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7724187 No.7724187[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will this show ever be accepted in hindsight as a disappointment, or will people continue to ignore the elephant in the room?

>> No.7724194

fat lady looks better in this photo

>> No.7724206


>> No.7724243
File: 774 KB, 1024x1400, 1391443860159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will this show ever be accepted in hindsight as a disappointment

anyone who felt the need to be loyal to rick when it happened isn't going to change their mind now
there are still plenty of longtime fans who've dismissed it as a bland gimmick

>> No.7724266

in what sense was it a disappointment

>> No.7724270
File: 75 KB, 533x800, 1039655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u think it was disappointing?

it's not my favourite by any means, but I think vicious (both mens and womens) was really good overall

>> No.7724271

There's plenty of longtime fans who have hailed it as a strong move.

>> No.7724272

I think rick is at that point where he can just do whatever the fuck he wants and fashion writers will eat it up and try to find some meaning behind it

>> No.7724275

In the sense that shows are the face of collections. When I remember collections, the first thing I remember is the show, and in this show, the clothes looked fucking terrible.

>> No.7724288


i think people are generally too insecure to call hyped designers out on their shit

the show was retarded and disappointing.

>wow so brave i cant believe he had the guts to do this oh waow

yeah really fucking brave

>> No.7724313

How? None of it even fits her.

>> No.7724316

>a strong move
Yeah abandoning interesting clothing and embracing tired social commentary is a really strong move.

>> No.7724324

I liked it
it was interesting to see it from another perspective

>> No.7724327

You profoundly missed the point.

>> No.7724348

Another perspective? Please explain what about this 'perspective' was interesting.

Please explain why you weren't merely tolerating the fat gimmick while you tried to imagine by yourself what the clothes would actually look like on the types of people who would buy and wear them.

>> No.7724339
File: 86 KB, 500x571, rick 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tired social commentary

what's wrong with wanting to be more inclusive?

>> No.7724342
File: 305 KB, 1400x937, 1391445368940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain the point. And by explain the point I mean project your inferences and individual concerns onto rick and his show.

>> No.7724358

If you want to be more inclusive, make clothes that look good on fat people like Yohji does.

Don't make clothes for thin people then squeeze a bunch of fatties into them and parade them around like a Victorian freakshow.

>> No.7724371

Being inclusive makes sense if the people you want to include are actually a large part of your consumerbase. But they aren't. They can't feasibly be not just because of sizes but because they don't want to in the first place. When you can't even get the clothes to fit them well on the runway who da fuck do you think is gunna buy the standard sizes but the people who were already doing it years ago.

Average/fat people want to fashion too got old over five years ago.

This too.

>> No.7724380

yeah i mean i dont get the feeling these chicks or fattish chicks in general are dying to be included in ricks stuff anyway? the models / dancers said themselves they heard about rick through asap rocky songs lel

>> No.7724405

kind of like going to see the opera instead of a broadway

>> No.7724413


>> No.7724435


>> No.7724440

Seems like normal collections would be opera and Vicious would be broadway. Or more like the high school play you go to because your little brother is in it.

>> No.7724441

you're already arguing your distaste for people who aren't particularly aesthetically pleasing so there's no point for me to go anywhere

>> No.7724445
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>> No.7724455

>you're already arguing your distaste for people who aren't particularly aesthetically pleasing
we don't care about clothes that aren't particularly aesthetically pleasing
why should we care about any aesthetic subject that's not particularly pleasing
welcome to fashion

and even if we forget about how shitty the clothes were compared to his other stuff and how shitty the models were you're making claims and comparisons without backing them up
you refuse to back them up not because you feel like you're fighting an uphill battle but because you just can't back them up
if you had a decent explanation you would have already said it because you'd jump on the chance to legitimately shut us down

>> No.7724460

And you're desperately searching for a fallacious excuse to dismiss a proper argument so you don't have to reveal the fact that you actually have no response.

Like I said before, Yohji has made clothing for fat people and it has looked good. Rick squeezed fat people into thin clothing, making them look uglier. This is not inclusive or positive. This is embarrassing and degrading.

I ask again, what about this do you find 'interesting'?

>> No.7724469
File: 685 KB, 300x169, step baaaack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was so bad about the clothes? this isn't his strongest collection obviously, but there's merit in the way he can skilfully werk his aesthetic on different bodies no?

i personally thought the clothes were fun

>> No.7724483

>he can skillfully werk his aesthetic on different bodies
please see OP pic

>> No.7724497
File: 116 KB, 768x1000, DbBPlNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's deep, man.

>> No.7724516
File: 643 KB, 300x169, 1391447810002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rick squeezed fat people into thin clothing
he didn't send them out in 38s lol

i don't see how that supports your argument dude

>> No.7724528

>tfw current gf could have been one of the rick models for this show

she steps and everything

>> No.7724530

>what was so bad about the clothes?
>this isn't his strongest collection obviously
its literally his weakest and you know it

>but there's merit in the way he can skilfully werk his aesthetic on different bodies no?
>implying it worked on them

>Rick squeezed fat people into thin clothing, making them look uglier. This is not inclusive or positive. This is embarrassing and degrading.
the other thing is yohji showed other types of bodies in those shows not just wide and short people
not only did the clothes work but he wasn't making such a spectacle of them for not fitting the statusquo it had a more natural feel

>> No.7724541

>i don't see how that supports your argument dude
Here's how.

Let's forget this show even happened. For hypothetical purposes. Now imagine you see that girl in that outfit in WAYWT, maybe here, maybe sufu, maybe SZ.

You would not react to it positively. You would not embrace it. You might be amused. You might be turned off. But either way you'd know that shit doesn't look good on her and DOES NOT fit her.

>> No.7724544

Why do you even post on this board if all you do is circlejerk and ask stupid questions?

It's not about the number on the fucking label. The clothes need to be completely redesigned so that they fit on a fat person in a comparable way and achieve a comparable affect to the way that they would fit on a normal person.

The way the silk bunches up, crumples, stretches and warps in the first picture is nothing like the structured look of the 2nd picture. In the 2nd picture, the laces on the sides of the hips are a noticeable feature since they are proportionally sized and add a bit of drape to an otherwise rigid structure. On the left, the laces are barely noticeable because they are not proportioned correctly. Etc.

4/10 made me respond. Worst tripfag on the board.

>> No.7724543

>he didn't send them out in 38s lol
No, he didn't, because even THIN girls have trouble fitting into ricks 38s. He sent them out in 44s, 46s, and probably some altered stuff that isn't even available to the public. And even those fuckhuge sizes didn't fit or flatter.

>> No.7724553

>Worst tripfag on the board.
A+ post but i think we know trunks is worse than tin

>> No.7724555
File: 1.08 MB, 1191x672, rick owens 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they don't

>> No.7724560

>no they don't
what part of their post are you even trying to argue with

>> No.7724565

See >>7724541.

I'm anxiously awaiting the day a woman comparable in size and shape to the dancers posts a full rick fit. Might never happen because girls like that don't even buy rick but I really, really want to see how committed yall are at that point.

>> No.7724562

mann that shit looks 100x cooler on the skinny model. It hink he was trying to negate some of the shit he's gotten for having mostly white skinny models on the runway though. He did so by grabbing some very fit (but fat) people and put together an amazing spectacle. It wasn't a good show but it helped his PR immensely i'm sure.

>> No.7724570

>It hink he was trying to negate some of the shit he's gotten for having mostly white skinny models on the runway though.
Why don't designers ever get shit for having white, skinny MALE models on the runway?


>> No.7724577

because there's no MRA

>> No.7724575

Are you suggesting that the bunched up crumpled leather pot belly in the 1st pic (among other things I could point out) is the aesthetic rick was aiming for and the same clothing on a proper model would have achieved a similar effect?

They do. Hedi gets a lot of shit for it.

>> No.7724581
File: 946 KB, 800x1422, 947783DSC6655bis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Y'all neg repping this poor guy only cuz of his body shape. Betcha if somebody hansum like beef wore it, y'all wud rep the pic outta of dimension into real life while creating this planis-rift that'll probably destroy what we now know as the internet."

>> No.7724595

how 2 troll sufu?

>> No.7724596
File: 115 KB, 840x665, 5bqZEAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fat asian manlet I am saddened by the state of male muddling.

Please show more fat asian manlets on the runway so it will be easier for me to pretend I can pull these clothes off.

I think Hedi gets shit for having total twinktwigs on the runway, not for them just being white and skinny cuz pretty much every other designer does white and skinny with their male models but they don't go full Hedi.

I like how they're pretending the hate is unjustified. Like theres something wrong with not liking a fit because they person in it is a pudge.

That condom hat really does look crappy though.

>> No.7724611

If that sweater was a white net he'd look like a salami

>> No.7724609

>every other designer does white and skinny with their male models
and it was hedi who started that. Hedi's just not as apologetic. Still though, men dont complain like women complain about fashion. You bet there was a gorillian fat nigras whining and making a bunch of hoopla about how they arent included on normal runway.

>> No.7724614

i don't think anyone could pull that off

it's just very ham-handed

>> No.7724629

pick both

>> No.7724654

that's not poet, and i really can't see poet wearing that even though his most recent outfits have been really disappointing

poet would look marginally better simply because he's well-proportioned while that dude has nothing going for him

>> No.7724698

So far nobody who likes this show has even offered an argument for why it's good.

Pretty sad really.

>> No.7724738

isnt because our jewish overlords said we should embrace interracial dating and women who stuff their faces on mcdonalds reason enough to like it?

>> No.7724813


Did you want to talk about the show or the collection, because you could discuss me separately or together, depending on where your interests lie.

>> No.7724819

that's because no one asked until you did just now

>> No.7724844

>that's because no one asked until you did just now
Oh, please. We've been asking for a legitimate defense for the whole thread and everyones just been dancing around the point.

>> No.7724864

>Did you want to talk about the show or the collection
I don't know, what do you think?

>Did you want to talk about the show or the collection
>So far nobody who likes this show

Go ahead and talk about why the collection is good though just because I know you'll be hard pressed.

>> No.7724920

Why do they look so angry

>> No.7724943

no. the OP claimed that the show was a disappointment and the discussion has been about how people think its bad.

no one has explained why they think its bad either. they just go

"having fat minorities in your runway show is a gimmick"

so far at best i've seen "i think the clothes look bad on fat people."

there has been zero critique of the clothes in and of themselves

>> No.7724968

>no one has explained why they think its bad either.
But they did. Reducing their arguments to digestible little bits won't change it.

>If you want to be more inclusive, make clothes that look good on fat people like Yohji does.
>Being inclusive makes sense if the people you want to include are actually a large part of your consumerbase. But they aren't. They can't feasibly be not just because of sizes but because they don't want to in the first place. When you can't even get the clothes to fit them well on the runway who da fuck do you think is gunna buy the standard sizes but the people who were already doing it years ago.
>yeah i mean i dont get the feeling these chicks or fattish chicks in general are dying to be included in ricks stuff anyway? the models / dancers said themselves they heard about rick through asap rocky songs lel
>Like I said before, Yohji has made clothing for fat people and it has looked good. Rick squeezed fat people into thin clothing, making them look uglier. This is not inclusive or positive. This is embarrassing and degrading.
>Let's forget this show even happened. For hypothetical purposes. Now imagine you see that girl in that outfit in WAYWT, maybe here, maybe sufu, maybe SZ.
>You would not react to it positively. You would not embrace it. You might be amused. You might be turned off. But either way you'd know that shit doesn't look good on her and DOES NOT fit her.
>It's not about the number on the fucking label. The clothes need to be completely redesigned so that they fit on a fat person in a comparable way and achieve a comparable affect to the way that they would fit on a normal person.

>> No.7724969


Well, I was asking if you were more interested in discussing the show as a performance or as a commercial display of wares.


As per many of the interviews the dancers gave, it's a "grit face" that's used to intimidate opposing dance crews during competition. I imagine it akin to how many tennis players give out a shout or cry when they volley.

>> No.7724975

>The way the silk bunches up, crumples, stretches and warps in the first picture is nothing like the structured look of the 2nd picture. In the 2nd picture, the laces on the sides of the hips are a noticeable feature since they are proportionally sized and add a bit of drape to an otherwise rigid structure. On the left, the laces are barely noticeable because they are not proportioned correctly. Etc.
>Are you suggesting that the bunched up crumpled leather pot belly in the 1st pic (among other things I could point out) is the aesthetic rick was aiming for and the same clothing on a proper model would have achieved a similar effect?

Now let's look at the counterarguments.
>kind of like going to see the opera instead of a broadway
>this isn't his strongest collection obviously, but there's merit in the way he can skilfully werk his aesthetic on different bodies no?
>he didn't send them out in 38s lol
>i don't see how that supports your argument dude
>no they don't

Not much of a counterargument at all.

>so far at best i've seen "i think the clothes look bad on fat people."
Anons have been been defending yohji's fat models and the clothes they wore. They said the clothes rick put these girls in look bad on them and would look bad on any fat person. Not even that clothes look bad on fat people.

>there has been zero critique of the clothes in and of themselves
Everyone, EVERYONE knows the clothes were weaker than his past shows and the newest one. Everyone has admitted it. I think even you know it but for some reason won't admit it.

>> No.7724993

fun fact i enjoyed watching my HS step crew more than this step crew lol

>> No.7725000

no they didnt. your text dump is about how the clothes look bad on fat people, not the clothes in and of themselves. the only other claims are speculation about the consumer base of rick, which is a crapshoot because i cant see how you would empirically support any claims.

>anons have been defending yohji's fat models

again, that's about fat models, not the clothes THEMSELVES. what shows up on the shelves and hangs on the racks. you missed the very point i made.

please improve your reading comprehension.

>everyone has admitted it

i found the both the show and the clothes successful in both the context of rick's ouevre and in the wider fashion world. it would take awhile to put down my thoughts and feelings about the show and clothes and i feel it would be a huge waste of my time because people have already made up their minds because they think having fat people and/or black people in your show automatically makes one a cultural marxist/jewish conspiracy/sjw/hugbox/other /pol/ ideology buzzwords.

no one will be convinced even if i type up something great. at the very best someone will say "well that's a great argument but art is subjective so i still disagree and fat people and blacks dont belong on runways"

>> No.7725021

didnt owens say that body was modern couture?

>> No.7725022

Your cognitive dissonance is immeasurable

>> No.7725033

im not sure what you mean. i dont see any contradiction in what ive posted.

>> No.7725034

>anons have been defending yohji's fat models
>again, that's about fat models, not the clothes THEMSELVES.
lol i liek how you left out the last part of the sentence?
>and the clothes they wore.

>you missed the very point i made.
id say you missed their point but its more like you just willfully ignored it

>> No.7725050

>and the clothes they wore

the key words here are THEY and WORE. nothing in the text dump critiques an article of clothing in and of itself. its always in relation to how it looked on someone's body

your point: the show is a disappointment because the clothes look bad on fat people

this is it, right? please correct me if im wrong

>> No.7725054

>your text dump is about how the clothes look bad on fat people, not the clothes in and of themselves.
>no one has explained why they think its bad either.
Please reread your own sentence. All of those are explanations as to why it's bad. It refers to the show.

If you want to know why *I* think the clothes were bad, it's because they were really just a mish mash of everything he's been doing for the past 7 years or so with adidas and some other ugly little details (pom poms, wide stripes) thrown in. It was nowhere near as thoughtful and united as his other collections were. I think most people would be able to predict the boredom of the clothes as soon as they heard about the gimmick. A designer just isn't going to show his worthwhile stuff in this situation because there's already so much going on and let's be honest, the dancers wouldn't be able to make the most of his worthwhile stuff.

>no one will be convinced even if i type up something great.
No one will be convinced that you have something great to say if you just keep saying you have it but never say it.

He said working out is modern couture. To be fair, step dancers must be somewhat physically fit to perform. They don't look good, but they must have muscle mass and endurance.

>> No.7725071

>the key words here are THEY and WORE. nothing in the text dump critiques an article of clothing in and of itself.
>Like I said before, Yohji has made clothing for fat people and it has looked good.
sounds like they are talking about clothing
do you honestly think yohjis fat fits werent miles better than ricks fat fits
like srsly
answer me

>your point: the show is a disappointment because the clothes look bad on fat people
the show is disappointment because it would have been totally boring w/o fat people and the clothes looked bad on said fat people
i thought the clothes was a disappointment because it was basically mens vicious + frivolities that were prob meant to distinguish it from the mens show but just made it a trainwreck

>> No.7725079

this is a good fit besides the hat, The problem here is the dude is baby faced, and being baby faced makes being fashionable really hard to pull off.

>> No.7725082

>nothing in the text dump critiques an article of clothing in and of itself. its always in relation to how it looked on someone's body
Why you're trying to act like this isn't an inexorable factor in ANY clothing is beyond me. If you want fat models, then dress them well. If you want thin models, then dress them well. This IS about clothing and clothing will ALWAYS be about bodies whether you like it or not.

>> No.7725088

That's exactly what I mean.

>> No.7725092

because 4chan is comprised of a particular subset of white suburban kids, and /fa/ weeds out the ones with body disorders?

The fits in OP aren't particularly bad but it's almost like the models were chosen to piss off 4channers on /fa/

>> No.7725148

ah, you are correct. my problem then is that people who say the show is a failure because of how it looked on fat people fail to see how the clothes are in and of themselves. i also disagree that its just a mish-mash of what he's done over the last 7 years, it's actually something of a departure and thats one of the reasons i found it successful.

they were talking about clothing as it looked on a person's body. i was looking for a critique of the garment in and of itself. no one has offered me such a discussion until the guy i quoted above who has issues with the details, and you just now who claim the clothes are boring. this is finally the new discussion i was looking for that hasnt come up until my prompting.

youve pulled out the point too far. clothes will always be about bodies, but they will not always be about fat bodies. there will be women wearing rick s/s14 who are not fat, and up until my original post ITT no one seemed to considered this. just because the clothes looked bad on fat people does not mean the clothes are bad.

vague condescension. ill put my own critique/thoughts on the show down to paper and post it to this thread later. i was not totally unwilling to do it, i just explained my own hesitation.

>> No.7725224

All I can think about when I saw this show was that he must live in such a delusional, self-important state of mind. I thought it was a joke when they began dancing, but when it carried on I started to feel really sick and embarrassed.

How well-insulated from reality must you have to be to create a display so ugly and meaningless?

If somebody caught me watching this I would defenestrate myself and crawl my broken body under a car to die.

>> No.7725304

>i can make a strawman and then dismiss it, therefore this show was great and you are all racist bigots
Well, that clears that up then. Have a nice day everyone.

>> No.7725316

>Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.
i didn't know we had a word for this until today, thank you anon

>> No.7725344

fit in the middle works but she's also the least fat.

>> No.7725354

It's great when you finally find the opportunity to use it, but pls remember: with great power comes great responsibility.

>> No.7725452

obv he doesn't know which he'd rather discuss bc he cant look past the black/fat/ugly

I don't expect any more from /fa/ than the ability to insult and argue....valid points are a bit beyond their mental/creative abilities.

>> No.7725456

fashion=art. ive never been a huge fan of RO but I can appreciate what he does as a whole esp when he does a show like this that transcends mere garments on skinny models.

>> No.7725502

why can't I hold all these strawmen

>statement purposefully constructed to contribute nothing but placidity and pleasantry while shying away from any kind of crux that could be scrutinized.

>> No.7725523

Rick does whatever the fuck he wants

>> No.7725576
File: 122 KB, 499x750, exit_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey sorry i went to see 12 years a slave it was rly good

should i go to /tv/ to talk about it or is that a waste of time

>It's not about the number on the fucking label. The clothes need to be completely redesigned so that they fit on a fat person in a comparable way and achieve a comparable affect to the way that they would fit on a normal person.
dude ur aware of what samples are right they were probably in size

he didn't take retail pieces and slash some seams

yes the clothes were made in larger sizes for larger models why are you labouring so hard on something thats so obvious at a glance

>4/10 made me respond. Worst tripfag on the board.

w/e i don't really want to be liked by ppl like you

>> No.7725597
File: 148 KB, 640x640, mouth full of gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*in size 50 or w/e

i can't type today sorry

anyway to conclude i thought both viciouses were fun to watch and there are interesting pieces for both men and women
dick's sportswear focused stuff isn't my favourite by any means but both collections are perfectly satisfying

>> No.7725642

>statement purposefully constructed to contribute nothing but placidity and pleasantry while shying away from any kind of crux that could be scrutinized.
This is perfect..saved for future incidents

>> No.7725653

>dude ur aware of what samples are right they were probably in size
dude ur aware that you have no point right
his point is that it doesn't fucking matter what the sample sizes were because the cuts didn't work on the dance team

>why are you labouring so hard on something thats so obvious at a glance
why are you labouring so hard over a nonpoint

>> No.7725662
File: 148 KB, 800x533, 1391462888488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just say FAT PPL CAN'T WEAR CLOTHES and leave it there dude

you didn't think they looked cool i thought they did that's fine

>> No.7725676

>just say FAT PPL CAN'T WEAR CLOTHES and leave it there dude
just say "i have no argument so i need to strawman" and leave it there dude

>> No.7725697

OP here, I agree, and I do believe the intent was innocent. I just think the consequence of the decision was unfortunate and I don't think Rick thought enough about it.

IMO, his first consideration was to make something that was fun and different.

As an afterthought, it would also give him a lot of publicity and there wouldn't be much danger in the decision. The people who like or don't like Rick mostly wouldn't have had their minds changed by any type of show. The people who have never heard of Rick might now have heard of him through some magazine or newspaper talking about the reaction to the show.

I said before that a show is the first thing I remember when I think of a collection. I'd reiterate that in this show the clothes look bad, but saying that appears to be taboo for some people, so I'll reiterate the other point I've made in posts in this thread. The clothes do not achieve the same aesthetic effect in their larger sizes as they do in their smaller sizes.

I supported this point by highlighting the detailed differences in the OP pic here >>7724544 as well as a pic someone else posted here >>7724575. No one has challenged any of the points I've made about the differences in how these clothes fit fat vs thin models and how these differences compromise the aesthetic goal.

>> No.7725706


IMO, this show was meant exclusively to entertain the regulars who actually attend the shows every year and who often get bored of them. And fuck the clothes.

I just find this a pretty bourgeois and decadent. I made the point before that if you want to make clothes for fat people, then make them FOR fat people like Yohji does sometimes. If you want to make a statement about being inclusive, then why are you segregating all the fat people into their own show. Why not INCLUDE both together in the same show so that the audience could have compared the aesthetic between the two bodytypes right then and there. Then on top of that he's giving them clothes which are poorly tailored for them and which buckle, crumple and stretch with the movements they make.

I like Rick a lot and I do believe the intent was noble. But, IMO, the consequences were distasteful and if I was one of those girls, I'd feel a little bit exploited.

He literally could have pulled down his pants and farted at his monitor, and it would have had a more meaningful contribution to the thread.

>> No.7725732

Hey man I don't usually mind your banal posting about Rick but you really need to get a grip If you think that the clothing looked better on the runway models.You can't truly believe that the crumpled, strained leather and the shorts that are trying to escape from between her thighs were artistically intended.I mean the fact that he chose models that would overshadow the garments is pretty sad, especially considering the collection itself was great.

>> No.7725772

>If you want to make a statement about being inclusive, then why are you segregating all the fat people into their own show

I hate to guess at motives, but I would assume that this is just the average body type of the woman who does this sort of dance. Given the motions and movements, I can see how a fuller body would add gravity and emphasis to your motions in a way that a thin, ballerina-type body wouldn't.

>> No.7725791

Also continued
>The clothes do not achieve the same aesthetic effect in their larger sizes as they do in their smaller sizes.
I feel I have to explain this in extra extra extra detail for all the people throwing strawmen around at me and the other people agreeing with me.
here goes..........
It's not that the clothes don't achieve the same aesthetic because the people wearing them are fat.

It's because the tailoring was bad.

This raises the issue that if you're going to pretend you want to include fat people in your demographic by employing exclusively fat models, then why aren't you then backing up your declaration by making the clothes look amazing instead of shit?

Could it be that Rick actually knows that fat people won't be buying his clothes anyway? And that this was just a bourgeois, gimmicky, and ultimately meaningless and contrived statement meant to simultaneously shock and entertain while offering no further value for exploring the involvement of fat people in fashion?

>> No.7725808

>this is just the average body type of the woman who does this sort of dance.
I don't think it is. Just because I grew up in Atlanta and saw lots of step teams. There were plenty of girls who killed it and were relatively trim. Not model thin, but they weren't even chubby.

>> No.7725811

Yeah that's obviously the reason. He employed step-dancing crews and attempted (but failed) to tailor the clothes to their shapes and sizes as a collective. The show in the show was the 1st and only consideration. But the reasoning behind the decision to make it so and the consequences to the decision which could have been foreseen are not off limits to scrutiny.

Rick said himself that a point he wanted to make was that the 'rick owens universe was an inclusive universe'.

But from his inability to properly tailor the clothes to the models, I think this statement by him was pretty contrived.

>> No.7725829
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i didn't say anything looked better on the runway models dude

i think everything looked good though, atheltic stuff should be seen in motion

you're going very deep based on something that's completely subjective dude

>> No.7725826

shit fits perfectly here

>> No.7725831


I think it's fair to criticize the finish on this, but given that he wasn't making all of this to order on models that had industry standard bodies (and even then, there was probably a huge variety in terms of bust, hip, waist sizes amongst the girls), you have to say that it was done probably as well as could be done under the time restrictions.

Could it have been perfectly fitted? Probably if he flew each girl out to the atelier and did custom pieces for every single one, sure, but that's obviously not going to happen.

Also, I think the Yohji comparison is a red herring. Fitting a larger man is always going to be easier than fitting a larger woman given that you have much fewer alterations to make to accommodate a bust, hip, etc.

>> No.7725840

>you're going very deep based on something that's completely subjective dude
Ah, here we go. Pulling out the subjective card when things get too deep for you. I don't see you complaining about this shit when anyone else does it in any other situation. Hell, I HATE fashion criticism because it's full of convoluted flowery bullshit and even I can say that post is about as real as it gets for fashion.

>> No.7725852

the only one that isn't pulling at the torso is the middle and even that one would fit a skinnier girl better

>atheltic stuff should be seen in motion
please don't pretend rick's shit is suited for athletes
even the adicollabs aren't suited for anything athletic

>> No.7725868
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2deep4me yes of course

your simplistic ramblings about how bourgeois that wealthy pig rick owens is were far too dense and complex for me to bend my tiny mind around

you don't see me complaining about whatever it is because you don't see any perspectives that don't support yours

your assertion that the clothes fit badly is subjective
rick is a master tailor
i think the clothes fit fine
that is also subjective

if you really need your argument to be tangible you shouldn't build everything on a foundation that can be disregarded by someone saying ' that's not what i think'

>> No.7725881

RO SS14 is Rick's "vicious revenge" on the whole punk scene that he didn't feel worthy to be a part of. The show was fast, aggressive, and painful. It's Rick himself going "Am I worthy now?"

I think the SS14 women's collection is Rick's interpretation of how many women feel they aren't worthy enough to be beautiful. This show is their revenge.

There's a flaw here though. Our answer to Rick's question is "yes, you are worthy". His roots are clear. However, the women's show reminds me of a crazy ex-girlfriend who goes nuts and throws your shit into the street, setting it on fire...sure, you made a statement, but in hindsight, you made a fool out of yourself.

Imagine a reserved, introverted highschool kid got up on stage at a talent show, and melted everybody's faces off by flawlessly performing a song akin to what was played in SS14 Vicious Mens.

Compare that to a fat bitch who's crying while shoving herself in a prom dress that's ripping at the seams, only to say "Fuck it, I'll show them!" and wear a mini skirt, get shit-faced, and flash her double Ds at prom.

That's just the way I view it.

>> No.7725897

i dont rly care about the argument but step dancers could prolly snap most of us xs-wearing kidz in two

they're like sumo wrestlers, not chubby-ass fujoshi hambeasts

>> No.7725905

yo can someone link the vid to the show. all i got is the flicks

>> No.7725911

>2deep4me yes of course
That's literally what you just said.

Try again, that wasn't me.

>simplistic ramblings
You have no business calling someone elses posts in this thread simplistic and your use of the term is useless because I don't expect you to even elaborate on it. It's a meaningless insult that you hope will go unquestioned.

>your assertion that the clothes fit badly is subjective
>you shouldn't build everything on a foundation that can be disregarded by someone saying ' that's not what i think'
If you really want an argument based on entirely objective principles you shouldn't be trying to participate in fashion criticism to begin with. Now I know why you don't usually try.

>rick is a master tailor
A master can fail like anyone else.

>There's a flaw here though. Our answer to Rick's question is "yes, you are worthy". His roots are clear. However, the women's show reminds me of a crazy ex-girlfriend who goes nuts and throws your shit into the street, setting it on fire...sure, you made a statement, but in hindsight, you made a fool out of yourself.
Heh, that's a new one. I can see it though.

>> No.7725919


>you're going very deep based on something that's completely subjective dude
Not really. I'm just refusing to ignore the elephant in the room, which is that the clothes looked bad in the show.

Maybe the fault is that the show was too ambitious and it did seem that the production of it was rushed. But, again, this doesn't make it immune from criticism of the end result.

I don't think it's a red herring. If yohji wants to make more spacious flowing clothing for fat people with lots of knits, wraps and drapes, let him do that, but it better look good. If rick wants to make a very structured rigid silk short dress with leather trim for fat people, let him do that, but it better look good.

If that's too high a standard to hold him to, then I'm sorry but he can't reasonably make the claim that the Rick Owens universe is an inclusive universe.

You keep responding to people you think are me, fyi. I haven't bothered saying anything more to you since this post >>7724544

>> No.7725941

What show was this?

>> No.7725944


>> No.7725949

Nice metaphor


>> No.7725969


All it was was Ricky trying to be deep and controversial by using fat niggers who acted like chimps. That's all folks.

I was trying to get into Rick Owens shortly before this show and as soon as I watched it I dropped Rick. Fucking disgusting. Go ahead and report me if you're an offended asshurt crybaby.

>> No.7725978

lmao at these cavewomen bitches, fuck brah this shit scary, women wit them damn tree trunk thighs

>> No.7725983


>> No.7725994
File: 5 KB, 251x240, 1389404875472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: skinny white nerds trying to act like they know shit

go back to jacking off to freja kids
everyone loved this show

>> No.7726000

for the record, that's not really why tennis players grunt

>> No.7726001

>tired social commentary

I thought he just wanted to have a fun Stepping show?
I remember he said afterwards that he saw them perform in the states and just figured it'd be neat.

>> No.7726016

i honestly think ricks only motivation for this was he thought it was cool
i didn't really like it though

>> No.7726022
File: 222 KB, 1500x1125, 1391467398110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'vicious revenge' on the whole punk scene that he didn't feel worthy to be a part of

what the fuck are you talking about. rick straight out of an LA queer/BDSM community, and the influence can be seen in all phases of his career. do you know who kembra pfahler even is and her relationship with rick? his 'credentials' with respect to alternative/punk/queer/etc have never been in question and you show yourself to be ignorant of rick's life and work by saying this collection was him trying to prove himself to be punk. not even close.

'fast and aggressive' doesn't mean punk. he already did deteriorated punk looks back years earlier with creatch and stag. this collection by contrast was more retro-futuristic. shiny with geometric paneling. the music and performance was step, which has much different roots and demographics than punk music.

i mean, have you ever seen a step performance before? do you even know what it is? there have been much more intense/provocative step routines in the past, and will be in the future. just because its on a runway doesnt make it equivalent to a 'fat bitch getting shitfaced at prom and flashing everybody.' the only reason you would think so is because you're used to runway presentations being restricted to certain conventions

its no wonder the show goes over people's heads. they have no understanding of its fundamentals

>> No.7726037

do u faggots not get it
the fattys have all the $$$ now

>> No.7726040

>confirmed for not actually even watching the show
he has segments with normal models too

>> No.7726071

lol? It's 3 stepdancing teams from different sororities. How fucking fat do you have to be to look at these girls and think any of them are models? Retard.

>> No.7726084


so, so, SO misinformed and uneducated

this is not how you analyze collections lol

>> No.7726093

>rick tags look like twin towers
>jews did 9/11
>jews brainwashing me to procreate with fat black stepdancers to obliterate the white race
/pol/ was right all along

>> No.7726091
File: 95 KB, 800x533, 1039656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can draw what he wants from it dude

like it might not be what the designer is intending us to get from the show, but if it makes him think of something thats down to him u feel me

>> No.7726106

>"The savage hardcore sound complemented a collection that felt like Owens revisiting the mythical mosh pit of his L.A. days, maybe reclaiming the culture that shaped him in the same way that Raf Simons did last night. "No," Owens countered before the show. "Not reclaiming, duplicating. I worshipped that period, but I always felt excluded, not good enough. This is my revenge…my vicious revenge. I was always a fan, but I was never this great. This is what I wanted to be."

>> No.7726143
File: 17 KB, 247x248, 1237044458109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you 3 faggots can leave the board forever now, goodbye

>> No.7726166
File: 36 KB, 500x644, 1370593203628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... why am i included in ur expulsion

i just said ppl draw individual conclusions from shows and we shouldn't tell ppl that they are wrong or right about what art makes them think of

anyway dude is probably completely aware of rick's words about the shows and is trolling all of you lol

>> No.7726221

Well, you bandwagoned onto the other anons who insisted nikolay8000 was full of shit when they evidently had no clue what they were talking about.

Furthermore, you're refusing to confront any of the points I've made and have been responding exclusively to your own strawman representations of my arguments. It's pretty annoying.

If you want to make a pointless non-argument about how you thought it was k and that's your opinion, then say that. I don't see why you have some kind of problem with people who actually try to back up and rationalize their opinions and analysis.

Nothing I've said has been meant to convince you in particular of anything. The novelty of your stupidity wore off for me after this post >>7724544. I think you're an ugly, boring person with poor taste and you wouldn't recognize good tailoring from a mcdonalds happy meal.

>> No.7726229

theres still a error in your analysis. revenge is practically the opposite of your central claim that rick wanted to be "worthy." getting revenge on a community is not "am i good enough for you now?" its "i am as good if not better and do not want to be a part of it"

second, that's just typical of rick's self-deprecating humility. just because he FELT a certain way doesnt mean he was actually excluded or alienated. see: my bringing up his relationship with pfahler

>> No.7726242

>Well, you bandwagoned onto the other anons who insisted nikolay8000 was full of shit when they evidently had no clue what they were talking about.
no he didnt

he said nikolay could have whatever opinions he wanted, l2read

ps u seem mad

>> No.7726258

what happened to you tinfoil? ever since you posted that pony pic you've been shit.

>> No.7726260

third, now that i think about it, the quote doesnt refute my reply to your interpretation, which was that the show was an equivalent of a drunk fat girl throwing a temper tantrum. it only would appear so if you have certain assumptions about what a runway show should be

>> No.7726297

No, he's continuing this dismissive bullshit he's been doing throughout the whole thread that opinions are immune from scrutiny and that someone can make up whatever interpretation they want of something and never have to explain or rationalize it. In fact, the act of explaining or rationalizing an interpretation is bad because it puts pressure on people who have differing opinions to rationalize theirs, and they might not want to do that because their opinions might actually be a bunch of flowery bullshit but let's pretend otherwise.

He wants to belittle the rationalized legitimacy of what nikolay said so that he can claim it is at the same level of legitimacy as one of his bullshit nonarguments.

>ps u seem mad
having a serious discussion on 4chan is like herding pigeons

>> No.7726352

I think he said it was comparable, not equivalent. His own words were "reminds me".

Also no one has assumptions abou what it should be. They have expectations and preferences. Given how this show was relative to others from Rick and other designers I can't fault his expectations or his preferences.

Yet to see anybody proclaim this as their fav show or even fav Rick show.

>> No.7726366

fucking lost it

that was the most hilarious/accurate description of tin i've ever read

>> No.7726392
File: 52 KB, 458x500, snap_9153986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured you would be apt enough to figure the implied tone of the question "Am I worthy now?" as cynical. Add the term "fuckers" before the question mark and maybe you'll get what I was saying.

In ricks mind, revenge manifests itself in "showing them" that he's good enough. The objective correctness of his interpretation of revenge is irrelevant.

And if you were able to pick up on the tone of the question, you would understand that "am i good enough for you now?" and "i am as good if not better and do not want to be a part of it" effectively carry the same message.