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7779533 No.7779533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Are people limited by what they're allowed to wear based on their skin color or ethnic background? Let's of course, for arguments sake, consider the privilege of dressing freely only in free states.
Can a white male, for example, wear a dashiki? Can a black male wear native-american inspired clothing?
>pic unrelated

>> No.7779566
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notice how its all "white people cant do x", "white privilege", etc.

if it actually went both ways i might take it seriously, but if west africans can wear suits (white man garments), yeah i can wear a dashiki if i want to

>> No.7779567

i wish i was a writer fro complex so i could make an article called "things muslims shouldnt wear" and "things niggers shouldnt wear"

im not racist or trying to be edgy but it pisses me off how society thinks its cool to say whatever about white christian people but they have to politically correct and try REALLY HARD to not offend other races/religions. its such bullshit

>> No.7779572

is that raf simons

>> No.7779570

No that it's culture appropriation.
It's ignorant and white people need to chill.

>> No.7779584

jesus bartholomew christ what an awful article

>> No.7779593


>> No.7779729

The blatant racism in that article astounds me. The irony of defending ethnic culture while oppressing white people is puzzling. And the ignorance that must prevent the author from seeing that is truly amazing.

>> No.7779726

>What you didn't know is that the keffiyeh has long been a symbol of Palestinian nationalism
who doesn't know that though lmao

>> No.7779744

fun fact: one of the authors "jilian" is a black guy that consistently makes anti white articles

"wahhhh i was oppressed wahh"

>> No.7779756
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I feel like these pictures have potential. Can anyone else do a better job?

>> No.7779761

Suits are status markers that originated in Britain. The fact that people of other countries wear them as professional wear is indicative of the influence of white imperialism on these countries.

As a result, people of color have to wear suits and buttonups to blend in and compete in western-influenced societies (that they may have actually been born into culturally btw).

Wearing something that's considered a standard in the business world/high society is different than wearing something from a culture you know nothing about, especially when you live in a society like ours where whiteness is glorified and people might actually be shamed for wearing their own cultural garb while white culture-chic hipsters rock keffiyahd and bindis.

>> No.7779778

>"don't wear that, it makes you look both silly and racist" is equivalent to several hundred years of murder, slavery and subjugation

white people.

>> No.7779799

Not the guy youre replying to but an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind

>implying all white people are British and profited from slavery

My fathers an immigrant from Europe ive never benfited from slavery and neither has anybody in my lineage i have no apologies

>> No.7779800

you say minorities have to wear white person clothes to "blend in" to the white people wearing white people clothes

but the white people arent allowed to wear anything besides white people clothes?

great logic

>> No.7779802

Had a good discussion about this last night over a dude wanting to wear some central american native shit.

Anyone adopting a style of clothing with respect for said culture,who isnt being an edgy fuccboi should be entitled to do so.
Its an homage to the culture, not an assault on it.
But I mean with white guilt, the concept of white privilege and our history of militant assimilation, you cant blame other cultures for being a bit butthurt.

On a more asinine level its kinda like a band/genre or style you like becoming mainstream and adopted by people you dont necessarily identify with. You can feel kinda upset and like theyre defiling it by not being exactly like you. But really, if they arent hopping on it just because its the 'in' thing to do and because they genuinely enjoy it, who the fuck are we to say no? Its not like its hard to differentiate those two types of people, anyways.

>> No.7779808

>white ppl so evil leeterally 10 years ago every white man beat and raped his 100 slaves

>> No.7779827

Levi i love you, but stop being an ignorant white boy.
White people are privileged.
I'm not resentful towards white people like the guy who wrote the article but he does have a point.
Its so annoying seeing white girls with sugar skulls painted on their face they don't understand/have respect the culture behind it.

>> No.7779834

this is basically
>hurrrr you cant wear dat
>thats not ur culture
>your white u have to wear white people clothes only


hey shitskins, stop wearing white clothing then. no more shirts, pants, shoes. basically fucking anything. if the article writer is a shitskin, i hope they were sitting there writing it barefoot with a poorly skinned stinking leopard hide draped over them, a bone through their nose and a fucking ten inch plate in their lip.

and they wrote everything in ooga booga language and they submitted it to the editor not on a computer but on a........ oh wait, thats right, no sub-saharan african civilization ever had a system of writing. just go back to sucking off oxen or whatever it is you did with your spare time before white man came along.

>> No.7779828

A lot of traditional cultural clothing doesn't work so well outside of the enviroment it was designed for, such as arab gear (its main function is to protect against the heat and sun), so wearing it in canada or sweden, or even in a tropical climate will look odd because you can see (maybe on a subconcious level) how the garment will make you feel depending on the temperature.
It also depends heavily on what others are wearing. When I went to pakistan, everyone was wearing the traditional shalwar keemeze or however you spell it. I looked stupid and out of place in my western jeans and stuff (even though it was just normal things, no high fashion or anything slightly strange). Yet they would look just as weird in their stuff if they came to my country, because obviously everyone wears western clothing here.
We are used to seeing traditional clothes on their creators only. If, for example, Saris became the next big thing in fashion for western women, and most women wore them for about 5 years (like the ugg boot, yoga pants combo), then we would get accustomed to seeing them and it would no longer look so strange and "unnatural".
Certain color strengths are better on certain skins though, such as very bright colors often look better on darker skin than very pale skin, but I still think with the right color combos and stuff, you can wear whatever color you want.

>> No.7779848

Can someone wear a piece for it's functionally without worrying about political statements or ethnic origins? I mean, regardless of how much knowledge or respect that said person has for that piece.
That had to have happened a lot when items were being traded across Europe and Asia. (Unfortunately I lack the knowledge to cite any sources or even name any examples).

I, for example, have to work a seasonal job in the desert (New Mexico/Arizona) and often don a keffiyeh to fight the heat and wipe sweat. I don't think I'm necessarily making a statement about "Zionist oppression", I'm just trying to utilize the functional aspects of a piece of clothing.
Am I wrong?

>> No.7779854

Explain how white people are privileged? Is it because minorities have a better chance of getting into college than white people? Is it because minorities get jobs before more qualified white people due to affirmative action? Is it because all white people get generalized into a group of privileged people and then are looked down upon when they complain about their circumstances because muh white privileged? Because society now feels all white people owe something to Africans because a small group of whites did an atrocious thing in the early history of our country? Am I missing something?

>> No.7779859

stop oppressing me based on my skin colour

>> No.7779863

inb4 racist, i had a black qt gf for 6 months

>> No.7779862

dont start this pls
neither of u have the qualifications to actually have a real academic discussion about it so there's no need to discuss it

who cares dawgs :^)

>> No.7779873

ily banana

>> No.7779867

>culture appropriation
Im also gettin real tired of this shit being a valid argument.
All youre doing is assigning a term with a negative connotation to an issue.
Its like saying 'but death tax' or 'because God'.

Its a shitty tactic used by shitheads to try and prey on the heuristic working of the Johnny Everyfuckface's mind.
You havent added anything to the conversation let alone proved a point.

>> No.7779876

> The irony of defending ethnic culture while oppressing white people is puzzling.
> oppressing white people

kill whitey!

>> No.7779879

wearing unknown pleasures tees but not listening to unknown pleasures is technically as bad as wearing a kurta even tho ur not singing bhajans

it doesn't matter imo, plus most of this shit is gonna be really blurred together in the next 100 yrs due to globalization being sped up 100x by the internet

>> No.7779888

ilu2 babe

>> No.7779890

Bby ur skin is lovely
Look at the news. When a white male commits a crime they always claim he had some sort of mental illness and had such a "bright future" ahead of him.
I'm not resentful towards white people bc I have always been treated equally but I am aware of the faults of others.
I do not stereotype white people.
They're not a crazy lil shits.

>> No.7779902


>> No.7779907

Remember during zimmerman vs martin when they had the pictures of the two next to each other, and the pic of trayvon was an innocent picture of him from 5 years ago, but the pic of zimmerman was a mugshot?

Im not defending zimmerman, regardless of what happened martin didnt deserve to be shot but you get my point i hope

>> No.7779922

I think any decent attorney would have done the same thing regardless of race. Race just happened to be a contributing factor in that context.
However, when the story hit sensationalist news (i.e. before details were revealed), outlets had claimed Zimmerman was a white man. That is a better example.

>> No.7779923


Conaervative news channels and websites did the same thing to Trayvon. I think it was some stupid picture he took pretending to look like a thug.

>> No.7779924

why do people ignore that p. much every race has done this

>> No.7779925

so im not allowed to wear a burqa because the media portrays white criminals as crazy ppl

alright tumblr
yeah white ppl screaming "oppression" at not being able to wear blackman clothes seems pretty dumb until u remember blackman is screaming "oppression at white ppl wearing his clothes

>> No.7779929

bcuz white ppl are literally hitler

every white person has owned at least 5 slaves in their lifetime and oppresses jews on a daily basis

>> No.7779933

I never really read into the Zimmerman case so I won't give my opinion on it.
I live in Chicago in a white neighborhood bc I know the neighborhood that are primarily Hispanic/black are dangerous, they do that to themselves.
White people aren't guilty of the poverty, teenage pregnancy, dropouts and gang violence.
I'm not being an annoying feminist that blames everything on white people.
I'm sorry if I came across that way.

>> No.7779938

Read >>7779933

>> No.7779939


>whiteness is glorified


>> No.7779940


>yfw white people were enslaved by Muslims for longer and on a larger scale than North American slavery

You don't see white people asking Muslims for reparations

>> No.7779946

Yeah I agree with you here it's cool

>> No.7779951

on that topic wats ur opinion on thamanyah

>> No.7779962

the only ppl i rlly feel bad for is natives because it was so recent that there are still ppl alive who suffered from it, residential schools were still open less than 20 years ago

slavery and that shit, it was hundreds of years ago, no one that was subjected to it is still alive, quit ur bitching

>> No.7779975


I don't care if your great grandfather may or may not have been a slave, sure it's upsetting that someone would treat a human like that but it didn't happen to you and you don't deserve any special treatment

Natives are a different story you're right

>> No.7779983

Couldn't the same be said about whites? Being a "different story", I mean.
It seems ironic to specify which races are allowed to do what in the name of racial equality.

>> No.7779986


I really like this post. It also ties in to two things I was also thinking of:

homage to 80s gangsta rap
diffusion of nerd culture b/c of big bang theory etc.

I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to this because I love alternative rap music that's kind of like homage to rap style, but I don't like the lenseless glasses thing.

I think it's because in the case of rap music it's always made by people who just love the music and listened to it a lot, while a lot of people just seem to be going with the nerd thing because it's in without actually identifying or understanding the social stigma, so it's more ignorant.

>> No.7779996

i love thamanyah, such nice stuff. i feel like a lot of it would only go with other thamanyah tho, ud have to invest heavily if u wanted to go with that look

funnily enough the dude who ive seen rock it best is blonde and swedish. cool inteview, watch the whole thing


>> No.7779999


>American Indians
Took their awesome home and nearly wiped them out

Bought them from their own kind, took them from their shitty home, and treated them better than they would be if they were slaves in Africa

The natives definitely had it worse, and still do if they're not a part of that casino racket. The African slaves didn't have it great, but they bitch a whole lot more about it.

>> No.7780006

There's less full-blood Natives around to notice any "bitching", really.

>> No.7780007

Not to mention we nearly wiped out the population

Also like trunks said the shit Canadian natives went through was fairly recent, there were still residential schools open in the 90's

>> No.7780002

I still do believe it is disrespectful for white people to have dreadlocks, wear bindis, or wearing headdresses.
I'm mostly indigenous (my grandparents and great grandparents speak in a dialect) they're treat horrible in Mexico.
Mexican will always flaunt their White heritage and shame those with african/indigenous blood.
Mexicans suck.

>> No.7780004


i bet u love Lil Ugly Mane

trill as fuck

>> No.7780010
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>can't complain because they're dead

>> No.7780009

both were shitty you dont have to invalidate slavery because cultural genocide was supposedly worse

>> No.7780021

My problem with the complaints about African slavery is that black people actually use it as an excuse as to why their race is jailed and living in the projects etc. when in reality it's nobody's fault but their own

Look at the Chinese who were pretty much enslaved to build the rail roads in California and in just two generations look how successful they've become, you don't hear them wining about how slavery and oppression keeps them from being a successful people

>> No.7780025


In fashion, I think in a more general sense you have to be aware of how you look and how this ties into the clothes. Fashion is 50% the pure aesthetics (silhouette, color, pattern) but the other half is about what the clothes say because of societal factors.

So if you're a pasty white boy and you're dressing in some aggressive streetwear style I think that your race and appearance can't be removed from the clothes. Not that it's always bad, but I think it's important to be aware of the clothes in context. Like a white rapper saying the word "nigga." It's something that says something different in context.

For me, as a brown person, I think one of my breakthrough moments was when I stopped trying to dress like the prep/mfa ideal because it didn't fit me. I know fratty brown dudes who could do it but that isn't me. Fashion is self expression not just a linear scale (wow that sounded gay).


I was thinking of Hot Sugar, Greedhead, people etc.


>> No.7780031

dreadlocks arent a "black" thing at all

people have used them all over the world

as for bindis and (im assuming native) headdresses u will prob look dumb as fuck wearing one but if u want to go for it

>> No.7780033


you'd probably like some of Thomas Sowell's interviews/books

he examines other races that faced discrimination and how they've coped with it. he seems to think that the affirmative action type stuff has had far more of a negative effect on African Americans than positive

>> No.7780036

/pol/ please

>> No.7780040

There's a lot of garb that comes from other cultures that it's absolutely fine to wear, that you're actually encouraged to wear in some situations. The problem with cultural appropriation is when the people of the culture are absent in the participation in the culture.

Maybe glorified isn't the right term to describe it, but clothing of white cultures is associated with class/sophistication, whereas people of color's garb is associated with negative stereotypes against them.

>> No.7780041

I'll check him out he sounds cool

>> No.7780053

Dreadlocks are a black people thing.
No other race has the hair texture to naturally have locks.
That's why white people always have those weird corndog looking dreadlocks.

>> No.7780056

>The problem with cultural appropriation is when the people of the culture are absent in the participation in the culture.

thats their problem not mine

if they dont want to wear something its not stopping me

>> No.7780058

Yeah... Africans got it *REALLY* shitty 200 years ago, and pretty shitty 50 years ago... but in recent history, they have gotten it better than ANYONE else.
Shit, just look at the fucking LA riots!
Cocked out nigger risks hundreds of peoples lives in a highspeed chase, and gets his ass kicked(a little too much, imo, but he was deff. a coked out asshole who prob. didnt feel it)
Black communities reaction?

You can bitch over which side was right or wrong in that issue all you want(though i think the law, and a sober look would agree it was the blacks who were acting like fools) but theres no question who took the brunt of punishment for it... the koreans. And who got the least recognition? The koreans. And handled it independently without society stepping in? The koreans.

So when blacks whine about oppression, i cant help but scoff. No one benefits more from affirmative action than black women, yet tumblr is FULL of "feminist P.O.C" bitching about oppression, racism and the patriarchy.... Fuck them, and their ignorant attitudes towards reality.

>> No.7780046


the best part is that he's a black jew

>> No.7780048

Both sides participated in slave trading and catholics were substantially bigger dickheads through the whole affair. Orthodox Christians were pretty cool for the most part tho.
Also didnt happen less than 200 years ago.

>residential schools
Holy fuck, I had to sit through some of the reconciliation sessions, that shit was heavy.
Its like that one kid who came from a broken abusive home is suddenly an entire people. To see the hurt attempt to help those those who were unable to cope is heartbreaking. Not to mention its now an attitude all their children and grandchildren have to grapple with.

>no one that was subjected to it is still alive
It doenst mean that there still arent serious socio-economic ramifications still playing out today bro. Social mobility isnt easy when you come from where a lot of them do.
You guys are on a decent track, but have a slightly juvenile grasp on it. Not that anyone could blame you, you got better shit to do than look into shit like this.

>> No.7780063


This is such a reductive and oversimplified understanding of the situation.

One's position is life is dictated by three factors 1) Genetic determinism (nature), 2) Societal determinism (nurture), 3) Self determinism (free will)

You can't quantify any of these and say thatone has more of a role than another. They all inter-penetrate and influence one another.

>> No.7780060

>wear bindis
gwen stephani wore them in the 90's
they're not ethnic-tied, they're religion-tied, white hindu women wear bindis already

thanks dawg watching it now
its neat to see more ethnic stuff tbh, lets new designs enter the pool (dervish collar tops, burqas, kurtas ec)

>> No.7780075
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also honestly I think a lot of rap albums were already aware of the image of rap music

I mean, hip hop / rap had pretty much collapsed into itself to create this self-contained verbal braggery and dispaly of technical skill,
to the point where it's only tangentially related to real life, which I think is really fucking cool.

It makes me kinda upset that soccer moms complain about rap music and violence etc.; it's like complaining that there are handguns in Quake or something. Rap music / arena shooters are so far removed from the real world they've become their own thing with the medium's own history and expectations.


>> No.7780076

>You can't quantify any of these and say thatone has more of a role than another. They all inter-penetrate and influence one another.

>> No.7780068

>people of color's garb is associated with negative stereotypes against them

that was the whole purpose of that garb being worn in the first place, African American men dwell in a culture of intimidation that was created all by themselves

traditional clothing almost never has negative stereotypes

>> No.7780079

I totally see where you're coming from on this post, except for the social mobility thing, like my example of the Chinese in California and there are many more, their lack of social mobility considering the amount of time they had is purely their fault at this point

>> No.7780089

You've pretty much summed up how I feel about this but worded it better than I ever could

>> No.7780095
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u have to remember how hard it is to get out of being poor when youre born into it and its all youre used to, like businesses throwing out ur resume if u have a "black sounding" name on it, how u wont even be encouraged to get a job if u have poor parents and shit

also the chinese werent ripped from china as slaves, they basically came over by their own free will looking for jobs and then got fucked over and scammed, very different cultural values
youre wrong tho

>> No.7780105

Of course for individuals, but unfortunately the race is still struggling as a whole and I don't think their situation will improve till they decide to take responsibility for it instead of playing the blame game

>> No.7780106

You're right, I apologize.

>> No.7780108

The last 'offensive' residential school closed over half a century ago.
Yeah, there were some in the mid 90's, but they were all above board. Realistically, we still need them open, but there is so much ignorance and disinformation about them, that theres no way any politician would open that can of worms up.

I mean fuck, the biggest reason aboriginals dont function outside of reserves, is because they are raised in little culture-domes... No one sees anyone working a 9-5. Having a school to integrate the few who want to be independent individuals seems like the most practical, pragmatic way of slipping them in.

>> No.7780110

yeah i really liked damir domas 2010-2011 stuff, very arabic. and then inaisce has the super gaelic/celtic influences. funny how 1000 year old clothes are some of the freshest shit out there today

>> No.7780118

idk man u cant rlly pretend all rap today is das racist

max b, gucci mane, cam'ron, 50 cent, game, these are all still recent, active artists and shit

im not say8ing the music causes violence but i wouldnt say its "far removed" from it either

>> No.7780124

look at the pic i posted

does that guy look african to you?

>> No.7780143


>throwing out ur resume if u have a "black sounding" name on it


>> No.7780137

Yeah I see what you're saying but at the same time I feel like the whole idea of resumes getting thrown out and them not being considered for jobs it's a bit exaggerated. I know a lot Of very successful black people, 2 of them immigrated here from Africa I believe and all live very comfortable lives. I agree that when you're raised poor it makes it harder for you to succeed but race, even thought it definitely has an effect is a bit overrated. For example a white kid and a black kid raises in the same broke neighborhood with parents making the same amount of money, if anything the black kid has a better chance considering they have a better hands of getting into a better college and considering affirmative action, this all provided they both are committed of course

>> No.7780138


>when in reality it's nobody's fault but their own

Yo, this is fucking ignorant. You gotta take a sociology class or something. Google "redlining."

Anyway, way more importantly, if you're born into a broke ass family and your parents are fucked up and trying to pay their bills and shit, and the whole environment is full of drugs and delinquency, you're not going to be as likely to grow into a fucking angel and graduate with a 4.0 with aspirations to be a doctor or some shit.

That being said, I think the equal opportunities thing is completely fucked up and should be based only on income and where you grew up and went to school, rather than any demographics.

I'm a pre-health male Asian engineer, I get fucked over by selective admissions more than any of you, but if you think that every poor black / Hispanic person is poor because they're lazy or unmotivated you're fucking stupid. In fact the immigrants fixing your roof or picking some fruits work harder than anyone. Current equal opportunities thing is def flawed tho.

>> No.7780146

I could go into a lengthy historical diatribe as to why thats not correct, but like fuck am I typing all that out.
The shitty thing tho is that unless you have access to a university journal bank, ou cant look up a lot of this stuff yourself.
I hate how unaccessible academia is.
I get what you mean and totally get where youre coming from. But you cant take chinese americans and analyze the historical context of both peoples as the same. There is so much variance in both cases on cultural/sociological, geographic, political and economic levels that its not appropriate to compare them.

But I mean unless you had spent years researching this, you came to a really reasonable conclusion based on what you know.

Spot on mate. Whats your education background?

>> No.7780147

Well i can't really pull of yellow because of my olive colored skin, so yeah of course your skin tone can limit what you wear, and I'd imagine wearing a fucking kimono in public wouldn't be a very good idea, so yeah its also culturally limited. Just common sense.

>> No.7780154

thanx friend

ya i cant wait till it all starts melding together more, globalization/appropriation of cultures is gonna push design 2 da nxt lvl

>> No.7780156

>In fact the immigrants fixing your roof or picking some fruits work harder than anyone
I see Mexicans taking naps on the construction site. Dont give me this bullshit that Mexicans are hard workers.

>> No.7780167

Hey man they're humans too they need rest

>> No.7780168
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No, I don't think on a moral level wearing another culture's clothing is wrong.
You will be judged for looking entirely out of your element however, and it's people right to judge you for doing so.
I have a bigger issue with "cultural appropriation."

With increased globalization some people have begun to yearn for a "better time" when the Earth looked like the "It's a Small World After All" ride at the Magic Kingdom. "Culturally competent" individuals think that people have some obligation to practice and conform to their cultural heritage. Falling to do so is becoming "Westernized" and is destroying one's own culture in the process. I would argue that expecting ever person to be paragons of their heritage is extremely stereotypical and can quickly devolve into positive racism. Moreover, the world has never been neat little packages of different cultures. Cultures communicate, ideas are shared and the things like clothing are made better and more interesting because of it.

Take the Cowichan sweaters (pictured) for example. In the 1850's settlers introduced european style knitting to the Cowichan people. The Cowichan took the European knitting methods added their own style of yarn and patterns. The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada just recently made Cowichan sweaters national icons of the country. Now some people might object to white people wearing native peoples sweaters but the Cowichan have never had an issue with white people wearing their clothing. This just makes sense, the sweater is the result of the cultures communicating. It is a historical artifact of each culture's influence on one another, not one oppressing another.

>> No.7780169

>For example a white kid and a black kid raises in the same broke neighborhood with parents making the same amount of money, if anything the black kid has a better chance considering they have a better hands of getting into a better college and considering affirmative action, this all provided they both are committed of course

yeah i agree affermitave action is bullshit, people should be treated as individuals not lumped together by skin colour, there are plenty of poor white people who get fucked over and plenty of rich black people that get an easy ride. but at the same time you cant pretend that all black people are born into rich families and shit, if youre raised by a crackhead single mom and go to some shithole school in the ghetto you probably arent going to grow up to be successful and your kids probably arent either

>> No.7780170

the nazis were p effay tho

>> No.7780161


If it was limited to that it wouldn't be an issue. Nobody I know would wear a swastika on his arm because he thinks it looks good.

>> No.7780166

Bby just come touch my butt

>> No.7780178

Part 2

Ultimately, I think a lot of this cultural appropriation nonsense comes from people who feel guilty. These people feel guilty that their ancestors were the "winners" and other peoples ancestors were the "losers." The guilty party then feels an obligation to defended the defenseless "losers" in an attempt to atone for the sins of their fathers. Wearing a "loser" culture's clothing is equivalent to gravedancing in there guilty minds. The only thing this people are guilty of is ignorance. There are no winners or losers in history, there is only what has happened and what you learned from it.

The reality is that one day everyone's culture will be a "loser". I hope that when my culture no longer exists the artifacts, practices, and styles go on to inform the cultures to follow. Because if they don't then it will be the true death of a culture.

>> No.7780180
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>> No.7780186

yeah I totally agree

>> No.7780189

that cowichan thing is hella cool

>> No.7780191


Hugo Boss designed their suits

/fa/ as fuck

>> No.7780197

Do you know how much undocumented workers get paid? They're paid a couple cents per fruit they pick.
They work in harsh hot conditions for 12+ hours a day. They don't receive any sort of healthcare benefits to top it all off.
They do this without complaining so their children will have better opportunities in life than they did.

>> No.7780200


I approve of this message

current implementation of affirmative action is flawed, but you can't look at the numbers out of context of the environment either.

>> No.7780193

Not very funny

Not true actually he was just in charge of manufacturing them

>> No.7780196
File: 83 KB, 1023x766, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sensible discussion of race and culture
>on 4chan
These are truly wondrous times.

Eye has not seen. Ear has not heard.

>> No.7780202

I agree that you have this perpetuation of victimization (of which you definitely couldn't fault natives for), but the reformation of residential schools in NOT the answer. All the points youve mentioned would be poorly dealt with at a residential school.

If you can excuse how brief my suggestion is, but stronger after school programs, run by natives with MUCH stronger government observation and assistance (on a psycho-sociological resource level, not an administrative one) would be our best bet.
Hell, think of how amazing the hitler youth would be if it was a bit more inclusionist and not so dogmatic.

>> No.7780206

no he didnt

i dont even know why getting your uniforms designed by hugo boss would be something to be proud of in the first place

i dont know why you would be proud of some shitty military group from 60 years ago either

>> No.7780216
File: 92 KB, 412x412, 1389323704561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It amazes me that we still can't get over this whole idea of "cultural appropriation" and what not. Who really cares about an article of clothing that just happened to originate where your ancestors once lived? It's 20-fucking-14, information zooms across the surface of the earth instantaneously and we have an almost unlimited insight into the cultures and garbs of the world and yet people want to make exclusive clubs out of them. Who cares if some white dude wants to wear a "conical hat"? Let him, and stop attaching stupid superfluous ideas to inanimate objects god damn. If you want to perpetuate your culture, do just that. Practice your traditions and do whatever, just stop having a hissy fit in this day and age when some one across the globe wants to do it because they think its cool. You should be proud that your culture is being thought of as cool, not angry that somebody is "biting your style" or so to speak. Everyone should be able to wear whatever the fuck they want, at the end of the day they are still just clothes. Nothing less, nothing more.

>> No.7780209

Difference is, the black people have a hand reached out to help them, if they are willing to go after it(Affirmative action)

If you're a white guy and dealt a shitty set of cards... not only are you *NOT* going to get help from any social programs, but you're going to actively get shit on by a bunch of arrogant, retarded people like feminists and people with white guilt.

>> No.7780225

/pol/ tier post

use your brain

>> No.7780236

Well said m8

>> No.7780237

Not him but how is it pol tier I think it's pretty valid actually

>> No.7780249

I'm not rly following this but why does cultural appropriation only matter re: clothing and not food or music

>> No.7780265

i was about to post that about sushi

i think its just taking longer to spread out so ppl are still butthurt about it thinking they can stop it

>> No.7780262

Are you not kinda embracing and even perhaps complimenting other cultures/races by wearing their traditional clothing and that's maybe a positive?

Seems like this is one of those things that likes to call everyone racist while being the biggest racist of all.

I shouldn't wear something because I'm not the same race?

Most idiotic "article" ever.

>> No.7780277

I dont think you understand just how big a fucking CHASM there is in aboriginal capitol... There is no fucking way you would be able to gather enough ones who are qualified to lead such a program. Shit, have you ever been to a reservation?
I'm not exaggerating, 80% of the people who run the place, are white. Teachers, mail carriers, police, people who run the community centers, etc... are typically brought in because there simply arnt enough qualified natives to fill the positions.

So no, you're rose-colored ideal of having this being some 'native initiative' isnt going to work.
Fewer than 40% have a highschool education, and over 80% are diabetic... They literally cant manage their own lives, because of how dependant they have become. There is no way you can expect them to get their own people out of the hole that has been dug(either by them for being so complacent, or from the 'white man' for ensuring a quality of life that they were not ambitious enough to build off of)

>> No.7780280

Nobody said the system was perfect m8.
Of course we're constantly trying to fix that kind of inequality, too. But no one would dream of limiting the program based on a tiny caveat like that.

Not that I think thats what youre implying should happen. Just something to be aware of. You gotta have a proposition/point to what youre saying, not just a wide complaint with the system. People with agendas will twist your words when you speak like that

>> No.7780301

I get really annoyed when people refer to Taco Bell as Mexican food

>> No.7780317

its because you have autism

>> No.7780318

Explain to me how thats wrong... Or are you one of those obnoxious white guilt retards who thinks I, as a white male, are somehow able to get access to all the programs a black women could?

Read up on the HPV vaccine. Not only is it free for all women, but encouraged. For men? Nope! Can men still get HPV? Yeah... And other than a smaller risk of cancer, its effects are the same as if it had infected a woman. So why dont men get encouraged to get this shot?
>Well whatever, they arnt advertising it... if you want it, go and get it!
Nope, it isnt free for men either.

>> No.7780319

im sure people will start calling it "a white mans poor attempt at traditional hispanic cuisine" once you tell them how butthurt you are about it

>> No.7780324

No, the idea is that your participation should be with their permission/help.
What are you even going on about? I thought it was pretty clear I was talking about traditional clothing.

>> No.7780329

alright ill just go fax a letter to "black people" asking if i can wear their clothes

hope they reply soon!

>> No.7780347

I'm so conflicted about this.
I very excited about the affirmative action thing.
But at the same time I feel like white people are basically spoon feeding minorities.
It's like when males try to carry stuff for me,it's nice and all but like I can do it myself.
You feel me?

>> No.7780358

Why should somebody need anybody's permission to wear clothes? That's retarded. Do I need to ask Tricky Rick before I can lace up a pair of geos? No, and it should be the same for any other piece of clothing. If some white dude wants to wear a Daishiki, so be it. It's just a fucking shirt, jesus.

>> No.7780361

tell them little caesars is italian food

>smaller risk of cancer
its a loooot smaller
there's alike a 7% chance of it giving women cancer

>> No.7780368

Im terribly aware man, my family is... closely tied with the office of Indian affairs, Im metis and Ive studied political science for over 3 years (albeit with a legislative/international policy focus).

Thats why I asked for forgiveness for how brief my statement was. By run I obviously didnt mean that they were to be the sole operators.
You arent wrong, the lack of skilled persons is staggering, and thats where the government steps in. The fault in the past is how theyve tried to strike a weird bureaucratic methodology of handling it when it should be more dynamic like the way the corporate world is moving. Fucking aboriginal courts man, dont even get me started on those.

Haha you cant expect me to hash out this idea completely for you on 4chan.
It wouldnt even fit in a 400 page report.

>> No.7780370

I thought /fa/ was the most racist board outside of /pol/?

>> No.7780364

Twist it all you want, i dont care. We're in 2014 and the president is a black guy named Obama... You can claim there is racism all you want, but having programs built SPECIFICALLY to help poor black people(and no one else) is more racist than having some random guy throw a black persons resume in the garbage because he has a chip on his shoulder.

The REAL institutionalized racism, is the institutionalized program that is affirmative action. No one else is allowed to set up race quotas for anything else...
But me drawing attention to that is worrying since someone might 'twist it around'... yeah, fuck that. Someone wants to misrepresent what i said, and i'll be more than happy to explain in clean and simple terms that me NOT getting into yale, because a black person with lower grades also applied is racism.

>> No.7780392

That hardly seems like a reason to not allow men to get it... Esp. since the more men who have the vaccine, the lower the risk women have to being infected(herd immunity).
But rather than doing the thing that might cost more short term, and make *EVERYONE* healthier long term... lets just focus on the womyns! Fuck those guys who want want HPV, its part of being a man! 98% work related deaths, 20% shorter lives, and now a higher instances of herpes!

>> No.7780412

70% of hpv regresses to harmless in men

that 70% harmless strain has a 5-10 chance of giving women cansuer

it actually the prime cause of cervical cancer in women

tbh all vaccines should be free so ye men should get it either way

>> No.7780413

I think that you're ignoring the cultural aspect of this (I can see it in the way you interpret my statements to be about clothing in general.)
Fuccbois can wear geobaskets or pyrex shorts if they want. The problem is when they take something from another culture and pervert it, pimping a false image of it for white entertainment. That's the harm of cultural appropriation, really.

Fashion does not exist in a vacuum. The issue here is inherently racial/cultural, and I feel as if trying to make it about one's personal fashion displays a sense of entitlement to things that simply do not belong to you.

If you actually want to wear traditional garb, I don't know what to say. I mean, it's your weird fashion statement over...an important part of their cultural identity.

>> No.7780418

>Twist it all you want,
You realize every one of us does this in literally everything we do right?
By you setting it in a negative connotation to apply to my comment when youre doing the exact same thing is pretty shameful man. Not that I could blame you, thats how we're taught to speak to people now.

On the aside, everything youve mentioned are relevent concerns at the very forefront of intelligent policy and academia.
The way affirmative action is handled is faar more complicated and thoughtful than your information sources make it out to be. I would seriously invite you to delve into some of the work on it.
Granted, its a lot more work than taking sound bites from family and the media

>> No.7780425

yeah! men are so privileged fuck them, fuck equality too as a matter of fact lets make everything we can in favor of womyn wemon womban womon wimmin etc

in all seriousness of course i agree with fundamental feminism (actual equality) but this modern day shit is stupid, not to mention selfish, there are women in the middle east being forced to wear burqas and being stoned to death for opposing their planned marriage, but that takes a back seat in modern day feminism to problems clearly "more important" such as how western society encourages women to shave and how skinny models make girls feel bad!

>> No.7780434

Remember that there are substantially more black-on-white crimes than there are white-on-black crimes. Guess which one gets more reported and sensationalized? You guessed it, white-on-black crimes. Because how else are you able to convince millions of people that minorities are still oppressed? Certainly not through honesty.

>> No.7780443
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>> No.7780442

>but that takes a back seat in modern day feminism to problems clearly "more important"
it doesn't rly tbh
3rd/middle-eastern world feminism is pretty huge

>> No.7780449

I'm pretty confident it would be impossible, or would take generations to enact. You want to spend the next 20 years training the aboriginals to deal with their communities, who will then go on and use that experience and knowledge to better the reservation? Great... but i dont think we have enough time. I think govt intervention needs to happen yesterday, if you plan on having any sizable chunk of these people being more than loud leeches who complain about flooding or housing crisis, when anyone who works in a trade who has stepped foot on a reservation will tell you without hesitation that the biggest reason behind all these crisis's is the attitude the people have towards their govt. supplied homes.(read: Not good enough, so we'll just skin the fucking caribou on the kitchen floor, and smash the ulu through the counter top... than request the band leader requisition us a brand new home)

I know plumbers, electrictions and carpenters who all have been contracted out to work on dozens of different reservations... I know RCMP and paramedic officers who have been called out to help the community... They all have the exact same attitude and come to the same conclusion towards the issue:
A bunch of spoiled, ambition-less brats who drag the media to look at the damage they did to their own homes and communities, to try to extort more money from the government.

>> No.7780451

sorry i forgot how when i wear indian clothes it destroys their entire culture and they cant wear it anymore

>> No.7780460

why is clothing an important part of their cultural identity but not food

>> No.7780462

Why should an idea belong to anyone? Unless you keep it a secret to only yourself and give it to nobody else, then I could see it being yours. Once you share it with someone or put it on display for others to see, can you really say you or a certain group of people are the sole owners of an idea? If somebody likes the way something looks, I think they should be able to wear it regardless of circumstance. I imagine an example of what you mean about perverting things is, like edgy teens wearing swastikas just to piss people off. IMO, they are entitled to that because it is still an expression of a sort even if it is wildly inappropriate. Ideas should not be exclusive, they are meant to be shared and changed as they are passed along. I guess I just hate people trying to make a culture exclusive or that are far too sensitive about somebody ruining what their secret club is about.

>> No.7780468

eh, im sure theres plenty of sensible people campaigning for that but all i see on tumblr/ the internet is
>society shouldnt tell womyn to wear makeup
>muh i drank two shots he raped me

i guess it isnt fair to base all modern day feminism on tumblr, but to be fair it is what most people are exposed to

>> No.7780470

stop this is actually a good discussion take ur /pol/ shit somewhere else

>> No.7780471
File: 67 KB, 453x600, redlining.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in a globalized society and complaining about cultural appropriation
>equality is now about erecting arbitrary rules of conduct under the pretense of colorblindness
>all these ironings
i can't take anyone who says privilege seriously anymore

>> No.7780481

dude thats a valid post what do you disagree with in it? I certainly think its true and im not racist or from pol

>> No.7780488
File: 43 KB, 742x327, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most feminist these day obtain all their information on tumblr and just nag about self image.
I just recently stop being friend with this boy because I was just an annoying tumblr feminist.
He claimed that everyone is beautiful and all that bullshit but refused to have sex with this boy because the boys penis was "too small".
Pic related : his instagram

>> No.7780493

tumblr is small compared to the middle east lol

there honestly aren't that many of them, they're fringe

>> No.7780501

because for some reason people still feel the need to make a culture exclusive to the group of people or region where it originated. it shouldn't be, and everyone should be able to enjoy the things each individual culture brings to the table, whether it be clothes or food or music etc etc. at least thats my opinion any way

>> No.7780504

well he sounds like a meanie

>> No.7780494

Not I

>> No.7780498

The writer is right, white people shouldn't be disgracing themselves with nigger clothes, or sandnigger clothes at that. Their subhuman culture is shit and should die out; if they want to embrace white clothes and culture, though, that's fine. Just shows that they appreciate white culture (aka superior culture). Obviously they'll never come close to our greatness, but anything to end their nigger shit, same with spics and kikes.

Glad we're on the same page.

>> No.7780512

and I forgot to add the point, which was that clothing is the one thing that is still fairly exclusive to regions/ethnic groups.

>> No.7780513

dude dont think shit u see on the iinternet is like irl at all

on the internet all the articles are like "black man rapes white women" and all the comments are "KILL ALL NIGGERS" and "WHY DOES THE MEDIA NOT REPORT THIS TERRIBLE CRIME INSTEAD OF TRAYBOON"

and articles like "femenisty womyn want to put all men in camps where their dicks are cut off" and everyhones like "OMG THIS IS MODERN FEMINISM"

its just kids from /pol/ playing up weird modern feminists and white privelege bullshit they find on little corners of the internet

people/the media are actually pretty neutral, no one takes much of this internet shit seriously irl

>> No.7780514

low quality bait, 1st person to reply is an idiot

>> No.7780517

>Are people limited by what they're allowed to wear based on their skin color or ethnic background?

>> No.7780518

u were the first person to reply lmao #own3d

>> No.7780519

I'm not talking about the validity of cultural appropriation I'm just wondering why the debate revolves around clothing
anglos stop trying to make italian food pls

>> No.7780520

What? The author IS right, why perpetuate nigger culture and allow coal burners to join that shit? Not only should we stay true to white superiority, we should have the subhumans too.
Again, they will never be as great, but it's a huge step up from their "culture".

>> No.7780531

He also said if you regret it, it's rape.
He's ~genderless~ btw

>> No.7780545

this is my addendum to that i guess. food and music from various cultures are more widespread than people wearing clothes from all around the globe/various ethnic groups. thus, people try to grasp straws and make clothes exclusive

>> No.7780546

yeah I admit my view on it was pretty narrow, the internet distorts things a lot lmao, i remember browsing /pol/ for a weekend out of curiosity a while ago and i stayed home that entire weekend and my head got filled with /pol/ ideals and then i left the house interacted with real people and i realized everything they said is stupid lmao

>> No.7780551


>> No.7780554

can u please give me his instagram name

>> No.7780561

No I'm sorry.

>> No.7780579

>would take generations to enact
Substantially longer than that

>20 years training the aboriginals to deal with their communities
Yes and no, youre over simplifying it. Its not much different than non native training. It wouldnt just be in sociological and psychological fields, but STEM, trades, etc. The way that education is handled just needs to be done differently due to the ramifications of the population we're trying to train.

>govt intervention needs to happen yesterday
Agreed, but by simply pulling the rug out from under them will be catastrophic. It sounds like you want to take a hatchet to a patient needing a scalpel.

>trade who has stepped foot on a reservation will tell you without hesitation that the biggest reason behind all these crisis's is the attitude the people have towards their govt. supplied homes.
I work in a trade, I was in Siksika volunteering. Like I mentioned, though im only distantly metis, my family has a HEAVY involvement. I know exactly what youre talking about.
The attitude is well known, but if you cannot understand the issue with more than just a 'fuck the ungrateful pricks' attitude- I dunno man.
I know youve been told this story about natives your entire life, but you need to remove yourself from your confirmational bias'.

>> No.7780584

Food's pretty important too. It's shared with other people more often, but there are some problems when people do stuff like make restaurants based off of different cuisines (like Chipotle) and end up changing the face of it to the point where actual Mexicans get shit on for how they make their own food.
Then there's cultural foodies, who have almost never been able to respect the people whose cuisine they try, and turn it into a trend (implying that, for example, Vietnamese cuisine is some sort of passing fad as opposed to something that Vietnamese people have been eating since they existsed.)
I wouldn't say it destroys entire cultures (in fact, I didn't.), but you have to remember that we live in a racist system in which the actions of people who are white usually are considered greater than those of people of color.

Say, for example, the keffiyeh. A lot of Israeli people have been wearing it, even though it's Palestinian garb. As a result, there are some people who believe that the keffiyeh is Israeli garb, even though the name itself is in Arabic.

An example more applicable to your life would be budget-chic, which is essentially pretending to be poor to be fashionable. The people who dress like this tend to gentrify poorer neighborhoods (often places like Philadelphia and Detroit, which are predominantly black) and make an aesthetic out of the way lower-income peoples live.
Another example of this glorification of white people in fake poverty is Royals, where Lorde (who is actually middle-class) sings about having to count her money and being embarrassed by her home address. She became well-known as a result of this.
Because of this trend, what used to be the way of life for many people (because of their poverty) has become a fashion trend to the people who move into these neighborhoods, but we all know it wasn't fashionable for the people who had no choice.

The result is that somebody else's way of life is transformed a (cont)

>> No.7780588

so what about miley cyrus?

>> No.7780597

(cont) cheap trend, while the original people who were living like this were being treated like crap.

I know, you weren't responsible for this. Neither was I! But that's the kind of system you support when you appropriate from other cultures. The part that's kinda sucking is doing it because you value your right to experiment with fashion over the cultural identity of other people (and to clarify, NO, that's NOT the entire culture, and the part that is damaged isn't screwed over everywhere.)

>> No.7780612

>Say, for example, the keffiyeh. A lot of Israeli people have been wearing it, even though it's Palestinian garb. As a result, there are some people who believe that the keffiyeh is Israeli garb, even though the name itself is in Arabic.

haha what? no 5 years ago ppl were wearing them specifically to "support" oppressed palestinians

>Because of this trend, what used to be the way of life for many people (because of their poverty) has become a fashion trend to the people who move into these neighborhoods, but we all know it wasn't fashionable for the people who had no choice.

so rich ppl want to dress up as poor ppl? poor ppl should be happy now theyre /fa/ without even having to spend money to dress like rich ppl

>> No.7780606

> it was hundreds of years ago,
slavery ended 149 years ago. that's not hundreds of years

>> No.7780610

>A lot of Israeli people have been wearing it, even though it's Palestinian garb.

thats because its rly good for the environment/weather in that area
american soldiers wear them too

>> No.7780618

Yeah, everyone should be well aware that the fringe is often the loudest.
Most every woman you actually talk to rolls their eyes at tumblr core shit.
Even wimen who study feminism in academia are the most level headed people youll ever meet. Theyre waay more apathetic to how some groups get fucked over by affirmative action than any of us.

>> No.7780655

You're cherry-picking, or maybe just not reading the entirety of the text. I specifically said that people who don't have a choice in the matter aren't considered fashionable when they look poor.

That's fine, but there have still been people who genuinely consider it to be Jewish garb, which is terrible considering the relations between Israelites and Palestinians. Not everything is as simple as it seems.

>> No.7780664

it won't be hundreds of years ago until 2065

>> No.7780679

well ok
it still has a funcitonal use tho

>> No.7780687

I'm tired of it too. I think we should start calling 'cultural appropriation' on anything created by white people used by non-whites. And all the white people have to stop using anything that wasn't created by whites.

>> No.7780703

Cultural segregation never ends poorly. Amirite?

>> No.7780713

Yes, it's definitely the best option. We need to make sure we don't share anything between cultures because our culture is our only worth. Individuals need to focus on furthering culture and not themselves.

>> No.7781012

Decent thread 3/10

>> No.7781418



>> No.7781423

when dark skinned asians wear bright yellow clothes it looks pretty bad

but you know, yellow clothes arent particularly flattering for anyone

>> No.7782229
File: 63 KB, 600x800, ken sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I’m a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.7782238

it's been so long, i tought you were dead!

>> No.7782256

goat pasta

>> No.7782258

That's not funny anymore, he died in the tsunami.

>> No.7782265


>> No.7782290

As long as it's worn in a proper place and time no one is really going to give a fuck assuming said item isn't a culturally significant one that demands/implies a certain amount of respect when wearing it.

Ex: Unless you're taking part in a Native American cultural event, you shouldn't be dancing around in a chief head dress.

Wear Yukata if you like, but things like Kimono are for certain events and need to be tied properly. It would be like wearing a prom dress casually. No one does that. Though you'll look like a raging Weeaboo if you wear one outside of a Japanese festival.

Also don't wear things from a costume shop

>> No.7782299

Indians? Though they look better in a more goldy yellow.

But yeah, orange and yellow are just not nice colours for fashion in general

>> No.7782506

top kek

>> No.7782548

>What it really says: I don't care who I offend as long as I look cool.

Why is this bad

Why is offending people suddenly a war crime

>> No.7782850

Race and ethnicity are not static, they're constantly changing and mixing together. People saying that you shouldn't wear something because it "belongs" to another race are idiotic, and to a certain extent, racist because they view culture as essentialist. I should say though that I understand where they're coming from. Also, it's pretty obvious you shouldn't wear shit like blackface.

>> No.7783033

as long as you know that you might be offending people i'm cool with it.
ignorant people are what annoys me personally.
like when people wear a keffiyeh and have no idea about the possible implications regarding their political opinions.

>> No.7783105

is this a joke website?

>> No.7783111
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>so white you gentrify the ground you walk on

i'm fine with this

>> No.7783170

I understand the concerns with cultural appropriation.

On the surface level, you threaten to offend someone for whom what is being appropriated has deep cultural/social/religious significance.

On a more deeper level, there is a serious concern that the thing being appropriated is being drained of its significance. It's being removed from a context, adopted by a privileged majority, and becoming just another cultural artifice which signifies nothing. When context is forgotten, histories are forgotten. Along with it, the people who share those histories are being more and more marginalized.

There's a bit of a double bind though. For as wrong as it is that such appropriation has resulted out of European conquest of various cultures, you cannot ignore the fact that we live in a culture already entrenched within appropriation.

No matter who you are, culture will have it's influence on you. From day one, you are being influenced by the various cultures that color the American social landscape. You can't escape it.

Since cultural appropriation is unavoidable at this point, I think there is still room for what I call "respect towards that which is being appropriated" (not exactly the catchiest term, I know.) If we're going to appropriate, we should do so in a manner that is respectful to the original culture and we should strive to be as authentic as possible, so as to enliven the traditions that are threatened with extinction.

I see nothing wrong with a white American practicing yoga if they actually demonstrate an understanding of the spiritual significance of yoga. I see nothing wrong with white pop stars appropriating the sounds of black music, so long as it isn't an ironic appropriation (i.e. "meme rap") or an "aryanization" of said music (i.e. taking black music and neutering it so as to make it digestible for a mass consumer base.)

>> No.7783182


What I DO take offense to is a franchise like Taco Bell pretending like their food is in any way authentic Mexican cuisine. What I DO take offense to are people wearing native American garb or clothing with Native American imagery in an ironic manner.

Again, appropriation is inevitable at this point. What we should concern ourselves with now is 1) becoming conscious as to how we appropriate so as to avoid offense and 2) keeping alive the contextual significance of the traditions/artifices we appropriate.

thanks for reading /fa/

luv u

>> No.7783185

Yeah I agree with this

>> No.7783206

>What we should concern ourselves with now is 1) becoming conscious as to how we appropriate so as to avoid offense

Gonna stop you right now and say, no, not really. As a society we're not really obligated to protect anyone's feelings.

>2) keeping alive the contextual significance of the traditions/artifices we appropriate.
We have books and museums for that very purpose. Again, there's no obligation.

When you encounter a problem that has several solutions, one of which doing the difficult thing and solving it yourself(by not taking offense to superficial shit), and the other solutions being expecting the rest of the world to accommodate your fragility, you are a selfish and shitty individual for choosing the latter.

>> No.7783220

>Lil Dicky - White Dude
>Lil Dicky
>He is white, Jewish and middle class and his raps are about that.

>raps against white people
wow I'm shocked

>> No.7783242

>What you didn't know is that the keffiyeh has long been a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, which opens up a whole can of worms when it comes to international politics and Zionists who see it as a symbol of oppression.

>> No.7783249

>Gonna stop you right now and say, no, not really. As a society we're not really obligated to protect anyone's feelings.

>> No.7783287


>As a society we're not really obligated to protect anyone's feelings

While I agree that there are exceptions to the claim that we should not offend others, I do think it is at least a prima facie obligation to not harm others. While there is plenty of cases where offense is petty, there is a deeper, more emotionally harmful (or even traumatic) type of offense.

I think in cases where a marginalized people are having their histories and cultures taken from them, they have are justified in being deeply hurt. It takes very little effort to at least be conscious of the effect your actions has on other people.

>We have books and museums for that very purpose

Yes, but books and museums can only preserve culture insofar as it removes it from context and makes it static. Who are we to say "fuck you and your culture, soon enough you'll all die off and just be another commodity - another pretty wax statue at a museum"?

It's also dangerous to regulate cultures to having only a historical significance. Those who write the history may alter the truth, either intentionally or unintentionally. The people who actively engage in these cultures should be the ones preserving their identities - not a cultural majority who lack the significant context and history. Culture needs to be active and enlivened to avoid extinction.

You seem to have a very instrumental orientation to the world and a ethical system based on a sort of egoism. While it seems like these modalities of thinking are common in the current American cultural landscape, I highly recommend you open yourself up to alternative and more reflective ways of thinking that may challenge your preconceived notions of the world.

I suggest, philosophy.


>> No.7783314


>> No.7783364

when this mentality gains enough traction to enforce laws that can punish people for purely subjective claims, it's not pretty

pushing the idea that we are collectively responsible for pleasing absolutely everyone is insane
encouraging individuals to be sensitive and respectful is totally reasonable, but only if you understand that they have every right to say "nah, fuck you"

>> No.7783385

>The people who actively engage in these cultures should be the ones preserving their identities
then leave them to it

>> No.7783387


This is a common problem in ethics.

It's a lot easier for people to understand negative duties (i.e. what one shalt not do) than it is for people to understand that they are also obligated to adhere to positive duties (i.e. what one shall do)

I don't think it should be politically enforced. Generally speaking, it seems as if society and culture is naturally (albeit, slowly) moving towards a better understanding of equalities and what it means to respect autonomy.

I think it was Mill who proposed the idea of the "free market of ideas". We shouldn't censor anyone's opinions, no matter how blatantly ignorant they are, because they help to better enliven the truth.

Basically, over the course of time, the idea is that the best ideas will rise "like cream" to the top, and ignorant ideas will continue to be refuted.

That being said, I think we are obligated to have a healthy skepticism towards the world, our orientations, and our ways of thinking, so as to not slip into passive/unconscious modes. I think a component of this is being more aware of how our actions affect other people and how we, as individuals, contribute to and reinforce cultural ideas.

>> No.7783397


It's hard to do that when an overwhelming majority has (in some cases) taken their land, killed their people, and (which is more often the case) appropriated their culture.

Just look at what happened to Hawaii. That's a fucked situation.

>> No.7783392
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>all this slave morality

The superman wears what he wants simply for that reason alone.

>> No.7783401
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>mfw non-europeans wearing pants all over the world
>mfw I'm basically being raped by billions of people 24/7

when will this cultural appropriation stop?

>> No.7783403


>having this much of an entry-level understanding of Nietzsche

holyshitlol, plz be troll

>> No.7783413

when will waifu-core become accessible to the rest of us?

>> No.7783421

>Basically, over the course of time, the idea is that the best ideas will rise "like cream" to the top, and ignorant ideas will continue to be refuted.
never heard of this before
probably b/c it's a dumb idea lmao

>> No.7783425


nice troll duude haha :^)
no better way to discredit an argument then by having a completely reductive understanding of the arguments
but hey
"we r anonymoos"

>> No.7783432


You've probably never heard of it because you have a highschool education.

John Stuart Mill can explain it better though. Good read him.

or keep trolling 4chan. I don't care either way.

>> No.7783430

>this guys making a good point
>uhhhh better call him entry level

>> No.7783431


>> No.7783441
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>> No.7783451

you're gonna remember these posts once you finish your first semester of philosophy classes and be so embarrassed lmao

>> No.7783454

>hahaha this clever reaction image made by somebody else means that i won the argument

>> No.7783459
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>> No.7783461


>> No.7783466

that image is cracking me up

>> No.7783469
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>implying I'm not already in grad school, riding a wave of sweet free scholarship monies
>implying you even understand what's going on in this thread

>> No.7783476

goth ninja should be left to the asians and the muslims

not to the white boy kissless virgins

>> No.7783699

>What you didn't know is that the keffiyeh has long been a symbol of Palestinian nationalism, which opens up a whole can of worms when it comes to international politics and Zionists who see it as a symbol of oppression.

I am so mad right now

I don't wear them, but are you seriously saying I can't support the Palestinians because it might offend Zionists?

Is this a joke article?

>> No.7783716

that's like saying don't be black, it might offend any potential nazis

pandering to jews who oppress peoples with american handouts should be treated as if it were treason

zionists will demand you give them more and more, and any semblance of human dignity (ie stopping an israelli soldier from killing unarmed children) is quick to be labeled as anti-semitism

just like women throwing around the term sexism

>> No.7783746

Retarded idea. If you pull it off, wear it. Pulling shit off comes down to good looks and style sense more often than just race.

because Muslim is an ethnicity lol

>> No.7786163

I do believe this pearl of a thread deserves another shot

>> No.7786218

When the fuck did tumblr get here. I don't care if you bitch about people for saying "nigger" and by all means go ahead, but don't shit up a fashion forum who obviously have an interest in drapey shit that happen to have some relation to other culture's clothing about how it can "offend".
Like fuck when it becomes illegal to wear a long t-shirt because it originated from the gender queer Islamic Native American Jewish non-gender binary xir and it could offend them that someone who isn't a fellow gender queer Islamic Native American Jewish non-gender binary xir is wearing it, according to your faggot studies class.

>> No.7786648

So is this discussion over?

>> No.7786916


This article typifies everything that annoys me about the tumblr-white-girl-cultural-appropriation-is-bad crowd.

1) Say white people can't wear a thing. (Be sure to be as patronizing and assuming as possible here, to make sure no one listens to you.)

2) Say its culture is so layered!

3) Proceed to simplify the shit out of its meaning.

Case in point, keffiyeh. Now, I think white people wearing it just looks dumb because it looks shitty, but they go "HEY, THAT'S APPROPRIATING PALESTINIAN CULTURE.... which is bad because *Israeli's think that Palestinians are currently oppressing them*."


Look, it's a really complex situation over there, but this sort of shit is just as bad as people who wear important clothing w/o caring about its meaning, regardless of that wearer's race.

IMO - no matter who you are or what your skin is, don't wear things that have meaning to a culture you don't participate in. That is to say, I'd be slightly annoyed at a random Mexican or a random White guy wearing traditional African clothing - but hey, if you're either of those things and live in Africa or know a bunch of Africans or whatever I don't give a shit.

The Hijab one is also hilarious. Don't you dare insult Muslims by wearing a head scarf! BTW DAE think all riots are radicals and riot if a white person wears a head scarf???

Not to mention "only black people have worn do rags... cuz, you know, they're hood, right? So that's totally a cultural artifact."

Holy shit, the person who wrote this list has no fucking idea about any of the cultures they're defending. IDGAF if someone generalizes about "white people", it's lazy but I get what they mean, fine. But really? Being racist against the people you're telling people not to be racist against?

>> No.7786949

>gender queer
What does this mean?

This too, what does it mean?

I'm behind on these social trends.

>> No.7786959


the article was clickbait


>> No.7786991

I agree with you. Just to condense the argument:

Non-familiars should not wear the traditional clothing of a different culture.

Example: white guy wearing a kimono

I mean, the culture police isn't going to take you away, but it seems respectful not to mar the other culture's image.

>> No.7787240
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Oppressing people is very easy and simple to do, isn't it?

>> No.7787439

jesus christ, you know the media specifically portrays white people as evil, right? Just look at the fucking Zimmerman case, everyone was calling him a white Latino so they could inject racism into the case. And you know mental illnesses like autism and depression actuality exist, right? nobody talked about lanza like he had a bright future, people talked about how evil he was, and how he would burn in hell.

>> No.7787600

this guy is a celt wearing celting clothing...see nothing wrong...did you select the wrong pic?

>> No.7787617

those pictures werent even of him, they were another trayvon martin from florida but it just shows you how dumb people can be because they looked nothing alike. trayvon who was shot was actually pretty handsome and the "thug" kid looked like he was hit in the face with a hot pan.
the word "thug" doesn't carry any actual meaning these days, it's just an acceptable way of calling a black person the n word these days.

>> No.7787670
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>culutural appropriation
>people of color

>> No.7787691
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lol black face lol fucking niggers lol

>> No.7787715

>the word "thug" doesn't carry any actual meaning these days, it's just an acceptable way of calling a black person the n word these days

Pretty much this. After Richard Sherman had his post-game outburst, I lost count of how many times I heard/read the word "thug" in the news and online. I'm pretty sure that I read on one outlet that it was the most times that "thug" had been said on the air in the past three years.

>> No.7787734
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hakamas aren't on the list

>> No.7787804

The person who wrote that should probably kill themselves. White people can wear whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.7788428

fucking die, whitey

>> No.7788665

>be at lunch with dad and sister
>waiting for food
>see this thread
>ask them "If black guys can wear suits, why can't white guys wear dashikis?"
>sister starts laughing hysterically
>start looking around
>behind the barrier separating our booth from the front desk area is a black guy

>> No.7788673

You should go ask him then. Report back with his response.

>> No.7788678

Happened yesterday, sorry.

But I've asked a few Arabs, and they don't seem to mind if I wear one of their man dresses.

>> No.7788681

Certain things look good with certain skin tones and other race related appearance things, but beyond that it doesn't matter. The article talks about it as if you simply shouldn't be allowed to wear those things because you're white and that's racist and racism is stupid.

>> No.7788690


The fact that white people feel they are the ones being oppressed, when absolutely everything proves otherwise, is such a scary thing. Do you also think women have it easier and that homosexuals are pushing their "agenda" down your throat?

>> No.7788708


What you fail to understand is that racism is about power. Racism against whites isn't a thing because the system we're living in gives the white (regardless of where the persons ethnicity, i.e. zimmerman) person legal, social and economic power over dark skinned people.

>> No.7788706


Blame white guilt.

I'm a white guy, and yet, I have no problem admitting that I'm lucky to have been born a white guy. For whatever reason, most people are too insecure to admit that.

It's like - "I'm all for equal rights and social justice, as long as I don't have to be inconvenienced by it"

>> No.7788721

It's because admitting your priviliges is the first step of abolishing them. For example, no rational man actually believes women are more priviliged that men, they just dig the positive aspects of patriarchy. Same with the upper class, they don't really think they work harder than the working class and so on.

>> No.7788726

What the hell is going on here? There is no such thing as "reverse racism" or "racism ageist whites", come on/fa/, you should know that.

>> No.7788739

Anti-racist is code for anti-white. As a white man, I am a proud racist.

>> No.7788748

Could the mods delete the racist comments here? Or better just delete the hole thread, this has nothing to do with Fashion and its just a bunch of white people white people complaining about imaginary "oppression".

>> No.7788750

you must be black or jewish or a little of both

>> No.7788753


You'd think by 2014 your kind would be a thing of the past. As a white man, I'm ashamed to share skin color with you.

>> No.7788761

You are a race traitor. The Day of the Rope is coming for you.

>> No.7788770

this article is fucking trash

> hurr this ain't for whites people derpty doo.

ok. then let's apply that standard across the board shall we? no suits & hair straightener for blacks, sound fair?

>> No.7788776


Fuck of /pol/, go back to your trailer park.

>> No.7788780

since when was hair straightening and suits deeply rooted in "white" culture

>> No.7788781


Just because you want to win an argument doesn't mean that you're allowed to redefine words to suit you, though I know the Social Justice movement desperately wants to. You can't alter the term, "Racism," to mean a completely different concept than what most people understand (i.e. racism is treating people poorly due solely to race, regardless of direction) and then keep all of the connotations and implications that term previously held.
Racism has been a powerful word, and to be accused of it is a condemnation of your character. But if you redefine it and suddenly I can be a racist just by not consciously checking my privilege, then racism means fuckall and you're just some slanderous asshole trying to polarize the apathetic by demonizing them.
Come up with a new word if you have a new concept, dickweed, so that everyone can understand exactly what you're talking about and know to ignore your bullshit.

>> No.7788782


What exactly have YOU done to deserve your pride, other than spew your hate and shouting "sieg heil" with the rest of your inbred, uneducated filth? Don't you dare take credit for what other white men have managed to do, they would vomit if they knew you did.

>> No.7788787

Since african americans started doing it on a large scale only once they had been in north america for decades.

Relaxed hair looks really shitty anyway so I don't see why you're upset.

>> No.7788788
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Are you really sorry, white devil?

>> No.7788791

since when was wearing something similar to race like...

it's a choice to wear this piece of clothing that has a negative connotation to it...

>> No.7788794

I am going to continue to not care at all what people think is "racially appropriate" attire. What a stupid, racist concept.

>> No.7788799

This is it.

I'm not going to post here anymore with these privileged assholes.

Unless moot axes /pol/ I can't even think about posting on this racist site anymore.

>> No.7788795
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Please forgive :(

>> No.7788801

Institutional racism, then, which is what the article in OP is addressing.

>> No.7788800

1. Zimmerman isn't white
2. The evidence presented at trial proved Trayvon instigated the fight
3. That river ain't going to cry itself

>> No.7788802


You are the racist one here, good to know that your kind is gong extint and wont be accepted in a modern society.

>> No.7788805

>I can't even think about posting on this racist site anymore.

You do know you're on 4chan right dumbfuck? I mean you do know the kind of shit this site is infamous for right?

>> No.7788808

Make some more excuses for it you fucking shitlord

>> No.7788813

This whole thing is a matter of liking the aesthetic of something/actually being part of something. Maybe I think full-body camo and war medals look cool, so I wear them, but it's kinda insulting to the guy who did three tours in the Middle East who went through intense training and got shot on a battlefield but still saved someone from a downed helicopter.

I know that what I'm wearing means something to someone, but I don't really care because it "looks cool" and that's all that matters. But that disrespect is indicative of my attitude towards the veteran, saying "I really don't care what it means to you."
tl;dr bunch of shallow faggots who value "looking cool" more than being committing to a culture

>> No.7788811


He is WHITE LOOKING. The lighter the skin, the better you will be treated.

>> No.7788815


>Don't you dare take credit for what other white men have managed to do

Haha, don't worry, i am not like the Afrocentrists, i believe in individual qualities and responsibilities.

Concepts that leftists hate.

>> No.7788816

okay so you just implied that it wasn't a product of white culture. we aren't stealing from you then because it was never even yours in the first place.

If anything it's problematic because it makes dumb crackers like you feel more put on a pedastal since we try so hard to have straight hair like you people. So inspired? yes. Product of your culture? no.

>> No.7788819

Your tears of impotent rage are delicious.

You will not be missed.

>> No.7788826

>But if you redefine it and suddenly I can be a racist just by not consciously checking my privilege, then racism means fuckall and you're just some slanderous asshole trying to polarize the apathetic by demonizing them.

lol then don't get involved in it. the real problem is if you are aware of your privilege and you don't want to do anything about it. and then you try and shoot down people who aren't privileged that try and question the system of oppression. that's so moderate and obnoxious and that's what i feel a lot of white people are like, tbh.

>> No.7788827


Better check your privilege! You are typing in a keyboard created by a cracker, in a Internet made by a cracker in a site funded by a cracker.

>> No.7788833

First off, race is a social construct, in this case he was considered white because his victim was black. Lrn2basic knowledge

>> No.7788835

in regards to keyboards and you're completely missing the point if you're being serious

>> No.7788842


Then once again, what have you done? What part of white pride is an individual quality? Do you only feel pride in your actual skin, since you wouldn't acknowledge other whites? Do you not feel that you being racist and you valuing individual qualities are polar opposites, since you've already decided "non-whites" are lesser human beings?

>> No.7788836
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>muh victim complex

you're absolutely right though, i thought zimmerman might have been swedish.

>The lighter the skin, the better you will be treated

Really? Last time I checked the only reason he went to trial was because the color of his skin.

>> No.7788837

I can't help imagine half of the posters in this thread dressed up like black islamists and the other half in white pride world wide shirts

>> No.7788839


Well individual white people wearing clothes is not institutionalised racism either, and you can't accuse a single person of institutionalised racism, because that's the whole fucking idea.

>> No.7788840


>> No.7788846

Also, funny you mentioned Swedes as white because when they first arrived in America they weren't considered white. Also there are non-white people living in Sweden you know

>> No.7788848

>First off "unqualified and controversial statement"...

>> No.7788851

no he went to trial because he killed someone? what the fuck?

>> No.7788855

Sociology 101 bitch. Or are you implying there are biological races? Because in that case your opinion differs with the entire scientific world.

>> No.7788856


Did you just suggest that the response to a social movement that you disagree with should be to ignore it? you aren't very self-aware, are you?

>> No.7788857

>race is a social construct

>in this case he was considered white because his victim was black

why do you hate Hispanics? you just erased someone's entire culturally identity because he killed a black man.

no. he went to trial due to community pressure of charlatans race baiters, black supremacists, opportunist politicians. having the msm intentionally skew the facts of the case for ratings didn't help either.

>> No.7788862

>okay so you just implied that it wasn't a product of white culture.
It certainly is since they did it to emulate the hair and dress styles of white people. When white people start dressing and talking like black "thugs" I don't say it's a product of white culture just because white people are doing it, lol.

>we aren't stealing from you then because it was never even yours in the first place.
And now I know why you're so bad at arguing right now. You're personally invested, so you're trying to make it personal. This isn't about you or me personally. For fuck's sake, I'm persian.

>So inspired? yes.
>Product of your culture? no.
You're drawing arbitrary lines. When the west coast starts adopting elements of japanese streetwear, then they're "inspired". When a huge demographic has been emulating the appearance of another demographic across the board for decades, then that goes far beyond simply being "inspired".

On an unrelated note I'm enjoying the simplicity of V day captchas.

>> No.7788865

>Because in that case your opinion differs with the entire scientific world.

Why then is race used in biological science and neuroscience?

>> No.7788868


That's where the word cultural appropriation comes in play. I'm not saying the article is a serious critique, rather than light hearted jabs at individual people (because it is!) BUT the underlaying problems are very much real. The individual people wearing keffiyehs are actually a part of the "system".

>> No.7788871

This white man is oppressing cultures you fucking racist shitlord!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7788873

Sick of these non-whites driving automobiles Henry Ford would be so upset.

>> No.7788870

Do you actually believe in biological races? In that case you are a literal nazi-racist. Also, it's not what liberals believe, they don't see races at all, it's what the scientific world believes.

>why do you hate Hispanics?
rofl shut the fuck up

>> No.7788874


>The fact that white people feel they are the ones being oppressed

I don't think that it's white people being oppressed. It's just that white people are really sick of being generalized as one specific hivemind that simultaneously is the dominate culture while supposedly having no culture.

It just feels like too many people assume that if you're white, you have British ancestors who came over here several centuries ago, killed as many natives as they could, all owned slaves, etc.

It's just a matter of too many people making crazy assumptions because they're blinded by their frustration over their situation which they're only feeding by focusing on why their lives suck according to them, people who need to take a breather and stop trying to attack everything that moves in order to feel better.

>> No.7788877


No, the issue is that I dislike having an original sin imposed upon and being informed that I am worth less as a human than others due to inherent racial differences. One would imagine an anti-racist would recognise the irony of the situation they are generating, but one would also be giving SJWs too much credit.

Trying to table-turn and become the privileged oppressors in your little justice-bubble may be morally satisfying, but it's neither a just system nor a useful tool for furthering your goals.

>> No.7788879


>There is no such thing as "reverse racism" or "racism ageist whites"

The victims of the Rwandan genocide were people with supposedly more Caucasian features who were believed to be witholding all the power from the more indigenous looking people.

>> No.7788884

>it's what the scientific world believes


>but my sociology teacher said...

I can't post links to similar studies all day

>> No.7788882

>it's what the scientific world believes.
God damn it libtards manage to be as retarded as conservatards. There is no empirical evidence supporting marginal differences in race, but no one in the fucking science community thinks "it's a social construct" and you faggots that keep on perpetuating this lie in your tumblr circles are as bad as those retards that spout "well, evolution is JUST a theory!!"

>> No.7788883

They should change it into:
>Clothes no man alive should wear, also we are racist as fuck but we are racist against the white men so it's okay...

>> No.7788885

Very few are saying white people are a hivemind. What most people are saying is that white people have a certain privileges in this society thanks to structures.

And about the ancestor stuff, yes some think you should feel guilty over what someone did a hundred years ago, but not me. What you should do however i realise you're privileged thank to structures that where created during said events that happened a hundred years ago.

>> No.7788886

neither were the irish, do you think their white?

so are you really implying there not genetic differences between races? seriously, what's the rate of sickle cell anemia affecting whites?

>shut the fuck up nazi
get lost on the way to tumblr?

>> No.7788888

>yes some think you should feel guilty over what someone did a hundred years ago
why should i feel guilty for someone else's actions but not feel proud about others
you're pathetic

>> No.7788895


What most people are saying is that white people have a certain privileges in this society thanks to structures.

That depends on the country really, in the States i guess, but i'm European for example and lots of mostly white countries in Europe are looked down upon as a "lesser race" and were slaves sometimes in the history.

>> No.7788896

What good does it do other people if I just "realise my privilege?"

What you really mean, is "act differently towards certain people, because you realise your privilege".

>> No.7788897


Well then we can agree to disagree on that, as well, because I find the idea that cultures are little intricate dioramas with "No Touching" signs hanging around them in a museum somewhat offensive in a condescending way. As though entire cultures are so fragile they can be destabilised because white people think dreadlocks look cool. Cultures don't have to stay the same and have exclusive rights to ideas forever.

It's like leddit and 4chan: Yes, it pisses us off that they take our junk and refuse and make it worse, but it motivates us to come up with new stuff because we see the failings. It helps keep us from stagnating.

>> No.7788899

I thought I made it clear that I wan't a liberal. I also don't participate in tumblr circles.

Now that we have that out of the way, sociologists and ethnologists in the fucking science community view race as a social construct.

>> No.7788900

>And about the ancestor stuff, yes some think you should feel guilty over what someone did a hundred years ago

Fuck you asshole. If you hold everyone accountable for the sins of their ancestors then we all have blood on our hands.

guick example:
>whites should feel guilty for slavery
ok. fair enough. then hold the japanese accountable for the nanking massacre.

>> No.7788903

We are sorry for what our ancestors did!! :(((
See >>7788795 and >>7788788
We are very sorry for our oppression ;_; please forgive us black people! Dx

>> No.7788906

Back your statements up.

>> No.7788907

>I thought I made it clear that I wan't a liberal. I also don't participate in tumblr circles.
Nice dubs, any who you didn't do a good job portraying yourself as such.
>sociologists and ethnologists in the fucking science community view race as a social construct.
Oh, you're retarded. Forgot that sociology had more understanding on the biological aspects of races than biologists.

>> No.7788912

This, we should also punish all the black people whose ancestors participated in original slavery, as slavery of black people came from Africa itself, and the slaves were sold to white men.

Black people are oppressors.

>> No.7788913


What is post-colonial chaos?


For fuck's sake, nobody is blaming YOU for having owned slaves. Your fault lay in reaping the benefits of a white society but refusing to acknowledge that the system is fucking people of color over and instead feeling like a victim because "I'm not a member of the KKK, how could someone claim I have racist tendencies!".

>> No.7788915

yes? because these are the same people screaming about not being racist but they want to continue the obvious differences in life between blacks and whites.

you're being problematic and hypocritical if you attempt to attack the "social justice warriors" for "being too sensitive"

>> No.7788920

>If you don't check your privilege and post on blogs about how privileged you are, you are RACISS
Fuck off back to tumblr and talk about racist cis shitlords there for god's sake.
Shit, god, forgot I have to check my Christian white male privilege.

It's a real shame that the word "racism" is losing so much credibility ever since a bunch of 16 year olds from tumblr started spamming it everywhere, considering it's an actual issue.

>> No.7788925

Read my post again, idiot. Also nice quints.
Yes exactly, whiteness is constantly changing. Poles for example, along with Finns, weren't seen as white when they first emigrated to Sweden. Many people don't see eastern europeans as white, but to the eastern europeans they're white.
Just realising it won't do anything. However if you realise it you might acquire the knowledge to help improve the situation around you.

>What you really mean, is "act differently towards certain people, because you realise your privilege".

Say for example you're a man, in that case you're probably more used to taking a lot of space in social circles and for example, in class. If you realise you're speaking a lot more than female students, and even interrupting them, you may take your privilege into account and let them speak up and stop claiming so much space.

>> No.7788930


Cultural appropriation is taking something from a culture that is very often mocked (in some cases leads to violence) and making it something else, i.e. white girls wearing bindis. Hindu people wearing a bindi get shitted on, but white people doing it are considered quirky.

>> No.7788932

>Your fault lay in reaping the benefits of a white society

You mean like blacks are doing now? Correct me if I'm wrong here.. but wasn't everyone in Africa living in mud huts when the European arrived? Also isn't all the advancement the result of colonization?

>> No.7788937

You're the asshole, read my post again. I specifically said I don't think you should be held accountable for shit that happened before you where born.

Here's what I said:
>",yes SOME think you should feel guilty (...) , BUT NOT ME"

>> No.7788939

Case in point.

>waaahhh, these aren't actual issues! i'm just a white christian male, how dare anyone imply i'm doing anything wrong!

>> No.7788943

th-thats racist! the technology is oppressive! africa is not 3rd world! is africa a country or a continent??? check your privilege!

>> No.7788941


>> No.7788946

Are you not aware of the economic, social and environmental chaos africa suffers due to the colonies fucking everything up over there?

>> No.7788947

>If you realise you're speaking a lot more than female students, and even interrupting them, you may take your privilege into account and let them speak up and stop claiming so much space.

So women need a helping hand from men in order to be equal? Because in that little scenario sounds like the women in the class are incapable of speaking up for themselves.

>> No.7788951

Case in point:

>It's everyone else's fault not my own incompetency waaaaaaaah!!! You wearing a scarf hurts my feelings waaaaaaaah!!
They aren't actual issues, I have done things that were punishable and I have been. Wearing something simple and enjoyable that happens to have relevance to some shitty culture and is "wrong" according to all the preteens on tumblr, isn't something worth punishing or concerning yourself with.

>> No.7788957

You mean the ways the Africans abused and misused the given privileges from the colonials i.e. technological and engineering advancements?
If someone gives you a car, and you happen to crash it and break your legs because you're a fucking retard, do you blame the person that gave you a car?

Black people are privileged; never worked for technological or other modern marvels, contributed nothing to it, yet reek its rewards. Check your privilege.

>> No.7788961

Can you not hear what you're saying?

>Can't women get equal on their own?

Do you not understand that equality needs to be fought for from both sides? If men in a classroom are taking up 60% of the space - which they are - only 40% is left.

>> No.7788963

>it's society's fault I'm retarded!
Kek, one thing is right: you are indeed retarded.

>> No.7788967

>So women need a helping hand from men in order to be equal?

Not really, it's more like men need to stop keeping them unequal. But if they need a helping hand in reaching equality? Hell yeah, it's about time we men started taking responsibility by realizing oppressive structures we benefit from, and abolishing them

>> No.7788975


Lmao. The privilege the africans living in the colonies had was hopefully not getting their hand cut off because they managed to survive long enough to fill the quota of materials they had to collect for the white people raping their daughters.

>> No.7788979
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>decided "non-whites" are lesser human beings?

The fuck are you talking about? No one is "lessen", no one is "inferior", we are just different.

I anolage that we are different and that each unique culture should be preserved, including the white cultures. That is my "hate crime".
If you want to criticize an ideology first learn the basics of it.

>> No.7788983

The first privilege men should abolish is the privilege of being drafted into war, that shit is way too privileging for my liking. Privileged shirtlords.
Secondly, they still have too many rights in courts, the fuck do they think they are? Equal? We just told them we're not equal!!!! Idiots. So take those away.
Also, this guy I slept with for money, well I remember him smelling funny, and I fucking hate smelly people. So, obviously he's a rapist (and yet no one would take me seriously, one shitlord told me I shouldn't even be sleeping for money wtf???) So take away that fucking privilege.

>> No.7788994

>Can you not hear what you're saying?
No actually I can not. I don't have any sort of assistance running, it's all text.

>Do you not understand that equality needs to be fought for from both sides?
Fuck it, I'll play along. Please tell me how women in this country "unequal"?

>Not really, it's more like men need to stop keeping them unequal
how so?

then what were doing before the evil whiteman showed up? did they even make a goddamn boat?

>> No.7789001

>raping their daughters
>thinking any white guy wants to touch that
Kek, the delusion is astounding.
Anyways, that doesn't compare to the enslavement Africans had to endure from other Africans.
>b-but only white people enslaved the poor black people

>> No.7789007

Don't play smart with me bud. War is men ordering men to kill men and women. Abolishing patriarchy must also involve abolishing dangerous masculine structures such as warmongering and all forms of hyper-masculine ideals. Patriarchy also hurts men, but mostly benefits them. Also women don't have rights in courts, it's almost impossible for men to be sentenced for rape where I'm from. Male privilege isn't some black and white concept, where men always win. It has some drawbacks.

>> No.7789021

>The first privilege men should abolish is the privilege of being drafted into war
When was the last time your country issued a draft? Does conscription even happen in your country?

>> No.7789046

>War is men ordering men to kill men and women.
Because women have never in been a position of power. Except for when they have been, like Elizabeth I who warred with Spain.

>involve abolishing dangerous masculine structures such as warmongering and all forms of hyper-masculine ideal
because all war is a result of the masculine identity and never, fucking ever about greed or religion and women are incapable of being either greedy or religious zealots.

>. Also women don't have rights in courts

When was the last time women were drafted? Are women even required to register for selective service?

>> No.7789062

im laughing so hard. you're being deemed less than human FOR BEING WHITE. AHAHAHAHHAHAHA. you've been on the internet for too long. literally your own evidence is tumblr and half of them are obsessed with white dick. nowhere in the western world are white less than human. even in those ghettos where the black "niggers" would call you cracker.

you aren't oppressed. shut the fuck up

>> No.7789074

>Because women have never in been a position of power.

Like I said, there are exceptions. Please read my posts more thoroughly.

>because all war is a result of the masculine identity and never, fucking ever about greed or religion

Masculine identity is one of the factors. For the fascist, for example, war was the highest form of purifying masculine expression, and the hyper-masculine was the most desirable thing for a country to achieve. But of course there where materialist motivations behind it, but to lure young men into slaughtering each other there had to be ideals like nationalism and masculinity. Again, there are many factors, it's not black and white.

>Also women don't have rights in courts

Like I said, in Sweden men can't even be sentenced for rape if they confess they raped the (often female) victim.

>> No.7789101

>Like I said, there are exceptions. Please read my posts more thoroughly.

No. You fucking said...
>War is men ordering men to kill men and women.
>War is men & women ordering men to kill men and women.

don't play your tumblr bullshit with me.

>Masculine identity is one of the factors. For the fascist, for example, war was the highest form of purifying masculine expression, and the hyper-masculine was the most desirable thing for a country to achieve. But of course there where materialist motivations behind it, but to lure young men into slaughtering each other there had to be ideals like nationalism and masculinity. Again, there are many factors, it's not black and white.

so every war in history was ww2? got ya.

>Like I said, in Sweden men can't even be sentenced for rape if they confess

Oh really?

>> No.7789108

So the day of the rope is not reffering to the hanging of non-whites and "race traitors", but.. what exactly? You made your stance pretty clear.

>> No.7789146

>War is men & women ordering men to kill men and women.

I wasn't aware I have to spell everything out as clearly as possible so you won't have a hard time understanding. Next time I'll be more clear so you won't misunderstand:

>War is MOSTLY men, but occasionally women, ordering MOSTLY men, but occasionally women, to murder men and women.

You seem to have a hard time accepting generalisations, and seem to focus on exceptions, why?

>so every war in history was ww2? got ya.

Please, you know what I mean.

>Oh really?

That is a fringe case again, in a similar case a man confessed to rape over Facebook but wasn't sentenced. In another case a man confessed that he raped a woman, and that she said no, but because he claimed he didn't think she really meant no he was free to go. The law says that you have to have an intent to have sex without the victims consent, so if you claim you thought she meant yes when she really screamed no, you can't be sentenced. I don't have time to give you the sources but they've been buzzing on swedish twitter for the last month or so. Anyway I have to go now.

>> No.7789162

He worded it poorly. In sweden, you can't get sentenced for rape if you claim you didn't intend to, as was shown in a recent case were the man even admitted the woman was shouting "No, stop!" over and over, but he, being drunk and horny, thought it was part of a bdsm-session. Despite never asking wether she was "in" on it. Does this sound right to you? This is very common.

Despite how frightened men are of being convicted for rape under false pretenses, you're actually _more likely to win the lottery_. This is bullshit.

>> No.7789184

>I wasn't aware I have to spell everything out as clearly as possible

Then spell it fucking correctly the first time. When you say "War is men ordering men to kill" it does not fucking imply that women have/are/will do the same. This isn't tumblr where everyone shares your victim complex. You have something to say then goddamn say it.

>You seem to have a hard time accepting generalisations, and seem to focus on exceptions, why?
I dunno because you're implying women have been invoked or started a war? It's all about the masculine identity and us men go off killing each other because of our peckers and not because the military industrial complex?

[citations fucking required]

>> No.7789207

When 999 men start a war, and a single woman does the same, it's fucking unnecessary to say "war is mostly men and one woman.." you autist.

>> No.7789215



>> No.7789230


The court said it was objectively, one hundred percent proven, that the man violently forced the protesting woman into having intercourse, yet he still didn't get convicted because HE didnt think it was rape. I'll look for a translated version when I get back from the store.

>> No.7789231

So women are equal yet held by entirely different standard than men? Go fuck yourself. If we are playing by majority rule is okay for me to say that "blacks are the reason the crime rate is so high in the U.S"?

Thank you. I'll read through soon considering I don't speak the language and have to translate.

>> No.7789260

No, it's just when discussing patriarchal structures, the "one who got through" is also a part of the system.

"If THAT woman managed to have that much power, clearly any woman could." or "racism in america is nonexistent, how else could a black man become president?". Both of these examples are actually reinforcing sexism and racism in society, because it puts all the blame on individual people. "the reason a majority of bosses are men is because there aren't any competent women - how else would you explain Hillary being the head of X corporation?"

>> No.7789285

So when a women manages to no longer be a victim of the "patriarchy" she herself is the "patriarchy"? Makes perfect sense. Seems like a nice fail safe to blame your incompetence on others.

>because it puts all the blame on individual people.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Are people not to be held accountable for their actions now and judged solely by the group they're a part of?

>> No.7789345

>No that it's culture appropriation.
Cry me a fucking river stormfag, its not at all new, or even interesting, expecially considering modern immigration trends.

>hurr people shouldn't wear clothing from a culture they have close proximity to because of their skin color and this only applies to whites

>> No.7789353

>tfw rocking the keffiyeh every day because fuck jewish and american imperialism

>Zionists who see it as a symbol of oppression
top kek

>> No.7789361

those were all things nobody should wear
the asian hat thing is used for protection from the sun if you are in china or some shit nobody would look twice at you but if you walk around in the US even if you are asian you will look stupid

>> No.7789382

>is equivalent to several hundred years of murder, slavery and subjugation
>tfw decended from irish refuge who fought british imperialism and had to flee to america for his life

yep Im just about equal to the devil because of my skin.
>inb4 some SJwarrior tells me to read that "how the irish became white" shit

>> No.7789389

It wouldnt be an issue if people had an equal chance. Claiming its up to each person to get where they want to/should be/deserve to only works if it's actually possible to do it with hard work you FUCK.

>> No.7789408

>It wouldnt be an issue if people had an equal chance.


That is unless of course you live in some third world shitthole but I never hear you SJW types crying about that little girl who gets acid thrown in her face just for going to fucking school.

>> No.7789493


Yes, I fucking talk about women being stoned in iran you goddamn imbecile, someone having it worse somewhere else doesn't mean there aren't issues HERE. Child soldiers in Sudan is not a reason to ignore bullying in american schools.

Why the fuck do you fucking psychopaths play up your apathy for others suffering as a desierable trait?

>> No.7789527


How do you know that, because your friend on tumblr told you so? How do you know the men simply aren't more qualified? Your bias as fuck assumption also ignores the polices in place to ensure women and minorities are hired, and even in some cases given preferential treatment despite the fact they could less qualified.

Somewhat unrelated but just curious: let's pretend you're 100%(protip: you're not) and men always hire men over women. Would you considered women hiring women over men sexist?

>someone having it worse somewhere else doesn't mean there aren't issues HERE
First world problems.

>Why the fuck do you fucking psychopaths play up your apathy for others suffering as a desierable trait?
I'm playing apathy for anything. I'm simply stating that you SJW-types are spoiled western children.

>> No.7789573

How are the people fighting for change in the western world more spoiled than you, someone who not only pretends these issues don't exist, but actively fights change?

These "first world problems" lead to numerous sexual violence crimes and quite a few beatings and murders every year. It's the same when it comes to the lgbt-crowd. If let run rampant, it leads to a simular situation like the one in Russia.

You just cant stand the thought that YOUR progress in life isn't thanks to your own abilities, as much as it is your sex, skincolor and socio-economic status.

>> No.7789653

>How are the people fighting for change in the western world

All day bitching about discrimination when I can guarantee most of you have ever experienced it. You live in a first world country where you standard of living is beyond measure to areas where people are truly oppressed.

>but actively fights change?


>You just cant stand the thought that YOUR progress in life isn't thanks to your own abilities, as much as it is your sex, skincolor and socio-economic status.

Why do you assume that I'm white? Because I disagree with you? That I think the entire SJW movement is a bunch of spoiled fucking brats with an inferiority complex given a large platform thanks to the internet?

Protip: I'm black and gay as a goddamn dandelion. So tell me about privilege again. You people fucking disgust me in every way possible. Hypocrites, every fucking one you. You preach about equality but you want supremacy, you bitch about racism but encourage xenophobia.

>> No.7789705

you don't have to experience injustices to be against it.

you're really trying to put on a guise as one of the people we're protecting. fuck off cracker breeder. i dare you to say any of this shit in public and you'd get your ass beat by these "fake victims"

>> No.7789762

>you're really trying to put on a guise as one of the people we're protecting.

No True Scotsman? That I can be black or homosexual because I don't agree you? I'm so terribly sorry I don't meet your expectations of how a black man should think master.

>cracker breeder.
Yeah, you're totally not a bigot at all are you? This is my biggest problem with you SJWtypes. You're the most racist motherfuckers I have ever encountered(see above), especially you white ones. Goddamn you fuckers are hilarious. It's like competition between you people to see who is more tolerant.

Seriously who the fuck calls anyone a POC? I mean, really? My grandmother who lived through that shit would stab you in the fucking neck for calling her that.

>i dare you to say any of this shit in public and you'd get your ass beat by these "fake victims"


>> No.7789849

Yeah, not buying it. If you are the one saying Africa benefitted from being colonized up there, I simply do not buy that you, as a black man, would be so goddamn ignorant of the struggle other africans are facing, nor do I believe both a homosexual and a colored person would actually use affirmative action as an argument against sexism and racism in the workplace. I know there are gay men hating women, but I'm going to assume they are a minority.

Ps. Im a gay man and I've gotten my fair share of both physical and verbal abuse, which further maked me doubt you are this oblivious as a gay dude. Unless, of course, you're rich.

>> No.7789890

No, because you are trying to justiify that the innate handicaps because of your identity aren't "important" Moreso if you're black and gay it should be even WORSE. Ironic because I'm actually a second generation african and I'm gay. I've gotten a pretty large dose of physical abuse from my parents and classmates when I was in school and a large amount of discrimination from even more.

You know why those words are great? Because I'm using a slur against someone who is better respected by society. Against a person that will likely never face abuse as a straight white male. Lemme add CIS since I'm a SJW-warrior. POC isn't offensive what the hell are you talking about? Saying minorities offends people and POC acknowledges anyone in western society that isn't white. Please stop making up shit because old POC still use the term "coloured"

>> No.7790020

>If you are the one saying Africa benefitted from being colonized up there

I am and it did. Africa was shithole before colonization and it's a shithole now. But I suppose the evil white man is responsible for the AIDS epidemic and the so called "freedom fighters" raping toddlers to avoid it.

>I simply do not buy that you, as a black man
>nor do I believe both a homosexual and a colored person
>doubt you are this oblivious as a gay dude.
"You don't have the opinion of what I expect a black or gay man to have so you can't be black or gay." Thanks for proving my earlier point.

>nor do I believe both a homosexual and a colored person would actually use affirmative action as an argument against sexism and racism in the workplace.

We are either equal or we are not. Period. Affirmative Action is in this day and age a crutch. It's a stepping stone to award someone for being different as opposed to judging them on their merits.

>Unless, of course, you're rich.
Oooohh, more assumptions,

>> No.7790049

>POC isn't offensive what the hell are you talking about?

So you see nothing inherently wrong with summing up someone entirely based solely on the color of their skin?

>Please stop making up shit because old POC still use the term "coloured"

Funny, I never met one. But considering how you're "black" which I doubt because you don't agree with me(haha get it?) let's have one of your white friends call themselves an "ally of people of color" during the million man march and see how that works out for them.

Also, I have never meet anyone who still uses the term "coloured" that didn't live in a trailer park.

>No, because you are trying to justiify that the innate handicaps because of your identity aren't "important"

Being black or gay is not a goddamn handicap you fucking oversensitive pile of shit. It's who I am and I am goddamn proud of that. What I don't need is a support group telling me I need to feel like a victim and that type of thinking is cancerous to both the black & gay communities.

>> No.7790146

Nope, you're straight. There is no reason you'd shit on the struggle of POC or the LGBT-people. Either that or you've been so fucking coddled you've never had to suffer discrimination, which, in a person with a fully developed sense of empathy, shouldn't make someone deny these very real issues exist.

>> No.7790407

You probably live in some upper middle class family in Wyoming or something because they still use the fucking term. I live in the deep south. More specifically, Atlanta. There are MANY black people here and I've met enough black old people to know this. They KNOW that the struggle did not end after the civil rights.
POC doesn't sum up everyone's identities. What the fuck? It's used to describe all minorities in American society.

Where did I ever say that your identity was a handicap? Can you learn to read? Yes, you appreciate your identity but others can't and have suffered way worse than your apparent "black and gay" identity. We are one of the most abused groups next to be trans. I find it hard to believe that you can be this retardedly insensitive and be black and gay. There's no way a rational person who is POC and a part of the LGBTQ+ community could ever blame Africa for the mess it is now.

God, go back to /pol/ or stormfront or whatever trash heap you get your lessons from.

>> No.7790805
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>"Being white grants you many privileges."