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7774678 No.7774678 [Reply] [Original]

that trunks is an autistic faggot who actually plays card games like yugioh

source: he posted this pic

>> No.7774682


>> No.7774684

bait/thats magic

>> No.7774689

there's much worse things than card games

>> No.7774687

thats MTG u dumb nig

>> No.7774693

>card games LIKE yugioh


>also implying MTG is any better

>> No.7774699

no i dont think so

>> No.7774695

you should feel bad that you know that

>> No.7774705

hell yeah R/G

my standard was R/G for a while but i recently made it Jund to deal with the shit at my local shop better

ur a cool guy trunks

>> No.7774706

look where you are

>> No.7774701

>hating on someone because they do something they like and you don't

if anyone here is an autism faggot it's OP, trying to look "cool" by making fun of someones hobby. hope you're not over 16 because thats like, middle school tier

>> No.7774708

white/blue reporting in

>> No.7774715

Vs me on hearthstone bb

>> No.7774713

Believe in the heart of the cards motherfuckers.

>not playing yu gi oh

Niqqas u been missing out

>> No.7774714

nice man i wish i had that cashflow for modern

i have 2 unfinished modern decks and 1 unfinished legacy deck, tron is almost finished tho. whats your list?

>> No.7774719

seriously. its threads like these that really make me remember i'm posting on a fucking jap image board site and a good majority of the posters (even on fa...or should i say especially?) are the kind of people i would avoid like the plague irl

didnt know trunks was this much of a fucking dweeb though. makes his fits that much funnier.

trunks are you buying your shitty used designer pieces so you can role play as your favorite character?

>> No.7774720

i was gonna call you a nerd for playing control but then i realized i play tron

what have i become

>> No.7774725

kk i only played it like once tho im p bad. whats ur username

>> No.7774727

>implying playing card games isnt middle school tier

yeah okay get back to your game m8, your minions are waiting!

>> No.7774733
File: 96 KB, 724x720, 1391420845184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having your thread backfire this badly
Nice one OP.

>> No.7774730


The fact that you think you're any better is what's the real joke.

>> No.7774732

oh no im not playing modern im too poor for that. i play standard and card-pool with some friends

running some janky midrange with Reaper of the Wilds, the new phoenix from born of the gods, and Polukranos as my main dudes. i dont have my deck nearby so no full list.
oh and i run Underworld Cerebrus and its better than it looks, no one expects that shit

>> No.7774743

spend a few more dollars on better sleeves m8

>> No.7774739

>kids who bully magic players on the internet because they were social outcast losers who couldnt do it in middle school


>> No.7774737

this thread is sad.

the OP hating on these losers, all these losers discussing card games, just all of it


>> No.7774744

modern is cheaper than 2 or 3 years of standard tho thats why i got into it

>> No.7774748
File: 488 KB, 1206x904, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trunks looks like a babe when he smiles and doesn't make that stupid constipated face.

>> No.7774753

not OP, but i actually think this thread just shows how lame everyone on 4chan really is

yes, you too faggot for thinking card games are something you should be playing after 12

it is honestly abnormal

>> No.7774756
File: 560 KB, 266x360, 1382181132909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, I will enjoy my anime & being a faggot.

>> No.7774760

lol, id much rather hang out with someone who played cards than some insecure loser who has to make fun of people this badly on the internet

>> No.7774755

i guess thats true
i just got back into standard after not playing since zen/scars cause i was upset when Eldrazi decks rotated

i just cant bring myself to drop the money for fetches or goyf or anything yet
maybe ill start slowly acquiring the cards when i can for modern

>> No.7774769

lol i wasn't bullying you sensitive bb. im being more of a dick because im in a terrible mood but seriously...card games at what...early/mid 20s? wow and aren't you a line cook or something? fuckin lol

>> No.7774767

Trunks is a faggot because he's a faggot, not because he plays card games.

>> No.7774764

that, or op is trunks

no offense trunks, but you know that doesn't sound unrealistic

>> No.7774781

turn your trip back on bro

>> No.7774776

I'll never understand this mentality.
>Holy shit someone else is enjoying something I don't understand why is this happening I better go blow them the fuck out

anyone who tries this hard to abide by society is abnormal, you included turbo dweeb.

>> No.7774778

rancor is super useful. i used to run them in a green/white i had before i switched to mono white enchantment

>> No.7774787


>> No.7774789

>white belt

jesus what were u doing pre/fa/ trunks


>> No.7774785

>not playing card games = trying to abide by society

lmao you sound like you're still in high school

actually, playing card games in your 20s is more abnormal

>> No.7774791
File: 135 KB, 750x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trunks is actually very goodlooking.

>> No.7774792

who gives a shit
what is your hobby

>> No.7774802

I have a friend who plays magic but you'd never know it. He's semi pro in the NW and makes a ton of money buying/selling cards. He also lifts 5x a week, plays basketball, listens to microhouse and reads Hrabal.

So stop stereotyping pls.

>> No.7774797

u can get a pretty decent deck for like 150$ or 200$

hatebears, burn, blue tron, etc.

>> No.7774799

he goes on 4chan /fa/ board, which is worse than playing cards because on here he is getting angry at people he doesn't know for no reason, while trunks or whoever plays cards with his friends and has a good time

>> No.7774812

I like making fun of people I don't know online about things that I have no idea about kek hahaha fucking abnormals freaks I'm so above all of you.

>> No.7774816

Trunks can I buy your pink denim off you?

How much?

How tall are you?

6'1 here will it fit?

>> No.7774822

shit, i remember buying something on ebay from someone and they had magic cards in their feedback, maybe it was trunks. cant remember what i bought

>> No.7774819

way to set the bar low trunks

are you his irl MTG buttbuddy?

>> No.7774826
File: 5 KB, 80x104, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trunks pls smile, you look like a concerned father in all your recent fits.

>> No.7774834

hey are you from vancouver too?

>> No.7774837


>> No.7774835

pink denim? which do you mean?

>> No.7774840
File: 120 KB, 450x800, 8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love smilefits

pic related, i started saving jackg fits cuz he keeps smiling i cant leave it unsaved, need this shit on my harddrive

>> No.7774855

I don't blame him for being so ugly he's from the shitty part of Canada

>> No.7774853

drkshdw jacket prob

>> No.7774851

any part of BC then?

>> No.7774861

Anybody want to buy some of my rare yu-gi-oh cards?

>> No.7774870

lol what

>> No.7774872

buy 3 silent tees 2nd hand/on sale

>> No.7774867

Like that time he took photos of himself in a home saying he was helping the elderly but we found out it was elderly volunteers helping him and other autistic children

>> No.7774868


Should I buy one silent t or should I buy 3 voidthebrand ts instead? Building a new wardrobe right now on slight budget.

>> No.7774873

or did you mean the pink jacket, are you the guy who offered 400$ a couple threads ago? if you are yeah, id probably sell. its poplin tho btw

i am 6'3 and its a little short so itll fit you better than it fits me

>> No.7774875

Yes! a smile makes your fit complete.

>> No.7774876

he's going to say one silent t.
If you're at the early stages of a new wardrobe you might be better off getting 3 voids though imo

>> No.7774882

where are you buying 200$ silent tees

you can find them on ebay for like 50$ or less even

>> No.7774883

my boss has one of those nintendo ds and he plays it every now and then. I'd like to see you fags call him an autistic weeb loser to his face

>> No.7774889

ok i dont even care anymore but yuor answers are so concise i must know where ur from

>> No.7774904

Does it matter?I want trunks not you.

>> No.7774913


haha roughly $150 on tres-bien and $40-50 for vtb. But i am scared of fakes. Are they not common?

Do you own any? I'm curious about the quality.

>> No.7774920

what size are u/measurements

and what do u want in a tee

>> No.7774922

Yu gi oh is actually fun if I had people to play with I would. Stop putting people down because your life is unfulfilling and boring

>> No.7774935

That's trunks?

Qt as fuck I'm not being sarcastic or anything

>> No.7774952

S preferably but XS or M if the price is right. And I guess the standard- raw hem, scoop/wide neck, elongated (but not too much bc ima manlet), sheer optional

>> No.7774953

he's the one on the left.

>> No.7774969

Yeah I figured he wasn't the fat guy

>> No.7774967

He's such a babe, I'd lick his ball sweat.

>> No.7774977


Also sorry for bombarding you with so many questions, but u r actually one of my favorite trips bb. Any recommendations for shorts for spring? Ideally something like julius with the cargo pockets ad infinitum, but im not rich lol. Or something athletic like sweat shorts. Problem most things I find have a huge inseam and I'm 5'8 :(

>> No.7775007
File: 1.75 MB, 1536x2304, DSC_0497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srs someone buy my cards

>> No.7775040

the rest of the fit looks fine tho, that hoodie is gr8

>> No.7775055
File: 1.89 MB, 1536x2304, DSC_0498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you tell if these shits is good or not? I took em from some 12 year old loool is it rare?

>> No.7775063

bnwt rick tank for 70$


julius destroyed hem tanks for 75$, sick tees, great price


silent gradient tee for 100$


attachment j cut for 140$


julius drapey tee for 150$


carpe diem tee for 150$


lost & found tee for 150$ or best offer, great deal, id buy this if i didnt already have a black l/s


bbs tee for 180, pretty decent deal. the mannequin doesnt do it justice, these are some of the nicest tees u can buy. theres also a l/s with bidding starting at 100$, keep an eye on it


and thats just the shit i could find quickly/whats up right now on ebay, u can find more stuff on sufu, or if u wait

>> No.7775067

I'm pretty autistic at times.
/m/ is my home board like /m/
I have some mecha toys
etc. I dunno, I like robots and engineering in general. I don't give a fuck. Just do what yo want brah, we don't need a bunch of clones on /fa/ who listen to Death Grips and drink black coffee and wear black all day. Take some pages from hedonism and pursue your happiness brah. (: If you'd rather play a children's card game then be on /fa/ all day what is the problem?

>> No.7775071
File: 193 KB, 800x800, 1383321647764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7775079

>implying it's a children's card game and doesn't require skill and strategy which most children couldn't muster

I bet you think chess is a children's board game

>> No.7775084

I still got my pokemon cards from elementary school.

all original holographic & 1st edition

just waiting until they become valuable so i can cash in on them

>> No.7775096

>being surprised that someone who frequents an anime board is nerd tendencies
youre all kinds of stupid OP