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/fa/ - Fashion

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7775840 No.7775840 [Reply] [Original]

So, has being /fa/ helped you out on getting a Valentine this year?

>> No.7775846

well its not valentines day yet so how should we know idiot

>> No.7775861
File: 10 KB, 441x408, sulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having a Valentine already
It's as if you want to be a loser, Anon!

>> No.7775867

well one of the reasons i have a gf right now is coz of my sik fits.
on our first date she wouldn't stop talking about how much she loved the way i was dressed

>> No.7775874

going to the zoo for valentines day aww yiss mothafuckin giraffes

>> No.7776111

no. i just dumped a girl tonight. she was pleb af so it was no loss.

dont need no gf

>> No.7778180

w2c shoes and jacket.

>> No.7778204

No. Being /fa/ has made me develop an ego and have extremely high standards and just shot down a girl because I didn't care for her lifestyle really.
;_; I'm a pretentious douche.

>> No.7778228
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iktf bro

>> No.7778239

I have no right to be, but I am one too,

>> No.7778262

i second this

>> No.7778272

this. it's malignant

>> No.7778293

w2c jacket?

>> No.7778507

Can anyone answer?

>> No.7778557

yeah :) It was a long journey, but i definitely have my own style, and i feel confident and i have a qt girl that loves my jokes and music and clothes.
/fa/ still sucks

>> No.7779442

It looks almost identical to one that I got from GAP online store. I found it by googling green parka and it was cheap so I copped. Lot of people like the way it looks but I think green parkas are way to overplayed now.

Anyway idk if that's the exact jacket but it looks incredibly similar to what I have.

>> No.7779463

I think so actually but not exactly /fa/ just fitting clothes

>one date so far
>one hang out before that
should I ask her to do a date on vally's? or just casually ask to hang with maybe date on sat/sun

>> No.7779465

No. /mu/ helped tho cause some grill (now gf) heard me play an of Montreal song and thought I was the bees knees. But I guess not dressing like a fuckin turd helps too.

>> No.7779508

there was this girl that started hanging around me. constantly complimenting me on my clothes and fits. hating ass bitches started coming over and constantly interrupting our conversations. chick got tired of their shit and stopped talking to me altogether. hating bitches don't come around me anymore.

>tfw all alone now...

>> No.7781676

It did, it really did. I had a girlfriend who loved the way I dress, she always gave me compliments on it. She broke up with me this Monday tho :/.

>> No.7782030


It's a GAP parka

>> No.7782038

hasn't helped me get out, might help me get in though
going to see the national with a friend and meeting up with a girl I'm semi-keen on and some of her friends, should be chill.

>> No.7782055

jacket is an old GAP parka iirc

>> No.7782875
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No, nobody really says anything about my clothes.

Nobody really cares.

>> No.7782887

I don't see how low quality black jeans low end sneakers from some high street euro brand you paid nearly designer prices for and a fish tail parka from cheap Monday is going to get you a date but okay....

>> No.7782891

Seriously? What the fuck son? I'm working on my doctorate, gf is art curator. I outdress her 9 times out of ten. If anything, she gives me shit about my clothes. tfw when loved by whats inside me and not because of fits.

>> No.7782941
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No. But it really compliments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F46o7CORGog and looking at the snow fall out the window, thinking about how I won't have the privilege of taking a qt out somewhere

>dat 6:30 -> 6:45 perfection

>> No.7782959

>tfw qt who's into me dresses so fucking bad
>tfw don't know what to feel

>> No.7783013

pulled three girls just after new years till now and i've been chatting away with them but i'm still going to be alone on valentines day because i fucked it up.
>first girl was a milf but after a week decided she was beneath me so i stopped talking to her
>second girl proved i was right but didnt have the greatest personality and kept mentioning vday
>met third girl a week ago but second's friends saw me with third so i burned that fucking bridge
>third girl is perfect but keeps testing/playing games with me and gives off a vibe that you just cant trust her

yeah i'm probably going to be alone because i didnt settle but its only valentines day so i'll keep climbing this ladder and hopefully in a few weeks time i'll have something good.

all three girls approached me and said some kind of variation about how good i looked so thanks /fa/

>> No.7783020

what was her reason?

>> No.7783026

you wouldnt know because you dont even attempt to dress /fa/ and you're overweight so why are you even in here?

>> No.7783047

w2c jacket

>> No.7783089

>1. date qts with bad style
>2. show them the error of their ways/influence their style for the better (politely)
>3. have /fa/ qt influenced by your style preferences
>4. accept eternal gratefulness
>5. ?????
>6. profit

>> No.7783104

sounds like you're going to end up with a fake nerd in taobao clothes

you know those "gamer gurlz" or those girls who dress up as planeswalkers from mtg in skimpy clothes and want "nerds" to fawn over them

every bitch is trying to be katie cuoco's character on big bang theory

>> No.7783112

not necessarily
just drop them if that's how it goes

better than remaining single waiting for some already /fa/ qt to just drop into your lap

>> No.7783168

Are you me?
I'm prolly gonna ask her out on sat though cheaper chocolates and flowers aww yiss

>> No.7783169

i dress well bur im still an autist so its still a challenge

>> No.7783204

Nope, not /fa/ at all but i've been with my boyfriend for 5 years now so it's all good.

>> No.7783215

havent had a valentine in like 6 years
fuck it brah
it's nothing
fuck having to buy a present 4 some hoe

>> No.7783236

Why do people like this fit? That jacket looks fucking awful

>> No.7783243

not usually the envious type but
>aww yiss mothafuckin giraffes

have fun bruh

>> No.7783288

No, although I was in a shop yesterday and one of the assistants was like 'are you from around here?' I thought she was trying to get my postcode so I was like 'yeah' really dismissively. Then she said 'i see you in lectures sometimes :3' but because I was expecting some bs I kind of just ignored it. Then she sort of blushed but couldn't really tell cause she is Asian.

>> No.7783297

We be turnin up the club boy it's nothin

>> No.7783327

everytime a notable trip writes "valentine" i just assume phone/ipad auto corrected valentino

idk why but my favorite brand over the years as i have aged for basic clothes has become valentino

everything can be tailored to perfection
RTW pieces come with serged hems, basting and extra buttons

and the price is right, it's like a handshake between the designer and the wearer

"you know what you're doing, i cut the piece for you, you know enough to get it tailored for your frame/height/look"

with rick owens crap it's like he assumes you're an idiot WEAR IT LIEK DIS DONT ALTER

>> No.7783445

i was hitting some chick earlier this week
might send her a message to just keep those embers smoldering... wud be nice 2 hit it again

>> No.7783792

stfu fatfuck

>> No.7783822
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>with rick owens crap it's like he assumes you're an idiot WEAR IT LIEK DIS DONT ALTER

that's baseless

>> No.7783828

>with rick owens crap it's like he assumes you're an idiot
It's more like he assumes fatasses aren't going to wear it. I doubt most tailors would be able to competently alter some of the more irregular cuts anyway.

>> No.7783831

i've been alone since i was 13 years old because i'm fat and my appearance has caused a fuck load of social anxiety

>> No.7783839


>> No.7783896

No. I went on a few dates with my best friend and last night we went and saw our favourite band together when something inside me broke and I realised I'm falling for her hard and I know whatever she feels is nowhere near that and I'll probably end up losing her as a friend.

>> No.7783963

feels thread spam, go save it for your blog
>or /mu/

>> No.7783992

no, w2c?

>> No.7784002

Yeah I guess. Sorry if it offended you, dickhead.

>> No.7784012
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/fa/ kinda helped me choose an outfit for my first date like 6 months ago in some fuccboi /general question thread

t-thanks guyys

>> No.7784044

tfw met qt on new years (probs a 9/10)
tfw fucked a few times
tfw "anon I dont want a boyfriend"
tfw never heard from her again

At least I got the pussy right? Still alone though.

>> No.7784483

>mfw gf had me change my appearance from xl tees to xs in 2 years
>mfw she is now sick of my obsession with online purchases and my goal of minimal but quality fits 3 years later
>we on a date to tonight and I look good

>> No.7784503

Dude, same feel. I fucked it up completely, we don't talk anymore. Be careful.

>> No.7784510

you were a fatty or a wigga?

>> No.7784519

I know this feel
>tfw all women are sluts

Don't get attached trill nigga and you'll be good

>> No.7784589

I was going to, but suddenly something's fucked up. I don't know what, why and how, but I'm fucking mad. One second she likes me, the other she's evading me.

It's all alien for me, honestly. Last valentines I was some average Joe, little bit overweight, no fashion sense, no social skills and slight >tfw no gf. Now I got bitches all over me, bitches reject my friends to have a shot at me ( even tho im not interested with them ), but of course I've fallen for this one average, maybe even slightly below girl. Everything was fine, until it suddenly wasn't. Now I'm going to spend VD mad and alone, obsessing over her.

I might've gotten more confident, more social, more physically fit and way more /fa/, but I'm still pitiful and now miserable.

Had to rant it here, barely have any1 to talk bout it.

>> No.7784594

no, but its not /fa/'s fault i literally don't talk to any girls or guys for that matter

>> No.7784596

>tfw /fa/ helped me be attractive
>now have a valentine cos qt thinks i'm hot and we like talking and everything

>> No.7784620

Meet up with someone else or something and tell me how to get qts

>> No.7784643

its from /mfa/

>> No.7784672

I don't think I'll be actually able to get over this shit. At times I'm as miserable as the worst robots.

You need to cop confidence. I got way more conifdent when I got into fashion. I started buying a lot of pieces way out of my comfort zone. I've basically shattered my comfort zone. I knew all this money and fine clothes are to going to got to waste if I'm not confident wearing those pieces, so I almost instinctively stepped my confidence to match what I'm wearing. If that doesn't work for you, I don't know.

>> No.7785093

Someone's gotta put a warning in the sticky

>> No.7786876

No. Being effay doesn't stop me from being naturally ugly. #truth

>> No.7787045

19 years and haven't had one valentine with a so

>> No.7787339

Oh my God, are you me?

Average and lonely, copped clothes, made friends, had bitches... Fell for a 7/10 friend for absolutely no reason and now she avoids me what the fuck do I do never been so depressed

>> No.7788713

Not sure yet. There's a qt at my college cafeteria that I'm making a move on today. Every time I look at her she's 'mirin and smiling at me so I think it's a safe bet to say she craves the wang.

>> No.7788755

>invited over to a girls house tonight
>her and four of her girlfriends are going to be there getting drunk as fuck and wallowing in their misery that they're single on valentines day
>all of them think i'm cute
>will likely be the only guy there
>can't get over my own crippling social anxiety to make a move on any of them

jesus christ i am one pathetic loser

>> No.7788792

just make them share you and get the 5 way blowjob grail

>> No.7788824

Sounds similar to my situation. I've had some problems with the sudden transition from never being given the time of day from girls to being popular.

Couldn't care less about valenties day though. It's just another day.

>> No.7788864

Is being a virgin good or bad?
I personally feel a bit shamed when someone jokingly says "haha you have never seen a pussy" and I have to reply "oh you, liar".
Also, a girl gave me a handjob.

>> No.7788892

It's safe to say /fa/ hasn't helped in any aspect of life. I always had a good taste and i like the things that come into fashion before.

>> No.7788902

alcohol and weed are your friends here

>> No.7788911

uh yeah actually. shes also one of the most /fa/ girls i know so it works out.

thanks /fa/.

>> No.7788929

It's not bad, but as you said people will give you shit for it. A lot of people want their first time to be special but I think the best option is have a one night stand so you can get to see what sex is like without having to worry about pleasing a significant other. That's what I did - lost it to a total sloot while drunk and I don't regret it one bit.

>> No.7788948

You're not a virgin if someone jacked you off. Derp.

>> No.7788952

Well, I don't care much for losing, I am very self confident and would have my D erected with any girl. I sometimes even catch some eyes or even compliments, but I am too shy and also afraid to be denied or to realize that girl has a bf. Even though I did sometime try to ask a girl, I got rejected, and even though I know a good german proverb - "a guy is not a wall, he may move aside".
And the most thing I actually hate - I don't like behaving like a pickup-master. I just would selfhate if I will try to be cute with a random girl I have never met. Saw two nice schoolgirls today, wanted to invite them to cinema so badly, but I just walked over without paying much attention to them, because of shyness and the thing I have stated as selfhate.
Also, they were like 14, I am 19.
Such cases.

>> No.7788956

Yes I am.

>> No.7788974

Sex does not have to be shoving your Johnson into a girls vag. Handjob and oral sex etc. is still sex. Congrats on not being a virgin.

>> No.7788981

I still don't believe you. May think bad or good for me, don't really care.

>> No.7789010

Allright mr sexhaver, whatever floats your boat

>> No.7789020

>a person who has never had sexual intercourse

>> No.7789039

>copulation is the only form of sex

By that logic all gays and lesbians are virgins?

>> No.7789057

Some would say so, most people use equivalents to define it

>> No.7789088

Well anon, I think we can agree to disagree on this

>> No.7789095
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>> No.7789100

Being a virgin means you haven't had sexual intercourse. You wouldn't say you "lost your virginity" to someone if they gave you a handjob or blowjob.

>> No.7789128
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Jesus christ you anti-redpill folks are getting out of hand.

>> No.7789140

Jesus Christ you unwarranted narcissists are getting out of hand.

>> No.7789172

i don't see how a bunch of fuccbois acting like the bitches they bitch about and getting called out for it is being "anti-redpill"
i think it's being "anti-fuccboi"

>> No.7789232
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It's obviously a parody on redpill terminology (hypergamous). That said, they do need to stop being fuccbois.
My narcissism is totally warranted.

>> No.7789246

O_o lol

>> No.7789276

this viewpoint is a good viewpoint
we should embrace this esp since "real" sex is risky for teens who want to "DO THE SEX" + some girls don't get off from penetration

>> No.7789280

>My narcissism is totally warranted.
Prove it.

>It's obviously a parody on redpill terminology (hypergamous).
I think that's the point. When the people most inclined to use the term on the internet are just as if not more hypergamous than the women their referring to, they become mockeries of themselves.