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/fa/ - Fashion

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7750367 No.7750367 [Reply] [Original]

doing merch for a friends punk show. rolling cigs, talking up catholic girls. how fa is your night so far?

>> No.7750389

well, i´m chatting with some friends on facebook to know if we should hang out tomorrow and share a pint together, also i think i´ll have another depression episode, and thinking where the fuck did i put my fucking skinny jawns and my v neck shirt

>> No.7750414

Explain to me what part of that night is /fa/.

>> No.7750426

i really, really, REALLY want to get drunk, but idk if anything is gonna manifest

like, it's one of THOSE nights, yafeel??

>> No.7750443

going to a party in a couple hours
jesus, its sad when weekends are the only days when i can wear ''fashionable''

>> No.7750453

going to go play a punk show later
im a frontman lol

what is your friend's band OP

>> No.7750484

I watched Zizek's Guide to Ideology with some other philosophyfags earlier this evening. I'm taking a class on Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Film Theory, so it was absolutely blissful intellectually. Right now I'm listening to my roommate garble in Chinese on the phone and wishin I could go get drunk now but there's nowhere to go. I ate a pot rice krispy treat an hour ago though, so at least I'll sleep nicely.

>> No.7750517

more fash than ur fedora infused post

>> No.7750518

>talking up catholic girls

>> No.7750532


spitting game at catholic girls

not that hard to decipher tbh

>> No.7750537

but is your queer philosophy group /fa/?

>> No.7750540


i smoked weed and sipped lean with friends and watched prank videos

i got a kebab

it now 4.14am

listening to robb bank$ now

>> No.7750552

all my close friends are away or doin shit tonight so im just gonna have a spliff, cook some shit, and play some vidya

>> No.7750609

no you're not, you're posting on /fa/, you cunts

>> No.7753231
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watching the office

>> No.7753250


>> No.7753247



>> No.7753260
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>> No.7753275

now im watching Rampage Jackson vs Wanderlei Silva

>> No.7753273

text some grill all night, watch goodfellas and maybe another film and probably it's always sunny or the inbetweeners
maybe a bit of xbox
i went out last night tho so idk mind
got a cold sitting in the wind and rain smoking weed tho:'(

>> No.7753281

Holy shit, you're a faggot.

Stop posting.

>> No.7753301

in the hospital


>> No.7753303

damn thats sick af

>> No.7753311


>> No.7753315


im not the op bruh

>> No.7753320


zizek is to "philosophy" what lady gaga is to "music"

even he himself would agree. he packs huge auditoriums so little grad student dweebs get to think they are in the presence of a "true public intellectual" when in reality he's just a clown. his books are just cannon fodder for grad student dissertations writing about hegel and lacan w/o realizing their totally incompatible because they've never gotten a proper education on either. don't give into this philosophy trend bullshit. seriously, if you are just starting to read zizek, lacan etc. u are already way behind all the curve cuz all the cool kids are busy reading badiou by now

>source: my friend once made a sandwich for zizek and apparently he is diabetic

>> No.7753327
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>> No.7753343



>> No.7753352

>he is popular so he must be bad
Do you have anything to say about him as a philosopher? Right now youre just spouting shit you picked up on /lit/

>> No.7753358

You are obviously not an intellectual like him.

>> No.7753364
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I'm making a record

>> No.7753417

is he even that popular anymore? I don't know, I left academia 2 years ago and haven't looked back since. But when I was still in it, I used to run in the kinds of circles that kept up with people like Zizek, Badiou and their epigones like Bosteels and that other dumb woman from that girls school in upstate ny. My department sponsored him to come give a lecture. My professor took seminars with him at EGS. My academic advisor was the one who invited and introduced him as the keynote speaker at an MLA conference in the nineties, when his name was still practically unknown. I had friends who read all of his books voraciously, wrote their theses on it only to be uselessly celebrated by their thesis readers who were just as dumb and trend-riding as their students. I devoted a great deal of my most fruitful years to wading in this kind of muck, and I sincerely regret all of it.

I still see so many young kids who read him and think they get "deep" by putting on the "Lacanian glasses" and seeing through ideology blah blah blah, and then after taking a big hit of the bong saying something about how we need a revolution and that stalin wasn't so bad after all.

It's truly sad. I'm not going to debate philosophy on a chinese cartoon porn forum, so all I'll say is that they guy isn't a philosopher in same sense that people like Kant and Hegel might be considered philosophers. He's a goonish provocateur that only has any traction because academic continental philosophy is stuck in the same post-modern circle jerk it has since the seventies.

>> No.7753466

body hurts ,supposed to go to
mad decent block party then kendrick lamar
but i had work this morning and slept off the afternoon

prolly catch a movie and a drink at a pub later 2nyt

>going thru pics of last night
so many fluids

>> No.7753477


>> No.7753527

I went on a walk on a park then hooked up with a girl in the backseat of my car is that /fa/ my outfit was bad it was 2cold

>> No.7753545

It's okay /fa/ if you did anal

>> No.7753586

pfft, talking up catholic girls lol

>> No.7753595

mad decent block party? will the artists actually be playing there or not, cause i have a sick addiction to Liz

>> No.7753593

Just got back from manchester, gonna be playing poker the rest of the night i think.

>tfw not living in manc

>> No.7753705

no Liz

>> No.7753877

>implying posting on /fa/ isn't literally the most /fa/ thing you can do

>> No.7754316

Drone/punk rock

>> No.7754511

currently debating on weather or not I should text my friends to hang out, because I'm starting to think having "friends" isn't worth the time or effort. What should I do /fa/ ?

>> No.7754664


Text them mayn
I wish I had friends that would want to go out, they just prefer to play games and never meet up
Actually we don't have much in common at all
Even my female friends are introverted AF and hermits so it's shit
Fucking sucks

>> No.7754682

plan to break my record of fasting tonight. just found out some horrible news from the clinic relating to my mental health. hope the angel visits me.

>> No.7754693

Running the lights at a live jazz show

>> No.7754735

Shitposting on /sp/.

>> No.7754759

weighing the merits of 70s tits vs 90s tits

>> No.7754769

lying in bed with my bff, we might go get food soon.

>> No.7754782
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>> No.7754790
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why do people put their middle fingers up in photos

>> No.7754795

watching anime and wishing i wasn't 300lbs and not /fa/

started a vegan lifestyle change yesterday though and it's going p good. craving some mcdonalds tho

>> No.7754800

Can't speak for everyone but usually I tell the person taking the photo I don't want my photo being taken, so if they continue I'll swear at them because it's kinda rude of them

Chavs might pose like that because they want to show that they're hard or some shit

>> No.7754804

I miss Jally

>> No.7754819

but i mostly see supreme wearing swagfags do that kind of shit

>> No.7754816

still getting over my hangover from last night
trying to force myself to workout
im pretty sure one of my friends hates me after he attacked me last night, i was too drunk to even realise it happening and then he ran off crying

>> No.7754825

Swagfags are the new chavs b get with the times

>> No.7754820
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>mfw my friend just purposed to a cunt and me and my other friend are going to drink our faces off tonight to morn this travesty.

>> No.7754827

yeah me and my gay skater friends do this shit all the time
idk why but punk/tumblr girls are into it

>> No.7754832

probably gonna play dark souls or watch something on netflix (recs pls)

>> No.7754889

gonna go to a welcome back party for a friend who moved away years ago in high school.

probably gonna get wasted unless there are some free ladies there

>> No.7754920

the most /fa/ thing you can do is organize runways/design some clothings, but the people that do that wouldn't probably browse this board

>> No.7754936

you're not going to suddendly get skinny by becoming vegan and it's overall a shit diet to have. better to run a bit and eat healthy

>> No.7754948

I ended up texting them. I feel like me and my friends are starting to grow apart as well. All they want to do is smoke weed/ do other drugs, which is totally fine with me. I smoke weed daily and enjoy doing harder stuff when available, but it's like drugs are their life's where as drugs are just a hobby to me if that makes any sense. Oh well, I suppose getting fucked up with others is less depressing than getting fucked up alone.

>> No.7755006
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Can't drink because anti-biotics for testicle infection. I'm bout to get high as fuck though and chill with my friends, maybe check out some parties, maybe just chill. Small college life is chill.

>> No.7755044
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>> No.7755087

One of my friends used to be like that
We'd meet up and do fun shit together
Then it was fun shit and we'd get high
Then it was meeting up to get high, sat in someone's garage
Gets boring after a while, everything came second to getting high

>> No.7755134

>tfw trying to cut down to snoking out every other day

>> No.7755151

that's what self-medicating does to you

>> No.7755184

it aint that bad

>> No.7755196

wanna get high sometime?

>> No.7755295

>meeting up to get high, sat in someone's garage

wow, that's basically all they did this past summer while I was working. it is pretty lame, but when you live in a town of about 3000 people you kind of stuck with what you get as far as friends go. Like I said. like I said, getting high and being bored with friends is slightly better than getting high and being bored alone.

>> No.7755526

going to go blaze it with my friends

>> No.7755683


>> No.7755696

I got drunk by myself and cleaned my apartment.

>> No.7755728

I'm going to a costume party. I don't have a costume, but it's a great excuse to wear my home made waxed jeans.

I'm going to wear them with my redwing postman chukkas and a white silk blouse. None of my tops really seem to work with the outfit all that great, but oh well.

>> No.7755734

Just browsing clothes websites and other internet shit. My flatmate is out fucking some girl he met on Tinder... I'm jelly. I never get matches nearby ;__;

>> No.7755765

doing big things

>> No.7755787

not /fa/. /fa/ is sitting in the front row, not doing any work and still having hundreds of faggots hanging on your every word.

>> No.7755840

i've been talking to this brilliant, but exceedingly crazy girl for the past month (I met her when i was visiting back from college)

i had to stop talking to her. she was so negative and obsessed with conflict-oriented shit (race, gender, social justice, etc.) and it was too heavy. constantly talking to me and trying to win me over, as if she was gonna control me

she called me, on the verge of suicide, and that's when i realized i couldn't talk to her anymore

i walked her out of it and i just texted her a long message, breaking communication. she wanted to hang out with me soon (she alluded to a lot of bizarre sexual fantasies and shit) and i had to prevent that from happening

now i'm gonna go to a concert and try to get all of the shit she weighed me down with out of my head

>> No.7755855

>(she alluded to a lot of bizarre sexual fantasies and shit) and i had to prevent that from happening

>> No.7755856

is she cute tho

>> No.7755870


yeah it was fucking hot but she uses sex to control people. she's so Machiavellian, it's horrifying and i worry that she's gonna do something rash



>> No.7755871

go finger someone

>> No.7755874

not her tho

>> No.7755893

ya did the right thing

>> No.7755895

today i spend the latter part of the day dying in my bed from cramps.

>> No.7755898

im watchin tom green

either gonna vape a little and go to bed or power through take a modafinil and go out in the mornin to cop some new jeans

>> No.7755905


i hope so. it was only bound to get worse. real life femme fatale tbh.

>> No.7755918

should've boned her, m8

definitely should've boned her then

>> No.7755924

ye u def did u should have fucked her 1 time though and never spoke to her agfain but thats only if you care about her feelings less then gettin off

if u dont then u played it well

>> No.7755934


that's the thing, when we first met, we had sex that night

she basically worked me over but i was stupidly thirsty that night because I was so pumped on having a bunch of sex in college but i found it's kinda bullshit

>> No.7755950

yeah it definitely could have gotten a lot worse

>> No.7755966

today i tried to take care of nosebleeds and cough so i could go out and buy a much needed scarf or something but never got to it.
will try again tomorrow...

>> No.7755980

not anybody who has replied to you


recommend me some current philosophy reading? please

>> No.7756001

>rolling cigs, talking up catholic girls

wow op how can i be as cool as u

>> No.7756002 [DELETED] 
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>sticking your dick in crazy

>> No.7756012 [DELETED] 


dude what the fuck is that a picture of me

>> No.7756023
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gf is going to a party that i was invited to too but i said i have too much homework to do

>mfw actually staying home to watch netflix and lurk /fa/

>> No.7756024

how come

>> No.7756037


why do i want to stay home? mostly because im antisocial and i wont have a good time unless i drink my ass off and im fucking exhausted from last night

>tl;dr im lazy

>> No.7756038

I bet she's getting fucked up the ass by some young handsome negro man. only to text you later and say it was a boring time.

>> No.7756045

parties arent rlly that fun when u have a gf man

>> No.7756048
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she's a small asian qt... so thats probably true

>> No.7756054


everytime im at a club with her i see some fucking fine /fa/ girls and all i can do is grab their ass while my girl is dancing up on me... shit

>> No.7756056

your girlfriend will cheat on u tonight, guaranteed

>> No.7756061

All woman are the same, I know the feels man... I know the feels..

>> No.7756067

The story isn't about the Rebel Alliance rebels, it's a local rebellion on a single world in the Outer Rim called Lothal. Most of the stories take place there.

I trust Filoni and Weisman to do grey areas, no pun intended. There are going to be decent, hardworking people in Stormtrooper armor, there will be workers in the Sienar factories cranking out TIEs who have no idea the ships might later be used for repressing other worlds. There will be people in the government with ties to the Empire who aren't totally corrupt d-bags.

They'll be far and few in between but yeah we'll get these things. Some will probably go Rebel, some may betray their principals for fun and profit. Others will die. One of the benefits of having rebels vs. Empire on a single world, they become a microcosm for the larger galactic struggle. And of course they'll be going off planet too and I'm sure others will come to their world. We'll see some familiar faces, no doubt, even though they say they mostly want to focus on new characters.

>> No.7756071

/tg/ we in this

>> No.7756076

parties aren't that fun when you look like me

>> No.7756081

I'm the original guy you responded to. I think his deconstruction of Western cinema is interesting, and I am intrigued by Lacan and psychoanalysis. As for my idea on his political views-- I think the vast majority of critical theory is garbage, if that means anything. I think his criticisms are true enough, and interesting enough, but that doesn't mean I subscribe to his conclusions. Can you tell me a little bit more about yourself? What did you do in Academia? I'm just a lowly first year...

>> No.7756083
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>> No.7756086

i know a dude way fatter and ulgier than u that gets his dick sucked by drunk girls

>> No.7756105

>ulgier than u

>> No.7756112

pls post pic of sieg heil

>> No.7756120
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going out tuesday. Need to get absolutely fucked and try to talk to as many girls in the smoking area as possible and build up the courage and try to get a valentines date.

this one really cute girl i always see there who i have kissed a few times, but this dickhead is always with her now, need to get her on her own and see wag1

>> No.7756117


I don't get this.
I hung out with some classmate of mine and we were at a sportsbar at my school.
He tells me "man, i dont think im cool enough for this kind of place"

Like fuck man, that self-confidence

>> No.7756163
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>> No.7756177
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>> No.7756187
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>> No.7756191

he's just fat

least ur skin is nice fucking faggot

>> No.7756195

he literally had a caveman eyebrow but made out of fat

id rate him like a 2/10 u a 5/10 now that uve lost weight

>> No.7756201

i want yall to just get down

>> No.7756213

my friends are away and I'm rly bored let's talk about me

>> No.7756222

i'm going to take a shot of jack daniels and have a beer. who's with me

>> No.7756233

i might

its 3:30 am though lol

>> No.7756237


>> No.7756238
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>> No.7756252

u convinced me

>> No.7756270

vape fam we in dis

>> No.7756311

does snoking everyday make u stupid

>> No.7756314



>> No.7756317

what's snoking unless u mean smoking

>> No.7756324
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>> No.7756322

no, correlation not causation

>> No.7756323

like snokin out

>> No.7756327
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>> No.7756328

yeah what is it

>> No.7756353


>> No.7756383


>> No.7756395
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browsin 4chan
might watch anime later
maybe some SNL
by myself

>> No.7756472
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>everyone I hit up today stopped responding after a bit
>grill I like didn't respond at all
>friend cancelled kickback tomorrow, not the first time she's done it
You know those days when you feel invincible? Today wasn't one of those days for me.
>at least my fit today was cool

>> No.7756511

what was the fit

>> No.7757010
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update on this shit.

just had a beer with my dad and watched tv

>> No.7758417

y r ur frends always away

>> No.7758446

a lot of them went travelling last half of last year and now they're somewhere else
I was invited but cbf

>> No.7758475

how to git gud in cs1.6
do strong salami packers like u chill w/ girls?

>> No.7758486

my friends are like half half maybe a tiny bit more guys

>> No.7758494


>I was invited but cbf
>being this lame


>> No.7758500

I just came back from europe and wanted to chill a bit also I'd miss the harrolds sale

>> No.7758501 [DELETED] 

a colleague of mine came up to tell me she's a virgin after grabbing her hand while crossing the busy street in town
does this mean my hands r that godly soft and tasty or she prefers aesop :(
btw im new and nly know her for 2 days


>> No.7758533
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>tfw got kicked out of school
>tfw all my hometown crew are at uni half a state away
>tfw cbf to hang out with ppl i knew from highschool

this has given me a lot of time to get thru my backlog tho i beat 5 games in the last 3 weeks playing blackguards now this shit is mad hard

>> No.7758540

friends inv me to dinner an a movie they said it was her
i was like iight
turn out they had no idea what they doin for dinner so we walk up n downt the street lookin 4 a place to eat
eat some shitty sushi
friends are like fish out of water in yuppie area
turn out they actually goin to see wolf of wall street
so i walked away and met up w friends at a bar
theyre the biggest bogans you could ever meet but theyre so much fun

my friends and life is mediocore i wish i was uppermiddle class not lowermiddle class

>> No.7758547

what do u think upper middle class people do that's so different

>> No.7758559

have money and good genetics

>> No.7758557

best written sitcom of all time
2 good i cant even believe how god it is

>> No.7758561

u r a virgin shut up nerd

>> No.7758581

now i am reading about rothschild and rockefeller and wonderin how deep they go

how deep they go fay

does they transcend fashion
does they not bother with social media
does they fuck they step sister
is they in deep

>> No.7758582

there were at least 5 people in the club wearing rick last night

>> No.7758587

l m a o
m a
a o

>> No.7758618
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Thursday night, two hours of coastguard pool training. About to leave, get a text off qt tumblr gf: 'dropped acid & having a bad time, come quick'

fs, walk to a bus stop 'cause no money for a taxi, middle of nowhere, clothes wet because the dry suit leaked and torrential rain (uk /fa/g here). In the cold & rain for an hour and decide to call and jump a taxi to friends wrecked flat.

Walk to a gas station, check bank account just in case there's more than the £1 that was in there the day before. mfw there's actually £2k in there. Get the taxi, get there, take two tabs, trip for ages, smoke about £40 worth of weed, don't sleep and in the morning had 1G+ of speed. OH and we also broke down the door into the semi-abandoned tiny apartment room next to my friends & took some nice leather reclining chairs.

how /fa/ chaps?

>> No.7758619

i just fucked dat puss for like 2 hours straight, hoe wa like screaming omg ur amazing asok but fuck brah its nuffin, i swear dude this shit is just like shit to do when u get bored

>> No.7758620

there was also a guy in a givenchy shirt and a bunch of other people wearing crazy things

>> No.7758645

ask Kanye

>> No.7758651
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I know bruh!!

>> No.7758650

did they look good or bad? most people in clubs in my city look like shite

>> No.7758656


what band?

>> No.7758659

lots of good looking people. really great night, shed played an amazing liveset

>> No.7759197

>btw it was all a dream