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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 145 KB, 800x1030, 1391997434255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7762157 No.7762157 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Tom Fordress make this ad so vulgar? I am sad that women are being used and shown as holes to be fucked in this ad.
That's' what the ad is making us think of.
Isn't he gay anyway?

>> No.7762166

>Isn't he gay anyway?
that's why it's okay
Also a boob shot and a pussy shot don't get my dick up anyhow
no it's so common I feel nothing when I see plain boobs

>> No.7762163

not buying that misogynistic garbage

>> No.7762167

because blatant sexism sells
also he can go away with it saying it's some art statement or w/e

>> No.7762169

wow... well as a woman i am turned on by the pic.

>> No.7762170

not falling for it

>> No.7762171

How heteronormative of him. What a bastard. We should lynch him.

>> No.7762177

you 16?

>> No.7762173

Why the fuck are you two so afraid of the female body? Are only men allowed to show their body? Fucking sexists, go tip your fedoras on >>/b/

>> No.7762179

what's wrong with the female body? is it somehow offensive to you?

exploitative? sure.
vulgur? no.

>> No.7762180

try 21

>> No.7762181

very "modern art"

>> No.7762182

Go watch more porn and hbo

>> No.7762183

please be in london

>> No.7762184

>what's wrong with the female body?
chill out, i see one every single day. i inhabit one.

>> No.7762194
File: 984 KB, 705x735, Tyler,_The_Creator_2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /fa/ is this "HURR DURR MUH FEMINISM" tumblrcore

>> No.7762204

tv is not my thing and porn is kinda boring

>> No.7762208

Oh but a tom ford ad gets you wet
Stop trying 2bcool on 4chan

>> No.7762218


>tyler the creator as picture

Lol, of course. Ur prolly pretty edgy, huh? :^]

>> No.7762212

Marketing 101

Sex always sells

>> No.7762265

from the catalog the first picture in the thumbnail looked like goatsee.

>> No.7762268

gr8 b8 m8 i'd r8 it an 8/8 if i lived near u i'd t8 u on a d8 and we'd measure our h8s and w8s and compare them unless u're str8

>> No.7762275
File: 112 KB, 800x600, Uncle terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Terry Richardson did the shoot for this.

>> No.7762282

>Terry Richardson
why is he even famous
because he uses flash up close?

>> No.7762284


The ad is inherently sexist because it proposes the idea that the female body is a commodity obtainable if you purchase said perfume/cologne. It endorses a mechanical orientation towards women.

Wait, is this bait? I can't tell. Fuck.

>> No.7762287
File: 6 KB, 251x241, 1326517929010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complaining and not buying tom ford because pussy and tits i bet your just a gayfag.

>> No.7762289



denim dan had a writeup why it's good but it boils down to rape

>> No.7762293

>Boils down to rape
Pls no why is /fa/ so tumblr esque

>> No.7762296

>falling this hard for obvious bait
wow applause

>> No.7762302

That isn't sexist. It is glorifying promiscuity but not sexist. It wouldn't be sexist for a women's perfume ad to feature naked men with huge muscles. It's just displaying what one sex likes to obtain.

>> No.7762304


idk putting females in compromising positions isn't healthy

i guess i shouldn't have used the word "rape" but yeah, there's plenty of valid points that feminists engaged with media studies make

>> No.7762307

connections, it's all he has.
no style, no good lightning, no good relation with models (to achieve relaxed poses), no nothing.

>> No.7762312


I can't tell who is being sarcastic and who isn't. I can't even tell if OP is sarcastic. Fuck this place.

>> No.7762315

>but it boils down to rape
you don't understand women at all

>> No.7762316

>It's just displaying what one sex likes to obtain.
exactly, and by doing that, making it an object to be obtained.
as OP said, treating women as holes.

>> No.7762319

you don't understand rape culture at all.

>> No.7762323

and you do?
oh please enlighten us with your knowlegde about "women" (half of the population of the world, filled with completely unique individuals)

>> No.7762321


Yeah. Obtain. As if it is an object and not an autonomous person.

>> No.7762325

I think it's quite funny that they've put the fragrance next to 3 symbols and are almost synonymous with the reason for purchasing tom ford. I don't think it's sexist, I just think it's a shit ad.

>> No.7762330

>Rape Culture
Please be joking I didn't think SRS and Tumblr had actually infiltrated certain boards.

>> No.7762345


/fa/ is trying to talk social politics!!

>> No.7762355


Autism detected.

>> No.7762359

No, fuck off SRS.
I can't have you legbeards influencing peoples fashion with your shit taste.

>> No.7762362


i don't dig the term either, but the traditional role of guys as the key and girls as the lock screws shit up

it encourages dudes to be unhealthily trying to coerce a girl into having sex

it enables the #thirst and sexual assult, as well as overly traditional sense of masculinity

>> No.7762360
File: 41 KB, 540x360, 1392000015737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing.
His style is unfiltered flashes and a lack of shadows. It just looks extremely amature and it is. He's only famous because of the shock value of fucking his subjects.

Oh don't you dare try to pull this bullshit. You were the one who was originally asked the question and you dodged it with some blatant redirect so you can look good.

>> No.7762370

Objectification is not sexist. Sexism is believing one gender is less than another. Objectifying specific people sexually is not sexist. Otherwise bisexuals might be sexist against both genders if they objectified them both, which makes no fucking sense.

>> No.7762379

it's just a reaction face, chill

>> No.7762383
File: 39 KB, 974x197, kekkkekkkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762384

Animals objectify other animals because of natural desire. Love is just a bullshit justification for said objectification.

>> No.7762387

Women are being degraded

>> No.7762395
File: 554 KB, 295x221, I'm outie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me.

>> No.7762391

What about naked men in photoshoots. Is this rape. This logic makes no sense and flushes the word "rape" of all of its meaning.

>> No.7762397

>treating a human being as a thing rather than an individual because of their gender isn't sexist; sexism is believing one gender is less than another
you nailed it anon

>> No.7762399

dude fuck off, you were spewing this feminist bullshit yesterday too, this is a fashion board. fuck off back to tumblr.

>> No.7762403


i don't think it's rape - it may allude to it, though

images of naked men and women are usually different. men tend to be in empowered positions, and women tend to be in submissive ones

i don't think the images are debilitating or whatever, but they really shouldn't exist

>> No.7762404

People have sex. Advertising to the majority of your demographic (straight men) via sex empowers the opposite gender if anything. It doesn't make women objects, it just promotes desire in the customer, of his product and of women.

>> No.7762407

Thinking that female sexuality is degradation shows that you think women are weak. If men are flexing naked no one would ever cry about their degradation. This shit is silly. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.7762408
File: 526 KB, 982x720, 1392000392060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy all this talk about sexism is really making me think more about this tom ford advertisement
it's almost like that was the point

>> No.7762412

Men aren't sexualized as much as women.
Rape culture is justifying everything males do because "boys will be boys"

>> No.7762416

>Women are being degraded
at their own free-will, no one forced her to model for the photo, men's bodies are used to sell products too

>> No.7762420

they already stated that rape wasn't the right word to use.
and artistic nudes are really different from porn.
a photoshoot where a male was let's say, spreading his ass open or just grabbing his erect penis would be an objectification

>> No.7762423

>they really shouldn't exist
nigga wtf are you talking about

>> No.7762427

>treating a human being as a thing rather than an individual because of their gender
See, this is where you go full retard. No one is objectifying anyone BECAUSE of their gender. Men aren't objectified in ads BECAUSE they are male.

>> No.7762435

the thing is she's not flexing. she's displaying her sexual organs in a "take me" manner.

you too

>> No.7762432

You're so far off. idiot

>> No.7762441


you don't see anything wrong with dudes basing their existence (and much of their relations with women) on pulling chicks? it's fuggin pathetic and advertisements like those only encourage it

it's not a "rape culture", it's a #thirsty one

>> No.7762448

read >>7762420 too
if an add were to display a male spreading his ass you'd all be freaking out, saying that makes men holes to be fucked

>> No.7762450

Objectification leads to sexism because it's practically impossible to view inanimate objects as intellectual equals. The necessary conclusion is that male heterosexuality leads to sexism, and the more it dominates culture, the more sexism becomes accepted.

>> No.7762451

Durr, maybe because this is how most sexes usually interact sexually. Men being dominant and females being submissive in the bedroom. Because women get fucked. This doesn't mean sex is somehow alluding to rape. Stop it.

>> No.7762457

You don't think women base their entire life around finding the perfect man?

>> No.7762463

What I find hilarious is this idea that somehow ads aren't objectifying the subject, regardless of the context. People in ads are pulling at our primal nature of desire. Therefore young, healthy, sexy subjects are usually used. Even if the ad isn't "sexy" the subject is objectified because of his/her looks.

>> No.7762464

That's what rape culture is
It means that we grow up in culture where men believe they deserve sex.

>> No.7762476

I don't know what the fuck SRS is! I think you're just trying to make excuses for your lifestyle and attitudes. You're worse than a meat eater.

>> No.7762472

>Men being dominant and females being submissive in the bedroom
only because you're taught that
female doms are real

>> No.7762480


the act of fucking shouldn't model how genders relate to each other though

that's 17th century shit right there


of course, but the means through which they find that "perfect man" usually doesn't entail coercing them into fucking


i think the term isn't moderate enough for any good discussion. it makes the opposition not want to listen because it's kind of sensationalist, tbh

>> No.7762486

>she's not flexing
Does it make a difference? You think there aren't male models that pose in a "take me" manner? Women are more often than not submissive during sex due to biology. Bringing rape into this is meaningless.

>> No.7762487

what do you mean do i see anything wrong
i certainly wouldn't want to be friends with someone who based their existence around pulling chicks
i don't really care if they do though

do people really truly believe that humans are just these completely pure beings and things like sex and gender have no real basis or effect except for what society has given to them

>> No.7762481

again, the thing is that in this add it's not going for sexy, it's going for vulgar display of sexual organs, which are different things.
read >>7762420

>> No.7762484

>You're worse than a meat eater.
hol up

>> No.7762488
File: 87 KB, 625x626, egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762496

i never mentioned rape.
and women aren't biologically submissive in sex.
unless you can show an unbiased study that proves it

>> No.7762499


obviously it's not something that can be controlled or legislated. it's just that the mentalities that define our concepts of gender are unhealthy for society as a whole in that women get raped, dudes go to jail, and dudes get thirsty when they don't get laid every friday night

>> No.7762494

what a shame it would be to derail such a great thread

>> No.7762500

>that's 17th century shit right there
What the fuck are you going on about? What your saying makes no sense, you just say it as if it is of substance.

>> No.7762504


Yes. Let's treat humans like animals.

>> No.7762510


the act of fucking should define how women are to be treated in other aspects of life?

>> No.7762511

>of course, but the means through which they find that "perfect man" usually doesn't entail coercing them into fucking
You need to go to a college campus, bar or club. What's funny is your view of women is outdated, yet you speak as if you're "progressive" in the social sense.

>> No.7762512

hey, at least let's not make it about vegetables or meat which has nothing to do.
that'd be a whole new different shitstorm
if you don't like this thread then go post in a cop or not or make a new tumblr thread

>> No.7762517

real talk
the fuck is srs

>> No.7762521


i've had chicks that were thirsty as fuck trying to take advantage of me because i was really crossfaded

you're absolutely right - it just happens on a smaller scale, and females tend to not be physically domineering

>> No.7762522

the thing is that in this modern world women have to coerce men into fucking them because that's all they're worth. the moment they don't want to fuck you they become useless and you don't want to have anything to do with them anymore

>> No.7762523

Holy shit cosmicbutt, you're like...the first sensible trip I've encountered on /fa/.

>> No.7762518

Getting fucked isn't submissive? Look at any animal in the act of sex, genius. You don't need a study for the insanely obvious.

>> No.7762527

ITT: estrogen filled skeleton tripfag whiteknighting woman willfully modelling naked for a fragrance advertisement targeting men.

>> No.7762530

>implying women don't ride men
>implying animals' and humans' sexual behaviors are the same

>> No.7762540

>the act of fucking should define how women are to be treated in other aspects of life?
I never said that. Women seem to naturally gravitate towards submission due to biological reasons. Sex isn't the root of this, it's in the chemical makeup of both sexes. Of course there are exceptions.

>> No.7762534


i kinda hate how im getting embroiled in this conversation tbh

i feel like dr. mario (just not a PUA piece of shit tho)

>> No.7762536

'Animals' eat their own shit.

>> No.7762543

We are whether you like it or not, my primate brethren.

>> No.7762541

>implying she doesn't get payed a shitton of money to show dat pussay and does it out of will or because she wants to

>> No.7762546

again, don't talk about biology if you're not going to show actual science

>> No.7762548


i don't disagree, and i don't think there should be fundamental change to genders

there should just be a better understanding of what "being a man" is all about

>> No.7762554


But humans transcend animals. That's part of what makes us humans.

>> No.7762556

No, women are physically weaker than men, so that's a given. Most men aren't physically domineering when they acquire sex. Women are strong enough to handle themselves, man. You view them as weak, helpless beings.

>> No.7762559

but that works both ways
christ you lack testosterone dude

>> No.7762560


Lmfao...get a load of THIS guy.

>> No.7762569


People tend to give more creedence to what trips say though, so it's nice to have a trip that goes against the grain of 4chan culture. It may not change anything, but hey, at least people are talking about it.

>> No.7762567


oh definitely, it should also be a change in what being a woman is

and honestly i probably do, i'm gonna get tested for it. i work out and shit but i don't think my levels are that affected by it


i don't think they are, but it's a tendency

>> No.7762573

If she didn't want to she shouldn't have fucking did it. If someone paid me to objectify my body, I'd do it in a second. And because I fucking wanted to not because I was being raped or some other faggy bullshit.

>> No.7762577

>there should just be a better understanding of what "being a man" is all about
The FUCK does this shit mean? Stop being so romantic and sentimental.

>> No.7762587

See, now you're being speciesist. Irony.

>> No.7762582


We've got a scholar here, fellas

>> No.7762591

again, i'm not the one talking about rape.
and she, as a model, has a reputation, and turning down a shoot for X or Y guy will make her unwanted for other people. and if someone payed you to objectify your body you wouldn't be doing it because you wanted to, you would be doing it because you got payed. if you didn't get paid i don't think you'd take a pic of yourself covering your holes with a cristal bottle

>> No.7762596
File: 481 KB, 1600x1200, 1392002145527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a lot of young males are encouraged by plenty of outside sources (media, familial pressures, cultural pressures) to fuck lots of women - their value is based on how much sex they have

pic related affected a lot of virginal 4channers

hell /fit/ is fuckin predicated on getting bitches, and getting strong to do it. it's hilarious

i lift though don't get me wrong

>> No.7762599


Epic trolling dude

>> No.7762607

>Women seem to naturally gravitate towards submission due to biological reasons.

I highly doubt this assertion; at the very least, it's an oversimplification because women can frequently be controlling in relationships. It's a different kind of domination than the physical male domination. .

>> No.7762609

if she didn't want her body used to sell products then she should have chose a career path that isn't modelling

>> No.7762614

Maybe I would. You don't know me, just like you don't know the female model. Maybe she's a freak. Maybe she's a stripper who enjoys erotic work. Regardless I have no qualms about showing my body, nor do I see it as some sacred fucking treasure as you do. Some people view sexuality different than you.

>> No.7762615

this picture is perfect, because it's comparing being a virgin with dealing drugs

>> No.7762623

you could've proven me wrong by taking a picture of you covering your stuff with a bottle, but no, and wondering about wether or not you would takes us nowhere

>> No.7762633

Oh, I guess. I don't think it's a big enough issue to give a fuck about. People are dying of hunger and we're worried about virgins getting bullied at school which derives its societal pressure from primal nature. Why do you think alpha males in hierarchical structures get to fuck all of the females in animal communities. It isn't so much media, as it is something that is in our nature as testosterone (competition, sex drive, physical) filled men.

>> No.7762630


What if modeling is her only opportunity to make a career for herself? What if it's that, or she goes back to working as an IHOP waitress? Shouldn't she be allowed to pursue a career in modeling without being objectified?

Like that dude who use to film homeless people fighting over food. Yes, they willingly chose to fight, but thay doesn't make what the filmaker did any less wrong.

>> No.7762636

Sounds like you're trying to push conservative values. You can't simultaneously defend the conventional male role and argue against the value of promiscuity without sounding like a lofty prune who wants to regress to the 1950s. Certainly not effay.

>> No.7762645

>basing our society's values on 'primal nature.'

Oh yes, that will get us far.

>> No.7762648

>Sounds like you're trying to push conservative values.

>> No.7762651

but that's what modelling is
their body is used to sell a product.

>> No.7762655

>implying liberal values will ever be fa

>> No.7762659

and yet, this specific pic in OP isn't modelling, it's pornography

>> No.7762662


You're trying to tell us about what "being a man" is all about. For christ sake, are you trying to be my grandfather?

>> No.7762671

>implying values at all are fa

>> No.7762669


I think there's a way that ads can utilize models in a way that doesn't objectify models and manipulate consumers.'

>> No.7762676

>What if modeling is her only opportunity to make a career for herself?
Boo-fucking-hoo bitch, should've read a book.

>> No.7762682


i don't think it's the most notable problem facing modern day society, but it's still worth looking at. and yeah, it is about nature, absolutely. but i feel like reducing problems to "human nature" is lazy and what people have done to marginalize all issues


not really sure what you mean. if anything, i'm arguing against the conventional male role but keep promiscuity intact

>> No.7762677

i'm not the same who posted the pic of the movie
and again, you haven't stated where he imposes conservative values.

>> No.7762688


a lot of issues of the past*

fug that was horribly written my b

>> No.7762685

>implying I give a fuck that much about randoms on a cartoon website

>> No.7762695

>Shouldn't she be allowed to pursue a career in modeling without being objectified?
That is what modeling is, you fucking retard. It is modeling, AKA objectifying your body and face to sell a product.

>> No.7762696
File: 21 KB, 280x280, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist please go

>> No.7762706

>implying I give a fuck either way
We're fucked no matter what.

>> No.7762702

well then why have you been arguing about your opinion so much then?

>> No.7762710

Second OP. Its offensive.

btw I'm a girl :)

>> No.7762714


>> No.7762720

What is it that you have against promiscuity and male sexuality?

>> No.7762729
File: 726 KB, 500x499, SRS in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7762730

pls be in Toronto

>> No.7762735

How fucking retarded would I sound as a male if I argued that Magic Mike is offensive.

>> No.7762742


you're not autistic, you're schizophrenic. Stop assuming anyone from SRS is even on here. I know it might be shocking, but feminists are not on the fringe bound to one page of a website.

>> No.7762737

slut pls
if you were offered enough money you'd have your clothes off in 5 seconds flat

>> No.7762747

Urr just jealous Xddddd leolol!!11 :3

>> No.7762755

they are confirmed on /v/ actually

>> No.7762756


i don't have anything against either

promiscuity and sexuality are good things when they mutually and naturally occur. it's when attitudes about either are one-sided, when we use words like "pulling", we imply that there's an element of coercion and such

i know that changing these attitudes is lofty and can be obnoxious in how they're presented. i understand why people hate white-knighting and SRS social justice stuff

but that doesn't mean we should ignore them and filter them out, ya feel

>> No.7762758
File: 131 KB, 640x960, kiko3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i've never said anything about rape i'm just saying that excusing this bullshit by saying it's modelling is idiotic since it's not modelling)
look at the pic in OP...
ok now look at this pic of a model, modelling. tell me the differences you can find and you'll see it's not modelling.

>> No.7762775

scratch what I said about you promoting conservative values. I think you made a good case.

>> No.7762796



>> No.7762798

The different? that model is selling the horrendous clothes, the model in op is selling fragrance.

>> No.7762792

age ?

>> No.7762801

20 why?

>> No.7762809

and the poses aren't different?
the attitude isn't different?
the approach?

>> No.7762817

looks like a child...why?

>> No.7762828


she likely takes really good care of herself as a model

models also tend to be chosen for younger features but i don't think that really applies to Kiko. she's pretty universally gorgeous tbh

>> No.7762829

This ad is blatantly sexist.

"first fragrance for men from tom ford" and it's advertised purely through sex. Marketers assume the only thing that will get a man's attention is sex.

>> No.7762837

shes asian

>> No.7762833

asians generally stay looking young until they're old as fuck

>> No.7762842
File: 400 KB, 1699x2256, 1387309060003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Tom Ford is purely in it for the money.

He seems like a charismatic man though.

>> No.7762844

obviously that's going to be different, it's a completely different target audience.

>> No.7762839

well some guy said he wasnt falling for the ad, yet im a woman and now i want to go try that cologne

>> No.7762849

>Marketers assume the only thing that will get a man's attention is sex.

it also has a good layout and nice typography

jus sayiiiin

>> No.7762865

I wanna lick this fine young lady's softclit.

Oh is this the right board?

>> No.7762874

I'm thirsty for you bananae

>> No.7762875
File: 29 KB, 249x274, bottom lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these genuine tumblr feminist arguments
should have known this shit would spread here, we have fucking tumblr threads after all

>> No.7762871


most of us are straight homie

>> No.7762872

maybe you're les
there's nothing wrong with this, but there's bound to be a way to advertise the product itself, and not try to win me over by getting me aroused.
For a sex-based ad it's not bad. I just wish marketers assumed more about me than "hurr durr boobs"

>> No.7762879

Trillfags/TrickyRickys/Gothninjas are so heterosexual it almost hurts.

>> No.7762890

can't drink me

>> No.7762885


>buying shoes in which you can't fit herbs for on demand cooking

>> No.7762887


>I just wish marketers assumed more about me than "hurr durr boobs"

honestly i think that's the point. it's so outrageous that it knows you'll think that

it's smart in that regard. ppl in advertising are brilliant

>> No.7762895

>maybe you're les
bi but the fact that the ad's repelling guys says a lot lol

>> No.7762906

>soft clit
should be the name of a band

>> No.7762918
File: 44 KB, 220x525, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh baby trust me I'd swallow you all up

>> No.7762928

Please. The person who made this add isn't out to get women. They meant to make an add that got attention (and mostly men)

>> No.7762937

enjoy ur banan piss

>> No.7762948

I think you're wrong. The target demographic is women. By depicting an aroused woman, they send the message that if women buy this product for their men, he will utilize his newfound confidence to make them feel sexy.

>> No.7762949

cool. i will wear the cologne to attract women.

>> No.7762957

god, is this how women really think? some of this stuff is really taken out of proportion and then they blame it on men.

>> No.7762961

Feminist gtfo

>muh objectifying womyn

>> No.7762971

>"Women wear make-up because of sexism!!!1!one!1"
My fucking sides. You wear make up beause you want dick you slut.

>> No.7762974

You feminists are such sensitive losers, it's as if you live and wait every waking moment for something to offend you and then you complain about it

It isn't doing shit it's just a racy ad stop being such progressive degenerate lib

>> No.7762985

thank you. They say they have to wear makeup because of evil male society, but then buy hundreds of dollars on it. Its a fucking hobby for some women!

I have no problem with makeup, or no makeup, but stop doing shit if you don't like it.

>> No.7762988

How to disguise bait: call something else bait.

>> No.7763002

what is the problem? human body is beautiful and ur probably an autist who doesnt like to be touched

>> No.7763000
File: 199 KB, 1280x877, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying men don't have to workout, eat right, have a clear face, perfect haircut, and chiseled face to be attractive
Women are such lazy pieces of shit it baffles me.

>> No.7763005


>implying men don't have to workout, eat right, have a clear face, perfect haircut, and chiseled face to be attractive

yeah and that's an issue too

>> No.7763017

>wahhhh that Calvin Klein ad is objectifying men as just things for sex and it's pressuring all men to be fit :( so sexist

That's what id say if Men had the iq of an average modern day feminist

>> No.7763011

there arent degenerates on /fa/ just ugly people

>> No.7763035

>these adds also stuff the underwear and use photoshop

>> No.7763037

The patriarchy is responsible for the standards society has for women. Those standards are simply enforced by other women.

Does tricky rick shame dadcore neckbeards himself? No, he rakes in the cash while goofs goof each other up. 99% of the time in life, we are our own oppressors.

Also I recently read about jews being forced to work the gas chambers in concentration camps, lol

>> No.7763030


it's funny because so much of /fit/ feels inadequate because of images like those


i bet im cuter than you

>> No.7763040

I'm a fag, and there isnt anyone i hate more in this world than feminists. Looking past that patronizing, co-opting of gay rights('Hurr, its Lgbt! Lesbians get top billing, even though gay is gender neutral!!!') they still push flawed, self-centered arguments that fall apart if you were to EVER replace "Women" with damn near any other group...
And lets not even get started on the outright lies they made(Women done rape! Women only earn 70 cents on the dollar! Men objectify and shame Women[even though its fucking obvious the people who shame women the most, are other women])

I'm just so fucking done with that shit, and am glad i love cock, because if i was ever in a position where one of those cunts had power over me, id prob. end up killing the slut, and offing myself to avoid the RIDICULOUS prison sentence i would face(Which would literally be 8x longer than if the dumb slut had killed me, because 'the patriarchy' is clearly trying to make them suffer more, by punishing them less)

>> No.7763052

Women complain about Barbie's figure, but I have never heard of a guy complain about Heman or something similiar. It's because men strive for perfection and women want to be content with their mediocrity.

>> No.7763066

>the patriarchy
Stop spouting feminist buzzwords you sub moron do you idiots really believe women are oppressed? Why not focus feminist power on countries in the Middle East where women are forced to wear burqas and are stoned for speaking out instead of here in the west where your only problem is "sexist" advertisements and people in the street "harassing" you

Check your privilege

>> No.7763072

Yeah, and men are aware of that, and react accordingly.
Women, on the other hand, turn into worthless piles of shit when they see a blatantly modified image of a model.
Instead of
>Well, thats clearly fake. Theres no point of trying to look like that...
>OMFG... those sluts! i'm curvy and beautiful and if the menz wont stick their dick in me, they're just fags!
>I need to starve myself for the next 2 weeks, until my kidneys shut down. Than, when i'm near death a bunch of entitled feminists whove never worked a day in their life will rally around me to try to shame the publishers of that ad!

But lets all take this moment to pat women on the back and remind everyone how intelligent and rational they are, and how they would TOTALLY make great world leaders, and would irradiate war.

Fucking worthless cunts...

>> No.7763084
File: 98 KB, 700x700, O9Y5IwB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763088

>if they're gay, they can't be sexist!
please, shut the fuck up.

>> No.7763094

>never heard of a guy complain about Heman
>men strive for perfection

This is why people like zyzz die from roids.

Men and women are both susceptible to issues with their body image, don't be an idiot.

>> No.7763109


there's some truth to this, but don't kid yourself - males are influenced by those images too. females are just more outspoken against it because they feel like it creates injustices against them (which it largely does)

>> No.7763112

This is OP, now abandoning thread.
FTR, I wasn't posting this to make some feminist or anti-sexist statement so you are all wasting your time by reading into OP. Chill the fuck out, I am not a feminist.
Goodbye, hackers of my thread.

>> No.7763114

this is true, but women blame it on the stupidest shit.

>> No.7763119
File: 773 KB, 612x612, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying ugly/fat women don't expect guys like Francisco Lachowski to love them
Wymyn are just easily #rekt.

>> No.7763134

Oh gimmie a fucking break. Yeah, zyzz had a body issue... but the male body dismorphia issue is literally 1/10th as problematic as it is with women. And the people who do suffer from it are mostly gay men.

Most men realize that some things just arnt in the cards for them...

All women think they deserve to look like olivia wilde, and if they dont, its societies fault.... or their own, and that te only way to deal with it is a slow suicide.

The idea that maybe, they just wont be as beautiful as olivia wilde never entered their mind. Why?
Because they are entitled little cunts, who were raised on feminism that told them they could be, do, love, etc... whatever they wanted... and anything that got in their way is the evil menz fault!

>> No.7763135

Feminists what's your answer to this

>> No.7763139


>implying ugly/fat women don't expect guys like Francisco Lachowski to love them

i'm sure plenty of girls are like this, but guys are like this too in that they get big and /fit/ and expect to get with celebrities despite their personality being that of a 5-year-old

>> No.7763142

Boy thats one ripe pussy i want to lick all day long. MmMmMmmMmm

>> No.7763148

btw im a gril xD

>> No.7763156

>do you idiots really believe women are oppressed
>women are forced to wear burqas and are stoned for speaking out

Your post answers your own question, sub moron.


Buzzword is more of a buzzword than patriarchy. If you honestly believe women aren't, to a degree, second-tier citizens in most of the world compared to men, you're retarded.

You sure are projecting a lot tho, I'm not even a woman, or a feminist.

>> No.7763157

>i feel like dr. mario (just not a PUA piece of shit tho)
This is the second time you have said something similar, where you say something dr. mario has said a thousand times and then you say but i'm not a piece of shit like him.
Which is it? Does dr. mario perhaps know what he's talking about, and you don't want to admit it, because it offends you, or are you just as big of an asshole as him?

>> No.7763162

men are more influenced by the confidence and manliness of he-man, not his body. Men are supposed to be "manly" and strong while getting all the chicks.

But I think a lot of men go, "Fuck that, I don't care" and don't worry about it. Women like confident men and not caring about what evil society wants is showing confidence.

Men and women are very different and are effected by things differently. And thats not bad.

>> No.7763168

The ad worked, it caught attention whatever we can regard it as bad or good.

I wonder if the cologne smells nice.

>> No.7763166


dr. mario is misogynistic as fuck, what. he would never agree with what i'm saying

>> No.7763176

once again, Op thanks u for hijacking her thread...

>> No.7763179

Obviously women are being oppressed but any idiot with a half functioning brain can understand I meant western women you idiot

My fucking point is American women are faced with the horrors of seeing pretty models in magazines, whole theres real issues in other parts of the world that are of less importance to them for some reason

No they're not second rare citizens in the western world anyone who believes so has been brainwashed by the radical left and/or still living in the roaring twenties

>> No.7763191

>women are forced to wear burqas and are stoned for speaking out
blogging about evil men who like cute girls and not whale won't change this
The feminism movement by middle class college student americans doesn't do shit to fix this.

>> No.7763198

a girls place is in the kitchen, you all know this is true

>> No.7763201

Is he misognystic as fuck?
From what i've seen, people (including you, multiple times) call him misogynistic, say he's PUA and say he comes from /r9k/, because they can't think of anything other than basic insults. They don't want to embrace the fact that maybe, though he isn't politically correct, he knows something.

It isn't like i'm keeping tabs on you but everyday I check fuuka to see if he's been posting and I've noticed your comments.
I haven't been reading the thread, but I have a feeling he would agree with you, at least partially, because he has several times and you simply don't want to listen.

>> No.7763202

>tfw you are a confident person who decides to show up consumer culture society/save the environment by not getting a car.
>tfw you think women will admire you for being passionate about a cause you believe in and learning to be self sufficient.
>that face girls make when you tell them you don't have a car
>tfw no dates
>that feel when you get a car after years of rejections, but lose all of your self respect.

I should probably just move to a real city with public transportation.

>> No.7763212

gtfo stop hijacking my thread

>> No.7763213

And it's worth noting that you can search the /r9k/ archives for yourself to see that he has never posted there.
He's been a very helpful poster to me, and I appreciate the advice, especially when he used to post actual examples.

>> No.7763231


he spouts stuff from "The Rational Male" all the time

check it out.

>> No.7763250

The Rational Male sounds like good stuff. i am going to buy a copy on amaozon dude

>> No.7763253

thats a stupid argument. It takes it way out of proportion. The inconvenience of not being able to go places quickly has no relation to not wearing makeup.

>> No.7763256

You think I don't know that when I specifically seek out his posts?
What is so bad about the rational male?
You probably only have assumptions, because, as I already stated, you are being lead off emotions.

>> No.7763262

Christ, males are less prone to be insecure about their bodies because males aren't force-fed the idea that their entire self-worth is based on their appearance. Women are taught that they must be attractive to get a husband and a good job. Men aren't (as much). Think about how many TV shows you see where a fat guy has an attractive wife. Now how many shows involve the opposite situation?

Now, that's not to say the media doesn't continue to impose more and more unrealistic expectations on males, the growing rate of eating disorders among guys is proof that they're susceptible to the media just as women are, but to pretend that women are just collectively weaker-minded than men is stupid and sexist.

>> No.7763273

"As many of my readers know Mrs. Tomassi and I are raising a daughter. We had one child by design, and in all honesty I’m rather relieved it was a girl. Take this however you’d like, but I think raising a girl has allowed me more insight into how women grow and mature into young women, and it’s been through this experience that I’ve based more than a few of my theories on." - The Rational Male
now that sure is some PUA misogyny right there.

>> No.7763276


it's based off of huge assumptions towards female tendencies

deconstructing relationships in such a mechanistic fashion is PUA at its core. perhaps it goes about it in a way that's more engaging or intelligent than PUA, but that's no excuse

i'm surprised that there's no record of him posting on /r9k/, though. perhaps he posted as starfucks or whatever

>> No.7763278

women are supposed to be pretty
men are to be confident

>> No.7763285

That wasn't an argument, I was regaling you with a tale of my own personal experience of being a confident man and not caring about what evil society wants.

>> No.7763289


i have to go, see you

>> No.7763304

A woman's physical appearance constitutes almost all of their self-worth

A man's physical appearance constitutes a much smaller portion of their self-worth, their personality attributes and things like status, wealth, power, etc. being much more important


>> No.7763307

women didn't like you not because of the lack of convenience a car provides. It disrupts the way you live. Not shaving your arms doesn't effect the way you live your life.

>> No.7763308

I don't know anything about the feminist movement nor did I bring up blogs so I don't see where you're going with this.
>western bias
check your privilege.

>women are faced with the horrors of seeing pretty models in magazines, whole theres real issues in other parts of the world that are of less importance to them for some reason

That's like saying we shouldn't be focused on helping overweight people diet when there's so many starving people we should be feeding instead. Can't we do both?

>> No.7763326

He's said, multiple times, why he doesn't post on /r9k/ and even why he's chosen /fa/ over other boards.
and you shouldn't be so ignorant towards what bloggers like the Rational Male are saying.
You are taking the worst examples (the lamest PUA tricks, the angriest bloggers) and purposely using them to negate the better examples. You are the guy who says "rap is the shittiest genre of music with the worst lyrics, just listen to 2 Chainz and you'll know what I mean. That's all rap is"

RM is a married man with an interest in psychology and, having been a successful, slightly famous musician in his younger years, has had a lot of experience with girls. He questioned how and why things were how they are and, despite what you want to believe, actually advises men on how to maintain relationships, not PUA shit.

>> No.7763332

Yeah, because society has told them that.

Not because they are inherently weaker-willed than men or some shit.

>> No.7763337 [DELETED] 

>RM is a married man with an interest in psychology
Do you seriously believe that psychology is at all useful and relevant in this day and age?

>> No.7763350

Not him, but how is it not?
Certainly understanding how/why people think and act can be helpful.

>> No.7763351

Advertisements aren't supposed to be reality. People want what they can't have, so ads will always be better/different than reality.

Women and men need to learn to make a separation between their own lives and fake world portrayed in advertisements, by celebrities, and in movies.

>> No.7763359

psychology is just the study of my people act the way they do. It will always be relevant.

>> No.7763372

While it is of course vital for a man to internalize the various fundamental truths about the nature of women, these fundaments need to become an ambient condition for you in your dealings. This understanding needs to become an internal – under the surface – part of your interactions with women.

Too many guys think that all of this requires some endless capacity to psychologically micromanage every aspect of their interactions, not just with the women they become (or potentially become) intimate with, but also women they work with (or for), their mothers, sisters or daughters. A common reason men initially reject the practice is due to some imagined expectation that they’ll need to cognitively account for every variable a woman may or may not be subjecting him or herself to.

>> No.7763384

nah, thats not true. that's because how biology works. Men get better mates iff they have many strong qualities, while a woman's key asset is her looks. You'd be hard-pressed to find a man that, if propositioned by a 9/10 who was nice, will care what she does, how ambitious she is, how she dances, how popular she is, all that other shit.

This is because men want to fuck a wider range of girls than the reciprocal. The supply-demand imbalance lets women be picky.

>> No.7763386 [DELETED] 

>Certainly understanding how/why people think and act can be helpful.
It is not helpful because the discipline pumps out worthless degrees. 90% of people working in fast food are psychology majors.

Wrong. You are a psychology major, so I expect you to be stupid.

You should like an English major. Enjoy not working.

>> No.7763392

Those are some of the worst possible "arguments" i've ever heard.

and btw, i'm not an english major, i'm a bartender.

>> No.7763399

He does it with men too. Fuck off.

>> No.7763403

I'm sorry, man. I just wanted to shit up this already shitty thread, but I'm not good at this shitposting thing. I'm going to delete the other posts.

>> No.7763411

I swear cosmic has to be a male feminist.

>> No.7763422

I'm gonna sound really MRA on this but I'm gonna agree with >>7763384. men have usually been throughout history the protector and hunter. The fact that mens bodies are built different are proof of that biological difference.

I have no problem with strong women at all, but don't blame stuff on "evil society" There aren't a bunch of evil old white men that get together to create this "society". Society is just a bunch of people making choices that make them a bit happy.

>> No.7763450

>This is because men want to fuck a wider range of girls than the reciprocal. [citation needed]

>The supply-demand imbalance lets women be picky.

Except that women outnumber men, enabling men to be the choosers.

>> No.7763478

Here is where the thread begins and ends:
Men find women sexy, AND women find women sexy.
Sex sells, and it always will.
There will always be people who complain about something or someone being objectified, usually stemming from insecurities.
It doesn't matter, because it won't change anything.

If you don't like the ad, don't buy anything from the people who made it.
If you expect them to stop, you are just a fucking retard.

>> No.7763503

He did a similarly vulgar ad that had men in it. The real problem is that they both only have white people.

>> No.7763528

>The real problem is that they both only have white people.
And there we have it.
There will NEVER be a way to satisfy everyone, and someone will find a reason to call anything sexist/racist, whatever.

For example, i personally feel mad that not only are there no Mexicans and Arabs, but there also aren't any fat people, because I'm fat and i think fat people need to be accepted.

>> No.7763536

race is not a choice unlike autism and weight

>> No.7763539
File: 70 KB, 550x733, ciqbqh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true our whole western society is catered to skinny people, and I am very angry


>> No.7763543

>The real problem is that they both only have white people.
That's outrageously racist. I bet you're a white, Christian, cissexual, male.

>> No.7763547

I was born fat, and my whole family is too so just stop and grow up.

>> No.7763554

What are you doing here?

>> No.7763555

I didn't see it in google search. Not nearly as lewd as the one with the girl.

OP's pic makes me roll my eyes. It is so blatant, overplayed, and uninspired. And honestly, insulting the male intelligence. Like they couldn't think of anything more creative to market to a man. Hur durrr guyz like naked gurlz get it???? BUY MY SHIT, CAVEMENZ! Please.

>> No.7763561

The real problem is that the ad shames us into believing our own, human smells are inferior, and should be covered up with chemicals. The sexism and racism are just a false flag operation to protect Big Cologne interests.

>It doesn't matter, because it won't change anything.
Because at no point in time in human history have people vocalized concerns for a marginalized population, and then proceeded to rectify the situation. Nope, nothing has ever changed, nor will it ever.

>> No.7763564


I don't like the ad. It's too obvious, too easy. Creative team didn't have any good ideas so just went with #1 in the playbook.

>> No.7763568

Yea because feminism has a "goal"

it's "we want this, now this, now this, now this, now this" and you know that is true.

>> No.7763575

That's what makes it so cache though. He knew people would think that, and he ran with it. Brilliant. He's not "Tom Ford" for no reason.. He makes amazing clothing that isn't meant for 99% of people.

>> No.7763586

You don't get it, the ad is supposed to be ironic. The target demographic is gay men, after all.

>> No.7763598

Your post didn't even have the word "feminism" in it so I don't know why you're going on a tangent.

I'm not a feminist but I definitely advocate the equal treatment of men and women.

Don't really know what you're on about, sorry bud

>> No.7763621

dsgjsangfsdjn good 1 bruv

>> No.7763685 [DELETED] 

Men and women are not equal, and never will be.
There is not one "better" sex, and that is the biggest problem have with the notion that men and women are equal - believing that means men are better.
We don't need to stick to gender roles, but understanding the differences between and women is crucial for understanding basically everything.

From my experience people who say "equal treatment of men and women" think that women are not treated fairly, and while that may be true in certain circumstances, their solution almost always involves giving women more rights and men.
Typically people who say "equal treatment of men and women" don't acknowledge that, in certain circumstances, women actually have advantages over men, and from what i've seen that is actually true in most situations.

A man could never complain his sex is being objectified. It's laughable, yet in some cases men actually are objectified. You may say "show me an example" but I won't. Why? Because to me it's a joke. I know they aren't being objectified, yet, using the same reasons people have for saying "women are objectified" they'd be perfectly valid.

Should men and women be TREATED equally? yes, but to say an advertisement like the one in OP is "unequal" seems dumb to me, for many reasons and the first is that women are not men, and men are not women.
The ad may be bad, cheesy, stereotypical and all that, but if you are suggesting it is unfair to women, i'd like to hear your reasoning.

>> No.7763703

Men and women are not equal, and never will be.
There is not one "better" sex, and that is the biggest problem people have with the notion that men and women aren't equal - believing that must imply men are better, which is not the case.
We don't need to stick to gender roles, but understanding the differences between men and women is crucial for understanding basically everything.

From my experience people who say "equal treatment of men and women" think that women are not treated fairly, and while that may be true in certain circumstances, their solution almost always involves giving women more rights and men.
Typically people who say "equal treatment of men and women" don't acknowledge that, in certain circumstances, women actually have advantages over men, and from what i've seen that is actually true in most situations.

A man could never complain his sex is being objectified. It's laughable, yet in some cases men actually are objectified. You may say "show me an example" but I won't. Why? Because to me it's a joke. I know they aren't being objectified, yet, using the same reasons people have for saying "women are objectified" they'd be perfectly valid.

Should men and women be TREATED equally? yes, but to say an advertisement like the one in OP is "unequal" seems dumb to me, for many reasons and the first is that women are not men, and men are not women.
The ad may be bad, cheesy, stereotypical and all that, but if you are suggesting it is unfair to women, i'd like to hear your reasoning.

>> No.7763779


>> No.7763799
File: 42 KB, 500x666, 1379729500228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women actually have advantages over men, and from what i've seen that is actually true in most situations.

Pic related

Also when women are objectified it is offensive since they were objectified initially. Hence when women are offered more rights, it's not really getting an edge over men but it evens out the scales (even though people getting "rights" is usually seen by the [retarded portion of the] public as that group getting ahead in society)

Take John Hamm's chorizo. He's uncomfortable about people dedicating Tumblrs to his junk. Why? Because he's not used to being treated as an object.

As for Tom Ford's ad, it's so ridiculous that i wouldn't call it objectification of women but rather a good commentary on it and the fashion industry as a whole.

>> No.7763808

Allow me to quote my original post

>I definitely advocate the equal treatment of men and women.

I never said anything about men and women being equal.

>The ad may be bad, cheesy, stereotypical and all that, but if you are suggesting it is unfair to women, i'd like to hear your reasoning.

I never suggested such a thing.

I think it's a good ad, but without any sales figures, I can't say for sure.

>> No.7763843

>As for Tom Ford's ad, it's so ridiculous that i wouldn't call it objectification of women but rather a good commentary on it and the fashion industry as a whole.
As would I.

but i also am a genius and legend and you are simply a male feminist.
i tip my fedora to you, and briskly walk away with a pep in my step.

>> No.7764085

>tfw feel a massive desire to jam it in that bod and or lick everything and then jam it in

>> No.7764101
File: 23 KB, 300x300, Scramble the Feel Jets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the government will never round up all the radical feminists and tumblr fags into a giant camp
>tfw I will never be an F-15 Strike Eagle pilot who drops napalm on said camp
>tfw I will never hear the screams of thousands over the radio, confirming that it was job well done.

>> No.7764107

>almost 300 replies

please kill me it hurts to live


>> No.7764523
File: 50 KB, 400x394, 1310693976857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel

>> No.7764537
File: 61 KB, 960x501, 1392025887964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7764544

lmao go back to mfa

>> No.7764550

This is literally the worst troll of all time.

>> No.7764551

>Isn't he gay anyway?

Gay men are some of the biggest misogynists.

>> No.7764567
File: 92 KB, 500x333, 2057862082_79c1eb23d3_lightbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one came out a long time ago. there is another one (just slightly different with a prominent logo) but i cant find it

>> No.7764575
File: 53 KB, 550x366, 1750_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7764601

Finally someone gets it.

>> No.7764618

i bet that tom ford knows how to cuff his trousers, but instead he chooses to wear trousers with a subtle cut and lets them break ever so slightly over the tops of his shoes because that is what a person with dignity and taste does

>> No.7766484

this is awful trolling so ima sage but
the girl in the ad wouldn't be in the ad if she wasn't okay with it
so if she's okay with it, you should be too, there's no reason to be buttbothered. fag.

>> No.7766492

nice sage friend

>> No.7766497

welp, forgot to fuckin sage.

>> No.7766501

>Why did Tom Fordress
anyway because terry shot it and people are really just all like little kids who go nuts over LE SEX XDDD

>> No.7766512

Lol fuck off u pussy

>> No.7766532

>no it's so common I feel nothing when I see plain boobs
Symptom of the times. Honestly, comments like that are the main reason why over saturation of sex in the media bothers me.

Also lol @ people responding to OP's WOAT troll seriously.

>but I have never heard of a guy complain about Heman or something similiar.
I've heard it countless times, but maybe that's because I spend too much time around you assholes.

>men are more influenced by the confidence and manliness of he-man, not his body.
I'd say it's the same for women. When you think about it the body is seen as default. It's not really taken into account for barbie or he man because these characters are automatically going to be great looking. It's taken for granted. Men and women alike assume these characters will be very attractive given the rest of their personas, and their assumptions are of course fulfilled.

>> No.7766545
File: 93 KB, 600x723, 1392067535033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fordress lel

>> No.7766562

i dont like this ad
the reason behind that is:
>trying too hard
>tits and vag have to do with perfume now??? sex appeal?
>just doesnt make any fucking sense
>tom ford
i dont get mad over it or w/e
i just think its kinda silly