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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 624 KB, 973x973, spring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7802967 No.7802967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of clothes with Japanese or Chinese text? Can anyone post some sites?


those are some I have found

>> No.7803891

it looks sick af if ur at least mixed asian and living in mostly white areas
tbh personally i like korean text a lot
but the brands u posted are fucc af

>> No.7803895

Look if you wanted to advertise your own shit just make a sell thread.

PS it's ugly as fuck. Just because it's a different language doesn't make it cool.

>> No.7803902

what you should be thinking when approaching clothes like this isn't whether or not you think they look nice its more about the context in which you're wearing them. Feel free to spend over 100 dollars on a hoodie simply for its asian inscriptions and then get looked at like a fuccboi for trying that hard.

>> No.7803915

if ur a lil white boi, don't even bother.

>> No.7803930

white folk cant rock em

>> No.7804000

being half asian can i rock this shit? or will ppl make fun of me for assuming my chinkness?

>> No.7805739

just do it, what's your other half, i'm half PR half korean

>> No.7805769

Make damn sure you know what the word means. In this case, it's 春, Chinese for "spring", as in the season.

>> No.7805895

OP here fuck you fags I am fob from china

don't bother bumping the thread anymore, since I don't even want these anymore, my fits are 9/10 as is

>> No.7806079

post em

>> No.7806100

>self hating whites
>butthurt chinks

>> No.7806104

I've heard that wetstore is a complete scam. Can anyone confirm?

Something about the owner getting busted and running away to Mexico...

>> No.7806119

I like the spring shirt from very cool shirtz but do snowy mountains = spring? Should've used the kanji for winter

>> No.7806256

guy got busted by big cartel

>> No.7806293


>> No.7806296

Citation pls?
I want that hentai shirt

>> No.7806303

seems bs to me. The store is still up, and there seems to be no proof. cop at your own risk

>> No.7806489

Not a scam. Ordered a hoodie from there a while ago (12 days to be exact), and recieved it today. Had read somewhere about the shipping time being around a week and a half, but after reading a thread on here last week about it supposedly being a hoax I have to admit I got worried. It's comfy af tho. Can provide pic

>> No.7806496

Nigga what? I ordered my hoodie over a month ago now and I'm still waiting.

>> No.7806587
File: 146 KB, 1000x831, 2013-10-23_17.06.13-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, i'd wear that kyary crewneck. fucking love kyary.

>> No.7806614
File: 567 KB, 522x826, wet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


should I get the hoodie?

not sure if comfortable with the sex stuff

>> No.7806624

I went to her show in LA yesterday. Shit was kawaii as expected but...I just dunno, she didn't seem too into it on stage. Then again, her face always seems very non-emotive to me.

>> No.7806655


If you're into streetwear definetly.

>> No.7806711


what if I live in Florida

>> No.7806732

Where do you live? I guess that plays a big part.

Go for it, just be prepared for the wait. I bought the same one.

>> No.7806742

Oh and depending on where you live, veeeery few people will actually know what it means, if we're talking about the education hoodie.

>> No.7806751
File: 1.99 MB, 413x225, abaca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How's the sizing on hoodies? I'm new to /fa/, so I'm a small in shirts does that mean I size up? Don't want a too tight hoodie here

>> No.7806757


i go to uni with a fat weaboo who "knows" japanese, I don't really care what he thinks or not because he's a fat weaboo

>> No.7806767

what if you two both wear the hoodie on the same day?

>> No.7806868


What does the text say>

>> No.7806870


the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.7806882


No it fuckin doesnt

>> No.7806914

OP here again, I doubt any of you are asian so stop buying these since you will look bad

>> No.7806912

>can't read the file name

>> No.7806917
File: 2.07 MB, 360x199, 1386181365759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really does bro, it says 'wet'

>> No.7806921

yeah, because the japs really care about what their shirts say in english

>> No.7806945

not many foreign countrys do. I dont know how many koreans I've seen wearing shirts that say nothing but FUCK in huge letters.

>> No.7806950


>> No.7806960
File: 61 KB, 540x720, YdFVA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7806968

its like a metaphor for duality, or something

>> No.7806976

Kanji? It's Hanzi, you dog


>> No.7807097

It reads Nureru or 'to become wet'.

>> No.7807142

I'm black. Will I look like a fuccbo If I rock these? plz help.

>> No.7807172

it's "nureta" [濡れた] actually

basically a way to say "[I've] had sex"

Doesn't sound like a modern euphemism at all.

>> No.7807462


>wearing hoodie that says ive had sex
>tfw virgin

i am going to cop for pure irony

>> No.7807474

Cop a YOLO shirt too, and a cool SWAG snapback.
Ironically of course.
Maybe Arizona ice tea sneakers?

Yeah that'll be nice, ironically.

>> No.7807504



>> No.7807506

>being this mad

>> No.7807514


For real mate?
Autist, mad? Sweet buzzwords.

>> No.7807523

yep, definitely

>> No.7807537

If you wear those shirts that say "looking for a Japanese girlfriend", you should be forced to live the rest of your life on a sandbar

>> No.7807542


what shirts

>> No.7807546
File: 27 KB, 212x371, ss (2014-02-16 at 01.26.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one post has had another store....

>> No.7807558


>> No.7807568

Specifically asking for shirts with asian characters on them is lame as fuck tbh

>> No.7807569

lol 贵州 is for poor nong faggots

>> No.7807579
File: 97 KB, 960x690, 1388506354924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but get the grey version
looks way better

>> No.7807584


>> No.7807590


>> No.7807596


>> No.7807605

“上流普安" , right?

Unless this is some chengyu I don't know...

>> No.7807615


>> No.7807614

those are moonrunes

>> No.7807987

OP back again, stop thinking shirts will asian symbols will make you look cool if you are white

could work on blacks and latinos though

middle east is a MAYBE

>> No.7808051

what if no one knows what race you are?

Ive had people tell me i look asian. I look native american. I look mexican. I look like a white dude.

Alot of different stuff

>> No.7808062


post a pic of ur face

>> No.7808073

>letting race determine what you wear

Oh boy it's like we're in a time before globalisation huh? Wear what you fucking like.
Not all of the stuff posted here is 'that' nice, but it depends on what you wear with it, if you're centering the entire fit around some meme or ironic shirt you WILL fuck up.

Wear it with confidence and don't draw too much attention to it, shirt will do the rest on its own.

>> No.7808361

>only whitey can't wear my special eastern clothes

fuck off.

>> No.7808784

you can wear it then man

yes but just the fact that you wearing a 2edgy shirt with asian symbols shows how hard you are trying to look new and hip

if you are white that is, when you are other races it is more just "damn that's sick" and if you are asian it is even better

i never said that, but only whitey can't look good in them

you guys seem autistic about this, you will never be not white sorry

>> No.7811082

the stuff on there is stuff that the wedidit collective uses a lot. check their online store?

>> No.7811100
File: 894 KB, 900x900, Cherry-Blossom-Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what the text says?

>tfw out of stock anyway

>> No.7811259


deceptive advertising's killer?

hahah wow.


>> No.7811264
File: 3 KB, 606x56, kodaikoukoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's it's entry on rikaichan

>> No.7811353

In english you would probably say "Killer of shitty products" or something like that.