a spoiled only-child, but sibling gets born

>> No.7811095
File: 1016 KB, 322x166, angry kitty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really innocent, never shows cleavage and stuff and is really fashionable


even from a female's p.o.v

why are imposing your sexist as fuck standards on siblings?

>> No.7811098
File: 370 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20131229_152831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bro is fat but good looking if he lost the weight. Here's a pic that he took from my phone. Not very flattering but it's the only pic I have of him right now.

>> No.7811109

>but good looking if he lost the weight

I don't think so.

>> No.7811113


>> No.7811115
File: 55 KB, 375x500, Imagem_665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my brother, yes. He sees himself as a fashionista. Needless to say, he is a homosexual. If the sunglasses didn't give it away, then his dick sucking lips will. This picture only shows his face, sans fit, but it was terrible anyways.

Also, guess what the gay community calls a gay, chubby, white guy?

All mean jabs aside, I love mah brah.

>> No.7811120

OP is trying to illustrate how retarded off topic threads on /fa/ are.

noone gets it.

>> No.7811122

Oh I hate to break it to you but.....
Your brother is ugly as shit.

>> No.7811125

He's just Asian. Asians are naturally ugly. As a white girl, I would never date an Asian. I can do better than that.

>> No.7811128

I'm asian and I'm hot as fuck, that nigga got dem polynesian ugly genes.

>> No.7811130

I'm sorry, but yuck, I cannot see Asians as being anything other than unattractive.

>> No.7811209

Says the feminist.

>> No.7811214

My sister dresses really well and receives compliments damn bear every time I'm with her, also sews and knows how to make alterations. She's something like 90lbs 5'2

Femlet but way more /fa/ than me, I don't even own clothing and hate my life.

>> No.7811219


lol white girl here, used to only date Asian men. They are 2 fine. Now i've been with a Jewish guy for 5 years :3

>> No.7811254

My younger sister (14 I think) is a typical tumblrcore teenage girl. She has no interests and I don't even remember the last time I managed to hold a full conversation with her.

My older sister (30) is okay, she can't match colours and comes out with some bad-weird combinations but she manages.

>> No.7811260

My younger brother is an adopted African. I really hate him. I'm sure that my hatred of blacks stems from my adopted brother. He is just a piece of shit, and I make sure to remind him of his status whenever he is around me.

>> No.7811263

Geez, what makes you hate him so much?

>> No.7811438

are you serious? Im sexist just because Im proud of my sister because she isnt a slut?

>> No.7811467

he has a bigger dick than me

>> No.7811468
File: 41 KB, 638x638, 1385468040234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am forever alone
i have no one

>tfw no brother

>> No.7811484

ill be your brother m8

we can go to fashion shows together and remissness about when we were kids growing up in Paris(this we will have to make up of course) Then we will grab some black coffee and a cigarette and retire to our penthouse apartment for the night where we will go on /fa/ and discuss the new Rck line with our fellow anons

>> No.7811692

i want to be your brother....

>> No.7812082

you'd be a wonderful sister

>> No.7812107

because it means she gets more attn than her sis
so it's gud

>> No.7812123

>my little sister
Haha, you mean yourself? That was the most pathetic thing I've read in a while, and that's saying a lot considering what board we're on.

>> No.7812137
File: 41 KB, 160x160, 436356457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my older brother wore white shoes at his wedding
>his reasonably effay wife let him

>> No.7812174

>tfw bought my first pair of jeans that fit

Am I on the right track?

>> No.7812557

your brother is sieg heil?

>> No.7812816


>> No.7812819

only makes it lewder

>> No.7812869

only if you're both 8/10+

ugly people incest is just hella nasty

>> No.7814818

everyday i pray for mods to return