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7787068 No.7787068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7787078

>I doubt we can make things work

>> No.7787086
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That was immediate reaction

>> No.7787106
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Hold me /fa/

>> No.7787103
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Her telling you that she doesn't think things will work out means you're done bro.

>> No.7787113

super long text messages like that are never a good thing, in my experience

>> No.7787112
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I am not interested in a ldr and I do not plan on moving out of Cali for a girl...
I am going to enjoy these last few moments with her

>> No.7787117


it's okay nat

>> No.7787121

I bet she's pleb
>go to new york
She be back within a month

>> No.7787122

Dude just fuck her and leave the relationship now. She already is showing that she isn't going to put any effort into it.

>> No.7787124
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Yeah lol tbh I feel like she is bluffing

>> No.7787128
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I have already fucked her that is not the point
I like her

>> No.7787132

>dating someone who doesn't put in the effort to spell words correctly
Dump her m8

>> No.7787139

Hey in the same shit bro:( my perfect gf is gonna graduate while I still have 2 more years to Finish. Also all my friends are phasing me out of their lives. When she's gone I'll be completely alone;_;

>> No.7787142

Listen carefully, people who say this kinda shit will crash and burn once they realize "moving to new york and starting a new life" isn't as it seems in cliche movies. Your best choice is to just forget about it and focus on yourself, then lol at her later on

>> No.7787150
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We are not in a realationship

>> No.7787151

now you just look pathetic man

>> No.7787155
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Lets hold each other bro

But I don't want to lol at her. I have genuine care for her.

>> No.7787159
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>> No.7787167

you didn't send a pic of your d and said

>> No.7787172

you don't have me
just because you "have to have me"

>> No.7787187
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She constantly says shit like that to point to the fact that we are not in a relationship. She loves all 100 pounds of this NATural Portman ;)

>> No.7787189

Look Op if you really like this girl, you gotta use psychology and think rationally, you gotta take a step back and look at the situation, this bitch is MOVING TO A DIFFERENT STATE, you're not going with her, whether you want to be with her or not you're not going with her, Women need to be drawn to a man not have a man drawn to them, despite what they may say, when a woman feels like she has you, everything's over you've been conquered there's nothing left for her, what you gotta do is say "yeah i understand, things won't work out oh well" in a way that makes you seem like you don't give a fuck and didn't mind in the first place, but it needs to seem like you're trying to be polite, go fuck some other girl for a bit don't give her as much attention, you still need to keep the relationship alive though so if she's not texting you gotta text her, you gotta be conversing with her every now and then, while not being a "thirsty ass nigga" now either 2 things happen
1. she begins to fall for it and starts to like you a bit more.
2. she doesn't.

this also depends on her success in new york and whether she has to move back to you or whether she likes you so much that she decides to say fuck it and stay with you. Either way you don't have her now she's trying to let you down and it seems like you're gonna start expressing yourself a bit, fact is if a girls not showing you her true self you can't expect to show yours and win the game, ESPECIALLY if she already knows how you feel then you're just fighting a losing battle.

>> No.7787195
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She isn't taking you seriously at all man, she's too enthralled by the prospect of getting out and fucking other guys. I hate having a serious convo with a girl and she's all lighthearted like she doesn't give a fuck, turns me off from the convo immediately, pic related

>> No.7787192

wow dude
shit advice

>> No.7787197

>>7787068 "There's better out there for u", "I doubt ur gunna wanna... go there with me OR keep a ldr", "I DOUBT we can make things work" then more excuses in >>7787124 "doesn't mean u won't lie, cheat, etc"

Take a step back and really look at it, don't get lost in the feelings. She's letting you down easy. She doesn't want you to go with her. Rejection happens to everyone and you'll feel shitty for a while and then you'll start liking another girl and you'll forget. And if you start to think "Oh man I wish she'd just told me straight up instead of being a bitch and leading me on" or some other stupid shit like that, the grass is always greener on the other side. Just appreciate the time you two had together and let it go when you're ready.

Also, don't listen to this faggot >>7787189
Girls aren't some method that you try to break by following guidelines.

>> No.7787198


dr. mario detected

>> No.7787203


Forgot to mention if you're ape shit crazy for her and plan on moving to new york or some shit, you can't make it seem like you did it for her but you were happy to be going there seeing as she was there.

>> No.7787205

come over here

we're gonna make it bro

>> No.7787209
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>putting all this shit on blast

>> No.7787210
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Okay I'm going to be straight for a second and say that this girl has psychological problems and I honestly don't have much problems keeping her in check

This thread was lighthearted at best. I do loser her but I also have girls on the side, but that doesn't meant this girl isn't crazy because she is

I like the chaos though it keeps me on my toes

Let the record state that I do not give her my emotional investment

>> No.7787216

your a qt faggot, your my new fav trip
>pretty girl
>hi pretty girl

>> No.7787222

ur pathetic "natalie portman"

>> No.7787225


I mean you can say what you want but the fact is people like shakespeare, sigmund freud, and other masters of seduction and psychologists have more or less "cracked the code" same for men, women aren't all the same and obviously you need taylor things to each specific female but the general ideas, and emotions that need to take place for the seduction to happen need to take place at some point.

But OP you can take any advice you want, go read some books on seduction or something if anything, but again, as it's going you're not winning this game.

Just giving my 2 cents do as you want.

>> No.7787226

Good lord how did you even bang this whore in the first place

>> No.7787227


I want you to move to NYC for yourself,
I want you to find whatever your heart needs,
I want you to move to NYC for yourself, but not for me.

I want you to go out there and find somebody else,
I want him to treat you like I know he should,
I want you to find somebody new for yourself, if not for me.

all of the feelings that I know you never felt,
and all of the simple words you never said,
I want you to keep them like a secret to yourself, they’re not for me.

I want you to wander silent past my outstretched arms,
I want you to hide yourself from all I see,
and though my heart will fight until its dying breath, you’re not for me.

>> No.7787228

blah blah blah words words
>tons of words
>says nothings

>> No.7787235

I highly doubt he's even the real Natalie Portman at all

>> No.7787242

that's the joke?

>> No.7787245
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They eat it up
Like I don't know why but it distances them but it is such a simple and blunt compliment: they love it

>> No.7787255

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little shit? I’ll have you know I graduated top of Japan and I’m responsible for heart attacks of criminals world wide, and I have 124,925 confirmed kills. I trained myself to be the best in a battle of wits and I’m the god of this new world. You are nothing to me but just another name. I will wipe you the fuck out in a method that you can’t even comprehend, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? Think again fucker. As we speak I am contacting all my followers and your personal file is being brought to my location right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime and kill you in over 2 million differant ways, and that’s just with my notebook. Not only am I extensively trained in finding out your name, but I have access to the entire arsenal of over 30 thousand world wild followers and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” statement was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would of held your fucking tounge. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you god damn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.7787261
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Most girls I hook up with start out GREAT
And then comes the "I feel like we are moving to fast"
Like I very physical
Recently she has been extra hormonal/bitchy but I will put up with it because I like her

And yes I'm the real natalie Portman

I stopped using this board for fashion because you pieces of shit would shoot down any kind of discussion I would bring up and never rose higher than wer2cop

>> No.7787263

i like it
it's simple and straight forward than mr.dr.love>>7787189 who overthinks it and gets no pussy

>> No.7787268

And hey don't call my little princess a whore

>> No.7787422

Not Dr. love but did you notice the "hey pretty girl" thing didn't work? Lol

>> No.7787428

ya it did you austic faggot
If you don't understand why just go back to your anime and manga pleb :^)

>> No.7787559

don't watch anime or read manga but mmkay. she didn't even acknowledge the comment or return it lol, OP you're THIRSTYYYYYYY NIGGAAAAA.

>> No.7787572

Did you read the thread?
That's the chick he fucked and wants to leave new york and keep bother him because she wants him to be like "DON"T Go"
>every girl you talk to says "THAT"S SO FUNNYYYYY" or "THANKKKSSS"
>implying that's real

>> No.7787578

do people seriously do this kind of thing via text now

>> No.7787605

>talking to women

It's all digital now boy

>> No.7787618

you told this girl you HAD TO HAVE HER, you made a thread on fucking /fa/. you can make up lies if you want, if thats going to make you feel better, but strangers on the internet know you are a little baby bitch who willingly threw his emotional distress on the internet in hopes that those strangers could somehow give you the words to convince this bitch to not move to new york to suck a thousand nigger dicks on the mean streets

>> No.7787635

wait are you a guy or are you lesbo i am confued

>> No.7787658
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>i'm moving to new york

>> No.7787675
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Why does that emoji work in my browser's tab but not on the site itself?

>> No.7787699
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>moving to New York

Jew York and Japland are so ridiculously romanticized it actually depresses me how many young people have probably fucked themselves over by moving there

>> No.7787707

>feel liek gf is losing interest in me
>constantly bugging me
>over thinking it
>see this thread

does this happen after a while, like shes not excited to see me as much, idk

>> No.7787709

worst case scenario u go broke and move back w/ ur parents
at least they chased the dream

>> No.7787710

Yes, people actually break up in real life.

>> No.7787712


regular people don't care about Japan, and weaboos don't have the stones to take big risks like that

>> No.7787716

>that weaboo chick from youtube who moved to japan and then had her soul sucked out of her

>> No.7787720

>that weaboo chick from youtube who moved to japan and then had her soul sucked out of her

>> No.7787719

>You niggas don't realize Natalie Portman has a vagina.

>> No.7787717

I know that feel... I'm feeling it right now and she's off for a cruise tonight. What the hell should I think :-----D

>> No.7787723

I think he's talking about Applemilk. She moved to Japan to become a gravure idol, but she only had one video AFAIK. Before that, she was a kind of Youtube celebrity that spoke horrendous "Japanese".

And no, the video isn't really that good.

>> No.7787727

i'm 100% it's a dude

>> No.7787731


It's true. But I feel like there's lots of kids from smaller towns/are disowned by their families who just end up alienated or destitute.

>> No.7787732

I've always seen that pic associated with "her", but how do we know it's not his LDGF?

>> No.7787876


are you me? :'(

>> No.7788363

who cares you're even more irrelevant then trunks, post a fit already so you can get laughed off the board

>> No.7788372
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>> No.7788374

Shut up all you idiots with your mindless trip hate if someone wants to post with a name let them quit being a dick. Trunks and Natalie are both fine so fuck off

>> No.7788653

bumping my question

>> No.7788664


>> No.7788667

Put your trip back on, fag.

>> No.7788675
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"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life."

>> No.7788693

jesus christ mane this is fucking heavy

>> No.7788712

didn't she end up doing a porno or something?

>> No.7788737

so sad I'm about to cry

>> No.7788807

holy shit OP you're pathetic, she wants to move on from you why don't you stop looking at things with your heart and just think for a second

>> No.7788809

wait is the white bubbles OP or the blue bubbles

>> No.7788822

op is the blue