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/fa/ - Fashion

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7745000 No.7745000[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Need to lose weight as much weight possible over the next months. Any tips, motivation, or any stories to share would be appreciated. I remember seeing a picture a while ago that said something like ". Do you really want to eat that? Look in the mirror. Drink a glass of water. Do you still want to eat that?...etc.." Would appreciate that.

>> No.7745003

take DNP
easy as that

>> No.7745011

Op here your a faggot. Literally will kill you so easily- also do i look like i want to be a sweaty fucking mess while i go to school and work and shit.

>> No.7745129

Work for it or starve, faggot.

>> No.7745146

you clearly know nothing about it then
i'd rather be sweaty for 2-3 weeks than starve for a few months of be a fat disgusting piece of shit like you

>> No.7745147

I've lost about 10 kilos over the last two months. I only eat dinner and small snacks if i get hungry. Don't drink any soft drinks just water. I go out every weekend and get drunk as well which doesn't help. You get hunger pains for the first few days but as soon as you push through that it becomes super easy.
Now I can hardly finish my usual sized dinners because the portions are too large.
I'm 6'2 and 79kg today. (174 pounds)

>> No.7745163

>stop drinking soda and other high-calorie drinks
>eat your vegetables
>don't eat if you aren't hungry
>don't eat to fullness
>stay active
Boom, weight loss.

>> No.7745165

you eat a lot less then me and weigh 20 pounds more...

>> No.7745174

Did you not just read the part where I said i've lost 10 kilos?
You fuckin moron i'm still losing weight, I used to eat a fuck ton.

>> No.7745469


Check everything you eat; I make a habit of not eating more than 500 calories and next to no fat everyday. One meal a day, with a couple fruit to tide me over to the next day. Drink only water and no food past 8pm. Stick to it for a month, you will see results.

>> No.7745493

300lb male here. fast food is my addiction(i eat mickey d's every day). was thinking of going vegan to spur weight loss. any advice?

>> No.7745521

Become addicted to calorie free things: cigarettes, black coffee, zero calorie energy drinks, for example.

>> No.7745520

Also something like a pair of jeans at the optimal you want to be hanging on your bedroom door, or a pic of you when you were thinner as a motivation factor helps I find.

>> No.7745526

Work out along with your diet.

>> No.7745547


This too; smoking is an appetite suppressant. Black coffee is like draino for your digestive tract.

>> No.7745563
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-12-04 at 01.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cigarettes and no food.

>> No.7745568

if you go vegan you'll basically have to cut out almost all fast food from your diet
so yes it would be a good idea

it's easy to lose weight as a vegan (given that you combine your diet with regular exercise and stuff) but hard to put on muscle because getting protein is a little bit harder than usual

>> No.7745600


i started my lifestyle change today and went out and bought a lot of foods for a meal plan im working with a lot of quinoa and oats and mostly fresh veggies and raw organic nuts and stuff, so hopefully i'll stick with it it's just hard for me to keep in that mindset. /fa/ is a good motivator though because of their hate @ fats like me

>> No.7745625

protein is totally dependent on whether you eat dairy

>> No.7745629

just remember, the only thing that matters is persistence. There is tons of motivation for you in particular. Being that heavy is not healthy whatsoever. So, you'll look much better as well as be healthier, feel better, etc after a bit.

>> No.7745634

they sell soy protein powder 2
also pb works well

>> No.7745646

>tfw every calorie calculator tells me my weight loss plan is "too aggressive" and recommends a pitiful loss of 2 lbs a week...

I weigh roughly 170-175 and want to be at like say, 155 in a month, suggestions?

>> No.7745655

Feels good to be brought up p enjoy healthy foods. I can eat my favourite foods and they're all pretty healthy.
Also I'm a pescetarian. I think pescetarian and flexatarian diets are the best diets. Check them out.

>> No.7745656

I think your'e retarded and if you lose that much weight in a month it will be mostly water and you will feel shitty the whole time. Then when you drink a gallon of water at the end of the month you'll feel quite foolish because you will have gained all the weight back

>> No.7745680

cant tell if trolling or stupid
good luck bro. tbh im kind of a 'relaxed' vegan, e.g., if a certain recipe needs something like ghee to get the taste right ill usually just use it. i think this is a good way to be
hardcore vegans would look down on this but hey, still doing more for the world than a meat eater

i eat hella baked beans to get my protein fix
or tofu, almonds, almond milk, etc

>> No.7745686

also lentils are great

>> No.7745691

ye i neglected lentils those r gr8

>> No.7745696


>> No.7745698

>protein is a little bit harder than usual
youre the dumb one
protein is totally dependent on how "vegan" you go dude
and even so there's plenty of vegetables with protein

almonds lentils yum

too bad i dont eat carbs

>> No.7745702

thats for lentils obv

>> No.7745708

You should definitely do what suits you, fuck the hardcore vegans.
Grimes calls herself a vegan too but has the odd steak now and again lol
She made a big rant about it on her tumblr

>> No.7745721

>GETTING protein is a little bit harder than usual

what are you even arguing? what's your point here? log off cunt

yeah i remember that grimes rant haha
i mean i wouldnt go as far as to eat a steak... that's like vegetarians that still eat fish

>> No.7745751

>that's like vegetarians that still eat fish
That's called pescetarian. I just say yes most of the time if people ask if I'm vegetarian because it's really boring having to explain pescetarian over and over. For the past 10 minutes I've been thinking about switching to flexatarian though. I'm doing it all for health because my family has a poor cancer record but I think the inclusion for some meat like chicken breast now and again can be beneficial.

>> No.7745764

yeah well, whatever keeps you happy, you know?
i do it for social reasons so i dont eat any meat at all

>> No.7745776

if that is you I am jealous.

>> No.7745797

>male late teens
Weight to shoot for? I am chubbier than I'd like and lost a previous 20lbs from not eating but have gotten out of habit. Think 120 should be my effay goal?

>> No.7745812

i like eating peanut butter on


>> No.7745842

I'm your height and 125lbs but lift as well as run so have low bodyfat.

>> No.7745854

Fat fuck here, Keto and Lifting worked for me. Although I only eat 1350 calories or less a day, and a bunch of coffee and the occasional cigarettes.

Lost 60lbs so far in 3 months.

>> No.7745882

get out

>> No.7745948

Thanks, I need to kick my ass into the habit of running. Started getting cold in the fall and I made excuses.

>> No.7745978

Hm, I tend to set a lot of goals for myself that I never work towards or accomplish so I definitely know how you feel. The energy I put towards making excuses could be better used on working towards accomplishing a goal.

Since I've started working out though I've generally maintained the attitude that you should at the very moment you decided you want to do something you should immediately take steps toward doing it. Be it telling a friend/partner/parent or whatever

Running is a fun hobby and you inherently make a lot of friends doing it, best of luck Anon

>> No.7746000

you lose muscle before you lose fat.
just bare that in my mind
starving is a bad idea (for fat people)
use that energy in the gym and just don't get too big
and diet

>> No.7746087
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Yeah, that's me. Don't be, my hips are wide and I have pectus.. ;-;

>> No.7746118

6'5"/174 lbs? OP that's not that bad really IMO

>> No.7746137

>tfw can't put weight ON

>> No.7746143
File: 863 KB, 434x600, awrestlinggod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a cock-sucking faggot.

I thank God every day I was born in Texas and was therefore spared such shit genetics.

>> No.7746151
File: 71 KB, 342x319, 1390552022518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS+GOMAD you fucking scrub.

>> No.7746161

Lmfao what dude? Are you saying you have shit genetics? You don't even make sense, fuck outta here.

>> No.7746172

your reading comprehension is really top notch

>> No.7746173
File: 191 KB, 326x289, 1390897915176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick to reading "Go Dog Go".

>> No.7746171

when trips r ignored too much they make offensive remarks 2 random posts in hopes of responses

just ignore friend

>> No.7746177

you guys actually want to look skinny and emicaited like this? Isn't it nice/good-looking to be decently fit and strong? Ya'll need to learn some proper nutrition and exercise habits. It'll slim you down just as good as crash dieting and you'll look like you can lift a bag

>> No.7746193

>t-thank you h-hungry skellington

>> No.7746204

not nearly as horrifying as Bale in the machinist
i do not recommend anyone go full on holocaust tho
it's more dangerous than being obese

>> No.7746209
File: 210 KB, 873x1093, topskele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah okay dude, it's whatever. I like my body ya feel.
I don't know, the girl I'm with now likes it a lot and like I said above I like it too so it's cool for now I guess.
You're welcome. I'm done posting pics now I feel like a whore.
The text was just a joke, I eat regularly and go on runs and stuff.

>> No.7746876

going out on the weekend is my main problem. i'm still skinny af but if i didn't fucking drink, like, 2,000kcal+ of alcohol and then become, because i'm drunk, unable to resist going to a kebab or chicken shop i'd be way skinner

the best thing i've found is to only drink a little bit and then take amphetamines/md* instead. it's less kcals, u don't want to eat and it certainly works out cheaper. it's just such a shame that you need to, y'know, limit your use

>> No.7746921
File: 42 KB, 250x492, sdfsdff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to look like this, now on my way to looking like pic related.
I used to hate having any fat but couple of months ago while high something just clicked and I have been wanting a skinny fat trash body.

>> No.7746929

looking like a total piece of shit is great, promise you'll enjoy it
no sarcasm

>> No.7746930

I don't know what's worse: Spending 1000 bucks for the actual Saint Laurent jeans or spending money on ugly ass fakes of those ugly ass jeans

>> No.7746933

Does anybody work night shifts?
I am having a hard time here because on days off, I barely eat but when I do nights, I really need to eat a bit to fall asleep in the day and then eat more later for the energy to stay awake during the night. I don't overdo it exactly but it's so damned hard over the winter, being cold makes me hungry.
I have been making up for it on my days I'm not in work but I'd like to know how anyone else handles night shifts and weight loss.

>> No.7746939


>> No.7746943

Yeah, I used to do that too - and I still do a bit.
I've graduated to the stage where I just have caffeine to keep myself awake, a small meal in the mornings to fall asleep and then a regular one before I go to work + then coffee

At first I found I was having too much and having trouble falling asleep, but after a couple of weeks I was able to get an idea of how much I had to have to stay awake and when to have it
Mind if I ask what you do?

>> No.7746984

go ketogenic for a month then?
> easy

>> No.7746994

For motivation just watch Ciara's "Ride" music video

>> No.7747002

im at 48kgs but i cant control it now

>tfw youre gonna die from anorexia

at least girls keep grabbing me because i look feminine

>> No.7747783



Just started my 500 cal a day diet. All I can drink is water and 2 cups of black coffee a day. Having that willpower feels great though.

>> No.7747793

Why are you starving yourselves like this?

Why not simply eat right and lift something? Your figure will sort itself out and you want fuck yourself over in the long term.

>> No.7747791

I'm a strong advocate of Adirafs, but they don't work in this fit smh

>> No.7747802

Whenever I drive down to Seattle, I always gain like 5-10 pounds from Jack and the Box and just huge ass servings from other fast food joints and restaurants in general. There's so much shitty food there that I'm not even surprised that American kids grow up obese.

>> No.7747840

Cigarettes and MDMA on the weekends so you can't eat anything during your comedown
>tfw 6'2 and 63kg

>> No.7747837

There is a board called /fit/ and it's sticky will pretty much cover 80% of the info you need if not more.

>> No.7747848

You retards starving yourself are gonna cave and then eat and gain 2x what you had back lol, and you look perfectly fine. If anything your ass needs to bulk some.

>> No.7747852

It's cheaper to buy soda or sweetened tea than water in the US

>> No.7747853

This. I did the super large defficit diets and keto and shit like that when I first came here but since then I've learned that just working out and eating decently will result in the same outcome, just a little slower. It's really much more pleasant to eat and have energy and not be cranky than it is to not eat and have to always answer questions about why I never go to dinner with my classmates.

>> No.7747854
File: 45 KB, 470x370, stick bug nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your a stick bug nigga,

>> No.7747856

inb4 you're

>> No.7747865


>> No.7747867

Thing is I don't even look that skinny, not holocaust/starving-child-in-africa-tier at least

>> No.7747874

good no body should want to be a stick bug nigga

>> No.7748087

I do, bech

>> No.7748084

>this is my build

>> No.7748107

If you dont already drink a shitton of water, force yourself to. Just chug it down, and eventually youll get used to it. Eat tinier meals. I try to eat 6 meals a day. Also, just generally try to stay away from fat shit, disgusting processed foods. And, also - I read this somewhere - the less sugar you have, the less you crave it. Try to have protein for breakfast because that helps you feel full longer and reduces your cravings. Also- excercise.

>> No.7748113


>> No.7748135


Coffee is a diuretic and mild laxative; it'll make any food you eat pass through your body much faster. If you didn't know what Draino is, its a popular American household plumbing cleaner.

>> No.7748350


>> No.7748357

/fit/ is so gay I always go into incognito so it doesn't show up on my homepage on chrome

>> No.7748375

>Calls /fit/ gay
>Is on /fa/

>> No.7748394

if someone clicks on /fa/ for the first time they'll just see a bunch of pictures of guys in clothes and pictures of clothes, and some irrelevant images

when someone goes on /fit/ they'll see pictures of shirtless dudes flexing, gay porn, and rippetoe

>> No.7748414

I-I see you your point

But that's besides the point, all the fucker has to do is click the sticky.

>> No.7748603

Will I die if I only eat 1 subway sub and drink 2l of water a day and occasionally eat an orange?

>> No.7751363
File: 551 KB, 2048x1232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term calorie counting
Lost 15 kg in 2 years with some up and down (travelling). I am still kinda ugly so dont listen to my advice

>> No.7751381

/fit/ is closeted homolust central

>> No.7751392

This, losing weight is as simple as less calorie input than output.

>> No.7751394

no but you'll feel like shit all the time & eventually just cave and eat shit. and then you'll starve yourself again. just eat only things your body needs, wholefoods basically, it's the only way to eat little but not feel like ass all the time.

>> No.7751399
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 1391632657471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideal /fa/ body type is around this size, maybe with arms a bit smaller.

>> No.7751404

>cut out soft drinks and stuff like fruit juice cos they have heaps of calories despite being not filling
>don't snack in between meals
>eat healthier
>eat less

try not to starve yourself too much since chances are (unless you have iron will) you'll just binge heaps at some point

>> No.7751423

taller and skinny than that

also ew short arms are not fash

>> No.7751432

actually snacking in between meals is fine, as long as you don't stuff yourself at meals. Eating often throughout the day raises the metabolism.

>> No.7751454

Whenever I try to exercise my body ends up feeling like hell no matter how much I do or my legs hurt too much to do it in the first place. I do stretching and I only try to do a few minutes but my body can't handle it. Being a fat girl isn't fun or cute.

>> No.7751471


i suppose it depends on how you go about it

i used to snack on a lot of unhealthy food like chocolate, chips and candy and all that shit, so that's obviously real bad.

>> No.7751477

eat 500cal less than your TDEE and you're in buisness
seriously all you need to do

>> No.7751979

>zero comments
>not even sth negative
Being su unimportant that it hurts

>> No.7753594

lyl i bet u wear wrangler jeans and cowboy boots
fucking fatass

>> No.7753603
File: 219 KB, 500x750, tumblr_my4t9ssC9C1t1gfgfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i posted it ages ago
fuck pro ana tho

>> No.7753611

5'6" female what should my weight goal be.

>> No.7753640

depends how old you are

>> No.7753644

eat a lot less
eat healthy when u do, and drink warm water with meals.
smoke and drink coffee

>> No.7753648

I'm 18

>> No.7753654

nice sketchers you fucking faggot

>> No.7753660

probably 110 then

>> No.7753662
File: 965 KB, 409x230, 1380844125575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to these faggots.
I eat fast food (Pizza, fried chicken) every single day. Literally every day.

Stay away from burgers, and eat as much chicken as possible, and little fries if possible.
If you go to KFC, get one go-cup (side) and extra bites. Works out to 1g-protein/10cal usually and fills you up.

Stick to chicken places like KFC, popeyes, etc, and Chick-fil-a.
If you have money, hit up outback for their grilled chicken as it's delicious, ask for bread, have that as your tasty side with the real one as veggies or something.

Buy Quest bars, choco chip is best, eat with a pint of milk or whatever (2servings), 50~ protein, 400~ cal, good for you, shy's away hunger.
Whey, while good with milk to subside hunger, doesn't do nearly as good of a job. You could try it though, I'm not a big fan of it though.

Don't run or anything, when you lose enough, consider biking, but until then, just lift a little.

Don't drink any sodas, minimal juice, if you want delicious drinks get 'ritas or get v8 concord grape w/ (some fucking berry).

Anything else?
Eat once a day if possible, you'll lose your hunger shortly and you'll be fine, if not you'll over-due your calories.
No Mccies either.
Go out, get 12nuggets from chick with lemonade or something w/ another entree of nuggets or a sandwich for example. Works out to ~1200 cal, 80~ protein (at least), and generally good proportions for non-pure-chicken fastfood.

>> No.7753669

Thanks bae

>> No.7753673

what's ur skin like?

>> No.7753682

Fuck, are you that pedo from /lgbt/

>> No.7753691

>more dangerous than being obese
This is what some people actually believe
As long as you're eating at all you're not going to die, but obesity will slowly kill you.

>> No.7753708

Clear, and the only care I do for it is washing my arms and face a few times a day with water from the sink. Cold.
Occasionally I'll get a little pimple on my arm, but nothing bad.
Legs, back, chest, dick, and the rest are always clear and untouched.

I change my bedsheets once a week, sometimes every two weeks, and shower a few times a week, usually.
I also leave my window open constantly when it's cold outside.

But once again, clear though, even though the majority of what I eat is fried or pizza.
I don't drink exclusively water either, and eat/drink tons of dairy.
It could be because I'm relatively young still, but I never really had acne issues or anything even though I've ate like this since I was a little boy.


Anything lower than 1200 calories is dangerous in my opinion.
One or two day binge of almost nothing is fine, but not for long.

>> No.7753757

>not a vegan
>still a wanker

>> No.7753823

if it weren't for the rafs, that'd seriously be one of the best fits i've seen on here. not that the rafs are bad, but they don't really work here.

as 4 ur quesh, idunno lol

>> No.7753860

w2c bomber

>> No.7753913

>eat once a day
>eat at kentucky fried shit and outback

This is literally the worst advice I have ever seen on this board. How does your stomach not curdle every single day?

Is picking up fresh food at the co-op really that fucking hard for you people?

>> No.7754050

people lose weight like this all the time. intermittent fasting.

>> No.7754082

>Is picking up
Yes, yes it fucking is.
We don't have those that common in America anyways. Not in Texas at least.
Grocery stores typically have shit-tier extremely processed garbage, higher prices, big crowds, and bad veggies/fruits.

I know it's not the best for me, but I'm far healthier than the average person, and am in the clear with everything and have perfect skin.
I'm rarely if ever hungry, and never have stomach issues unless I haven't pooed in few days for whatever reason.
Pooing is not fun.

Funny thing is Chicken, even fast-food, has good macros and good quality.
You just have to watch where you eat.

>> No.7754114

Starving yourself wont work you fucking mong, unless you want to seriously fuck yourself up.

youll only shock your body into reducing metabolism because your body thinks it needs to save as much fat/muscle as possible because it doesnt know how much longer youll be in that state.

>> No.7754143

>Grocery stores typically have shit-tier extremely processed garbage, higher prices, big crowds, and bad veggies/fruits.
Are you joking?

Do you actually believe the shit you're getting from fast food joints or outback is any better? Dear god. Decent produce and meat aren't that hard to find even at fucking walmart, and it's always cheaper to make your own meals unless you insist on using tons of obscure/expensive spices in each one. I'm sorry you've become so dependent on garbage that you'll ignore all reason to stop consuming it.

>> No.7754150

>We don't have those that common in America anyways. Not in Texas at least.
>Grocery stores typically have shit-tier extremely processed garbage, higher prices, big crowds, and bad veggies/fruits.
you just described all of the places you usually eat at lol

>> No.7754170

This, if you'd like to lose weight you need to go on a caloric deficit consuming a consistent amount of calories per day that will allow your body to function (not that le one apple/cigarette per day xD bullshit, you're not going to do it for a week. stop lying to yourself) as well as lift and run to burn additional calories/prevent yourself from looking like shit after you've completed your weight loss.

>Making major/detrimental lifestyle changes due to their popularity on a Japanese cartoon board on the internet that changes as often as High School in regards to what they like
Shiggy, get /fit/. take up a sport or something. You'll look better and feel better as a result, you're also more likely to keep the weight off following the advice of the board dedicated to physical fitness.

>> No.7754177

No, I don't like extremely processed food, that's why if it doesn't look EXACTLY like real chicken, I don't eat it.

It takes a fair amount of time, and too much cleanup to cook for one person.
I'm a good cook, I've always been, but I don't like cooking for myself.
If there's a party or gathering, I'll cook up a storm and have it all ready one after another, but not for myself.
It's just not as healthy or cheap unless you buy a little electric grill and boneless skinless breast to grill.

Literally the only viable things here is raw chicken and beef, and beef is shit.
If I had a...Someone else to feed too I'd eat at home more, but until then, it's cheaper and more efficient and healthy to eat out.