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/fa/ - Fashion

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7749336 No.7749336[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>comment section

>> No.7749355

>10. You can always freeze your jeans to kill bacteria if they start to get super grody.

I don't even know why I bothered to read the "article"

>> No.7749353

not gonna support buzzfeed by visiting that page

>> No.7749373

The article is worse than the comments.

>> No.7749396

that's something /fa/ has always said

i bet you don't even piss on your jeans

>> No.7749673

>that mixed typography
i already don't trust this and i haven't opened the page

>> No.7749687

>muh raw denim

clueless trend gobblers

>> No.7749693

i like how it says to use fabreeze AND put it in the freezer. Cracks me up thinking about someone doing that and thinking the freezer had any part in the success of the whole thing.

>> No.7749709

>I don't have time for this shit. Jeans are just blue trousers that you don't have to match to a particular top.

i'm marking all of the comments as spam this is bullshit

>> No.7749725

The commenters are correct.

>I imagine people who "don't wash their jeans" are SO fancy that they can afford to rotate like 30 pairs of perfect pants.

>Because the rest of us slobs go to the mall and grab like 3 pairs on sale.

>> No.7749765

haha like 4 people who said not washing jeans is disgusting are fat and greasy

>> No.7749812
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Those fucking comments.

>> No.7749905
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>mfw I haven't washed my jeans or hair in months and nobody has noticed

>> No.7750004

>16. You have three options when it comes to the length: hem, cuff, or stack.
I cuff & stack. Tell me I can't.

>> No.7750018

they're just to polite to say anything

>> No.7750026

you know it's silly to put things in the freezer, it stops the smelling but only temporarily as it only freezes bacteria not kill them and they will smell again when bacteria unfreeze

the more you know

>> No.7750055

>reading the comments on anything ever

there i just fixed the internet for you

as a bonus i think it blocks 100% of reddit no joke

>> No.7750094
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Plebs of this caliber actually exist.

>> No.7750127

i tried that yesterday; the cuffs started unrolling and the stacks kept going inside the cuffs...

>> No.7750143

Technically I just fold the hem about an inch & a half to prevent bleeding and show of the selvage line. The rest stacks.

>> No.7750180
File: 233 KB, 640x592, Jerry-in-cowboy-hat-DSC_0990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Just go with levi's, if you're super fancy you can get the shrink to fit ones, wear them, sit in the tub once, let them dry on you, viola. Then you can wash them from there. Otherwise, get the $30 ones that are dark wash and not give any F**ks. Whoever has the time to do all of this soaking and treating of jeans probably can't afford a $200 pair."
>mfw people think $200 is a lot for a pair of jeans

>> No.7750225


I got shocked reactions from a fucking clerk when I bought a pair of jeans from his store for $100

>> No.7750236

further proof the worst kind of people use buzzfeed

>> No.7750247
File: 36 KB, 278x192, brett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my stupid pleb friend thinks im an idiot for paying $90 for jeans

she thinks $40 is a good amount for jeans
chix, right?

>> No.7750278

>she thinks $40 is a good amount for jeans
holy fuck thats like £20.
i wouldnt even expect a pair that cost £20 to last the trip home in the fucking bag

>> No.7750320

Does she buy her jeans at the mall? Like god damn.

>> No.7750327

you are an idiot for paying $90 for jeans

you should've gotten some actual nice jeans or just gotten levis

that fucking $90 middle-ground is for bitches who half-step

>> No.7750341

Not that guy, but it sounds like he got N&F on sale.

>> No.7750355
File: 27 KB, 500x333, 1326992642674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 dollar jeans

>> No.7750364

$90 isn't even that much man.

>> No.7750359

used to buy A.P.C at roughly $40 shipped...i spouted some bullshit about how APC raw jeans never go on sale, citing the APC trade-in program as an example of why sales don't exist

and there are about half a dozen fuccbois that still belive me on there

>> No.7750394

this is in australia, gonna lay it out 4 u right here

walmart tier - $10 - 20
mall tier - $40 - 70
average tier - $90 - 150
good tier - $150 - 300 (ksubi, nudie, APC, acne)
/fa/ tier - $300 +

i got of levi 510s for $90, im not saying it's a great cop or i payed a justifiable amount for levis, it's just what i could get at the time and that's the average amount you pay over here

>inb4 shit country, rip off, overpriced for levis, australia is kill

i know brah

>> No.7750401
File: 269 KB, 539x558, gymhalpered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf thinks topshop is the peak of fashion
>can't fathom spending more than $100 on a coat
>bought her a MMM silk dress, usually priced at $750 for $90
>her response after learning the price is "YOU PAYED NINETY DOLLARS FOR THIS?"
>my face

She likes it though, and admits it's way better than anything she's ever owned. Maybe one day I can get her to see the light.

She still loves wearing my Damir and Rick shirts post in out in out

>> No.7750447

tfw you will never systematically ship curlgurl outfits, have her wear them, then ship back soiled articles for you to sniff

tfw will never open a package with a soiled jil sander dress, and pics of 10/10 german qt fucking herself in it

>> No.7750459

>be australian
>tell friend my only jeans are levis
>"haha wow you big spender!"

>> No.7750487

australia sounds so awful.

>> No.7750495

she live in deutschland?

>> No.7750502

It's okay, everyone's a pleb though

>> No.7750556
File: 11 KB, 343x354, 1391833055314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay living wise, but we have shitty shops and everyone is pleb as fuck when it comes to fashion.
>tfw so many LAD CORE eshays around
>so many bogans
>so many dadcore hipsters


>> No.7750674

australia has nothing on mexico
>only "good" stores are literally aimed for hipsters with edgy overpriced shit
>300 usd for black standard doctor marten's
>only streetwear-ish stores i've found have to go for huge ass prices because the shipping and shit and they still have to make some money

>> No.7750731
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wah wah wahhhh

>> No.7750827

docs are about 200ish here
which is like 180 usd

>> No.7750893

lol docs are like $100 here in the US

>> No.7750905

>going through all this trouble with your jeans

Just wear them then wash them when thye feel or smell gross.

I usually wash my jeans within the first month of wearing them and if anything its speeds up the fading. Never had it 'ruin' the end result

>> No.7750916

Thats because our levis are fucking at least $130aud

Everywhere else around the world levis are like $30usd

>> No.7750930

Also my lols when people makes comments about the price of my jeans and bag me for 'spending a lot' even though ive gotten my fair share of wear from my 2 pairs over the years

yet they have 10+ of $30-40 jeans which they accumulate every year during financial year and boxing day sales

>> No.7750931


To be fair though, Levis are $100-$150 in Aus. There is an outlet with cheaper but I only ever see the fat guy sizes.

I just wait for Harrolds to have 50% off sales and get N&F jeans for ~$90. (Tip to anybody in Melb/Syd, they have a 50% off sale next wed/thu)

>> No.7750961

pull up everything below the knee first
the lower stacks will unfold, and you can cuff tightly
it'll keep your stacks from ruining you cuffs

>> No.7750968


what do they stock usually brah? any nice shoes?

>> No.7750979


For shoes they have CPs and Ricks among others


>> No.7751112

I bought some levi 511s for 10$ for work, I get dirty all the time so if I need a new pair I can throw the old ones away
Tl:dr idgaf, more for a better pair

>> No.7751125

this is dope
what a shame there's no harrolds within 4 hours of me

why does everything in australia have to be so far apart? smh at this big pointless island

>> No.7751162
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>Common weft colors: indigo, brown, olive green, and yellow.

>> No.7751199

levis are a fucking ripoff anywhere outside of the usa that can be up to £80/€90 and thats $130 USD for the same shit quality they sell at $40 in the us.

Cheap Mondays and Dr.Denim all day errday

>> No.7751204

cheap mondays arent too bad ey, as long as you can get over the snobbery from denim nerds

>> No.7751228

u dont know shit they're pretty bad

>> No.7751237

how so?

>> No.7751261

Levi's are $88 online, plus tax and shipping.

I can only get them in my size online, too.

>> No.7751267

no ther not u no shit 2

>> No.7751282

yeah this, i got these 510s at myer and it was the time ive ever seen a fit like 510s, in my size, at myer
most of the time it's just like 504s in size 34 and up

>> No.7751300


and continent :^)

but aus aint 2 bad aye

>> No.7751303

thanks bruh

>> No.7751323

you can catch the country link to central for $2 each way cause you're a student, i think it gets into sydney at about 11am then leaves around 6:30pm so its a good amount of time to go down to harrolds and incu and chill for a bit

>> No.7751329

$2? last time i checked it was like $20. but damn, ill have to look into this

unfortunately it takes like 5 hours to get to sydney coz you have to stop in all these bumfuck towns on the way

i caught it when i went and saw refused :~)

>> No.7751336


no way countrylink is that cheap man

i live west, not even as far as liverpool and student central return is like $5

>> No.7751341


>>7751336 here
also i remember going to newcastle by train (is that countrylink?) and that was $8 return for student i think

>> No.7751369

if you're a concession its $2

>> No.7751376

they're a lot cheaper than levis in europe with the same quality.
If you live in north america stick with your levis but if you're in europe that shit just isn't worth it unless they're on sale

>> No.7751385

The $2.50 Country Pensioner Excursion (CPE) fare on booked NSW TrainLink Regional services provided entirely outside of the MyZone ticketing system area bounded by Dungog/Scone, Bomaderry (Nowra), Goulburn and Lithgow (only available to NSW/ACT/VIC card holders).
Free travel: NSW/ACT Pensioner Concession Card holders entitled to a combined total of four single or two return free journeys on NSW TrainLink Regional services or Great Southern Rail services within NSW each calendar year (booking fees apply with NSW Trains for First Class Travel). Card holders from other Australian states and territories are entitled to a half fare.

so you get 4 free rides and then it's $2.50 per ride after that

>> No.7751409

you cant

>> No.7751421

so is that only for trains from dungog, bomaderry, goulburn and lithgow or just for all trains on that line? pretty good deal if you could get it from ACT but if not goulburn is closest which is like an hour away

>> No.7751428

it must be for all trains on that line because i've done it from canberra before

>> No.7751442

hell yeah dude, thank you so much!

>> No.7751450

call em up and ask before you get excited they might've changed their rules or something but I've def done it before on $2.50

>> No.7751493

ask a dude who's apc rescue selvedge was ruined

>> No.7751605

can starch stop your denim from stretching?
I know it makes it 'cripser'' and increases the stress for more defined fades in some places

but does it stop denim from being less restrictive/stretchy?

>> No.7752074

if i see you at the sale I'll follow you home and fucking kill you on the train when it starts emptying out I swear to god.