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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 403 KB, 748x412, hiworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7711075 No.7711075[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi there,

Could I please get some hair-advice? It seems like every time I go to get a hair cut, I end up being really unhappy with the results. I think it's partially because I don't really know what I want to do with my hair. I was thinking about growing out my bangs, but I also think bangs would help hide my chubby face and stress-acne, but besides that, I really have no idea what to do. I've been trying to lose weight, but I keep having really bad binges, so I may be stuck with these gargantuan cheeks for a while. Also, are there any haircuts that would make my nose appear less bulbous?


P.S. I'm a girl.

>> No.7711093

lmfao you looks like sum1 put the mouth concave up slider all da way to da max on dark souls rofl

>> No.7711095

Grow out your bangs to completely cover your face. Keep the rest of your hair short. /fa/ as fuck.

Remove your bangs like the blossoming of a butterfly when you've finally lost all those pounds, you fat cunt.

>> No.7711099

I'm a girl btw

>> No.7711114

my literal sides

>> No.7711115

Hold on, let me take a picture without the creepy smile.

>> No.7711127

Sorry, you might have to turn your head. Is this any better?

>> No.7711124
File: 18 KB, 451x301, the-kid-bruce-willis-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck your that fat kid from that fucking movie the kid i tought you were dead or something and you dont look that old

>> No.7711141
File: 379 KB, 614x398, hiworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops. here

>> No.7711144

Here's the best advice dark souls

you have acne and a fat face. Whatever little remedy you find now isn't really going to help you. What's going to help you is proactively going and fixing those things. Your nose is fine, it's everything else.

Go to a dermatologist regularly, stop being fat, and stop being fat

and stop eating so much god damn fuck why are you even here go back to drawing ponies or whatever the fuck shithole you came out of. Leave my home you have nothing to contribute

>> No.7711146
File: 108 KB, 500x667, 1391234871448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



But really.
Just wait till you are older, you clearly haven't gone through puberty (completely) yet.
just grow your hair long, you look like beiber when he first started up.

And don't complain about not being able to lose weight when you eat like a pig. Stick to a diet and dont stray. Hell, have a liquid diet, like smoothies or whatever. I lost 8kg in a week because of that (medical reason)

dont do this either.

>> No.7711155

me again

see you have qt potential but why the fuck are you here you are fat and have acne go fix these things and then come back 2 da court bb and i will be interested in seeing the back ;) bye

>> No.7711157

holy shit

>> No.7711162

>P.S. I'm a girl.
glad you cleared that up for us

>> No.7711169

post full body or atleast full torso pic please. It makes it easier to see what type of image you can convey.

>> No.7711171

Grow your hair out and keep it straightened.

You have a fat face and need to elongate it. Short hair puts emphasis on your rotund face.

>move more
>eat less

>> No.7711175

poor op, you've come to the worst place.
out of alllll the other place you chose 4chan

>> No.7711183 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you're right. It's been a while since I've been able to stick to a diet. Not that I'm underage (yeah right, I'm just trying to cover my ass), but I'm at home a lot because of my anxiety issues. I used to be able to do water fasts for days and generally subside on 300 calories a day when I would go out side more, but now it's difficult for me to get my mind off food. I'm not even sure if weight loss would help me cheeks at this point tbh. Do they look like they could go away if I lost 30 lbs? I'm 5'2 and 118 now.

>> No.7711189

I came here because I want honesty :P

>> No.7711190

You're fat. Lose some weight before you come back here.

>> No.7711193

stop looking for fad diet and magic pills bitch get some discipline

>> No.7711200

Again, its hard to lose weight when you are going through puberty, just as its hard to gain it.

your body is growing and still moving about the place, dont fret to much now, you will change, its kind of fruitless to do anything about it now.

everyone has fat cheeks as a kid.

>> No.7711201

I'm weak

>> No.7711212


Don't be a bitch. Just starve yourself. I had fat cheeks in 9th grade so I starved myself the summer between 9th and 10th grade till I was under 110lb.

>> No.7711221

Damn it, bump. Don't stop replying now guys :( I really like having short hair for the sole reason that it's easy to take care of. Even if it makes me look fat, should I take the easy way out? I think I might as well if my looks are irredeemable.

>> No.7711225

It's like you're searching for something more than the advice we've given. What we've told you is literally the most important thing you need to fix.

>> No.7711231

Nigga you fat as fuck. I'm 10lbs. heavier and 9 inches taller than you.

>> No.7711229

I'm sorry that happened :( but did it work for you?
Maybe if nothing else, this thread will be some good weight loss inspiration for me. Should I post a picture of my stomach or something?

>> No.7711235

Honestly, I'm just trying to keep this thread open because I'm lonely.

>> No.7711237


Go to /fit/ and read the sticky for diet shit and start exercising. I used to have terrible anxiety and it's a lot better after doing that shit.

>> No.7711241
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>> No.7711250

Not a grill, but know quite a bit about fitness/losing weight. If you want to actually lose weight, you don't have to starve yourself ( in fact, that will only make weight loss harder as your metabolism decreases when you are not eating enough to supplement your body). Figure out how many calories you need a day, and obviously stick to that. If you don't want to cut soda or shitty food out of your diet, hit the gym (you said you had anxiety problems, but no one at a gym cares if your just trying to better yourself). Don't just do cardio (but obviously do a lot of that), lifting weights will not make you look gross and muscular, but instead will give you dat ass ( esp squatting). Read the /fit/ sticky for more exercise routines. You have potential, you just gotta make gains.

>> No.7711282

Also post a body shot for scientific purposes.

>> No.7711657

is this a boy or a girl?
or a twelve year old?
or all 3?

>> No.7713248

I think you're cute, OP. Dont post a body shot.

If you want to lose weight just let your parents and friends (if you have them) know. They could help you find a fitness centers or maybe they've lost wheight themselves and know what to do. Also, look up the stickies on /fit/.

You will be full on qt in 2-3 years regardless.

>> No.7713255

who is the other girl (not Karlie) in that photo?

>> No.7714548

reported for being 12

>> No.7714844
File: 170 KB, 300x450, 1391300542055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like carl from the walking dead

>> No.7716704

jubilant catarina core

>> No.7716724

my sides

>> No.7716753
File: 127 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-2-14 at 3.50 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is hair too long

>> No.7716799
File: 1.49 MB, 211x212, 1380486642831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm getting more of a Rich Evans vibe.

>> No.7716931

pls be in texas

>> No.7717467

barb is that you?

>> No.7717886


>> No.7719690

ahh, you must be new here, let me give you a tip ;^). anytime there is a kid who looks the slightest bit androgynous there are 50+ anons clamoring to ask whether OP is a boy or a grill.

Im just being ur friendly anoneemouse frend. :^))). I see u have a trip, but Its highly recommended that u stick around a while and learn board culture b4 making a 4chan account, lest u make another embarrasing mistake like this one ;)! toodle loo! 'till we meet again.

>> No.7719690,1 [INTERNAL] 

These people are horribly wrong, your so beautiful and i love the lenght of your hair. Seriouly dont do anything these idiots say, your not fat at all.

>> No.7719690,2 [INTERNAL] 

You look really good in bangs ;) i cant get over how gourgeus you are. Your beauty sure is something special

>> No.7719690,3 [INTERNAL] 

Um...WILL YOU MARRY ME! I love the short har and bangs. If you ever decide your gay call me! Your cheeks arent even chubby,stop questioning how you look your breathtaking. I dont kbow what photo they're looking but all i see is perfection <3