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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 320x240, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7799788 No.7799788 [Reply] [Original]

I can almost see my ribs now when sucking in. It feels good. How is everyone else dropping weight?

>> No.7799798

it's bulking season brah

>> No.7799794

Haven't eaten anything in the last four days due to sickness and loss of appetite. Also got an internship recently, which somehow kills my appetite even more.. Might lose all dat winter fat

>> No.7799805

i can see my ribs whenever bruv i dont even care

>> No.7799837

>bulking at any time
How repulsive.

>> No.7799846

curls for the gurls mang

>> No.7799866

>implying girls care about muscles and not wang size
In that case, I'm better off mang.

>> No.7799872

1000 cal a day, eating clean
might drop to 500 - 750 range

i got my eye on the prize

>> No.7799879

>Being this stupid

>> No.7799887

1000 used to be the recommended intake for women on diet; it's not all that crazy

>> No.7799911

Enjoy losing muscle and not fat.

>> No.7800005

How would he be losing muscle?

>> No.7800008

>there are people whose ribs aren't always visible


>> No.7800014

>18 yo
>eat whatever I want
>never gain weight

feels good. I am trying to enjoy this as much as I can before my body turns on me

>> No.7800016

>eating food

fucking gross

>> No.7800102


>> No.7800107

this is comedy gold guys

>> No.7800191

the freshman 15 is so real

in muscle

>> No.7800211


xd le coffee cigarettes and adderal!!!!

>> No.7800220


>> No.7800243

>drinking anything but the occasional sip of water

fucking disgusting, seriously

>> No.7800265

When you consume such a small amount of calories, your body goes into starvation made and cannibalizes muscle, rather than burning fat. He SHOULD run a slight calorie deficit instead of eating 1000 less calories a day than he should if he wants to lose weight in a healthy manner.

>> No.7800274

also because dubs

>> No.7800300
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>being anorexic

>> No.7800298

This. Whenever he's going to eat more than usual, his body is directly gonna store everything in belly fat.

>> No.7800311
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Eating 1300 a day.
Lifting soon.

My body is going to be top notch.

>> No.7800384
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>tfw hair falling out and muscles disappearing due to eating 750 a day

Finally. Soon I will become feral.

>> No.7800409

>tfw on a bulk but fast Sundays to keep fat gain down

I'm dying

>> No.7800439

how retarded. this is exactly like eating habits of someone with binge eating disorder. they stuff themselves and then starve for a day, rinse and repeat. eating the standard 2000 calories would be much healthier.

i mean, what's the actual point mate? either bulk or starve. trying to do two at the same time is just idiotic.

>> No.7800474


Fasting has tons of benefits. Also I rest on the weekends so excess carbs are going to be stored as fat, and excess protein is going to be wasted.

>> No.7800512

>tfw i eat <500 / day and give my self one day every week or two to eat like 5000

sweats nervously

>> No.7800513

6"1 154 pounds master race

I can eat anything and not gain weight

sure I might be weak the rest of my life but at least I will have abs showing and no fat face

>> No.7800517

fuck are you me

>> No.7800519

I can see my ribs without sucking in but I'm still pretty average. It probably depends on your proportions.

>> No.7800533

what would happen if you would just drink water and eat a can of tuna every day? I feel like trying it

how much would you loose and what are the consequences?

>> No.7800532

>tfw mom's cooking is too good to starve myself

>> No.7800546

I ate stuff from Burger King for 20$ today. I feel so guilty.

>> No.7800549

That sounds disgusting.

>> No.7800560

That's a crash diet and you would gain most of it back as soon as you started eating anything else

You can eat as much as you want as long as you do a handful of pull-ups, push-ups and cardio (cardio optional) every three days to balance it out

>> No.7800564

You would become malnourished.

>> No.7800570

6"2 and 155 pounds here

what exactly is being fat? I am lean but when I just breath out and don't contract my belly muscles, I just have a curved belly as if it is filled with fat or something, however, when I walk it just pops in you know

what is this?

>> No.7800581

Being fat is having a large percentage of bodyfat on your body. We can't say whether or not you're fat based on solely your height and weight.

>> No.7800587

5'11'' and 140 lbs

ribs been visible on my sides for years, but recently started working out a lot more. now im so close to ottermode goal body
just gotta get defined abs then im set

makin progress, feelsgoodman

>> No.7800590

I think we can say that he's not fat being over six feet tall and 155 pounds

>> No.7800601

How are you doing it, OP?

Just 1 hour of running every day?

I've done some research and there seems to be people who say HIIT trumps all, and others that say HIIT is useless for losing fat effectively.

Any tips on losing weight? (besides dedication, which i'll have to work on in my own time)

>> No.7800643

I exercise every now and then instead of a on a couple days every week because I have been busy lately.

The biggest factor is just cutting off a lot of the garbage like fast food (saves me money, too). I don't buy chips, sodas, sweets, nothing but general foods, some vegetables, lots of fruits, meats, some sort of grains, and lots of beans.

I eat mostly beans, meats, cheeses, fruits (most are citrus fruits, other include bananas), spinach.

I eat a lot of canned food, too. Like ready to eat soups, beans, chili, canned meats. Then I also occasionally have those small frozen entrees that are no more than $2 (the ones that I get are $1 each at the supermarket).

I feel as if I get the nutrients that I need from this diet because after I eat I feel satisfied after a few hours instead of being hunger again in 30 mins to an hour's time.

>> No.7800652

I meant that I feel satisfied for hours versus if you aren't giving your body the minimum it needs, you will feel hungry, sluggish, and have cravings for more foods (it's worse when you have cravings for sweets, you will when your malnourished)

>> No.7800661

And this is coming from a former fat ass.

I also try to eat many vegetables along with fruits because they usually have the lowest calories for macro- and micro-nutrients content ratio.

>> No.7800664
File: 227 KB, 872x975, 1392577499942~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> most of /fa/ is kids in highschool and college
> they're still growing
> mfw they're getting trolled into staying manlets by not eating enough to grow
> bonus points for the fact that their penis also stops growing

>> No.7800671
File: 9 KB, 261x218, 1392588237746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to a great weight and have maintained it by:
A] Running for 45 minutes a day. And:
B] I stopped eating red meat.

No I'm not vegetarian, I still eat lots of seafood and poultry.

But seriously passing on those bacon double cheeseburgers and pepperoni steak pizzas is really all it took in my humble experience. I've followed through with my little routine for two years now. For 2014 I've also stopped drinking soda, which has been hard, if only for having to give up mixed drinks.

>> No.7800679

wtf? $20 at BK? The fuck did you buy, 6 whoppers?

>> No.7800688

>penis stops growing

Penis growth stops by 18, and sure enough by 19.

Should be more worried for these high schoolers.

>> No.7800701

>mixed drinks
What's that? I stopped drinking sodas with minimal effort.

>> No.7800707

> implying the average /fa/ggot wasn't a late bloomer, hence their autism

>> No.7800725
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I'm sorry, I can't relate. I have a 7" schlong and I am also pumping with testosterone.

>> No.7800729

I am also pumping with testosterone.
>I am always pumped with testosterone.
Every now and then I get anger problems.

>> No.7800737

Except they won't know what your dick size is until you actually manage to lay them. Unless you tell them prior and then they will think your a creep

>> No.7800744

I'm not sure if I've misinterpreted your post but if you truly are curious - mixed drinks generally refers to alcoholic beverages in which liquors are combined with soda such as the classic "Jack and Coke."

My gf really likes to go pubbing so we go twice a week and now that I'm not drinking soda I pretty much only have beer. Which is probably good for me in its own way in that I'm taking in a significantly reduced amount of alcohol.

>> No.7800764
File: 32 KB, 558x480, 1392589146889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except they won't know what your dick size is until you actually manage to lay them.
Ow. This feel.. this feel I c-can relate t-to.

y-you t-too.

>> No.7800769

Beer is calorie dense. You are doing yourself a disfavor.

Liquor has fewer calories for the Alc. %

>> No.7800779

Ah, I see. I've heard the term used before but failed to see it in context here, as I don't drink very often.

Out of curiosity, does your gf do any other drugs that you would not necessarily want to be a part of?

>> No.7800783

is 7 inches considered big?
that's what i've got

>> No.7800785

I'm more concerned about my sugar intake to be honest.

Avoiding things like pizza and burgers has seen a large drop in carb and calorie intake but I still take in a lot of sugars (hence quitting soda this year).

Although what you're saying is very valid. I try not to drink too much in general.

>> No.7800788

It's undoubtedly above average, give yourself a pat on the back

>> No.7800795


>> No.7800809

Someone once said that women prefer girth over length.

>> No.7800828

I'm trying to find a paper I read about this where they'd blind tested a bunch of women with different sized dildos and checked brainwaves as well as their own opinions on what felt best.

IIRC so long as it was over 4" length wasn't very important (girls couldn't even guess which dildo was longer than which) but girth was in fact largely preferred to the point that the wide 5" was more popular than the normal 7". While the 4" dildo that had good girth was nonetheless as poorly received as the 3" with no girth.

Although I'm sure all of this depends on the woman as well.

>> No.7800832

what's decent girth?

>> No.7800845

>tfw barrel chested (thanks dad)
>tfw will never achieve hungry skeleton mode

i barely eat at all and cant seem to get under 150lbs (i'm 6'2"). a-at least im not a m-manlet

>> No.7800847

5.5" or over. A big head are bonus points, too.

>> No.7800851

Oh damn I can barely see my dick now, my bellys so huge

>> No.7800862

Official /fa/ Dick Discussion Thread

>> No.7800875

howlongismyschlong.com for all of you insecure people.

>> No.7800878

i'm 6'0 145 ish, and my ribs are pretty visable, i like my body im just pretty lanky and have small forearms. Shouldn't take too long to get to my ideal. Going to start swimming and hoping on the rowing machines I think.

>> No.7800891

You just a manlet in spirit I see

>> No.7800903

y-you too m8.

>> No.7800931

If I eat nothing all day but down a few (no more than 4 I think) beers at the end of the day, will I get fat?

>> No.7800946

You will be malnourished.

>> No.7800969

You'll prob get a beer belly

>> No.7800999

5'5 and 110 ish ive lost a lot of weight due to like depression and not eating basically but i still have flab on my stomach that i hate and i still dont eat much should i just do some sit ups and eat a bit more? im probably eating under 1k calories a day

>> No.7801008

are you a grill

>> No.7801030

Sent ;)

>> No.7801134

Mercury poisoning?

>> No.7801233

I didn't eat anything except for one or two days a week(after three days of not eating I stated to get a little nauseous and had like a bowl of cereal that day) for about 3 weeks, whilst taking multivitamins. I found if I wasn't expanding my stomach I eventually forgot about the hunger after about a day...
I lost a lot of fat, very rapidly, i think about 15-20 pounds in the three weeks but some of it was water weight so I gained a couple pounds back once started eating every day again, I didn't lose much muscle either, but I had a muscular physique to begin with... Got rid of that annoying paunch.. Haven't gained back anything and that was a few months ago.

>> No.7801385

Having a low bodyfat doesn't make you muscular.

>> No.7803429
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Just get TB from a tropical country, like I did.

Oh, you might want to get it cured before your lungs get eaten away.

Think I mistimed mine by a week or so. Oh well, wasn't using the bottom left quadrant for breathing anyway.

Still, it's great being thin!

>> No.7805873


30 minute work outs

easy to do at home

seeing insane results

>> No.7805942 [DELETED] 

I weighed around 450-470 last may and now weigh 233
true story too

>> No.7805999

are you losing or gaining mass?

>> No.7806439

Pics please