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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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7725262 No.7725262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my package was trying to be deliver to a house that wasnt in my zipcode
>called them a dozen times and they give me attitudes and the worst customer service i have ever experience

literally was of no help. they dont know where my package is

jesus fucking christ i hope this fucking company goes bankrupt and they all lose their jobs. if my package is lost is there anyway i can get all my money back? it was a $400 pair of shoes that $50 insurance shit isnt gonna cut it

>> No.7725301

I guess the other guy's zip code wasn't in common with your



>> No.7725315

1. Ask them where they sent it ( they should have that on file or they are truly shit )
2. Purchase shotgun
3. Drive to location and kick down the door
4. Take your cop with no questions asked.

>> No.7725350

Are you and this company in the US, OP? You've spent enough money to take the company to small claims court in many jurisdictions if you're so inclined.

>> No.7725352

>my sides

>> No.7725371

>tfw fuck any bitch i want easily
>life is still meaningless and i could give a shit about these plebians

>> No.7725378


>> No.7725385

threaten a chargeback. if they dont react appropriately, do the chargeback.

>> No.7725387

lol that was pretty good
yes its USPS aka the shitty company i know of. anyone have any experiences similar to mine with them? did anyone ever get their whole money back?

>> No.7725392

whats a chargeback? can i do that to usps?

>> No.7725425

>order three great t-shirts
>accidentally ship them to the wrong house (recently moved)
>go to house, leave note telling them to call me
>they never call
>post office goes to their house and FORCES them to give the package back


>> No.7725438

who went to their house? the post office or you?

>> No.7725444

>Do all of that then
5. Post fit on WAYWT
6. "Dadcore!" "LEL NERD!" "DISGUSTING.jpg"
7. Helium

>> No.7725448

Fucking REKT

>> No.7725451

but fuck the post office. like your computers automatically prints out the address so theres so room for errors. HOW DO THEY MANAGE TO FUCK UP AT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THEIR FUCKING JOBS?!?

fuck its the only way they make money nowadays too

>> No.7725455
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>> No.7725462


pls b in london

>> No.7725459

The post office did because I was unable to retrieve the package myself. Whoever lived there did not want any contact with me.

>> No.7725470

fuck I've missed you aiouh

>> No.7725475

I've never had any problems with usps. Always got my package on time. Although when I went to the post office yesterday, someone broke into the drop off box lol.

>> No.7725511

USPS is gov postage. That's why they're so shitty and have little accountability. They lost two of my packages that were delivered two weeks apart.

Fortunately the house that received them was a few streets away and they were returned. Don't get your hopes up

>> No.7725544

My mailman never failed to deliver my packages and would always leave a pickup slip if I wasn't home so I could stop by my local PO. But I would say fuck the UPS, they drop any ground shipping box on my front porch and sometimes don't even bother ringing the doorbell. MFW I was going out the door to dinner and I find a pair of $400 shoes sitting on the porch there in plain view that wasn't supposed to be delivered until the next day. That made me worried since I lived in a busy brooklyn neighborhood

>> No.7725703

lmao ive witnessed UPS guys literally knock for a second and as i was walking to the dude i saw out the window just places down and runs back to his truck wearing those faggot brown shorts

>> No.7725752
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>try to get measurements from an item selling online
>they don't have them posted on the website
>mail them on Thursday about it
>now Monday and I still haven't heard back, meanwhile the item is selling out

>> No.7725795

If I want to buy something from someone on SZ I have to make an account and message them right? will they have a problem with me having just made my account?

>> No.7725816

they shouldnt. they might ask you to provide proof that youre a legit buyer. i usually give them my ebay account page to see that ive only received positive feedback.

>> No.7725834
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>order band t-shirt
>get email saying it's shipped
>week later get refunded money
>get email next day saying it's out of stock


>> No.7725838

good idea, cheers

>> No.7725860

Check a different online store

>> No.7725890
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fuck I had this happen with a shirt I really wanted to.

>> No.7725898
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>> No.7725926


was it boris

>> No.7725932

I'm sorry op, I kinda know that feel.

I had my first fashion fuck up/regret with Shopping With Asian Stereotypes. I waited a month for my stuff and then contacted them. No response. More time went by with me contacting them and them no responding.

Finally someone decided to acknowledge my emails only to tell me my package got lost and they have no idea what's going on. Fine, whatever. I demanded a refund.

They said they couldn't refund me because they cannot reshelve their products to sell again. Then they said they resent my order. I was pretty pissed at this point.

But what made me 10/10 rage was them saying this, "If the other package is found and you receive please send one of the packages back to us so we can reshelve it."

Never fucking again. I should've known better. It's a dumb ass mistake that cost me $100 and it only got me four stupid asian t shirts.

BTW, to be objective about the quality of S.W.A.S.: all the shirts smell strongly of harsh chemicals, the t shirts aren't soft at all and are extremely thin and the quality of the graphic printing is sloppy. Do not recommend.

>> No.7725959

that shit sucks. i try to avoid shady sites like that

>> No.7726003

Sorry to say but if you have a tracking number and it was sent, it is beyond the company's control. How is it the company's fault that the mail system fucked it up? Once it is in the mail system it isn't their problem anymore, it is the post offices'. I know this for a fact because I deal with fucking nutjob idiots like you every week in my customer service job for a retail shipment company. If the seller is NICE they CAN refund you, but it is not their problem at all. If the company is small and not a powerhouse like Amazon who can just write off missed packages willy nilly without it affecting their bottom line, it is unfortunately a lose lose situation.

>> No.7726114

that is true. its really the parcel services fault. sorry m8 on the behalf of those who went after the company. i was that shit like 6 years ago cause i didnt know any better

>> No.7728560

well shit at least you got a replacement. I bought some shit off a well mentioned on fa bigcartel store (not going to even going to bother naming the fuckers) and after two fucking months of nothing they told me to deal with the postal services about it. no seriously this fucking sucks.

>> No.7728586

I've ordered like three crew sweats from SWAS that didn't smell or anything? dunno my experience was fine. wtf tho "asian t shirts" pretty sure it's made in america, dude, no. Just cause the person who makes them is asian american doesn't make the item "asian".

>> No.7728629

sorry m8

>wtf tho "asian t shirts" pretty sure it's made in america, dude, no. Just cause the person who makes them is asian american doesn't make the item "asian".
l i g h t e n u p

>> No.7728630

You should name the store seriously.

>> No.7728647

fucking this.

let's get a /fa/ black list going.

>> No.7728655


seriously only bros working retail get that. while I agree it isn't the stores fault if usps or any other delivery company loses your package. The store who sold it to you should try to do what they can to help, and as a buyer you should be understanding.

>> No.7728662
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I sent a RO top worth like 4 hundy back to oki-ni to be exchange and its turned into this colossal fuckup. tracking deets said the package is still being held (and still does ffs), so i call up royal fucking mail on my landline and they tell me customs charges weren't paid for a month or something and it was due to be sent that week

that was like more than 2 weeks ago tho and i still haven't heard shit. and now old mate lily has stopped responding to my enquiries too

fuck you oki ni, fuck you royal mail AND FUCK YOU LILY YOU COLD UNHELPFUL BITCH

>> No.7728668

When the USPS is delivering me a package in California from New York, how is it likely to be brought cross country? Would it be flown or driven? Because the package I am supposed to receive was sent on the 23rd of January, but USPS tracking shows that as the last thing. I am beginning to get worried that the package hasn't reached any other USPS location, especially considering that Amazon estimated its delivery date at the 30th.

>> No.7728679

basically ur bank/creditor takes 'reverses' the charge to you (i.e. takes ur money back from the company).

u have to contact them/provide some proof/maybe credit statements (kinda jump thru a few hoops) but if nobody else is helping you this measure is there. just google chargeback, its got a wiki

>> No.7728690


truly sry bout that dude but that made me lol, too damn good.

>> No.7728696


or call cust. service. those email ques are at the lowest priority for p.much every company. consicer it prompt if you get an email back in 2weeks time lol

>> No.7728732

We need to do this so us fuckboys stop wasting our time and dollars.

>> No.7730926

Cool ill try that if my package is lost. Ty mate

>> No.7731003

The idea is good, but it would be way too easy for any faggot with a grudge to fuck things up for an innocent person.

>> No.7731066

i hate when they fucking do this
>*ding dong*
>start walking to the door
>guy sees me coming
>"imma leave this right here for you bye"
>jumps in his truck and speeds off before i even open the door

at least have the decency to wait for another 1 second