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7711899 No.7711899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is not smoking and not doing drugs more /fa/ everyone seems to smoke nowadays

>> No.7711941

Ninja Tune is always related.

>> No.7711946

smoking what? fags? smoking tobacco is for pleb
but smoking weed is still really underground and maybe like 1/100 people does smoke as opposed to what people and media think

>> No.7711975

you retarded sir.

>> No.7711977

you're right. smoking weed very hardcore underground.


>> No.7711994

what were some good ninja tune releases in 2k13

>> No.7711995


ofcourse it is

>> No.7712001

more people smoke weed than people smoke tobaccoo


>> No.7712002

cigs are fun and always look fash

>> No.7712026

Think about it isnt sucking smoke out of a rollup up piece of paper not effay as fuck

>> No.7712032

[citation needed]

>> No.7712100
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>> No.7712227
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pretty relevant to any habit. the whole notion than one can just say no and the belief that at any moment we can just stop and it is with that premise that we continue.

> live on my computer/internet
> stay up late and sleep until midday
> drop bulk funds on cops while living as a poorfag
> struggling academically after getting uni entry with ease

> strongly stand by the fact that I can at any moment when I so choose just snap out of these bad habits and kickstart my life back into gear


>> No.7712246

holy shit that hit me hard
>tfw I always have a 'last cigarette'
>tfw three months go by and I'm back on it for seemingly no reason at all

>> No.7712261

it's not really
i was sort of 'edge' for almost all of last year (i never claimed because i didnt want to be one of those tacky cunts who breaks edge)
you miss out on a lot of fun (effay) times where it's basically just required that you are down to have a beer. like people just won't invite you out and that kind of thing because they know you'll be the only sober one there. it sucks dude but that's just the reality of it

big props if you can stick to it regardless of what i just said though, it's a very healthy lifestyle to live

>> No.7712296


but in aussie society you are really outcast for not drinking - not drinking is almost as antisocial as it gets.

too right about the not invited places and that. Thinking about giving drinking up but probably wont because of above reason. Time with the bro's at the pub after going a few weeks without contact is one of the best times

>> No.7712314

yeah, i'd assume in other countries it's not nearly as taboo to not drink as it is in australia.

but yeah dude i wouldn't recommend giving it up, or if you do just don't tell people that you don't drink... haha unless you have a bunch of edge mates

>> No.7712325


I dont drink at all but I always get invited places. You just have to learn how to turn up without the help of alcohol. Then they will invite you because you are having just as much if not more fun than they are.

>> No.7712326


The only edge people I know are bulk religious, so I doubt I can call them edge. If late I just pull a shitty excuse out of the air as to why I am not drinking. But I think I will go back to it but really concentrate on limited consumption. Asok where you from man?

>> No.7712351


1 year complete edge here, confirmed for guaranteed outcast (i'm in Australia). I'm happy and I feel more 'myself' when i'm out, but I go out a lot less. Weird balance.

>> No.7712376

Fuck dude how old are you?
Seriously, the reason most drinkers don't invite non drinkers is because they're so anti alcohol that they don't play along on drunken ramblings.

I have a few friends who liturally just play along as the rest of us get hammered, and it's the best fucking thing in the world. And if they aren't playing along, their personality is cool enough to make us want to invite them anyway.

You must be real fun at parties.

>> No.7712399

I have never smoked, drank, or done any drugs but I am not edge. Edge is annoying faggotry.

>> No.7712398

that was just my experience from not drinking for almost a year dude. no need to catch feelings over a post on 4chan

>> No.7712412


But that's still edge

>> No.7712415

if people want to claim edge who cares dude
it doesn't hurt you, just ignore that shit if you don't like it

>> No.7714173

Edge, to me, is when faggots try to make themselves feel better than others for not doing anything. From my experience, they go around trying to make others feel bad for their actions.

I don't have an issue with people claiming to be edge and normally agree with your statement, but sometimes you can't ignore the faggotry. Every edge person I have ran into have tried to shove that shit down people throats.

>> No.7714210

No there isnt, a lot of developing nations with massive population (eg china, india, shit countries in africa and s. america) still have quite high tobacco use.

>> No.7714447
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I quit drinking just to smoke weed because muh psyche is that /fa/

>> No.7714454

>not being addicted to heroin or cocaine


>> No.7714678

Cigarettes are as addictive as coke or heroin. The studies the cigarette companies kept under wraps revealed that it only took 2 or 3 exposures to become addicted. The only reason ciggies seem /fa/ is because of a 60 or 70 year marketing campaign. Emphysema, heart disease, and intestinal cancer are most certainly not stylish.