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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 438 KB, 1333x2000, parka9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7763548 No.7763548 [Reply] [Original]

Summer is almost over in Australia, fashion over here tends to be 1-2 years later than the rest of the world.

I think surplus fashion is slowly becoming fashionable. I have that Austrian Field Parka that was sold on Nugget Enterprises a while back, i removed the name tape because it looks alot better without it.

How do I make this look as good as possible?
I own an OD Shemagh and some nice casual white shirts, would this work well with jeans?

>> No.7763640
File: 138 KB, 329x450, 5207_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763664

dude don't wear a shemagh

>> No.7763675

That's the advice i'm looking for.

>> No.7763677
File: 890 KB, 976x1920, 1391840274116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make the jacket look as good as possible or how do you make a whole outfit with the jacket look as good as possible?

Just for the jacket, I wouldn't add patches or anything to it. Leave it the way it is.

I have a few inspo pics I'll dump for you.

>> No.7763691
File: 48 KB, 386x576, 1391959622687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this cooldown by the way.

>> No.7763696
File: 217 KB, 825x1089, 1391580084398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763706

I meant outfit wise, i already have patches for my Czech Breadbag, still waiting on my new ones from NE to arrive.

>> No.7763708
File: 142 KB, 460x690, 1385815762185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763716

OP, where do you cop most of your milsurp from?

The Aussie sites are pretty shit and USPS is a fucking scam.

>> No.7763717
File: 110 KB, 460x691, 1387870439446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't exactly it, but i think this outfit looks really cool so you could try to take something out of it

>> No.7763756

>Nugget Enterprises
Based /k/ommando store, unfortunately uses USPS but the prices are worth it. NE will have more stock in soon and a sale will happen, stay tuned on /k/ or NE for details, better yet, sign up for the E-mails newsletter.

>Ausrüstung Sicherheit Militär Camping
Great for everything central europe, will ship with DHL

Finland based, great for everything Scandinavian and a lot of hard to find surplus.

Out of interest, where are you in Aus?

>> No.7763760

Also, thanks for the dump, I appreciate the effort.

>> No.7763788


Just got into Hobart on Saturday. I need a parka. Fast.

>> No.7763795

Also I'm pretty plen but I'd wear it with nice jeans and Redwings or Corcoran's Jump Boots.

Tried on some RWs when I passed through Melbourne. I reckon I'll grab some when Centrelink finally gives me some student allowance.

>> No.7763824
File: 1.05 MB, 640x960, Firstfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the same Austrian M65--how do I better incorporate it into outfit?

>> No.7763823

Shit, was hoping you were in Brisbane.
Just google your local Surplus stores, you find the occasional store that has some really good Euro stuff and alot of Auscam and Australian Parkas. Then there's the whores who have minimal Euro stuff but is 5x the price that it should be and ramp up the price on everything else.

I once found a store trying to sell Flecktarn Parkas (non-goretex) for $100, and most BDU shirts for $50-60 and Pants for $40, all worn the fuck out. Then they were also selling East German peaked caps for $150 and an Israeli Gas Mask without Filters for $220.

Bitch behind the counter tried to say they were the cheapest in Queensland and also said that the Gas Mask was an Australian Issue Mask and that they are super rare and hard to find, she also tried to tell me that the East German Ushankas and Peaked Caps were from Russia and were also super rare.

Fucking jews.

>> No.7764010


I was up there for christmas. Nice place but 2hot4me

>> No.7764033

start by sending it back and getting a size that fits

>> No.7764320

>Summer is almost over in Australia
not until june tho, right?

>> No.7764399

cool fit. i'd swap the hoodie out for a tshirt tbh,
what boots, look really cool.

>> No.7764434


>tfw too hot to go full tech ninja
>not enough money either

>> No.7764477


do you have any idea how seasons work?

>> No.7764501


m8 autumn starts next month in australia

>> No.7764517

>mfw the only person I've seen wearing a parka in Hobart was from Japan

>> No.7764580

what size is that/you?

>> No.7765153

it'll still be fucking hot though, right?

>> No.7765173

depends where you are and how you define hot, but yeah, where i am it'll still be hot until mid april

>> No.7765191
File: 316 KB, 2000x693, 212321321321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ I'm looking for a jacket like the guy on the left is wearing.
I kind of want the coat he has, but I'd like it in black.

Are the coats in the pic similar to what he's wearing, and what type of coat is he wearing anyway?

>> No.7765194

>fashion over here tends to be 1-2 years later than the rest of the world.

It's more like a season but even that's not a rule. We do live in the age of the internet and globalisation after all.

>> No.7765199


>> No.7765230
